The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 03, 1879, Image 7

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    rt& DR. CLARK
LaboraloryT77W.3aSt.,New lorVCitj,
itATM or jMtrr cirr.
Tha Best Remedy Known to Han I
Dr. Clark .Tohnaon having associated himself
Wl til Mr. Edwin EulDin, an escaped captrea, long
salnve to Wakametkla, th mcdicioa nan or ths
Comanche, it now prepared to lend hi aid in th
introduction of tha wonderful remedy of that tribe.
The experience of Mr. Eastman beinjr almilar to of Mr. Cha. Jones and ion, of Washington
Co., Iowa, ao account of whose sufferings were
thrillinply narrated In the A'oe York Herald of Dee.
Joth, 1HT8, the fart of which are so widely
known, andfo nearly parallel, that bnt little men
tion of Mr. Eaatman a experience will be Riven
here. They are, however, pnbliahed In a neat rol
oma of 300 pnges, entitled, "Sorenand Nine Year
Among the Comanche and Apachei," of which
mention will bo made hereafter. Suffice it to ay,
that for several yean, Mr. Eastman, while a cap
tire, was compelled to gather the root, (rnma,
harks, herbs and berries of which Wakametkla'i
medicine was made, and is atill prepared to pro
vide the Aa materials for the successful intro
duction of the medicine to the world; and ajure
tlie public that the remedy is the aame now aj
when Wakametkla compelled lilia to make iU
Wakametkla, the Medicine Man
Nothing has been added to the medicine and
Jiotlnntf lias beon taken uu'ny. It is without doubt
tho Best 1'uripier of the Bi-oon aud Ilimwiiul
be System ever known to man.
This Syrup pobtctfes vuricd properties.
' It art upon tlio I.iver.
It not iioia tlto Kldupye.
It rcj'iilutcs the Howcls.
It purltirn flic Illood.
It quiet the Nervous System.
It promote Ili'Mion.
It isourisliett, Streuytlien. and I nrl
orates. it carries ofi'lHo old blood and makes
It opens the pores of the skin, and
J ml lie i- Healthy ierspiration.
It neutralize the hereditary taint, or poison lr
the blood, which generate Scrofula, Erysipelas, am.
all mauiuTof ekm diseases and internal humor.
Them are iioepiritxcmployed In Its manufacture
ad it can be taken by Hie most delicate bah, o:
.T thesifcd and feeble, core mty bang regwr4
Alsatian to directirni.
Edwin Eastman in Indian Costume.
Cxven and Nine Years A'iono trk Comanchxi
and Apachks. A neat volume of 'MO pau'e,
being a simple statement of the horrible facts
connected with Hie frad niamucre of a helplei
family, and tlie captivity, tortures and ultimate
rscano of it two vurvlvin! member. For tale
byour agent generally. Price $1.00.
The iuciduiita of tho massacre, briefly narrated,
;.re distributed by agents, tbei of charge.
Mr. atuiHii, Leiug ulnioKt constunlly at th
Weft, engaged in gathering and curing the materi
r.l of winch thu Medicine ii composed, the sole
I lolnoss mnnngemcnt devolves upon Dr. Johnson,
a. id the remedy Uu buen called, and is known as
Dr. Clark Johnson's
I'rico of Lirgo Bottles $1.CC
P: ice of Ecrnll lottlcs 50
Ite id the voluntary testmioninia of pcrvons who
1: iw if u cureil by the use of Ir. C'lnr JoauiuuV
la ji.ui Lilood b. r.i;, iu yum own vicinily.
Tcstiiaoniala of Cares.
Euinoton, Feb. 2, 1879.
Dear Sir: I can, lroiu my experience, ra
commend your Indian Blood Syrup as a aura
oure tor Liver and Kidney Disease.
Elizabeth A. Sands.
I'LALNT. Midplkui:i(gii, Snyder Co., fV
Dear Sir: I have been troubled with Hear
Disease and Uver Complaint, and I bad spent
a great deal ol money tor medicinal aid without
receiving any benefit, until I procured some of
your Indian lilood Syrup Irom your airent,
E. L. Ilufflnton. 1 can now testily from my
experience as to the great value of it in sur.b
diue&ses. 11ENKV ZEMCIIAN.
HoLMBBUKO, 23d Ward, Philadelphia, )
Feb. 24, 1879. 5
Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in saying
that 1 have given your valuable Indian Blood
fcymp a lair trial iu my family and received
t;reat benefit from it. Sam'i. L. Sollt.
BvBfcKKl , 23d Ward, Jan. 1, 1879.
Dear Sir: Your most excellent Indian
lilood Syrup baa given perlect satislaction
whu osJd lor Dyspepsia and Indirection.
Theou. Hawk.
PiTTenuBOH, I'a., August 25, 187i.
Dvar Sir: I was troubled with Lum D.butas
anil auilvrad from other computinta 0 Umuu
. mt I could not describe my leebiijfsto any
i.emun. I dwtored all the time, Init found no
luliel' until 1 took a soil le i your Inaianlilooil
riirifir which loit ii enliiJy lie ol all pain
1 A, Cahq
s (WML n
-4, I ft o
Ax rt u'
A foreign lecturer on cremation assert,
tli at the ancient (Ireek, Gallie, Romans
Thraeinn, Swedish and Japanese rever
ence for firo indicates that the practice
of burning human bodies originated In
religioxis mo.ives. There is nothing in
thfr Bible against cremation, ho fnvs,
and when the practice died out in Eu
rope, science and the arts died out, and
the dark ages earner and with them
The recently established bureau of
labor statistics in Illinois is going to
work in earnest to collect information o
eeneral interest both to employers are
wage earners. No public document is
sued in Massachusetts is more widcl
read or commented upon than that wilic
contains facts and figures on the lab r
question. Both Missouri and IU'no
have lately established bureaus for the
compilation of such statistics, and thei
eiample is likely to be followed by otht.
The lord rhief beion of tho British
exchequer, Sir Fitzroy Kelly, attained
his eighty-third year recently. He is a
remarkable man, can walk twelve miles
a day and sit any number of hours on
the bench. Some forty years ago he w:is
ostracised for having committed some
corrupt act at an election at Ipswich and
being accused of having commi'.ied per
jury to palliate it. Sir Robert Peel
passed him over repeatedly, but he out
lived the imputations through his irreat
ability. Like the lord chancellor. Lord
St. Leonards, lie married his cook.
Louis Kossuth, the Ilnno-nri-in nntrint..
has completed and is about to publish a
history of his life, on which lie lias been
engaged for several years. It will also
emorace an 01 ins writings of import ance
and fugitive essays in periodical litera
ture since 1859. The chief interest in
Kossuth's career, however, will be in
whatlie did before 1859 say from 1829,
when, at the age ol twenty-seven, he first
took his seat in the National Diet of
Presburg, his confinement lor treason in
1839, his course as finance minister, bis
expulsion from the country, and his
unique career In the United States. lie
is now seventy -eight years of age.
The papers in some of the larse cities
are publishing letters from younr ladies,
which show tnat it is im ossibie for a
good-looking, well-dresseu girl to pass
quietly and modestly along the streets,
in broad daylight, without beimr rudely
staied at by crowds of men, sometimes
followed and occasiona'ly spoken to in
an insulting manner. This, says the
Washington Post,' is a most disgraceful
showing, and prcents a condition of
social affairs not epsiiy remedied. We
have been accustomed to of our
chivalrous regard for ladies, but if this
goes on we shall have occasion for
changing that strain to one of shanie
and reo-ret. Perhaps a healthy arousing
of public opinion may check the inso
lence of the male creatures who thus de
grade the name of man.
Mr. Wilson, United States consul at
Jerusalem, in a lengthy dispatch to the
department of State, reviews at length
the present condition and future pros
pects of Palestine. Its government af
fairs are in a state of disorganization.
Great Britain is pledged before the
world, and is pressing upon Turkey cer
tain reforms which Turkey is unable to
carry out. She has neithei the men nor
the means required to support a just and
equitable administration. The fuiure
of Turkey is, among thoughtful persons
there, the question of questions. The
lora cinet-justice ot (Jyprus remarked
recently that Constantinople must go to
the Greek, or it will fall into the hands
of Russia. Theitasonit has no't been
given to theGieek, lie sa'd. is because of
the jealousy of the European powers,
and because ol the incapacity of the
Greek for co great a trust, not having
yet demonstrated any great administra
tive ability. The consul says that
Jericho is dead. Tiberias might aswll
be. Damascus is declining. Nazareth
and Bethlehem are improving. Lebanon
is the summer resort of Cyprus people.
Measuring Physical Development.
Anthropometry is the science whic .
weighs and measures men and women,
and endeavors to form a standard of
physical development; in fact, it is one
of the foundations upon which anthro
pology is to be built. It is the vastness
of this subject of anthropometry which
renders conclusions so difficult. If con
scription in Germany and France do no
other good, at least it can give us the
general run of the men as they stand m
ranks. In England some 12,000 original
observations have been made on the
relations of weight and size to age. In
London the letter-sorters were found to
be the lowest in size, as the average
heights between twenty and. thirty-five
were sixty-tour to sixty-seven and one
tenth inches; at tliesame time they were
the lightest, weighing lrcm IS-'. 5 to
139.9 pounds, T le metropolitan police
stood well as to size and weight, the
tallest being from sixty-nine two-tt nths
to seventy-one five tenths, and in wiigLt
1(2.5 to 182.7. Probably, taking the
average of New York policemen, th y
would have equaled the London peel
ers." In the consideration of the exact
time when an Englishman arrives at
his maximum of height, this distinction
has been made, that at twenty-one the
professional class arri e at lull stature,
while in the artisan; class men grow
until they are twenty-eight or thirty;
but this is a conclusion which require?
The labors ol Americans in the direc
tion of anthropometry have been as yet
very tentative. Commenced fully thirty
years ago by J. S. W: Mitchell, of Phir
adelphia, the method employed has ueon
naturally discursive. Types in the
United States seem to roam about, de
pendent, of course, in sorue respect, on
the origin of the family, wnich may be
English, German, French, Dutch or
Soandanavian. Thouh very many fine
theories have been built at home as to
when or how the gradual blending ot
all these types will take place, it is quite
certain that, save in peculiar insulated
areas, where the home stock is always
in preponderance, height, weights, chest
measurements and cranial developments
vary so much in the United St itcs as to
make the labors of the most conscien
tious anthropometic committee a singu
larly fruitless task.
Some one asked Prince G what
the reat powers of Europe were. He
replied, as only a Frenchman could, and
with the Talleyrand : "They are Eng
land, Germany, France, Uuxniu, and
A Bad $50 Note.
The history of a bad f50 note, which
is given beiow, shows how a wicked
thing may be in good company by bcin;
passed about among honest folk in good
l.iiiii.. This parJcuVr mxe was late.y in
the possession of Mr. Young, a cot'on
broker, wi-o. having not even a doubt
about ii s genuineness. gave it to Mr.Mink
r, a shoemaker, for Mr. Miik'er to
tnke from it tie pay tor a pair of shoes
he bad made for Mr. Young. Mr. M ink
ier bring unpb'e to copnge Jt, took it
over the way o a vesipu' ant kept by the
M'sses CussmePei. wl;e rcco nriioda e'
b:m with the change, but ps a $50 b''l
was something of a iae visitor to the'r
establishment, tliey took the p'e-au'on
of marking Mr. Mim.'cv's ini'p , uoon
ii, These ladies sho' i,y after pessrd k
to a builder who Jiad doie so re wovk
'he hovse. On taking Jio bill to a
oank i'ie builder found it to be bad, prd
thereupon the bill commenced to mnke
iack-tiacks from him to the ladies, who
s.w Mr. Minkler, who toc.i cal'ed on
M Young, who in his turn remembe'fd
having given change for it o M . K. B.
Coe, oHthe Vlitcstone House. Wh'.e
sione, L. T., duilrg his summer roioivt
at that hotel. Mr. Youse went to W hite
store and saw Mr. Coe, who spent e'?ht
dpys in tracing the bill Iwk beyo"1
himself, and at last brought up agpip"t
Mr. Munson, a butcher, who bad nair1 it
in good fa"th to the Whiles. one Uoue
for rent. Mr. Munson mudo t'ie b I
good, nnd from him the sum of $50 i
cood money went the rounds aiin to
he Misses Gussmeiler, ant' a1', hand,
were satisfied. The transaction took
place at the Yorkvil'e police coif th t'ie
pi-escnee of Justice Morray. Toe')i'l is
one of the many $50 counterfeits on the
Bioadway National Bank, and by Jus
tice Murray's direction it was returned
to Mr. Munson, of Whitestone. New
York Hotel Oazeite.
A Lost Sailor's Prayer.
A curious story is told of the ship
wreck of a large Btitish co'lier, which
foundered far out at sea, off the coast of
California. The sole survivor was a
Portuguese sailor, by the name of
Lopez, who was picked up lashed to a
rait, as he drifted In the path of an in
ward bound vessei for rueet Sound
He was tnken to the Marine Hospital at
Port Townsend, and after a week of
skillful nursing he so far recovered as
to be able to relate his extraordinary
radventurc. He hart tloated with a
dozen companions helpless in the Pacific
for ten days without loort or water
One after another of his shipmates died
from thirst, until he was alone with the
last survivor, and as he was dyin.g
Lopez said to him, ' Georpe, do you
think you are going to Uodr Uii re
ceiving an affirmative reply, Lopes
added with all "the intenseness of de
spair, " When you get where God is,
tell him to send us some water." The
dying man promised that he wou'd do
so, and soon breathed his last. . Shortly
after a copious shower fell, and Lopez
was enabled by its help to hold out
until rescued as stated above, on the
twenty-second day alter the sinking of
the ship.
A commission has been granted to
Samuel Hollender of Elizabeth, N. J., as
a justice of the peace. The total vote
cast far Mr. i 1 ollender was one, and that
was cast by way of a joke. Only one
candidate was in nomination for the of
fice, and after the returns reached Tren
ton it was found that there were five
vacancies in the justices' offices in the
city, and Hollender was declared elected
to fall one of them.
TossliiK Fnon a Ilnl ot Amur.
Tortured in eveiy joint with inflammatory
rheumatism, ia a prospect which may become
a melancholy fact it the twinges ot the dread
disorder are not checked at the outset. Per
sons of a rheumatic tendency find Ilostetter's
Stomach Bitters a uselul remedy, nor do they
encounter the rink in using it they do irom
resorting to that active poison, Colchicum,
which is olten employed to arrest the malady.
The use of the Bitters is equally as effective in
its results, and is attended with no riisk.
There is ample testimony to prove that the
medicine possesses blood depurating qualities
of no common order, besides those ol a tonic
and general alterative. It stimulates the ac
tion ol the kidneys and promotes the removal
from the system ol impurities which develop
disease and are fraught with serious danger.
Fever and ague, dyspepsia, debility, nervous
ness, constipation, etc., fire remedied by it.
" Vaseline."
A new product made irom petroleum is a
felly called " Vaseline," which is ot the great
est utility in medicine, pharmacy and tor
toilet use. Physicians all over the world have
discovered its great value in the treatment
ot wounds, burns, skin diseases, rheumatism,
eatarrii and every ailment where a liniment is
needed, and in almost every hospital in Amer
ica and Europe this substance is now in con
stant use, and is acknowledged not only to be
the best treatment, but also one of the most
important recent additions to medicine. Its
healing and pain allaying qualities being
superior to those ol any known substance,
while the speedy relief it affords lor piles and
chilblains is almost magical. As an emollient.
Vaseline is way ahead ol anything else, as it
renders the skin smooth, soil and clear, and
our lady friends will find it not only the best,
but perhaps the sole substance which will
really prasei ve and restore to the complexion
the hues ot youth, making the cheek like vel
vet and the skin like satin. There is also made
a " Pomade Vaseline," which is said to be ol
great benefit to the hair, keeping it solt and
irlossy, preventing and curing dandruff, and
keeping the scalp healthiul and tree irom dis
ease, and Irom those obioctionable oreatures
which sometimes find a dwelling there. Num
berless instances are cited ot how by the use
ot this pomade tlun and falling hair has re
sumed a vigorous growth. Both the pure
Vaseline and the pomade are put up in twenty
five cent bottles aud are to be found at all first-
class druggists, and we advise our readers to
make a trial of this wonderful substauce, and
we think they will And it claims to merit not
ia the least exagerated.
Careiully avoid the use of rasping cathar
tics. They weaken the bowels and leave
them worse off t'lan before. Use instead,
tSit nlutory, non-irritating aperient and anti
bilious medicine, Dr. Mott's Vegetable Liver
Pills, which will not only achieve the desired
object, relaxation of the bowels, without caus
ing pain or weakening them, but promote
digestion and assimilation and depurate the
blood. The pills are sold by all druggists.
Certainly one is not wise if he purchases
any organ belore obtaining the latest cata
logue and circulars ot the Mason ft Hamlin
Organ Co. Sue advertisement, and send
postal card asking lor them and they will
come tree.
1,45 HO FrolHslr30Days.
$10 iu legitimate Stock Speculations in
Wall St . pays immense profits. Pamphlets ex
p aining everything sent free. Heath & Co.,
Brokers, 1'227 Broadway, N. Y.
Prevent crooked hoots and blistered heels
by wearing i.yon s IIuul slifl'euers. Can be
applied at any time.
Cbwjtukju' hmi awHk isvy Xobaooo
For one cent pnrobnnp. a postal cnnl nnd
onl your nddross to Dr. Pnnfonl, 102 Broad,
vmy, Sew York, and reotiivo piitiiphlpts ly
return mail, Irotii which yon can lmirn whether
your liver is out. ol order, unit if out ol oriler,
or in nny wny ilisense.1, what iu tlio beat thin.v
in tho world to lake lor it.
Drown'n liroiiuhiiil Troches, lor puluioiiMiy
and astbnmtio ilisotilers. Imvo proved their
efllcacy by n tost ol many years, anil lmvo re
ceived testimonials irom eminent mon who
havo used them. 25 cents a box.
Shoiman A Co., Marshall, Mieh., want n
KRnnt in this county at onco, nt a salary ol
$100 per month and expenses paid. For ful
psrt.iculnrs address as above.
Younir mun co wobU Learn loleimiphy. Ad
dress H. Valentine, Mnnnnor, Janvosville.Wis.
onmiiit loll C'lirrd.
An oll pliyahian. ri-tneil from irn:tu-p Imvlnu bflil
Flmml In ills limnl liy an Kl ItuM mlilnimry the
nrmulA of n nlinpu' vpwolalilp rnntfily for tlie apptMy
anl ntTiiuini'iH i nre ftr ('nnsuunitlon. HmiH iillli.
t'ntarrh, AKtlinm. ninl U Thront n( I mm A Itrrtloti,
a'HO a jmsttlvp Btul rmllrnl rur( rir Nrrvnus Di'hlhty
U'I nil NrrviMi Uonipleints, after lwivlne t ateil 'ti
wonderful i nrntive liownrs In PinmuntW of run- n. Im
flt it his duty to make It knnwu tn liii, mtnVrtnK felluvd.
Actuated hy thla niollve and a dcnlre to relleye luniwin
auflvitnir, I will send free ef eliarse to all who d''lre It,
thla recipe. In ieinmn, Fienrli, or Kni:Mli, with fu'i
illrectiona for prrpannii and iihIiii!. Scut hy lnnll hy
addreaninu with ft.mip. trimtng (IiIr imiht. V. U.
SaiHJl. 149 Powera' llloclj, HiK-heater. N. V.
Truth nnd Honor.
Query : What is the best family medi
cine in the world to regulate the bowels
tiurify the blood, remove costivi-nessnnd
biliousness, aid digestion and tone up
the whole system? Truth and honor
compels us to answer. Hop Hitters, being
pure, periccj, and harmless. L,1. lnde
pendent. .
Nal tire's Slnice-lVny.
If tho Kidneys (nature's sluice-way)
no not work properly the trouble is felt
everywhere, men ne wise as soon as
you see signs of disorder take Kidney
Wort faithfully. It will clean the sluice
way of sand, gravel or slime and purify
tno wnoie system.
a at d H & i. Ik i
The Latest Sunday Morning Sermons
Rn-isrd by tlirm, with Portrait anil lllii!r.iiliy of sump
Kuiliient Frr.Mjn. iiimI Smiil.iv-Si.liuol Li-moii cmi'.iIiiciI.
ami AnecilotcH. mill a Pn,lietic Ankle, are iu jllthttl
& tar w r.r.iv hi ui
SI. AO per Annum. S(mp copli'i free. Aurntit
wanti'tl. A.sof m lif hul trmn nil Ni'n Dculrm.
Ailun-u II. AITKKS.O:! Iilli'e II tm Now York.
f t'nre for I'onminip
tlon Is also the best cough med
icine. Dose, amnll, bottle
larce. Sold everywhere. 25c
and $1.00.
Warranted to Aral buyers.
KsewOruuuM 1 :t fttmiit. .Isfl (Jul rip n TnDvUf l( i'.U, A
11 t-.npfiiIU, WHlnitt rwfciv nrnl'il 41 yrnr, nn & Itouk tl
New lklanoN,fttoil, rover ft hiok, to H455. Iti-ture
)OuIiuy Imittirr 1 Mfllr imp. Illuslrut itl SoWhJiHpci itrut 1' 14B
JMirt'ltB XJAJ lj'.ij r JJJWW 11,1' nuiuiuu urn jrrtti-
roi niil!.iihs, for Anuitcur Tht alrU-a'n, Tinpr-
flni-o . h. Iri iiiir, li oni i'ay. Fairy Ktlilnptitn
Htays. u linoks. SpeukciH, Pant iiiiinra. TtttUuiis
Kliriits. Mauncttiii'.ii 1.1. lith, (.oUtrt'ti Viiv, ltirm C.nrk,
Iheatricnl Kme Pri-puationa, .I.iricy Wax U'rks,
WiKft, Iti'imlti nri JMoiist'Thfri nt reilm-cd prio'i. V t-luint-8,
Stf ii' Tv. Cli ir nlt-rt. New fta:imiL-s Bi'tit fife
coiitaiiiinc fu 1 (IcnTiplioii ami prln.
BAMl KL MIENCU & S, K. 1 111) MtOCt, M'W DIK.
KamMlah IMS.
?Tw law, Tkonaasda af SoKtars aad hairs att
Dslons dau back to dlackarga ar death, rtaw kaia4.
Address with sump,
r. Q. Drawer 345, Wualilnatow, D. ,
A ropy of my Bf rillcal
Coin mo 11 nie
mmmmmt lt,,U Bl'llt to ftliV WT-
S'in a ill 1- ttd with 4'oiinuiiiptloii, lirimcliltU.
Aollniiii, More Tlu'ont. or ,hh! ( nun li.
Klcuantly printeil ami Ulustratel; U4 pii-d 12iiu., 1S7'..
It Ijiih liet'U the nii'Uiis In thi? provlileiu-e of (ul, of miv
irm many va uable lives. Semi name ami P. O. aililri-si.
with o- cts. pit.tHre for mailing, invaluable to p'iiiing
MiiiLTim; wiin any (iiseabe or ine in one, ri uroaf or
I.untr. Aihlrt'sii Hit. N. It. W'DI.KK. ('imlnmtti. Iilil.'
In cans. 85 contu ami upward. Tiv It. lnvallils try
It, niolhn for your ilnlilr. u. W'oul.itlUlI & CO. o"
every label. In cans. 36 centi ami upward.
YOI NO 3IAS flit 0I.I,
If ton want a iuiutiant W iti.taaha, daw
in(, a t. (lewth uf bail a
bald kala. IW tiufktw, uught.. at, 4
ul vml unl, HI X r.'iila Iu, Ih. f" ' ' -X
Ureal H,.Bia lliseufrr Ii
Jet fale.1. A.l.',n.. l)k.
i.., . , e
"7Altl'.' TUTTKB mail It I WO It II
sll;t'I Fl C, baj K Im il a iireutur not iriety
tli u ii n n y oilier Patent Med'r lie i n record. 'I be most
auKravated cat-e ia permai.eiitly cired by usim! it. Price,
$1; money reru'uitd In everv Iniaii'-e wbeie a cu e i.
leu made. Aiblreas WAKK'i liKl'ii SlOllK fan
uiiuueBtioned i(i"j, l iiloiilovvii, Ala.
.fib!.? I.-J
a it on aitjdeth faaa
s W
Cutalomio sent Free.
ItAICVKt di. Ill ItltV
.SeaiNuriLi.n, Mass.
mIBBKSttX!2!t&miSS-. .Mire rebel , nTI,., ,
o jt Every Kraduate ku
tlor Ad ress K. Valentine. Mm
L.eaiu lficii'il". ' l
earn SIU to Sllht
uaranteeil a paytnx ailu.
imaiter. j.msvhie. wi
RllCHW04kl'H llioluialia or New Vork
aud Vina ty (Tourist Snie.i. i-xlo. at ll." cents.
lk aud vlcin.l
I? I'nion Square.
1? I'nion Square. New York. Send .toati for catalogue.
.1Ioi'IiIm Il lblt 4'uieil Iu 14
w ilu.i a. ,n (ill t ui-it
t)u. J. nili.l'Ult-S.i, Li bauon, uuiu.
CI 1 Comnlete Works and Dr. Footed a Ilr.ii.TH Mi.mui v.I yeurforSI.
are pie eoi v irrr m ur ray 1 1 u I , no. I "..iiv.iiiiiL.n i
abll Ol bailll lllueases. inuli
udb cured. Lowest Pr1 .efl. Do not fa
write Dr. P. K. ataran. i;uiu. v. K ot
iAV. With Stencil Outfiu. What cosu 4
cti- sells rapidly for no eta. Catalogue fr.
8. at.
aeaacaa. uvw 'sn-u .11.. nosioii. Mass
ffififi a week In yeur own town. T?rms nnd t-r outfit.
r ree. duarcbs ii. Uiixttr s uu., r or nana. Maine.
IXTTyTt; Itevolvrra. Cat. iione tree. Addres.
VJI (ireat Western Uiiii Works. PiltiburK.Pa
I' i ti ti i ) ( ) i
h"T A YK Alt aim exi em-i s i axenu. outnt Ite
1 A .l.lreas V Virf H i V A inrnatn M'ee
ttO AWKKK. $12 a day at h meeasil
i., Ai
made. Costly
ufeuata, Maine-
tf C Ia LO ft per day at home. Samples woith free
f t- w Addreah&li.Nsiw A to.,lu
Portland, Alaiue
Free-('hroiiio (tataoi.'Ue. Fumlilea. everybmly, lowe.t
prloe. Melroio! ll.m Art Co., lltl JSasbau St., N . Y. Ully
ilill, au'i exoen.l-s KUa! amee l to aeuu.
tviai Ires, am a Auttu.ia.tiaiaa.
Is tn Old HallabU Ooneantratad I.y
T)lrctlnni kcrnmtwnrini rh Cn for Baking n
Soft and Toilet Soap quirk iy.
Tha M.rtot la flnnflfii) with (no-ca Oonrantralt
I.ys, which Is adulterated with salt ana renin, awl
mate ap.
OA i MVfUir, bum torn
Penniylvania Salt Manur Co,,
" iii3
Will iwy fat
th beat IJt-
In ih world.
Th 4'Klrto l,dn:ci',
nn ymr, fn of pot4tw.
Nnw and ilffply Intwrwitlnd
rMril tory btln 6th.
IK8. Hofn I"prlmni
alnnft worth ha prfo of U19
SMtMir. l.ftO tfr(Tfr.
uiMorih at ono. Hamplo
oop Krt. Arl'lrMTIlK
1,1 IM.I U.l hrlngo.lll.
Cure Yourself
.lint rtibllslii'il, snil .elllng like wllit-rlre, a hook
.-!. tilled I 1,11V M A ' IIIHOWIM IMH1TOH.
A Prai Ileal Hi uneliolil l'hvKle an. A nimle to promote
health. Hire ilia- ie ami pro'ona lite tl J. Ilaiuilt n
A veil. M. 1) Kllllv llluatr.lpil. S J. ,".
(Mold only lj mburriptloni tn.
TO AGENTS ! eaKleat Hook tn sell ever known.
I Terms, etc.. address
J.tV.'WUI.l T ,'., Piih'.lshers, V.Y.f'ltv
Is emtiittered r nroir. Kidney,
llls iiler or I'nnary Unninlaliita,
llrlclit's Iisease,UraTl or Oeusral
Uebihty. take
kluiit'a llemeHy
ltetentioti or I rlne. Dial ie, Psln
in ii.e H.iek ami I n us. Kxeesa-
i s mi l lnlemi'raiiio are euisd by
limit's Kriileily. All Dlieatei
,.r ih.. ki.lnev.. Ills -bier and rrlnanr
OrEiina sre Hired
l.v llimt'e Ilemetly. mniij
I'luciansnie Hunt's Itemer?. Seinl lor pamphlot
to WM. K, lll.A KK.K, Provluelice, H. I.
!n. C. K. Siiokmakm Hhe wll-knewn Aural Surceon
of Keuilliix, l'u Klvi sall Ills time to tlie tre.tiueut or
Dealings and lllHeanes if tlie Ksr St 111- "III e, II
nuiTessliaa RlTen him a national reputation, especially
on riuinlnft rar and (Istnvrh. Cslt or si-nd fer his lilt t
Itook on the Kar. It. sml their Ireaimenl-
fi-ee to til, Ills Isriie Hook CirtO iinireal. prler
v. Aiblreia lr. V. IV NIIOk..n.lHKlt
Aural Siii'irenn, llenillaiK,
1.0.0 T.
K. of H.
a n n w
Hr'a Men, Itruhtm. and a'l other Rocletles
mud lo order hi M.1. I.llley Co.. Coiutau,
(Wio. NKMtf for J"rpr Ustm.
Military ana Ft
'Iremen'a Oooris, Banners L. Flaffs
.1 large rli;ht-p?e paper of RO broad columns wll
he sent pout-paid to any address, oue year, for
T1IR SI'V. N Y City
Has a Paa alffntae fraat all staera, k, wllk i.lf.ajuuaf a.11
la uaurTaaapW IU.IT k all SMlUaas
oT th. Mr, wkll. lae Jill la tk
"f. mm 4 51 ""'MM
oe Hernls !a hla Monrety iay and aifbi. aaa a nMal este ne
UIO. II Is tfurabls ana fhrap. kr Basil.
Egglestoo Truss Co., Chicago, III
liranil Mednl
Exposition. .
Silver Medal
at Paris
This wonderful substance Is acknowledued by ptiyal
sns tbrom:hiwt the world tn be tlie bert reniruy ills-
covered for the cure of wounds. Hurns, Kheuuianiiui,
Skin Diseases. Piles. Catarrh. Chl bialiis. Ac. In ordi
that every one nisy try ll.H is put uu in l(Vand25
cent hotties for household use. Obtain It from oui
il'iiKClst. and you will nnd II superior to snyttiluK 5"U
Ii ivo ever nsed.
Sr. Kuchisl'i
will positively pure Keinulr 'Weakness, such as Fall
In of the Womb, Whites, Chronic Inflammation or
I'loeratloii of the Womb, Ineldentnl Hemorrhage or
KloodliiK, 1'ulnful, Suppreased nnd Irreirular kleni.
tninllon, &o. An old unit rtdlable remedy. Send po.-i-t;il
e.-ml for a paiiudilet, with treatment, cures ami
eertiib-ntes f rum pliyHUdnua and patients, to flow
on li A 11 illnr.l. Uticu, is. . fckj'd by all itruMljltU
S i.r-41 r Ooitio.
An Infallible and unexcelled Remedy fu
'lts,Kplleuay or KalllnarNlrhneaa
wairrauiteil to e fleet a speedy and
A-l llTl a but core.
' A free bottle " of Bir
renowned specific and a Talnabli
Treatise sent to any suflerol
sending ma bit F. O. and Ex
press addresa.
l. K. . Jl HIT. IH I PearMUreat. slew'T--
Roller s -rcoD-iivER on
It perfectlT mire. Pronounced tlie beet by the h'a-h.
eat medical authorities in the world. Uiven hiKhest
ward at 14 World's KxiKwitions, and at 1'aris, I H'. a.
ilold by DruKisia. W.ll.FScbirllelin & 4 o.,N V
Oooil 11 mem for AyeiitH Ahead.
Prr spertuses for this universally looked for Hook now
idy. Sneak quick aud secure territory. "A trurrl ra
lite m w ttftcuiU.
. is. H1.1SS, Hnrtrorrt, t.
rcf-rlvcl th IllRl.rat Mitl at tin- r- -Hi
over n'l A nit rlt.i i" -(.nipftltii . lift
(M LKlUl-ft. id WARRAHTKD UUt IwUi'tl
d.i l1 nv-r Ida. Inp-. I'll.'!! '. Tl-'-i
it lti'i W Ull til lllllliO Hual, "' I
ia tufl and flfxttil ami cuuiik m
Ufiifa. Pin- hy mail, $1.60.
Kc tala bf allUatlluf merchftut.
WARNFB BK0H.. tftl BroMwftf. K.
This Is the fastest-sell ii-x hook ever published, snd the
on.y coiuplete aud authentic History of tiraut's Travels
Send for circular containing a full description of the
work and our extra terms to Aicents. Address
KirioML Puhusuino Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
.Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs
Demonstrated best by HIGHKST 1IONOHS AT ALL
at Paais, buiT; Visnns, 173; Santi.uo, ISTft; Puil.dki
i'Hia. l7ti: Paais. ISiS; and IjKaaD SttEuiau (, old Mkdai,.
1 iTK. Omy American (irtjans ever awarded blithest hon
ors at any such. Sold for cash or installment!,
thatkd CiTaioui'Ka and Circular! w itu new styles aud
pn.ea sent (ree. MASON 4 11 AM UN OKGAN CO.,
Jlostou, .N ew 1 ork or uiucago.
We will st'nd our Klectro-YoiUic Bells mil other
Kttfthc A ppllaru uiuiti ftal for 3 Unyn to thtw
HtllU tt'd with Xrrvvu IhhiUty and iimt 'of a iMTttonut
U'ttute. aiiso or ine i.iver, k inuey, nut uumiuiu, rru!
Hth. Ac. A htireiure yuarantrwt or tio pay.
A1 Irrris i'ollnlf. Belt 4'o., Marchall, Mich
U wail1 paV At'euic sUr of iliHJ Ittir Uiuuib 4Uid
jipsust-, or alltiw large coiuuitaaiun. io Mil our nan
vdo i',v ntlurfnl luenf.'ii.fc . ie ttan yen a any. ro
CtAAOt prt.Uti
on SO day a' investment ot
In Erie K. H., October 18.
Ttlunl returns every
week ou Stock Options ot
jo. ii)0, moo I5oo
Ottii iul Kepiirts ninl t'lrrulars Iree. Adtlreas
T HOTTER WUiUT k CO., bukera. W4llSt.,N.Y
eUw ft4 KismJ. w U taw UCB lut.
.ik (ill S-a. a at tut, U td ta !
Wk Lair, uaal Utaaa vrrttt eHkvi
f tear filar. kaWa1 t mH. UiUaia U
ml aa, ih lin m4 lan wtw jm
aa.ll m neat, l i-s 4.1 tt Bsamu.
, I'nif HaHTINIZ ( l-..
VfvJU. AgeiiU Wanted. I Lave ttie beat
tiling, foiv Amenta. ver Am ikkdu ire now mku.g
rroiu 9 at io
'i to s day. Senii ftlauiD fur ra.rtk ulara.
- ii i - - -1
a rn y 10
Bells of Cornevillo
Lm.I. ii,. a.iinV seeiieiy and .(MtumlnK are qnlta
Ptlce,l.W. '
WIIITnliail '' Sundny "ihool Bon
Book "5 Abbe" and Mu irr, bids fair to be one of the
most .;.yco..sful books ot Its jlasij. " ' VJu'l'S "5
one of the sweetest and best. It wi 1 pay to buy one, II
only to img from at Inline. Price at) cent.
VOICK OK VOHiIIIP. (U O. Kaiasow.) W
per dnten.
THHTKMPtlSi (W. O. Pati ) Operrtosen
(A. N.Jonmoa.) 0 per doseu.
The above are our three newest Wnnlnn School BooM.
The first two hava a full tut of tunes lor oholrt.
See full lists of New Sheet Music, every week In tha
JAulciil Rnxmt. That Is the way to keep wall Informed
ol all new lasuea. Mailed for 6 rents.
Walt for these books (almost through the press):
TF.n PKIIAin n JKWEIiS. J n. Tennsy.
BUUH. A. N. Jomssoji.
OLIVER D1TS0X & CO., Boston.
8411 Ilroadwar. Itcw York.
t. E. DITMOIX . CO..
91 f hcatnut tit.. Philadelphia.
(Constipation and Pilos.
,'in ric.Tiiu im)veis ami ku-
MiYH AT T1IIA.11B 'J'l.rir..
Because It olean.e. the tystem of
thepolBonou. humor. that Oovcilopo
In Kidney and Urinary dlsorrsoc, Bl!
lousneea. Jnundlce, Conctlpntlon,
Pllco, crln Rhoumntl.m, Neuralala
and Komalo disorders.
KIDNEY. WOIIT la a dry regetnlile eoaa
peuadand enn bo sent bj mull preiml.l.
JOneprk?ewlllmiilielxiiNrf inrillrlne.
Itu It nt the DniBcleta. Trier, ft. 00.
TSVA tZCSMtZZS CO., Trrletori,
fa Ttlirlln.ln.. V.
fl v " ' "
First KstablUhed I Most Succsssfnl I
riiBIH UJ8TEUMKNT3 have a Standard Value la
Leading Markets
6Of the World !
Brsrywhsrs recocnlasd as tb FIN BT IN TOM, ; ,
OVER 00,000
Nsitaand la nu, New Designs onstaotly I' el
Work and Lowest Prices.
4V Band lor Catalog. .
Trenont SL. opp. WaltbanC?.. Boston. Mass
( Vl
FOR HAT.V. 11 V A I.I, IlKAl.t ltr
Awartttd On MKUA L OFHOXOIt at lUt Centennial
ami J'tnii Kryititton.
u.- in.1i ..',.. la tha Im. eis
lla a baa
,il au1 f..'. iAa oi frM-bia, aJi
luuuvulu alaaltoba E'r, (lata
Ob k sa Is acisas aad saav
illil traa.
A. UoKINtAY, Lana Cm'r.
Jau . T, a il. Mlataa.
Kor liesiitv of rullKh. tai.ii
Uorablliiv iid ( 'lienim. t'ne
WUK.SK UltllS.
U tea
ins ei7 best goods direct from tlie Importers at Ball
Oia usual eoat. Ue.t plan ever ortereu ti Ciub Aeent
aud larne lluyers. ALL, KiPUKJjS CUAIll.ta PAID
N w terms VML.
The Ureat
SI sail 31
!.). BlI-l-Alin.
American Tea t'ompany,
Vey Nireet, New York
1 f tn ttniin Invest, d in 'd Si. m... k. u.ska
4IU 10 $IUUU '"rtnues every uiimtli. bcuk seut
Addr. BAXIJI. oi'i'ra'iu'S.'ur.T
Haf1..!. War'1" e' --i-"Lj
KIN I'-No -T7
S Jv sainis aTN
AT IS JUST I I iNouioust I
Afttn tHitJf GREflSEy
u s