Vfat forest gepuMinw. WKMESDIT MORMXG, MARCH 10. IES0. nortouGH officers. JJurv; N. S. Fojikma. . (.hunci'men J. 8. Hood. F.' IT. Mable, "It. O.. bavin, L. Agnow, M. .Einstein, J, A. Proper. Juiticen of the Peace J, T. Brwiuan, T. H. Knox, CtaVdfl-W.'A. inlands. M-hool Director J. Shawkey, D. W. Clark, A. It. Partridge, C. A. Randall, A. U. Kelly, J. T. lireimnn. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Memhttr of YTotorrfM --H AMtT WniTR. Ansembly'S. P. VlIRIMtM. rrnirtml Judge i. D. Wktmorb. Xtmeiatn Judges 3amn Reck, Id wtir Krrr. . J c TrtJtnurtir Wm, LAWnF.CB. Prothonotary. Register C Recorder, die JnTi SflAWKKT. NherifT. C. A. K4MDAM.. Cbmvt'Jrfoartrt EM BbRLIX, LiAAC LOHU, II. W. LltDKKCR. (Xunty tiuperrntendtrntU. 8. Brock- W4T. AHitrirt Attorney 8. P. Irwin. Jury OomntoMt'oner C. II. Church. FETICH YrtltHOK. ., (Jaunty Surveyor T. P. Collins. . (Turoner W. C. Oodijrk. Ctonufy .rfvdiror Nicholas Tnonr INN, D.F. CoriELAMD, F. C. Lacy. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TI05E8TA LODGE I. O. of O.F Friday evening, at 7 Room In Par- VTEETS every ill o'clock, In the Lodgu tridge's Hall. C. E. MaCRAY. N. O. O. W. SaWYER, Seo'y. '' If. K. L. D;tvl, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tloncta. Pn, Collection made In this anJ adjoin ing oountiea. 40-ly xatis A; vjunt a ussier, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, of.'rcc, TIOXIXTA, PA J. E3. AGNQMT, A r T O Ji 21 IS Y - A T - L A V , XIO-ROTA, PA. ATTJELNTION H9LOIEB8! 1 hava hcon admitted to practice M on AturanV la tho FeiisicTi Ollloo at Wash luL'ton.'D. C All "oillocrH, aoldleiH, or Hilars who xrert lniur.-d in the lato ar, m obtain pensions to which they may bo entitled, bv calling n or addressing uie at 1 ionenta, Pa. Also, claims for arrearacos of pay and bounty will receive prompt at tention. " n.Avi'icr beu ovor four voara a soldier In the. la to war. and bavin for a nuinbnr of yearn t-nsttod 5n tLo prosecution of aol- dlra' claims, my e.-:perinfw will aiure tbti collection of claim in the aborted poa- wibletiiue. .. J. IS. AUft t.V . 41L'. - Ili?rSTJIlA.3Sr03L! LIFE, FIRE & ACCIDENT. r. w; cn.vVitic, .ti-., A't. FIUK INSURANCE: Utna, I-lvPrpool A London ct Olobe, " Lycomtnuj, North Rritiuli A , Morcantilo, flanovor, Franklin of l'liiftd(Uphia, Continental, Nortlicrn Hot-heater. ACCIDENT IHHUKANCR: Travelers Ufe A Accident Insurance Company. OfBco : C. C. Thompson'?, Law Office, arandin P.look, Tldioute, Pa. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. F.W.Hays, ft TTORNKY AT LAW,, and Notart fV PLBUO. P.fV9Cld IJuUhl & Co filo Xontte. at., Oil City, Pa; 89-ly Lawrenoa House, piOTKSTA, I'KNX'i,. NYM. LAW i KK.HCK, Propbiktor. Thia hous M centrally locatod. Kvorytljln;? now end woll furt-.k-bM npeilor acooinmoda t lona and utrict attention Klven to Ruenta. Veurttablen and Fruits of all kinda aerved in Uelr iaou. Sample room for Com meriilul At-ii. CEHTfAL KOUSff, BOVNKU A AGNKW HLOCX. T. C. J.i-SauK, Proprietor. This in a new ooue, anil hasjuHt baen Ittnd up for the aetHJiumocbitioft of the public. A portion of tlia patnmago of tlie public la aoiicUod. 44-ly- J. RFlJfE, 53. D., TION1251TA, PA. OrptoM rioniia: 7 to 8 a. n.J 7 to 0 , Wedumduya aud Saturdaya from M. to 8 Y. M. B. XXY. A. B. KU.LT. it A F, VAUK & CO., 3 .A. UsT 2C Jj S Corner of lElm fc V'alnutSta.Tloheeta. Hank of Discount and Deposit. IuUreat allowed on Time Depo3it8. Collection madeonall tho Principal polnta of the U. S. Collections solicited. , lB-ly. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. H. CARPEOTEE, . - PA., . Proprietor. Plcturea taken iii all the latent atyles ttiaai-t. ' 26-tf QHAULF.S KAISKi, I'JlACriCAL CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER. In rear of Ulum'a Bliwksmiih shop, ELM ST.. - - TIONKSTA, PA THE BUCKEYE BLACKSMITH, (W. C. WILSON) 13 permanently located in the Roberta shon. near Haslet' eornera, where bo ia prepared to nieet all hU old cubtomorn, and aa many new onca aa feel diipoil to favor him with their custom. Ilia motto li "Live and let live." W. C. WILSON. Tionoata, June 24, 17U. I'lihCKIBlSfor the nt i 1 1 iay. Oft Poret.1 Republican Rev. A. O. Stone wil) preach in tLo M. E. Church next Sunday evening. M. E. Sunday ScLool At 10 o'clock a. m., and rresoyienatvounuay ocuooi at 3 o'clock p. in. Oil 85 h. Qro. Hood has gont to Bradford to seek his fortune. Miss Anna Teaso has returned homo, after an extended visit to rela thoa at Qlean. Miss Mary Kieer is home on va cation from Ed inborn, where she has bcn attending normal school. Now it the time to diink sassafras tea, but those using it should be care ful not to indulge in it to success. The "15" puzzle has struck Tio neutn, hut we have heard of no candL dates for Dix mount resulting from tho mania. Mr: Aniaa Purdy, of Green twp is to-day announced as a candidate fof Aeaodate Judge, suhject to Ilepub licfin u:agr-s. . 1 rotbouotary bhawkey islt on Moday r-oruinrr f:r nr.othcr trip to Ke.as.il. IIo expects to be absent until May tern of Court. I Those wsrai, spring-like days are mid to be excellent for huntioir bee trees. Some of our amateur bee huut era have had rood success eo far, and are still ou the "trail." Mr. Doutt, tho painter, hung cut a very neat new sin the other day, as a specimc-u of hia ki)l with the brush, and Geo. Ilnbicsou had the hardihood to ask Liu) who puinted it. Tea school " tt "lltilltown, which 'ds recently brought to such a cad eudms by th death of UU Ilillard, the teKther, has been resume by Hibs Erilla Fiahsr, a tencher of excelleut qualulcitions. -liev. Biobh, of the M. E. Church, is conducting n aeries of revival meet ing at the Hill school house, four miles from this place, with good suc cess, lu-v. lErubart, or tne r . ssi Church, ia holding a euccessful revival at Minister, near Newtown. Mr. J. M. Kepler is having hia storo building opposite the Lawrenco House overhauled and repaired gen: erally, very materially improving it both in appeurance aud uaefulncss. It will make a good site fr a new store, but that branch of trade, is already somewhat crowded iu this place. Dr. Blaine hos purchased of Mr. G. Jamieeou, the late residence of ex Treasurer Setlev and the office next to the Central IIo use. Lie will occupy tho house after the first of April. lie has already moved in: his office, a part of which is occupied by Mr. D. W. Clark as a renl estate and survey or's office. Mr. L. Agnew and family moved to Oil Creek Lake yesterday, taking with them all their personal effects. We are sorry to lose them as citizens of our community, and with their many friends in this section we wish them prosperity in their new place of abode. Mr. A. is a pleasant laudloid, and we are sure will give satisfaction to the people of that vicinity. A heavy wind ani rain storm, accompanied by.thuuder and lightning, passed over this section last Thursday nig for. SSo particular uaningo was done in this place, but at Stewart Run, beyond Mr. John Thompson's ff.rm, the roof of Mr. Barnes barn was blown off, and several rods of feuce blown down iu that vicinity. We heard of nu injuries to man or beast occurring. Mrs. S. D. Iiwin was called away to Philadelphia last week, rather un expectedly by the sad intelligence of tbe severe ill nets of her brother, Capt. Joe Thomas, who i not expected to live. Mr. Thomas will b) remembered by a ldi;e circle of admiring friends in this place, having spent nearly year here, some ten years ago, lie was noted for his dry humor, and plensaDt companionship. Joseph Harris, of Morcton Farm, Rochester, N. Y., sends us his Cata logue of Choice, Garden and Flower Seeds for 1880. It u sent free of charge to all applicants. Drop him a postal card with your address, and tell him you saw this notice in the Forest Republican. Prof. Feck will in a few days or- ganizu a singing class at iiuiouie, having secured nsarly enough scholars to warraut him in going ahead. At Econsmito. opposite Tidionlc, he will begin with a large cla3s to morrow evening, ilis second term in mis place is progressing nicely. These three appointments will occupy about .... . rt L II . all bis lime, no expects to noiu a four-day's musical convention in this place at tin end ot the present term. Sucker fishing is now in order, and anv warm, sunny day a score ef , , w patient anglers may be seen along the banks of tbe river bobbing for the flnpile "rad-fio." At this Benson of the year the sucker is the most delic ious fish that swims the Allegheney, t. e., when properly "scored' and fried. The troiitiug season will soon be here, if not already with some, as the pleas ont weather of the past week or two must fcave beca too tempting for some of our ardent fishermen Uf .withstand. 1 board and aonie timber rafts five or sir "AUeghenieJ" ia H pulled out of the mouth of the cresk, hf.nml for the lower markets, on fc?un day last. A great many creek pieeu.'' vrere etuck between here aud Coon creek, but, with one or .two exceptions', all will come out when the water ruises. About eleven hundred logs belonging to Messrs. May & Keliy were started, but stopped belw Lacytovu poiid n account of low water. This etoCk will bo sawed on the mill acrotis the creek, which will start up as sooa as tha logo aro "boomed." The Millerstown Co.'s wr!1 on the Hill Farm is down between 700 and 800 feet, with good showing for third sand. . Mr. G. M. Kepler, the Super intendent informs us that as sojn as thia well i: finished he will commence operations back on the hill further, in thi vicinity of C. F. Cropp's farm, near Tubus Run. Quite a number of heavy capitalists of Pittsburgh and other places are anxiously inquiring for Isasoa in this section, from which it is reasonable to infer that brisk op erations rnuy be expected during the coming season. Mr. K. is. of opinion that before another year Forest county will be more thoroughly tested than over before. Messrs. Polen Bros., who have been engasred duriug the past four mouths, manufacturing the timber on the Wilkinson Tract, on Salmon creek, owned by Mr. John Shoup, into boards, etc., have finished their job and are about pulling up stakes. These gentlemen, during their short stay hero, have cut nearly 1,200,000 feet of lumber, with their "coffee-mill." as some are pleased to call it. They have several offers from other parties to plant their little mill on odd tracts of timbered lands and manufacture ' the same into lumber, and it may just be possible they will conclude to stay. Whatever they do go or stay we wih them success, as they have proven themselves pleasant and reliable gen tlemen to deal with. In urging the capitalists to start uew and various mauufacluries in Oil City, in order to build up aud solidify tbe place, the Derrick mentions amoug other enterprises which would pay, that of a tauuery, stating that bark could be shipped from Forest county by water. Tbe suggestiou is a good one ; but if good for Oil City, why nut much bttter for Tionesta, where less expense would be entailed in hauliug bark, and where the natural advan taged, such as water, &c, are la. supe- Lrior to any other place along tha river ? Taoueried are firt class investments, as it is proven by the fact that leather is always iu demand at good prices, aud failures are very seldom hsurdof in this branch of busiussa. There is no limit to the amount of capital which can be profitably invested iu the busi ness, tbe more tho better, and with judicious management will bring large returns to the owners. We have no doubt if the natural advantages pus 6cusd by our town were brought to the notice ol capitalists and practical men, many oi whom could doubtlebs be fouud without guiug a great dist ance, they would not hebiiate long to take hold of the project. Let our en terprising citizen do their part in this matter, and it will not be long ere we shall witness a dillVreut state of affairs in our midst. The FamiUy Medical Abdract, Dr. A. F. McKay, Editor, and Chas. E. White, Publisher, the February num ber of which has reached us, is a very useful addition to the family literature. It is neatly gotten up, and ought to be a source of pride to editor and pub lisher, as well as the citizens of Tid ioute and vicinity. The subscription price is but $1.50 a year, which will no doubt insure it a large circula tion iu a short time. The how enter- prine has our best wishes for success. An Entertainment. Report of Borough Schools fo-Month - Ending Feb. 27, 1880. The young men of Tidioute will give an entertainment at the Lawrence House Hall next Tuesday evening. They gave an entertainment at Tid ioute a short time ago which is said by those who witnesjed it to have been one of the best shows the town has had for many gears. The opera house was crowded, and not one left dissatisfied. The Tidioute News, whieli is nat in the habit of "puffing" anything of an inferior quality, says "it was a rat tling good show. Departing from tbe usual custom of amateurs, the pro gramme wns made np ef a variety of performances reading, farces, club swinging, bar performances, etc. The evening abounded in local bits which kept tho audience in good humor. The evening was so pleasant and success ful that the boys propose to 'iuvade' Tionesta with their bill of fare in a week or two. We can recommend them, heartily, to the good people of f oreBj County." We hope our citi zens will all turn out not because the Young .en ueeu the patronage, but because tbe - entertainment will be worth going to bear, and those who fail to attend -will miss a rich treat. Remember, Tuesday evening, Mar. IP. Kansas. V. E. Lathy, Esq., of iNV.vton, Kaa., sent usa present last week, for which we return due thanks. In order to find what the pre.nent consists of yo" wil! have to read the following extract from his letter, which will fully ex plain: 'Knowing that you are a great and mighty hunter, (all of which I am not), and believing that, on account of your Ni nirod-ia proclivities, you will appreciate it, I mail you to-day a pair of cars that once adorned tbe proud and haughty crest of a jack- rabbit. Of such a pair of auriculars the most majestic stag who roams the wilds of Forest County might well be proud. These jack-rabbits are pecu liar to our western wilds and are very abundant. We are flourishing, and are and have been having for the past three -weeks beautiful, balmy spring weather. lesteraay it was actually sultry. With regards, &c. ACard. Mr. and Mrs. R. Rudolph, of New town Mills, Pa., desire to extend their . .. , . .i j sincere thanks to me many oear friends who cheered them by their aid aud sympathy du liug tbeir late severe affliction, in the drowning of their child. School Reports. Report of Jamieson School for month ending Marc h 8, 1880 : No. ot pupils enrolled, 15; average attend ance, 13 ; Names of those neither tardy or absent during mouth, Kate( Maggie and Willie Mack. Average class standing, Emma Lawsou 97; Kate Jamieson 94; Maggie Mack 94; James Mack 93 ; Emma Johuson 93 ; Mary Mack 92 Mary Hughes 91 ; George Lawsou 75. Kate E. Conn, Teacher. Report of the Little Hickory school, for the mouth ending March G, 18S0 Number of scholars belonging 11 ; per cent, of attendance 83. Following are the names of the pupils and number ol days present: William Albaugh 17, George Copeland 22, Veruie AI baugh 22, Will Walters 22, Ida Al baugh 18, Minnie Walters 22, Andrew Albaugh 18, Delia Copelaud 22, Jo nathaB Albaugh 13, George Albaugh 9, Edward Albaugh 0. George Cope land has been present every day during the term. J. M. IIaulky Jh., Teacher. For fifty years "Sellers' Liver Pills" have brought health and happi uesi in thousands ol home. Ask your druggist for them. For scle by Bo vard. 51-2t. Go to G. W. Bovards for Mrs Freeman's New National Dyes. For brightness and durability of color Room No. 1 .T. K. II 1L t.ard, Teacher. Joe. Do woo Arthur Kolly banb l Jackson Charles Adams James Davis f'harlea Partridge Charles White Charles Davis Sammy ("lark Hyron'Coburn Forest Klioup Clydo Shoup diaries Scott Fmma Davis..... May Shawkey Ma'udo Davis Cora Knox Dollio Hood Sudio Peaso Kate Peaso Kmma Sawyer Florence Kihstein Kuretta Proper Hattio Toboy Cora Scott Ida Panp Anna Hulinga , Dora Adams Jefsio Knox Kdith Kratzer Sallio Hillings Kmma H.diiiKa Minnie Lackey Zinnia Tate May Airuew Lydo Patton Room No. 2 Mrs E. A. Dawson, Teacher. Willie Richards Willie Hunter Willie Kilmer Charlie Kilmer Forest Proper Harve Tciwworth.. George Jackson , Clarence Orubbs Elbert Cadwick , Hurt Davis ieorg Kilmer Charles Tietsworth Chester Tietaworth Thomas Seigel , Hermie Copeland , James Kelly Willis Albaugh Charlie "Nforguf. Eddie Morgan Kda Knox Artie Robinson .... Etlie Clark Lizwe Randall EMe Walters.. Rena Campbell.. Nannio Ittel Leona Davis.. Carrie Dithridge.... Minnie Shawkoy... l'"lora Orubbs Louio Richards Hi.agie Robinson.. Myrtle Copeland 'A 22 1 2li 3t 22 11 22 22 1 22 7 22 in to a 4 'si' ! Z. "i . 22 a ill lt 17 20? 12 14? 20t 15 ll 101 1 t't at 2ir 21t a 20f 13t i: 19 15f m 3 19 13 12t 21f 16 17 17t 4 20tl 12t) j r 13 12 17 13 12 1 4 1 3 a 2 17 10 r.! 8 0 10 t) 16 11 1 C they are unequuie price 15 cents. led. Color 2 to C lbs. Room No. 3 It its. T. B. Cobb, T&acher. Joseph Partridge liarrott Ittel Cavl Coburu Finley . Aguew Willio Scott ... John Hunter Uartio Lawrence John Clark Joseph Richards.. Ho.rton Albaunh... Char.'es Rovard... Forest Uovant James Oanfleld John Ittol Jack Tate., John Henderson.. James Rikor... Nellie Walters Flora Waiters - May Knox . Kate Knox Rlanche Pen so Mary Dithridgo liachael Ditlindge Stella Noble Florence Khnestivor... Vernio Agnew Nellie Hunter Kate Caulield Lucy Can field Ressie Tato Susie Albaugh Maude Van (jieson Maude Adams May Wilson Elbe Gregg Sophonia Albaugh ii;s Ui or iionueraon Louisa Henderson Gertie Henderson Viuuio Randall Minerva Albaugh Etlie Tietsworth luura Iawreuce D 6 22 10 ISt ist 17t 17t 22 12) t 22 21f t (I ib 21f 5 5 22 201 19f 22 22 18 17 22 22 22 18f 17 21 22 8 21 22 Wt l(i 22 12t 17t 2'i 22 6t 14 22 22 22 21t 1K 211 21 0 13 22 12" 21tl 20 7 21 ,,.z lot 12 18 2(4 lii m 12 13; i3 91 US H 4 ro 2 U2 Ul D5 90 98 !W n 81 67 1-7 8!l 95 m 8n 9t 92 . 97 88 87 94 04 92 94 95 21 10 90 1-t! 98 M 20 '7 30 W 20 ?" an 9r (1 85 2 100 100 0 11 r 10 7 9G 5 100 33 f7 8 80 100 95 100 1 95 7 1 "5 3 M ! 98 01 " 1-I 100 loo 21 100 1(1 85 7 !! 6 90 2 93 3 100 3 7 r , i 5 9 12 6 9 0 14 3 10 13 6 3 6 3 2 1 II 16 15 4 12 13 a 15 i 20 IS i 9 4 ti ii 6 1 3 10 SHERIFF'S SALE. 1Y VimTK nf a writ of Testatum, IJ Vciiflitional Exponas ianed oiitol'tlin Court of Common Picas of Venango County, Pa., and to me directed, there will be exposed t ;de by public vendue o miU-ry, at thi- Conrt Homo in tho Rorotuli of TioneftfJi. on mon.y, 'March '2i a. d., iso. at l'l o'clock, A. M., .the following de scribed real estate to-wit : Thomas Woods, ndniluiftrrftor of Sin u el A. V(if i, dcccMsed, vs. Henry Run-rnbi-.ch, Vi-n. ICx, No. 10!, April torm, E. I). No. 03 April lerlu, 1S80. I. 1. Hancock, Att'y.Tlie interest of the de fendant in ail 'that undivided one-i'ouith part of that -ei-taiii plec or. parrel of lnnd situate in Harmony township, I'ori.M County, and Stale of Pennsylvania, liounded and described as follows: Degiti ning at a poat on tho aouthweKt corner of land conveyed to William ratter.-un ; - thence by vacant land south 89 asl 1 0 J perches to a post, thence north 1 oa:-.t 221 percbes to a post, ttienee north ')' west :' perclie to a reduak, thence north 1J cast 55 pen-lies to a post, ihoneo north SO' w est 104 porches to a pout, tuciice by land for merly of WiU'ani Neil! of (Isack) south west 164 perches to a tvist, tlience ut!i 89 cast 89 perehei tinpotit at tho northeast cornor oflatid c inveved to tho said H'm. Patterson, thence north 1" west 112 perches to the phico of beginning. Containing 300 aorea and allowam-s, bo tho sanio more v less , being part of a tract t,l m a.T, ml nercbes of land and nliowanees. con veyed by tho Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania to'James H Neill by patent d.itd the lth day of Ajud., A. D. 1853, rniMllod in Patent (itilc.-, VhI. 50. paire 403, an 1 re corded in (ho Recorder Otbcn of Vcti.iiig i County, Pa., Deed Reok No. 2, pages :v.i2 and 333, ami bcln;; tho siitac piece or parcel of land conveyed by James II. Neill ond Mary v. ., Ins wite, iiv deed rtarcii .waren 27tli, A. D. lS(i.", to Henry Rosonbach mi-.l J unes W. Otirr, and vec irded in the oilier for tho Recording of Deois Vc, in Forest Ctutnty, Pa,, iu 1 od liook No. 4, page 1 1 . Taken in execution and to; Ijosold as tlx property of Henry Hnspnhacfi.at the unit of Thomas Woods." ac'.uiiniytratar dc., f'f Samuel Wood, deceit-u.-d. . TERMS 'OF .SALE. Tlio . following must ba strictly compiled with when t ho property is stiieken down : 1. When tho plaintiff or other lien cred itors bceoi o the purchaser, the costs on th" writs must be paid, and a list of liens including morl Parches on tho prop erty sold, logoUier with siieh lieu credit or's re?eipt lor the amount of tho pro ceeds of tho fnlo or such portion thereof ns he may claim, must - bo furnished tho Shei ilf. . 2. All bills must be paid in full. 3. All sales net settled immediately will be continued until 2 o'clock p. in., of tho day of sale, at which timo all property not settled for will again bo put up and .sold at tbe expense mid risk -of the person to whom first sold. ''See Pui'don' Digest, Ninth Edition, pago 4 ti and Smith's Forms, page 384. C. A. RANDALL, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Tioucstn , Pp., March (1, 1W0. 60 f.0 75 70 65 65 90 50 60 70 90 80 05 85 60 80 70 95 95 60 95 95 85 85 80 85 75 75 85 73 80 80 85 8 95 6(1 80 rtfi 80 95 70 75 50 0 ! SFORTIIMI ! ! I take pleasure in telling tho Sporting Fiateruity that I have re-purcha.ed THE FROM HORACE JONES, TO WHOM I SOLD IT IN 1871. T AM -L static A dagger (f) denotes one-half. Room No. 1. Attendance during month, males 13, females 23; aver ago attendance mules 8, females 10; per cent, of attendance, males 75, females 77 ; per cent, of attendance during term till date, males 82, h. males 81. No. of visiton during month 12; during term 34. Room No. 2. Attendance month, males 19. females 14 age attendance during tnonlh 27, du ring term 29 ; per eeut. of attendance males 80, females 3G ; per cent, duriug terra, males G8. feraale3 82. No. of visiters during month 9, during term 28. Room No. 3. May Knox had a perfect recitation in spelling, and Mary Dithridge in Geography every day during month. during aver- NICELY LOCATED at my old stand, and I am prepared to attend to all my friends, and tho public generally, who need ANYTHING IN THE GUN LINE! I ahall keep a perfect stock of all kinds of AE?IV3Urx3BTION ! And all kinds of FISHING TACKLE. I shall also continueto haudlo tho "White" Sewing Muchiiic, And tho CHICAGO SINGER SEWING MACHINE Come and see me. You will find mo ALWAYS AT HOME. Muzzle Loaderu made to orfier and war ranted. rjtfREP AIRING IN ALL ITS u33 BRANCHES PROMPTLY AND FAITHfU LLY. DONE. K. ,1. 1MLDWIX. Titl ioute, Pa., Aug. 12, N, If. 1IASLCT fc SOXS, Dealers in General Merchandise in i;v tttoro Room at "Great Blood Tonic," for tho cine of all blood diseases -'Dr. Lind.-ey'd Blood Searcher." For sale by Bo vard. 51-2t. Wanted. A situation by a fiast-chiss Grocery Clerk. Apply or address Ri:i-ui;ucan HASLET'S CORNERS, Tioiu-r-il a,l'a. Jan'y 1st, lo. QR'.iAN OI' OIL! .4 A TI-mtSOf l rsn The Titus il!c Muiixixn Hkualii con tains full and com pi do market and month ly Oil Reports, and all the local and gen eralmwa. l'riee f ill pn- yai Weekly Herald jl.50. Send for sample copies. TO INVENTORS AND MECHANICS. PATENTS and how to ohlam them. l'aiuphU-t of iiages free, upon ieceiit of Mumps for l'oslcge. Address, till. Mo:. i:, Smii ii A Co., Sol. ei t .tta of Patents, llox 31, if Wa.-hingU'ii, D. C . A DVEHTISERS send 25 cents to Geo, for their Eighty-pao Pamphlet, cost of udvcrii.iiig. showing 13 41 BAKING Pk PODSR r-Always the Best. o i-1 V. 'i'hli s'tjiiiliird Aiucrlifiii l'o vder i u-e l and endois 'l liy fuiniiei. llionmle.mt llit eoiuit V. I". ten eioi eo:il;tit .i .small ' ; . to - )tt ;i. e ii 1 1 si it kes ii I e li r.'i-i I vi t j i. is' i ' . l a. 1 1 N S J'.:t " Is s'lld Ov llrirwi In ( -u u li en, lv s. iVuiid l lioiis;iii(ts oftliovi-ry l em :n i.it'uime la ue ILUtuu.l .net l ive Pouo.1 Tins-""1''