The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 26, 1879, Image 4

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Laboratory, 77 W. 3d St., Sew York City,
Tho Esst Homedy Known to Haa 1
"Dr. Clnrlr ,Tohnon having nwortstod himself
wilh Mr. Kchvln Kaetman, an ernpcd cnitlvc, long
a slave, to Wnkanietk la, the medicine tuan of tho
t'omnnches, is now prepared to lend his aid In the
Intcodnctiun of the wonderful remedy of that tribe.
Tho experience of Mr. Eastman being similar to
that of Mrs. Chris. .Toneaaml son, of Washington
l'o., Iowa, nn account of whose sufferings were
tlirillinu'ly narrated In the JVn Vork JJeraid of Dee.
loth, 1ST8, the facts of which are so widely
known, r.nd so nearly parallel, that but little men
tion of Mr. Eastman's experiences will bo given
here. They arc, however, published fn a nent vol
ume of 300 paces, entitled, "Seven and Nine Years
Anions tho c'omnnches and Apaches," of which
rtv ntimi will be made hereafter. Suffice it to say,
that for several years, Jlr. Eastman, while a cap
tive, was compelled to pither the roots, (rums,
lurks, h. rlis and berries of which Wakamctkla's
jnedicino was made, nnl Is still prepared to pro
iJ tho sa'js materials for the successful intro
duction of tins medicine to the world; and atsurea
t!:e pub ic thp.t the remedy is the same rtoir AA
when W'akauiciklu compelled Uim to tuako it.
Wakametkla, the Medicine Man
Nothing has been ndden to the medicine and
:iothiu has been taken nwny. It is witlloiU doubt
i he Best I'l'hifikii of the Ulood and Keniweu of
'he SvsrKM.ever known to man.
This Syrup lom-gswt varied properties.
It nclfs upon tlio I. Ivor.
It !i'Im iipoti tlio Kitlnoys.
It reuiilatew tlio CCowcisi.
It inriiles the Itlo.xl.
It ii!i li the cri oin System,
i t iritiotoH IXest ion.
It ourilics, h'.reulliens and Invlj"
It rurrlcM oil' the old blood and aDukci
It o;rtii the porr of the Hkln, and
IndutTS tlcallliy Hcrslratlou.
It neulralies tho heredi(ary taint, or poison lr
the li!i;o.l,wtiich f-'enoraten Scrofula.Krysipelas, nna
all imiuncr of fckiu diseases and interim! humors.
Tin re are nonpirit" employed in its manufacture,
aud it cm lie tulcen bv tho most delicate babe. 01
liy tii ned in.d feeble, care onty lang rcqutr4
(".'.VCUM ill -U lit.
Edwin Eastman h Indian Costwns.
Ckvxm and Nine Yeaks Amdno tub Comanciif
and Apaches. A ueut voiunio of 3U0 pages,
belliK a sitnile slatcmeiit of tho horrible laets
connected w ith the sad inussaero of a helpless
family, and the captivity, tortures and ultimate
escape of its two surviving members. For fcaie
liyouragi'iits generally. Trice f 1.00.
The incidentx of the massacre, briefly narpated,
;;re distributed by agent.', rnv.a of charge.
Mr. Kustinan, being ulmo-t constantly at tin
West, engaged in gut lie; ini and i urin the matcrl
ids of winch thu medii ine ii computed, the sole
1 isiness management devolves upon lir. Johnson,
and the remedy has been called, and is known as
v Dr. Clarl Johnson's
Prioa'of Largo Bottles
Triecf Emll Eo.'.Ls 50
U-!:id t!io vV.u. itry tu-ttiuionlals of persona u lin
iriv- D'eii cire-ii ny iri u ie oi lit. i. lark JuUou l
Iniiju byr 1;, ill yuiu own vicinity.
TestimouiaJs cf Carea.
Edinoton, Feb. 1, 1879-
Dear Sir: I wua troubled with chills: had
thorn every other day lor nix montlm; had two
uociora aileiulms me when vour iiirent. ner.
saaded me to try your Indian Itlood Syrup,
and I can say I never hud a chill alter taking
tho first dose. I cheertully recommend it to
Lizzib Wink,
West Lkuanon. March 3. 1879.
Dear Sir: Hitviiij; been proutrate for months
with what my lihvbici'in termed I'alpitation
of the Heart, and a combination ol other dis
eases, I obtained no relief until I bought some
of your Indian Blood Syrup, which relieved
me immediately. I am now in perteet health.
Elizabeth Lewis.
JIolmshluo, 23d Ward, Philadelphia,
Feb. 24, 1879.
Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in saying
that 1 have Riven your vuluable Indian Blood
Syrup a fair trial in my family and received
l(t eat beufcllt from is. Sam'i. L. Soiav.
PLAINT.'ltGU, Snyder Co., fa.
Dear Sir: 1 have been troubled with Heart
Disease and Liver Comjiluint, mid 1 hud spent
a K''"1 1'"' money lor medicinal aid without
rwei vintf any beuutit, until I procured some of
your Indian lilood Syrup lrom your atfent,
E. L. Biitliiiftoii. I can now testily liom my
experience as to the limit value of it in such
diseases. HENKV ZEMCHAN.
I mm mm i
! IPIM 1
Western and Southern Slate.
Tho American Woninn Sufi'iHRO Assix-in-t
ion, in antuinl session nt Cinpinnnli, rl exited
the lollowiiiR ofllecis for the rnsuinn year:
Piosidont, Henry It. Blnckwell, of Boston;
vice-presidents, T. W. HiKuirtHtin, Rhode
Island; Mr. Rebecca N. Hazard, St. louisj
Mary A. Liveiiiore, Illinois; (ieotgo William
Curtis, New York; George W. Julian, In
diana; Theodore D. Weld, Mnssachusetts;
Celia Burleigh, Now York; Margaret V.
Longley, Cincinnati, and iho chairman ol till)
exreutivo committee, Mrs. Lncy Stone. Cor
responding secretary, Myra Brondwell, Illi
nois. Foreign corresponding secretary, Julia
Ward H vwe. Recording secretaries, Miss
Matilda Hindinan, New Jorsoy, ntid Amanda
Way, Indiana. Treasurer, Frank B. Sanborn,
Massachusetts. A resolution was) adopted to
appoint a committee who Bhall in a proper
manner present memorials to all churchor
ganizat ions asking that equnl right s bo granted
to all member! irrespective of sex.
The Odd Fellows' building and four adjoin
ing stores were burned at Helena, Ark. Loss,
At San Francisco Joseph K. Bowman, a fish
dealer, shot Mrs. J. H. Hays and her unugh
ter Annie Carr, inflicting slight wounds, and
then blew his own brains out. Miss-arr had
relused him.
Willinm Davis wa executed at Lookhart,
Texas, lor the murder ol Dollv Hudspeth on
October 20, 1S78. He acknowledged his guilt
lrom the scaffold, and suffered death without
evincing any emotion. A large crowd wit
nessed tho hanging. .
A house-to-house inspection has been com
menced at Memphis under the auspices ol the
national board of health.
As the two hundred hands mostly boys
and girls employed in the cracker and candy
manulnctory ot J. F. Corlo A Son at Kaitstts
City, Mo., were returning to work lrom dinner
one ot tho walls of the building suddenly tell
in with a terrible crush, burying in the ruins
nearly one hundred persons. Then the rest
of the walls gave way in rapid succession.
From within the huge, tumbling wreck issued
the terror-stricken occupants, who mingled
their screams and shrieks with the crash ol
tailing timber mid masses of biicks. Hiiidly
had tho house fallen before the ruins took fire.
The furnaces were in lull blast at the time ol
the accident and the dry building material was
like tinder. In the meantime the scene within
and about, the building was terrifying in the
extreme. In the second story about thirty
girls were cut off from the stairs by timbers
blocking the doorway. They ran to the win
dows, and bolore any one could stop them
several had jumped to the ground, receiving
terrible wounds. At last the door to the
stairway was battered down and the girls were
released, but not belore eiht persons had
been killed and several more badly injured.
The accident is supposed to have resulted
from the heavy stock on hand causing the
walls to crumble. The building was three
stories in height, but of brick, and was erected
in 1862; It was considered perfectly safe, and
had been 'Itl use by the Messrs. Corle t wo
Governor Bishop, ol Ohio, has sued the
Cincinnati Gazelle lor libel, claiming 00,000
damages for falsely charging him with a cor
rupt bargnin and conspiracy to obtain control
ot the Cincinnati police board.
Captain Hull with a squad ot rangers and
several citizens, anticipating au attempt to
plunder one Campbell's store, in Atascosa
county, Texas, ooncealed themselves in order
to capture the robbers. During the night five
men rode up and entered the store. Two ol
them secured the clerk, while the others be
gan plundering the store. Hall and his men
appeared and demanded the surrender ot the
robbers. Hie latter, however, fired on the
rangers, wounding ono citizen. Hall's men
returned the fire, killing one robbci, mortally
wounding another, and slightly wounding a
third. The others escaped.
From Washingon.
The last Treasury statement issued says the
public debt was decreased $10,352,906.62 dur
ing Octobets and givos the following figures:
Cash in the Treasury 229,844,811 92
Gold certificates 14,591,000 O i
Silver certificates 6,155,850 00
Certificates of deposit out
standing 22,405,000 00
Uelunding 2,899,400 00
Legal tenders outstanding. .. 346,681,016 00
Fractional currency outstand
ing 15,710,939 91
The coinage ot the mints during Octobor
amounted to 6,18,254, of which 3,616,8:0
was gold and 'Z,6i i,loa was silver.
The estimates for the consular 'and diplo
matic service for the next fiscal year will
exceed those lor the current year by about
An appropriation ot $.2,750,fC0 will bo
ask.d for taking the census in the next fiscal
Professor C. V. Riley, Chief ot the United
Slates Entomological Commission, hits re-
contly returned lrom the South, where, under
the auspices of that commission, he has been
making a thorough study ol insects which in
jimou.-ly ti fleet the cotton plant. He reports
that the results ot the year s work are m
every way satislnctory and valuable, and says
they will be ready tor publication at an early
Col. W. B.Thomson, superintendent of the
railway and mail service, has completed his
annual report lor tho laU fiscal year. It ex
hibits an increase ol over 4iJiyK)0,0()0pieces
ol mail matter handled on the postal cars
during the twelve months ended Juno J J last,
the aggregate being nearly 2,60,H0d,f 00, or
about twenty per cent, more than the preced
ing year.
Foreign News.
Great bush fires are raging in the province
ot Minus deraes, Brazil, fai.vty-seven persons
have perished.
A Constantinople dispatch announces that
the hand ol Oreek bnganus which has been
robbing and murdering in all the sur
rounding Tricula bus been completely anni
hilated by a company of soldiers. Twenty-five
brigands were killed and several wounded.
Advices lrom the seat of war in South
America state that 3,000 Peruvians have ar
rived at Arica to reintorce the troops there.
Troops are being sent to strengthen tho army
at Iquiuuo, Peru. The Chilian torces, 15.00J
strong, are reported to be advancing against
By an accident to a railroad train in India,
caused by the sinking of an embankment alter
a rain storm, nineteen persons were killed
nd lorty-flve injured.
Nearly one hundred lives have been lost by
floods in the it-land ot Jamaica, West Indies,
and thecolloe crop has suffered heavily by the
A Paris dispatch says the sale of the Rus
sian St. i'etersburgli Uaztlte is forbidden in
the streets ot towns in Germany on account
ot several articles entitled "German Women,'
which are lull ot insults to the German nation,
President Grevy of the French republic has
commuted the sentences ol flvo culprits who
were condemned to death, including the no
tonous assassins Abadie and Gilles. The
president is adverse to capital punishment,
and this looksjikes its practical abolition.
M. Philippurt, the great financier of Pulis,
has lulled, and bus absconded, owing the
Bunoue Eurooenue fcSuO.OUl). The Bourse
bus posted him as a delauller lor & 1,36:1,00 J
The Bunque tluropenne repudiate M. Philip
1 art's Bourse transactions on their behalf.
National Thanksglvlnyr Proclamation.
The following proclamation bus been issued
by the rresideut:
At no recurrence oi the season which the do
vout habit of t religious people has mty-'e the
occasion for giving thuuks to Almighty God
und humbly invoking his continued luvor has
the material prosperity enjoyed byour whole
rountry been more conspicuous, more mani
fold or more universal. During tlio past year,
also, nnbroki n peace with nil loreign nations,
the general prevalence ot doinestio tranquility,
the supremacy and security ot the great insti
tnt'ons ol civil and religious Ireedom, have
gladdened the hearts ol our people and con
firmed their attyfchment to their government,
which tho wMcioni and courage ol our ances
tors so fitly Iramed, and the wisdom and oour
ago ol their descendnnts have so firmly main
tained, to be tho habitation of liberty and
justice lor suocowsive snnerations.
Now, therefore, 1, Rntherlord II. Hayes,
President ol the United f tales, do appoint
Thursday, the 27th day ot November instant,
ns a day of untional thanksgiving and prayer,
and I earnestly recommend that withdrawing
themselves lrom secular cares and labor tho
people ol the United States do meet together
on that day in their respective places of wor
ship, there to give thanks and praise to Al
mighty God lor His mercies, and to devoutly
beseech their continuance.
In witness whereof I hnvo hereunto set my
hand and caused the seal of tho United States
to lie affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this third
day of November, in tho year ol our Ixird one
thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, and
ol the independence ot the United States tho
hundred and fourth.
By the President: Wm. M. Evar', Secretary
ol state.
A Fatal Collision at Sen.
The steamship Champion, of tho Charleston
line, bound tc Charleston, S. C, lrom New
York, was sunk at sen at three o'clock in the
morning, alter a collision wilh the English ship
Jaiiy Uctnvia, when thirty miles east ot Cape
llonlopon, off tho mouth ot the Delaware
river. Ol the fltty-flvo persons on board the
steamship Chnmpio-i thirty were drowned.
The Champion loll her moorings at Pier 2",
JNorth river, at five o clock in the afternoon,
and had proceeded directly upon hor course
aliout 120 miles when, on the following day,
the Iady Octavia, bound to New Vork lrom
Rio Janeiro, Brazil, came into collision with
her. The sen was smooth, the stars were
shining brightly in a sky that was almost
wholly cloudless, and the moon, which was
low in the heavens, was shining Inintly. The
Krilish vessel was sighted only three minute
before the collision occurred, and three min
utes alter the collision the Champion lay upon
the bottom ol tho sea. Ol tho sixteen passen
gers on board only lour were saved. The five
iemale passengers were drowned, the only
woman saved out ot tho six on board being
Catherine Cross, stewardess.
1 he substance ol the narratives of all the
survivors shows that the collision occurred iu
fine weather, a smooth sea, and under the
light ot the moon and stars. Captain Lock-
w ol, tho commander ot the Champion, had
een nothing ahead, yet had been away lrom
the pilot house but fi minutes when he was
oalled back to find tho towering form ol a huge
ship close upo.-i his vessel. In hi absence
t irst Ufllcer Leonard, a carelul and veteran
seaman, was on the lookout, wilh an assistant
at the wheel. The captain instantly stopped,
and then reversod the engines, and, alter giv
ing hurried orders to every subordinate he
saw, went hiinscjl to tho cabin, notified the
pnssengcrs, scattered lile-preservors in their
way, and with the vessel s edge alim st even
with the surloce ol the sea, continued to direct
the lowering ot tho boats and ellorts to save
the passengers. The vessel lelt him on tho
surloce ot Iho water. Ho did not leave it.
The first officer, Leonard, in command when
the loreign ship bore down on his vessel, was
drowned. It is not believed that the missing
passengers lelt their room, or, at any rate,
had tune to reach the deck. Every person
who was saved had but three minutes' notifi
Unfurled to the Breeze.
The uses to which the telephone wires
are put are innumerable. It is related
that one of the companies was extending
a wire over a gentleman's house, and
while the employee Were busy in sur
mounting the roof of an ad joining house.
it hung down in the yard. A girl was
doing the family washing, and knowing
the master of the house had spoken ot
sending home a wire clothesline, saw
the wire, and, supposing it was the
promised line, hung the various articles
on it, and retired to allow them to dry.
The men soon reached the top of the
House, and began to pull ttie wire up.
It seemed to them to bu very heavy in
deed, nnd great was their surprise to see
the fluttering garments appear to view.
lne consternation ot the poor girl can be
easier imagined than described when
she found her washing thirty feet in the
air unrolled to the breeze. At hist ac
counts, however, they had been dried,
and were re'urncd to terra rirnia
Rochester Herald.
Time is money we suppose, but it
never reduces the principal on a bad
debt. Fon du Lac Reporter.
Warm the feet by the suushine, or by
holding them in the hands.or by scuffing
them in slippers over a woolen carpet,
but do not put them in hot water or
over a register or stove. Dr. Footed
Health Monthly.
The Nervea as SJunroe of Trial.
Instc ud ot being a vehicle) lor agreetthlo sen
sations some people's nerves are a most dis
tressing eudowmeiit. Such sufferers, it will
usually be lound. are dyspeptio, luck vitality
and flesh. What they nued is more vijior.
There is a means ot obtaining it, if they will
hut uvuil themselves oi that means. It is
Hostettcr's Bitters, a tonio which experience
has shown to be ol the utmost service to the
debilitated, nervous and dyspeptic. Digestion
restored upon a permanent, basis by the Hit
ters, ministers, as it. should, to the wants oi
the system and its integral parts, ol which the
nerves are one ot the most important, are
pronorly nourished and invigorated. The
various lunctions are thus more actively ilis
charged, and obstacles to a return to health
removed by increasing vitality. Instead ol
nervous prostration, new strength and vitality
will be inluseu into the whole motive ma
chinery. To be ot permanent benefit a medicine must
reach tho source ot the disease. J. he reason
why Scovill's lilood and Liver Syrup is so sue
cesslul in overcoming scrolulous, syphilitio
and eruptive complaints, is that it entirely
roots out those impurities which give rise to
them. The cause oi tho evil being thus re
moved and the normal purity ot the ciieulu
tion restored, the skin resumes its original
clearness and sores and pimples disappear,
Sold by all druggists.
The Nw Vork Weekly Vilnt which cir
culates 54,000 has received many hundieds of
letters saying it is the best pitper in tho conn
try. The subscription is SI. 50, but it will be
sent on trial till new year lor ten cents, or a
spebimen copy will be seut gratis. Address
John Dougall A Co., 7 Frauklort St., N. Y
At every great world's exhibition lor tweWe
years Mason Sl Hamlin Organs huve been
awarded the gold medal or other highest
houor. This year at the Paris exposition
they have been lound worthy ot the gold
A neglected cough, cold or sore throat,
which might be checked by a simple remedy
like "Brown's Bronchial Troches," if allowed
to progress may terminate seriously. 'J5 cents
ll,44a oO I'roAta lu 30 Ia a.
$10 iu legitimate block speculations in
Wall St. pays immense profits. Pamphlets ex
plaining everything seut free. Heath & Co.,
Brokers, Itil Broadway, Hi. X.
Prevent crooked boots and blistered heels
bv weurini! Lyon's Hoel Stitl'cners. Cuu be
applied at any time.
Young men go west. Learn telegraphy. Ad
dress H. Valentine, Manager, Jauesviiie, Win
"Nolle! a Urnnltei"
It is a pleasing though not a surprising fact
lliat tho new business of tho lOtna Lilo Insur
ance Company 1ms been notably increasing
dicing the past nine months, tho, us
compared with tho corresponding period ot
hist year, being especially gratifying. Com
missioner Stedmau, who has just completed
tho regular examination of tho Company, as
required by law, speaks ol its condition wilh
the utmost confidence and enthusiasm. The
other day he remarked, in conversation con
cerning t lie -Etna Lil'o, that its assets nre as
solid as ginnito. Hartford 'os, Orl. 23, 1879.
For ono cent purchase a postal curd nnd
send your address to Dr. Snnford, 1(12 Broad
way, New York, and receivo pamphlets by
return mail, lrom which'you can learn whether
your liver is out ol order, and if out ol order
or in any way diso sod, what is the best thing
in tho world to take for it.
Sherman & Co.. Marshall, Mich., want nn
agent in this county at once, at a snlury ol
100 per mont'ii nnd exponses paid. For full
particulars address as above.
Chew Jackson's Host 'iwwt Nnvy Tobacco
Don't bo without C Gilbert, s omrohes.
Taiiithtrr, Wives and Mothers.
tlvi'.v cure Female Wrnknpss, fn h FslUliu of the
Wnnili, W.ilten, Chronic liitliimiimtlnn or t'lM nitlnn of
the Womb, Im-lilfiital llrniorrhsiip or Kltmdlnu, Pstnful,
SiinpresMMl ud lncmilnr Mi'imtruntloii, tc. AiiokI nil, I
reliitlile ri-iucdy. Si nn iftiil curd for pnmphlH, with
treatment, cum mid certillcstc from plivslrlana and
patients, to IIOWARTH 4 IIALI.AKD, fjticu, N. V.
Sold by all DnuiilHln si. So per bottle.
Truth and Honor.
Query : What is the be?t family medi
cine in the world to regulate the bowels.
purify tho blood, remove costiveness and
biliousness, aid digestion and tne un
the whole system? Truth and honor
compels us to answer, Hop Hitters, being
pure, perfect and harmless. Ed. Inde
Nature's Muice-Wny.
If tho Kidneys (nature's sluice-way)
do not work properly the trouble is felt
everywhere. Then be wise and as soon
as you see signs of disorder take Kidney
Wort faithfully. It will clean the sluice
way of sani, gravel or slimo and purify
the whole system.
1r ly'VT e we want Agents at ft to f I O
J.T-1. per day nt home. Addrons with
alflKVIMll I, MP TO., I'orliaiHl, Maine.
' pure. Pronounced the best by the, hlfrli
authorities in the world. Given liitrhoat
sward at si World's Expositions, and at l'ana, 1H7C
Bold by rruTfi8U. W .Il.cbicfl lin Si 1 N Y
We will boii'I our Klfotro-Vollnle IWHh and other
Kl metric ApplhiKTii upon trtiil fr tlayt to thou1
Milhrlctl wilh Xfrtwi k-intit 1 anil iftcw. t4 a twrsiuil
mf.wn. Also of the l.lvei, Kt ln- h. theum.itl:n, Paraly
sis, Ac. A nurt eutf tjwtrmttrtvt or tu pay.
AnMrepM VnKnlr licit 4'n.. TMnrHtiall. IWIcli.
Will pay foe
tha beat Lit
erary I'nper
in ilia world.
Tha Cbteiia-o Ledcer,
on year, free of poslna.
New and deeply lnutroetiiin
aert.1l atnry be-ina Deo. 6th,
1K7S. Home Department
alone worth tha prloe of the
Sapor. SI .AO per Yi n r.
ubeorihe at ence. rUmple
oopiea Free. Addroea T 1 1 IS
lt-.l.l. A I'AT I I.
LoNiios, Ksu., June If. 1711. Mek. Cmampus A Co.:
Miidum Adedim Putti aska yen to a'-nd her Immediately
by the next rjle amer rive doztn of your
XjIQ tris peaiuj. vu plc.-ne, Madnin Adel.ns Puttl at the
thenire. Hv order of MiidHin Paitl. Ci. Fkam-hi.
C'llA WPI.IN'S l.lgril) I'KAI.I. la sold by all drug
ptnt at onlv 50 rem- a boitie. Ileware of Imitation.
C'lIAMHL.IIV b CO., I'ron'a. Iluffiilo, N Y.
1 WAKHtn BKU CUnoti
reef tvrl ti HlKit Mrr attlti. recent
ttvr-r H Aititr1iHii conint'tirn. 'PiftT
! 111) bxmral lal W AkVaLaVftTKa HOl tO
i1nn ovr ttie bip. Prlf Th.-lf
n ui,lu Willi Ilia i4liiit, C Bust, wiiurt
it 'tn atm uniinc ana cj'.-ihu'-d s-.-j
U.n. Frle by mall. tl.Ka- lal- elllraulnc mf ri-lii'a
TVA""""!" "BO. JS1 rv.cTT. .t.
Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs
Demonstrated best by IIHJHK.ST HONOIIH AT ALL
wo K.i"o:siri.jJs kuktwklyk veai s. vh,
at l'aRit, l.-i7 ViENKa, 173; SaNTiaoo, 1K7."; Puii.adcl-
1'iiia, 1-Mi I'aHia, is, ; a ml Crank h kdish (.in d 4Imi.ii.,
1 iTH. Oniy American Organs ever awarded lnhcsl hon
ors at any iuh. Sold for euli or liiitullmcntn. lu.i s
tiiated CiTaixiuuEa and Circulars w it h new stv'cs and
nrU-cs nent free. MA MIX t HAMLIN OltliAX CO.,
isoaton, .ew xom or iiR-ago.
KA 111 Kill'. . KA'l'll Mtlli
A positive lUie for Aoiite or Chronic lllirii- J
n.ulisi , NeiiraUfa, (vout. mid ail lUeaiM-!) orluhiatlni!
fiom an Impure state of the blood. Mulled free to any
address on receipt of ftO cts. In clean P. O. stumps
C1C. or i. uirciiMirH iree. coniauun( rererencea,
r"K ANi FLOW EH, Hoi , 1 1. Katontown, N. J.
Ours is guaranteed to be the
cheapest dud beat In the
vfirld. Also nnthliiB pan Lent our SAWIXO M,.
f'ltlVK. It Haws oH a a-fK)t loj in 'J minutes,
l'l.'-jirial h i ilis fi-oo. V. Cill.KS, liio:i-u, III,
C1 AO ft profits on 31 days' investment of D1 ff
"&1'10 . 1 Krle K. K.. October IS. "PiUU
Projiortlonal returns every week on Stock Opt loin cl
iwv - a.ifi - ijuy - aw
OfHrinl ItfoortR an. I Cirrulara rre. Aihlresa
T. 1'Ol-rkH WUiHT k CO., Hankers, Wall 8L.W.Y.
We will puy ,cut:i balarv ol tliMi nur uiuulli aud
zpenaea, or " ow a large coniminsioit, .o ae.. Cu- .-Tt
ana wonue' u iuTeniiona. M' taan what ve fay. Bam
pleftee addiTOS t-UKUMAN 4 ( O., Marli Mich.
QKRIli VOTlt X tlltl SS and CIJIK fit HIT
t "7 postal e to " HA Wl.KK," I lie New York Jeweler
UM Fulton St., X. Y. His new and l,i 'lutlfully lllustra-
teil i:ataloKiie ami Price List of Jewelry, prise. Meiiaia,
Uailees, tc, tc. Is now ready. Agents Waiitril
er Cfr A Vl'.VIt UV A It V ! r i: 1CI
9&JW AKenla Vtautd. 1 have the beat
things for Axenta. Over aw afents are now niaklim
from ft to i a May. semi stamp ror iiariuuiars
Kav 3. T. miUR.,Miuon, jvorinumuerianii c;o., r i.
rtirja J rti ff( I Jil.llrl.iu.lylnvfulen in
2b t o JpoOOU r'r1;.-,v,:;r
wvc-k,an,l psii lmiti.ii. )iol)tiliy Ilia New (-Niluliiallu
a.-'ili-iil iri,i-I.Oin' III M,'L. Full exilnnll',li i.ll 1 lira-
l,,D l A ha lit, llit.iwh a Co., llAiikura, 'ii3 HioaJ !., r. Y.
VMV aiwl 11KHT HOOK oil IU IIIl-i
i PAl.l.lSLK'd MODKL He IM Hi Prof ue y Illus
trated, pretty plans, lull Information on liuililinu'. Price
tt.ixistpid. A, Idlest PAI.l.lSKIt. I'AI.I.ISKK t CO.
Architects HriiU'cport, C't. For sale by HookseUers
For Vv Article. Kvery Horse Owner wl 1 buy
it. Send lO cenl for Sample ami lull piMiclliara.
Address S.N. LOOM IS, Cliatlialll Vlllane, N', '
SlU tO StiUUll f 'tune every month. P-ook ei.t
r. expIaiuiUKieveryuuuK.
Add a riAlTKHa 'J' .. lianke'a Wall MI..X
1. t Oil., Heal Kstate Ai
:i'lits, Cialveston, alti'lld to
Titles. Taxes and S il
. In all parts of '1'cxus. (Ilrcu'ar
New York reference Moitoii. Hlisst CJo.w
a :l TN Wuntril for an uitii le that sells itseif
iV Tlio I ami ( liiiuiley I'idleclor. No
in, re Ctnmnevs liroken bv heat. Sample and terms,
l.i cents. Aiidrets J 3 III "t'ljlIEK, Yorkelown, N. J
I.HilIra an I 4eiita corn n ndi-nts! Sit
uilloiis olituilled lor the u employed! Si-tut lO cts.
for recordli n name, awe and address. Send stump for
c rciilur. Corrcsponiteiits Airency. Monti'viiieo, Minn.
Mtfiiirn miTWitn" TifntTifi-wm nnr-r-i aVTinTt
jmnr-rwi moth r price ;i.ricl8.'li I ll.da
MUUtHO PMdl I L Lta.l v iihiM SlowelLtl o-
tit mWtiWII 1i"atmy .miimW liailotonu, Mats
CVi alrsnAo Complete Worksand Dr. Foote'i
Ollttnapcai o o Momulv, 1 year for I
Samplecopyfrw. Murray Hill Pub. On. .12!) K.2Htli SI..N. Y
Habit &L, bkiil Ilaee. Tuoil
ii to write. Dr. P. K. Marsh. Oullicv. Mirh
ItOCHIVDOIPN llioloiilia of New York
k, and vicinity (Tourist Senrsi, "aIii, at :iri cenla
17 I'niou Square, New York. Send stamp for catalogue.
Mfl PAY,-Witn Stencil OutUta. W'liat costal
Kill cts. sella rapidly for riO els. Catalogue fr,
Ml M s. M. Sranoaa, 1 11 wasu n -m., i.oaiou ataa
ai mv.I lVantril. A rellatile man in every countv
FT will nay 75 ier M, nub f r six mouths. Wiite
til ati-iue. W. P. WiiiicniK i Co , Ciucii.natl, O
Free Ohromo "Oataloiriie. F inllles. everybody low, at
piiie. Metropolitan Arl l'o., : Nassau SI , N Y. City
A Y1IAR. liu liiMnke II. At- Aynu
;wj4. cotl dc lUM.ia tk iu is. a
H nth mill t-xiHd. KUAmtueeu lu Ancul
llt -I rri. oil A W t'O A UtiUHTi. NilHI
ITT'MCI Kevolvere. Catalogue frca. Addresa
ll 1)111 Creat Western Gnu Work,Pittlura,Pa.
A WKKK. $12 a (Uy at h uie easily made, C'oistly
Outltl Irce, AUiirto Tulk A Co., AuguU, Muiuc
Is porfectll
eat medical
l hi l l V'.jr
V:,! i ir
(Urea Itnt ler til" i-lll-rilrrd r d( r 1 ho )enr ronnil. Tho lnreet llutter Huyera rreonnriem it a iiao.
I n ' -i 1 1 ,.; I Mir,-, i-ii w IT IS ri-.lll.'l-'.CT. l'i',l bv H the b.-si c renin.-r ;'" A.i''' ' ,". '
p ,i -1, 1 1 II, . -I in it N , Y. Ih'.lrv I- ni r. A'k your driU'idMoriiii-r.-liniit forlt;or wrl etonk wl'it II h.wbi t
I , .. v. Ii-. o .. s 11.. V. Ill re to t( t IU U, Kit llSOX A. '.. Prnwrlrtora. lll.rllnrlo". C.
A Nw Rtinday Hchool Son. Book of anunial baaoty.
A. J AaniT and M. 1. Muaoaa. Prlca ilO renta for
hlch Hneclnien Omileawlll b mailed. Kiamlne llila
charmliiK eollectioo when new book. ar. Deeded. Kftsf
aong It a Jewel.
The newest Opera, are
CAltMrcW. BTHIaet. J.H.
l-ATIMIZA. llTRnppa, J.OO.
Klchberg. ntw
mil nnlnrunfl iliI1nn.
SI. no.
Gilbert and Sullivan. AO renta,
The newest Church Muilc and Singing School Book!
VOlfR OF WonMlIlP. U O. Kmeron.$0.00
per doleD, ,
TEMIJL,K. I)r. W. 0. Perklna. SO.OO par daaen.
The newest Toloe Training Book Ii
EMrcitaoi' vocal MKTnon.
(i .nt.
(iompact, complete, and Uteful etttier lor pnvaie
pupils or claaaea.
A new Anthem Book la nearly ready.
The JfiMfcnl Kraird If always new, 91.00 per rear,
6 cent per copy.
C. II. PITSOH . co..
e)43 Broadwari new Trk
af. E. PITtlOIV ot CO.,
fhfitnut Wtfeet, PMlemelpltlav.
Ur.-ind Medal
at Philadelphia
Tlda wonderful imlwtaiics Is acknowledged by physl-
clana throughout the world to be the heal renin!) dis
covered for the euro or Wounds, Hums, I iieiiiiuitisiii.
SUIn Discuses, Piles, Catarrh. Chilblains, c. lu ordei
that everv one may try Is put up In 15 a d St.Y
cut bottles for lioiisi boi.i use. Obtain II rrom ymu
Iruuuiat. and you will Hud it superior 1 1 anything you
luive ever used.
organ B FATTY EtMij?
livwOritnu. 1 .1 sloi., W.el CJoMea Toasne Hcefls,
19 kneeswrlU, walnulte,w nrnl'il yrnrn, sloel A hooktta
NrslMaso. ul, rorr luiak. 1 : Ht'JSn. U.-tora
junliur lie sure (on rlli' mr, I llnl rulrrt NrpMH-i srnt ree
Adams l ILL F. IIBATTY, Vta.aioirloa, .New aenry.
Modlclnea have failed to do
Hunt' Henietly
Mirelv iba'S restores to health all
whn'are mulcted wilh Droiwy,
llrlnht's Disease, Kidney, Hladder
ant I rlniiry Diseasei. Ilumt'e
Itriiietly cures Dlalietes.Ciravel,
liicmilini'iice and Ketention of
I'rlne, Intemiierance and Loss of
AniH'lile. All Diseases of the
Kldnevs, Hladder and I rlnary organs are cnre l
Hunt's HemiMly. Try lltnil'a llemedy. Se
for pamphlet to WM. K. CLAUKK. Provlii.-nce, H. I.
and I rlnary Organs are cured by
An Infallible and DnexoaLed Remedy foi
Kite, tvillipsy or FnlllnKMU'kneai
vrauiaiilrif to eftect a speed) and
nn "A fiee bolle"oftn)
II III renowned sneclilcand a valuublt
I I . Tre.ilse sent to any mtferel
IS IS sending ma Uls P. O. and Kz
" press address.
I'a. 1! O. K;iCiT,Ut;i Pear! St'eet.N ew York
BfewXiaiw. TVmaaBd el Solelar. aad fcatra aawtlaal
reaaloas date Dauk la aanaaxga ei aaauu
Addraa. with .Ump,
f. O. Drawer a lift, YTaetUikarfm, aK P.
Hlimi, ItcbiiiK, or UlrT.'it(i
I'ilfMtttat iH liiiiH1" THo
K'inrly fuildtocurfj. iiivtss
UIUlIHllial ivlief, CIHVH CAMS
of Iouk atandinff in 1 wrr k,
and r'rdinnry oaiPS in S dnya.
trritjijier his pt tnlt,
Dr. J. i: JlitUr't
r Ol iutedon t in bhtrk a ll Of A'rmsi nnti
'. i ilUur'l a'inntHr, rhilo. Mlabottle. Kdd
ly alldruKKista. (Sent by mall by J. P. .VIii.i.r.H.M. 1.,
l'ropr., S. W. our. 'i'uulh and Axcb, bu., l'hilada,, Pa.
Mark Twain's New Book2
Prospectus "s f r this universally looked for Hook now
readv. Speak quick and secure territory. "Airwff lu
tlte ti'inf if tiiffii'irnt ."
Apply to K. K. Bl.INN, Karlforrt, Ct.
This Is the fastest-selHim book ever published, and the
onlv compete and authentic History of lirant's Travels.
Send for circulars containiiiK a fud description of the
work and our extra terms to Audits. Address
National Pubiishimu Co.. Phllauelplila, Pa.
Cure Yourself
Just Punished, and sellinic like wlld-ne, a lionk
entitled KVUHV JMS HIS WN lCOriH
A Pructic il Hi.iisi hold Physician. A guide t prom .te
heullh, cire iIim'ush an I p.'olonu' life, liy J. Hamilton
Ayem, M.D. Fullv iliiistruled, 'i.5().
(Sola only by subscription! the
TO AGENTS J easiest Hook to sell iver known.
( Terms, etc., nddreis
i.W. rAHI.KTOl s. '., Pulillsliers.N.Y.CIty.
to solid stamp for tlio IiUrBOKt, llamlnomogt
anil jurist coinjilcto Cutulouo cf TYPE,
acKssi:K, ci"i's, &o., publisiAM.
ear diseases:
IIk. O. K. SnoEMAKER (tha well-known Aural Surireon
of KeadinK, Pa. I Kives all his time to the treatment of
Deafness and Diseusi s of the Kir at bis oltb e. Ills
success li'is ulven him a uinloiiiil reputation, espwlally
ou rtihiiiiii; Kr ami Catarrh. Clillir send fr h's little
Hook on tha K:ir. its liisi-ascs and their Treatment
fiee to all. His lare Hook ill'iO imurra), price
sJOO. Address lr. ' . K. e lltlKJI A KKIt,
Alliul Slil'Kr.uil, ItrHilllltf, !.
Makes a delicious diet, can be used with or without
milk, makes custanls. nuddiims, Ac hlclily aipreci-
ated by the sick. WHO
I.IUL H a , on laiiei.
k t'O. on label.
TitrTit is MinnTTi
1-iB.raaK.r Mkft.Mai, hm
Im .:J Hiui4, w U (W U C,a,
ink fojt t.aifl.1, cwio of aa4
Hfi of lair, Mad n p s . rrl ..!
of yrair fulufa ha(u4 04 wita, Idii al af
rial nt. na, Ika iima aad piaa alairs yj
rill maai, I Jala etf uiafilafa.
1 f F.legant Iesltna for 9ltc BUropt
X9 taken, liKO 8P ALT, Amsteidam, N. T.
I mouth. Kvery Rradual ajuarauteed a paylnu silua
ton. Address H. Valentine, MauaKer, Jqnesville. Wis.
in t;0 per day at home. Samples worth $A free.
p3 It fLl Addrcas iisom t Co., Portland, Maine.
VAMUdnii sssr
Takla Clatna-Barmae Ertakkllakiad lleM.
Issued v Monthly.
Slag. ePT SO yfi poM-pal. 9. BO,
Th Leadlnn Fashion Maftailnss
W hill REDUCE the PRICE of
DOTH Magazines to all who subscribe
BEFORE JANUARY 81, as follows:
The ELITE, i year, post free, $ 1.00
The BAZAAR, x year, post free, cN.
Grand Premium to each subscriber.
a 2-All Onli.rrtiitloii. nt. tliraei ltoilucod
Prions innat ri'Ufli u lit loro January SI,
not one) lajr lBt-r.
rinnipla Copy ("r ' st.impil lor pnsi.-iRe.
l'untKe Nt'i" will ' takrii .'sl.
)ni"7rC I We offer 70.00 in Tiir-s to 2H
nliCuO I licrsiiin who send li the XIV lamest
Clubs before JwniiHry 31at. Send your name
and I. O. address, and you will Ret full particulars.
O A. Uiirdotfo Smith,
16 K. 14th St., NEW YOllK CITY.
Rend one atamp for our I nrite CatHloanr.
First K.atabllshed I Moat Successful
HKIH lNtCTKl'MKNTfC a Sundard Tains Id al
Leading Markets
Of tho World I
very where racoitnlied aa tha PINK8T IN TOMsV'
OVER 80,000
Unite ami In use. Mew Pesnrns constantly." I ea
Work and Lowest Prices
f Send for a CaUlnirue.
Tremoiit St.. odd. k ait&ant ilJosltn, Hiss
,ttaa01d Itcllaltia um .latl I,y
Directions accompanying each can for nut
loft and Toilet Soap quickly.
Tha Market Is flooded with (so-called) Concentrate
Lye, which Is adulterated with salt and resin, and weal
If, era
Pennsylraula Salt ManuTg Co.,
f lii'il'MI U
JwarUtd tkt MEDAL OF 110X011 at Hit Venltnnial
mid J'tliit f.'rjmti. iow,
fa tha bast lauds, la tha baat ellaiata, with tha baa
atarkaaa, and 110 tha baat taraaa, alonf tha Ht. Pact,
ElianaaaeUa A Maoilaba B'y. ;hu BV. Paai Pallia,
3.000,000 ACRES
MataUf la aha Faaaena
D. A. MoKIISLAY, Land Om"w
aPa. V. WU a MM. aVy, aSaaa, VUttm
For Penury of Polish, Havlii Labor, Clea,nlln;sa,
Duntbliliv and C'hcnnuess. I'ni-.iualcil.
Alullt J'Koh Vrotirlu'Aira, Canton. Ulaaa
The very best goods direct from the Importers at Tlalf
the usual cost. Ilest plan ever ottered to 'Jlnb Acenta
and larne buvera. ALL SXPfUbli (J HA HUES PAID
N ew terms If KKK.
The Great American Tea Company,
Ul and aUVesey Htraet, Iavr York..
P. O. Boz4a:i.
Mid Brtiid I'liifnrniRotHcerr-' KqiH'n, nlH,
( at, etc., laatle by .t. 4 MMtey A; Co.,
Columbus, Ohio. Sendjor 1'nct LuU.
Firemen'i Caps, Bells, and Shirts.
A larce, eluliVpape pi.ier of fiH broad columns, lll
be sent postpaid to any adiliess until January 1st,
Address Bl'N, N. Y. Ctty.
If I..u,.. at U.-uMtb.
IkV I W l.l.,l'l. l"l m,4..i,HI1 ,1. hi Ut , .
. Uu.lvu, Uvk lL..,..
,i .-r st r A KAH an, I tin
es to anei-le. Outilt Kre
,(! A,l l" t Vll KsKY
Aiikcusta. Maine.
tcc a week In ywiir own ton 11. Tcnns and iS outfit;
pOU free. Address 11. llii-LAir t Co., Purtluiid. MaAiua
fZ ; f t nits-no vou
TMAT IS JUST 1 I tsouiousi I
( hat 1 shall I Miaicrsa.l I