Iw Jowl tpuMtam. J. K. WEN K, EDITOR. WEDNESDAY MORSINC, OUT. !9, 1879. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET FOR STATE TREASURER, Hon. SAMUEL BUTLER, of Chester County. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET; FOR ASSOCIATE JUDGE. LEWIS ARNER. FOF.DISTRICT ATTORNEY, S. D. IRWIN, ESQ. FpR COUNTYSURVEYOR, JACOB COOK, FOR CORONER. JOHN HUNTER'. Vote for Butler, Arneh. Irwin, Cook, and Hunter. Bots, stick to th ticket; let us take ours straight. They did in Ohio. Republicans, it is your duty to work like tigers from now until Tues day night. If you do so you cfn go to bed and rest assured that you have accomplished the victory. "Work while it is called the day." The official vote of Ohio is as fol lows: Foster, Republican, 336,261; Ewing, Democrat, 319,132; Piatt, Greenbacker, 9,129. Last year the greenback voffc was ever 38,000, show ing decrease of nearly 30,000 votes, and leaving but a mere hacdfull in the birth-place of greenbackism. When you go to the pells on the 4th, Republicans, remember what Ohio and Iowa have done. Go to the polls, Republicans, cud "vote early and often." Nelson said on the eve of battle, "England expects every mau to do his duty to-day," aud a glorious victory was accomplished. Let us rally around the old standard. What does Mr. E. J. -Meldron, late candidate of the Greenback party, for Legislature, mean by starting up his works at Blacklick before the election ? Had be, too, entered iuto a conspiracy with the Republicans to deceive the people by gettiug up a business boom? The facts are that business is im proving, and Mr. Meldron, like a bus iness mau, wants to get ready for tbe increased demand upon his works. We hope he may continue to show his good sense by cutting loose from a party that glories in hard times, and would liuifd up on the necessities of the people. Indiana Progress. Voters of Forest county,- before depositing jour ballot next Tuesday, ask yourself these questions : Who is the laboring man's candidate for Asso ciate' Judge? Who is the man who has worked hard all his life ; is a hard worker to-day, and expects to be as long as health and strength permit? who is in full sympathy with the honest laborer? WTho is it that is struggling hard to gain an honest livelihood for himself and family, and is most deserving of the office and help of the people? Is it Lewis Arner? Then vote for him. Greenbackeis and laboring men let not politics bias or induce you to vote against the verv principles you advocate the aiding of tbe honest laboring niaa. Be consist ent and vote to aid one of your own . class. A full Republican vote in Forest county was never more important than now. A cotemporary well says that the election of 1879 is the pre liminary battle to that of 1880, and involves in itself the fate of next year's contest. Let all Republicans vote, this year, as if this were really the Presidential election; and ignoring all merely personal considerations and appeals, cast their votes io accordance with their wishes as to the political result next year. This is not a time to be indulging in personal likings or dislikings. A great national question is at issue. We are this year on the skirmish line of a great battle; and the men arrayed against us are the men to overcome, not to parley with And give advantages to. Vote the straight ticket, from State Treasurer to Coroner. There is not a man on it but that is " just as good personally, and a great deal better politically, than any of the opposition candidates- To the Voters of Forest County. Republicans, I wish to say a few plain words to you through the medium of our county organ : One year ago we were battling with all our strength against the soft money, greenback craze, and in favor of honest money, specie resumption, and the payment of the national obliga tions. We stood shoulder to shoulder, with our faces to the enemy, our trust being in the justice of our-.cause, and we won. We won, with all the dis couraging circumstances of depression of business, unremunerative labor, shrinkage of values and the discontent of the laboring class. All these we had to contend with, and yet the vic tory was ours. Resumption is a fixed Tact; business is booming; prices are advancing; labor is remunerative, and honest labor can find its reward. The "Ohio Idee" is laid in its new made grave never to be resurrected. .Workingmeu, don't be deceived and made to believe that the resumption of specie payments is a fraud and a snare, and that the gaunt spoctre, Want, has departed for a short season to re turn after the November election. Fellow laborers 1 Will you be longer mislead by designing and unscrupu lous men whose only aim is self-aggrandizement, power, and love of of fice. I believe that you will univer sally stand by the old Republican party whieh has done more for the la boring roan, and for the country than all other parties and isms . combined since the foundation of the Govern ment. Why act and vote against your best interests ? The Republican party has always stood by its friend?, uud will continue. to do so under all and any circumstances. Therefore, I say to every Republican in Forest county to vote the entire Republican ticket solid. Do not be deceived by Greenbackers, Democrats, or weak-kneed Republi cans into voting for any roan whose cam is not inscribed upon the Repub lican Banner. Let every man who looks forward to a Republican Victory iu 1880 come ou,t to the polls on Tuesday next, an? cast his ballot for Samuel Butler, Lewis Arner, Samuel D. Irwin, J. II. Cook and John Hunter; all good men, honest and true. E. L. Davis, Chairman Rep. Co. Com. National Conundrums. The political editor of the Greenback personal organ has delivered himself of eleven profound questions no doubt borrowed, as usual, from some central greeuback junta for the Re publican to answer. When you become less facetious and more in clined to an honest seeker after truth, and less ef the demagogue and really wish to enlighten your readers, we will gladly answer, so far as lies iu our power, any and all political ques tions tending to that end ; but out of the eleven interrogatories, commenc ing with the first untruthful and absured one of "having inflated the currency during the war so that it very nearly repreien'ted the national debt in the hands of tbe people, without interest, what made the gov ernment change it into interest pay iug bonds, "to the 11th, there is not one with any reason, or truth in it, and that has not been explained, or exploded, in the campaign of 1878 in every school house in the county, to the entire satisfaction of every intelligent voter, unless it be the editor of the National himself. The absurdity of flow asking such questions, why bonds are taxless? Why National banks were established? Why silver was demonetized? How many tramps and bankrupts bavo these crimes' made? etc., etc., is manifest on the face of it. These and questions of like nature are like the greenback party, exploded ; passed' away like dew before the morning sun. JBut if the editor of the National really needs to be enlighten ed on these several points, (we know his readers do riot) we will do so when space aud time are at our command. Two weeks ago' lie published an elaborate proposition showing how much the government would save by using the surplus gold in the treasury in buying Up the 6 per cent, bonds. He went on to state that by so doing the premium would only bo increased about one fourth of a ceut, which would be better than payiug the 6 per ceut. at maturity. We thought the proposition so rediculous and foolish as not to be worthy of notice, which no doubt encouraged him to venture these last even more absurd questions. In tho first place we with to ask him if he does not know that the Sec retary of the Treasury has no authority to buy bonds until Congress permits him ? Second, if ho will consult any of his daily exchanges he will discover that the six per ceut. bonds are quoted at 51c. premium. Now let the gov ernment become the purchaser of those bonds and what will be the effect? Why to nearly double the amouut of premium, as any school boy knows. Whereas, by allowing them to run another year they can bo called in without any additional expense to the government. Will the eminent financier of the National please show us where and how the government would save any thing by such a transaction ? Just so are all his propositions. He seems to labor uuder the impression that no matter bow absurd or fabulous a ques tion he may ask, the people ot Forest county are such foold as to take it for granted that such a stale of affairs really exiits. Not so, Doctor. The people are not such hopeless imbeciles as you would like to make them out. Our Washington Letter. Special to the Republican, Washington, D. C, Oct. 23, 79. We are now waiting confidently for N. Y., Pa., Mass, Wis, and other States to confirm the reports of the earlier State elections in favor of a solid North to withstand the encroach ments of the solid Confederacy. I never knew a tine when so much con fidence was felt in anything future as there is touching the Republican tri umph this year, to be followed by a sweeping victory next year, Presiden tial and Congressional. Thus confi dent the Republicans are harmonious and earnest, and when they return here in December the Confederate Democratio party will find that their mischievous tricks have excited an opposition in the North that is not confined to the Republican party, and that will forever sweep them from existence as a political power. The exodus of colored people is going forward vigorously. The young colored men who went North from North Carolina to find homes for col onists, have just returned from Indiana and are full of hope for their people. No sooner had they opened their plan to the people there than they met with the heartiest welcome, and in a very few days they found openings for 200 families. In fact, as soon as it became known that they were the pioneers of the negro movement, people began to advertise in the newspapers for negro help. They eay now they can find homes for all who will go,- and the number is limited only by the inability of many to move. The old rebel mas ters, finding their help determined to go, have combined in refusing to buy whatever they may have to sell, which will temporally render many helpless. But it is likely that many philanthro pists in Ohio, Indiana and Illinios, will furnish the means for the- removal of many. Tbe movement is bound to go forward and the result will be ruinous to the bulldozers, financially and po litically. They have takeu the alarm, but it is too late to try . to stem the current which is overwhelming them. P. M. Gen. Key was in Richmond when the returns were received inii cating a sweeping victory for the Re publicans in Ohio. He was in close intercourse with the business men of Richmond and vicinity, and he says that they manifested an apathy in regard to the event which surprised him. When they did express opinions, they seemed generally to think the result was quite as' well as if their party had won the fight. They were generally opposed to the Ewing finan cial theories, and "were glad to see them finally exploded. Besides, Judge Key says, they are tired of the eternal wrangle over National politics. They have about concluded that it is time to become reconciled to tho Union nd the Constitution. The democratic disasters of the year call to mind the fact tliut they have always suffered when they took an emphatic stand against national progress or the integrity of the Union Thus in 186 1 they resolved "that the war was a failure, just en the eve of its glorious success, arid they were over whelmed in the Presidential election that ensued. In 1872 they resolved thut the whole reconstruction policy was a failure, and' the result was that they were swept out of exisleuce in a way that astonished them. And this year they resolved .that resumption was a failure, and the result is re corded. The ill-fated democrats will next Vear probably resolve that lifo-is a failure and exomplify it inthoir political fate. Senator Blaine is recovering his voice, and will bo heard iu Now York shortly. His enthusiastic reception in N. Y., city the other night shows that he is iu demand everywhere, rnd the people will not be "put off." His meetings this year aro everywhere pro nounced pheuomcnal for size and spirit. De Sota. D. W. CLARK, REAL ESTATE AGENT, AND ritACTICAIi SUUVEYOIl, TIONESTA, PA., I now for sale the Following: 120 ACRES, Allegheny Township, VoimnKn Co., on Stownxt 'Run, 3J niiloH from Tionentn; 10 aeresplpRroct ; Rood Imrn ; frame house; .mall orchard ; fences ird ; splendid water. Will be Bold at a Imrgnin lor cash. A FARM OF 152 ACRE8, Three and a half miles East of Klttannlnc,. In Armstrong county, known ns the Rob InRon Farm. All under fence j splendid farm houso and barn, and all necessary out-buildins. Well watered; well adapt ed for raising of crops or stock, and un derlaid with a 4-foot vein of coal. Also plenty of liimostono. A FARM OF 200 ACRES, In KhiRsley Township, this county known ns the D. Harrington tarm. Abdut 40 acres cleared; good barn; small orchard; houso in fair condition; well fenced. A lino lot of Pine and Hemlock timber on tho uncleared part. FORTY ACRES, Near Trunkevvllle. Forest coiintv. - Part ot the Daniel Jones place. Will sell cheap. SIXTY ACRES, Ono niile from Noilltown ; about 15 or 20 acres cleared, partly fenced. Some good oak on the balance. THIRTY ACRES, In Jenks Township, Forest county; ten acres cleared; small orchard growing, comfortable house 5 well watered. Cheap. A BUILDING LOT In Tionesta Borough, near the Cour House. A splendid buuincss location. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. (rnrmeriy irr. vmtg hmnni vurr.) A VKitiible prfpnrntlon nnd trie onlr nr rrmxri.r in the worM for Hrlirbl'a IlitwauM, IMiibrlci, mid AI.I. Kitluej', Liter, auid Urinary lLef4. "Tcstirnoiilals of (he highest order la proof Of these .ttttements. (&4-Por the cure of IMnhrf ee, call for Witr ncr'a Nafo MlatMtlen ('tires r-ior tlis cure or llrljclit'a nnd the ntlirr dlHt-aiwa, call for Wuruer'a hmta Sajdmey and Urea-Cure. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It Is tho bent HltKMt atirMor, and Mlmulutps every function to more hmlihful action, and is thus a benefit in all diseases. It cures su-rolulona and oilier Skin Ernp. (Ions and Diseases, Including C'uuccra, 111 !-, and other Norn, I.v'la. Wfiikackj nfthe Klnmsrh, t'onMpatln, IHttiurm, (ictirrnl Itrbll. ley, etc., lire cured by Uie .ShTm itittrra. It In uneqimled a an apnetigeraiii! regular tonle. Bottles of two sizes ; prices, &v. and ftl.oo. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly Riven Iteet and Mrc to the suffering, cures Il.-ndat'bu and fteuiMlicIa, prevents F.plloplle Ha, and relieve Krrinu Prwh IrHtlon brought on by excessive drlnic, over work, mental shocks, and other cauhes. Powerful as II is Iu stop cmin uud hoolhe rtls- . turbed Nerves, it never Injures tiie system, whether titkmi in smull or larve done. liottles of two sizes ; prices, 50c. nnd QI.OO. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an Immediate unit active stimulus for a Torpid Liver, end cure Guativanaaa, Dyipt pala, Bit touanaaa, unions Dlar-1-ao.a, Malaria, Fav.r and Affua, nnd should be used whenever the bowels do not opernte freely and regularly. Aa olUtr rill, no."1 .ura aatall iwa for laarauga work. Prira g.S eta. a box. V .rare, ttnf Hu4tli ara aold ki Unirekw a Dealer la atiurliic at.rjwiiar. H. H.Warner & Co., Proprietor. B00HLSTER, N. T. frrttead foe Paaiaalet aai lt,....l.l.. PITTSBURGH. PA. Exclusively devoted to tho practical ed ucation of young and nilddlo aged men, fof active llllHim-jHS life. Ni'liool ulwnvu in session. Student can enter at any time. pcuu tor circular. J. C. SMITH, A. M., Principal Sep 2 3m. NATIONAL HOTEL, CORTXAN IT HTUEET, near Uroud way, lrov Yorl. HOTOHK1SS it POND, Proprietors, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. The restaurant, enfo mill lunch em mi ni tachetl, are unHurpanscd for cheapness and excellence of servico. Hdoium flu it. to 2 I per day, $3 to $10 per week. (Auvi'iiicnt U all terries aud city railroads. -H ly fa 1 ftii0l JAMES M. BEVERLY, DIACTICAL IIOKSE-SUOEU (Shop jiiNt South of Knox's Mill.) TIOISTEST., IP.A.. FOR RE-KETTI NO SHOE 15 OTN. NEW NliOKN 30 OTS. KA J II HAND MADE OH PATENT. Cnrrlnjro Ironing nnd Repairing, nnd lUacksniithing of all kitidM dono in first clftHH nuuincr. Also, Contractor for the euro of Contraction, Corn, Quoiter, Split Feet, Acute LaininitlH, Acute Nurvbular diseases, and tho prevention of Interfer !;, Clicking, etc. ninvl I fl Jt THIS ags of rommcrrt snd la tlie (ro-a-hend' J times, the ptwalne; (leiiiniiit Is for thoroughly trained men for business. Our turlltution olfers uu surpassed Incilitiei to youiift and middle nped men' for obtaining a rmctiinl l.ilticnlloD. A short time only la reijuliwl to roniplele Hie course of study.' EipensesllKht. IndiviHunl iiiatrurtlou. Mmlanttrau nter st any time. No mentions. For einuln address. I'. III'FF MM, IMItbnr(h. AWDulTs Bookkenpinp, publl.tiod by lfnrir at aros.; printed In colon, 400 pp. Tlie larsest work1 on the science published. A work for bankers, railroads, huinra men and practical accountant. J'lioe; Vit.OO, pontngo iti cents. i Allegheny Valley Rail Road, -a No Pittsburgh, Titusvillo & Buffalo Kailroad. , AND AFTER Mondn y, July 28, 1S7H V trniiiH will run as folio vh: STATIONS. Northward. Southward Kn. 1 Nn. 5n. a in p m p m No. 1 !. 4 p 111 Na. n m l:20 4:12 3:10 1:55 1:35 p III K:(K li:5(l rl:15 5:115 r:20 4:.")( 4:31 3:52 3:17 3:00 2:35 2:07 1:31 1:00 11:05 8:30 ritUburgh 8:.V i!::i"i Hs40 W PenJunclOiOii !l:.r).r (i:l.r Klttanning 10::ii 4:-lfj!2:(X 1 :50 12:35 11:55 11:10 R. irkJunellilu r::i l:l,r Hiady ncndll:L-J iViU 1 ::!' 10:551 Parker ll:.rc i:2.r Ui.ix 10:25112:: ;7 Kinlenton ll:n4 7:04 :! 10:07111:55 H:25 10:45 ScrubgraHS 1:7 7:1-1 4;M Franklin 1:M K;20 r.::t' 0:45 0:10 8:41 8:30 8;03 7:15 (i:25 Oil Citv :.r :." :15 OleopollB 2:17 (!;41 r;agie Jtock 2: r,;C0 Tionostta 2:4.r 7:14 Tidioute .1:25 7:.V IrvinoU.it 4:0.r 8:35 Falconers f:4 Buffalo 8:15 Oil Citv 2:15 00 10:40 1:40 8:25 3:fi Pet. Centre 3::t.r 20 11:01 1:25 8:0S 3;33 TituHvillo 3:05 :45 11:32 1:00 7:41 3:05 Corry 4:10 8:50 1 2;40 11:50 0:35 1 p. m i). tn m. nun. in in. ni p. in Trains run bv Philr delphia Time. DAVID MrCAHUO. Gen'l Sun't. J MORTON HALT,. r-Jen'l 1'anHenger it Ticket Agent. CHAUTAUQUA LAKE I The short A Popular Routo via Pittsburgh, Titusvillo & Buf falo, and Buifalo, Cautauqua Lake & Pittsburgh U'ys. 0 N AND AFTER .Tune 23d, 179, Trains win leavo tm cit v as follows: 7'f.P. A TVT ,)rtilv' (,,as timniKh I J' xV-alTla couch ) arriving ntMay villc 10:45 a. ni.; Point Chnutaii(iin, 11:00 a. in.; Fair l'uint, 11:15 a. in.; ltutl'alo, 1:25 p. in. 1 n n A lt J'ai'.v, except Sim 1 Ue'U jMaltla day.iirrivingat May ville 8;50 n. m.; Point ClinutaiKpin, 4:15 p. iu,; Fair Point, 4:30 p. in.: Hiill'ulo, 7:15 p. in. O Ji P TVT 1;ily. except Sunday, "Wa.eJ J. allla ( has 1 llt'ollgll crach H lid Pullman l'alace Drawing-Room Car) ar riving at. May ville 5:50 p. m.; Point Cliau tuuua, (:10 i. in.; Fair Pointj (1:25 p. in.; Rulliilo 8:20 p. ni. 4C)( 1) M Snturdav only, nrriv- I .ill. intr at Mayvillc, 7:-! p. m.; Point Chuutautpua, 7:5o"p. in.; Fair Point, 8:05 p. in. Trins arrive at Oil City from Chautau qua Lake 0:45 a. in. (Mondav onlv), 2:00 p. m., 3:55 p. in., 8:25 p. in., Dailv." J. fi. BUTMAN, Hnpt., Mayvillc, N. Y. W. S. BALDWIN, ien'l l'assngor Agent. Buifalo, N. Y. KENDALL'S able medicine will fure Kniivins Kliitr fuel, f'nlli.ne Ac., or anv enliirtremnnt, AND Will', Q D A I RI REMOVE THE w r w tai, bunch WITH OUT BLISTERING or causing a sore. No remedy ever discovered equals it for 0 I J tcrtainty or nction in stop w1 W IAb, Kaa ping the lameness and re moving the bunch. Price SI. 00. Hend for circular giving POSITIVE PROOF Hold bv ilrugtrisls, or sent by tlielnventor, B. J. Kendall, M. D., ICnonsbnrg Falls, Vt. Harris it 1-: wing, Agents Pittsburg, Pa. mar 2d, I y. ' THE GREAT CAUSE or HUMAN MIS K-y. Juh) 1'iifiiihril, in a yi'( Hm t lnjie. Price six cent. A liccttiro on the Nature. Troatment and Radical cine ot'Sciiiiiial Wiakn-s ,or Spermatonliicii, indiicetl by NHI'-Alm-c, 1 it vol ii ii tttiy Einissious, litiitciicv, Ne: vovs I cl)i lil . unci I iiipediuienis lo Mar riage gcevally ; Consiiniptioii lpilcpsy. and Fits; Mental snd rjivsical I nenpacit v, Ac By Robert a. culveuwei.L, M. D., author of the "tirecn Book." Ac. The worM-renowned author, in this ad mirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that tho awlul consequen ces of Soif-Abuse may bo effectually re moved without inodleine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials ; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter w hat his condition may be, may euro himself cheaply, privatel, and radic ally. $&A.Thi lecture will prove a boon to tfwuntinl.i to thouxaiulx. 8ent, undor seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of six cents, or two iwistage stamps. AtidresH tho Publishers, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann St., Now York ; P. O. Box, 4586. 8-lti-ly. O ROAN OF OIL! A NTI-MONO POL 1ST ! The Titusville MoitNixn Hehai.d con tains full and complete market and month ly Oil Reports, and all the local and gen eral news. Price $10 per vcar. Weekly Herald $1.50. Send for sample copies. Pennsylvania Female College, East i:m, pittsui iujh. A tir-cJass college lor women. Educa tional BtamUnl high. Advantages com plete. Must delightful situation in tho wholu country. Terms (piito moderate. OpensScjit.lt). Addrews MISS 11EU:N E. PELLETHEAIT, augti-lm. Acting President. jsi.mt:iis' couch SYIlUfl 50 YEARS BEFORE THE PUBLIC. Pronounced by all to be the most Pleas ant nnd cfllcacioiiM remedy now In use, for the euro of coughs, colds, croup, hoarseness, tickling sensation of tho throat, whooping cough, etc. Over a million bottles s dd within the last lew years. It gives relief wherever used, nnd has the pewer to impart benetit that cannot be had from the cough mixtures now in use. Mold by all Druggists at 25 cents per bottle. SELLERS' LIVER PILLS aro also highly recommended for curing liver complaint, constipation, sick-headaches, fever and ague, and nil diseases of the stomach and liver. Sold by all Druggists at 2," cent per box. R. E. SELLERS t CO. Pittsburgh, Pa. HE WHITE THS I1EST Ot? Alalao Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in the Broad Claim eraiiNOTHt VERT I11XST OPERATING QUICKEST SELLING, IIANnSOSIEST, AND Host Perfect Sowing IlacMns IN THE WORLD. The gf m t poputarlly ot the Whll It 1h moil eon tlnclna tribulo to lit exccMcnco and superiority vvcr other machines, and in submitting It to tho trade We put It upon Its merits, and In no lntnco has it evr yet (ailed to tatltfy any momiPMdaUon In lis favor. The demand for the While has fnereised to such Bfi txtont that wo aro now cempolled to turn out aA. Complete Berln.e 3vT.cliA4 OVtty tiir xnJ.iia.to l, - VO.9 da to "U.pply thaaemendl Every mnchlno It warranted tor 3 years, and sold tor csh at liberal discounts, or upon easy payments, to suit tho convenience ol cuttomer. ' aWAQEHW WASCTs'ltf DHOCCPPIia TUUTOBT. WHITE SEWlWMACHINE CO.. Ka 3SB Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. VICTORIOUS! HIGHEST & BEST AWARD And Grand Meoal 'of Honor. Economy, Durability and Rapidity combined with perfect work; Art Dislinguishing Keaturei of the cclcbruieU Giant Farm and Warelionse Fans, MADE BY A.. P. DICKEY, Racine, Wis. Now having many late improvement, li,-y prr ftilly aqual to every demand : (.leaning a I kinds of (iniin, I'tii, beant. Castor I lent i, Com aid Smull S cil They grade WheJt perfectly by mice li.indluu f-rj -arate Oata from Wheal, Harley nnd Kve. They h.n vrry perfect orrant;c:nrnl f r cleaning Titr.othy, Clover, l"lax Seed, Or hird Cia., and a'l otlicr Small Seed 'I hey Chaff erf- ctly, fr.d rnmbl"! every Qualiric;itinn rcni:ired t j do l!ie lct work in the shortest time. Warehmitr, ?AvxM .ns IVrr.i Mill-t, aie lately Ctnw f true ted, both kirn's rcn.iri: fires ti r.ccom mod ate the clemjin trA r,iinfr Ci'pucity c-f fiom 51. to 500 bushels i-r li-mr, .-.ci:rt!ir to t'.zq f piill. They nrc shijipe!, li :.ca f rtKp.in tr:mpori.uion( and "set ip" r 'M.mc!:-'! t! v:i" fr forwnrtlin ; inlard, ac requested; nnd i i r.ll a.scs put free on board Cor r )ttv::cr. Urdcra filled fame day t. rcctivcJ. ' Mi!!s rhij r! " Iinor'rcd C wr " fo f -r' !r !f tlie Ircil.t chi.rfrrd nt T.l-cn ( iw.-.n'.cd ';et ,.;." ()!to jT3jhs and L ircniVrs Kiipplitrd o? r.;jjlii :r:i. .'rice will lc quoted r::d in lit'C';.! tcnr.s. Corres pnnc'cr.cc tolici'c ADDOTT'S PATENT Tlie Stvongn-at Hlrlh la eiistin.ee. Flu finish, iht, )luaiar and moro durable Una otuor tnigha. Alao, Abbott's Patent Rnnncr AtlaclnDCDli I'or Thwled veUi.dn. ot very d.Kerli,in. IVr et y practical; lita any axlo: traek, i mtA- toudB. Ov..r four lhoU;md iu , OJ-.-h.u L, wralar and harn your u(.,ir,t uKciit A. A. ABBOTT & CO " iiOO Wabaali Av.;i Chita Sk, PORTLAND GUTTEI