The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 17, 1880, Image 3

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0nci7mt J. 8. Hood. F. E. Mablo,
H. O. Davis,' L. Aguew, M. Kinstoin,
J. A. Proper.
J untie a of the Peace J. T. Brannnn,
R. S. Knox.
0titabie.r. A. inlands.
ficfionl Director J . Shawkey, T). W,
Clark, A. II. I art rid hp, C. A. Randall,
A. II. Kolly, J. T, Hrennan.
.-" i ' ' i n
AfetAber of O-'reM.-TTAHRT WniTB.
(Mmbly N. p. ViikLrk.
rrMidenl Judge D. WktmOHE.
Auoeiate Judge John Reck, Et
;ynD Kkrr.
T''rwurw-WK. Lawakhce.
Prothonotary , lingittrtr i& Recorder, de.
iyieriir.V. A. RAKTAT..
0mrHii'oner Eli Ubrltjt, Ihac
Loko, If. W. LKPKBCn.
County Superintendent U. S. Brock
Wat. Mutrie.f Attorney R. T). Inwrw.
J'wry CVtnmfMtower C. II. Church.
Tetkr Yockor.
Comity Surrrynr T. D. Collins.
Coroner W. C. ContJRN.
County Auditor! Kici01 THOMF-ItOW,-
No. 869,
I. O. Of O. TP.
ME UTS every Friday evening, at 7
o'clock, lu tbg Lodge Room in Par
tridge's Hall.
C. E. MeCRAY, N. O.
O. W. SaWYKR, Soc'y. 27-tf.
E. L. Davis,
Collections made lu this and adjoin
ing counties. 40-ly
Elm Street, TIOXKATA , rA,
I bavo boon ad in It tod to practice as an
Attorney in the Pension Ofllee at Wash
ington, D. C. All ofiieers, soldiers, or
Kuuorti who were Injured In the la to war,
iu obtain pension to which thev may be
entitled, bv calling. n or mldresHlng nie at
1 ioneMta, Pa. Also, claims for arrearnstca
of pay and bounty will receive prompt at
tention. .
Waving been over four rears a soldier In
the 1U war, and having for a number of
rears engaged In the piweention of Hol-iller-'
claims, iny experience will assure
the collection of claim In tho .hottest pos
sible time. J. II. AONliW.
' 4Uf.
F. W.Mays, .
- Pt'ci.ic, Remold Hnkill A. Co.'s
'ttlotlc, Kenec St.', Oil Citv, I'a. ' S'J-ly
Lawreoce. House,
L UlW'iilv, Propriktor. This bns
Ls centrally located. F.vcrythioir new and
well furniwhoil Superior aecommoda
tionx and strict, attention irivcn to xwe
Vegetables mid Frnlta of all kinds aorveel
iutJioir scaon. Ktimple room for Com
. moit ial A)L'oiit. ' d
Jackso.", Proprietor. Thin U anew
notice, and has JuhI been fUted up for the
accommodation of tho public. A portion'
or Hie patronage or tho public la ttoUcited
J. 12. 31. !.,
TI0NK3TA, l'A. -
Oppiok IIotihh ; 7 to 0 a. m., 7 to 9 P.
, Wednesday and Saturdays from II
V. U) J !', M.
li. UkT.
MA Y, l'A UK tS CO.,
b j. isr k: ie ir, s
Corner of Elm A Walnut Sts.Tioncsta.
Rank of Discount and Dc-pofcit.
luterest allowed oa Time Deposits.
Collection raadoonall thePrlncIpal polnta
of the IT. S.
Collections soileltod. IS-ly.
fi. CARPENTER, ... Proprietor.
Pictures taken ill all the latest etylea
the tit. 25-tf
. ., " i
In roar of Ilium's Blacksmith ahop,
IS permanently located in the Roberts
shop, near Haslet's corners, where he
is prepared to rneot all his old customers,
and as many new ones as feel dmpOHed to
favor him with their custom, ilis motto
is: "Live and let live."
Tioneata, Jnne 24, 1S79.
Subscribe; for tho Forest Rcpobiioua
It will rmy.
r. av. civmc, ,Tr., Afj't.
Etna, Liverpool A London Olobe,
Lycoming, North Rritish tt
Mercantile, Hanover, Franklin
Of Philadelphia,
Continental, Northern Rochester.
Travelers Life fe Accident Insurance
. Company.
Offlcei C. C Thompson'!", Law Office,
Orandln Block, Tldiouto, Pa.
Frto Methodist preacliing in tho
Universalis! Church next Sunday
M. E. Sunday School at 10 o'clock
ft. m., nod Presbyteriau Sunday' School
nt 2 o'clock p. m.
-Oil 91.c.
St. Patrick's day in tho tnorning,
Eaitcr one week from Sunday;
lay nside you spare eggs.
Mrs. Johnson, of Bradford, sister
of Mrs. Dingmao, is nt present visiting
Mr. Dmgmau's family.
The pay car passed up the rond
yesterday, doubtless making g!ad the
hearts of the employct-s.
Mr. John Halt has rentod the
house formerly occupied by Hon. J. I.
Agnew, and will shortly move into the
The pigeons have nhout all left
tho roost on Little Coon. Where they
have "appeared to" we hove not yet
Mr. J. N. Teilsworth departed for
Bradford on Friday last, where he will
remain for some time, and pursue his
wonted vocation. k
The trout fishing open3 April 1
two weeks from to-morrow andloses
August 1. The buss season comes in
again with June 1st.
Moving day April first draws
uncomfortably near, to those who con
template making changes, of which we
understand there are quite a number.
Geo. Carr, the btitchfr, iserecting
a building on Elm street, between M.
W. Tale's office nnd Samuel Clark's
residence, to be used hs a meat market.
Messrs. J. T. Dale, and W. W.
Grove, returned home from Bradford
Saturday evening, looking unusually
well, and report things as brick as
Mr. John Shnup, of McKecsport,
Allegheny Co., accompanied by three
of bis children, spent a few days in
town this week visiting friends, and
looking after his lumber interests io
this county.
Prof. Ptck organized n singing
class nt Tidioute numbering upward
of seventy-five scholars, on Wednesday
last. He expects when once thor
oughly mider way to have about
ninety. The clas in this place is pro
gressing very cicely.
Mr. Z. T. Carson, met with what
might have been a serious accident the
other day, while dropping a raft of
tics from Forge Island to tho other
side of the river. As it is "Kit" only
sustained a severe bruising which has
been the cause of his limping around
for a few days with a cane.
We ate requested to state Messrs.
Geo. and John Osgood of Star P. O.,
arc ready to fettle all accounts against
tho estate of the late Hiram Osgood.
Parties knowing themselves indebted
to said estate, or having claims against
the same will please make a note of
Messrs. N. Lattin and It. W. Ba-'
con have been stopping at Ilobt. Gui
tons for sotn) time buying pigeons.
From the numerous bags they have
carted to this place it would eeeua they
are waking it pay, but you can't tell
much about it, us they have very little
to sa).
The Clarion luyniWean made its
appearauce last week "togged out" in
a handsome new suit from head to
foot. Tho Republican is now one of
the newsiest, spiciest and prettiest ex
changes that come to this oflice. May
it continne to prosper an 1 do noble
work for the party in Clariou county.
Led ia R., daughter of S. C. and
Elizabeth Johnsto n, of Hunters Itun,
aged 7 mouths and 3 days, died ofcon
geetion of the brain, on Thursday,
March 11, 1880, afiei-au Ulnem of
eleven days. She was h twin baby,
aud had always been a delicate child.
The parents have the sympathy of all
their neighbors and Irienda.
The entertainment at tho Law
rence House lost evening, by tho Tid
ioute company was a pleasant surprise
to all who attended, and was fur
beyond tha expectations of the audi
ence, and whatever it may have been
financially, it was ft complete success
otherwise. Tho show abounded in
laughable and sidesplitting sayings
and doings f,om beginning to end,
and the audience was kept in an
uproar of laughter all evening, ami
when any local hits were made, of
which there were nn abundance, the
house fairly shook with applause. We
should like to mention some of the best
jokes that were cracked iu fact, take
the programme and go through it,
making such comments as we feci it
deserves but our lirno this morning
is ton much limited. - Suffice to say,
etery performer did first class much
better than was expected. We were
sorry the hou?e was not more crowded,
i i
out we believe the boys came out
whole, and that's all they cared for
this time, besides they have left a good
impression, Hud will draw a full house
fchould they conclude to repeat the
dose at some future time. One thins
wo must not forget to mention, and
that is, tho boys labored under great
disadvantage frowi lack of proper
stage room, curtains, We bespeak
for them a crowded bouse should they
ever come back.
The Hill Farm well is down over
800 feet and no third sand. Opera
tions .havo been suspended for the
present, but will be resumed as soon
ns Mr. Kepler can get his matters with
the company properly arranged, which
will not be longer than a week or two
It appears that two members of the
company got friehtened at the seem
ingly slim prospect of a strike, and
hadn't the nerve to go on and give the
well a proper test, whereupon Mr
Kepler bought out their iuterts, and
will go on with developments, jiit
as though nothing of the kind had
happened. Parties from whom he has
leased territory need givo themselves
no concern, as Mr. K. bus tho "spon
dulicks" and pluck to stick to it until
he strikes oil, or knows the reason why.
We feel confident that hisplutkwillbe
rewarded by a good strike.
It is reported that clouds of niir
eons Hy daily over ANaireu, but
whence they come and whither they
go m not exactly known ; the suppo&i
tiou is, however, they come from the
beach woods iu Old Forest, where they
have been feeding during the winter.
Thousands still flock nt the approach
of twilight into the now well known
roo.t on Little Coon creek, this county,
and ihe distant, all-uight peal of mus
ketry wagiog warfare against the in
nocent birds resembles tho continued
cruckliogofa mighty electric current
as it springs from one conducter to
Most ol the lumbermen have re
turned from down the river, and bring
with them glad tidings of good prices.
Pine timber sells readily from twelve
to eighteen cents per foot, whilo boards
are in great demand at prices bid,
varying trom fourteen to sixteen dol
larl por thousand. Lumbermen are
somewhat reticent about selling at
these figures, and think that in conse
quence of tho short run this season,
pricrs will be advanced to at least
eighteen dollars for good pine boards.
W. W. Gaither, conductor on the
F. S. St. P. A C R, R., who was shot
some time ago, by a drunken pedlar,
named John Clancy, in attempting to
put him from the train, died ou Fri.ay
last at bis home, in Foxburg, Clarion
Co. Mr. Gaitber ran the first train
over the new road, and was a man
highly esteemed fur his accommo
dating traits ad kind ways. Clancy's
trial will come off at the next April
term of court at Clarion.
A new grocery store haa been
opened in the Acomb building, by
Messrs. Wm. Smearbaugh & Co. The
new firm will make it a business to
keep a complete supply of the very
best and chcicest groceries, which will
be sold at a small margin. Their "ad."
will appear next week, and in the
meantime they invite their friends to
call aud look over their stock, having
got fairly under way and being ready
to wait on all who desire anything iu
their line.
It is acknowledged by multitudes
who have been cured of liver com
plaint, gravel, backache, headache,
palpitation of heart, c, that Barosma
is the best remedy known. Prepared
by E. K. Thompson, Titusville, Pa.
For sale by Bovard. 61-2t.
Whig Hill Pebbles.
Rev. A. O. Stone is conducting a
series of revival meetings at this place.
Six are Seeking their souls salvation,
and i tun hers havo risen for the pi avers
of tbe church. May the good begun
work go-on until many shall be tun
verted. Farmers are beginning to waken tip
a9 the sun aproaches tho vernal equi
nox, and the fiost begins to leave the
ground. Messrs. C. F. Gillespie, and
George Klinestiver, will stump the
greater part of their respective farms.
Mr. Barnes sold his timber to
Messrs. Root & Watson, for, I believe.
J cents per foot. Mr. Eli Berlin sold
his to Mr. Djeenbury.
Tho educational association will
meet at this place next Satuiday. A
good attendance is anticipated and the
programme as prepared will be carried
out to the letter. '
Mr. R. Z. Gillespie will teach the
Newtown school next term. Newtown
ers, wo congratulate yon in securing
Mr. Gillespies services in leaching.
W. A. W.
Stewarts Rn Bubbles.
Business on the Run is beginning to
nssume more aetivitt. The farmers
have stopped ploughing since the
ground has been frozen, but all ready
to commence as soon as thcro is a
thaw. For tin last two years Ihe far-
iners have made nothing, but with
increased acreage, better crops and
prices they hope to prosper.
There are many now complaining of
colds ; indeed, tboao that our not
afflicted are the exception.
J.'A. Dawson has been quite sick,
but is around again. -
Mrs. Lyman Handy is quite feeble
Quite a number are moving this
We have Mr. Jno. Hudlleson for a
citizen of Forest again.
Prof. DeMunu moves to Neilltown.
Joe. Steiomctz goes East cf the
Rufe Copeland has moved to Craw
ford Co.
, Mrs. Mctcalf und her mother have
moved back to the old homestead
We welcome them again as neighbors
Mr. m. lonng is moving on the
farm of Mrs. AUender.
Mrs. Flora Wachwer and Mrs. Julia
Ferry, of St. Petersburg, are here on a
visit among their old friends. We
are glad to see them again.
Mrs. J. I Range will visit her
daughter iu Kansas this month.
Jim Mclntire rejoices ever a new
daughter. Ho calls it well no matter,
he'll name it.
Our 6chool closes this week. Miss
Kerr has given good satisfaction both
to parents and childreu.
We are to have Quarterly Meeting
at the Weslyan church on next Sab
bath. All are invited.
We hear it intimated that Harmony
will present tome candidates for oflice
this fall ; but time" will tell
G. W. S.
Baldwin's Official Railway Guide
for March is around again, with its
usual supply of valuable railroad sta
tistics, correct and comprehensive time
tables, entertaining reading matter,
etc. The Guide is an almost indispen
sable article, and a copy of it should
be io the hands of every traveler and
business man in the oil legions. Price
10 ceuts, or 81.00 a year. Address,
W. S. Baldwin, 15 Exchange Street,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Ballou's Monthly Magaziue for
April. We do not wonder that this
magazine. is so popular; for no one
can look over its contents or examine
and read it without being thoroughly
impressed with tho fact that t hero is
no magazine in this country that can
show such a varied class of contents,
such thrilling sea-yarns, domestic
stories, nice love-tales, excelleul poetry,
beautiful engravings, well-written do
scriptious. wit and humor, wis-e infor
mation, aud a little of everything that
can interest the mobt careless or crit
ical reader. Published by Thomes &
Talbot, 23 Hawley St. Boston, Mass.
-Nothiug makes a man, woman, or
child feel meaner than a tickling sen
sation iu the throat. Take "Dr. Sel
lers Cough Syrup." 25e. For sale
by Bovard. 51-2t.
Goto G. W. Bovarda for Mrs.
Freeman's New National Dyes. For
brightness aud durability of color
they are unequaled. Color 2 to G lbs.,
price 15 cents. 33-1 v.
IIarrisht'Iso, Pa., March 12. '80
F-r the put week tho Kh.t Bill
cnse3 have again been engaging popu
lar attention. Considerable surprise
has been occasioned by tlx? principals
entering a plea of guilty, and that
judgment be pronounced. PetrofJ,
one of the defendants who plead not
enilty was yesterday convicted, and
will be sentenced along with the others
on the 29ih of the present month. Th
trials ot the others, I think, will he
abandoued, as tho prosecution B'-em
satisfied to let the small fish go now
tht they have convicted the larger
Mr. John Cessna, the new chairman
of the State Central Committee, has
named Mr Lucius Rogers, and Mr.
Samuel Barr, as his secretaries, and
Philadelphia, as bis head quarters,
which ho will open about the middle
of June.
Our warm springlike weather,, sud
denly changed ou Sunday last, when
it became considerably colder about
t wo inches of enow fell when it aga'u
became clear and warm. Twice
during the week we have had
several inches of snow, which,' however
was uuable to long rejistthc continued
warm temperature.
Owitjg to tho prevalence of ths small
pox iu neighboring cities, our mayor
has iusued a proclamation, calling on
the citizens to get 'vacciunated to pre
vent it taking hold hero, tt woiild'ut
have been a bad idea while he was in
the humor of writing to call thertten
lion of councils to the streets, which
are covered bv nbout three inches of
mud, which I djn't think is vey con
ducive to the public health.
Peterson's Magazine for April is
already on our table, ahead as usual.
Every month, almost, this popular
lady's book has some now and special
attraction. The one this mouth is a
series of designs iu embroidery, fur
nished by the "Philadelphia School of
Art-needlework." One is for a tea
taole cloth, printed in colors; another
for the ends of towel, also primed in
colors ; auotlier for u pillow case, full
size ; another, a beautiful Flower Al
phabet for marking handkerchiefs;
besides a score of many other designs
iu crochet and embroidery of all kin la.
The principal steel plate is a charm
ing picture of a little girl, seated on a
bank, gathering grasses and early
flowers, ou one of these windy March
days. Remember the price is but twe
dollars a )ear, with liberal deductions
to clubs. Specimens are sent gratis.
Addrets, Chas. J. Peterson, 306' Chest
nut Ht., Philadelphia, Pa.
For fifty years-'Sellers' Liver
Pills" have brought health and happi
ness in thousands of home. Ask your
druggist for them. For -tie by Bo
vard. 51-2t.
"Great Blood Tonic," for the cure
of all blood diseases -'Dr. Liudsey's
Blood Searcher." For sale by Bo
vard. 51-2t.
A situation by a fiast-ilass Grocery
Cierk. Apply or address Republican
THOMAS. At Philadelphia, Pa., March
10. 1SS0, Joseph R. ThomiiH, aged about
3(i yours.
Capt. T., during the Rebellion, was
in the army of tbe Tennet-see, under
that btaunch veteran, Gen. Geo. II.
Thomas. He was four years in the
service of his couutry, and never left
the pot of duty uutil tho war was
closed. Iu 18G3, he came toTionesta,
and remained here visiting his father,
the late Col. P. I) Thomas, and while
here became acquainted with many of
our citijions, and was respected by all
for his virtues and excellencies. Aptly
may we say :
"How Hlcep tho bravo who sink to rest,
liy all their country's wishes blent j
When Kprin with dewy lingers cold.
Return to deck their hall owed mould ;
Sho then bhall dress a sweeter s d
Then fancy's feet have over trod".
Tionestu, Pa. (Shop fust door south of
Lawrence House. For a nice shave, sham
poon or hair-cut cull on Mr. 11, He ia
lirst-clasH in every respect. aug6-tf-
OH WORK of all kinds done at tbiacf
I bco oil short notice.
Always tho Best
i-lcnn I'n iter 1h us"if ami fiiilorsnil liv tin
ThW mnmlan! Aiuci-
tiiini; . liiiou;;liom t.:c euiin! v. P.icli can
ill 11 Ku u ill -ln-1 li-n l, IKOlKcs HI 11 II Icily I Ml p.
' On' iiA.S'.N K.K" UBOiii by hx-t-rs lulpun
'nYVir-.TVr. - i 7 w.-; .I Te!ai.
I Venditi oni Kponr in-Mirt nut ol ,,i .
Court cf Common Pico ' of Venmiitu
County, mnl to in directed, tlu ro
will lie exposed tn :o hy public venduo
or ouicvy, m the Court Houro in tho
IlnroU'ih ofi'ioiiesta. mi
MOX''AY, MARf'lt :'', A. P., 10,
at 1') o'clock, A. M., tho following de-.
wHlmd real esUito ty- wit :
Thomas, administrator of Saoi
uel A. Wo'd, (IcceiiSA-l, v-. Henry Ros
enhach, Yen. Kxv No. ir, April' term,
", K. . No. 53 April term, lo. T. r.
Hancock. Att'v. All tho defendant's
internet in tho undivided one-fourth
part of that certain piece or parcel of land
situate in Harmony township, Forest
County, niil Htu!o of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows: Benin
niii' nt a post on tho soutliwent corner of
land conveyed to William Patterson ;
thence by vacant land aouth 80 asit 101
perch 'M to a post, theneo north l east 2'22
perches to a post, thence north W west 'M
perches to a redoak, thence north i east
f.r perches to a post, thence north BW west
"04 perches to a post, thence by land for
merly of Willim Neil! of (I. sack) south
l weit I'M perches to a post, thence south
H0 cast Hi) perebe-s io a post at the northeast
corner of laud conveyed Io tho said Win.
Patterson, thence north 1 west 1 1 perches
to the place of beginning. Containing ",",9
acres aud allowances, bo tin eame nioro r-r
leas , being part of a tract or 4'U acres ami
23 perches of land find allowances, con
,veyed by tho Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania to James 11 Noil! bv patent dated
the tuth day of Apri,, A. I). 1S.V3. enrolled
in Patent OHic , V:rf. SO. pugo 401. an 1 re-
rded in tho lb .'corners CMhco of Venango
unty. Pa., Deed IV. ok No. 2, pn;res Xii
A o-i t, und being the same piece or parcel
. buid conveyed by James H. Neil! pnd
Murv W.. his wife, 'bv deed nated March
-7th, A. 1). 1S(m, to H enry Rosen bach and
J unes W. Carr, and recorded in the oflico
for the Recni'dinu of Deeds Ac., In Forest
County, Pa,, in lieed Jiook No. 4, p:ioll.
Taken in execution und to besold n's tho
property of Henry the suit of
Thomas Wood, administrator c, of
Samuel Woods, deceased.
TKHMS OF SALK.-Tho following
must be strictly comp'icd wiih whin tho
propel ty in si i liken dow n;
1. When tho plaint id' or other lien cred
itors bceou o the purchaser, t he costs on
the w rits must lie paid, and a list of l':eri3
including mortgage searches on tho prop
crty sold, together with such lien credit
or's re -eipt for tho amount of tho pro
ceed a of the sale or such portion thereof a
he may claim, must Ikj furnished thtj
2. AH hida must be paid in full.
3. All sales not settled immediately will
be continued until 2 o'clock p. ni., of tho
day of sale, ut which time all property not
settled for.wib again be put ip aud 'sold
at tho expense and risk of the person to
whom first sold.
Seo Purdon's Digest, Ninth F.dition,
payo 1 0 and Smith's Forms, page 384.
C. A. RANDALL, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Tloiesta, Pa., Murch (i,
I take pleasure in telling tho Sporting
Fiaternity that I have re-purcha:.ed
SOLD IT IN 1871.
1 . stand, and I urn prepared to attend to
all my friends, and tho public generally,
who need
I fihall keep a perfect stock of all kind of
And ull kinds of
I shall also continueto handlo tho
"White" Sewing J! at Ei I im,
A nd tho
Come and see me. You will find mo
Muzzle Loader mndo to order and war
ranted. n5f"a E P A I R"I N 0 IN ALL ITS
K. A. UAi.mvix.
Tidioute, Pa., Aug. 12,
Deulers in
General Merchandise
In New Storo Room at
Tionsa, Ia.
Jan'y 1st, ISfcO.
A XTI-AfOXOrOL jsr.'
The Titusville Mounino Hhiiaid con
tains full and complete market uiul month
ly Oil Reports, and ud the local und gen
end mws. Price jiiu per year. Weekly
Herald ?!. ."(). Kuud for sample copies.
PATKNTS and how to obtain them.'
Pamphlet of 00 pages free, upon receiptor"
Stumps for Postage. Address,
(in.Moiu:, K.Mli'U . Co.,
Solicitors of Patents, Rox 31,
tf Washington, D. 0.
ADVERTISERS send 2.r cents to Geo.
P. Rowcll .1- Co., 41 Park Row, N. Y.,
for their Eighty-page Pamphlet, showing
cost of adverting. 13 4t
ynr Tlf TiViM
thousand ofthevry bnut
coii'Kliii u M.-ndl
till measure to l. nu.'.i
ISM lile.
Ivr. Halves. I'otttwtii Nnt Five 'oiiy T1rv