Slit $croi $rpuM&nn. J. E. WEXK, EDITOR. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 10.1889. REPUBLICAN STATET1CKET. TOR StTRF.ME JUDGB, HENRY GREEN, of Northampton Couuty. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, . JOHN A. LEMON, . of Blair County. Announcements. (Our terms for announcements will bo : Congress, fzO ; President Judge, $20 ; As sembly, 510, Associate Judge, $10; Treas urer, $3. In no case will an announce ment appear when the cash does not tic wmpniir the name. This rule will not be broken -in favor of anyone ASSOCIATE JUDGE. Wo aro authorized to announco AMZA. FUKDY, of Green Townhip, as a candi date tor the nomination of Associate Judge, subject to Republican usages. .The greenbackers of Oil City polled" three votes, but they aro etill hopeful. They tely on the Scripture promise. "Where two or threo are assembled together." The remainder of the promise, however has no application to the objects of that party. Mead ville Republican. A Washington special to the Pittsburgh Gatetie, dated March 8, eays: "Geu. Harry White had a hearing to-day before the sub-committee of Commerce niafciDg up the river and harbor appropriation bill in behalf of the Allegheny river. The prospects are flattering for getting the full esti mate of the engineer for the improve ment There is no doubt of a good appropriation." It is finally settled that CoDgress will do nothing at this cession to dis turb the tariff system. The Ways and Means Committee of the House the other day voted down several proposi tions foe amendment, showing that an agreement cannot be reached on any point. This fact and the other one, that the fluaucial question will remain undisturbed at present, will carry joy to the people, who are tired' of agita tion on this subject when busiuejt is all the time improving. STATE CAPITAL. IIariusbueo, Fa., March 5, '80. We are again having our quiet sea sou and from present appearances are likely to continue in the same dull, dead state which it teems we will pe riodically fall into. Winter seems to have entirely passed away and we are now enjoying warm spring days which aro bringing some of the trees into bloosom and making the grass spring up only, I um afraid, 10 be blighted with a cold snap, as we are , likely to have some cold weather yet. The State Departments are getting their report ready for publication, the Aud itor General's being already out. The cSec'y of Iuternal Affairs, Adjutaut General's and Treasurers will soon follow. Treasurer Noyes makes his final report, as he will be succeeded by Mr. Butler in May. All the interest seems t be centered at present in rais ing money for the Iiish releif fuud which goes to Ireland from there to be sent to Home for the benefit ol Peter's Pence, as was some of it last week. The people may be suffering but it looks to me very doubtful when the money scut is used this way as tome of it lias been, and when the Eng lish Parliament is in session, aud has been for some time, yet has uot passed one bill for their relief or even ap pointed a committee to enquire into it. Homebody will no doubt reap benefit from this money, but I am afraid it will not btthe starving poor. As uothiug has yet been done in llar xisburg I prutne it has not yet been found out that there is such a thiuir going on. It geuerally hears the news after all the excitement has died out. Warren. -Nothing makes a man, woman, or child feel meaner than a tickling gen cation in the throat. Take "Dr. Sel lers Cough Syrup." 25c. For sale by Bovard. 51-2t. is acknowledged by multitudes fc ' - cured of liver com- who bavo ,.Iie headache, plaint, gravel, backuv. .. palpitation of heart, (Vc.inaionu is tost remedy known. Prepared by K. K. Thompson, Titusvillc, Pa. J 'or a!chv H ivar-l. M-2t. AFJrJOUWCESVlEfJT GEORGE W. MTflilGI Would respecfully return bis acknowl edgements to the people of Forost Co. for vheir very liberal patronage bestowed up on him at his late Auction Sale. Mo would further announce that, actuntod by the be lief that the true interests of the County will be promoted by an establishment nt whicli goods can bo bad at as low prices as aoy where In the State, ho has BEMOYED TO THE rAUTiiiDK mjixiuxca, where ho Is now opening a Now & Varied Stock of Goods. All aro Invited to call although perhups not in honiedinto want of . anything. In his new stock will bo found many desir able goods, Buch as t Turkey Rod, Solid Blues, Brown and Car dinal Frints. Amoskcag Ginghams, Shirting Ginghams and Calicos; Choicest Shirtings, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans, Lonsdale, Cambri: and fino Muslins. GERRimOWN & SAXONY WOOLS, Ladies' Solid Color Hose. Smoked and Pearl Cloak Buttons, Jet A Gold Mixed Dress Buttons, , . Crocket Hooks. LACES IN GREAT VARIETY Torohon, Valonciennos, Bretonneand Cluny Laces. HAMBURG EDGINGS &1N3ERTINGS. In Gltuwware, k hO' will this week open two hundred dollars worth of the Choicest ENGRAVED WARE, Something far In advance of anything ho has horetofore brought to this County. ' His stock of is complete, and it will be his aim to keep everything of tho best. A visit to his establishment will be of Interest to all. GEO. W. DITHRIDGE, -, Partridge Building, Jan28 80 Tionesta, Pa. NOTICE. LIST OF RETAILERS of Merchandiso, Liquors, Ac. in the County of Forest, State of Pennsylvania, lor tho yoar A. D. mo : TIOXESTA BOKO. Class. Tax. 10 120 00 12 12 50 Robinson fc Bonner G. W. Dithridgo G. W. Bovard 12 12 60 John Reek 14 7 00 Morris Einstein 12 12 60 A. II. Partridge 14 7 OC S. II. Haslet A Sons 14 7 00 Wm. Lawrence, hotel 5 B0 00 J.C.Jackson, hotel 5 50 00 ORKEN TWP. Ford A Lacy 14 7 00 II. W. Ledebur 14 7 00 T. 1 Collins 14 7 00 HICKORY TWP. T. J. Bowman 12 12 60 Wheeler, Dusciibury A Co 14 7 00 BARNETT TWP. A. Cook 14 7 00 J. It. Pearsall 14 7 09 HOWE TWT. G. W. Brooks A Co 12 13 60 1TAKMONY TWP. J. B. Machesney 14 7 00 J. Woodcock, hotel 5 B0 00 J. Peterson, Resturant 20 00 Vvm. Toy, hotel,... 5 60 00 K1NOSLEY Twp. Wheeler, Pusonbury it Co 14 7 00 Appeals will bo held at the Court House in 'Tionesta Borough, MarJi 13, 1880. D. W. CLARK, Mercantile Appraiser. Allegheny Valley Rail Road, Pittsburgh, Titusville &. Buffalo Railroad. ON AND AFTER Monday, Dec. 15, 1879 trains will run as follows: STATIONS. Northward. Southward Mo.1 Ma. 1 N.. Na. t Na. 4 ha. a in Pittsburgh 8:55 W FeuJunclO:02 Kittanning 10:3d K. B'k Juncll-.IO Brady Bend 11:22 Parker 11:52 Emlenton 12:34i p in p m 2:351 8:50 4:00 10:50 4:4511:50 p m p m 8:00 1:50 6:50,12:35 a na 7:10 5:20 4:10 6:15ill 5:40 6:52 0:25 1 7:04 7:43 8:20 9:05 9: 17 10:02 1:15 1:40 2:38 3:05 4:15 5:10 6:00 6.27 6:73 7:02 7:45 5:3511:10 5:20! 10:55 4:50,10:25 2:40 2:17 1:1H 12:52 .4:31 10:07 Serubgrassi 1:07 Franklin 1:38 Oil Citv 1:55 Oleopo'lic 2:1H Eagle Rock 2:20 3:52 3:17 8:00 2:37 9:25 11:10 8:15 8:15 11:00 ln:49 10:20 9:30 8:30 10:33 9:25 0:00 8:52 8;'iJ 7:40 7:05 2:2H 2:07 1:25 1 12:45; 11:05 8:25 Tionesta Tidioute 2:40 10 41 3:23:11:62 Irvinctou 4:00 Falconers 5:40 Buflulo 8:16: 1:00 8:30, 0:50 1:10 5:17 12:45 Oil City Pet. Centre Titusville Corry 2:15 2:35 8:05 0:05 0:27 0:51 0:30 1:50 8:05 7:45 7:16 6:10 0:05 6:50 7:17 1:31 1:00 11:55 8:43 8; 10 7:05 4:15:11:20 8:40 p. in! p. in I a. ni a. in Id. in p. in Trains run bv Philadelphia Time. DAVID McCAHGO, Gen'l Sup't. T MORTON II ALL, 'en'l Passenger A Ticket Agent. 1TTS BURGH. PA. Exclusively devoted to tho practical fd "ution or younir and middle aired men. tor active business lifo. School always in srs 'on. nmuenis can eutcr at uny tune H.-n 1 u r eircular. 1 J. f. sm ITII, A. M., Principal Sep 21 3m. TREASURER'S SALES. -op- SEATED AND UNSEATED LANDS IN FOREST COUNTY, PA. BY VIRTUE of sundry writs of the Gen eral Assembly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relating to the sale of Seated and Unsealed Lands in the County of Forest, etc., for taxes duo and unpaid, I will oiler at pnblicsnlo, at tho Court Houso in tho Borough of Tiononta, Pa., on tho SECOND MONDAY of JUNE, 1880, nt 1 o'clock P. M., the following described pieces of bind, or such part thereof as may bo ncceshary to satisfy the amount of taxes and costs duo and nnpaid against the same, aud continue the sale from day to day as tho saino may bo found noccssary. TKIl.MS OF SAT.K: The amount of taxes and costs must be paid when the property in struck off, or the sale niuy bo avoided and the property put np and'rcsfld. All tracts not otherwise marked, are ad vertised for taxes of 1878 and 187U : ItAKNKTT TOWNkHII. Wkrrtnl. Apt.. Warmntw or Ownfr. Xm'i. S159 405 Ogilbv Heir 123 01 3140 633 H SitWJ Winlock ' 158 41 5701 1 Winlock RS 05 200 Lowrv McClure BO 05 3160 449 John Becker 11 H L A J L 112 30 125 Wray Wm 134 07 210 " 45 04 5701 65 Reid B J IS 59 150 Gil toyle Eliza bcth.Shippen 32 18 30 0 39 137 Wray John C8 56 42 Wincgurd David 5 15 8312 lOOJRColvln 4004 3311 100 Hilbronncr Leopold 17 8S KI.USM?Y TOWNW1HP. 6135 1000 Superior Lumber Co 6130 420 11 arm or Josiali 6137 75 Gillet J.,now IUriger Wm 6145 100 Unknown, part of tract 612U W0 McDermot A Forkr 6110 3(H) " " B128 1000 " 5109 1000 " ' 6108 f50 ." 5105 SW " 6234 S'50 Tavlor CharUs 3133 100 John A A Jackson Stewart 3142 150 James Blakoley 6212 100 Wheelr, Duyenbnrv d Co 11 J Bock 51S0 300 Wolf A Co 6187 60 " " 6188 60 Snoblet Horman 6187 100 " .. 5214 2D0 Schoolcy J C A Co 62!iS 360 Richardsson W H BlbO li Charles Starrow il White William, '79 5187 f)lj Charles Starrow fl White William '70 6104 f0 Perkiomen Oil Co 6217 1100 Hall, Lamb Schooley 5131 200 Grnv S C 6iy 290 C F'Giltillen HICKORY TOWNSHIP. 258 00 111 1 25 24 20 29 02 290 25 06 75 322 50 322 60 322 60 06 75 245 10 32 25 38 70 25 80 113 21 13 54 68 25 80 74 82 'Si 8b 13 80 13 80 10 75 667 60 64 50 74 82 5208 5221 6207 5203 5218 5191 5192 5280 6192 5192 200 Economite Society 129 00 2 16 86 40 fvO an 1 208 175 550 70 750 200 150 Noble A Jennings Wilklns, Crocker A Long 115 20 Cincinnati P'g'li Oil Co 32 40 Brown S Q and others 828 00 Unknown 43 20 Lake Erio Pet. Co.. 11 R Roberts A Madolo 28 80 831 Ilenrioi A Lenz.GeoMead 86 40 624 Harbor Creek Oi 1AM ng Co 179 71 250 Bec ker Richard 64 00 120 M' FeeALongwel fl DNoblo 43 20 33 'T D Collins 7 20 300 Unkown fl WolootAWolcot 64 80 loo David Beaty SO 00 06 White Warreu, S M Wal ters '79 It 40 20 First Nat. Bank Allegheny City 11 Prather heirs '78 6 40 1 Unknown fl Roberts 1 44 32 Wiggins E R 14 40 1 Anderson W L fl C M Hunter 1 44 5 Mrs. Amolia Cavy . 2 16 178 Fraeo James '79 25 20 50 II If Stow 10 80 16 Dr. Colbert A I G Reed 7 20 50 Francis Henrv 18 00 3089 3890 5232 TIONESTA TOWN81IIP. Acrta. Warranto r Owner. 400 Arbuckle Charles '79 30 Winans J 11 inlands War. 8uk. 3692 3822 3621 . 70 00 10 35 414 01) 414 00 55 20 1000 S Woods heirs 1000 Helm Jacob 160 Pcenix Oil Co 240 11 T Caswell 881 Snaro Jacob 11 W W 82 80 Hillings 3.194 175 Allen Hav 60 38 60 Walker FT il Dal e a Bro20 70 242 Hasson A Cornwell 83 49 400 S May A Irwin. M 2S21 Stewart 168J Susan H Pincard 115 Copoland Otis heirs 33 John F Ludling C7i N G Larimore 127 Amy D W 11 Knox 67J John A Buck nor 135 Elizabetli McCall C71 Honrv V McCall 340 Johu McDougall 82 80 60 3!) 39 69 11 67 23 32 43 84 23 33 46 65 23 33 117 30 lu'l. 2823 5-32 2823 1-32 2823 1-16 2823 1-16 2823 2-16 2823 1-18 2823 8-16 Wr. Acre Warrantee or 0n-r. 25 Perry A Co, l)i tin Island 8 65 5 Sicklea G G 1 74 45 4th Nat. B'k of Pittsburgh 15 53 275 Edward Ciapp . 1 13 85 356 " " 147 33 .Kt0 Hammond 310 50 990 lliinnu A Giliilleii 31155 100 Unknown 34 50 990 E W Vanderhoof 341 55 2825 2836 2826 2827 2838 1000 Edwin EClapp 345 00 282S 200 J W Fielder 69 00 251 Geo S Hunter Fiun i.iaiu OnwadePct. Land Asso't'n 8 64 5 59 3691 200 Unknown, Oldtown B5 20 35 19 33 12 14 86 27 60 3 13 L0 John A Dale A Stone '.;0 E W Vanderhoof 43 " loo Unknown 88 S823 vanitiMMiu c W Holmos 1.0 C 11 Shephenl. Dale heirs U 05 2820 217 216 300 Benchoofetal llSaml West 95 00 100 BUsell d- Bishop. It Curtis 3 50 100 " " W Eck 110.tl7i)erchesJ H Smith fl J E Muse N. E. cor. of tract 163j.l2perchesJ il Smith It J E 13 80 37 95 52 81 Muse A. K. cor. ot tract 2822 1000 St. Louis Oil Co 315 (M) 62 10 207 00 27 00 48 30 52 34 2h24 ISO Gilmore it Co. Burns 2Ut 2828 221 3824 38i:s 3824 CllO " " " 80 John Myers 140 l L tiiliiioro 2iM) !: M Pavne 11 Kenowav 130 F T Walker il Townor 44 85 220 May 11 H, Saddle Bag tract 30 30 tio riitsimrgh A Philadelphia Oil Co '79 100 John A Dale Chris Corb 87 Bunker Hill Oil Co 11 Mc- 10 50 27 60 30 05 30 06 1 73 1 00 2S35 Intyre Huliiigs James, doe'd McKinley Uilbert . 172 5 Inland 3 J V tsiiuw 11 Hunter 3824 152 2d Nat. Bank Tilusvillu rl Walker 43 W F Dalrvmplo 3392 65 Jacob Woilk '76, '77 A '78 62 41 II 41 32 84 HOWL TOWNixllIP. War. 317 818 3189 Sub. .acrta. Wariiu- or Oa aer. am'i. 900 II LcrovAJ Linkluiu 187 11 i)M " " Jt7 17 203 ' H B Akhlry '79 17 PO POO B90 450 101-0 f.19 1049 979 990 170 393 1063 1000 1063 890 U'.O 1003 100 100 100 100 100 100 ioo loo 100 100 100 60 50 ; 200 II Leroytt J Llnklaln 1S7 17 " , " 109 40 " " 85 10 Nicholson J 1st) 00 Warder Jeremiah 8102 " " 198 28 " " 1S5 00 " " 187 17 Mllllin J, Noes Dobbs 32 08 Millliu Jouiithan whole tract 418 acres 75 70 Wilhulm Willink 199 80 " 189 00 James It Caldwell, W Willink 190 80 W Willink 15120 " Cushuuiu J 187 17 " ' 'To !! r.n 2736 2736 2736 2850 2850 2916 2916 2916 2916 2916 2916 2808 2808 2S03 2803 2977 59 58 51 1 5 12 13 15 16 19 20 23 24 21 1 1 mi ' " Hunt 18 90 18 V0 18 90 18 IK) IS 1)0 I il ! " " .1 Bonner " " Roundsl " " FrismuthJ H L A J L 16 20 W Willink, Blundin Wis 00 " " McClusky 18 90 " " Daugherty 18 00 " " Stewart Jas 18 W " " " 18 90 " " Lewis Miss 9 46 " " Lewis F., H. 1 9 47 " " I-udwick Geo 37 60 " " Lewis BP 45 90 4 of 23-28-29 250 700 lof 34' 60 ' ions - bo " Beck Wm 113 40 " Thompson Wm 9 47 277 2977 2977 2995 3456 2463 3186 3186 Uncaoher 0 47 36 44 100 100 711 760 68 100 "' Dal man J M " Mays V. 16 20 IS 90 153 58 201 10 10 90 " " Hubbard It Woodland Oi! Co.. Limited, fl Mereil liott J F 10 20 Pittsburgh A Forest Co. Lumber Co. 28 30 E A Yarnol Clover S'79 61 10 W Willink, Dobbs B.'79 5 90 R Atkinson 11 Cotant A 05 05 J Bonner 11 WWilink 18 DO PittKhnrgh A Forest Co. Lumber Co. 103 30 Pittsburgh A Forost Co. Lumber Co. 106 42 J V Sloan :4 62 Burnett S F is 90 Milllin Jonathan 18 90 Campbell niriuu heirs 28 30 3166 4545 3186 act. 2736 4321 4S23 5.) 2916 l i 3185 610H 6102 5103 5105 5103 5104 6101 3195 3197 4792 6282 3133 3142 , 2306 150 511 68 450 100 633 657 ro 100 ioo 150 750 ' 100 676 730 1000 1000 590 596 696 1000 100 590 260 Campbell Hiram 111 48 18 90 108 70 137 91 189 00 189 00 112 64 112 64 it Funk Heirs 41 ' H it Itowo Luinbef Co 1 i. Mathews f'bnrln 112 Ot Funk heirs tin Mead 189 00 Bonner J, Mifflin J 32 40 Fox G J 137 17 L A 11 Shelton Oil Co 61 00 II LeroyiJ Linklain 61.31 " " 01 61 Wilhelm Willink, W H Cook '7 3.5 00 A T Lano 100 38 W willink '78 2S 06 II L A J L, Boimer 10 20 31R3 8184 326 32(1 2995 41-42- 49-50 400 2019 2366 2808 22 850 240 100 JUNKS TOWNSHIP. 664 Keller Henry 120 22 27 Bay uton Peter, E part J Bonner 5 07 127 Baynton PeterStevens 23 66 150 A J Mazurio 23 20 359 " 48 69 132 Baynton Peter, M'Cia 24 80 145J " "NiPaulJ 27 39 58 " Clark Jas 10 00 105 " E part 36 60 5S " M 4 Mur- kins Ed . 10 DO 1014 Davidson Wm, Miss M illor 238 21 P14 Howell Joseph 3(H) 69 297 Gil more R.SWPayno 65 82 495 Ogilby heirs 9:1 o 444 Jno Becker 11 II LA J L 83 47 1100 II L AJL 206 80 6 " " K.6 94 090 " 1H4 11 449 Robert Pliilitis 93 80 990 II L A J L 186 12 3163 5141 5141 5 5142 8 5143 10 5142 11 5144 12 5144 14 6145 6144 11 3646 3614 3342 3159 8160 3162 3103 3164 3165 3108 S177 24 3177 25 3177 26 3177 32 Vct. 60 HLeroy&JLInklainNl 9 40 100 ihso 114' " " 2142 100 " " 1 8 8(1 1078 Duff Sfl Guthrie J W 202 65 3178 1 -2-7 8-10 17-18 763 II L A J L, TO 4:1 79 75 17 17 47 17 62 24 24 22 16 124 82 13 60 13 80 3179 43 3179 46 3179 69 3179 61 93J " " 129 S F Rohrer 551 " " part '70, 77, '78, '79 f64 Brower C 100 11 L A J L 100 " 3181 3181 22 3181 27 3182 3-4-5-6-9-12 13-14- 19-20 1073 " 252 15 186 12 22 70 3 76 47 00 94 00 94 00 29 70 285 97 3100 Vnet. 090 " 121 Webber C IJ 20 " 250 Harmer Josiah 500 ' " BOO " " 153 " C Blood W S of E part 5137 5139 6140 5137 3564 3660 3007 3008 3070 3671 3072 3669 3174 3173 2547 4130 4136 4133 300 3S01 3061 i 3170 3001 : Bill ' Vnet. 3173 3169 Bill 3138 3170 V:ict, 3109 Vact, 5129 5136 513S 6106 6107 5110 Vact 3322 3165 iui iNicnoifiou John 540 " AMcPhcrson 101 52 1000 " 18.8 00 1000 " ' 183 00 1037 " ' T Jones 194 95 1000 " " 1K8 00 1000 ' 188 00 1000 J K Hav fl F L Nichols A McPlierson 188 00 93 McWilliams James 17 02 !oN20 Revncr S B, J A ot al 8 44 900 W Willink .1 HTrottor 169 20 1096 Wallah S.Longshore 206 07 1092 " 1105 29 900 109 20 1014 C B Wright A Co 2:18 29 1014 " . " 238 29 -6 60 Nichols fc McPherson Prentice 1 Wynkoop John 2-4-7-11 20-26 300 J S A IT ugh MeJamcs 160 Thompson John 100 Campbell Samuel 90 Sutton Robert 80 McClatchey It 30 N S Foreman II Swag- gart 1 1 '79 100 ScholioldG W 226 Blood Cvrus lCstato 160 Scholicld (i W 39 Marks L .1 220 Daniels James W 58 Dobbs B 60 Fuuk heirs 305 Marnier Josiah 9 40 1 41 56 40 30 08 IS 80 1(1 92" 15 04 2 68 9 40 39 80 15 04 6 49 25 85 10 90 15 04 68 02 201 92 1090 Funk heirs 1000 " 188 00 753 Mifflin Jonat'n Epart 141 56 80 Nugent Thomas 13 16 400 S F Hill, B WackemiHii A J M Riekenhrodo 75 20 CO Woodlauil Oil Co Lim ited 11 Bonner 200 Blood K L 100 Ashlev J A R '79 69 II LA J L, X Martin CO 140 C II Duhring. 140 ' 1 140 C II Duhrinir 5 61 Vact. 3169 3179 60 3179 60 .'ililill 3663 3664 3170 8173 3174 42 23 50 7 20 12 96 9 40 26 32 19 74 19 74 290 Reyner S B, J A et al 40 80 lof 120 8 16 b-it J.eroy a Lioklam N 1 ' 5 0O 3193 3104 31H8 305 2018 3709 :e-o2 3803 f103 2735 2878 2882 2980 4790 4791 2093 3174 47 631 Loroy ,t Linklain SI '79 3179 44 Kl S31 Woodlmxl Oil Co 11m a ou hi 10 1 2vOS 6 17 2850 "' 3501 2 58 1 65 3(M2 B2 00 13 0( 3012 26 00 (!.! 40 ! 31; 2 18 21 j 2 07 4 1 60 15 60 5106 6132 56 54 520S 20 80 5132 62 00 6187 , 15 00 5186 I 06 5214 6131 rot. 51 20 .. :$j 00 ti6 0i) 7 16 192 00 9 (Hi 23 01 38'.V) 2826 32 00 17 HO 38 -10 9 60 22 40 44 M 2S23 II H4 9 32 414(H) 2826 1190 00 2821 610 00 6 40 1 1 52 ited it G M A M Co E 1 '79. HAtmONYTWr.. Att. Warranto, or Ownr-r. 19 Paul I) J 14 " " 120 Pago Charles fl Sigglns 22 S S Cartwriitht 80 1" Newberrv 124 Brown S Q' Wllsnii 50 Siggms J Y fl Mi-Kintev 90 Copoland 1) F fl Thompson '78 75 Miles Hugh . . 37 Wilson John 76 A G Barr a R O Beach Dr How urd . 100 T J Bowman 11 Conlev 1!6 HoWarth Thomas 60 Bredin James 11 Hagau Barnard ioi J 1' !aio 11 Monroo Oil Uo t;nrj:N tht. War. acrta. Warrant? ar Owner. 5185 400 John A Dnln H8I9 800 Mi-ciintock Hamilton 6185 600 Duncan Robert 3818 56 Geo M 6500 010 Ford a Lii'cv 100 1st Nat. Bank Hollldays burg '79 120 Myers Pfcter, or Nulf 5184 180 Mav H H, Tionesta Oil a Barrel 1 ' BI8S 100 Ptvllisse J M ' 5183 300 Thomas V Thomas 5189 150 I'.hlcrs Henry 6169 100 Wellcr Lot 6189 200 Mvers EH Co 151 Irwin II MaST May 3818 04 Ford A Lacy 6501 lOoO 5504 1000 M ' 6505 1000 ' " 381617 60 Unknown 11 Davis SS20 90 Graves W A WoMttl XiiikIm. haiinktt townhhip. Warrant. Ar. Wi.rr.nt.-a or Owur. 1 Brimdiin Sitnmol '79 3312 81 Bole 11 M "73 3314 U0 ' '73 3315 41 " '78 Ant. 70 9 :;7 42 63 4 75 IrliO 41 025 3313 025 " -78 21 33 81 19 75 68 13 61 Patterson J B A Wm Shippen Edward 17 : 6700 8 3141 206 41 31 162 125 5143 162 " " 6145 753 " " 3147 600 Sheriff J P A J A 1 Sweeney Alexander '73 MOl 200 THus Wm lof 344 Shields A Winlock '79 1 'Travis Charles '79 tiomista noKortui. I Benedick F J '73 4 Dalzdl 2 Haskell Porter i Kci foot Rov'd '7S 1 MoNeale A Bi o 11 Shriver Jaoob Decd '78 1 Simon J K 424 Sickles U (J 1 Woodington Mrs Marv 1 Wolcot l S .1 '73 200 Arbuckle Charles '79 4 Winans Josiah '79 1 Agnew Mrs L E '79 1 McKav Mrs C 79 1 Mullen Bishop '79 1 Klinestiver George '76 OUKEN TOWNKIIIP. 35 29 2 40 1 liS 5 10 90 6 30 11 93 12 75 220 00 21 25 2 50 11 00 4 70 t;o 4 80 1 33 1 00 3625 6135 3620 3825 3825 47 Bro-nard A Dalo '78 100 Dalo A Bro, Abinan '78 12 Whitman John. Shoup 2 10 4 20 1 81 75 Whitman Soldon,Grubbs'78 3 50 00 First rsat Bank of llolli davsburgfl Brognard A I in In '79 106 First Nat Bank of Holli- 2 70 61S3 3625 dayKburg fl Dale A Bro'79 8 40 100 Lacv Geo.Drain A Robb '79 9 00 3810A17 575 Wallace A Dalo '79 49 07 1TAKMONY TOWNSHIP. 60 Herkieomer Oil Co '77 2 50 40 Allen F W 11 Carson 14 40 161 A nicy 1) W '79 41 69 60 Bonney .1 'z'i 50 50 Brown Samuel 2 50 63 Brodio R O 50 50 Brown A Bros 19 00 491 Bronson A 11 is 00 147 Barnesdalo Watson A Co 54 00 217. 215 Cecil J R 68 50 106 Clark Breso A Co H7 00 85 Cochran R G fl Grandin Farm 11 40 10 Coleman '73 70 2 Davis V. L 97 175 Davis Win 46 t-0 537 Dawsion Run Oil Co 2J5 00 -199 Dowdnll Charles 6t00 60 Dale J G 11 Ira Copoland 10 60 of2C0 Dawson Walter 11 Mc- Donough Heirs '78 C 40 216 124 Dawson I U 30 40 9J l dinboro Oil Co 7 60 59 Faulkner Win 22 B0 100 Fisher Bros 30 00 100 Goodhopo Pet Co 36 00 50 Gilbronson A Russell 13 60 92 Gillespie J J fl Isaac Jonei 61) 12 Harris David flMcGinlcy'73 2 40 50 Hester Pet Co 22 50 30 J.nies 11 '73 " 3 8t 11 Johnston S A '78 80 50 Kepler Jacob M t Co '78 6 40 400 Kepler Hide A Beaver 150 00 50 Ktdly C W 111 nu 100 McGrow Darcy S80 330 McOarvey A Co 111 00 40 McClinto'ck Homestead Co Is 00 80 Neill S X 45 00 8 " Lewis 3 )( 1 W C, DecM '78 88 .100 Pittsburgh A Chtrrv Run Oil Co 38 00 CO Pittsburgh & Cherry Run 011 c j.r. 10 165 lMilsbiirgii A Cherry ltun Oil (' 1 " 67 1:0 204 Pittsburgh Co, Ol.ura 70 CO 8 Paul I) .1 4 . 0 67 Neill W X '79 12 60 94 HX'79 M05 20 " J II '79 3 15 50 Patszgrolf Nathan '7C 8 K0 60 Ribley Ira 24 69 1 Roup!) Samuel 21 75 Reid fl Fleming 27 00 218 Sweet J B 9(1 00 200 Smith J II 67 60 160 Smiley Dr flT.etchell ' 67 50 12 Stella Pot Co 6 67 23 ' ' 8 98 70 Scott Walter Pet Co '73 6 60 60 Siggins John 1140 5 " J A J '78 35 5 Sow oil Sprague A Co '79 3 1:9 130 Shaiiiburgh Pet Co '70 12 60 30 Vandcrgrilf A Foreman '78 14 00 150 Webster Hugh dt Co 51 00 100 Wilson Mtowell It Young 38 00 80 Wilson A Neill 20 30 HICKORY TOWNKIIIP. Berry M L 330 98 50 SO 5190 79? 73 00 7 SO " " 4 90 " ' 6 24 Cincinnati A Pittsburgh Oil Co . 117 0) Dalo John A 6 80 Dawson .V Bowman 79 1 60 lliuna J L ' IHi National Oil Co 12 00 Cliorry Run Oil A M'n'gCo 9 h0 f'herr'v Run Oil A M'n'gCo 14 m5 Wobb W H 93 60 Mercantile Oil Co 78 1 '25 iiuwi: TOWNSHIP. 5210 25 island 7 3093 176 '.16 101 600 61 5203 3693 Vact. 100 Blood K L 28o0 300 Eldridite James Vnet, 2i Nugent Th'--irta.- 20 03 46 47 4! 1P0 TiilorTbi. 11 16 23 yuU 1 7. 1 200 in res Wray Win 30 i M r o t Farm Od Co '7! I" 45 2'Xi MrM:mm '79 17 03 Kiib 2 loo m-rcM Swain P .1 '79 8 84 Ji:KS TOWNSHIP. 1000 Ni col John, Crublroo (f; I'aviti 258 00 sub 1 bio in-rcs l'!di idi;e .Tames W '78 5' tJj hub 0 l.'iO acres EldritlgcJatiiKS 78 3 51 -Ftil 5 (teres Kldrigo Mrs r,li-a'78 4IU KINIiMI,l;Y TOUNSHIP. 100 Burkett Daniel, Deed 16 3.1 760 Bond M J 62 14 85 Dale A Davis 73 10 8s 60 Harrison John II Bond 2 45 75. McClintock Hamilton 10 35 10) " " 3 8J 13(1 Tiu r James 73 5 44 800 Superior Lumber Co 79 32 (Ml TIONKHTA TOVt NSIIIg. 12.1 't'ickiis f D 78 16 1 40 Barnes .V Durfce 7S 5 32 , 25 Banner Oil Co 79 J 5'J 160 ' " 79 Tl (10 I". Ciiscitdc IVt 1 .Mini A ssi 1' 11 4 U'.t 114 Cliitllco Henry liiis 26 67 15 Hepburn niul Carl '73 1 71 60 HimhcH Surah 11 W.hitmau U 75 50 Huddlcson JO 9 75 03 Hillings W W 79 3 73 ' 110 Johnston S P 11 (I N Hun ter 7!) 4 l 12 Johnston S P 11 G S Hun ter 79 84 1S2 McDougall John 42 . 3 100 Mong Aipiilla fl Dalo heirs 78 11 -W 100 P;:,vi ( Thus 17 4 50 Rhodes Henry Jl Brt liiiH- inim D 7 i'.'i 4 Sickles ( i ( J 78 lo . 50 Pillsburuh Oil Co 79 3 1 1 1 I-l.ind 3 Scbell W P 79 1 . Island 3 L'nknovMi il Mctciilf 79 26 Wolcott Grov A C 73 2 Ihl 100 Webster Illicit A Co ii II Hr.tlev 15 :-: 100 Zucl; David tl Dale J(,bn A 11 fd Tionesta, Forest, i'n., Man h 1st, issn. vM.'i,.vfti:N:, Trc:iuier. Sellers' Syrup EO VE6P.3 EEFQRE THE PUBLIC. Pronounced by ail to bo the most Ple.v. ant and ef.loacious remedy now in iisr, for the euro of coughs, colds, croup, , ( hoarseness, th'kling noiisittion of thu throat, whooping cough, etc Over h million bottles h hi within the l:nt lew yours It gives relief wherever lived, tut 4 has tho pewer to impart bciiciit thai cannot be had from too cough mist u 4 now in use. Sold by nil Di uints tit cents (icr bottle. SELLERS' LIVER PILL3 arc also highly reconiineniled for curii'g liver complaint, constipation, sit k-hciiilitclici, fever niul ague, all di- taes of Hie Moiusch no I liver. Sold by all Druggists at 25 ovnU er box s E. !:. SELLERS A Ct). Pittsburgh, Pa. To IJcrvoug fb-ifferurs, Tho Great Eurone.-.a -E3uu3dy.iiIJJj,jr.B..Siii)piMi, "7" Specific Medicine, Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific Medieine is a poitivacure for Supcriun:i'ihc4, Ini poteney; weakness, niul all result ing from soll'-abns'. norvuUfilvbiliu , ' irritability, inr-nta! iinxiely, languor, la- . " bitudc, tk'prcssion of spirits mid t'liiielion al ilorangemetits of tlic ipitvikk -n-i-ti"" ge 11 e r a 1 1 y,j 4..,.,l."""-tL"",lJ"-,AT. ", J pains in bai l or side, lo.' ot meinorj . pre 111 a tun old ago an: diseases tlia lead to con sumption, liiMinuy unit an eat l r:n o. it' Dotli. rno mailer now Miaitereil I lie- sys tem may bo from excesses of any kind", n hhort com mi of tliis medicine will rcv'tor tho lot functions ami procure licii;Ui .niul huf'piness where bclme was de.-.poiidcne-and gloom. The Sp filic Ncilieine is 1m ing lined with woinlcrlul huccp.-h. I'hiii jih cts senr tree to nil. Write for liiem and get full particulars. Price, Siiceilie. tl.oo per package, or ix piiekHges for $5.0:) Will lie sent by mail on receipt !' inoiiev, Address all order, J, j. Simpson's Med -. icino Co., Nos. 104 and 106 Main St., Buf falo, N.. V. . Sold in Tionesta, Pa., by I.'. W; Bovard. novl2eow f . . Tflffl"l""'ATT V-ii-'- S ''iisuir" w '(vTAhliniiiTitl iMa. Tl! 1 nt.- if ( oiiiinfri'p ,mrt In lli8to gn-n lnmi -atiniu, tlir nr.-iiiv' Jtunun: la for lliuriii).lil) Irsiurit men d.r Lost nt-ki. I'm J n. ( 1 1 u l ion i.lh ra iin iirias..(:il fj. iln I' Vcutii; i n,l miilille iipl tuvti ftitibtalniiiK n !t atititm! 1 ili.rniinu. A .ilnut tiinii wtly Is rtiircl to poin lilt tl.ti eiiurxi nf nlinl. I'll nsriliKhl. 1 1 i.l i v iJ ti I list riiet in.- .-nnlc'iit. rata Itilrr in itnr linv. Nu tiii-hi hum. hr cir.tiLi a 0lrtr-. I'. 1)1 Fl' ISO.. IMKsbnrKh. --linir 11. nt ki t-piny. o liiiAl,e l.v )lurjrr ,'.rif.; :tin!ia iii i-i I. in jny j.i. -j'l.,. In.'t a.,, k o llir in,je luiliiixlioi. A . k I. li.uiltiTa, rmli:iN, Mi4:m-i. nun iurt.tu! lui-onm u:. i l.iC, 03. OO, iul;ii;u At cci.l.,. , THE GREAT CAUSE - Jt;s; Published, in a tiilfi Jnfi-l ,e. J'ricc iix ecu tit. A Leeturo on the Nature. 'Treatment ami Radical cm e ol Seminal Weaknr-ss, or Sperniatorihti'ii, induce. I by Sell-Abuse, Involuntary EmU-doii. Imptiteney, Ner vovs Debility, iwid I uipctliiuents to Mar riage gei eridl v ; ''iion Epilepsy, ami Fits; Mcr.bil niul I'ln sical I n.-apueit v, Ac By ROBERT .1. CULVERWKLL, M. D., author of t he "Green lioolt.' Ac. The world-renowned author, in this ad mirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience tluc the awlul const tjueii ces ol S ii'-Abiiso may bo effectually I'M moved without medicine, nnd without (hingerous Mo-gicnl operations, bougies, iusinuueiits, rings, uv eordiuls ; pointing of euro a' once certain nd flleetuul, by w'.iicli every (suii'oror, no matter what his condition 'may be, u.ay euro himself cheaply, privulul, and iuiUc ally. iV..77.-i bc'itrc trit prove it on to tioitK'wt-i ( thoiiM.-i'td.i. tieni, under t oil, in a plain envelope, i any nddross, on loceij t of bix cent, ir two poattae stamps. Athlress Hut Publishers, X 1 1 E C E L V E R V E L L M E D I CA L CO , 41 Ann St., New York ; P. ( . Box, -HHi. S-10-ly. q'e'i irgeTi" i::n T)i :uxiJs TON'SOBIAL ARTIST. 'Tionesta. Pn. Shop Tum'. door south .f Lawrence House. For a nice : ha e, bhain poon or hair-cut call on Ml II. He is rirt.t-c!' in ev-ry r.-Kv.r.,-, angit-lp