The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 24, 1879, Image 4

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    "" V.fjv
Laboratory, 77 W. 5d St.,Sw lorkCitj,
Tha Best Remedy Known to Kan I
Tr. C!rlt iMMloon having associated himself
villi Mr. Krtwtn Ktiatman, nil erapedraptlvilo:i)?
n -hue rt XVakami'lkla, tlio ini'dicine man of the
I'lmiin.-rirs, is now pivpari'd to lend his aid in the
Introduction of tlio wonderful n-mcdyof that tribe.
Tlio experience of Mr. Kantman bring similar to
tint of Mrs. l'ltn. Junes nnd son, of Washinirtun
Co.. lnwn, nn nrrniint of whose stifTeriti" were
tlinllincly narrated In the A'rw Ynrk Jlcralilot Dcr.
1 ".t It. 1HT8, the fart of which are so widely
known, and rt nearly parallel, that but I i t tic men
tion of Mr. Eastman's experiences w ill lie pivon
here. Thoy arc, however, published In a m-nt vol
ume, of ;iO0 paecs, entitled, "Scvenand Nino Years
Among the I'mnanches and Apachef.' of winch
mention will bo made, hereafter. Sufllce it to sav,
that for several years, Mr. Kastman, while a cap
tive. Was compelled to gather the root, puma,
narks, herbs nnd berries, of which Waknnirlkla's
medicine waa made, and la still prepared to pro
vide t lie ramk materials for the succesHful intro
duction of the medicine to the world; and assures
the public that the remedy in the same now as
whou WnkametkU compelled him to make it.
$m v -,-.
"Wakametkla, the Medicine Man
Nothing has been added to the medicine and
nothing has been taken away. It is without doubt
the Hkst PumrtKR of the Bi-ooo und Hh.newbb of
the Svstbm ever known to man.
This Syrup posM-geca varied properties.
Marts nponthc I.Ivor.
It art iioii ilio Klilueysj.
It regulates the Uoivt-la.
It purllieN the lilood.
It qulrta tho Nervous) System. .
It promote Dii'ht ion.
It NourlMhes), Mrcn.jrth.enii and Invig
orate. It carries offttie old blood and make)
It onrna tlie pore of tlie akin, and
Induce Healthy lcrulrattoii.
It naturalizes tli hereditary taint, or poison In
the blood, which generates Scrofula. Erysipelas, and
" manner of akin diseases and internal humors.
There are nospirit employed in it:' manufacture.
nd it can be taken bv the most ilellc.ato balie. of
by the aged and feeble, cars only being required i;i
tulerttioii to direction!.
Edwin Eastman in Indian Costume.
Psven and Ninb Years Among thb Comanches Ai-achk. Aueat volume of 300 pa'es,
boing a siinplo ftatenieutof the horrible tacts
connected with tlie sud massacre of a helpless
family, and the captivity, tortures and ultimate
escape of its two snrvtvfug mcmbfra. For hale
byour agents generally. Price $1.00.
The incidents of the massacre, briefly narrated,
are distributed by agents, rung of charge.
Mr. Kastman, being almost constantly nt the
Vi est, engaged ill gathering and curing tlie materi
als of wiiich the medicine U composed, the sole
bnsiness management devolves upon Dr. Johnson,
and tlie remedy bus been called, and is known as
o Dr. Clark Johnson's
Price of Large Bottle $1.00
Price ef Small Bottles 50
Read the voluntary testimonials of persons who
have been cured by the una of lr. Clark Johneou'
Indian blood Byrup, in your own vicinity.
Testimonials of Cores.
ANUAI.US1A, Pn., Feb. 10, 1870.
Denr Sir I have been tisin your Imliun
Wood Syni iu my Imuily f.)r Liver and Kid
ney Complaint with uncces... 1 believe it litis
no einal. Edwakd (i11.11 but.
Em.NGTos, Feb. 2, 1879.
Dear Sir: I can, Irom inv exnnrieiute. rn
coinniend your Indian lilood Svrup an u mae
I.- ? : 1 j." '
Li-izAHKiii A. Sands.
Jacksonville. Mr-b a turn
Deir Sir: Knowing, Irom experience, that
your Indian Ulood Sjmp ig a sure cure lor
i.ner oiiiiiiim, 1 connaontly recoiniuend it
to all suffering humanity. Kedecca Niri..
Edinoton, Feb. 1, 1879.
Dear Sir: I wns troubled with Chills; had
them every day lor kit months; hud two
dH;Uin attending me when your nent persuad
ed me to trv vour I mlii: n ItlMl Kvn,., r
" - --- - ..... nun &
can say I never had a chill after talking trs
mm uodo. j cueoriuny reoommend it. to all
Lizzie Wish.
Miiiui.Kiti Kiiii, Snyder Co., Pa
Detir Sir: I have been troubled with Heart
Dineuke audLiver Coin plaint, ami I had upent
a great deal of mouuy lor medical aid without
receiving any benefit, until I procured some ol
your Indian Jiiood Syrup liom your agent, E.
L. Jlufllngtoii. J can now testily liom my
experience as to the great vuluu ot it in buah
UieetuMi. ilijtx Zs.ucai.ti,
$ mmmmmm s
Mo.AsN.;s Takfy. Two cuiifuls of
niolitssi's. (iii ciiilul of puivir, luiltcr
tlio sizotif it guinott lien's rj:!' Iliil liunl
fur twenty minutes. AM littlf it ten
siHxinful of sot'n. Try if it is brittle; if
not, boil a few minutes lonirer. l'oiir
out inlo two buttered dishes. Nuts
mny be added if you like, just before the
Baked Arri.K Pi nPiNt. I'aro nn.i
eore six apples, stew in a paueepnn with
a little water until soft, then add two
table spoonfuls of bread rrumbs, sut:tr
to taste, thn chopped rind of a lemon,
and the juiee, two ounces butter, nnd
four o)rjs, yolks only; bake in a disli
previously prepared with puff paste
round it.
Tea Hiscut. Two egss, one cup of
sifted sugar, one-halt teaspoonful of
cream of tartar and soda, one cup of
cream, one of sugar. 5reak the eggs
into a bowl, beat "them well, add the
eream gradually, then the sugar, the
Hour, nnd lastly t lie cream of tartar and
ioda dissolved in warm water. Roll
out and cut into biscuits. Hake in a
quick oven.
To Cue am Totatoes. Heat on
tablespoonful of butter in a saucepan,
add one teaspoonful of flour, cook until
smooth, but not brown, then add gradu
ally one large cup of cold milk, stirring
all the time until it boils up; put in the
potatoes, which should bo cut up line
and salted and peppered ; let them cook
about three minutes in the sauce, just
enough to heat them.
- Frier Cahhac.e. Cut cabbage very
fine, on a slaw-cutter if possible:
salt and pepper, stir well, and let stand
live minutes; have an iron kettle smok
ing hot, drop one tablespoonful of lard
into it. then the cabbage, stirring briskly
till quite tender: send to t:tble imme
diately. One-half cup of sweet cream
and three tablespoonfuls of vinegar, the
vinegar to be added after the cream litis
been well stirred, and after it is taken
from the stove is an agreeable chance.
When properly done an invalid can cat
it, and there is no offensive odor from
cooking it.
IiuEADED Take one Dint of
bread crumbs and soak in one pint of
milk. Heat eight eggs very light and stir
wttli tlie soaked crumbs,, beating live
minutes. Have ready a saucepan in
which are two tablespoonfuls of butter,
thoroughly hot, but not scorching; pour
in the mixture, season with pepper and
salt, as the mass is opened and stirred
witlt tlie "scrambling," winch should
be done quickly with the point of the
knife for three minutes, or until
thoroughly hot. Serve on a hot platter,
with squares of buttered toast.
Fattening Poultry for Market.
Xo fowl over two years old should be
kept in the poultry yard, except for
some special reason. An extra good
mother or a finely feathered bird that is
desirable as a breeder may be preserved
until ten years old with advantage, or at
least so long as she is serviceable. 15ut
ordinary hens and cocks should be fat
tened at the end of the second year for
market. Feeding for this purpose may
be begun now. When there is a room
or shed that can be closed, the fowls
may be confined there. The floor should
be covered with, two or three inches of
fine sawdust, dry earth, sifted coal
ashes, or clean sand. The food should
be given four times a day nnd clean
water be always before tlie fowls. A
dozen or more fowls may be put at once
in this apartment, so that there may not
oe too many ready to sell at one time.
The best food for rapid fattening, for
producing well flavored flesh and rich
fat, is buckwheat meal, mixed with
sweet skimmed milk, into a thick mush.
A teaspoonful of salt should be stirred in
the food for a doZen fowls. Two weeks
feeding is sufficient to fatten the fowls.
when they should be shipped for sale
without delay, and another lot put un
for feeding. If the shed is kept dark
and cool, as it should be, the fowls will
fatten all the quicker for it. American
Take cucumbers ("medium sized-).' wine
clean, and place evenly in a barrel or a
keg. u hen the ker is full, nut a c oth
over the top; next put on a board or a
stone for press ; take four quarts of salt
and boil in a pot of water until all the salt
dissolves ; whencool, add two pails more
water and turn it over the ken: the brine
should be strong, and cover the pickles
wen ; wiien;nceued put.some ot the pickles
in ajar of fresh water for two or three
lays, changing tlie water often; then put
in vinegar. I have always found this
way good, and it is but little work.
lleeipe for making sweet pickles;
After eating watermelons, take tlie rind,
and with a sharp knife pare oil' the out
side green and all the heart; cut the
white firm part into strips two inches
long ; make a syrup by putting one quart
of vinegar and one pound of sugar 011 1 he
stove to boil; two ounces of cloves tied
in a cloth and half an ounce of allspice
(ground); add with a quart of water;
when well boiled, skim both and place
your rind in the syrup; let it boil till
each piece looks clear, and is tender;
skim out into a jai and add more rind ;
when done, set it away to cool, and in
two or three days I would like to come
and help you cat them. Cor. Ohio
A Cheap tirccuhouu,
The Gcrmantown Telegraph says:
The cheapest plan of erecting a green
house that we have any knowledge of
and we used one successfully for many
years is to dig out a pit in a side hill,
where the upper end will be just above
ground and the lower end will be two
or three feet above ground, where the
door must be, with two or three steps
down for an entrance. Wall up. roof
the With, and cover the whole sash, as
in hotbeds, tlie sash having more fall.
say three feet in a width of two, the
house being fifteen by ten. Erect in this
the stand of shelves, and when it is time
to take up the summer flowers, bulbs.
etc., store them here. The glass should
be covered with thick straw mats, which
can be removed even when the weather
is coldest, in clear weather, for an hour
or two at midday, to cet the warmth
and influence of tlie sun. At such times
ventilation also should be attended to,
by slightly opening a sash or two. No
lire is needed. Nearly all readily flower
ing plants will bloom, and there will
scarcely be a week duriny the winter
that a bouquet may not be gathered, if
the house is properly managed. Ihe
summer is the time to make it and have
it ready for fall.
The report of the United States Com
missioner of Internal Revenue shows
that the deposits in savings banks in the
year ending May 31 hist amounted to
H774, 475,000. of which nearly one-third
are held in 2ew York ana Brooklyn.
I'nrloBs Stories of Snld FnshB.
Many curious stories are told of Said,
the predecessor ol Ishmail Pasha, who
has been kicked out of the klicdive's
chair nt Cairo. The ruin of Egypt con
summated by Ishmail dates from the
rt ign of Said. One could fill a volume
with the fti'counw of the eccentricities
of this monarch. Otto day, not knowing
how to reward a little service which one
of his subjects had rendered him, lie ac
corded to him, on his own suggestion,
the mononoly of furnishing butter to
thn entire Egyptian army for one year.
On quitting the palace the newly-made
purveyor sold his privilege for $300,000.
On another occasion ho desired a garden
which one of his officials possessed near
the gates of Cairo. "How much did
you pay for it?" asked he. "A million,
your highness," was tho prompt reply,
an exaggeration by two-thirds of the
real cost. "Very well, I will buy it of
you." Ami the garden was paid for.
This official had a son, a charming bov
of seven years. " Wring me your son'
said the khedive to him one day. The
boy was brought. "Will you kiss me,
little oneP" asked tho ruler, graciously.
" No!" said the child, "No, for I detest,
you." "You detest me! and whyP"
" Roeause you have taken my mamma's
garden, and now she does nothing but
weep." Said smiled, stroked his chin
a favored gesture of his then suddenly
replied: " If I return it. your gardcu,
then will you kiss me?" "Oh! yes,
your highness!" " Very well, it is yours;
embrace me!" Hy this means the func
tionary got his property back again, and
realized a profit of $3'JO,000.
Hold Un, Hots.
Hold your tongue when you nre just
ready to swear, lie, or speak harshly.
Hold on to your hand when you are
about to scratch, steal, or do any im
proper act.
Hold on to your foot when you are on
the point of kicking, running oil' from
study, or pursuing the path of errors,
shame or crime.
Hold on to your temper when you are
angry, excited or imposed upon, or others
are angry with you.
Hold on to your heart when evil asso
ciates seek your company and invite you
to join in their mirth, game and revelry.
Hold on to your good name at all
times, for it is of more value than gold,
high placcsor fashionable attire.
Hold on to the truth, for it will serve
you well and do you good throughout
Hold on to virtue it is aboveall price
to you at all times and places.
Hold on to your goott character, for it
is and ever will be your best wealth.
Ah Elephant Fair.
The great elephant fair of India is nn
nually lipid at Sonopoor, on the (langes.
Thousands of horses and hundreds of
elephants may then be seen, and t;.e
bargain driving and deceit of elephant
sellers seem to be fully as great as the
tricks of horse dealers in other places.
The price of elephants have risen enor
mously of late years. In 1835 the price
of elephants was $225 per head ; on the
Bengal government requiring seventy of
these nnima's in 1875 the sum of !?700
each was sanctioned, but not an elephant
could be procured at that price. Seven
hundred and fifty dollars is now the
lowest rate at which young animals, nnd
those chiefly females, can lip bought.
Tuskers of nny pretensions eomniand
from $1,000 to $7,500, but the Koom
eriah, or best strain of elephant like
blood horses will fetch almost any
price; $10,000 is not an unknown figure.
A Cleveland COhiol bov. eleven vears
old, who lost both his legs by a railroad
train passing over them jast October, has
l-J V A..! .. C ! 1
nau lour amputations oi ooin imiii?
since, and although his case was given
up as an hopeless one several times, yet
the little fellow's grit has carried him
safely through, and his health litis been
entirely restored.
A sheet of paper dipped in chloride ot
cobalt when the weather is to be dry and
pleasant will become blue. When wet
weather approaches it will turn pink.
The barometer flowers of France nre
thus manufactured.
Tlie Inn nc nee of ( llutaie.
Tho iniluence ot cliniute upon u eotibtitution
subjected to a trying change in atmospheric con
ditions, in water and in lood, is often niuikcd
and dUiiMtroiiM. Disorders ot the bowels and
of tho liver, frequently Uirinimiting lulnlly, are
prque to ultaok the tourist by land or voyager
by bca in unaccustomed latitude- more par
ticularly those near tho equator. The best
medicinal protection against irregularities ol
tlie bowels, stomach and liver, not onlv irom
the above, but whatever cause arising, is IJos
tetter's Stomach Hitters, a medicinein wideand
increasing demand in sultry portions ol this
hemisphere und also in the tropics. Travelers,
emigrants, dwellers ami temporary sojourners
in malarious districts use it very extensively
as a sulcguard.
Tlie destructive progress of that insidious, foe
to Ule and health, crolula, may bo arrested by
tho aid ot Soovill's lilood and Liver Syrup, a
botanic depurenl which rids tho system ol every
trace of scinlulous or syphilitic poison, and
cures eruptive and other diseases indicative
ol a tainted condition ol the blood. Among
the maladies which it remedies nre white
swelling, salt rheum, carbuncles, bilioiisne-s,
tho diseases incident to women, gout and
Vai.i iilk ano Ki.i.iahi.k. "Brown's llion
chial Troches" are invaluable to those exposed
to sudden changes, ntlording prompt relief in
coughs, colds, etc 2j cents a box.
Some ol tho new styles ot Mason A Hamlin
Cabinet Organs introduce a stylo ot llnish with
embossed gold bron.o ornamentation by n new
process; at once the most elegant and chusle
finish yet employed on such instruments.
Trices tiro very low lor such workmanship.
Lyon's l'atent Heel Slill'Jners keep boots
and shoes from running over. Sold by shoo
and hardware dealers.
Chew Jackson's Hrnrt HweetNav v'tVibiv-'
Is U'6'l with criMti r niccens than nnf other article of
thn km I The flnei.t rhlMreu are red on ltiilge
f v!t. i in ii. nil, ii m. L-o. nil every ldiiel.
Scarlet Hook of Free Masonry. Tlinllmi;
Account of imprisonment, tortnie and iiiur-
r- tvrdoin of
VK (iraphlc till
V Hare chan. f
Illustrations. MamnnVent htiiilink'.
n3oii8 ror me pant turn veara.
e for Audita. liKIMUM; k. CO..
a'fti. nic Publihhera. 7111 Brou.iway, New York.
Cliolct'ht ill the world Iniporteia' prices
l-areht Company in America Slapie
I Mticle PleaM-a evervlmdv Trade con
tinually mcreHKini; Amenta wanted everywhere Heat
tii'lii. eiiieiits lioii't waste time Send for Circular.
HOU I' H KI.I.S. l:l Vesey St.. N'. V. P. O. llox ViH7.
vj -Damrv ol aiou ler luouta U4
ipenaes, or allow a large oomnni.aioii, .o &e.. tu. ---w
aid wonderful iuTentinna. he mean tthnt vm anu. Ham
pie ro. Ad.lrena M1KHMAN 4 CO., MaxahaiT, Mich.
fi e.a "kf fV'lv,',",l lu Wu" Silica uoue
2lUl0vlUUU fortunea every month. Bookaent
free explallilliK everything.
Addreaa BAXTER A Ct)., Linkers, 17 vVall St., N. V
uiouth. Kvery ifraauale sua
ljtar t Tcleruphy an i
eaiu S40 to hllHI a
ry Kraauau) euarauteed a navimi sit
jkd4reas at. VaiaaUaa Maiiaaar, Janesvillswa
f-lr.t ItitMIheil ! Moat Ncrrrul I
TnillR INSTRUMENTS have a Standard Vain in
Loading ftlarkets
Of tho World I
ti yrfia e rc urfnlss.l M the FINF.9T IN TON
OVER G0,000
Mail anil In nn. New Penlnna coQitotitljr. liei
Wotk and Lowest 1'rlcea.
- Bend for A Catalogue.
Tremont St., opp. Waltliam St.. Boston. Mass
I' ihe boat land, la th owt cllmntn, with the
marketa, and on t.h b.t te'ina. along the HI. Paul
Mlnoaapol'.i 1 Maoltoba li t, (late BU Paul Pacific
3,000,001? ACRES
llalnl? Id the Famous
On lon( time, low prloea and eaay payments.
Pamphlet with foil Information mailed free, apply V
D. A. McKINLAY, Land Com'r,
nt. P. Kf . 4k M. IVy, Nt. Fanl, Tllnn.
Forltcnurv of 1'olli.h, l-invl'm l.nhor, ' -eta
Durability nnd ChcnpM s. 1 ' i-.;.:n Ii d.
AlollttK luii.s Vimii-i-ioin, t'tii..iin. i.tii
A rlT?'lJrPC tTsvnted for a Mm Book that
iVVt-LJllI lO sella fast. Cbance tot all to
make money. "Llt'KOF
The famous Scoot, Guide, Tinnier and Actor written b
himself is the liveliest and easiest book to sell that baa
appeared. for years. Agents already at work are making
toil sales. Send at once and secure territory. For circu
lars and liberal terms apply to
FBAHK Ei BUM, lTartfrd, Conn.
The vory best iroods direct from the Importers at Hal
Ihe usual cost, liest plan ever ntVrert to Oiuli Aitent
mil la 'ire Itnrer. ALL KXPRKH3 CIIAHIliC3 FA ID
New terms FREE.
The Greet American Tea Company,
31 suid s; Vesey Street, lew York.
p. o. Bo 'taint.
O.N h lUim.K W A kit A fc I nil A
perfect cure for nil Muds of I'll.KS.
two to four bottles in the worst
cases of I.KPHOSY. SClloKl'I.A,
.1ATAK1UI. nii'.l all diseases of the
SKIN and Ii LOOD. Knllrely Veiie
luhle. Internal and external use
Money refunded in all enscaof fail
ure: none for 1W veara. Sold every
where. Sena far pamphlet. a llottle.
If. 1. 1'OIVLI), Boston.
Tat Clalam-H
EatsvatlUked ISM.
Plaw Leiw. Thowaaada of Soldiers and hatrs mtJtleaV.
saslons dais back U dlachargs er death, raw akwaM.
Address with stamp,
f.Q. Prewar WMhlsactem, IX ,
is perroot v rare.
Pronounced the beat by thn hlah-
eat lnedicul authorities in the world.
award at i'i VtorlU'ii KxpoHitintiH, and at Paris, 1H"1
uiveti niKiieai
duiu uy urumriuLH, y.u.cuieueiintt;o.r4.x,
a not a new compouud,
HuiitfH Remedy
hflfl bet'ii before tlie public
thirty yeara ami umvI by a
i'Iusm'S, Willi mni without the
attvu-e of Phviiiriiins.
Ilunt. He m eil y h&s
aavt'U frnni HimtTiii u mease
ami death huntlretls of well-
known titiz-n4. 1 1 u m 'a
Jtemeti1 v cures UroiMV, (Travel and all Dtnoarti'S of the
a-iuiiey, uivi-HT una urinary wruung. rtenu xor pam-
puiui la v jt. tLAUKh, rrovmenee, u. i.
Ul An Infalli'.ile and onescelled Bome.'.y fro
1 1 Its, b iiileiiay or Failing Sir k uets
warrautril to ettect a speedy and
I 1 riClin.litKiVTcun!.
J i Trnn oi" of mj
I llllv1 renoa -d viciUc tud a valn.ihle
, Tree. to viy sntlerer
I sendliiR me bis F. U. and Hi'
press adilresa.
Da. n. a. HOOT, Pc-uri Street. New York.
r ire. i. o t.,,- .11 .: .i ii... ,.i r,.,.,.ui
1'AKIS 1 IMs!T:V'S,
' a . i , .to . . i i,
KI.KMIlLK lid Ci. ?:i '. T
l-'H. If K;UMI ll'. IS ! I'kt
II 1- s. ,.. , I'll - k i: 'i .-lr
lilii.tuuuilti llii' Un.j.if Hunt. v. Uift
u ami tt-xlMe and coutatiUd ao
loiii-R. VtU-m by mat), $t. o.
Kof ialv by all lea. : in ft-1 erchant.
WIENER BROS. 35t nr0ftdvT. . T.
'JBACMCfroin the, JfiO t'TIt of Mi ELLS
lly one who haa been titers !
"Jt Ise aaH Volt of the MOUSTA VJlfW
liy the HurltnKtou Uawkeye humorist.
4i Mama nth n tin a V. A. and M," AlU-n'b wife.
The three brightest and betit-HelltiiK booka out. AgenU,
you can put theRO books in evcrvwheie. Itest Trii)g
given. Ail(lretH fur AKency, AMKK1UAIS PL'ilLISUlJVU
Ut.. ilartronl. Ut.; ;hituiKo, 11!
ftiid Hanrt ViiiffirniH 'flrerf, Kquipments,
tans, elc.t malj by JV. MJIIvyJb Co.,
Ciiiiiinl'Ui, oliio. bendjur lrice LuU
Kiremen't Caps Belts, and Shirt ff.
JiaHtm A' Hamlin t ft It t lit t ttraim
Deuionsstrntcd best by ItlUHICST IIONOKS AT ALL
at Paris, lvi7; ViaNNa, IH7S; MiKruuo, 175: Puihuil-
ruia. 1.7H: FaHIS. IrtTrt. aud (iUND Hwkuish Iiiild AIkiiai-
1;m. Only American Oiiiiuiaever awardcil hiuhes' hon
ors at any hucH. Bold for cash or Installments. Iu.or
tKATED CaTaumoKa ana t'irculors with new atyles aid
prices, s.'in rree. ai. a 1: AMI. IN OltUAi o.
i.omoii. riew lora ur cnicaito.
rivlii Hartiaaa, lhaaiat
B sU Kw4, w U (or lis;
ith joar aja. baiat.i, evsM af
ItH-fe at hkll, Mttfl I" mil urft fMiB
an i6r rutura huabatHl as ana. lautal aay
rl nam. th tuna las plaaa ahsri 7a
11 Aat aaeaa. hut ( h 1 l a aaama a.
Aliwa, I ro M A. T! sTZ. 4 Pro.Los)
ft,, iKaHwa. start. Ja. a. sa. i
C1 1 Pi protita on 20 duyt investment of mi aa
$110 I iiSt.Paiil.Auuuat 1. ?1UU
Pri' n tonal returun eeiy wei-h on Stock Opthma of
- ft.Vl, - I14H), - ty.Mli),
OttU-Utl KenortH uh I Circulars free. Actress
T. Hon'Kil WhrllT A (JO.. HankerK. it Wall 8t.,V Y
aa,isaiLU lujar UtLeaA n. sa j ailaaat bad ti
Ue.L fii .a LaxlTfAa i tax Uhu. L. L.
4 l,U.aaiaA VUa. L, Aitkangsui
While we want anentb at ! to t0
per uy at h'-nie., with
ttani", V(MM MAKKXV
LAMP Ci., Pert ami, Maine.
OEFjnj E X A VI I "1 1 N G L. 0. E.VIEHSOIs'S
The Voics of Worship.
While e titiiliiino a Lints and Talnahle collection of
ni.iM. h M nil, 111 the form of Tunes ami Anthems It Is
lie 1 f 01 1 1 y tlite.i for Ih.'SinaliiK Mchool and uonvejuion 1
liy the lare iiiunlier of ..iiks. Uin ta, lilies, Ac. aiJ Its i
we'l made Kli no titury t!., li'se. .
IMie. I'.'OU per doneii. Hiwlim n Copies mailed for
Send for I'liciihua and rnhiloiiiies, Willi full list ot
ttstidiiid Siiiitlnit .School Itooll.
The nnw IW.en t edition nf Plnnfore feoninlete sells
finely, and Katliiltiii (Hi.uni. Sorcerer (I1.0UI, liial by
Jul (to cit.U), are In constant demand.
n t.. tv ttomnii 11 SOI. Is a Tallinn' new book for
Volcc-Trsthiiii:, cuntaintim all the essentials of studr,
plenty of ex. it isea. and plain eiilaniitions. ami rosllug
much leas II11111 the linnet works ou the saiue subject.
Huhacrlb now for the Musical Kscoan. and recelT
weekly all the news, sud plenty of good music, for 111.00
per year.
In rrM'i Writs, lloma. a charming new Sunday-
school Song Itook.
OL1V Ell JilTSOX t CO., Iioaton.
H4: Broadway, New lork.
J. B. IHTftOlV oV CO.,
O'J'J Clieslimt Mtrcet, 1'hlladelplila.
k tl i fi
r, waVMahgraaMWiaai
la th Old lleltable Concentrated I,ye
Directions accomnanvlns each can for maltlns ila'C
'loft and Toilet Soap (illicitly.
The Market la flooded with iso-called) Doncentrate
Lye, which Is sdnlleraled with salt sud resin, and ssoa
'nam kmw.
Pennsjlraiiia Salt MauoTg Co.,
1 .
Pnlit la n blcuhli.K, It locates liieasr. Wlirn-
evr the noweia inctme irn Kuiur, ua
TarrantV Seltzer Aperient.
It will sava much pain nl flnncr. N'ature sotUPttnies
U so outriiKOil by the tnirteu hhe Is maile to carry,
ttimusih tlie lieeillehKiieM of her ehllilreti, that l!e
oHMily lehe'a ntxl wmmhes fearftulv. Don't licffleet
tneprnixr tr-atineni lien ine sviipioni nrst ajipear.
He sort to the aperient, ami Kft well hj-eeilly,
Dr. Hirchiii'i
1 trrlm
will iiimitivelv run Frmulc eHknpHR.aurh n Fall-
liiKif the Wtunli, Wlituw, Chronic lnltaiiunnt Ion or
I'leenitfoii r tho Womb, Inrlilentnl HeiiutrrliHe or
KloodluKt Puinftil, SupprehHed und IrreKulur Menv
truiiiton, Ac. An old ami rrliiible renieily, Beiul pos
tal ciinl for a niniihU't, wit Ii treatment, cures atil
ecrtlflcMtea from pliyah'tuna nnd putlenta, to How
nrth & F illanl, Utii a, K, Y. b.d by all iruKg-L -$LU)pcr
A larire. elirht-naire narter of Ri broad colnmna. wit
be sent postpaid to any address until January 1st.
Tim srj. K. Y. city.
17T . A RTir? TRTTfia
ilsw Ua-aU.a.K VV aVaVtJJ
, TT.rtll I Kaa a Pad ttlrTtHnK from all otbara,
f tSU 1 1 T 1 -h-t-- with Kair-AdjutUnr Bah
the Hernia ts held aeeurvlr day and uisht, and a rarltcal en re r-
talo. 11 la eaT. durable and cheap, heal br mall. Cireuiara
trM Eoflleston Truss Co., Chicago, 111.
aT4faO A XTtJ Mnunlftreiit lMano
UllJr;iilO IpiUl.t I'rirltir UrtrHiHi
rtt'i citirii uiih: nt-t tin, tntitM-p, m -m ni",-".
'A Knee iSwe in. W.i'nul ('abe. winantet ii ventf, Stool
anl ItiioK, otily r?s, IYew 7 Ut tave iHiiott.with
I' ( ovcr.Mool and iiuuk.oniy i l.7
"'Iheiiutbt i-il'Ti'Mllll ItUpiliers- JlnUne uta Khi'IIi.'
1 hihtrtt-'d NVwrsp'iper (Autiinm N'uiiiherj M-ut free
Adiliesd Daniel fr Jit-Ally UMlilnutitll. i .J
nKLP UM'TKI, M I-KM-Wunte.l pertna.
lu'Htl v.(f AeiHn.u ttn i luiiiebtitiii .Ip'e helei'
fiit i K and C.tpital Milll Mil t locate in prominent ciije.
piyllm hiidni t, men rmm hni io Mt,n;n veuiiv. wnn
out r)k to Awent. KC'll.LaI(H MAN IF A ( '11 1(1 .N4
COM I'A Y, 71t Nassau St.. New York. Intlone htaiuji.
HA Y. With Stencil OutllU. Wbatctihts4
rtn. anhs rapidly for ffcO eta. I ataloirne fret
0 I O. M. ttPKNCEK, 114 Vt UiJi n I.OSVoU . MabS.
ltnUt Oi. Skill llHrt. Ttu
sarld cured. Lowest frltea. Oj not Ii
1 wriie. I r. r. K. M:t h. Qmn- v. m i b
ClTrf? A VKAH and exjictiscs to auenia. nut tit Kie
fTp I A.ldresa P. . Vtl'KKrty. An 'ta. Main
The Cost of
si " - zA
Uia.'tKa,- fc'-v pk. isTTlii r . . a x, I, , .mot. tis.AeVnaf
For any resimnsilile advertiser, making application In good faltb, we ptepaie mid luinb
a written estimate, showing the cost of any proposed advertising in the leading Newi'npi rs ut.
the I'nlted Slates and Dominion of Canada.
We prepare and exhibit printed proofs of any proposed advertlseuie: t. " .
For the preparing of estimates no charge is made, aud the applicant lr placed umlet n i
obligation to transact his advertising business through us unless It appeal b to him that by doing
so he will best advance his own interests.
A copy of the advertisement, a Hot of the papers, the spare the anvcrtiaement is to
occupy and the time it is to appear, should all be given with the application for an estimate of
the cost.
When an advertiser dors not know what he wants or what he ouht to do, lis can cIcmh
r.alc some sum of money within which he wishes to limit his expenditure; this will enable us
to prepare for hi in such a list ot papers as will be the beet for his purpose, within the limits
which he prescribes.
Send loo. for 100-page pamphlet. Address
Vswsp Advsitii.Bg BurUio. 10 Spituc St , Prl&tirtg Bouse Kiujre (cppoi te tba Irlbuns
Sullalng), wTwk.
Wilier Fasli
Mme. Demorcst's Grand Opening of
Novel and Beautiful Stylet for the
Fall and Winter Fashions,
On Wednesday, September lOlii.
Mmb. Dkmokkbt is iiiiiH(l ti Binioiint'Stlia
opening as onpooiitlly Ktlnictivo In Wnipi,
Costumes mid Evtiiiing Toilols diioct from
Paris, and Novollius of Pi-sign in every da
partuiont ol Ladins' and Cliildrmi's Di-omm.
Opening simultaneously nt No. fl line Sot ilm,
Paris, and 17 Kitst 14th Snout, Now York,
and at all the Agencies in Kin-opo and Amorioa.
Paltorns in all sizes, illuslnttnd and iully do
orilx'd, from 10 to 30 cents eiich.
Alto, the Twelfth Beml-Annusl Issue of
3VXx3txo. Domoroat'si
A. lJr and lleaiitlfiil Itook of tit Kollo
Contalnlne ovor I.AHdK Il.l.t'STR ATIONR nf the
latl'stalKl lies! WIN H'H. lliriUUUlK nil un suin'miu .""I
useful ili'slitns fnr Ijidli-a' and Clilldri'n's liresa, with
Freni'h and descriptions, aiiiniuit of material
eeinilred, eti'.. I'll'. Kverv l.adv wanhi this ioo. mis
1 ... .1 ln I.. Ik. f.r,.n I . n
Taillabl IMTHHIH HI IS BIS" ill ,u. IWM-
guaife. l'rlre, 1.5 cents. Post-free.
The Klgliteotith Souil-Antnial Issue of
Oontains the latest Itiforniatlon on v7 department of
Ladles' and t'liil. lien's i-es, IneliidliiK Materials,
Trlnnnlims, Traveling, WedilltiK and Mourning Oulllls,
Cosluines or all nesi'riiions, jeweny. i.oiuu.e mu.i
tierv, etc., etc., wttli vahmlile Information for Merchant,
Milliners, Orussinukera, and ladles generally, l'rloe.
lllcenta. i-uai-irce.
IMA Thati:i
A lseautlfitl. KiitrHnlnlnn. anil Comprsr
lienstve Family 1'aper.
ThU eminently Sitecessful Journal, with a circulation
ot ovlh oi; m ;fiii:i tiiui naivis,
ts printed on tine tinted paper, n folio page. sp'endliJiy
llliistrsted, and contaliia KntorUlntng LlU-rature on
arious tiipli. and a brtlllant dlip'ay of the leadlnit
styles for 1-adlea' and Children's Press, Slngla loplea.
O cent. leariy, in ceni.
All of the three publications mailed free for one year
OD receipt oi 7H ceu Is In postage stamps.
11 F.aat Hth St., Xetc York.
Lay the Axe
to the Root
If 3ou would destroy tho can
kering worm. For any exter
nal pain, sore, wound or lame
ness of man or beast, use only
MENT. It penetrates all mus
cle and llesli to thn very bone
expelling all Inflammation,
soreness and pain, nnd healiife
tho diseased part as no other
Liniment ever did or cm. 80
sailh tho experiencu of Iwc
generations of sufferers, nnc
so will you sav whim you have
tried tho Mustang."
N Y N I' .No 117
Freckle, Tan
and Pimple
A few applications of this
propnratlon Hill remove freckles,
tan, snnburu, pimples or blotches
on the face, anil rentier the com
plexlon clear and fair. For soften
Inf? and beaiitirii.g the skin It has
no equal. Price 50 cts. Sent by
mall, postpaid, for 75 cts. Address
Jolin F. Henry, Curran & Co.,
24 College I'lace, X. Y.
ioarii li MKOAL OFllo.XOIt ul tit (Jenltnnial
iiti'i J'atii Krjifiitii'iiut.
1 Ir. Koiils'a lloaltli .11 until I y .one year,
Muaa.r ll'n Cm tin. . M . V-wVurS
I'oalr's lloaltli .flolittkly. one year, SO
llm Hna. Cn. ! ' . S'htft . V-wVurS
C'T'T a Mourn aud t-xivu.i'a KUuraiitntl lu Axer.1i
4 O11IHI Ir.t. Hmwt'l'o AmiTa-a Hun
f ' . - " kit MW1I0 Wli"
THAT 1$ JUST I ( taouLoms m I
a, 1 co Ajttd '"'sJJ GREASE