forest tpuMkan. J. h. WHNIC, EDITOR, WEDNESDAY M0RN1XG, MY. 11, 1879. If tlie Grcenbnckers have not been "mashed" in the late elections nil over lho Union, tell up, for heaven's Jake, what would crush them. Wii.i. some one who is "good in figgers'"be kind enough to tell tia h ow much tho greenback vote has increased since last fall? Pennsylvania only gave about 58,000 majority for the llepublicans over tho combiucd vote of the Demo crats, Grccnbackeis and Prohibition ists; that's all. Sum in subtraction : What's the di.Terenco between 81,708 and 10,000? Ans. 71,758. Well, that's just what's the difference between the greenback vote of this year and that of last year. But then that's not much for the green backers to lose in one little State like Pennsylvania. m Dead! did we hear some one re mark? Oh! no. The Greenback party isn't dead. It only lost about Boventy-two thousand votes in this State this year, and we wouldn't give a snap for a party that couldn't losp a few votes without dying. And then look at the gain they mode in Forest county 13. Besides, this is an 'awful' year for them. Forest County went greenback. Yes, it went greenback. But it's tho on lyone in the broad United States that's gone anywhere near it, as near as we can learn, and we've scanned' the papers very carefully, too, for we didn't like to be left out in the cold; but it's no use, can't find even a town ship outside this county which has shared our fate. tm There is not the slightest cause for the Republicans of this county to feel in the least dfsmayed at the result of the elections so far as the Greenback ers are concerned. Last year the lat ter party polled 277 votes, and this year 290 an increase of 13 ; while the Republicans last year polled 318, leaving the greenbackers still 28 be hind when a full vote is out. This year our party polled 48 votes less than last )-tar, which may bo account ed for by the stay-at-homes and ab sentees. Tho Greenbackers strained every nerve, and as far as we can learn didn't lose a half dozen votes outside this boro. Ilere'their loss was about equal to that of the Republicans, and no greater, on the State ticket. The Republicans have no business to believe-otherwise than that they are in the majority, for they certainly are. Aud don't let us here of one talking any thing else, or there'll be "trouble in the camp." Greenback Notes. The fallowing extracts from our exchange- will give an idea of what is thought of thi Greenback party out side of the State of Forest : From the Warren Ledger, Dem., which wanted the 3. b.'s and dcm.'s to fuse against tke Republicans : We told you something would drop on Tuesday, and tt foil on tho Demo crats' and Greenbackers toes. The election of Chase for Sheriff, and Weible for Prothouotary, is due to the Democratic party. Without this aid they eould not have been elected. But this tction killed the Greenbackers. Last Tuesday's elec tion shows that tlve Republicans are in the asceudency everywhere in tho North. This is not encouraging, hut facts are stubborn things. With all his different nominations, Ben. Butler, of Massachusetts, failed of an election. This wipe3 out tho Greenback party. This will not bo cheering to the few left in thU county, but this, too, seems to be one of the facts. The Green backers have now learned that they are nothing in this county without the nid and support of the Democrats. Tho Democrats have learned that al though they could not elect their own ticket, they could largely contribute to the election of the Republicans. We ;all get wiser as wo grow in years and jrace We were among thoe who .were not afraid of tlie Greenback trhost. li has been salf-evident that this was its last ytar. Theie is one green fpot for. the Greenbackers, and that is I'orc-t county. Jln'y dcKatud the other partie?, and there their victory ended. The Greenback vote has petered out all over the State. Yet it occms to have one stronghold left. The Third Ward of this city still stands in line, choulder to shoulder, and her Greenbackers are undismayed by tho general caving of tho party every where. Whether this fact is creditablo to the voters of tho Third is, of course, a matter of opinion. Venango Spccta' tor. Last year the Greenback vote of Pennsylvania for Governor was 81,758, and for Supreme Judge 99,316." This year it will not rise above 10,000, and more than half of the vote classed as Greenback is really the Labor vote of Lackawanna and Luzerne counties. If these figures do not prove that the or ganization has been flattened out in this State, wo do not know what proof would be eufiicicnt to establish that fact. Commercial. Grzclte. And "that's what's the reason with Hannah !" Republican Pyramid. OHIO. IOWA. MAINE. KANS A S. MICHIGAN. ILLINOIS. COLORADO. CALIFORNIA. WISCONSIN. NEBRASKA. MINNESOTA. CONNECTICUT. NEW Y O R K. NEW .TERSE Y. MASSACHUSETTS. PENNSYLVANIA. AND THE REST OF THEM. GREENBACK. FOREST COUNTY. The Meadville Republican suggests tho following: PETER COOPER. PETER SUTTON. Peter Out. "And immediately the Cock crew." YAZOO. BAZOO, BOO IIOO. Our Washington Letter. Special to tho Repculican. Washington, D. C, Nov. 6, '79. The Republicans are rejoicing again over the elections, aud well they may, for the current is all one way. and their sweep is made clean in all the "North. The result of the elections this week may be 6umned up as fol lows, Pennsylvania Republican major ity about 58,000, "Wisconsin, Repub lican majority about 25,000, and large majority in the legislature, Nebraska and Minnesota largo Republican ma jorities on State and legislative tickets, Massachusetts Juries iiutler and gives the Republicans another solid lease of power, ISew Jersey and Connecticut increase the Republican hold on the State senates, thus pretty securelv assuring us ot U. S. Senatorial gains next )ear. And last aad most im portant of all New York gives a Re publican governor aud a Republican legislature by a larger majority than we have had for years, the s'.ate senate, which will help elect a U. S. Senator next year, having 24 Republicans to 8 Democrats, and a probability that we have secured all the State officers. The Democratic victories are in Mississippi where the Yuzoo plan prevailed, and in Maryland where the Democrats gained largely, by means of sending out from Baltimore gaugs of roughs, to intimidate voters, If Northern Democrats can fiud any consolation in such victories rs those, after the univeisal sweeping defeats they expe rienced iu the North they are welcome to it. The honors fur theso grand vic tories must be distributed erenerallv among nil Republican leaders who have worted harmoniously and dili gently. But I cannot fail to remark that Senator Windom has gained new laurels for bis leadership in Minuesota, where after helping in other slates, he took the stump and spoke almost daily with tho best effect. The Democrats made great efforts there to gain upon us, but thanks to Senator Windom they were disappointed. Senator Win- doms' state has reason to be proud of mm, and will certainly urge his pro motion to higher honors at the proper time. Among others to whom honor is due, I. notice many newspapers in lho North naming Senator Blaine, con spicuously on tho list is tho New York Tribune, which gives him a fresh start for the Presidency, and says: "The future belongs to tho Repub lican party.' The Republicans have no occasion now to nominate any other than their ablest and worthiest man, for it is certain that with such a man they can triumph. They do not need to get under the shade of any name, nor tolfesitate in the avowal of their convictions, nor to shrink from giving its full leward to splendid service." This tribute is deserved, whether Mr. Blaine is considered as a Presi dential candidate or Senatorial leader. The strikers and blackma'.lsrs here are again after Capt. End?, but they will have their labor for their pains. lie will be paid for keeping the chaur.el ot tho Mississippi river at its required depth, because the best judges, the leading navigators say that never beforo were they able to pass the mouths of tho Father of Waters with out fear. The Mississippi jetties are a success tho South and West may rejoice thereat. v The late elections aro supposed to complicate the Democratic situation. After trying to "boom" Thurruan, Ewiug, Hendricks, Bayard and Han cock in turn, they seem now be at a loss what way to turn. First the Softs are slapped in the xaco by Ohio, and now New York and Pennsylvania slap Tilden and Hancock, their "fa vorite sons." Bayard is their last resort. But Bayard has only little Delaware to back him, and the solid South. We shall be glad to welcome him as the candidate to defeat next year. De Sota. Worth its weight i Pain ennnot Klny where H is nsotl. It is Tho cheapest medicine (Mr made, l-'ive drops cover over a snrfaro as largo ns tho hand. One doso cures common Sore, throat. One bottlo has cured Bronchitis Fifty fonts' worth 1ms cured an Old Stand ing Con ph. Fifty cents' worth has cured Crick in tho Back, and tho same quantity I,nmo Back of eight years' standing, it cures Swelled Keck aiid all other Tumors, ltheiiniatism, Neuralgia, Contraction of the Muscles, Stiff Joints, Spinal Difficul ties, and Pnin and soreness in any pait no matter where it may bo, nor from what cause t may nriso", it always does you good. Twenty-live cents' wortli lias ctired bad cases of Chronic and Bloody Dysen tery. Ono teaspoonful cures Coiio in fif teen minutes. It will euro any case of Piles that is possible to cure. Six or eight applications aro warranted to cura any caso of Kxcoriated Nipploor InrUmcd liretst. For Bruises, if applied oltou and bound up, there is never tho slightest dis coloration of the skin. It stops tho pain of a Burn as soon as ;ip,iicd, ;ind is a pos itive euro for Chilblains, Frosted Feet, Boils, Warts, Corns, and wounds of every discription cm man and beast. Prico 50 ents and $1.00. FoSTF.R, MILBUJtN & CO., Sole Propr's, Buffalo, N. Y. For ssalo by (Jr. W. Bovard, Tionesta, Pa. Si o. o. w. THE BEST PAPER ! TRY I I !! BKAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. 35 th YEAR. The Scientific American. Tho Scientilic American is a hirgo First Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Panes. printed in the most beautiful style, pro- iuseiy nutstrauu witu splendid engrav ings, representing tho newest Invention ami tho most recent advances in tho Arts and Sciences j including New and Inter esting Facts in Agriculture, Horticulture, tho Home, Health, Medical Progress, Social Science, Natural History, Geology, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers, by eminent writers in all depart ments of" Science, will bo found in tho Scientific American ; - Terms, :i.20 per year, $1.G0 half year, which includes postage. Discount to Agents. Single copies, ten cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by postal onk?r to Ml'NN CO., Publishers, SI Park Row, New York. M rm trm ni mmm , C5 In connection I i . with tho Scien- tilic American, Messrs. Mrsx A, Co., are Solicitors of American and Foreign Pat ents, have had 06 years experience and now having the largest establishment in tho world. Patents aro obtained on the best terms. A special notico is made in the Scient'iie American of all Inventions patented through tho Agency, with tho name and residence of tho Patentee By the immense circulation thus given, public attention is directed to tho merits of the new patent, and sales or introduc tion often easily ell'ectod. Any person who lias made a new dis covery or invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a patt-ntcan probably bo obtained, by writing to Munn it Co. We also send free our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints for procuring advances on in ventioiiN. Address fi r tho Paper, or con cerning Patents. MUNN A CO., I17 Park Row, N. Y. Branch Ollice, cor. F. fc 7th Sts., Wash ingtoM, I. C. Jr. PITTSBURGH, PA. Exclusively. devoted to the practical id eation of young and middle aged men, for activo business life. School always in session. Students can enter at any time. Send for circular. J. C. SMITH, A. M.. Principal. fcep 2i ;)m. j OB WORK of all kinds done at this of- nco on snort notice. mm To Norvous SufTemrs. The Great European Remedy. Dr. J. B. SimpRon's Specifio Medicine, Dr. .T. B. Simpson's Specific Medicino Is a positive euro for Supermatorrhoa, lm potency, wonkness, and nil diseases result ing from sol f-abuso, as nervous debility, Irritability, mental anxiety, languor, las situde, depression of spirits and function al derangements of the nrrvnim system go n o r a 1 1 y. pnlns In back Ml lKk or side, loss or meinorj , pre m atu re old ago and diseases that lead to eon v n" jr?'M Sumption, insfinitv and an TTuTvKnTvttr both. No matter how shattered tho sys tem may bo from excesses of any kind", a short eonrso of this medicino will restorn tho lost functions and procure health and happiness where before was despondency and gloom. Tho Specific Nedicino is be ing used with wonderful success. Pam phlets sent freo to all. Write for them and get full particulars. Price, Specific. fl.c.O per package, or six packages for $0.00 Will bo sent by mail on receipt of money, Address all orders, J. B. Simpson's Med icine Co., Nos. 101 and KHi Main St., Buf falo, N. Y. Sold in Tionesta, Pa., by U. W. Bovard. novl-oow D. W. CLARK, REAL ESTATE AGENT, AND PR ACTTCAIj kit ktkvoii, TIONESTA, PA., Has now for sale the Following: 120 ACRES, Allegheny Township, Venango Co., on Stewarts Run, 3j miles from Tionesta; 40 acres cleared j good barn ; framo house; small orchard; fences good; splendid water. Will bo sold at a bargain for cash. A FARM OF 152 ACRES, Threo nnd a half miles East of Kittanning, in Armstrong county, known hs the Rob inson Farm. All under fence ; splendid farm houso and barn, and all necessary out-buildings. Well watered; well adapt ed for raising of crops or stock, and un derlaid with a 4-foot vein of coal. Also plenty of Limestono. A FARM OF 200 ACHES, In Kingsloy Township, this conntv known ns the D. ITarriiigton farm. Aloiit 40 acres cleared; good burn; small orchard: honsn in fair condition; well fenced. A ti no lot of Pine and Hemlock timber on tho uncleared part. FORTY ACRES, Near Trunkeyvillo, Forest county. Part of tho Daniel Jones placo. Will sell cheap. SIXTY ACRES, Ono mile from Neilltown ; About 15 or 20 acres cleared, partly fenced. Some good oak on the balance. THIRTY ACRES, In Jonks Township, Forest county; ten acres eleared ; small orchard growing, comfortablo houso ; well watered. Cheap. A BUILI)NG LOT In Tionesta Borough, near tho four House. A spleiKlid business location. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Curs. rnrmnriy ur. trnio'n butnni litre.) A vegetable pivimrutiim nnd the only auro rmllv ill f.fif. u-nrlfl tnr IC.-iirli.'M a.i S plulM'UV, niifi ALL ftlitiuuj, !. 1-, uuti B Urinary !lcii. Of these BtiituniBiilH. fei"For 111 cure of IH.itK-tc, call for War. tM'i-'n fcafo IMahetrM fun: UjTi'or Hie cure f fclrtittit'a nnd the other diwaxfti, call for Warner' Sufo lUdarr unit Liriirrara, WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It In the best i:iot Biirili-r, nnd stimulates every function to more healthful Huliou. uud is thus a benefit in all dlKenwN. It curCHbrrottilou and otlierKkln Krnp. tlona and Diseases, including C'Muccrs. II C4r, nml other feorwi. Uysprimin, tVeiiknonoflli Ktomark, Coutiulioit, liuiiii.jrii,'ral IX-I1I-lly, etc., are cured by the fsnlv Hlli-r. 11 Ui unequaled HNan appetixeruiid regular tonic. Bottles of two aiMia ; price, Oc. aud SI. 00. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly ci ves llet and SIprp to theiunerintf, cures Ili-ulitflie and Nrurnlicln. prevent Kilp(i tint, and relieve Nrrvuui fro. tiiiliou brouxht ou by excewdve drink, over work, mental shucks, and other causes. Powerful u il is u stop pain and (tool he dis turbed Nerves, It never injures the system, whether taken In small or larKe done".. Dottle of two slf.ea ; prices, 50e. aud 91.00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Arts an fmraedtute ami Active ntiinulns for ft Torpid Liver, nml cure Cofttivcnwu, Dyippi&, BU- riKufc, Htlurla, rver tod Agu, and should be u&eti whenever the bo we is do uui operate freely and regularly. ha utltM k'Uk rjulra rift null duM fur thorough t nrner' hmtu IWavicxtL r , fto 111 by DrugguU Jl Dcklcn i ta Hvdleln aivrjwbar. H. H. Warner &, Co., IroHtor, ROCHESTER, J. T. rr fcr rwrkM tin TrutiwooUU. RISLEY'S PURE DISTILLFD . lvtviiot ?,.". WITCH HAZEL, Oil, HaMAMELIS VJUUINICA. Kquttl in quality to any made, nnl only halt lho price. ;.. bottle 2Tm. pints ooc. Relieve Jlea.lacliA, Toothache, Earache, Soro Kyps, Nose-Itleetl, Hleetliny; Jjiuim Taint'iil MeiiKcH, Whites, Asthma, Reduces Swellings. Piles, etc. Cures Uruisj's, Scalds, lturns, Sprains, Wounds, lch'eu niatihin, lOrysipclas, Chi' Mains, Varicose Veins, Neural .ia, etc. Natures universal remedy internal and external use. JTyour has not got it havo him order it of the proprietor, CIIAUI.KS K. UlSldOY, Wholesah) l). ug-i,t, 51 Coi tlaudt Street, New York. apri3m. MM mmmm pw9 JAMES fil. BEVERLY, riiACTICAL IIORSE-SUOEU (Shop jiiHt Houtli of Knox's Mill.) TIONESTA, 1?J. FOIl ni'.-SKTTINd SHOK 15 CTS. NKW WHOKH HO CTS. 10ACII HAND MADE Oil PATKNT. Cnrriflo Ironinu; nnd UepairlnR, nnd lllaeksniithino; of nil kinds dono in (irst elnss inannor. Also, Contractor for (ho euro of Conduction, Corns, (Junifrr, Split l'eet, Aeuto Iiimiinitis, Acute Nurvlr-iilnr tlisoases, and tho prevention of Interfer Itiit, Clicking, etc. mnvl l o TMtBlST- . -V- 0 I Yvyr Ol UWil I I MO. I .'Ult THIS se of rnnuneive nni In thene (ro-n-lie.i(t --nines, me prrsHini; ueniniiil Is for tlieroti(rlilr truimvl men fur l.nslness. (Inr lii.'llliitlnn oilers mi suiiusisl fnrlliiies to j-niint; nml middle ned men for dliluiiilng n I'luctieiil l.ilueution. A short tinio only is Tec)iiii-eil to roin,lete tho cmirso of Muily.' Hxfeneslii;lit. Indlviilnnl lnnt rin-t lu. Sluilenls euii niter at any time. No vneatlons. Kor einnln-s dlreM . IU I F A SO.VN. IMtlsl.iir-(li. d-Dun-s Hieik keeping, piihlilied by ;iros.;prinled iu colois: ,'K) p. 'I he lau est woi It on the seieiiea puhiislied. A wmk lor bnnkers, rnilromls, lniiiiiM men nml piaetical iiccouiitauts. J lite, Ir.OO, poMuu M cenU. , Allegheny Valley Rail Road, -AN I- Titusville Rai!rc3d. Pittsburgh, &. ButTalo 0: X AND AFTF.U Monday, July S, 1N70 trains will run nit follows: STATION'S. Nortliwnrd. Southward No. I .No. 9 Ka.5 Kit. t No. i . a in p in p in in p in n in rUUlmrKh 8:)-) i'::t: K:-0 K:(iO l:r,0' fi.'JO W Pen uncPIMlJ ,".;.Vi 0:4.ri i:5)! ! il;:tr' 4:V2 Kittanninu; I0:.l(i 4:45 I2:(NI li:i:j 1 3:10 H. H'k Jtincllilo r::h i:ir, r,::r, H:l() !:." Hrady Ucndl l:'2)l 5:.VJ 1:H.". r):U(l!p):.-,r,i l:.",:, Parker lt:.v: (:.. A-.W Uh'Xi V2-.-27 Knilenton J J::i4 7:tM :t:ie lfl:07 'IInVi ScruliRi-Hss :07 7:4:t 4;.'t(i .1:.".l' !i:''.r;lf: IS Franklin ;:is k;'Jii ,r.::i7 P:17 S: l", $1:45 Oil City 1:5" S:.".() (t: I ." S:MI 8: lft: l: 10 Oleopo'lN 'J:17 (i;4l ':,'." 8:41 Kailel5ock 2:2A (I:.")0 ':'1H S::io Tionesta 2:4"i 7:14 l!:07 S;0.l Tldiouto 3:'J.r 7:.V 1::14 7: 1.1 Irvinoton 4:05 t:X 1:0(1 wSt Falconers fi:4i 11:05 : Jluffalo 8:15 8:!10 Oil City 2:1.1 7:00 10:40 1:40 8:Stf S:.r;.1 Pet. Centro 2::t;" 7:'J0 11:01 l:li5 8;0s! X;X Titusvillo 3:0.1 7: 15 1 WJt 1:00 7:441.1:05 Corry 4;io 8:50 12:40 11:50 (i:15 1:55 p. in p. m a. in ft. in a. m'p. in Trains run bv Philrdelphia Time. DAVID MrCAlKlO, (ien'l Sun't. J OKTON lIAI.Ii,- 'Jpn'l PttMMonjfcr Ticket Agent. CHAUTAUQUA LAKE ! Tho short & Popular Routo via Pittsburgh, Titusvillo & Buf. falo, and Buffalo, Cautauqua Lake & Pittsburgh R'ys. 0 X AND A FT F. It June QM, 1S70, Trains will leave oil t ity ns follows: 7nn a m ,aiv' tir"r'' UV AtlHi couch) arriviiiKitt May vilio 10:45 a. in ; Point Cliautampiii. 1 1 :i : 0 a. in.; Fair Point, 11:15 a. in.; Itiillhlo, 1:115 p. ni. I V.41J liiv.tirrivinatMay villo 3:50 p. in.; Point Chautautpia, 4:15 p. in.; Fair Point, 4::!0 p. in.:. Jluffalo, 7:15 p. in. O J P TV T r''.v. pxcppt Sunday. rmt.tJ 1 .1I. (has throuli couch and l'ullman I'alace Drawinj;. Kiidiii Car) nr rivins nt May villo .V.U) p. in.; Point Cliau tnuijUii, :I0 p. in.; Fair Point, (1:5 p. in.; Jlullalo 8:110 n. in. 4)M P TT Rturdny only, arriv- 'vJ I .ill. inu; nt May villo, 7:40 p. in.; Point Chautauqua, 7:55' p. in.; Fair Point, 8:05 p. in. Trins arrive at Oil City from Chautau qua Lake !;45 ft. in. (Mondav only), 11:00 p. in., :i;55 p. in., 8:25 p. ni., Daily. J. I,. lll'TM AN, Supt., Mavville, N. Y. V. S. BALDWIN'. (ien'l Passenger Agent. BulTalo, N. Y. will euro Spavins, Slint, Curl), Callous.. A-c., or anv enlai'ifciiiPiit, AND Will. spAViNa?,K OUT P.IJSTKKINO or eausinjr a sore. No remedy ever discovered equals it for (T II S3 Cf certainty nf notion in ntop- " pint? tho liiuicness end re moving tho bunch. Prico Jl.oo. Hem' for circular (living POSIT1VM lBOOI Sold hv drntrzists, or sci-r hv the inventor. P.. .1. kendiill, M. D., Fi:o'nshiirr Fads. Xt, Harris & Fwin;;, Avon's i'iitsliur. I'". m lr Hii, 1 y. THE CHEAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MiSRTrr. Jun J'lttilistrtt, in a &cil-d i;iicr!pc. l'riee nix rents, A Lecture tin fho Nature. Treatment nnd 15a lieal cme of Seminal Wcaknrsx, or Speriu.tiori-!iira, induced ly S l f-A !u-c. Involuntary Kinisvion, Impntcui-v, Ne: vovs Dobiliiy. and liupiMliuienls In Mar ria'e Kceraily j Coiisiimp(i,,u l-'pilrpsy aiul F.ts; Mental and 1'livs.ii al Incapacii'i Ac. By UtM'.in:'!' J. CI" i, V V. K K LL, M. D., utithor of tho '"tirccn Hook. ' Ac. Tho world-renownod'author, iu this ad mirahle Lecture, cloarly jiroves from his own experience, that tho awful consequen ces of Scif-Almso may bo ell'ectuallv re moved without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials ; pointing out a modo of euro nt ouco certain nnd ellootual, by which every Rtitlerer, no matter what his condition may be, may euro himself choaply, pri vatel,' and radic ally. -7'A.t Irrture trill prore ti boon to thoiixn ml.H to toitHtinlx. Sent, under neal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of sis cents, or two postage stamps. Address tho Publishers, Till: CJL'LVKKWKLL M KDIL'AL CO.. 41 Ann St., New York ; 1. O. Box, 4580. 8-ltl-ly. QUI! AN OF OIL! A XTl-MOXOPOLIST? Tho Titusvillo Moksinii IIkiiai d con tains full and complete market aud month ly Oil koports, and all tho local and gen eral news. Pricotflopcr year. Weekly Herald $1.50. Send for sample copies. Pennsylvania Female College, j:a.sti:ni, I'lTTsiii ucJii. A first-class college for women. Kduca tional btand'trd high. Advantages com plete. Most delitrhtful situalion in the whole country. Terms quite inudcrate. Opens Kept. 10. Address MISS ULLKN I-:. PKLLKTHKAI', au;;li im. Acting V: csidut. Ni:iiT.t:ics' ! .If NYJCIJIM 50 YEARS BEFORE THE PUBLIC. I'ronounccd by nil to be the most Pleas ant and olIicHclous remedy now in use, for tho cure of coughs, colds, croup, hoarseness, tickling sensation of the throat, whooping cough, etc. Over it million bottles . Id wilhlii tho last few venrs. It gives relief wherever used, uud has tho pewer to impart benefit that cifnnot be had from tho cough mix In res now In use. Sold by nil Druggists nt 1!5 cents per bottle, SELLERS' LIVER PILLS nre also hiirhl v recommended for curing liver complaint" constipation, sick-headm-hes, fever nnd nguo, nnd all diseases of the stomach nnd liver. Sold by nil Druggists at l!5 cent- per box. B. K. KttLLKBK , CO. Pittsburgh, Pa. I Sewing machine: TUB BEST or AX-X. Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in tho Broad Claim op acma thi VERY niXST OPEKATINQ QUICKEST OEtUNOi iiAKnsonixcsT, and X!cst Perfect Sowing KacMno IN THE WORLD. . lVit"V.'V Tho gre t popularity ol (he WMU l( ht most con vincing (ribi.ta to lit xccllonc and tuprlority cer other mnchinct. and In ubmlttlng It I tha trad nut II upon Its merits, and in no Inatinc h,n it ever yet failed to satisfy any recommendation In Its (aver. The demand lorlhe White hts Increased lo such n extent that we are now compelled ta turn out .A. Com -plot a SaTtrixiQP Savclls overy tHre mltxutoa In tiiO 3.a.-y to cvappl Every machine la warranted for 3 years, and old tor crsh al liberal discounts, or upon easy payments, to cult the convenience ol customers. WAVTZD IS OKOOCOTIIS TZSUTOir. WHITE SEWINcTmACHINE CO.. ' Nt 368 Euclid Ave,, Cleveland, Onto. VICTORIOUS! HIGHEST & BEST AWARD And Ciand Ke" al cf Honor. Economy, Durability and Rapidity cora"bincd with perfect work, Arc l)iliiiuisliiiifT laturcs cftlie ct-Lbr.iicJ Giant Farm anJ Warelionse Fans, siauk nv A. P. DICKEY, Raclnof Wis. Now li.'wlt.' n.aiiy l.ntc i;npio cmni, llir y ntc fully rqual t-" cvciy donuird ; cIllmmi n I kind ff lir.'iii, !'cns, J-cui.f, C'u:ti r Jte;n I, Corn ni.d Sni;ll S n!. 'Ifiey cratic htit perlclly ly iiiri-handling. Sff. or itc from V.'h-a!, jVirlry ; n J Kye They h.. : vry ptrfert xrr.T!ti;,cTricTi f r clcaninc TtUKt h t 1 kvci, l lnx i:c.' Orih-Tft C.t.-f ,v and r I nche. TniaM 5 'I hey t !i-lt trf ct'v, nwl cimhifft rvcrv n:iviitTr'-!):i r r cj i- t!i ! t vorl; in the bhcrtct Uiiic. W.irrh.'iis, w'l .-- r.-'i r'e Ur-jely O'n- r-tructctl, bot'i r-y:Iri; rre t t rccatr.- m'xJutc iVic (V r.wnil, r.;il r.i a cupririty f fion to 500 lu':c! cr l-.i r.r, r.i : .r.Ii:ij to t! cf miX 'J hey ate :!:;);'. l.:t'l f r cccn trun$port.iti(nt and 's:t rp" cr " ! i- l'.- ! t! ami " fr forwnrdin;; :i!a-.t, it;t:cv.ft! ; n:.vl n r.M c.:sc put free on board (!;'isr r i'tc;n xr. l;-.!fi3 filled :ame t!oy & receive-!. , Mi!' i; pr mi..( r'.c! 1! "o f r' I ;lf the li 'lit oh . T;.r;l ; s v !"n f rw. r.'c! " ci 1 ." ;l-o- will 1 c (j :olcd . r r: ! t : ULc:r.I t'.r:: 3. Corrcs-pcnucT-'-c -oliri'.r.1. ADBOTT'C PATENT LI. U !7 f FOnTLAHD GUTTER Tha Stronffeat Sleigh la aiintonpn. Fina Bnlu, llK'ht, chpr uj iuor durable Una oUier Slolgiia. Ai.o, Abbott's Patent Runner Attachments, For wheeled vehli'lea of every dpacritinn Tr fecUypr. ticl; fil, any vlu; tra( k In country marts. Over four tlimiKiiiul in line. "tina lo uiuulara and karu your ueareat ageut. A. A. ABBOTT & CO., S00 VuU.U Ave, ClilcMKu,