The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 24, 1879, Image 4

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" ,2 DR. CLLK
Laboratory, 77 W. 3d St., New IprkCitj,
2 C,::
5 -vniXV"
Tho Best Kemecly Known to Han I
Pr. Clark Johnson havinr associated Mmae'.f
vith Mr. Kdwin Kntman, a a escaped captive. Ion s?
xpl.ive to Wukanietkla, the medicine man of tho
Comanche, in now prepared to lend his aid In the
Introduction of the wonderful remedy of that tribe.
Tlio experience of Mr. Eastman being similar to
Hint of Mrs. Clin. Joues and son, of Washington
t o , Iowa, an account of whoee anffertnira wcrs
thrillii"-ly narrated in the A'w York Herald of Dee.
loth, the facta of which are to wiUiIy
known, end ao nearly parallel, that bnt little men
tion of Mr, Eastman's experiences w ill bo Riven
h: ro. They arc, however, published In a neutvol
nine, of :i)0 pnre, entitled, "Seven and Nine Years
Avon? tho Comnnclies ard Apaches," t,f which
l i nt ion will lc made hereafter. Sufllce Ittoaay,
fiat fur several y. ar, l!r. Kastrnau, while a cap
tive, compelled to father the roots, Rimis,
! irl;n, hrrln mid homes of which Wakamctkla'a
riedic :-io vm ln.nio, and I atill prepared to pro
lide tlio .'.M M itcriali for the snecessfnl intro
d'lrlion of t!iu medicine to tho world; and enures
l's pubHs that tha remedy ia the aoait tio.T at
, ucu W'ukaiavlkU compelled him to tuake 1U '
Wakametkla, the Medicine Maa
Xotl'.in;: lii! l'ecn added to the medieine and
'Atl'i'i lui r- been taken away. It la without douht
lt: siT V''hikii-: of Hie Blood and Rbnbwkb ol
' " avKM ever known to man.
Thi Syrup viried properties.
Vs on rpen tho f.irer.
It .! t:pii titc KiilnvyR.
H r'ii hilen xltc Zinwcln.
Ct ti:: ill' (? BIKi.
It .jtiiviM tEie Nrvoui System,
It !O!l0tl'M
It A.'uirtr.JM-t, -. '-rcnjjtUennnnd Inrlr
tt carries otVtWe old blood and makri
li c;ri 1ie pores of tlio kin, and
'ttluur.s i:5e.'iltiijr A'brtiiratiou.
It nr. i: .-,;:;.: ti.e hereditary taint, or poison ir
:l.e ldoi.d. which t-nentea Serofula.Krysipelas, nr.u
a:l niniiii'.i' of i;ln ilisenveH nnd Internal humors.
T ure lire iiOMplrii fin ployed in its manufacture,
e.d a .fin li,.t'ilan by the most delicate hahe, 01
tr l!i '.-l-ri'd ;Kid lecble. cart onlu beina mauircd 1
Sdwin Eastman in Indian Costnaa-
&Nn Ai'M'iii:?. A neat volume of 300 pages,
. liuing a simple ftatement of the horrible facts
ronnected hh tiie pad massacre of a helpleee
tumlly, una tins captivity, tortures and ultimate
esciipe of nienihers. For tale
by our agents generally. Price 11.00
riiP mr ifiiil el. the ma.
lio massacre, briefly narrated,
re rtit-tnhuted by amenta, kbkk of charge.
Mr. Kutmnn, teim; almost conalautly at thi
V.'et. eiiiraeed in iratiierina and curias- the materl-
tls of wiiali thu medicine it composed, the sole
i-iuivs innn:i;emeiit devolves upon Dr. Johnson,
"Ld the leiiii'dy has been called, and la known as
Di." Clark John3on's
Yum . 'LHr;9 BottUa tl.00
riit.t I&mAl Eoitles 60
tie id the voluntary te- tiiuonhda of perrons who
In v.; t -on cured hy tli . of Dr. Clark Johuaou'f
I.i;Ujii liiood Sj'ruji, in join own vicinity.
m Tc3tiraonial3 of Cures.'
Edinotoh, Feb. 2, 1879.
Dew Bir: 1 can, lrom my experience, re-
joinmena your jimiuii xiohi oyrun aa a sure
sure lor Liver and Kidney Duseuse.
Elizabeth A. Saksi.
Pittsbcwjh, Vn., August 25, 1878,
Dear Sir: I was troubled with Kidney Duv
wise and Liver Coinplmnt. I tried everything
which 1 thought uuiit do me good, but J did
not nnd the riirut mi-dicino until I got a 60-ceo
bottle of your iiixliciiie, which entirely cured
roe. A. Cargo,
Jacksonville, March 8. 1879.
Dear Sir: Knowing, lioin experience, that
jour Indian ISlood bjitip is a aura cure lor
1 iver ComjiUtint, I conrlUeiitly recommended
all sullonng humanity, iebecca kieu
Holmsbubo, 231 Ward, Philadelphia,
Feb. 24. 1879.
rtnr Sir- T ijiV u lent iilunauie in Bavinsr
i i,nr irivnn vour vuluulile Indian Blood
Syrup a lir triiil ia iny Inmily and received
rieat benefit from Jt- &am x. ct. ouuir.
Akdali bia, Ia., Feb. 10, 1870.
Dear Sir I buve boon nainj; your l"')1.""1
ni..i o.,,., ;,i .nimiiilv (or Liver anil Kid'
I tl.nn t - ' J j
rv.o.,r, witii aiioceea. I beueve tt has
oo EpwAaP GfXBfcT.
. " i f i
If sWll&
?S vJTr I
g Aim v 2
5 Kir S : - v "
Hold Mining Agrlcnilnre.
Howpvor Insienificfint the rrturns
fnm nKiloultiirnl labor nmy soom to
Uio?c who till the ground, yrt they ivm
paro fnvornlily with the rcfuts of
niininn rntorprifps, both bs to indi
vidual gain and national prosperity.
Eminent statisticians inform us that
taking tho history and results of gold
mining within tho Inst fifty years, tho
average laborer has received less than
.f 1.18 tor each day's labor expended in
seeking gold. True, large tortuncs have
been scoured in these uncertain enter
prises, yet tlio general outcome has been
illy-paid labor, hardship, poverty and
disappointment. Agriculture oilers no
fields for speculation and gambling;
but to tho industrious, persevering ami
intelligent she guarantees health, happi
ness nnd prosperity. Seed time is fol
lowed bv harvest with it certainty
which does not attach to delving smontj
the rocks for nature's hidden treasures.
Agricultural gnins are secured in 'har
mony with nature and without detri
ment to other industries.
Notwithstanding the enormous totals
of gold that have been secured in Cali
fornia since 184!), yet it is a well-known
fact that at present tho annual wealth
produoed by her grain field? far exceeds
the yield of lnr mines. l(or is this all
that may be said of agriculture in the
comparison. Much of the boasted min
eral wealth hj-s been obtained by de
vastating and ruining the arable valleys
of the Pacific slone. Tho damage oc
casioned to the fikcc of t he country by
gold mining is beyond the calculations
of those who should be deeply interested
in the subject, and involve important
consequences serious alike to State nnd
nation. As long ago as 1802 it was es
timated that the area of su -face torn up
through the operating of the placer
mines amounted to 10,000,000 acres. At
the present time it amounts to more
than double this area, or four times the
total areaof the Stateof Massachust Its.
Arable land in California is far higher
in price even than along the fertile val
leys of the Eastern States, which is due
to the usurpation of tillage land by the
mining works. Additional damage has
been occasioned on a most extensive
scale through vast subsequent operations
in ny'.rauuc mining.
ilie present annual yield ot gold in
California is about $18,000,000 a year, of
wnicn one-third is lrom nuartz mines.
and the remainder from hydraulic min
ing on the ancient river-bed. Nakec hills
and fertile soilare alike washed away by
the artificial torrents brought to these
latter mines ; and the material removed
vegetable mold, sand, gravel, pebbles
is carried town by tho current, nnd often
spread over ground lying quite out of
reach of the natural inundations, and
burying it to the depth of sometimes
twenty-five feet. An orchard valued at
60,rXM, and another estimated at not less
than $200,000, are stated to have been
thus sacrificed. A report ot the ngi icul-
tural bureau at Washington, computed"
the annual damage occasioned by tins
mode of mining at the almost incredible
sum of $12,000,COO. On this basis, it is
evident that the gold of California is prin
cipaliy produced at the expense of its
agricultural interests a'subject to which
the attention of the legislature has been
directed. Mining authorities aver that.
at the present rate ot r reduction from
hydraulic mining, there is enough " pav
dirt "on the gravel banks to sustain that
industry lor one hundred years to come.
in the course ol a centurv. thero will
scarcely be a gravel hill or a trace of the
ancient river beds left, in the State.while
vast tracts of land now valuable will be
reduced to the condition ai oeserts of
sand and stones. The products of min-
ng are ephemeral, those of intelligent
agriculture permanent. Gold can be ex
tracted but once from the same place;
wheat may grow lor.ver on the same
ground, provided it be properly'manurcd
and cultivated. There is little doubt
that the future material prosperity of
California would be promoted bv the en
tire abandonment of her mining enter
prises and a lull development ot her
igricultural resources. Such is the true
value nnd power of agriculture in com
parison with mining for gold. Ameri
can Cultivator.
Strange History of au Arizona Kant lie.
Referring to the capture of a station
near rort Craig," Arizona, bv the
Apaches and the massacre of thirteen
persons, an exchange savs : The historv
oi this siation is a singular one, and is
related to us by an old army Iriend, in
whose mind the aoove narrative revives
memories of the arid regions surround
ing it. Tho country borders on the west
bank of tho liiourande river, bounded
on tho north by Jjort MeKae, on the
south by Mcsilla, and on the cast by the
urgan mountains, and its passage is
known ns thejournev ot death The
region is over sixty miles in length, uu
tilled, without life, uninhabited, save at
Aleman.nnd as destitute of moisture as
the d csei t of ftah ara .
All travel between southern New
Mexico and the Santa Fe portion of the
territory has, however, to be across this
terrible sand waste, and its dangers are
evinced by tlio bones of draft
frequently seen bleaching in the sun.
fcvery traveler dreads thcprissagc of the
Jornado,(pronounced IIornarda)bo(!ause
all know that the journey is frequently
one of death. When (Jen. John Pone
was a lieutenant ot topographical en
ginpers, lie was sent to here artepian
wells witl. a view to finding water.
This was for tho benefit of government
trains and army people In general. 1 h
passage of the Jornardo then renulrei
and now takes two days, involving tho
necessity ot hauling water for animals
and human beings. Water weighs about
sixty, two and one-half pounds per gal
lon, hix mules will drink twelve bar.
rels in two hours. While Lieutenant
Pope was engaged in boring, a rough
Scotchman named f John Martin, con
teived the speculative idea of shoveling
for it. He struck a spring at a point
nearly in the center of the desert, and
tor years thereafter sold the aqueous
fluid to patrons at the rate of twenty-rive
cents a bucket. It proved a bonanza to
him. At no other place within a circle
having a radius of thirty miles has water
ever been found.
John Martin's well at Aleman, on the
Jornado, became known to thousands
of people. The government made Mar
tin a forage agent, lhis sinecure car
ried with it the exclusive right of sale of
lorage, fuel, and water lor the Jornado
He was a generous, charitable man-
diamond in the rough. The Vicarillo
Apaches from the reservation at Fort
Stauton were always kindly treated by
John Martin, and, by tacit consent, they
were allowed water free as long as they
left undisturbed tho persons and prop
erty of tho few people who centered at
Aleman Martin was a married man.
His wife, children and his son-in-law
lived with him.
The writer ol these lines has frequently
seen as many ns a score of these Indians
camped at Martin's ranche, and the oor
fidenco of the hardy Scotchman in their
peaceful intent was unshaken by the
frequent disturbances of that region.
Unhappily the savage instincts prevailed
over grateful memories of favors re
ceived". The telegraphic message tells
the rest.' Martin was tho master of it
lodge of free masons at Mcsilla, over
thirty miles south of his well, nnd never
missed a meeting, regular or special,
during the time he lived at Aleman
A II amorist Is " Pitied."
As the trair. leaves the depot n young
man leans over the nackot my seat and
asks me what I paid for my ticket I
tell him and he chuckles. He bought
a ticket of a scalper and is a dollar nnd
a half ahead of the railroad company,
lie pities me because I do not know how
to travel, and I blush and feel chenp in
the presence of his superior sagacity.
The conductor comes along. Ilepunches
my ticket wit h a ready, unquestionable
acceptance that makes me an honest
man, and I feel proud. lie takes the
shrewd young man's ticket and gazes at
it with an awlul scrutiny.
"Where are you going?" he asks the
young man.
The young man gazes at him with the
unflinching glance of a citizen who
knows his rights and the railroad law.
"I am going to Indianapolis," he says
defiantly, "and that ticket is good until
it' is use'd."
"Certainly," replied the conductor,
apparently greatly terrified by the young
man's defiant attitude, " of course it is;
but it's got to be used on its own road,
and as this is a Wabash excursion
ticket of last summer, from Peru to
Lafayette, you'll have to get on a Wa
bash train and go to Lafayette to use it.
Fare, please."
And the young man read the ticket
carefully, and paid his fare, and plttnked
down the extri ten cents for having no
ticket. He has gone into the smoking
car now, and lias his head out of the
window, but I ?an hear him swearing
with startling energy and appalling
grammar. liurdette, in Jl'iwkeye.
The appetite is generally the best
guide to food that is needed to build up
the wastes ot the body. A morbid or
unnatural appetite can tisually be dis
tinguished from a normal one. Dr.
Footc's Health MonUily.
House I'D
The liver if it is dormant, and avoid a train of
evils which must otherwise ensue. Among
anti-bilious medicines none rank so high us
Huatottei'e Stomach Bitters. It cpcedily ban-
Uhcs those pairs ia tho region of the alToo'ed
organ, the yellowness of the skin, nausea,
vertigo ai.d siolc headache, which attends a
bilious attack. A bilious subject, after a brio!
course ot this capital liver stimulant and in-
vigoiant, finds that his tongue is no longer
lui red ia tho morning, his breath is grown
sweeter, a hundred inexplicable sensations no
longer make his lile miserable, his bowels
have acquired the steadiness ot swell rocu-
lnlud piece of meclinnUin, and he can cat with
a hearty appetite nnd good digestion. It is
breuuso the Bitters assists nature in her
efloi ts to bring back the disordered liver and
bowels to their normal condition, that it ac
complishes such remarkable cures.
A. Wouder I
In most of the papers may be seen an an
nouncement ot a new rubber boot, made by
the Candee Rubber Co., of New Haven, Ct.
This boot timrks a new era in the manufacture
ot rubber goods and is called the " 95 Per
Cent. Sterling," to denote its high quality, and
is covered by no less than seven patents, all
owned by the Candee Co.! One of tha boots,
Bplit to show its exact character, is on exhibi
tion at tho vtores, and shows an article loi
genuine service, that is seemingly indcslruo
ible. The Company warrants these boots thiei
months, although there is abundant testimony
hat the boots will stand six months' lumi
wear every day. The " Candee " is the lai gei
rubber goods company in the world, and it.
warrant is equal to a bond. One of the patent-
relorre-1 to oovers a binding tor tho top ol tin
leg, in which are engraved spaces lor every
day and month in the year, so that the store
keener can punch out the date of sale, and
tlx beyond dispute the duration of the tine
months' warrant. Altogether, it ia tha mot
wondertu.1 boot that has yet appeared.
To Veteran Soldiers.
The Mirror and Farmer, a large news,
family nnd tunning poper of forty-eight col
umns, having a larger circulation than sy
otlier weekly of its clues published in New
England, outaido ot lioston, will have each
week the coming year a department specially
devoted to loiniuitcenees, sketches and army
experiences ol New llampshiie and Vermont
soldiers iu the rebellion war. Price, fl.OC
a year; to soldiers only seventy-five cents
a year. Sample copies tree. Address John
li. Clarke, Manchester, N. II.
Published testimony esiablixlies tbe fiii't thul
Scovill's Blood and Liver Syrup is a sti iling
romedy lor scroliilous and syphilitic disorders
of a lormidiible type. Also tbut it cures
white Swelling, carbuncles, eruptive maladies
ol uil kinds, gout and l lieuiuiitisiu. it more
over promotes a secretion and flow of healthy
bile and directs it into tbe proper channels. The
deplorable ailmentd produced by mercury are
also remedied by it. Druggists sell it.
Iu these days when there is such a sfilt
among makers as to who shall produce the
lowent priced Pnrlor Organ, it is well to re
member that one company keep up their
standard ol highest excellence. Kvery organ
made by thum may he depcudod on. To have
a Mason & Hamlin Organ is to have the best
that can be made.
For one cent ptirchuee a poeial card uud
send your address to Dr. Sanlord, 1C2 U mad
way, New York, and roet.ive pamphlets by
return muil, from which you can learn whelhei
your liver is out ot order, and it out of order,
or in any way diseased, what is tbe best thiuy
in the world to take for it.
As Akticlb of Trlb Mishit. "Brown's
Bronchial Troches " are the most popular at-,
ticle in this country or Europe for Uiroat dis
coses and coughs, and this popularity is based
upon real merit. 25 cents a boi.
Wanted .
Sherman & Co., Marshall, Mich., want an
agent in this county at once, at a salary ol
fllOO per month and expenses paid, ror full
particulars address as above.
Tell yonr neighbor if he uses Lyon's Pitenl
Melallio Heel Stillener he will keep his boots
straight. Sold by shoe and hardware dealers.
For a cough that other remedies will not cure,
we recommend Piso's Cure for Consumption
Young men go west. Learn telegraphy. Ad
dress K. Valentine, Manager, Janes ville, Wis.
C. Gilbert's Linen Starch ia tha best made
Chew Jackson' Beet Sweet Navy Tobacco
psnirhltrs, Wives and Mothers.
Os. MAKl I11S1S I. TKKINK CA'l UOLICOa! wdl DOsl
t'.vely cure Female Weakness, ncb as Pallins: of the
Womb. W .,lte. Cbrooic linlmumatinn or Ulceration of
Hie Womb. liK idenlul Hemorrhage or Flooding, Painful,
SiMireted and Iriricular Menstruation, Ac. An old and
reuutile leniedy. Seuu posinl card for a aniitilet, sviUi
treatment, cures and certmwites from physicians and
pttleuls. to HOW A HTIi t 11AI.I.ARD, CriCA. M. Y.
6 ,1.1 by all DruiiKialk SL.Vi per little.
Titrrti is miciitt t
V ra lsml. lai I cue s4 s4
w li ft - o.-. a .4 " at
Jr Alalrs -t MAtTltM
iIa.Tii'fci VV i"s!? Zll
V f
I ml.. I Sh.
Died In Europe,'
"died in Denver;" nnd so on Is the
news received by friends at home dally,
when in most cases nn early ue of Hop
Ritters would have saved the occasion
for such sad news. See other column.
Don't Get the Chills.
If you are subject to the ague you must
be sure to keep your liver, bowels and
kidneys in good free condition. When
so, you will be safe from all attacks.
The remedy to use is Kidney-Wort. It
U tho best provocation of all malarial
diseases that you can tako. Seo large
waif Mr4fKtIMI&TWn0i"ip&wi&&t mm
I th Old UctUbU ConntrUd
Ptreettons aceompanrlns; sseta eaa for tnaklnf Hal
Soft and Toilet Soap qutckljr.
The Market Is flooded with (so-called) Ooncontra
Lye, which Is adulterate with salt and resin, and w
"m mji,
Pennsylvania Salt Mannfff Co.
First Established I Most Sneceaafal I
TBRIR INSTHl'atlNTS have a Standard Talss ta
Loading Markets!
Of tho World I
Tsrywaers reooinlisd as tbs FIN 1ST IN TO Ml
OVER 80,000
Nadsand la Msw Detlfn constantly. Be
work and Lowest fYloss.
AT Send for Oetalofns.
TreaontlSt., opp. WaltUain St., Boston, im
Reliance may be placed la
limit's Kcmoaly for the
prompt cure of Kidney, Iliad
iter and I'rlnary Disease.
Hunt's Kennedy cores
PUbetea, Uravel, Drorwr,
liesieral Debility and Falas
In the Side. Rack and lxln.
limit's Itemed la used
lr family Physicians.
Try limit's It.medjr,
Send for pami
ihlet t,J
K. K. I'l.AKKK, Providence, n. I.
A CASH nl"I!Rtl. .ifl TO t'JtlO
M uilh for Aiteiiis, Tesrli.ri. Students. a;id
Ladles, Introducing our N KW llol.ll'AY HOOK,
lis unrivaled ennteiita of Proe and Poetrv by
3ou eminent authors, elegant Illustrations, and
artistic h n llni make It a welcome cuest lu every una.
Introduction by Tmo. L. Cei i r.a. I. D.
The new editions and reduced prices of our Standard
Works and Parlor t.amH, with Ihm terms and quick
sales, are reasons why u'cr ejrent are coining m-'ney.
A smle agent has sold ov.r 7UOO roilet. A few
more wanted for Ho Iday an I Winter work.
K. II. T UK, IT, ( llroatlway. NewTork.
An Elegant Holiday Present!
A 4W-IMUK A t"l 0;1t Al-ll A 1. 11 11,
r.eaulllully Illustrated thiuuiiliuut with Colored
Scrolla. Birds, Feins. Auliimti Leaves, etc.. elegantly
bound In ii:i, al?o 47 cWt giintatlo. : all sent post
paid on receipt of only 15 ct. (IVstaee stamps taken.)
. m ike tills very lew i fl t to seiore the a. Id rem. a of
peop:r whom we nope t be s'.le n Induce to act a
Ai;eiil for our bBUtlru! i n i'lrntlons Addle s ad
orders to 11AV A. NONM, IVtut Haven, Conn,
I nave recolved one. of the above A bums and am a
tonlshcd that such an e'eejiit book can be furnished foi
only IB cts. Hesp. rosrsT:a. H'et Itaven, ) nn.
vcxh BEATTYEiliS
i-k' (In'..! 1 .ft atoll. Asel 6alS T..M. UsmIs. a fd'a
J knse-wsll, wnlnBt eiwe.w arntM fears. .IimI A Svakacii
irsr ltnno!.BlAl, eaverA beoh, 11143 tS955. BfAtr
7waliiT sere M wrlls me. lllnstraTr Newspaper .eat Fre.
A(;jr.'iia'.i ir. liiwi l ll, rvasaiaft.., a.w avrse.
A laraa elaht-paire paper of KO broad columns wtl
be seut post-paid to any address, one year, for
inn st y.
Mi rnslesi bo V to sell ever V nown ! Onrleton's
louaeliulit :iierloi mlln. A Treasuiy of
Wieoxi-. A b k of Coudensed lnformatloa on
v,ry ,u' Ject.eaih III one almrt naraarapb A Whole
i rrv, a pliaix t cilii i rramied In one volume. The
ly re l u.ul hindy Kucyilopedia evel printed.
eaoii:iil il.u-i a e l', li HQ.
S it on yd.y .iibscrlptlon. Ten s, e., sddress
i.-V, rAltl.l-lTUiy. CO., Publishers, NT. City.
We will send our Klectro-Voltalc Itella and othei
Electric AinilUncea noon trial for 3o Java to tlioae
ultlicted with yrrrvM Itti'tlitv mi tfone. of u womn
udlurr. Also of the Liver, Kidueys, Kheuuiatlsui, Faraly
ais,4c. A 'trf cve tvwnHtmt or tw wiy.
Addreis Voltaic Kelt Vn., SlarsUall, Bllen.
Pr. barker of the Hrlyhton Hospital for t'hlli'ren (Kiig.i
saya It resemble mother's mils av closely that iufanti
are reared and tccJ! reared exclualvely opon it.
For Heading Ulubs, lor Anialeui Tliea I rivals, leo.-r-ance
Hiaya, DruwIiiK Hooiu Flays. Fairy Vluys. KUil....un
nays, ivciue nooaa, speaaera. raotomiiiieri, T.itiietinx
I iahU. Maxueaiiilii Llntils. Colored Fire. Iluriit Cork.
Theatrical Face PrepiiratloUH, Jarley'a Wax Works,
Wlus, beards and Moustaches at reduced prices. Co.
tumea, .S( enery, Charailea. New cataloxuca sent free
coi.tallliiiH full des.'riplUin and price.
dsu'-'kl r uknch 3cH, isrs t.. iiii aireei, New vera.
I will mall, pont-fHilil, to any address. One Box
Imitation eillver Coin for ' Game Oountera o;
Lhipa." Address P. O. K' x 1 IQI, Boalon.Maaa.
'-.alarv ..I ebsi i,.-r uioiilu aud
Sod .1
.ow a tare. eouim.s.ioii. .o ae. ku. ..-if
odd 11 invttioioris. If. insert what u lv. Stfa.
piefree Addra UliXKMA.'i A CO.. MaraUS Mich.
C1 A Oil profttVon i days' investment of (CI OH
qX1siO 1 Id Krle K. K., Oi tober IS. PiUU
Froporttnnal returna every week on Stock Options el
MO, - too, - MOO, - KlUO.
Official Keoorta anu Circulars free. Addrera
t. POTlkH WhiHT CO.. Hankera, il Wall 8t..M.T.
If rasa statlBSW'srt
4K ban hi
1 'o.S ei
Pl-an lsa).'j at aa
1.4. A VI, ms.. lk. liOriilLCH,
!, W--a. BJ aass. tt t.
pvy K E SJ B K A RD C L IK lv
Beer 4 as av"-tfcfaee tc,, TlMBl
fl.m M bm ll wkj l:ke n..M JeTe fV.W
I tries a eaw ' r afvol aa4 ra . la
.... J InoB. IfMssMLs. L. L iUlTI
cn.lWteA(-a,Paittsa,lai, AllsysheSsw ae-Hs,-
iiaiit-siowu, Mbw-
... . i nrn Inveslel In Wall 8L Stocis makes
SI II tn SI nntJf 'tune, every mouth. Book eut
l ie eipla'.ulnKlevery thing.
Adrtr.ssHalTKR A 'X''S IT Wall Ht.
S mouth. Kvery graduate cu
Irfarn Telexrapiiy an
earn SIO to lllMI
e guaranteed a payina sin a
Maliaiier, Janesvllle, wis.
too. AUdreu U. VaUsutiurt.
ROrKWOOII lniperll Cards, SMJ per
doieu. 17 lluion Square, New York. Mr. Hock
wood aivee personal attention to the posing: of sitters.
rsTnll I sTAlialilt AtJliliVilaeaaea. tnou
llaJllll 1 auud.cuied. I.owe-t Prwe.. Do not (a
U I I Ulll to write. OrFit. Marab. (jnlocv. Mi.-b
CU Ironnn 0 Oomplete Work sand Dr. Foots
onaKspeare s Uluia ..muu i va.rfori
Sample copy . Murray Hill Piili.C....rK.tbSti;N.V
PAY. With Btenttl Outttls. Whet coata 4
cla. Bell, rapidly for rvo cu. c.iaiogu. rree.
a. M. Srasvaa, Hi Wa.u a St., Boston MaaS ,
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,a a af t Address F " v KHV. Anen.t
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j r l. tt.O( per day at home. Saniplea worth a free.
ibO 10 aVU Addiees bns.oa A Co., Portland. Mama.
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ijl i 4 loli.l free. Ksi. Oo , Arsuifs. kllaji
C" -1 TTXTksJ Ilevol i vers. CuUloi"uo Ire. Address
Ui s l.reat We.lnruliuu MiraaFlttaliiirs.F
Cf a week in ynur own town. Terms and fo ootfltl
if-OO r(.e. adrsr. H. IUixiii Co., Forlland. MaAu
tii"x ywm
iji . s 9 sj.ii. 1. in ." jiiissi" j-i in ii ii ii -a
3 J - Vsr.
fit I u
Oat espy, 88 erala,
om yn 1 1 .00.
Blarle ss7i SO .
Tha Leadlna:
Om sear, aat-seM. f I.BO,
Fashion Mtaaailnas.
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We shall REDUCE the PRICE of
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The BAZAAR, i year, post free, lit ets.
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af-All SiibarrlntlnnM at these Kedured
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Postage Mmnpa mill lie token as t anli.
PRI7PQ I wnrr WTHO.CO in Prire to Sfl
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with full In.t ui tl n for I (iiiuine. aeut y remrn mat. on
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1.0.0 T.
E. of H.
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mde li erdor br n. r. I.lller t'-. Col toninu,
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Semi tor circulars containing s fail description of the
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NanosaL pdri.ishinv Co.. rniiaoepnisrs
i.lind, Itrbinir, or l!lfniU-J
.lfsi tl.vt leliluu k'lfb
Kmtly fs(.Ucitr. Oiyua
UuiuaMiaVt rnU-rif, VW Cm
of lotirf Uud in ir ia 1 wisvlt.
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nd orttitiarv CAtn in Xlan.
flr4 Vfo9
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itr. J. i
by svll Xruu
Xmas Wonder-Box.
Cuulain.. ii shls Pink letter P.iier Hie. , If Envelopes, Hi. ,
I PtD, -V , 1 PyiiliokUr, Sr. , llu I ranifer Pie , I V, lt hi r..p
Fie., 15c. , 124 Luil). Pic, hkr 1 Xuia. t'.nla, lu.'. , 1 Uanx
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ton. it Pic, lei 1 Xmas llaiiner, .. 111 Soldiers, Jc i (1 OolV
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o (irnn.u Pic, loc ; l Paper Klnkrs, Hie , a Aulu.OanU,oc. ,
A Tablets, fie. 1 Cuidst li Fancy OrimuieiiU, Ac I'a. ked la
S nice Picture linl. All of the atiov. artic... fW 48 CU , by
ill. CkJ t-u I isilBir. sMiups oihfn i aiaioaii. nrr.
J JAY (iol'LO. lo Hrumfleld I
a:., isosioi
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CfeAStl "k
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Asr all Aitrt'AU u,-,J','"- T '''r
lim twsMj Is tiausnl a. 1 1, brt
avweev.rll..ble.. Prlr. l.SA. Th. lr
I. in.'l.wllU Ik. l.ui.l. a Su.l,iw..a
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Sulit, Prlee by as.ll. a 1. by ail I.S.U. B.rcb.ala. .
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In. C. K. RnnEUAiK (Ui wt-atnown Avrs.1 BnrKeon
if HfdsllhK. Fa ) KtvcH all bib time to the trentinrut of
pt-ttf iiph mill I)iMa- of the Kur at Li 1m ort.e?. Ida)
tircei ha (tlveo him a nittloiml r(utatttn, pf tHily
nn nuiiiinc Kur and Cutarrb. Call or tfii1 fr tit a ltttlu
Hfok nit ths Kur, tin DlHcan nl their Treattufiit
fr to ali. Ills Inrictt iook (.'l 4 imtfei), rnce
.MM. AddrrHb lr. C. K. fcllO&fflAHKH,
Aural fuiyeoi,, llcailtntf. l'aa.
to send stamp for the Largest, Handsomest
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A copy of my Mrdicl
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iug many valuable livoa, fteud Dame mu P. O. ai'lrtx-t
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mi tiering with any Ueare of tha loae. Throat or
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fci u ie the puoer m which yog Mi tbta advgrtiacme 11 1
, Sa. leal.. V.
ft;77 A WEEK. $12 a day at h
me eaallv mad.. Co.I1t
r uumi
t free.
Aildiass Tao. A Oil.. Augusta. Maine.
Sjtf 1 i AsX
B I FT. I 1 "4 7iafc7VC.a
Uilf.r'm I'Ai'fu. K I a Ixittle. hold
Uinta, bout by mall by J. V.,M. !.,
iV. ear. Tenth and Arch hla., FbUatla., Fa.
at ' i :M " I ill I "av
wp iln k ecra 'BUTTER CQU-m
Olvet Batter the srllt-eda-ed color tSia year rojind. 1 h hr;it Hurler I'uvi i; r ' . i. o . of lialrvmrn sjy IT IH I'l U l'IV.I'. Ficil hv allthe ben rcn .. .. .- I -
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Bolls of Corncvillo
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with m th.Vach ft amateur. It tasur.loljMlen.iva.
I alven and enjoyed. Tretty, lively French Tlllart
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mk. a spirited oomlilnatlon. Words nnot-Jectlonahla,
Fries. l.60.
Will Til IlOtiFI". ths new Snnday Hchool Son
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voirn orwoiMiur. (i o. asaao.) m
per doa.n.
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A. If. Joassoa.
new Tarli.
f. B. DITSOIV Ac. CO..
tt'A'A Chestnut at.. Phlladetyjtlaaj
V www
l INI o .tO
A warded I As HEDAL OF JH. IA' or '.c OnfetintnC
nnd V'urit A.'rposi. ,,.
E A O D U 55
Te tae kwa usada, ba sae kvaa Jtauav weak Mm fcassl
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3,000,000 ACRES
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IrHM IS JUST 1 I isoeiDiiu Y
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BM. sr. ssu a aa. BTy
1 TT 1 M v N c.. .
n mm n k
For Peamy of l'oll-h. havliiK Ijilxir, ClefibllleiM.
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Ifl vr.rraiiteif to ettect a speei
Remedy for
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PMICW AIvK.iT cure.
a tree Home " or mv
renowued sjieclhcaiiil s valuatile
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nil i lie me bis p. l. and Iz-
pies, uddreas.
- Fa. B ,fi. HMT4IM: Pearl Street, N ew York
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cent bottles for household use. ihaiii It t'uru yoiu and VmUv.hI tin. I it superior lo auj IliliiK you
buve ever U:-e.l. IM,
Haw Iaaw. Tkn ef Soldben .ad kira wtltsaaV
rssiaat sale aesA is OBnayaix. mt aula. I
AVaacwswita mas,
tlfOSSB B. I IMOa,
f. O. sVawwr
WasassAavrWau Sr. S),
. f .,iIf-iTr
Is tierfeetlv mini, l'ronounood theliost by the hinll
eat uiedioal autiioritio. iu tho world. Given hlKlcet
award at I 'A Worl
Sold bv Drus-yjiaU.
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Champlin's Liquid Pearl
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most reliable article lu use for tbe lis use cannot
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Mason & Jlaiuliu Cabinet Organs
Pemenstrated best by IHOHKST IION'OHS AT ALL
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rm., I r7t'. ; Paais, and ciaaao toisu tioi.o McnxL,
Ini". On y Oicans ever awaoli d hiKhesl hon
ors at anv such. Sold for tah or installments. Iu.cs
tsatsp Cariioouia and (hrculars witn new styles and
prices sent free. M A SON A 11 AM LIN OKUAN CO.,
Itostnn, New York or C'huAfcj).
leliiary for less titan SI.OO.
Full luitKuiais on receipt of two
3 ct alaiups.
uld BroB. A Co., New London, K. H.
ItaaAaaall.ial f-j rttll rAW 1-si I Lf II 11 liV 1UA.1 lO
O ceMB aud btitinp; .ith ?.j C'-tiih. iU hU-e.t uarguiu
ever offered. A R UISOJ
1(JM rAllf.Hrt I'U ., AULilboU, JLa.
aliM t iit trd lu lO
I O Iftll V 1 lit 4 la l'sl
to ii i)n at, ic
1. J. tilKPHKN. U-Oi.tioii.
Taaaa ClaOBa-nswaaw