DR. CLARKX JGHnson Man Blood Syrup, lDORATORV, 77W.3d St.,NewYorkCil laxb or nurf an. ITBADI Asl k nyapeprta. Liver itlum, Mrepy, BUlouanen, JTervous Debility, etc, ThoBestEEJIEDY ENOTO to Han I 70,009 AGENTS HATE SOLD SINCE 1S70 9.000000 Bottles. This Syrup possesses Varied Properties. It lm.l.tM Ike PyrTWlIn la thi gallra, which converts the sinrvh and augnr mt the feed Into clncoee. A dcflclcncT In Pyt valine caaeeo Wind and flooring- of tan food la the atetnarhv If the medicine Je takes Imraerfl. atelr after eating lb fermentation Si foe)- la prevented. It nrt "pen ine I.lrrr. It nets apa lira Kidneys.' ll Krgnlntea the Bowels It ParlAea the Bleod. It Qaleta laa Werrona System It Pramatea Digesties). It Nenrt.bee, trr tigm and Tnrfaaratae, It earriaa eff tbe OU Blnod and mk -. It .pas. fba pores cf (lie akin and ladaeea Healthy Per. pi ration. It aratnlizea tbe hereditary taint, or poison In ths Mood, whiob generates Scrofula, Krysipelaa. and all n.nnse of akia diseases and internal hnmors. There are no spirits employed in its mainuaetare and it ou be taken by ths moat delicate babe, or by tbe aged and feeble, cart only tting rtoxurtd in at. tention dirtctiom. TBICE CT LARGS BOTTLES, . 1C0 P2ICE 09 SMUi BOTTLES, - 50 Remd the VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS of Persona who have been CURED by tht HU of tht BLOOD PURtf REMEDY FOB WORMS. Bcshkill, Pike Co., Pa. Dear Sir I have used your jrreat Indiat Blood Syrup in my lamily for Worms and Summer Complaint, and it has proved effec tual in all eases. Thos. Cobtbioht. DYSPEPSIA. AND INDIGESTION. Bushkill, I'ikb Co., Pa. Dear Sir The use of your valuable Indian Blood Syrup has effectually relieved me ol Dyspepsia. I have also used it in my family lor Sick Headache and Worms, -with tHe most beneficial results. Samuel Eshback. DYSPEPSIA AiJI) INDIGESTION. Weatbr's Old Stand, Westmoreland Co., Pa. ) Dear Sir I have used your excellent In dian Blood Syrup lor Dyspepsia and Indiges tion, and think it the best medioine known. It is not possible for any other remedy to Save the same medicinal virtue. John Clitoris. LIVEtt COMPLAINT. South Bkthlehem, Northampton Co. Dear Sir I wns lor a long timo afflicted wilh Liver Complnint, and alter llio dm-tott failed to relieve me I begun tho uso of your reliable Indian Blood Syrup, which entireli cured me. Mits. Pbed. Vogel. ' DYSPEPSIA AND INDIGESTION. Grken Park, Peruv Co., Pa. Dear Sir I was troubled with Dyspepsia lor a number oi years, and alter a lair trial ol your valuable Indian Blood Syrup, it has per fectly cured mo. Jacob B. Bdkkeyfiix. ALL TIIAT IT IS RECOMMENDED TO BE. Gbieb's Point, Perbt Co., Pa. Dear Sir I have used your excellent In dian Blood Syrup lor Pains in the Shoulders, with very beneficial results. It is just as recommended. Elizabeth Smee. LIVER COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA. Lebanon, Lebanon Co., Pa. Dear Sir This is to oertify that your valu able Indian Blood Sy rup has completely cured ne ot Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia. Mbs. Gosert. LIVER COMPLAINT. Shabon, Mebceb Co., Pa. Dear Sir This is to oertily that your In dian Blood Syrup has greatly relieved me o Uhronio Liver Complaint, ol lour years standing. I do not hesitate to recommend it. William Wilks. IJVEB COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA. Shabon, Mebceb Co., Pa. Dear Sir1 I have used your excellent In dian Blood Syrup lor Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, and have derived much benent tberelrosa. William McGim. DYSPEPSIA AND INDIGESTION. Allensville, Mifflin Co., Pa. Dear Sir This is lo certily that your In dian Blood Syrup has entirely cured my wile ol Dyspepsia and Pain in the Stomach. Samuel L. Btlkr. UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION. The following persons have used the Indian Blood Syrup, and add their testimony in its far on Moses Stroma, ot Lebanon, says: "It entirely oared me ol Rneumatism and Head ache." Joseph Biner, ol Cornwall, says: "For years I suffered with Pleurisy and Liver Complaint, and a short trial ol the Syrup cured me." r Mrs. Reuben Eckerd, ot Lebanon, oared ol Dyspepsia in its worst form. Uenry 8mith, of Lebanon, says: My wife and child have been entirely cured ol Scrolula by the use ol the Blood Syrup." Wm. Donley, ol Bismark, says: "It cured my son ol Rheumatism." Mrs- Levi Young, of Manheim, relieved oi Heart Piuease, alter the doctors failed. If WVU IV 5 fit: I f 1 FOR THE FAIR SEX. A lifnp Tear Proposal. Tiny, gentle being, give me heod, As kneeling humbly at thy side, With lasceratett heart I plead That thon'Jt become my bltteliing bririo. I long I wildly longlo pres Thee to my heart, yet stand almuli 1 pine (o print a lond caress Upon thy meek and mild muftnehe. Why, tell me why thine eyelids drop And turn away so pettishly, And why with florce, tumultuous flop Thy bosom heaves coquottishly ? 1 know that thou art.fonng and fair As tiny buds in early spring But thou shalt be my constant care, Thou frail and fragile littlo thing. I'll sow thy shirts and darn Ihy hose, Thy victuals cook, thy llres will light I'll grease thy gracious Grecian nose Each snowy, croupy, wintry night. So, surely, thou 'It not toll me nay And bid me dying qnit thy Bide Brace up, pull down thy vest nnd say That thou wilt be my blushing brido. A"anta City Timts. Fashion Hfotes. In both evening nnd walking dresses any and every combination of colors and materials that does not conflict with artistic requirements is admissible. Black or iridescent beads and appiq"ues of silk Bnd velvet are largely employed upon silk, satin and cashmere fabrics. Short shoulder capes of material re sembling the dress or harmonizing with it are talked about as a feature of walk ing suits. The close-fitting bonnet is prominent among a variety of fashionable shapes. Turbans are popular for young ladies. Instead of fancy plumage, flowers ap poar upon latest bonnets. Just at present the sunflower is much employed, and large clusters of roses and peonies in rich but subdued colors are in favor. Laces for neckwear consist almost en tirely of the popular Breton and Lan guedoc, and cream tints and ecru or deep yellow are shmdes much admired. The fichu has usually a narrow center ol mull or net edged on both sides with full ruffles of lace. It is drawn up closely about the neck and takes the place of collar and bow. It may be fastened in front with a pretty oblong pin or small bows of ribbon. Spanish lace is most fashionable for veils, scarfs and the like. Purple in all its shades, from the darkest violet to the palest lilac, stands in the front rank this spring. Among them the newest and most fashionable is the heliotrope, a reddish shade, which is exactly that of the heliotrope blos som when full blown. Other purples are in grayish-red tints, suggesting rasp berry cream. Most of the new spring dresses are made with a basque bodice and double skirt. The panier arrangement does not seem to be gaining much ground ; some dresses hts trimmed about the hips, but not in a very bouffant manner. At the back the skirt is always draped up more or less, but lower than was formerly the case. If there be but a single skirt, it is trimmed en tablier in front, with panels at the sides and some sort of tournure and drapery at the back. Combinations of two materials, one plain, one figured, are still very fashionable; indeed, very few spring costumts are made of but one fabric, and in many of them there are as many as three or lour. A great many plain skirts are seen of corduroy or velvet for walkine dresses. Over those the overskirt is simply orapea ana is generally ol Jigtit cloth or camel's hair, finished with machine stitching on the edges. Keivs and Notes for Women. A recent evenine toilette in New York was decked with thirty bird3. Adelina Patti gets seven dollars a minute in opera. Women convicts in tlie Kentucky penitentiary are dressed in pantaloons. Donna lrancesca. Garibaldi's new wife, was the nurse of his grandchil- uen. A blind girl has outranked all her seeing competitors in the Portland, Me., high school. Mead, the sculptor's wife, is a beauti ful Italian lady -ith whom he could not at first talk. Mrs. Southworth says she began to write from necessity, and continued from the love of it. Mrs. Alex. Agassiz pays from her own pocket the most of the expenses of the Harvard museum ol zoology. A New York engraver got out cards in these words: "Mr. and Mrs. request your presents at the marriage of uie:r aaugmer." Many a man who has been a negli gent husband decorates his dead wife's grave with ilowers. Why not take tlve bouquets home beforehand? Miss Charlotte A. Scott, of Girton college, Cambridge, dauehter of llev. Principal Scott, of Lancashire Indepen dent college, lias obtained the position of "equal to the eighth wrangler " in the Mathematical Tripos at Cambridge. Tho highest place hitherto won by any iany nas been among tnc senior optimcs t. c, second class. Miss Scott s achievement is the most remarkable on record in the annals of female education in England. A !MIuInfcr Expert's Terrible Experi ence. Nearly a week since Louis Blanding, one of the best known miring experts on the coast, passed through this city on his way from San Francisco to ex amine the Santa Anita quartz mine, which is situated near Washington, twenty-one miles above here. Day be fore yesterday lie returned hero, hav ing accomplished his object. His ex periences on the trip were of an inter esting nature, and it is by mere chance that he was enabled to live and relate them. After a tedious journey through the snow he reached the home of one of the owners of the cla'm, and together they forced their way for three miles further to the mine. Lighting candles they entered the tunnel, which has been pushed toward the heart of the moun tain a distance of 130 feet. Twenty-live feet from the head of it they came to a winze tifty-six feet deep. Over this winze is a windlass. Mr. Blanding ex amined it carefully, and observing no weak spots in its construction, had his companion let him to the bottom, lie inspected the ledsie, made measure ments, secured a sack of specimens, and, putting one foot In the bight of the rope, shouted to the man above to hoist away. After ascending thirty feet he ceased to rise. " What's the matter P" ho nsked. "The windlass is broken," was the x it nnd hoist away." " I can't. The support at one side is broken down. One end of the drum has dropped to the ground. My shoulder is under it, and if 1 stir the wliolo thing will give way," was tho startling reply that came back. The candle at the top had been extinguished. Mr. Blanding recognized the urgency of having a cool head in such an emergency, nnd told the other party to take tilings easy, lie dropped the candlestick, sack of speci mens and the hammer to the bottom of the winze. Then bracing .one ol his shoulders against ono side of the hole and his feet against the other, worked his way up inch by inch, the owner taking in the slack of tho rope with one hand. Thus he ascended ten feet. Then the sides of the winze grew so far apart that this plan could no longer be pur sued. There was but one salvation. The remaining ten feet mtfst be climbed " hand over hand." Releasing his feet from the knot, he put the idea into practice. Exhausted by his previous efforts.in walking to the mine and ex ploring it, it seemed to him he had climbed a mile, and stopping to rest, found by the voice that he had yet five feet to go. With another superhuman effort, another start was made. After what seemed an age, onu of his hands struck the edge of the covering on one side of the mouth. His body and limbs were suffering the agonies of cramps and soreness, and his brain begnn to reel. All sorts of frightful phantoms filled his mind. With a final effort lie reached up and found ho could get the ends of one hand's lingers over the edge of a board that answered for part of the covering With the despair of a man who faces a fearful death and knows it, he let go the rope altogether, and raising the other hand obtained a pre carious hold. His body swung back and forth over the dark abyss an instant, and as he felt that his hands were los ing their hold, he cried, "Save me quick, I am going!" Just then his companion, who h a man of great strength, dropped the end of the drum, and grasping his- coat collar, drew him out on the floor of the tunnei. The mining expert was utterly pros trated as his rescue was effected. He was carried out of the tunnel.his clothes wet with perspiration, and laid in the snow. When partially recovered he was assisted to a house three miles away. His whole frame was so racked with the physical and mental torture, that for several hours he had no use of some of his limbs. Two days after he returned to the mine and with an iron bar broke the windlass into 1,000 pieces, then fished the sack of specimens out of the winze. During a whole lifetime of mining adventures in some of the deep est claims of the world, he says he has never been so near the door of death a he was at the Santa Anita, and he hopes never to pass through the like again. Nevada Transcript. Frozen Seed. Researches made by Messrs. De Can dolle and Pictet, of Geneva, on the de greo of cold to which seeds of plants can be subjected without impairing their vitality, present very remarkable results. It is not the first time that such experiments have been tried, but the means now available for maintain ing a low temperature for a long time impart to present investigations a de gree of certainty never before possible. Seeds of cabbage, mustard, cress and wheat were separately inclosed in glass tubes, hermetically sealed, and were then exposed daring 6ix hours to a course ol refrigeration, in which the temperature was reduced to fifty degrees below zero of centigrade. No precau tions were taken to restore them gradu ally to the ordinary temperature. They were sown, and all except seven grains of wheat, which had been damaged, germinated in the same time as seeds which had not been refrigerated. An other experiment was made with thir teen different kinds of seeds. It lasted two hours, and during half that period tho temperature was brought down to eighty degrees below zero. They all germinated except three sorts, which were proved ro be bad, by the fact that non-chilled seeds of the same kind did not grow. Busv-bodics are almost nlw.-iva id Wa ttle less business a man has, the more he meddles with that of his neighbors. Kiunkt Complaints. In diseases ol tbe Kidneys the Vegetino gives immediate reliol. It has never lailed to cure when it is taken regularly, and directions followed. In many case it may take several bottles, especially cases ol long standing. It acts directly upon the secretions, cleaneing and strengthening, removing all obstructions and impurities. A great many can testify to cases ot long stand ing having been perlectly cured by tho Vege tine, even alter trying many of the known remedies which are said to be expressly lor this diseasej A Household Need. A book on the Liver, its diseases and their trtatment sent tree. Including treatises upou Liver Comnluints. Tormd Liver. .li.wi; Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Dynpep. sia, Malaria, eto. Address Dr. Saulord, 162 Broadway, New York city, N. Y. Wauted. Sherman & Co., Marshall, Mich., want an agent in this county at once, at a salary ol 9100 per month and expenses paid. For lull particulars address as above. Nothing is uglier than a crooked boot. Straighten them with Lyon's Heel Stifleners. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from prai-iii, hiving had i!cd in tilt liari.il by n Kurt unit. mlDbioiury Uia furiuul. of . tiuiile vrgeuble remedy for the epeeily nd permanent cur. for Comsnuiptlon, Uronthttia, C.Urrti, Anthiin, and all Throat .ml Lung Arte lioiu, antoa pomtive and radical cure for Nervoiu Debility and all NervouB Complaint, after having te.td ita wonderful curative powew hj Uiouhandg of casei. haa felt It ht duly to make 11 known to his aurTeriin; fellow.. Actuated by Uiii motive and a duaiie to relieve human tuiteruiK, I will eud fre. of ch.rge to all who desire It, thta recipe, In tiennan, French, or Eriitliblt, with full direeltonj for pre paring alid u.liig. Sent by mail by ..Idrrwiuf; with ataiiip, Damme Uila paper. W W. S11KRAH, 1AU Foweit' lllock. kochenUr. N. Y. Cause and Eflect. The main cause of nervousness is in digestion, and that is caused by weak ness of the stomach. No one can have sound nerves and good health without using Hop Bitters to strengthen the Btomach, purify the blood, and keep the liver and kidneys active, to carry off all the poisonous and waste matter of the system. See other column. Advance. Physicians use Kidney-Wort in regu lar practice and pronounce ita action perfect. Going to Siberia. The czar of all tho Russias has an im mense, cold country where he sends his criminals, and ho punishes for very sltglit ollenses, so lie lias ninny people to send. These convicts leave St Peters burg at night, the men having their hands chained behind them, nnd wear ing leg chains of four pounds weight all the way. The women go In gangs by thtmsclves, wearing black cloaks with hoods. The nun who conduct them to this desolate land are mounted on horses. and have long whips which they use for tho least provocation. Once there, they work vear after year in the mines, never seeing tho light of day. They sleep in reces.es hewn out ol tne rocks, into which they creep on their hnnds and knees. They work Sunday the snme as any other day. No man who has woiked in the mines is ever allowed to return home When ho has lost the use of his limbs, which happens in a few venrs. ne is Hauled up to die in tlie poor house. It is not necessary that it should bo frozen for the sailor to take a bight of the sea in his course, when lie is hungry for the shoro. American launch. FEVER AND AGUE. Tahbobo, N. 0., 1878. Da. II. B. Stbvkws: Ue.r Blr I feel very grateful for what your valuable medicine, Vkoxtikk, baa don. In my family. I wtau to eipre. luy thank, by informing jon of the wonderful cur. ot my .on ; al.o to let you know that Vkostinb 1. the boat medicine- I ever eaw for Chill., Hhakea, Ferer and Ague. My ran 111 lick with mea.le. lo 1873, which left him with lltii. Joint dlee.se. My ou .uffered a great deal of pain, all of the time ; the pain w.a to great be did nothing but cry. The doctor did not help him s particle; he ooiild not lift hi. foot from the floor; be could not move without crntche. I re.d jronr advertlaemeut in the " Loulavllle Courier-Journal," that VxaiTiNC was a great lllood l'lmfW and Blood hood. I tried one bottlo, which was a grent benefit. lie kept on with the medioine, gradually gaining. He ha. taken eighteen bottle, lu all. and he I. completely restored to health, walk, without crutches or cane. He is twenty years of age. I have a younger .on fifteen year, of age, who 1. sub ject to ( ail).. Whenever he feel, one coming ou, tie come, in, take. . do., of Vfoktihk aud that 1. tho lat of the Chill. Veoktink leave, no bad effect upon the system like moat of the medicine, recom mended for Chills. I cheerfully recommend Vkoe tins for such complaints. I tbluk It 1. the greatest medicine in the world. Bespeotlully, Mas. J. W. LLOYD. Vkoktinb. When tbe blood becomes lifeless and jtiaguaut, either from change of weather or of oil mate, want of exercise, irregular diet, or from any other cause, the Vioetimb will renew the blood, carry off tbe putrid humor., cleanse the stomach, legulatetbe bowels, and impart s toue of vigor to the whole body. druggists' Testimony. Mn. H. R. Stevens: D ar Sir We have been selling your remedy, the Veoetimb, for about three yean, aud take pleasure 111 recommending it to our customer., and in 110 I'.etuuce where a blood punfi r would reach the cane, has it ever failed to effect a cure, to our knowledge. II certainly 1. the ne plus ultra ot renovators. Hcspectfully, X. M. Bll HEKD k CO., Druggist., Mt. Vernon, III. Vegelln. Is Sold by all Druggists. Bon'tDelay to Gure ttiat Conlfli D0NT DESPAIR because .11 other remedies have failed; but try this remedy and you will not be deceived. It will curt when all others fail. DIRECTIONS roa vsino I ACCOMPANY JCACn noTTLB. For Sale by all Metllclue Prslrii, AGENTS WANTED MiJj" lomplete and autlienuo history of tho great tour of It descrlbet Royal Palaivi, Rare Curiosities, W ealth an ". Wonders of the Indies, China, jKiii,ctc. A million people warH It- Tli la la the heat chance of jour life to make money, lteware of ' cat. h-pctiny " imitation. Scud for circulars atxl extra terms to Aiteuts. Adilicm A'.tiox jl PuaiJsiiiao Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. This Claim-Uou.e Established lSOf). JYew Ij vr. Thousands of Soldiers and hetri entitled Pensions date back to ducharge or death. Timtt MaiWui Addreat, with stamp, P. 0. Drawet tTA.t, Washliatrton, P. O organ B E ATT Y ,P!.AN( IVew Orgaui 1 K atOt S?t .ldf Tmugnt krtda. ft ort't yhnpfvtjwplla, wla-teuh,WerdiTara. avlmtl Jt bvobS KwlMuo,.tM., tBOTrrAbook, 'J&1S. Brfort riiMbor botmr tv trtU m. lllu.lra.U4 N4w-Mjrtai FrOtS Aaldre.a 1JS ILL, F. TTY, HMJatM(traa 4nej ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. We will send our Klectro-Voltntc Kelts and other Klectilc Appliances upon trial for 30 day. Ui those ailllcted alth AVrnwu. bvbiluh and disease 1 perwiud ncUHns. Also of tlie l.lvcr, Kidneys, ltlieuuiutiaiu, Paralysis, Ac 4 sure cure ptMrutifriii or no nty. Ad lieaa Vuilnic Kelt o.j, Marshall, LMIch; $10,000 boa 35 Cts. ON LIFE & PROPERTY. 9IO.OOO will tx Pttt to any pinu Who mn kXri.tiltB A I. ASI' liitft Willi our AlblV ATl AtHMKKi, MalltM free for U cts. Knurl ui f 1, Agsata W ai m ! d . Male or Kmialo. B. H. MtVYTON'B HAKKTY I. A Ml' ((., blNUHAHTltK, H. Y. liLliaooK, II West Kbxiauwat, N. Y. 1 1 AHK OPPOHTVWITT f-r ( nplUlittior Col- JLfe milt'. Wt lirol-orte WWII Kk.OOU Arm tI Lratml lying on Haunt River ami tUe ''Air J.iuc U. K.' In York County, S. C. Thii lirtt t einiiiu' wane of tbe finest Hatrriiowen. eui r ItlHnctie Iron Or :d Ijiiiietftone, in the I'liion. Aibo a iiunitii-r of small Farina, t or terms, prUe. etc, RiMn m T. J. Hell, Att'y al Jaw,Yorkuie.a. v., or w m.w. tinmiey.tiarmey city, a. u YOUNG BAN OR OLD. If fern ret a litiafiaat Maaalaatn. 4aw las wbiaa.ri, a Beast fewta ef kail- est kaU be4e, M fc Ituakaa, Serea aaal a'aitgural tb batr eat srhete, W as .-.,.. bat mi elj SII m,u few U firaM Apeaiee Diaaatsij that aaa sat h M. AMna, lfc. UON BALES, bu It. Beetle, Km. r aee . TM 4 T1rCJ KOU BAI.K.-Farms of 10, 20 I' JVliltlO 50 on 1 Kaj Acres, from S.tOti ll t;I.Uiiti; utlier 1-aiid fit) l-r Aire. Mild Climate, nt Akuc; near Philadelphia and N ew York; hundreds are sett lintr; Good Schools and Church privilege. Kailroad centrt aud good markets. C. IC. I.imh, Vine land, New Jerny CIH! SMITH'S VALVE ORCAN I V I r. .rial, .f 1 a 1 Ii K imUI ,.l . t.M,rilMMh,l''Hl1' A.liHd lt.M'.J. I. I..tr.eu. r.M. r., J da. -ll M-4 . OOLD PLATED MPLS r ..Ii 2.. tll.w t M.m. Tm. b-i.1, ..J t SFFFKItPHM-Hsrlp. sent free. A posltlv, cure for Throat and Lund diseases. Scrofula, v.urualn.etc. S.-nt by mall by addiecAinn with staini J. E. LANciDON, US South Avenue, Kuchester. NY WA NTED I I pay SlOO per Month and Kpone tostllniy Pm ktt Huritl.r Aiaiin. Send S-ct. stamp for terms, or !."- cia. for samp e. If agenci prctcrred, secure your territory. C llini-tune, Derby, Vt 2PKK CKIVT, IlaTKHKKTI Houses anc l.ou and Farms on time, at 4 )er cent. Interest For p.iiticuUrs .ii I lu cents miner) to (lulled biate. iiuu.i aloud ompjiiy, A Ibioit , N .It VOUNC MEN inontli. fcvery gra-iuute (n Learn TeleprRphy and arn ft-ftO Lt lUk ftniaraiiU-ed a pay int.' situ- A'l'ln w U. YaU'iitme, Maimger, Jauesvil He, w ir. $66 A WEKK In your owe town. Term! and ty) Outlit free. Addrest li. Qaixari t Co., Portland, Mauic. NAIURL'S REMEDYr VEGKfflEJ Vhe DurnT Bipod Piminr r ALIENS 111. BalmI PENS ONS. 1EAW 2 cthts a tp An. 1 ii k oil I e a ou WEEKLY NEWS. MIKAPKNT w.eklt rmw.pnper In the V. ft, S.VK IT V-FtVB CUNTS A Vina, po-tsire Included. Seventeenth year of nul lleatlnn, It is eipeclallv eoiiinlete as . nsu fp.per, iiiililltihlng .11 the ills p.tehesor both the West ern Assnelated Press .nd the National Associated 1 Press, besides an etteli ve svstem r i.trlies from all Important points. II s f ndependul in rnHffra, prnsentlng political news free from partisan coloring, without fear or favor, Fvery number contains, 4aCnmplfv, fifririea. A favorite family paper, 11 or special uil- tlie Cheapest Weekly In the U. S. If, cents a yer r. A dollar bill pay! for sixteen months. Address, CMH'Afin Wkkki.v News. Ui Fifth AT., Chicago, III. gAPOPJIFIEra Ii the Old Bellabls Conosntratsd lye, FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING. nirertlnns accompany each Caa for making Hard, toft and Toilet Soap fs.ulcB.ls-. JT IS FULL WXWHT AlfD STKKffOTM. The market la flooded with (so-called) Concentrated I.y. allien It adulterated with salt and roiln, ana awa'l ssflk xu. BATS MONET, AMD BUT TBM t APOW1FIE MADK BT TBI - Peansjhanla Salt Manorg Co.. PnilAPKLPKlIA. L FRAZER AXLE GREASE, , VIHAT I SHALL I ' I DO AFttR THIS J SV 7THai llTWrr-fhiSji WrTr ,1., FOIt. SAI.KHV Al.I. llEAI.KItH, (p Awarded tht M F.DAL OF HUXOK nl th tsnrennu - cin'f Parit Erfmiitiant. C-cago. FRAZER LUBRICATOR CO.. New Yort ICC 'WILEOE'S OOMPOnUD 07 PUEE COD IIVEE 4txi "cr-a "r " are To One and All Are you .uiTerlnsj from s Couiih, Cold, Agthiua. llioinlnlla. or any of the piilmo ntiry trotihlcs that so of ten end In Consumption F If an, use Wn boii's Puhk Coit-Liraa tiiL .No I. ims, safe and sure remedy. This Is no quack preparation, but la rcpulariy nr., . rilu.il hv Uia iiimlli'iil fm ullv Ufiinir.i-fiireil milv ler A. II. Wn.min. t'liuinlat, jloston. Sold by all dniKijlsla. Acme Library of Biography. Twelve standard bonks, at one time, published at 1 ,9H -....h lin-kl...lll,nliy lu.axltrtil i.m.ll.n.. 1 1 V lt K. Imhiii'I voliimi', for 11(1 cts.. and iiostace, H da. ; containing Frederick the (irc.t,'' by Aliunulayj ' ltoliert llurna,' 1... ! U..I " l. ,'O.K..,.. NU.I.. I i.ll.... by Chevalier lluiiKcn: Maiy. (Jueen of Scota," liy iiuar. tine; "Jimnof Are." by Michelel; " Hannibal," by Tho. Artlold: "Cjl'Kir." bv l.tildell: " ( trotliwell." liv lAim.r. tlnei "William Pitt," by M iiaulnj ; "Columbus," bj l.nnuittlne; Viltorlu Colonna," by Trolloi. Send foi " The Literary Hevolnl ton." free, and mention this pataii ...rii.. mi ..jh-.K. L' V .11,1, JHU Tl,,e. it.iir.iiiinii M....wn b-j.1 1 H tMliK, Trllmn. Itiilltlliia, Kew Turk I ilaI iVf a-'Ui.. I. 1'iao's t'ure for t'oo.asup- t Ion Is also the beat oough med icine. Dose small, battle larce. Bold everywhere. U5c and 81.00, Warranted to flrst buyers. bVi I'l'OTi EAR DISEASES. J).. C. K. ftHoSMAB.R (the well-known Aural Bnnreos of Keaitlng, Pa.) gives all hit time to the treatment ol Deafness and liiscaxe of the Kar at lilt ontoa. 11 h tuccew haa alveu hi in a national reputation, enpnrlalli on running Kar aud C'uUrrh. Call or scud for bis lltU. Hook on tlie Lai, Its Diseiurs and their Treatment free to all. ilia lar.e liook (.'5 Ml uaara), prtot J.fM. Addresa Ir. .'. K. MIUKlli,H. Ai.ri r.i.rKvvii, a.eafiiiiaT, fa. ft. JUicMiTl I'terina CAXESUCGV will niisltlvelv eui-ti Fmioilf. rMk tiM.a . 1 1 1, - STi.ll Inir of tho W oinh, Whites, Chronic Inflammation or Lb'iratlimiif the Womb, Incidental Hemorrhage or Koodlnn, Paliiful, Kiiiiprei.Heil nnd Irregular Men., 'milium, ttv. An old nnd reliable remedy. Send poa tnl e.ird lor a iminidib t, with treutnient, cunt, and i'ertmcute.1 from i)iyelelan and ijatlenta, to How tirth IPillaivl, Utiva. K. V. Sold by all LrutsuUt Per Cent. Interest Secured by Fli bt Moi tv on Iiif lriivrl lit-Hi Kitt4le wrth at It-ad three tiuict the money It.aiK'!, In tlie iVh farmiiu couiitrv in Iowa, l't iiKlutl uiii Inti'iet tznunuitt'cl t-y nu p'..iMe al your t'rtiik. Pt:liv.'ly n Sf I n vrt iiitt. l.arK: expenrn hii1 r'sliiene Sntisnii tnry referchi-e furnislietL Write t( .1 AMI. h I OV. Hmtkitr. al Mtoriin Iji ke unl A Itn, Iowa. AIho soin very tie- auatle li,ntIrror Mie, on Umyt tune, at low rate of inlerent j UAKL-tlU S UUUEUUX.V ENCYCLOPEDIA. Tb. most valuable tlncle Bock aver prluted. A trea.ury of knowledge. Then bat K.ver Defor. b... published lu b. volume, so much useful iuforinattua .a every subject. Beautifully Illustrated, price BA.tMJ. A Wbol. Library la One Voiiim. . ') Sold only by subscription! ths easteti TO AuLNTS rDK Ml' Tor .nowa. T.rms..u J address -8. W. OARI.KTON A CO, Publishers, N.T. City. The Farmer's Friend and Guide. A- vnluable book of 200 naces, sollil readlnir mat ter 'sue 12x1 ineheti. from the k-iib of the la-st writcri of tlie day, devoted to the Interests of Farmers, Slock llreeders, Pouluy Faueleis, Dairymen, Ilee t'ulturtsta, (anleners, tlie Fireside, etc. I'i i a only fiO rent., postuaul (cither P. O. order or iMit.u:e stanum.) Cheaiiest and best UKik ever published. If you have a friend In New York aak him to step in our orftce and examine thu valuable hook. Airnit. tVantcri. Address all orden to FHANK HAUKISON A CO., Publishers, !JO and Itltr liiowlway, iN . 1 . tJCvrnwg foil ISUil linii.) PETK0LEUM (,i nnl Medal at I'liiladelpliul KxiKiaitioru VASELIKE JELLY Silver Medal at Paris Kxpneitioo. Thlt wonderful ml stance it aiknowledired by physi cians throughout the woild Ui be the Ite.t remedy dis covered In: J.r cure of Wounds, llurna, llheumaliam, Sim Diaeuaes, Piles, Catarrh, Chilblains, Ac. In order thai eveiy one may try it. it is put up in lit and !! cent bottles fur houiiehold u&e. obuin it from your drnggiA, aud )ou will tuii it tupeiior to aiiyUiUAg you have .var HaeL St:i0l PHTAl'OF.S.-lOO bushel, arowt from 1 bii-liel Seed, lib, .Ittti. 3 lb.., SI.Ki. For ii.o tiruurs mid prices addreb. J. C. LV LItli i, Ontario, I a i. range Co., Indiana. WTX)P Dbcnvrrv. Cures all dlseaset. Nofee'tl ' cured. Sell 1 sump. la. tLja. Co., Cleveland, O ittati ii i t.-ail to mi ll. Write for catalojrua V to Standard Ameriutu Watch Co., Pittsburg-, V V in C0n per day at home. lUmplet worth S free. J IU ifi-U Address SnasosA Co., Portouid, Main. yVx 1 . .'23 I ) awaai, sasavni jisiij r.t wi rsftf tmiras vtuTN mucous CRrASF.-l a POND'S EXTRAC BuMutt Inflammation, Con trols all llemorrhagt, Arvtt and Vhronir, Venom ami tfucauti. The Wonder of IScnllng. ii Kir wood aniTii, . n., in. n. O. Ac, Ac, Ac, of the Hospital for ' Women In Boho Bqnarr), London, writing lo "Ths Lancet," antler dnte of AtiRtut 83, 1R79, Y! "rONB'SXTIUCT Is good pre iratlon. I have used It for some time (ten to fifteen minima) with marked benefit In cases or passive nipriite nsmnrriin(;o. POND'S EXTRACT. TBI VEGETABLE TAIN DESTItOTER. Dn.ABTlIlin GUINNKSS,F.n..C.S., . of England, sayi: " 1 hnve pnterlbed POND'8 . HX.TRACT for Ilctnorrlmgca of different kinds, for Hemorrhoids, ana lor aaecuoni or tbe eyes, and alto In Ilhoiimrtllc Inflammatory welling of ths joints, with grant success." . Also supported bl ths following sbls flijsl Clans i POND'S EXTRACT. HKALISG -COMFOnTISO. DIl. HERRING, a physician of national re putation, tays: "Till, medicine comprises the virtues of Aconite snd Arnica, and contains a tonic property which rendors It Immensely superior to both." POND'S XTRACT. A BEN0V73F.D MEDICISK.- DR. A. E. BCJMNICre, of Brooklyn, N. T., wrltct in the Mtdical Union: "Out of 139 cases of Bgyptlan Ophthalmia (ditoste of ths eye), ' iSU CAW SDH liUII.lt UJ . VAA a AAA" TRACT." POND'S EXTRACT. TJSKD 0KCE-CSF.D ALTTATS. DR. It. O. PRESTON, of Brooklyn, N. T.l " I know of no remedy so generally useful In A family." - . n.n.l T XT r,' a w CAUTIOH. POND S EXTRACT Is sold only In botttos with the nam. blown In the glass, and our landscape trade-mark on buff wrapper. TIt is unsafe to use other articles with our directions. Intlat on having POND'S EXTRACT. Refuse all Imitations snd tilbstltutct. Prices of POND'S EXTRACT, 50c, $1,00 k 11.75. PIP" 'Oub Nsw rAHrilt-KT W1TB HlSTOnT OF )un PnsraaATtoN., Sskt FREE on apPlioa- riOM TO POND'S EXTRACT CO., 18 Murray Street, New York. W fty off DruggUU. N Y N U No tt THEONLY MEDICINE That Acts at tbe SameTlme on THE LIVER. THE BOWELS. and the KIDNEYS. These trreat organs are ths natural clean -era of the system. If they work well, health will b. perfect i If they become dodged, dreadful diseases are suro to follow with TERRIBLE SUFFERING.'. Tillleusneu, Ileadacke, Dyspepls Joan dice, CoBstlpatloa sad Piles, or Kid Bey Complaint., Gravel, Diabetes, Sediment la the IVlne, Milky or Ropy lMne or Rheu matic Pains and Aches, are developed tecanse the blond Is polf.neil with the humors that should have m en expelled naturally. KIDNEY-WORT will restore Unhealthy action nd all these destroying evil, wtll be banished neglect them and you will live but to .uffer. 1 houaaiule have been cured. Try It and yon will add one more to the niimlier. Take It and healt h wl 1 1 once more gladden your heart . W hy uffeir longer from the torment Of ansKshlnts baok? Why bear suoh distress from Con stipation and Piles ? Why be so fearful beoauso of dis ordered urine ? KiONBY-WosTWIll cure you. Try s pack age at once and be satisfied. Hi a dry vegetablt compound and One Packatre makes six quarts of Medicine. 1'our DrvggUt sot , or uHll gel for you. Intitt upon having it. 7Vfc, tfl.CO. WILLS, KCHABDSKT a CO., rroprition, (Will wnd p rM Barllactaa, Tt. NEW EDITION. GET THE BEST. VEBSTEB'S UNABRIDGED. 1928 Pages. 3000 Engravings. FOUH PAGKS COLORBI PLATES. Containing a SUPPLEMENT ' ever 4600 NEW WOK 1S and Itteaningrs, AND A NT1W niogrnphicnl Diciionary of over 0700 NAMES. Published by 0. st C. MF.RRI AM, Pprlngaeld, Ms.,. !. W. PAYNE & SOaNS, CORMIVG, N. . m. . ATAIII.IMltaiJ M4CJ, Y Patent Hpurk-Arrestlnir Y.n pines.moiititeilunddti t.klus. Vertical l.iiKiiieM with wro'i boilers. Kiu eka bafety lt w ers with Sectional boilers can't be exploded. All wun Autoinatio utir-uiis. From g 150 to Ci.OOO. Send for (Mreular. SUitO where yon suw this. RATTLE B OR 0 VT. ai pn rf COXSU.Ml'TIOX SV.'EJ: .i;Krs by isslialatloit. lvuie. 'simple and efb-i-tlve. i Ipa fvr St. Addittt Box I J7.t. Portland, Maine. ii.TTT A VKAK and expenses to Agents. Outfit free. Ol 4 4 Addieas P. Q. VlCA KY, Au.usta, Malue. $72 AWKRK. li a day at home easily made. Costly Outfit Iim. Addrtat laos t Co., Auk in la, ataiue. V 1 HA J vJ'VJI 4