DR. CLARK INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP Laboratory, 77 W. 3 J St., New York Cily. 1ATS OF HBS1T CITT. (TRADE HARE.) Tha Best Komedy Known to Kan I I)r. Clark Johnson having associated himself villi Mr. Edwin Eastman, an escaped captl-e. Ions; n slave to Wakainctkla, the medicine man of ths C'omsncnes, 1 how prepared to land hit aid in the inlmdnction of the wonderful remedy of that tribe. Tin experience of Mr. Eastman being similar to that of Mrs. Chns. Jones and eon, of Washington Co.. Iowa, an account of whoso anfferinra wore thrillinirlv narrated in the Ainu York Herald of Doe. l.-.tli. 1878, the facta ef which are to widely known, and o nearly parallel, that but little meu tion of Mr. Eastman a experiences will be (riven hero. They are, however, published In a ncjit vol nma of 300 pages, entitled, "Seven and Niner Years Among the Comanche and Apaches," of whtca mention will be made hereafter. Suffice It to say, that for several years, Mr. Eastman, while a cap tive, was compelled to gather the roots, (funis, harks, herbs and berries of which Wakametkla'a medicine was made, and is still prepared to pro vide tho samb materials for the snccessf nl intro duction of the medicine to the world; and assures fie public that the remedy is tho same now at v, hca Wakamclkla compelled him to make it. Wakametkla, the Medicine Man Nothing has been added to the medicine and nothing has been taken away. It is without doubt the Kkst PuKiriKR of the Blood and Rimwu of 'tit Systim ever known to man. This Syrup possesses varied properties. It arte upon tlio I.lver. It arts upon tho Kidneys. It regulate tlic Hovtela. It purine the Mood. It quiet the Nervous System. It promotes Digestion. It Nourishes, Strengthens and InTlga urates. It carries offtbe old blood and makes New. It opens the pores of the skin, and Induces Healthy Perspiration. It neutralizes the hereditary taint, or poison In the blood, which generates Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all maimer of skin diseases and internal humors. There are nospirits employed in its manufacture, audit can betaken by the most delicate babe, 01 fcy the aged and feeble, care only bang reowrtd s dlaitim to dirtctiont. Edwin Eastman in Indian Costume. Bstbit and Kins Years Among thb Comakchm akd Apaches. A neat volume of 300 pages, being a simple statement of the horrible facta connected with the sad massacre of a helpless family, and the captivity, tortures and ultimate escape of its two surviving members. For Bale by our a;ents generally. Price 11.00. The incidents of the massacre, briefly narrated, nre distributed bv firrents. frp.k of charge. Mr. Eastman, being almost constantly at the West, engaged in entlierini: and curing the materi nls of which the medicine it composed, the sole I "lsincss management devolves noon Dr. Johnson. and the remedy has keen called, and la known as t. Dr. Clark Johnson's INDIAN BLOOD PURIFIER. Price of Largs Bottles - - $1.00 Price of Email Bottle. 50 Ued the voluntary testimonials of persons who havo been cured by the use or ur. Clark Juuuson f luaiau wood byrup, in your own viciutty. Testimonials of Caret. ENT1KELY CtrUKD. Pittkhlhgii, Pa., August 25, 187$. Dear Sir: I was troubled with hung Disxave nil buIVctm1 l'roin other coinpliiintH so much bat I could not describe my lenlinsto any porbon. I doclni-ed ull tho time, but iound no reliol' until I took a Kill le el your ImliunBlooil puriiler which lelt mo entindy lit-o ol all pain A. Cabgo. LIVE It AM) KIDMiV COMPLAINT. " Andallsia, Pa., Fob. 10, 1870. Dear Sir I have boon usinir your ludinn Blood Syrup iu my lninily 1'or Liver and Kid ney Compluint with success. 1 boliove it lius no equal.' Euwaud Gii.uekt. UK ART I)lSEA"SEANDLIVEIt COM PLAINT. MiDln.Kiii kgii, Snyder Co., Pa Dear Sir: I have been troubled with Heart Disease andLivor Compluint, and I had spent a grout duul of money lor medicul aid without receiving any bencllt, until I procured some ol your Indian JJlood Syrup from your agent, E. L. UuMlugtoii. I cum now testily from my experience as to the great value ot it in such diseases. Henhy Zemchan. LIVER COMPA1NP AND CHILLS. JSENSAl.tsf P. O., Feb. 25, 1879. Dour Sir: Having tried your most excellent Indian JJlood Syrup and lound it a valuable medicine for Liver Complaint and Chills I would rocomineiid those who are uMlicted to giveit a riul. . Mkb. C. Aktman K ECE I XV. D O RE A'l IJEKEEIT FROM IT lIul.USUl HU, 2'id Ward, Pluhtdelphui, Feb. 24, 187'J. J)ur Sir: i tuke reui jnoiuture in suyinx Mint J liuve given your vuluuble Indian IJIixmI iSyrup I'uir trutl in my iumily and received Mrvttt beuoflt Irom i. Stu'L K. Sollv. 3 la-Wife- si 5 "--2Ki" ft' rv s I it :. i-MB I i iiflipf i if pliliSM 1 CURIOSITIES OF THE DAY. Some Klrnnut Stories Talten From IVewa pnixra In Vni'lon'a Inr of the Conn t.y. Fiftrrn yottrs ago a wliitc spot nlxmt tlie size and dntv of ft silver three-rent pieee npjienred on tlie riglit wrist of ilemy Winston, fnll-hlooiloil ngro, tlien living netir Union C'i ty, Tenn. Henry was nt tlitit time a young man in robust health. Other spots soon appenrtrt on the arm ttnd wrist until the wholo body was covered with them. Fearing lest lie had become a victim to the most dreaded of slow diseases, the leprosy, he went to New Orleans and was examined in the presence of twelve physicians. He was assured that his affection was not that of a leper, but further the doctors could not go. Since then the change in his skin has continued. Hois now liv ing on a farm near Columbus, Ky., the father of a large family Qf black children. The only black places lett upon his per son are a few spots on his hands nnd a mtisk, its it were, on his face. Tins mask covers all parts of his face except the eyebrows, whirh are white and S' rnigiit, like those of an Albino of Cau casian blood. The skin of the head, neck n id bony is of a healthy ileslt color white nnd soft and hair is like that of a white man. The first impression one has upon seeing him is that he is a while man with It is face painted with iodine. The eyes, however, nre unmistakably those of a negro. Ho is in the best of health, but does not enjoy his nonde script appearance. Captain Stone, with whom travelerson the Mississippi were well acquainted is the old days, moved from New Orleann to Mounds ville, W. Va.. thirty-tive years ago. Among other tilings moved from his old home a.s reminders of his lifo in the sunny land were two seeds from a mahogany ree that long stood in his New Orleans yard. In planting the seed at Moundsvillo he remarked to members of his family, who now very well recall the circumstance, that one of the seed should sprout and produce his collin. One of the seed died; the other sprouted. In spite of many set-backs, frowns of the northern latitude and con spiracies of the elements, .the sprout flourished and grew apace. From a shoot it became a sapling, and in the course of thirty j'ears grew to a fine tree. About eight months ago a severe wind storm passed over Moundsvil'e, uptcar ing, with a dozen other trees, the beauti ful mahogany in Captain Stone's yard. Captain Stone had the tree dried, sawed into lumber and sent to a Pittsburgh firm, which, in last June, returned it to him in the form of a collin. Recently Cap tain Stone died, and was bunedwith his strangely faithful mahogany. Harrison Meyers killed a rattlesnake five miles southwest of Uniontown, Pa., near the old Gaddis camp on the moun tains, the snake being white from fang to rattle. This unequaled curiosity is de scribed by the Uniontown Octiiuj of Liberlyin these terms : The snake was about two feet lone, of a clear white ex cepting several dim red spots about one fourth of an inch in diameter along the back. The snake had some seven rattles, and on beinff discovered and attacked did not display the venomous disposi tion so usually mamlestea bv this species of snake. Mr. Meyers is reliable. His brother James was in company with him at the time. After killing the snake both young men carefully examined and found it to be a genuine rattlesnake. While excavating for a spring for re union purposes on the lands of the llev. W. 11. Alcljarland, near Cambridge, O.. loan o. Oallup came in contact with what appeared to be a smooth-cut stone and dug down to the foot of the third step, where he found a basin made in the solid rock that will contain fifty barrels or more of water. It was cleaned out and a spring is pouring into it from t lie crevice ot the rock at the rate ol 10,000 gallons a day. There is no writ- con account of these hewn steps and basin, and t - e oldest citizen had no knowledge of their existence. This was probably an important watering-place luring the mounu-builders period.. At mv rate, it is a subject for investigation by tlie antiquarians. It is regarded as a great curiosity and a wonderful discov ery and is the theme of all conversa tion. Little Morton Roberts, the eleven-year- old son of J. G. Roberts, of Cincinnati, was playing on one of the banks of the Lr.tle Miami river, near Wavnesville, Ohio, recently, when he found a pf bble ot remarkable Bize and brilliancy. i'ockcL'nir the thins-lie mvsentlv took it lo his father, who in turn passed it for examination to a Cincinnati diamond Xpert. The latter said that the boy had found a pearl. Mr. Roberts thcre uuon sent it to a friend in New York, and it was examined bv Tiffany. The pearl was by him pronounced to be of the purest ana most intense tints ot opal, weight six carats, and market vatu TsJ50. A purchaser was found in Presi dent Dinsmore, of Adams' Express Company, nnd now Morton has 350 in vested for him to draw with interest when he shall have doubled his present age. Captain Lorenzo Dow Lawson. who lives about three miles from Crislield, Mil., lost a valuable cow a short titnt ago, the death of the animal beingcaused by mosquito bites. Mosquitoes have been more troublesome around Crislield this season than litis been known fur many years. During tho day and even ing ' smothers" are made by tho mer chants and others to drive the pests away, ana at night the smoke is so gen eral as to give Crisfieid the appearance of being on lire. Henry J. Stewart, of Jasper. Ga sends to the Savannah Arcivs a natural curiosity in tlie shape of a sweet potato lueAeuusays: It was grown by G. J I Ancrum, and is a wonderful freak of nature, being an exact imitation of a snaKO coiiea tip as it in the act ol strik ing. The resemblance is really start ung. Among the several hundred newspa per articles ariout hens' eggs, the follow- lngfrom the b incastle, JJotetourt county va., iicraia, leads: A. 11. Keeling, Dale vine, has an egg which tor size head everything we have heard of lately. It was by actual measurement nine and one-half inches in circumference, length wise, and sl and one-half inches around. She Knew the Feet. A man who was journeying down the Mississippi with his wife thought he would enjoy the luxury of shaving and shampooing. While this was going on he concluded to surprise his wile, and at h's request, hair, eyebrows and whiskers were changed from a fiery red to raven MM pn, ill: ,mi..tu ii,, t ly nin m,i,'- room, but was met at the door by his . i i .1 . i r . spouse, ouu? ecu oy tnu intrusion oi a stranger ns she iuipposod, and admit- nre relusea. lie canon jnmseii jher nsband: she said ho Was an impostor. He attempted to explain; it was useless. A crowd gathered round and the laugh lmmii,ii (Tnfi.iv.il At, ltmt. tn Ilia nnvnlnv.. ity tlie hoaxer exclaimed : ' Mary, look at my leet !" wne glance at the pedal appendages assured h r "Yii. .L.lm " lie u.,,.1 T Ltwiitr tlimn loot Tlinv me in, but keep that head out of nt." - - - s UK AT II EH WORDS. The Curlons Theory of an English Nrlrittlst llotT lry nl Wet Mummers Follow lCnch Other. Mr. Henrv Roe. an Enirliah Hoiont!t. sends the following letter to tho Iiondon Junes: I suppose ercrybody on occasion en acts the part of weather prophet, and sometimes his prediction comes true; but if I were to pose in that character in your columns, and proceed to make the melancholy claim ol having long fore told the present dismal season, I should probably get a shrug for my conceit, if not a laugh for my folly. Dropping. then, the prophet's mantle, and arming myscitonly with the chronicler s pen, I would like to place on record one or two results of careful observations I have made extending over nearly thirty sum mers. Tho first of theso results is that Iry and wet periods succeed one another n alternate waves of nearly equal length. Not that this equality of duration is quite absolute, or that the wave of one period is exactly the fac-siniilo of that of corresponding period at an earlier or a later time, but there is enough of regu larity and uniformity about tho waves to make tho family likeness clearlv dis cernible to any eye that looks for it. These periods extend over three whole ears for each, and the following simple rules will enable any ono to work out the several cycles of years for himself: I. W hen the number representing any iven vcar is even and exactly divisible y three, that year is tho middle ono of three cold and wet summers. 2. When the number representing the year is odd and divisiblo by three, then that year is the middle ol a triad or dry and hot summers. For example. I860 is "even and divisi ble by three, and the prevailing charac teristic of tho three years 1850, 1800, 1801 was wet, or wet and cold ; and again 1863 is odd and divisible by three, and everybody remembers 1802, 1803 and 1804 as bright, hot and dry summers. lakingnowa range ol twentv-seven years, over which my own personal ob servations extend, and applying the rules list given, the wet and cold triads were 1853-55, 1859-61. 1865-67, 1871-73, and 1877-79, while the dry and hot triads were 1850-58, 1862-64, 1808-70, and 1871- 0; and without claiming that no sinirle year broke loose from this very simple order of seasons, I fearlessly maintain that all the markedly wet or dry suml mers oi tue past twenty-seven years fnl accurately within some wet or dry period as given above ; so that no very wet year falisin what should have been a dry per iod, nor any very dry year in; what nypotneiicniiy was a wet period. This iiypoiuesis receives consineraoio con firmation from an examination of the average ririces of corn durinir tlif venra already referred to. Ordinarily after a dry summer the next year's averages ought to be high, and after a wet summer the reverse. Now it is a fact that high averages prevailed from 1854 to 1856, and low Horn 1857 to 1859 ; they were up again during 1860-6-2, down in 1863-65, up in 1800-68, down in 1869-72, up in 1873-74, and down in 1875-77. How far these cycles may be shown to coincide with the-greater cycle of eleven or twelve years, which is observed in the maxima and minima of spots on the sun's surface, is more than I have time now to nquire; but my good neighbors at Sher borne know that for some two or three years past I have been pointing out to them in public lectures most of the things l have spoken oi in this letter, and I have been more than borne out by the facts. So much for chronicle. Now for one word of prediction. The number 1881 is odd and divisible by three, and if there is anything in my theory, that year ought to be the middle one in a triad ol hot and dry summers. I am looking, "therefore, with much continence to a good summer n 1880, lollowed by two similarly good ones in 1881 and 1882, and for the sake of every interest in the country, I earnestly hope my expectation may not be disan pointed. A Piragrapher's Trovcrbs. The hindmost dog may catch the hare. but never net on it. A drowning man will catch at a straw hat. A close mouth catches no Hies, but nobody but a dog wants to catch a fly in ins mouth any way. Hotter hall a loat than a whole day spent in idleness. ISot'cr an empty house than a bad ten int. unless you make him sign a tight least?. To forget a wrong is the best revenge. particularly ll the other fellow is bigger than vou. lok not a gift clothes-horse in the joints. Have not the cloak to make when it begins to rain, unless you know where vou can borrow an umbrella. A king s cheese goes halt away in par ings, because it is out of the question for the queen to be in the kitchen all the time. (Jincmnati luiquircr. When the Itowels are IUorlerrl No time cliould be IohL in resorting to a suit aide remedy. Ilostetter'a Stomach Hitters is the most reliable and widely-esteemed modi' cine of its clues. It removes the causes ot constipation, or ol undue relaxtion of tlie in teslines. which are usually indigestion or a misdirection of the bile. When it acts as a cathartic, it does not gripe ond violently evacu ate, but produces gradual and natural elleets. very unlike those of a drastio purgative: and its power of assisting digestion nullifies those lrritutmg conditions ol trie mucous membrane ol tue stomach and intestinal canal which pro duce first (hanhea, and eventually dysentery The medicine is, moreover, an agreeable one, and eminently pure and wholesome. Appetite and tranquil niylitly slumber are both pro motod by it. As Extended 1 opulahitv. I'.aoh year finds "Brown's Uronohial Troches " ia new localities iu various parts ol the world. For relieving coughs, colds and throat disease, the Troches have been proved reliable 25 cents a box. The liiinous Mason und llaiulin Cabinet Or tuns, which are certainly the best ot these instruments in the world, are now sold lot iiuyment by installments, bringing them with in reach of those who can make only small payments at u time. Any agent for their sale will give particulars. C. Gilbert makes only pura slaruhss. A Wine I,rBrllntnr. Ho is micecHHlnl bocuuso he has tho manly courage to Hho abovo all personal motives or interests nnu cast .his vote nnd innuonoo on I no ido ol measures which will contribute to the well-being of his lellow-tnen. The good ol I lie tunny, even though it proves injurious to the nteresls ol the tew, is tho maxim ol tho wish legislator. Hut pertain men will never admit tho wisdom ol this doctrine, any more than sumo selfish privnto practitioners will admit the superlative value ol Dr. Viorce's (Solilen Medical Discovery and I'lensnnt l'uigative relicts, because these remodios havo injured heir practice. Of course, no man in his right senses will nay n physician ftvi.01) lor a consul tation, a bottle ol hitters, n lew powders, and prescription, when ono bottle ol Jr. l'leree s (ioldon Medical Discovery and n bottle ol his Pleasant Purgative l'ellets, both costing but 1.25, will accomplish tho snino result, viz., leanao the liver nnd blood, regulate nnd tone tho stomach, and impart a hoalthful action to tho bowels and kidneys. Malignant and subtle indeed is t ho poison ot scrotula, nnd terrible are its ravages in tho system. Thoy may, however, he permanently stayed and tho destructive virus expelled from tho circulation with SeoviU's Ulood anil Liver Syrup, a potent vegetablo detergont which eradicates all skin discuses, leaving no vestige 1 them behind. V Into swelling, salt rheum, tetter, abscesses, livor compluint, nnd erup- 10ns ol every description nre invariably con quered by it. Druggists sell it. 62 Wai.i. Ptm Nkw Vomu, Aug. 12, 1870. Mow offered nt SI. 50 per share. Final in- stnllment of working capital stock of tho t'hey- nne, ono ot tho largest Ulnck Hills gold mines. n the Great Uelt, 10 per share net in sight. ull reports on application. K. U. SrUM1. X !0., Financial Agents. Chow Jackson's lJest Sweet Navy Tobnci.r . The (;rrnt Hotels of Iw York. Wlille la New York i fewwocks nlm-e wo put up nt the (Srnnd Ci ntral for ttio llrst tlino.nn.l wo ran imy with truth tlist It Is the best mul rlirnpest In New Yolk. f have tried slmut all ef thp Kcw York llntc-'s nu t think the (irnncl Ontral the lnt of tliem nil. It itrn. f'.' .Ml unt &l no t""r ilay. Itnnnis, fl.no per ly. A ilt.ft It STOUT OF Till' CIVII. WAH. Just !t.!Mtf (I tn otv hirijf ivtuvo vatmtw: Any one unnblo to rend inuslo or un skilled In orirnii playing mny produce from the Orunn not only I lie pnrt tlicy slug, but nil tho other pnrts, by the use ol tho SELF-ORGANIST. With this nevr Invention, easily nttnehed to the kcy-bon rd of any Organ, it lilllo boy or girl, knowing n. tune, enn piny ns well as a mnsle tenchcr. Adapted tn Families, Hnndny-Schools, and Lodge Mcctinir. Address for Circular and Terms THE SELF-OHSANIST HTH CO., Hrattleboro, Vt. THE WEEKLY SUN. . ininr, T-iKin-raKc immu commute, Win bp Kent pout i'li id to auy ad dross until January lt FOR HALF A DOLLAR. Address TP.R SI'N. K. Y. A (illWD sTOUV OF THK CIVIL, UAH. Juat UiOi'd In tnt Utrne ortavo ivitiim ; VIRCINIA GRAHAM, THE SPY OF THE GlrrjD ARMY Uv HAKUY HAZEL. This urnml hUtorinil and clmrmliiif nihlt irv lUHhlonirn- tic Kmuiim e can now he had of tiny buuk or ierludinil denier. Jkrtc 50 cent V e ninl liiiiiile Opieti by mail, postpaid, on receipt Of 1 Libel ty Square, Huston, Mam, TRUST lltuiL't-i ltomly. iluiits ICeimMlv Cured l)rp.v. Kidney, film, ler nnt. I'rintiry Coniplaintn, Itrlbl'ii intense, iMtineien unii it ravel. Hunt' K!ititMly curea l'ain in the Side, liurk or l.itins, and ull Diseusen of the Kidneys. Itludder TO nnd Irlnary Oran. I Inn I'm ltaiuet!v enconraueH and t re ntes Ml appetlt", brnceH no the system; und Kond health is inn reriun or nsinx iiuiim Jienieuy. eua iur pamphlet to WM. K. (JLA11KK, I'roviUfiice, u, I. REWARD 5-if.SSS Hlind Itchinx. or Uluerateii I'ilfHtliftt ll-IUnK' Tilo Ucint'tly failntocur. Giv iruiiittdi&to r'liuf, etires cama of Ioiik standing in 1 wuelc, and ordinary catses in 2 day. r.AUTinN .r r:v;": rnjiuer liiiZtruitetToilTt i' blttrk a J'ill oVt'HWJ anil Dr.J.rrMiUrr'fiqnittHrt.I'hiUK ftjt I K bottifll Kuld ty sll drnifj-'isls. H'-nt ty mail liy J. P. Mh.i.kii M. !., f-nr.. S. W. cor. 'I'unlU and Aiuh Su.. flulwU., Vtu CURED FREE.. H I 1 An Infallible and unexcelled Rnn.edy fo n J Fit4,I".iiUeuiyor FalliuKNUk: ti,I",illeiiHy or FrIIIuhNU Uiicks wat rsiilril tn rni-n a upet ly Irtt to encfi a sueiMy ai.u n L'.Il F.!1X cu-1 " A free bottle" of rn. renowned apeciilc and a valuable Treatise n-ni K any sniron udliig me his P. O. and T). n. ft. KOOT, lHtl Perl Street. New Yi-rk fin ii, l lei vonr cliiiitren urow lin weak nn. lniio. w lien Ki'tis-'a Kooil can tie ha l nt such amnull coot. WOUl.- Hll'll 4 0(1. on every label. TrVd'H Centennial Turbine WaterJWheel la tlie Ileal III the World I Tl ene are fai Ik wldrli can lie nilitantiiitecl. Do not be himil.uciicil into paving hinli prices when yon can get a lii tter aitic'e at a lower lUurc. Sen 1 for Circular. Address J. MAVNK.Uilbertsville.OtsegoCo., K. . ClIAl'MAN'S ClIOLliUA SYKll' Cures Dysentery, Diarrhea and Hummer ('omplalntu of Children. Price (iOc. liKOIKiK WUOKK, l'ruprletur Great Falls. N. II. Sold by ull Drui-'giat. PURE TEAS.: Agents Wanted everywhere to sell to families, hotels. and Urge consumers; lare et stmk in tlie country; uua'ity anil terms th- best. Coutitrv stmekeepers should call or write TDK WKI.I.S TKA Cd.MI'AN' V. aoi Fulton .St., N. V. P. (). Ilox t x.0 t J J'j 1 1 l . we will arnd TIIK lilt' . Ll.lMilOlt from August, IS'.i, till Jiinuarv, lwn. The l edger is the largest am! best Story ami Family Paper published In the West, and should be lu every hoim bold. K:unpl. Copies FHKK. Ad Ires THK JKMJ Kit, t liU atto, III. itllf; profits on 20 days' Investiiicut of itinfi 3lli I In St. Paul, August l. P1UU Propi-tional returns every week on Stock Options of tiO, - tftO, - fl(H), -Official Reports and Circulars free. Address 1 POTT Kit WH.IIT !!).. Hankels.US Wall St.. N'.T SOMETHING NEW ! ".1.1 No Sewing On of Ituttons! Agents and eyer.vboity send lO cents for Samples to r. 1.. walk, rairneni, low. MEN While we want agents at V to $10 per day at home. Address, wiih . ........ iviki, a.' v STARVING LAMP CO..Poilland,Maine. VOUNC MEN .WWinVS month. Kverv graduate guaranteed a uiytug situ) tiom Ait-lrc a K. Valeuti lie. Manager. Jauesville. Wis. ISure relief IOTTTWI Hire relief rice Sects. .innrnm a iaj . .o 1 'rice 36 CIS .H'S 1 li-UO. rx'.UUtri O Ji-tC byuii.. HtowcUJlCo. ritftir" 'bar.estown. Maaa. A MOIVTIl-AiteuUWsnited :ile $350 selling at tides tn tlie world; one sample free selling at tides In tlie world; one saiuuis Address JAY BKONSON, Detroit, Micll. OPIUM Hutilt ta. hkln IMaeaaea. Thoa sauds cured. Iiwesl Prices. Do not fall to write. Dr. F. K. Marsh. Quincy. Mm h BIG PAY. With Slenctl Out tits. What cosis 1 els. sel's rapidly for r rts. Catalogue free. S. M. Srancttt. llil Wasli'n St., lloslou, Haas 2pPr A YKAK and expenses to agents. Oullll Fiet J&I4 4 4 Address P. O. ViCKKIiY . AugusU. HOW TO tiKT artistic written Visltleg Cards fri-e. Full particular, nr.. Address 11. K. HANKS, Kuston. Pa. "' a MoiiTti aud exiisuses guaruuued lo As.ei.1 IS) 4 4 OuMltf'ee. gaaw Co., Aoeesi. aUiaa- m -.ari tm iBii.v- - POND'S EXTRACT. T1IR OHKAT Vr.OHTADLR Pain Destroyer aud Specific for InfloBt liuition and Hemorrhages. i ItttFt MATtSlf. NKl'UAUllA. No other preprirV lion hnscurod so many enses of these dlstress ing complaints Bstlie Kxtrart. Our 1'lnstttr is invaluable) In these disenses, Plumlmjro, 1'nln (n the Hiu-k or hide, Ac. Pond' V.xlrnrt Ointment M cent si for us" when removal ot clothing Is convenient, is a great help iu re lieving iiillammatory cases. HKHOKItll AdKS. Weeding from tho Lungs Stom ach, Nose, or from any cause, Is speedily emit rolled nnd stopped. Our Nnxsl Kyrlnifii (OS cents) and InlinUrs (M cents) are great aids In arresting Internal bleeding. DIPTIIKUI AND SOUK THUD AT. Use tho Extract promptly. It Is a sura cure. Delay Is danger ous. ( ATA U11II. The Extract Is tho only specific for this disease, Cold in Head, &c. Our 't trrh t'urr," specially prepared to meet serious cases, contains all the nutritive qualities of the Kx trai t ; our Mount Syrltuie Is Invaluable for use in Catarrhal anVelions, is simple and inexpensive. Kor old and obstinate, cases use our " Catarrh Cure." ril-KS. BMSD BI,Ei:iIN(l or ITCHING. Itlsths greatest known remedy rapidly curing when other medicines havo failed, road's Kxtract Medicated Taper for doset uso is a preventa tive against Chafing and I'llcs. Our Ointment Is of great service where tho removal of clothing is Inconvenient. KOA1.K COMFI.AIMTtt. No phvslclnn need be culled in for tho majority of feiunlo diseases, if tli'j Kxt raot bo used, l ull diiectionsaccoiu pany each bottle. rHYSIClANSof all Schools recommend and pre scribe I'mul's Kxt raid. We have let ters from hundreds who order itdailv. In their practlco, for SnellliiKsorall kln4s, jnlny, SoroThmat, Inflamed Tonsils, simple und chronic Diarr hea, Catarrh (for which It Is n 5i iic), Clill lilaiiH, rostrd r'eet, Ktlnirs of lifierls. Mos quito, etc. Chapped llaniis, lace, aud indeed all manner of Kkiu Disease. FAKHKItS, Stock Breeders nnd Livery 1en should always have it. Leading livery and street-car stables in New York and elsewhere always use It. Sprains, llarne and Sad!U ChaflnKS, Cuts, Scratches, Swellings, SIHTiimi, I! lent Inn, etc., are all controlled by it. r i)ii account of the expense of the Extract us adapted for Btife use in it. 4 ilclic.ito application to iii mas Ait.iiKNTM, wo have prepared a preparation for Vetkiiinaiiv rt'KPOsKM oiilv, which contains all the stivngthof the Extract, for application to aniinnls, In a cheaper form. Trice, per gallon, VKTEU1NAKY KXTUACT, $2.."0. CAliTION. Pond's Fxtrnrt, Is Bold only In bottles, enclosed In hull" wrappers, with tho words, 'POND'S KX.l lt.M T, blown In the glass It is never sultl In bulk. No one enn cell it except in our own bottles as ntnivo described. SPECIAL PltKPARATIONH Of PONn'S KXTnACT COM- Dl.NKO WITH THK I'CnKl'T ANn MOST DF.UCATB I'tiiiri'MKS poll ladies' Bornoin. I'OXIK.N 1CXTH 'T .10r.,SI OOniut 1.7J ollrt I Mum nt iti-rn 1 ure - 7 IMiiNler - - lift nriKlfrlro - - llp Sinlve - Toili l Noi(.ti Vi0 no lllinlcl'(ilniK..VIc)I.4IU (Mntniriit - - no lt-illrntrl Taper ttri Any of tliese CT(p'iriittons will be st'tit rinluo ficn at iiliovc i: u i s, tn Ms nf r wurlli, on rvi'Clit of ui-'ii or r. u. onn-r. Ufi'i)t n Nkw PMrni.KT with 11itihy or nun l'ur.PA- UATKS Slt.NT I'HKK OK Al'I'l.ll ATI1I t. POND'S EXTRACT CO., IS JlnrvHU Street, Xetr York, R.i'.l In- nil nrnuklsts. EXODUS To th bart lands, la tha txwl ollntts, wits bast rotrkau, and on ths bnt (emu, aioiur la fH. tmai, Ulnoaapolis Maoitoba B'r. UaU til Panl A raauto. 3,000,000 ACRES Mainrj La ths 7amona RED RIVER VALLEY OFTHE NORTH. On long ttma, low prloas and aur parmanta. PaapUot wlUi fall Information matlod In. . Applr to D. A. Mc KIN LAY, Land Com'r, kwi.i r. aU, Hln Mt. r. H. A H. K'y, 8t,r horHciiuty of Hollsh, riurlUR labor, L'lcanUansi iiurauiuiy nun neiiinu'Pts. i in-iiuiiii .1. ilOiWK iltttS..Vr-i"'ot-i rmn m PAtNTS WANTED FOR THE ICTORIAL JL HISTORYoftueWORLD It contatnH .7'J Mix lilstorlcul fiinrnvu, - nnd 19HI mrv;e l iiMlt (-tutniti imt-d, iiii1 t the lunrtt compii'i lllorv nf th W'.tl-l cviT uhI.i-1h"1. It Hi') in Hi nt l-tit Scii'l for ripf-cinifii vn'M una extra icrim to AkhhIh, and st'e wny u rt"!K rusit-r mnu any v-v vook. Auut&, National Fuuiihio Co., PhllAnelphla. Pa ui n hi it IjA 1 n 1 m riTi 11: (eMtmiisii J 11M, Kr.mllplt. JV. V. Ou the A. k ii. W K. K., in tho Ouiuttttujiut ike vnmn. A well-.n.iowpi mi'l suroriMiil bfiniimry for UtU npxfg. Tue uftiul l.tu-raiy D.'iuvtiiiHiits nn l a very ll')url-liuiComnit't la! S hott uml Mu.sii Drmmnt'iit. '.V,2 ililVcrciit HtUilfiitt li.st yiiir. Vnr air, uiuuiitiiln-Mprlntf water, roo! foU iui'1 ru t fir, Kiiiw rviMop. iSu lU'iiihs in .Mt yean. Miaow tiK'iitA silt li tlhit we wt'.l rci-t'lvc h student (t tul pense for 1 Term for t for 1 vrnr. ilVI. ('utn ire nt frt f en urpiii jithni to the Pritu'l.tal, PHi iV J. i'. KIVrAHI)H, u. II, Full Term opens Antf. 'JO MOUER'S TO' COD-LIVER OH Sl.TlVtii Is perfectly pura Pronounced tlie beft by t lio li if h w niciiiuai aiiuioriiH'S in me worm. ui-n nvnci awnrd at 1 1 WorldV Kxitoeitioim. and at l'nr'.ii. Is: Bold by liruK-g-iHta. V.Il.,cbi0ll.-lin cV. t O..N.V "BACK from the MOVTII of HELL. y one wno nas ueen mere I "nine atul tfl oftheMOI'STA tlE. jiy tue iiuiiuigtou iiawaeye nuiuorisu "SaituiHthti iih H I. A. anil f. M " IW J.i.'lati Alli'n's wifo. The.three brightest and best-seillng tooks out. Agents you can put these books In e erywliere. ttest term. liven. Address tor Agency, AUKItlUAN PI liLlSIllNU i;i.. uarironi. t t.; cinriii;... n.. Thlo Clalm-llou.e Katabllahed lMO. New Iji w. Trioiiueds nf Soldiers and belrs entitled. Pensions da le t . 1 to dlK barge or dealb. Turn aangtaa. AUdr, wild .tamp. (;kokk e. i.EJiost, F. O. Praw.r UM, Waalilnntoa, D. O. WESLKYAN ACADEMY. WIl.HltAHA W. VTASM The Fall Tfim of thi oUI anl lM.puiar iitriituli-ii wilt I't'KHI AlllallS( etiHIl ai lit cnlitllllU' 1.1 Wfl'KH J ii.iv nii'tit of Ht. will set-unt Tuition in tin: rrrouratory mi'l At U'l'iiiit' C'oitim-K of iAtu.lv, tout-thcr with Itoiint mi'l an avt'Utifi' anioiint (f Wa.liii)K, JiimTii, lit at': j; ani Inviilt'iilalri for the Araili'ink- year of Hit weeks. Th pnviiM iit of no in tlie Winter Trin, or of $57 in either of the other '.Vrins, will secure tlie baine, Hitvmi- t.iLi ri for ine 'It mm of i:i wefka. TIih hiiil'ilimh. tironixtrt, Situation, ami FiuilitifK of ln-tni'tion arc uinoru- the tlint in the worhl. Semi for intor tion to tiie Criminal. li. M. STKK1.K MILITARY and Band Vniforms riltlcers' Fquipments, ( aim, elc, niude by Jtl. '. IAI y A ., Columbus, Ohio. Htndur 1'iux Firemen'i Caps, Belts, and Shirts. llNK HOTT I. If WAKKANTKDA perfect cure for all kinds of PI two to four bottles lu the worst cases of l.F.PUOSY. SCROFl l. SALT Hit Kt M. KIBIMATIS KIDXKYS.DYSPKl'SlA.CAISt'K CATA UUII, and all diseases of the SKIN and lll.OOU. f.uureiy vege tal le. Intel nal anil external use, M.ioev returned III alt cases or fa uie; none for w years, Bold every wiiero. Send foriaiuphlet. 1 a llottle. II. I. KtlH'I.K, RiMlon rrr.rTii is MiGnrii t'rejaar Manmasj, tba iul fctf-i ''ah ! mJ M.Mol, :i M -- Li St.lh 1t . hlft.l, ODttM of ) las k f Uil, laayd lo i-n m witmI p..Imra ef sour fulur ii.lat4 o sn'r, lamU ot r.aJ name, th tiiu .d plkta wh.re i .I ll'Si uM, '"i i' - 'la's ot u.amafS. AJli.aa. I'il' UAliTISfZ. ( In.. km, m Im m ssm) I TVot liKT IUCTl:VAHY,:H,tH0 WorU.and v-.ni,,..-.-1 lr. .Foote's Health Monllily, rise year, ftO, CQrnniyJ,t.B,w, jjoaaai uSl v't. Co" ill It Jfci. - St. . Mew Yolk. 1 CO tiUvJ ". as I An Open . Secret. Tho fact Is well tuuln'slood that tlio HI KXICAN MU.S TANU L1MUKNT Is by far the best external known tor man or beast. Tlio reason why becomes an 'fopon secret" when wo explain that Mustalls,' pencii'ates.skln, flesh and musclo to the very bono, removing all diseaso and soreness. No other lini ment does this, henoo non& other Is so largely used or docs such worlds of good. THE TeVsIPLET! he Temple is for Singing Ciassei. The Temple is for Conventions. The Temple is for Choirs. $9.00 per dozen. Single copy $1.00. ...... t.-.. l...V.nr. finlr Ina.lar . sre quietly making up their mlmls as to the lel books for mt during tlie ronitng muslral season, It la a pleas ure to Uilroilnie to llielr notice so fresh, good and useful . . . . . ... nr . . II .. . . ujtm i. w K 1 1 act of ITamlllou College, takes on the well deserved title ol Musical Doctor, hroni the elegant title to the nai page tlie since Is moat acceptably ailed. Tlie Klementsry Connie Is ample in quantity, and has nw tnnna fr nr.cttce. which nractlce. Indeed. may extend over tuo whole book. Abundance of good Sacred Music, In tlie form of Metri cal Tunes aud Autheim, fills a large imrilon of tUe book, and reuders It a good Collection of Church Mule. The numerous Olees and flarmonlied Songs add to the attraction, and make this au excellent work lor Musical Soolelles and Conventions. Specimen copies mailed, post-free, for f l.OO. OLIVER DITS0N & CO., Boston. C. U. DITSOI V CO., (t4 J Bi iMdway. New York. J. E. DITSOW b CO.. - Q!a Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Til SMITE UH CU. First Established I Most Nueces. fill I rnKlB INSTRUMENTS hsve a SUndsrd VHne n the Leading Markets Ot the woria verywhere recognised as ttie F1NKST IN TON It OVER 80,000 Hade anil In use. New De gns constantly. Be org auu lowi'h ruce Send for a Catalogue fresont SUpp.'Wailliain St.. Boston, Ms 3APONIFI la th Old ltcllabla Concentrated Ljrsj FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING. Directions acconnuinylng each can for making nrd toft aud Toilet 8oa;i quickly. IT IS rVLL WKWHT AND STRKNOTB. Tlie Market Is Hooded with (so-called) fHuucntrated Lye, whkh is adulterated with salt and resin, aud il nuke toap. fiiFA MONET. AND BV7 Til DAPOIMIFIEir MADS BT THB renusjlvanla Salt Hannrg Co., PniLADKI.PniA. Ol it1 'H j Mc-ei. i . ..1,1 i ' nrscut 3"f, Pi ov.r.ll A,,, .. .... - I..UI..I. Their t,ir.i "f KI.S.X.III.K llir ciilt.-fer ills linns.) T'ihfl Ills llli l-'t e-. ami I. was hi ' I ii' 1 h . ,ktl piiot to l.n-.k .li'M a ot-rllis ill p. if I'll lj UK, Tlielr IIKAI.TI1 (i)l(SKl'llli llr 111" l i I ' I;, Ttt linivert Itust.l s Ii. w . srM. r fsvorll. i;i t - ,T.tiwii vsr. i u.ir jv u ic-i.t umcr.i i. h siXrt tli'll vl.t r .very einllier. h'S I'np .,,1. liy !M.'.lliiit meielwnts. M ABNER BHDS., 3S1 Broadway. N.I. Muson & Ili'inlln Cabinet Orgaiis Demonstrutert best ty ItltiUKST HONOKS AT AIL WORLD'S KX1MSIT10N8 Foil TWKLVK VKA 118. v .l at Puns. lMi7 ; ViitNra, 187l SjHiTiioo, WA Hmi.Jl.ai--ruiA, 1.176; I'.KIS, IH7, uudliiUNn Swltlilsu dnm Nsujl, l7X. Only Amerk'ttU Oriiiins ever awarded holiest hi. e p'h-fc a ' 1 for cah or ttiHteiluients. lu.ua. rnT Ctrl "uoi "'! Oiri ulars will, ew tlyles and prices, sen free. MASON a UAMLu. tlllliAN CO. Hnslon.New Vork nr t'hirosn. TEASl AHKA I iVLLTUKTIIUK n-i,M v.rv i.eKt ifooiis illreet frim tl 'uiiioners at Half the usual cost. Ileal ulan ever ofterei UiaU rifi oiit'icu lu unii, aKrun aud laiKe Huyers. ALL KiHKIiaS C11A1WKS fAll New terms t tlfca The Great Americau Tea Company, til and Veaey Street. New Vork. ?. Oi Hoi 4'a:l.V Hill fay AkcuIs a bulary of loo hi t ul. th x 1 expen.i'S, or auow a lara viiiiiiiiissiuii, iu .e ur nc m i pen id w rouuerlul luvetiliiiiis. it iwaii unai u iy. eal ile free. Addresa fcUhHMAN 1l IU., Marshall, Mid. i.ni M.nnn Invested lu Wall SI. Slocks makes SltltOwllJULI fortunes every month, hook sent w v free exiilalniiii: everything. Address HAXTKR k CO., Hunkers, 17 Wull St . N. Y. SEND TO F. ... ltK'll it. ., Portlund Maine, for heft Aiieiicy llu.ue iu th w orhi. Kxpenpive outtll t ree. a. ts. JSaa Afaaal I V1. i. M baiasa is eK,'Ct'VA V New Ywk, v. towers, I v 3As OFl'ICKS, HWii itlliilMiillisiiHl 111 sii i ii--- sssl riis1 4 t "