The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 05, 1879, Image 5

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-O mm k aa. ml s7 r
laboratory, 77 W. 3d St., New York City,
jrj, ii ii. oa oi., new
Thd Esst Leaed? Enown to Han I
Dr. Clark Johnson having associated himself
with Mr. Edwin Eastman, an escaped captWe.long
a slave to Wakametkla, the medicine man of the
Comanche, is now prepared to lend his aid la the
introduction of the wonderful remedy of that tribe.
The experience of Mr. Eastman being almUar to
that of Mrs. Chas. Jones and son, of Washington
Co.. Iowa, an account of whose annVrlnps were
thrliUiigly narrated in the JVne York Herald ot Doe.
15th, 18.8, the facta of which are no widely
known, andao nearly parallel, that but little men
tion of Mr. Eastman s experiences will be given
bore. They are, however, published tn a neat vol
ume of 300 pages, entitled, "Seven and Nine Years
Among the Comanchea and Apaches," of which
mention will be made hereafter. Suffice It to say,
that for several years, Mr. Eastman, while a cap
tive, was compelled to gather the roots, gums,
barks, herbs and berries of which Wakamctkla'a
medicine was made, and Is still prepared to pro
vide the rami materials for the successful Intro-
duction of the medicine to the world; and assures
the public that the remedy la the earns now at
when WakAnieUUa compelled him to make it.
Edwin Eastman in Indian Costtaas.
Biveh and Nine Years Amono tht: CojiAitrnra
and Apacues. A neat volume of 300 pagos,
being a simple statement of the horrible f nets
connected with the pad massacre of a helpless
family, and the captivity, torturcsand nltimata
escape of its two surviving members. For tale
byour agents generally. Price $1.00.
The incidents of the massacre, briefly narrated,
.;re distributed by agents, vkks of chargn.
Mr. Eastman, being almost constantly at the
Wi'tt, engaged in gathering and curing the materi
als of which the medicine ii composed, the sole
t'Tisiness management devolves upon Dr. Johnson,
and the remedy has been culled, and is known as
Dr. Clark Johnson's
Price of Large Bottles 81,01
Price of Small Bottles 50
Ilujd the voluntary tostimoninis of persons ivho
havu been cured by the use of Dr. Ciark JoUn.ou'f
Indian Blood Syrup, lu yoin own viciuily. .
Testimonials ef Cures.
Wakametkla, the Medicine Man
othing lms been added to the medicine and
Nothing has been taken away. It is without doubt
i he Bust Puhifikr of the Blood uud Ksncweb of
'he Svstm ever known to man.
This Syrup poetesses Vuried properties.
It artsi upon tlio I.lver.
It actN upon tli Kidneys.
It n-iilateH the. Howela.
tt )ll'lli-K tlt llluod.
It quiciH the IVcrvoiiM System.
it iiromotes Iietion.
It .Nourishes, Mreuj(lheiia mid Invlir.
Et curries olTtbe old blood and makes
U ciifiis the pori-M of tlio Hkiu, and
liiiil;ni ), tCeaith) i'cruptrution.
It neutralizes the hereditary tuiut., or poison I'
t in hlo'id.wliith irenerti-sScrofula,Erysiii.lus aiu
i-.ll I maiiiHT of km diMcane- and interiiai humors.
i li -re are no spirits employed ill Its manufacture
aad it ean In-talicu byil.e mo-t iieliestv l.abe, o
T !h u'"l mid leeble, aire oalg l-.inj rMiurtA f
vltt'iium to lUrii tinut.
Andalusia, Pa., Feb. 10, 1870.
Dear Sir I have been using your Indian
Ulood Syrup iu my family lor Liver and Kid
ney Compliant with success. 1 believe it has
no equal. Edwaku Uilulkt.
Euington, Feb. 2, 1879.
Dear Sir: I can, trom uiy experience, re
commend your Iniliun Ulood Syrup as a sure
cure lor Liver and Kidney Disease.
Elizabeth A. Stands.
West Lkbanon. March 3. 1S7S.
Dear Sir: Having been prostrate for months
wiin what my physicum timed Pulpitulion ot
the Heart, and a combination of other diseases
1 obtained no reliel uutil I bought some of your
iiinian isiooa syrup, winch relieved me im
mediately. I am now in perfect health.
Illizabeiu Lewis.
Bkssalem P. O., Feb. 25, 1879.
Dear Sir: Having tried your most excellent
Indian Ulood Syrup and lound it a valuable
medicine for Liver Complaint and Chills I
would recommend tliooe who are ufHicted to
giveit a rial. Mus. C. Am man
PirrsBuuoH, l'a-, Aupist 25, 1878.
Uoar Sir:-I was Iroublesl with Kidney Dis
ease and Liver Complaint. I tried everything
which I thought might lo Jim Jjood, but 1 did
not tlnd the ryht mi-iliciue u olil 1 ist a ,Vj-cen
U.llle of your mediciue, whVh entirely cured
B1, . KM. Rami l.
Co aw If
QfS . Iff ill C- c
Knsblon Notea.
Chenille is very fashionable.
Waistconts nre not exploded.
Scotch pluids never go entirely out of
Fleece-lined piquo is ft novelty for un
derwear. The new mauve shades are tinged with
Birds or parts of birds are favorite lon
net ornaments
The larger the netk bow the more
fashionable the wearer.
The new silks have very heavy reps
and are very lustrous.
Link buttons are more fashionable for
'iulls than old-style stem buttons.
Striped goods, or striped ribbons ap
pear on almost all fancy street costumes.
French heels to slippers and boots for
full dress wear are as fashionable as ever.
French, Normandy and Breton t ap
crowns appear on many of the imported
Breton lace fraises are worn by fash
ionable women inside the narrow stand
ing linen collar.
The sleeves of many imported dresses
have vandyked caps inserted in the top
of the sleeve.
Shirred waists with old-fashioned sur
plice fullness fiom the shoulders to the
waist are revived.
Sailor collars, either of plain linen or
lace or open cut work, are worn by fash
ionable women in' Paris.
Large hats, high frills in the neck and
long gloves or mittens are dc rispieur at
the moment in Paris.
White felt bonnets, lined with black
or colored velvet or satin, continue to be
favorite evening chape iux.
Solitaire earrings continue to be the
mst tasliionable ; but the solitaires need
not always be diamonds.
There id a revival of mauve and lilac
shades in millinery goods, kid gloves and
silks for evening wear.
Shoulder capes of silk twist, strune
with cut jet beads and fringed in the
same way, are much worn.
Large flat coarse straw baskets carried
in the hand while shopping is the fash
ion of the passing moment in New York.
Patterns for bonnet crowns wrought
in cut jet, or cashmere and a'nber varie-
catert beads, appear among milanerv
Sashes are worn around the waist,
fastening low in a point, either in the
back or front, according to the fancy of
the wearer.
One of the caprices of the season is to
cover the crown of the bonnet with a
material and a color in strong contrast
with that which covers the brim.
The prettiest shoulder cape wherewith
to brighten up a passe black silk dress
is of chenille net, with loops of cut jet
beads in every mesh, and fringed with
alternate strands of jet beads and che
nille. Cottage bonnets of black satin, pro
fusely ornamented with jet beaded laces,
fringes and feathers fastened down with
cut jet ornaments take precedence with
many fastidious women who declare they
cannot wear any but black bonnets.
X IVotett British Beauty-The Jersey Lily.
AVhen the town came to look at her it
found she was indeed beautiful. She
possessed wonderful eves of a limpid.
transparent blue, which always wore a
winning expresbion . She was observed
to be extremely modest in her dress, very
quiet and unassuming in her manner,
and discreet in all her actions. Jealousy
was disarmed, admiration increased and
Mrs. Langtry became one of those si&hts
of the town which the " Spring Captain"
yearns to see, and for which country
cousins make lomr pilgrimages by rail
way. " It seems but yesterday," says a
recent number of Vanity Fair, "when
as n bride she appeared in the park and
set 10,000 tongues a-wagging. Since then
she has played a foremost part in the
battle of life, and this bravely and well.
You are spellbound by her ineffable
sweetness before you havo exchanged
hardly a dozen words with her. Every
well-bred woman is of course free from
gene, but this one is gifted with a deli
cious manner, simple and sympathetic as
that wherewith mentally we endow
4 Mignon,' and she talks at once so pret
tily and so musically that you are insen
sibly impressed with the idea of her
absolute sincerity. The bright, ringing
treble; the iieht. springy step; the hap
py halcyon view ot life characteristic of
girlhood, are still hers. Above all, she
is kindness itself incarnate. At Glas
gow, where that goes without the say
ing she was the cynosure, she astonished
the canny Scotch by her generous im
partiality. The plain and unattractive
partner claimed her hand in the ball
room and lie wns not refused, though
Adonis stood at her elbow awaiting his
chance. Lily like in every fiber, she hns
preserved an exalted reputation lor
womanly virtue, and this although she
has been flattered and followed, caressed
and made much of, more than any living
woman. She has remained, however, the
same, true to the gentle emblem forever
hers, the Jersey Liiy."
. A Modern Kuth.
A pretty story was told some time ago
in an exchange: A young lady from
the South was wooed and won by a
young Californian physich.n. About
the time the wedding was to come off,
the young man lost his entire fortune,
lie wrote the lady a letter releasing her
from her engagement. And what does
that dear, good girl do? Why, she takes
a lump of gold which her lover had sent
her in his prosperity as a keepsake, and,
having it manufactured into a ring, for
waidsitto him with the following in
scription : " Entreat me not to leave thee,
or to return from following after thee;
for whither tliou goest, I will go; and
where thou lodgest, I will lodge; thy
people shall be my people, and thy God
my God; where thou diest, will I die,
and there will I be buried ; the Lord do
so to me, and more also, if aught but
death part thee and me." We may add
that fortune again smiled on the young
physician, and that he subsequently re
turned to the South to wed the sweet
girl he loved, and who loved him with
such undying affection. Readers, this is
all true. Young ladies who read the
Bible as closely as the heroine of this
incident seems to have done are pretty
sure to make good sweethearts, and bet
ter wives. '
The total production of the world of
gold and silver lor ine inree nunarea
and seventy-three years from 1493 to
175 is estimated by an eminent German
authority ut $7,17(US5,510.50 of silver
and 5.G14.151,241.43 of gold.
The Terrible Strain of the Znln War.
A friend writing to me from Zululand,
who has had great experience in con
valescent ramps, says that ho has never
met with so many soldiers prostrated
with extreme nervous debility as he
finds at Mnrtizburg, and that their agi
tation nnd unrest bailies the ordinary
modes of treatment. Iran account for
this. The Zulu war has been a war In
wLich an extraordinary mental strain
has been superadded to no ordinary
amount of hardship. To say that the
battle of Isandlnna established a "scare"
would not be going too far. Hero was
nn enemy who might attack at any time
in overwhelming numbers, who would
march straight up to the mouths of a
batttery of field pieces, who knew no fear
and would show no mercy. To conduct
a campaign successfully against such an
enemy its this necessitated a vigilance of
the most incessant kind. A few mo
men s' delay, if an attack should be
made, would bo fatal fatal not
only to the force in a military Bense
but also to the lives of the greater
number of those composing it. To sleep
in your boots; to have your ammuni
tion at liand, so that it is imposiblo lor
it to he mislaid ; to have your rifle so
E laced that it is the hrst thing your
and touches as you spring from the
ground; to sleep underneath a wagon
upon earth sodden with rain or under
neath a frosty starlight -all this is try
ing, even to the hardiest. The men get
used to it, but still it tells upon them.
Heads which went into Zululand with a
mere sprinkling of gray hair came back
wKh a goodly growth. How gray he
has grown!" is a remark heard every
day with regard to men who have been
ill. This is the result of tno mental
strain, coming as it does upon tho top of
severe physical exertion. Lcndon Let
ter. v Live Toads InJTrees and Stones.
A large toad was found a few years
ago in an old apple tree at Won ham
Manor; it came to light when the tree
was blown down. The Memoires of
the French Acadtmie des Sciences con
tain a description of a living toad found
in the heart of an old elm tree. Near
Nantes, when am old oak was cleft open,
a toad was found in the very heart
wood, although no crevice or other
channel of entrance could be detected;
there were about ninety rings in the
trunk of thiB oak, leading to the infer
ence (according to one theory) that the
animal must have been in liis prison
house ninety years. Mr. Jesse, in refer
ence to a frog found in the trunk of a
mulberry tree, expressed a belief that
the annual rings had been gradually but
surely inclosing the reptile. Toads in
clay have been more frequently met
with than in trees; sometimes a whole
family have been thus ferreted out
at once. In 1856 a toad wns found
at a considerable depth at Benthall,
near Broslcy, Shropshire. Mr. Bath
urst, earthenware manufacturer at Ben
thall, ascertained that the creature was
nietwith about si x.feet beneath the sur
face, in a layer of fough clay custom
arily used for making coarse brown
ware. Above this layer, in successive
strata, were ferruginous coal of poor
quality, clay, a loam of clay and gravel,
and meadow-turf at the top. The toad
was found filling a cavity as wax does
a seal. A minute examination of the
superincumbent strata failed to detect
any fissure through which the animal
could have entered . The light of day
seemed at first to distress it, but this it
soon became accustomed to; the eyes
were brilliant, tho skin moist, the
mouth quite closed. Vhambtr s Jour
Nihilist Vengeance.
The Moscow Gazette publishes the fol
lowing: A young man. nineteen
years old, named Nicholas Gorinevich,
a student at the izymnasium ot Kiel!,
was induced to join the Nihilist circles.
But what he saw and heard created such
horror and repugnance in his breast
that ho withdrew Irom them. His
former associates became alarmed lest he
should betray them, and the case hav
ing been referred to the executive com
mitteehe was sentenced to death. Sus
pecting that his life was in danger ho
fled to Odessa but lie could not so easily
escape. He was induced one evening to
go to a rendezvous In a retired place,
and was there set upon by several per
sons, who lelt him lor dead. Lo pre
vent his recognition one of the assailants
poured a quantity of vitriol over his
lace, in tins condition he was lound
by the police next morning; but as he
seemed to be still alive they conveyed
him to a hospital, where he was so well
cared for that after some time he was
able to be removed to St. Petersburg.
where an inquiry into tho Nihilistic
piopaganda was going on. His right
hand and leg were paralyzed and his
face presented an awful appearance.
The acid had quiteconsumed the greater
part of tae flesh; nose, ears, hair were
quite gone, and he had lost his sight
utterly. He tried to put an end toliis
lot but was prevented. At lat a phi
lanthropic person obtained permission
to remove him to his estate in the
country, where, it is said, he now cecma
more reconciled with his lot.
The Falae JVottons
Exist in the minds ol many otherwise intelli
gent people as to the requirements ol a disor
dered stomach or liver. The swallowing of
nauseous and powerful drugs is the way to en
courao, not to cure dyspepsia and liver com
plaint. .Mor can a constipated or otherwise
disordered condition of the bowels be remedied
by similar treatment. That agreeuble and
thorough stomachic and aperient, Hosletter a
liitters, which U the reverse ot unpleasant,
and never produces violent eHectH, is far pre
ferable to medicines ot the class reierred to.
It intuses new vior into a tailing physique,
cheers the mind while it strengthens the body,
and institutes a complete retonn in the action
ot the disordered sUmiaca, bowels and liver.
Appetite and sleep are both promoted, uterine
and kidneys affections greatly benefited by
its use. It is indeed a comprehensive and
meritorious preparation tree irom drawbacks
ol any kiniL
II. VV. Johns' Asbestos Liquid Paints are
the purest, finest, richest and most durable
paints ever made for structural purposes,
A saving of 25 to 33 per cent, of customary
outlays can be effected by use of the Asliestos
Liquid Taints. Samples ol sixteen newest
shades for dwellings sent free by mail. H. W.
Johus' Ml'g Co.. 87 Maiden Lane. N. Y.
Probably there is no belter judge ol musical
instruments, or ol the opinions of musicians
respecting them, than Theodore Thomas. He
says the Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs aie
much the best of this clasn ol instruments
made, and that musicians generally agree in
Nothing is uglier than a crooked boot or
shoe. Straighten them with Lyon's Heel Still",
euers, and tliey will never run over again.
Tlio immense printing establishment ol
Hussrs. Harper and Bio. is painted with II. W.
Johns' Asbestos Liquid Paint.
ChewJackson's liest 3wet Navy Tobftooo
Whon nonlectlul of tlio duty assigned to it
by nature, 1 lint ol secreting the bilo, tho liver
should bo disciplined with Dr. Motl'i Venn'R"
bio Liver Pills, whieh will speedily rotm dy
i I n inaction and stimulate it to n vigorous per
formance of ili secrelivo Innotion. Constipa
tion, which is an invariably accompaniment
of liver disorder, is always ovcivomo by this
great Rull-hilious cathartic, and indigestion,
chronio and unite, ia completely eurid by it.
Druggists sell It.
Sudden changes in the weather are produc
tive oi throat diseases, coughs and colds.
There ia no more effectual relief to be found
than In the io of " Brown's Hroschial
Troehes," Tweniy-flvo rents a box.
"Lies I Bg Lies!"
Not so-fast, my friend,; fr if you
would see the strong, healthy, blooming
men, women nnd children that have
been raised from beds of sickness, suf
fering and almost death, by tho uso of
Hop Bitters, you would say, "Truth, glo
rious truth.'' &ntincl.
As n Cure for filet.
Kidney-Wort nets first by overcoming
in tho mildest manner all tendencies to
constipation ; then, by its grcat tonic and
invigorating properties, it restores to
health the debilitated nnd weakened
parts. Hundreds of certified cures.wherc
all else had failed.
A r 17 XT WhTTc wTwant AironUnt t III 6
i.Ui.l . lr day at honn-p AMri's, with
MAImIMI 1.VI t CO., I'o'tiwnl, .Maine.
One year, poit-paid,
Diri flFT I vefy Suhicrilier Ret more than
DIVJ VJll II St in Patterns an 1'remlniu.
X t opics 1 year for Si. BO. Only 75 cents eath.
A Conies 1 vear fnr St.t.OO Onlw RAmiti .ir-h.
10 Copies 1 yc:ir for 3. 00. Only 00 cents each.
betters -up ot Him get one copy for a year iree
Sample Copy to show, mailed for 3 stamps.
Ttiii Ovorsluit cue of the few dcMu which
4lwv i: a Kr.tceml ami stylish appearance, either
in tlie rkli or inexpert' ivc int-rial. The (t dra
pim; of the front is sure to find favor with the rat
jority of laities. l'attcrn, with cloth noll of I Kr.l. on receipt of 3 sumps (or lucts.)
We war.t you to is-e Sty loa and test our Patterns;
1. Burdette Smith,
16 IC. 14th St., NEW VOKlt CITY.
! st . in for on' T.nro-o Ontnlocne.
CpCC fslpT I A cujiyoi ut .Uitl.tatl
r niala Vllr I i Common sense
11. .ok
nt to uttv t er-
lon alilicted Willi Consumption, Itronctili la
A Ht li in, Sore Tlironf, ir iVnxni Cntiurh
Kiri-am y prutiro ami uiuirai.'ti: 144 pagt s 1. .. iy.
It lias been the means In trie prov iilenie of (lo l, of ssv
lii ninny valuabie lives. Si'iul mini' tiit'l 1. O. address
will' 4 1-ln. imjU,-.' for iiiailiiui. Iiivaiuible to iu roous
6UtuTt!iR wltli utty il:sett. of the I'oe. Threat or
I .nun'. AnureM uk. N.js. wilt,, uirMmiaii. 111110.
Ilunt'H tMtily.
Hunt's llenirdv-
Cures Dropsv, kidney, lllaibler
ami t'rluary Complaints, Jirliiltt's
Plsesse. lllaltete ami Uravel.
Hunt's Itrmedy cures Puiu
In the Side. Hack or I.olns. and all
Diseases of the Kidneys, Itlttdder
and I'rlnary Organs Hunt's
lleaiedv encouruees and cre
ates an appetite, braces up the system 1 and good health
is the result of uslim Hunt's Itemed y. Send Xor
pamphlet to W.H. K. C'LAHKE. Providence, K. I.
Unitarian; educates for the t'hrlstisn Ministry; elves
aid to wo'iltT, but iudlgent studei.tH; tuition, books,
room-lent, furnitu'e, flee to all; Itt sectti'ian lest
r quired; full voir Is three yea's; School year is ."f
vvks; School opened Sept. 22; stti lt nls aro admitted
ititt"; s'x Professors: l.ibraiy of tlt'teeu thousand
volumes; located tit a tieaiittiul and heultlty illy of ten
thousand liiliith tants Apply to
H-v. A. A I IV HMOKK. f fl.!tit Ve-..lvl'ln. J',t.
Hm Pad dlfferbut trtm all thra, to
eap-vbap. with Stlf-Adjusting Hll
IB ceo Mr, pupw itastn u (til posuuoni
v ssii poaiuoni
or Ui body, wont j
Lit. HfUi pruiu
tb HaraU Is held Mcartlr ift Ktii mem. and ndieal enn eer
tsvla. II U my, durable and cheap, heal br mall. CirtuUn
tggieston Truss uo., tnicago, uu
Jnst PuhlUhed. A splendid nw Comic Book
bv Uoert lluniette, tte famous ' Bui'llnKton
llawkeye Man." Full of the briulnest and best
prose and poetry he has ever wrltt 11. With 50 comic
illustrations, Dounn in cioiu, price ei.ou.
- Sold at all bookstores.
.W. OAKLRTOK eV CO., Publishers, N.Y.Olty.
T eareftillv nut un lu tin cans. Bold at SV'.. CAR.. Id.SV Take no other, lu use for to years. WOOLKICII
t CO. 011 eveiy label.
fraalass, iv Wart ism. ik r.l 8ia
1m s4 Wtamf4. i0 fc Cssita.
yssr S4. ktjM, ssa JH saal
sack ml staut, seaal n jm Mtsri pwt
wf yr fa tar sabs, sal a wia, laiiuabi ef
ml auuas. tW lisDs atisw also wksri r
U tlrsa Mass- bh4 Iks 4ais ut aasenafs.
lur, rr- MABTINKt, 1riM
ii kwmwm. VMS, fas avMMi I
Wa wtl' pny Ak.uu bulury of lliu per u.ouih oS
axneiiaea, or slbtw a Isre eorumisslon, 10 sell our new
oo wonderful la'eitt;oi.. rlitaW.'nii. Bsuv
nls fref Addrr is 6j EM atw!. Mlcb.
SiiTiTaSKSa'ib! $106
Proportional returns every week on Stock Ontlona oJ
O Bclal Heuorts aud Circnlari free. Address
T POT'lhH WUiHT4t;u., liankeis :t5 Wall Bt..N.T
If s tat lafl Huutwat, dm-
1l h .l.ta, ft Kmi (sb vf naji
.aid s.44. sr a tsti
n4 wilt Mil ststi ter m
assx exa. You know that Ascitis 'e O'ininj muiu-y
I II J seilms our t.uiile to suit-eras t L'oveis
w sw hroader arotuid than "It. It's Manual" and
sells l half the nrlee! Particulars free.
V. It. TIlOVtl'NOI & C.,
UJ llawley Street, Huston, Mass.
A GOOD PLAN. ComblalnKaadeiMratiiicmanyordsra
At it uliu vullliilQ tin! ! X mointw "i iiii",
ikilllullnanagsmrut. Lie ttutiM dWIavtl 'io rataoa
liivvlllllllsi.l !'. lollO.OOO, Curolar, wtlUfull '
planallnna li w all cstt lurrMl lu stork asltuf;s. inslleil frtta.
I ivettt-Vfe k l"tt . r.s Kxrlisiirs P'SfS. Nw York.
In tt ,it.l.M
f., t t-Hll-i ltw.Sj.tfc L. L. t
W.MMf ru
- - . A Invesied In Wall St. Stocks ml
SlUtOSlLllJlJ fortunes every month. Book sent
free explaining everything.
Address BAXTER k CO.
Bankers. IT Wall IslreetN.Y,
, Nin e relief cxTIM 1
Price aacts.AMlltUii
uinnrna ntnTii l f o
MUUCn O THO I ILLCO.bymaa. Mowed A Co.
asaaaasaassjaaasjsgassi imrleau.s n. Alaas.
tr aV Every eradnale Koarauteed a paying silua
tlop Ad reas E Valeutiue, alaiuuer, Jsue.vllle, Wis.
"BARNEY 4 BERRY'S I Cstalogusent Free.
Clf ATITC I Barney at Berry.
I Sal Wa I hlKIMiritl-D. iliil.
79 a week. $12 a day at home easily made. Costly
Ouliltfiee Adilreua Taua t Co., Auvusta, staiite.
rvvj f it vf II A It IT. H'-w to cure It. Send stamp.
UriUlU on p. li., Loansiiort, tint.
iviTTikTrs Kriulvria. (Jataloiiue free. Ad dress
Jt U i -7 liical Wcslt rittiun Woiks, Pitt-biirK.Pa.
n week in votir own town. Te-uis anti $S OuttU
flee. Address U. Ilau-srr A Co., Porllaltd.JM nine
t TT T mouth aud eipenaea juarauieed lo axenis
($4 4 'juiatfiss. Bsuw 4 Oo . Agevisa.Msiaa.
mTS - - .
,f 5001 rT 2
KA - A - 1 W
J E$f;r' v o
C l'.:'A X. ','- ' ' S
? rA S3
Celluloid Insoles,
Protect the Hole of the foot from wet and
cold perfectly.
Itflnu Irt thnn 1-30 if nn Inch In thlrknrm, tnny be
worn In a neatly ttttlnjt bhtie with pprftn t ronifort
Try litem onre ami you will never be without tlietn.
Will save you many tlntas their rout In OiM-tnr's bills.
Sent by mail nn receipt of price lito eents per pair,
four pnlr til. OO.)
A iHily aii'iit wanted to Introduce these goods In this
vicinity. Commission liberal.
Celluloid Shoe Vrotertor Co.,
4T l.afyette P'are, N. Y. Tltv.
r ths bt lands, la V keet rtlsaass, weak ska has
marksta. and an Ui bt hrvt, aionf Us BV PsM
kllauaapoUs u Manitoba B'r, (lata St, PssU m PaolAa.
3,000,000 ACRES
Malaly la tas Ti
Oa ksauf Maas. law awtsss aad assi ssfssaati
PanpaVM trlta M aatsrsssala
aJVs4trsa ApaaV
D. A. Welti N LAY, Lund Corrf'r,
sm at. rM. aiiaav.
A nTTVTTka Vaswa ror s (r. Book r
iUrl!il JLo aalls fast. Uhance for all
ssaaa niouey. UIK ui
Hi fatnoaa Scout, Quids, Hnntsr and Actor wrlttsa by
klmself la lbs llvslltst and easiest book to sell that has
sspeared tor 7 vars. A -e nut already at work are maklaa
i( salsa. Bend at one and escare territory. For circsr
kus and liberal tenns apply te
FK1NK E. BUM, Hartford. Conn.
Liquid Paints, Roofing, Boiler Covering,
Steam Packing, Sheathings, Coatinqs, Cements, Ac.
Sewn rort liascsirrivr Prick List.
r -' " s a ,
organ BEATTYEiaiS
. a II .tu.. l,.M,. Tn, Hreil
II ti:ee swrlls, walaat ea.e.w arnt'd jr, slool a bask
KrwS", eoreeaitook. Il ls . 5S. Hrfare
vsaliaylteftiii-flawrlUwr. Illttslraleil ftewMnri sent l-'ree
luuraas V -w it.u i itastt a, mu,-.'-, - - j .
The verv best roods direct from the Importers at Rail
the usual cost. Best plan ever ottered to Club Areqt
and targe Buyers. ALL 2XPHK33 ClLAKtiKS PAU).
new veima i- ass.
The Great American Tea Company,
J ana u:l Vssey Htrtet, New Tork
P.O. ltox-t
lclfl I he lllf lit-M Vftlitl t t li.f ifixu:
pa u i - ex im) it: g: .
efr ;ill Am-rtin t-t.niiiiiint . I
V l.T.X I B l.K II 1 1 t'O It S K'l
i'.( IMUrftj I WilHANltD lift twt-t. ftt
tirtwtt nr Ht Itlpa I'llrr t . Tl.i t
4 liiatll UU thfl I.HHI'liU flusi, VstiU
sula ilk ftMtl and cwulsiu. if
"imhaa P.-l.-aa k. a mall ftl Kfl
K ir I by illiinc mrr- liftoii.
WAKKB BROS.. IS1 Kreadwat. K.
4 .i:ITJ V.liTKI for the lUst and Fastest
iV Sel'lnj Pii Itouks an.l lliltles. Prices redut i 1
33 t.-r cent. Atbircss Nationsi. Plulishing Co.. Pbtla-
de imla, ra., Clticao, I ; at. I.urns, Ho., or At
(INS 111 I'll l.K W AKHA.S I Ml
? erf crt cure for all kinds of Pll.l.b
wo to four bottles In the worst
cases of LKPItOHV. S(IK(iPtl
CATAKlill. and all diseases of tin
SKIN and P.I.OOU. Entirely Veie.
table. iTib-mal and eKlernal use.
Money refunded In all cases of fail
ure 1 none for 2u 1 ears, auddaverv.
wbers. Bend for parnutilet. it a Dottle.
II. I. r'OWLK. noslaiK
Sr. VarcUil'l
h-111 iKisltlvely -uie Fentule veaknesa.sueh as Fall-
ln- of t!ie Wuiiili, Wliltes, Chronic liiltanilttalloii or
I'li-oral lonof t ho Womb, Incidental Hemorrhage or
Klitotllnir, Painful, Nui,reKst-l and Irregular Mens
tnuiMon, Ac, An old and reliable remedy. Send itos-t:li-.ird
for n ininplibt, with t rent ment, ru res and
ct'i'lidt-itoM f nun iilistclni,a anil jtjttb-itts. to M( iv
ni t'i It illiird, fllca, J V. txdd Cjr all UruKKIsia
l.;M) per Itotltt',
(Jnnd Medal
nt Philadelphia
I xposition.
Silver Medal
at Pails
This wonderful substance Is acknowledged bv physi
cians throughout the wtrrld to be lite bert remedy ils
covHre.l for the cure of Wounds, Burns, Hhcuniatlsni,
Skill Diseases, Piles, Cntsnh, Chilblains, Ac. In order
that every one may try Is put 1111 In 15 and aft
cent hollies for housiliold use. Obtain it from your
d I'nui't. and you will Hud It superior to anything you
htve ever ised.
la porfeeitly pure. Pronounced the best Viy the lya-li-eat
modiciil aullioritieH iu tho world. Gien hik,'lii Ht
award at 14 World's KtpoeitioHs. and at Paris, 1 HTft.
'loll by Urutririata. W.ll.Scbirut lin 6V .,N. Y.
Infallible and anexcelled Remedy fo
r.pueuiy or I- aillnftHicHtiesa
ted to ertect a speedy and
PKUM ArK!T cure.
" A free bottle " of mi
renowned specitfc aud a valnable
Treatise sent to any suflerei
sending me his P. U. aud Ka
press atldress.
Oa. A. a.
Ri) If. 11 Peart Street, New York
A large, elght-na-jS paper of nil broad columns, w.
be sent postpaid to y address utitll January tai
thr nun. N. T. ntv.
P'ew law, tkasiii aa of toMn aad ketre eatltssa.
snsloas dsts back te datokarge sr AeaUk. Tktm aasaasA
A4ilrssa wlU aUias,
r.OBa E. I.EMTO!.
F. q Prawsr , Waslkliaftosij IK .
n4 Bnd Uniform. OfficerM Kqui.ritnts,
C nils, r'r.j nnule by .V. &j Co.,
Coluuiblid, OlilO. iytudjir i'ru4 L
Firemen' Caps, Belts, nH Shirts.
.I.- err stl i at m
Masou & Uanillu Cabinet Organs
Demonstrated best by MUtlEST HONORS AT Al.
at Pasts. Ir7; Viaifsa, 1X73; Bsstiago, 1X75; PaiLsoil
rata, 187; Paais, Mi, and Gaaan Uwaoisa Gou Usoat
lS7d. Only Auiertcan Organs ever awarded highest hu
ors a a ' tt. for cash or installments.
tkaib 0il rxtau and Circulars with -ew styles aud
prices, sen 'free, at A SON A 11AM LU. OKUAN CO.
Boston. New Yurk or Chicago.
ROn "A VKAH ti It A ft A STEK IK
9i3UJ Agents Wanted. I have the best
things for Agents. Over 'Joo agents are now making
from fi to a dav. Hend stainp for nurtkulars.
Ksv.'S. T. HI t'K. MiltoB, Northumberland Co., Pa.
E" MVLdYMENT-hVii- t:?f.v;rs:
Also tjaLAV pee Moittb. slUXf t NtES
edvHitceJ. IV A.1 i rouipllj pnld. feLOAM
X Co. (ii'uu ot. i. 4.
ei,1.-J t'omplete Works and UrTFoToy's
bliakSpeare S M.wihi t.I year for l.
Sample copy rrt. Murray lltil Pub.Co..lW K. asth SJ, N Y.
fablt aV. Is kill Itlaeasea. lhuo
sands cured. Lowest Pr--es. Uonotfa
u write lir. P. K. Marsh, onlnev. K -ek
as 1AV. w;th Hlellcll liuinu. w nai coais a
il clr. sells rapidly for ft cts. Catalogue fna
U a. M. ai-ascsa. ll'J W -sh'n, Mass
YEAR. Ho" ' s'"i"- "
f A t 1 a
--jaV ka lava
rt'11,1 Uafi
r iiMiiiiumi
n 1
r a sa wsrran
Tsssa tnisjsi aossaa EOsklUkaal 1KM.
If you arc
In tho Inqniry Which is tho
best Liniment for Man, nnd
lJeast? this is tho answer, at
tested by two fenerations : tho
MENT. Tho reason is sim
ple. It penetrates every sore,
wound, or lameness, to tho
very bono, nnd drives out nil
Inflammatory and morbid mat
ter. It goes to tho root" of
the trouble, nnd never fails to
euro in double quick time.
N T N tl No 4 3
Carmon. Opera by IUiet 13.00.
Carmen Is an Opera that has arsduslly and snrl
won Its wsy to a (treat populniltr. A.thoush ths
book la lsrue. In fact what one might call a ' four
dollar hook " It Is got up tn elegant style, with muslo
and all the words, rnnllsh na 'ifelKn 'or "
FOtlflltZa. Opera by Suppe... M.OO.
Splendid new Opera that Is a decided success. A
large, fine book, with Kngllsh and foreign words,
and the Opera in every way complete, for a low
Doctor of Alcantara.
By Khhber SI. BO.
A famoni Opera, now brought, by the popular
price, wilbin the reach of all. Orcheslrat tarbl.
Dolls of Corneville.
By Planquette (nearly ready) $1,110,
A s-reat success. This, with the " Doctor " and the
"Sorcerer" HI.OO) are well worth adopting by
eompanlciwho have finished Pinafore (still selling:
wellTfor ft cents), aud who are looking out for
new and easy Operas.
Remember our first-class Singing Si hool and Chotf
Books. Voire of Worship snd The Temple,
each $.M per doien or l.M each, bend for cop
Also always remember the Musical Iteroril. pub.
llshed weekly. It keeps you well posted ss to musical
matters, gives six or seven psges of music per week aad
costs but . I"' veart
OLITElt D117J0N & CO., Boston,
c. h. iTsoit ? ro.dw.y, Tork4
J. E. P'lcV.V,at Bt rhlladelphla.
First Established I Moat Successful I
THEIB INoTRCMSNTS have a 8Undard Value 13 a
Loading fifiarkots
Of tho World!
Everywhere recognised as the FIN 8T IN TOM V
OVER 30,000
Matte aittt fit tiae. New resigns onstantl; Fee
Work aud Lowest Prices.
Send for a Catalog e.
Tremont St.. cpp. Waltliam St., Boston. Mass
Awardtd Hit Ml' DAL OF IKKVOJt at lh CtnltnniaX
0l'( i'tiiti .'j-rnjr,'fo?i.i.
aaaaKJ&.i l
Is the Old Uallabla Concentrated I.y
Directions accompanying each can for making Eaid
Soft and Toilet Soap tiili kly.
The Market la Hooded with (so-called) Concentrate
Lye, whicb la aJulterau-d with salt and rtsalu,al ut?
Ssuait $ouu,
SwMsMMIIIIsllllllll 1 y I I III ESW
Fennaylvania Salt Manofg Co.,
1 lllLiAllf.l.rlllA.
Vrtt. ltontiru. nt f.tlthh b. , , r. l A-
Duraiiliiiy Hiin ciiiitinieas i i,. -7au:, ,
ilUiiai. iiliua. Vmii. ti 1.0
, t'K-uuliuc v
As. 1.1VI N WANTKII for the liest and Fasiest
SelUng Pictorial Hooks and Bibles. Prices reduced
S.t pnr cent. National Piinilthtiig L'n., Philadelphia. Pa
Se. ff kVII l" 1 u.J at itoittr. o alltpifS worm S-S Ill'S
Address hriasoM A Co , Portland, Ms 'tic.
efWA VKAKaml exiu-ps-s t.t aeents. lluldt Its
s 4 A ddreas P. o. Vice KUY Autiuata, Man ,
f raWanitsMl laWaW"JanriasT
f , " m ifliras vou
TirtriSJOSTl I isoulouh 1
a 1 00 at it this Jf CREASE.