The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 28, 1880, Image 3

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    lic fyxt'A ftfpuMkaa.. INSURANCE!
uci)M:xniv rcoiiNixr,, atril 23. m,
7?r(7c. N. H. 1'niiKMAS,
Wiuncilmrn i.'Un'. Bonner, M. Etn
tc!n, J. E, VVeriK, Patrick Joyce, D. V.
Clark, Justin Hhawkey.
Jimtirn r,f J'ra'ce- J. T. Brennan,
1). S. Knox.
fovntahle .Tamo 8 Walled,
AWtoof IHrcrtnrsJ. SlmwkeT, P. W.
Clark. Iff. If. Pur! ridge, C. A. Randall,
A. B. Kelly, J. T. Bronuan.
Member of Oonirexi-HAvnr Whttr.
A itte.mblu N. P. Vn kki.ku.
Tretident . L. T. WETMOBK.
Astorinie Judges Jonti Keck, Kd
v a RD K F.nn. .
fiMiHrcr-WM. Lawbecf:.
J'rothonoturif, llegister it Hccorder,Ae.
S.-.'icrlir.-V. A. JUNnAT.r..
1 1um;iM."f,r El,T BKRLIN, ISAAC
(uity Superintendent U. H. linocK-
j.Hxtvtr.l Attorney I. InwiJf.
Jury inimiionert 0. II. Church.
Pktr'r Young, k.
rvmnrv Surveyor T. P. CoLLINa.
kroner W.O. ConORlf.
CVivnfv Auditors Nicholas Tliosir-
pon, P. F. Corr.i.Awn, F. C. Lacy.
I. W. CJA IflC, Jr., jVr't.
JEtnn, Liverpool A London dt Globe,
Lycoming, North British A
Mercantile, Hanover, Frankllu
of Philadelphia,
Continental, Northern Rochester.
Travelers Life A Accident Insurance
Ofllce t C. C. Thompson', Law Office,
Orandin Block, Tldlouto, Ta.
Soliciting Agont, TioneHta, Ta.
ountraula limy Lo muXo lor It IN HEW VOIIK.
t(- X. Ol KJ. J.? .
T TKETS every Friday evening, at 7
IM o'clock, In tin LimUjo Room in Par-
trSdo's Ji:UI.
T. W. CI, ARK. X. O.
H. W. HvWYEIt. See v. 27 -tf.
K. L. Davis,
TTORNEY AT LAW. Tlntifwta,
j CoUo' tionn made ill this and adjoin
Um( counties.
40-1 v
Free' Methodist preaching in the
Universalis Church next Sunday
M. E. Sunday School at 10 o'clock
a. in., and Presbyterian Sunday School
at 3 o'clock p. ra.
Oil72Jc. -
-The liial lint for May term is
published this wetk.
Nearly eight million feet of lum
ber is lying at the mouth of creek this
Mr. S. S. IL.lbrook, of Cincin
nati, is hero looking after his lumber
ins interests.
-Raftmen have been plenty in
town during the week, giving our
El. Street. TIONESTA, TA.
Quito a number of our young fel
lows have engaged trips through to
Louisville, and Cincinnati, on this
flood. A trip down the Ohio at this
soason of the year will be very pleas
A little ppcarins was indulged in
by some of our citizens last week, the running oyer.. A few were run
river Laving got clear enough to see
in about three feet of water. One
party got 47 fish, and 'twae a wretch
edly poor night for spearing, too.
It seems we were misinformed
when we stated last week that the
Free Methodist Quarterly meeting
would be held here on the 1st and 2d
of May. It should have been May 8th
and 9th. Those who are interested
will pleRse bear this in mind.
That beautiful and sprightly
child's magazine, "The Nursery," for
May is out. It is published by John
L. Shorey, 30 Bromfield St., Boston,
at $1.50 a year, and it bhould be in
every family where there are little
girls and bofs. Subscribe lor it.
One day last week a boo of
'Squire Catliu's, of Newtown, 6peared
a pike in the flu ice below the mill,
which measured 3 J feet and weighed
15 pounds. The pike bad run up the
sluice ffter suckers, when the boy
"gobbled him up." A grood thrust
for Iwelve-rear-old.
. We acknowledge with many
thanks the receipt of an invitation
and complimentary tickets to a grand
concert to be given in Greenville, Pa.,
on Friday next, by Prof. Weber's
music class. From the programme we
place a lively nppearaoce. .
The Supremo Court has decided judge it will be a rare treat to the
that fanners have a right to work out citizens of Greenville, and we regret
1 have been admitted to practice as an
A nri niv in the Pension Olllce at Wash
ington. ' I. C. All olllcortt, soldiera, or
n! who were iniurtd in the late war,
r.n oVii.iin nenxioiiH to which they may be
-iititled, lv calling en or addrewdnff me at
'1 ionecta, Pa. AImo, claimM for arrearages
of pay ami bounty will recolvo prompt at-
iiavinir lieen over four vear a aoldler In
the Ule war. ami havlnir for a number of
vMrciiraL'cdiu the prosecution of aol
ritern' claims, my experience will ascure
the collection of clauna in me siionefi pow
iblntimo. J..U. AUMiW
their road tax. L'x.
The copious rains during the fore
part of the week have put the creek
and river on a "big high."
Mr. T. D. Collins, one of the solid
men of Ilickorv towuship, 1ms our
thanks for a butch of new subscribers.
For the number of raftmen in
very much our inability to be present.
On Friday lait Mr. S. C. tloan
and family loaded their household
goods on a boat and departed for Al
leghecy City, where they will take up
their residence for the future. We
are sory to 3eo such good citizens and
pleasant neighbors depart from our
The lumbermen are once more
happy. After several weeks of anx
ious waiting, the flood a good big
one is here. Rafts commenced run
ning out of the creek on Sunday 'af
ternoon, and by Monday evening the
creek was crammed, jammed full and
yesterday. On Monday afternoon
things were very lively at the mouth
of the creek. The water had risen
above rafting stage, besides which
there were several "slashes" on the
dams along the creek, which had to be
let off in order that rafts could come
down. This extra supply of water
swelled the stream materially and
made the current very rapid. Creek
pieces came out minus a forward oar ;
some without any oars, and some
with neither oars nor men. The creek
was full of pieces of rafts, loose boards,
lath, drift, &c. All this had to stop
at the bridge, as the channel below
that was filled up and navigation
closed. The up-shot was that a great
deal of lumber was destroyed, and
boards, grubs and cables were snap
ping and flying in every direction, and
for a short time it was "port o'danger
ous to be safe around thar." No one
was hurt, but several narrowly es
caped. Many of the fleets which are
ready will pull out to-day, thus mak
ing room for the rest to "couple up,"
and get their rafts straightened
around. We doubt, however, if all
will be able to get away on this flood,
though the river is now iu high raft
ing stage. This freshet is a fortunate
one for the lumbermen, and those who
have been lucky enough to be ready
to start their rafts are wearing
pleasant countenances. May they all
get through safely, and return with
their pockets filled with cash
Just as wo had got our paper
fairly to press lu9t Wednesday an
alarm of fire was given, which we
found to be the Dawson house in the
rear of the Fisher property, and oc
Relics of the War.
The late Capt. Jos. K. Thomas
(whose obituary we lately published)
while in the "Army of Tennessee," was
engaged in the capture of a rebel mail
in June, 1864. We had the "pleasure
of looking over some of the letters and
papers which were shown us by his
brother-in-law, S. D. Irwin, Esq., and
were much interested and amused by
the perusal of the same.
The characteristic feature of the
etters is the sameness in style . The
etters were from a Rebel camp, 25
miles from Helena, Ark. The intro
duction is similar in each. As, "I
take my pen in band to let you know
that I am well and hope these few
ines," &c, and end with, "Yours till
death." The spelling is bad, but with
exceptions mentioned the diction is
good. The letters show destitution in
the rebel camp, and they write to
friends for money and clothing, and,
as a late speaker has it, "sboething,"
An officer writes to his wife to send
also a loose negro, Jack preferred,"
but that he hears "the Yankees have
stolen Jack," etc
The newspapers, one of which was
published at New Berne, N. C, on or
dinary brown wrapping paper, such as
is used in stores generally, is intensely
Uuiou, strange to say, and the editor
utters brave words for "Liberty and
the Constitution as it is." The other
papers were copies of the Weekly Miss- At a recent trial before a Justice
uijtan,which was published at Selma, of the Peace, in tho southern portion
Ala.; and a strong advocate of the se-j of the county, the Justice was 80 an-
cession cause. Such phrases as "das- uoyed by something that transpired,
tardly New Englanders," "Skim milk that he so far forgot his judicial digni-
Yankees," &c. are used ; stating that ty'as to indulge iu a good, round oath.
they cannot fight a kitten, but are After the trial and entering of judg-
tuwn it is unusually quiet and orderly, midst, and with their many friends copied by Mr. Hendricks. On airiv
wish them a prosperous and nappy iu- iDg at the scene it looked to u as
ture in their new home. though the building could not be
Mr. S. J. Wolcott, collector of saved, and we were about to turn
F. V. H.iys,
A TTORNEY AT LAW, and Notary
f Pirmir-. Heviinlda llukill . Co.'B
Uloek, Henoc St Oil City, Pa. 3t-ly
Lawrence House,
L P.KNCE. Propiuktou. This houn
1j v.itrnllv hu nted. Everything new and
wall funiiwhod Superior acooinmoda- and Ktrii-t nttciltioil L'ivcn to UOhU.
Vniretuhlen and Fruits of all kinds nerved
lu their aeason. (Sample room for Com
mercial Agtmtn.
15 Jackson. Pronriotor. This is anew
noiiae, ami haajUHt been fitted up for the
anentnmodatioii of the public. A portion
of Ihe patronage of tho public in aolicueu.
a-iy -
Orrinc Houns : 7 to 0 a. M.. 7 to II p.
. Wednesday and Saturdays Jrom 11
M. to 8 P. M.
. .
. H. HIT. A. . KKLLT.
MA Yf 1'ARK C CO.,
Corner of Elm A Walnut Sis. Tionesta.
Bank of Discount and Deposit.
Interest allowed on Time Deposit.
Oolloeticms madeon all thoPrincipal points
ol tho U. S,
Collections solicited.
s - v - j .
- ' 1
pictures taken in all the latest styles
the art. 20-tf
In roar of Blum's Blacksmith shop,
IS permanently located in the Roberts
slum, near Haslet's coruera. where lie
is menared to meet all ids old customers,
and m many new ones as f'eol disposed to
favor him with their custom. His motto
is: ''Live and let live."
Tionesta, Juno 24, 1873.
which is a credit to "the boys.',
Mr. George Lamberton, of Frank
lin, is rusticating in town for a few
-days. He is the guest of Gov. Irwin.
The Dramatic Club of Brookston,
this county, expect to give an enter
tainment iu that place, some time in
May. .
Many of our towns people are
called to Erie this week as witnesses
in the Iluuter will case which is being
tried there at present.
The creek was jammed full of
lumber from the breast of the dam to
the bend above the bridge, nearly a
mile, on Monday afternoon.
Mr. N. Riker wishes to inform
those who may want to raise ducks
that he will supply them with Pekin
and Rouan duck eggs at reajonable
By reference to our announcement
column it will be seen that Hon. Wm.
D.; Brown, of Warren, ia a Repub
lican candidate for President Judge of
this district.
The mother of Gen. Harry White,
our Member of Congress, died at bet
home in Iudiana, Pa., on the 21st,
iust. She was a lady beloved by all
who knew her.
Gen. Hairy White, of Indiana
county, and Maj. Henry Wetter, of
Clarion county, are to-day announced
as candidates for Congress "in this dis
trict, subject to Republican usages.
The Dreamer, of St. Petersburg,
changed its name to The Enter
prise, and has been materially en
larged. It ia now a good-looking,
newsy little sheet. Success.
Miss Alwilda Adams departed for
Reid City, Michigan, on Monday, on
a visit to relatives. She expects to be
absent two or three months, and will
doubtless havo a pleasant time.
Mr. Al. Hayden, of Franklin, is
at present engaged on the F. N. Dem
ocrat. The appearance of the last
issue fhows his skill as a printer, and
Mr. Kepler yould do well to retain
The Kane Blade of last week Bays
that "seveu tons of wild pigeons were
shipped from Kane on Monday to the
eastern markets." The birds are from
the DeeUDg near Marienville, Forest
Notwithstanding Geo. Osgood had
the school tax for this borough, would
respectfully give notice to all those
who are yet in arrears to pay up be
fore Weduesday,. May 5, 1880, and
thereby save trouble and costs. He
will be away for a few days but will
leave his book at E. L. Davis' law
office, where delinquents can call and
pay up. Mr. Wolcott wishes it un
derstood that he means business.
A valuable horse, belonging to a
back, unlock our forms and report the
conflagration, but by the persisten
efforts of the crowd which had gath
ered the blaza was finally overcome
and the fire extinguished, and so:1 we
concluded to go on with the press
work, satisfied that we had done on
duty toward getting a first-class item,
which was spoiled by a few who
always will envy the printer. The
house was damaged about seventy-five
to find fault, which, strange to say.
some were unreasonable enough to do,
our host would answer, "D you,
better yourselves. One day, however,
we built a camp and prepared tojoccupy
it; our host was very wroth, and shook
one of the Hancocks, and called
Crockett a "cat skinner;" said We
were a pack of "Tionesta big bugs,"
etc. At times our host would treat us
to a ''cider cocktail," with a "drop" in
it, which we would have gladly dis
pensed with.
We started from Marienville with
ten gallioot of cider in the buggy ; tbe
roads were rough and the bung would
come out about oace every mile, es
pecially if hit with a stone ; the con
sequence was that when we got to our
destination &bout two gallons were
gone. At night "pigeon poker," one
pigeon ante would while the tedious
hours and the pigeons away. Huntiog
stories, in which "Chat." took a prom-
nent part, and "Dad.' kept his end
up, helped to amuso us. But let me
remark right here that Sheffield "bug-
juice," at SI. a quart, takes the rag
off the bush. Then, after a few
"smiles," "rye" faces I mean, accom
panied with an involuntary shiver,
the stories would be "romantic," soma
would say that wished to shirk the
truth, but to a "man up a tree" they
were certainly marvelous.
Yours, "Old Muley."
good on contracts, &c, that the fighting
element of tho Yankee army comes
from the Great West only ; that Yan
kee invention runs to "wooden nut
meg?, basswood hams, Iron clads,
stone fleets and Greek fire wound up
by one of Barnura's alarm clocks,"
beats "all natur," &c. Lincoln aud
Grant come in for a large part of the
newspaper abuse. The following from
the Mississippian, of May 27, 1864, is
ment, the defeated party to the suit
remembered the oath, made an infor
mation of the fact before another jus
tice, residing about ten or twelve miles
distant, and had a warrant issued,
which was given to a constable to
uri .
serve. vneu the warrant was reau to
the erring justice, he brought forth his
docket, showed that he had fined him
self for his lapse into profanity, so
entered judgment against himself, and
collected the hue. 1 lie constable had
nothing else to do but let the matter
go good in its way we publish it en- drop, aud the party who hoped to get
I A I A I - i A I. I. 1.. Ua
Titusvillo man, died in this place last dollars' worth. Mr. Hendrick's goods
Thursday night. In this connection, were au Baved in good Bhape, for
we might mention that we have a wnich he wishes to thank the citizens
number of copies of a book entitled wno helped to remove them frem the
"A Treatise on the Horse," which has buildine.
been the mean of saving many a val
uable horse from a "premature grave."
We will sell these books for 25 cents
each, or give them as premiums to new
cash subscribers. No horse owner can
afford to be without one. Call and see
A'drunken fiend was caught in
the act of placing obstructions on the
track of the Allegheny Valley Rail
road near Brady'8 T3end, on Friday
night last. Three minutes more and
the night express from Oil City, filled
Mr. Otto Malsch, who accompnied
Charlie Bonner on his return from
Leipsic, Germany, a year ago last
December, and who has beeu clerking
in Robinson & Bonner's store since,
will take his departure today or
to-morrow, going as far as Louisville
on a raft. From thence he expects to
travel through some parts of the west,
visiting old friends until fall, when he
will return to the Fatherland. During
his short stay in this country Otto has
acquired a good knowledge of tbe
tire :
"A Munchausen. A story pub
lished br a Yankee newspaper repre
sents that ''the executive officer of the
Jones," a Yankee boat blown up by one
of our torpedoes, cave on the occasion
the rarest evidence of coolness and
1 ? 1 1
skill on recoru. ii is vessel, ne on
board, was "crushed like a piece of I
paper, and as be asceuded to the
upper air. on a piece ot the wreck, ne
drew a revolver and shot dead the
man-who bad exploded the torpedo.
Said man was standing on the bank of
the river, and the narrator of the won'
derful feat calls him a "wretch," and
save his name was Burton. He adds
that "the incident is vouched for."
Oh. of course. It would be astonish'
iDg that any man should doubt such a
reasonable Yankee story. But the
"wretch," Burton, who we believe was
killed by some executive Yankee, de
serves to be remembored by his coun-
trymen, and a monument should be
raised to his memory. Who is he ?"
even with the justice by making the
information, is now confronted witn a
bill ef costs amounting to 87. Clarion
Teachers' Examinations.
The Spring examinations will
held as follows :
Tionesta, Saturday, May, 8th.
Hickory, Monday, May, 10th,
Neilltown, Wednesday, May, 12th.
Nebraska, Friday, May, 14th.
Exercises will begin at 9 o'clock
a. m.
II. S. Brockway, Co. Supt.
Self-murder by nelecting to obtain
so sure a remedy as Barosiua for kid
ney and liver complaint. Prepared
by E. K. Thompson, Titusyille, Fa.
For sale by Bovard. 4 2t.
Tumors, erysipelas, mercurial dis
eases, scrofula, and general debility
Every year, that we are seperatcd cured by "Dr. Lindsey's Blood Search-
with innocent passengers, would have Unguagt Rt,d ways of America, which
been nurieu aown me emoaoKment a
distance of 20 feet. The villian was
taken to Bradys Bend, had a hearing,
and was sent to Clarion jail, from
whence he should be sent tu the peni
tentiary for many, many years.
The Franklin Evening News has
this complimentary notice of Prof.
Monday, formerly of this place. We
are glad to know that the Professor's
fine musical skill is appreciated by the
critical "Nurseyites :" "List night we
had the pleasure of listening to that
wonderful musician, Prof. Christ Mon
day, perform on his celebrated French
pianos, lie renders tho most dithcuit
pieces with easo and grace, is a learned
scholar on tho violin, and we consider
him the best thorough learned music
ian in tbe city."
Yesterday morning Charlie Mor
gan, a lad about 10 years of age, who
is living with his grandfather, Mr.
Geo. Morgan, met with a severe and
painful accident. He was riding on a
load of bolts, near the Blue Narrows,
about four miles up the creek, when
the wagon struck an obsticle throw-
will be of benefit to him hereafter. He
leaves with the very best wishes of a
large circle of friends made while
here, and will be much missed by
them. That you may have a pleasant
aud safe voyage over the "big pond,"
is tbe wish of the boys in tbe Repub
lican office.
Warren Jones and Billy Osgood
came near being drowned at Coon
Creek Monday. While coming over
the dam on a raft it broke in two,
throwing them into the frightful cur
rent. Jones, being a good swimmer,
made the shore all right, but Osgood
was uuable to swim, and but for the
assistance of a bundle of lath which
had washed off the raft and to which
he clung for dear life he would have
perished. He was carried nearly two
miles dnwn the swift current before be
was overtaken by two men in a skiff.
The escapes of both these young men
were miraculous, as the current must
run at the rate of ten miles an hour,
Tax Notice.
Persons who have not paid their
a little bad luck while running on the ing the boy off in such a way that his school tax for the jear 187!), in Tio
CjUBSCKIHE for tbe Forebt Republican
kJIt wi
ill ray.
creek last Monday, he was in the best
of spirits, and wanted "to set 'em up''
to every one he mt. When asked
whether it was a boy or girl he would
reply with an air of considerable im
portance, "It's both! What'll you
left leg got caught in the spokes of the
wheel, and before the horses could be
stopped the leg was broken. The
fracture, which is midway between the
hip and knee, was reduced by Dr.
Blaine, aud the little fellow was rest
ing quite comfortably at last accounts.
nest township, will please pay the
same to the undersigned at his resi
dence ou Hunters Ruu, or to S. II
Haslet & Sons, in Tionesta Boro, bo-
fore the 20th of May, next, and save
Id. Jas. Clakk, ColleA'toi;.
from these times our interest increases
in tbe doings and sayings of those
days. They carry us back in memory
to those dark days when the stars and
bars" threatened the Republic, which
was saved by Providence through the
instrumentality of ''the boys in blue."
Letter from the Pigeon-Roosters.
cr." For sale by Bovard. 4-2t.
"When wise men epeak let the
multitude give ear." Use "Sellers'
Liver Pills. Sold by all druggists.
For sale by Bovard. 4-2t.
"Camp Virtue,"
Between "Salmon" & "Blue Jay,
April, 24tb, 1880.
DLAit Ed. :
Agreeable to promise
I send you a few "pencilling' by the
way." Our party,
consisting of
"Rant.," "Newt.," and "Cap.," btarted
from Tionesta behind the spanking
tcum belonging to friend Clark,
towards the pigeons by the way of
Nebraska, Big Coon, Red Hot, Black's
Corners, where we took dinner, (one
man ordered seven plates of bread,)
had the horses fed, and started for
Marienville in a pelting rain storm;
arrived all right, however, some of us
staying at Col. Hunt's, and the rest at
Mr. Burton's.
We tried the pigeons for the next
two days, with uuimportaut results.
We then "made a break" 6 miles into
the timber, putting up at the "Hotel
de Old Gent." Oh! ye gods and little
fishes! Fried pork aud buckwheat
cakes! After a fow days the land
lord "lusted" us. I forgot to mention
that "Dad.," "Hancock" aud "Cap.,"
were the party that broke for the
woods, "Rant.," and "Newt.," going
to the Cunningham place. We met
another "Hancock" and "Crockett"
at this Hotel.
A precious gem is "Sellers Cough
Sprup" has never bees known to fail
in curing colds, coughs, and hooping
cough. Price 25c. For sale by
Bovard. 4-2t.
i. 'i ' ' .3
Flour barrel cliok-o - - 8.00
Flour sack, best - - 2.00
Com Meal, 100 ths - - - - 1.76
Chop feed, pure grain - - 1.40
Rye bushel 66("0
Outs New ti bushel - 45(50
Corn, ear - ' - - - - 3.5(iJ40
Beans bushel - 2.00(2,3.00
Ham, sugar cured 13
Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured 10
Shoulders ..... 7(38
Whiteilsh, half-barrels ... 5.75
Take herring half-barrels - - 8.75
Sugar - 100121
Syrup t 75
N. O.'Molasses new ... 50(T75
Roast Rio CoftVo - - 2(i,2S
Rio Coffee, .... 1!023
Java Coiloo - - - - - . SS
Butter S20J25
Rice 08jl0
Eggs, fresh - - - - 12
Salt best lake .... 2.25
Lard IX
Iron, common bar .... 6.09
Nails, lOd, fcl keg - COO
Potatoes 40(4)
Limolbbl. - 1.50
Dried Apples per tb - - - 610.8
Dried Beef - - - - 17(18
Dried Peaches per lb 12
. pried Peaches pared per 15