MDMSBAY MOIIMM!, SEPT. 3, IS79. nonouoiiuFKicEna. ijurrrr.v--N. S. 1'ohhman, Cnilici linen .1. S. Hood, E. E. Mntiii', II. (.. Davit', li. Agnew, M. Einstein, J; A. lroicr. 'Jit.iticr.rt of the Peace J.' T. I'.roiinan, 1). H. Knox. CovntuhteW. A. inlands. Nctmnt Director . 1J. Mav, IT. O. Da vis, I). W. Clark, W. R. Dunn, A. 15. Kol lj', J. T. Rroiman. ? FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of ChntrcHHlAU.nx Wjuith. iMrwdl.p N. 1. tVirrcKt.KU. J'rciident Jiul;ir,"i. D. W'htmobk. lsoriffu Judrjcn Jos. (1. Walk, Ed waiu Kicnn. VrenturcrWM. TjAwnKism. Pi'othmiolarlj, llcy inter tfc J'ccordcr, c. JUNTIS SirAWKKY.'. Micri(r.C. A. UANiiAT.r.. ' OjmmiMihiiiir.i-IOM, Thaac J.ono, 11. W. IiKPKiiun. Oiiotf .Snju-rintendcvt IT. . S. EnocK- VAY. JJintrict. A'tornryW. T). TnwiN. .try Comm itniincra C. II. Church. I'htkii You no k. fStuntii Nurveyar T. I). Collins. Coroner W. C. ComruN. County Audi torn NtrnoLAS Thomp son, I. F. Coi'KLAwn, F. C. Laoy. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TIONESTA LODGE JL. Ol KJ. Ji . MEETS every Eridny r-vcninir, nt 7 o'clock, la tho Lodo Koom in l'ar trlilKo'H Hull. T. J. VanC.IF.SEX, X. O. O. W. SAWYER, Kr-c'y. V!7-tf. E. Davis, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tionoxlii, V:. Collections mado in this and adjoin ing counties. '10-ly TATK&.VAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Elm. Street,. TIOSE&TA , 1V1. ,T. 11. A.C37j nV, 1 r T O J2 JV J I' - AT- LA If, TIOXESTA, l'A. ATTENTION Sfll.UinKS! 1 have been admitted to practice ns an Attorney in tlio J'onsioti Otiico Ht Wash .iii'jrton, " D. C. All uilifi vs, soi.iiers, or Haiiors who wore injured in tho Into war, pun obtain-pensions to which they may ho entitled, l)v calling on r addressim? mo at '1 ioiicKlii, i'n. Also, claims for nrroarauos r mill bounty will receive prompt nt tontlon. Having boon over four yearn a soldier in the lito war, mid having for a numlmr of years engnifcil in tlio pioNoeution oi hoi I'liors' claims, my experienco wl" assure tho collodion of claims in tlio shortest pon biltlotimo. .1. i. A'-iNENV. 41tf. F. W. Hays, A TTOKNEY AT TAW. nnd Xotvhy V ri'BLir, Uoynol.lM Hukill t Co.'h Uloclc, KcntM ii St., Oil City, Cu. ."'J-ly House, pniNFSTA, I'KNN'A, "T. LAW L REXCE. ritoi'RiKi'ou. This how Is cnntrHlly lticiitod. JCvorytliini? now and well furniwhod Siiporlor uccoinmodn tioiis ami Htrict nUcntion iriven to iruonts. VoKotahlo! :ind Fruits of nllkimU Korved intliiMi- souson. Wiitnplo rom for Coin- morcial Agents. CEriTTx AL. HOUSE, nOXXEU .v AfiXEW BLOCK. I. J J Ainkw, Proprietor. This is n new iiouko, and litis just licon lilted un for tho lic.coiiimodiitioii ol tlio puliiic. A portion of tho piitronago ol the public is solicited. 4U-ly TIONESTA, l'A. Offk-k Ilorna ; 7 to 9 a. m., 7 to 9 i voilnoMdays nnd HuturUuys irom II M. to 3 l M. A. 15. KKLI.Y, ma y, i'A me .e co., Corner of Elm t Walnut Sift. Tionesta. liauk of Discount and Deposit. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. Collections madoonall theVrincipnl points of tho U. S. Collodions solicited. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. TJOXKSTA, PA., HJ. CARPENTER, . - - Proprietor. Pictures taken'in all tho latesl stales tho art. 2ti-t Q1IAKLE.S UA1SK5, . J'JIACTJOAL CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER. In rear of IV. urn's Blacksmith shop, ELM ST., TIONESTA, l'A THE BUCKEYE BLACKSMITH, (W. C. WILSON) IS permuneiilly located in tlio Roberts shop, near Haslet's corners, whero ho is prepared to meet all his old customers, and as many new ones a.s feel disposed to favor him with their custom. Hut motto is: "Livcuiid let live." W. C. WILSON. Tionesta, Juno 21, 1.SV'.. SURSCRlRi; for tlio Forest Kepuhlicull It will i .ay. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS." Iiov. Elliot will occupy tho pul pit of tlio l'reshytcrlati Church next Sunday, morn'iug and evening. Free Mcthodiat preaching in the Universnlist Church next iSundoy evening. M. 10. Sunday School at 10 o'clock n. ni., and Fresbylcrian Sunday School at 3 o'clock p. in. m " Tho CouDly Commissioners are iu Bcsriioa to-day. S. D. iTrwio, Esq., is digging a water well on his premises. Jim Silhvood, tho barber, was in town tho other day. He'd the same old Jim. Mr. J. T. Df.lo left for Jroutruan yesterday, but whether to stay long or not he could not av. Nolh'iDg of general interest to our readers was transacted at the adjourned court held hero last Friday. Sheriff Randall publishes quito a "card" in our paper this week. It commauces : "By virtue"- &c. If you are not Registered, seo to it a't nnce that your namo is on the lis!.. To-morrow is the last day. Margaret Hans, aged 81 years, and partially deaf, was killed by a switch engine at St. Marys last week. The Tylcrsbuig boys scooped tho Chi rioo base bnl lists ou Saturday last, to the tune of 10 to 4. Good game, that. 4 -You can now kill squirrels, that is to cay, it is lawful now to kill squirrels, If you can find tho squirrels. Genncase Valley Clawsoli Seed Wheat for sale at OHtown. Samples of this wheat cau bo eceu at tho Bank, Tionesta, Pa. 23 3t. A rousing camp meeting h in progress in South Oil City at prcseut. Largo numbers of people have bcon attending. Mr. A. Ilolcraan, of the popular firm of Iloleman & llopkius, Picas antville, dropped in to seo us one day last week'. This being September, or a month with an "r" in it, why of course oys ters V in season. For our part we'll wait uwliile titloio ladiuging our appetite. --Last Thursday afternoon from two o'clock till a quarter after, the croquet ground opposite our oflicc was entirely unoccupied 1 Boys dou't let that happen again. The Wesleyan Methodist congre gation of Stewarts Ilun held a grove meeting last Sabbath, which we un derstand was quito well altouded and enjoyed by all who were present. Mr. AVtii . Helm of Tidiouts paid us a pleasant call yesterday morning. Mr. II. is largely interested in Forest County lands; and is obliged to come down and "see about cni" occasionally. Miss Maggie CogaD, who has been spending her vacation in Tio nesti, returned to her school at Iudi ana, Pa., on Monday niorniug. Tho Fall term of this school begins on the th icst. A sort of "Prairie Schoouer" passed through town this morning, and Irom the appearance of heads peeping out from under the canvas we were led lo believe that tho old woman who lived ia the shoe was moving. Some Stales have the open season t ti i i lor an uinas ot came to commence with September 1 1st, and close with January 1st. Pennsylvania could-not do a more eengiblo thing. Clearfield Journal, That's so. The drill wa3 started in Geo Hunter's new well last Saturday noon, and with no accidents the well will be finished iu about 10 days. Geo expects to strike heavy oil betweeu 200 and CQ0 feet. ' "Hark' Wcntworth is si ill making improvements ou his new farm on the Tylersburg road. Ho is now "kicking" down a water well, ou tho old spring-pole fashion. Nothing short of water or China will stop bim. The iron for lining tho prisoners' tells has arrived and is being put on. When the work is finished und the prisoners aro properly caged therein it will donbtlet-s effectually check their persistent efforts to burn .their way out. A wrestling match came off between Geo. Kerr, catcher of the Tylersburg B. B. C.andGus Hiding er of Lady's Mills, last Saturday, for 20 a side. Wo are informed Kerr wou threo falls out of five. They wrestled "side-hold." For awhile back wo have had numerous calls from townships col lectors for blank tax receipts. We have just printed a lot of these receipts, and all who need them can call nt cur office, or send by mail if it is not convenient to call. Tho closing exercises of Reid Iu- ptituto took place on tbo 28 and 29th, ult. This Institute, situated a tfl Ileidsburg, Clarion County, Ta., is becoming very popular as an institu tion of learning underlho manage ment of Prof, Jno. B. Solomon. Our borough is just now in a sad state of affairs. lh) town council undertook to meet Monday evening but their efforts were in vain, only 3 members besides the burgess being present, which did not constitute a quorum. Ihey may "make tus rime yet if they persevere. One of tho plensantest little parties of the fcaaou took place at the Central House last Saturday night. About 40 of the little folks were present, and for real solid, unalloyed pleasure it took the lead of anything of the kind that has taken place for a long time in town. Mr. Jay W. Waful, of Cleveland, Ohio, has been in town for some time past, taking orders for a new stylo of portraits paintul iu oil. He has taken a large number of orders nnd as he guarantees satisfaction or no pay we don't seo how parties can lose anything by giving him their work. His sam ples aro very fine. Tho now two cent postal card will sooj) be in general circulation. It has two stamps one at each end and space for two messages. The sender writes his message on one half, the i return correspondent his answer on the other. In a great mauy depart ments of business the new card will no doubt come in very handily. We publihh elsewhere in this issue a communication correcting same of our statements regarding that Lick- mgvillo affair published last week. It ccciiis wo were imsiniormeu on one or two points iu tho premises, and we cheerfully give room for corrections If we made any misstatements, we'll take 'or all bflck. Mr. A. B. Kelly has discovered a vein of limestone near Oldtown bt about 3 feet in thickness. The out cropping, or tai 1, is a very fair speci men of limestone for a fertalizer, and i . . irom an oiu experienced miner we learu that the vein will be much better as it goes into' the hill. Mr. Kelly intends to have it thorougly opened and tested at once. The value of good limestone quary in this locality could hardly bo appreciated, as all farmers agree that with lime our lands are as good for farming purposes as any in tho State. Professor Ashburner and his assistant, Prof. Shafer, on the State Geological survey visited this locality lust week, getting specimens of rock and also taking the elevations of our hills. They were more particularly engaged to look for coal, but have not much faith in our county ever produc ing much commercial coal. The hill back of Hunters mill was fouud to be 540 feet higher' than the R. R. track. iiiospringon uutcn Hill road was 315 feet higher ; Summit of hill on Proper farm 560; At Kisers, 595 feet, and W. B. Heath's was 680. Tubbs run bill ou tho Cropp road was 610 feet. mi . jtuis season lias been very prolific of mineral springs and summer resorts, and the number of new dis coveries in tins lino ought to inspire new hope iu tho soul of the invalid or pleasure-seeker. There is hardly town within a radius of 50 miles of us but has a mineral spring possessicg wonderful medicinal properties, and is blowed shj -high by the citizeus and newspapers. inis uemg too caso fheie U co good reason why Tionesta should not coma in for her share of the fun ; we have the spring good enough, if we only had the enterprise to devel ope it. It is situated about a half milo up the Dutch Hill road, just above tho watering trough, and isvey strongly impregnated with iron ; so strong, in faot, that a small draught of it would make an invalid fee entirely different, whatever that may be. Now let some enterpriaing geniu3 gobble up tho ground surrounding this fountain of youth, ienco it in, estab lish a line of hacks (wheelbarrows wil answer) from tho depot and principle hotels, and devtlope a resort as is resort. The undertaking would doubt less prove rcnumerutivo to tho under taker. Two wceki ago we noticed the marriage of Miss Nellie Brett to Mr. Will Tagc, of Okan, N. Y., at the Kent House, Chautauqua Lake. We now learn from the Olean Times that it is not tho esse, the report havirfg icen started from the fact of the couple having accompanied a party from Olean to Chautauqua on a pleasure trip, and the Bradford Era laving been informed by some one that the event had taken place pub- ished it as a fact. Other papers copied tha item, and wo found it in the Titusville Herald. Five prisoners, namely R. II. Hondurson, John Sheridan, Frank Sherwood, Geo. Warden aud Chas. Russell, escaped from the Meadville jail on Tuesday evening of last week. The escape was made by takiuz a stone from the wall of the building and swinging to the ground by a rope made from bed clothing. This is only one among many escapes that have been effected in the same way, aud the consequence is the jail is severely con demned by the citizens. Our borough schools opened on Monday with a very large attendance, the largest, in fact, for several years, there being upward of a hundred scholars. The outlook for a ruccess- ful term is very good, the teachers all being experienced hands at the busi- s, and will do their best to merit the praise of our citizens. It is to be hoped the parents and directors will visit tho schools often, and thereby encourage and assist the teachers iu their work. Iu the Howe murder case which was to be tried at Franklin last week, the prisoner ICobinson Howe, was released on bail, and the case was con tinued until the November term. J?ke SaltHgivar, who was arrested with Howe on tho charge of murder, but wa3 afterwards discharged and held as a witness, returned to his home about two miles from this place last week. He thinks Howe will bo cleared. "Observer" writes us a good letter from Maricnville, but fails to sign his real name. Great Guns ! Observer, why under tho sun didu t you put down your autograph. We should have gladly inserted your epistle, as its so seldom we hear from your sec tiou, but it's no use : wc tvud know who you are. Write again, but sign your name, uot for publication, but as a guarautce of good faith. The new tin roof of the Court IIouso was completed, painting and all, last Saturday. Messrs. Jamicseu & Pickett, of Warren were the con tractors, and competent judgers pro nounce tbe 10b a lirst-class one. it is substantial as well as ornamental, and will undoubtedly last as long as the building itself, if treated to an occa sionul coat of paint. Heavy Oil in Forest County. The Foxburg Gazette has this to say in regard to Forest County : From best information had, the we! struck at Balltown.on Tionesta Creek a few weeks since, is yielding from four to five barrels per day. This amount would look insignincant were it not associated with the fact that the oil produced is stated to be the heaviest lubricating oil ever struck in the Pennsylvania oil field. It is said to be equal in value to the Mecca, Ohio oil, which sells readily at from nine to ten dollars per barrel. Ihe benehts that would ensue to Forest county from the developcincnt of an extensive field of this kind of oil is great. By means of it an extcn sion of tho Foxburg, St. Petersburg & Clarion railroad could bo built, and that section of couutry bo opened up so as to secure tor us coal, timber and other products a good market. The property owners of that portion of the county can well afford to adopt liberal measures, to insure the devel opement or its valuable resources And this onco accomplished I heir lands, since tho beginning only source of expense, can bo made to yield a golden shower that will enrich all connected with them. Wo think this will be donu very soon, if it is r oxburg is the natura and only feasiblo outlet for the products of that section. Capital here nas indicated its willingness to aid in bringing this about, by making survey and locating an excellent route for a railway that will hirmsh al needed means of transportation. This ouco completed tho benefits of a largo trade will lollow. Agitate tho matter For Boots and Shoes go to Rob insoiifct Bonner's. Men's strong nhoes at $1.25 to 81.75 ; Men's good boots from f 2.25 to $1.00. Ladies, Misses aud Children's proportionately low. 3t. LICKINGVILLE. E. FoKfcsT Republican: In regard to tho affair published in your i.ssue cf ast week headed "War in the Camp," you published eonio misstatements, unintentional ou your part, I hope. "irst, as to using a birch, I never have and will not unless the case be ex tremely urgeut; I am not an advocate of birch oil. If ext, you say "McCrackcn had ono of the fair sex hanging to his arm and snuggled closo to his vest pat tern ;" he brought ono of the fair sex, seated her, and for soma reason un known, left her "alone in her glory," ike the "last rose of Bunimer," and did not appear on tho eccne until tho crowd were about to disperse, he and a friend appeared to take charge of tho aforesaid fair sex. Sonto .of tho friendly hands that rescued McCracken havo said since ;iad they understood tho ca;e they would have left him to his fate, which would have been a mild dislocation of the necktie. There was no revolver in tho case at all, though McCrackcn knew ho richly deserved to have tho light of Lickiufifville to shine through him : and if proper justice had been meted to him four or five years ago be might have languished in a ward of the Stato boarding house, admitting his own statements to bo true, nnd previous to making the acquaintance of the lady in question and unknown to her until recently. Again, the lady's campmeeting outfit was not in the least disarranged, as persons at tho hotel can say where she presented nerselt a lew minutes later "cool a3 a cucumber," and it is good for three years wear Bhould it not receive a more serious encounter. As McCracken 13 too poor to purchase a bullet-proof suit, unless he sells his buggy, he had better stay at home with his mother or the Drs. may go to mining lead cn his premises. I- L. D. Barnett Notes. Our good people arenjoying thoir usual health, and pursuing tho cvsu tenor of their ways a3 of ynre. Business i3 dull ; the Clarion very- low. Blackberries have been quite plenty, and as a consequence we have been visited by those who, less fortu nato than wc, havo not our luscious fruit at home; by those who hiving generated a superabundance of small and other talk fouud tho hemlocks, ns they thought, a convenient placo to exorcise their labial, lingual, aud focial muscles; by those who, delight ing in the liquid blackberry, came that they might distill and obtain it iu its purity ; but they havo gouo and nothing remains to tell of them but a bark shanty hero and thero, mid a new ong or by-word in the mouths of our youth which is their only legacy. Crops, generally, aro good and tho acreage largo for our part of the County. Those Knights of the Road, our Township Commissioners, let tho building of a piece of new road at the mouth of Coleman to Messrs. Thomp son and Darr, who are making a good job of tho samo and for less money than the Township could have done it. Our Guardians of tho cause of Edu cation met o:i ' last Saturday lor tho purpose of electing teachers for our schools. We learned that only threo were elected, there being no appli cants for the other schools. The good people of Claritigtou will' hold a two-day's meeting ut that place on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 13 and 11. All who can attend arc cor dially invited to bo present. Wo are sorry lo write that J. B. Tearsall's children aro sick with diph theria and at last accounts wero in a critical condition. Mr. Pcarsall and wife hud been on a visit to tho Great West, and Mrs. Pcarsall returned '.o iiichardsvillo whero sho was visiting some relatives when their children contracted diphtheria. .Mr. Pcarsall had remained "out west" when his wife returned. Ho wa3 telegraphed when his children were taken sick. W. J. Armstrong has cheeied us with his presence among us for some time. He will tijon return to Mead ville again. Wo sorry to lose him but no doubt our loss will be his gain. By Tii k Way. ttii" Always the Lost. Thin Standard American I'.milcr Is until' an.l i n.l irsul tiv tli;m:oiN .f tlm very l.csi linn il K'k I ini .iit-liool, I lie eiiiinl ' v. Ku'll cn coin aim. ii Mii.lll til iiil.i.ii.i.- t u c b"t hMM.n In mi: il. a I'd il lii I v I in M.i- i i!.. 'h,"J!.NNti'." lst.u!il !j' I.HW i.. K it., li'ilim, i'iAiutl.1 u.i.l 1 ive 1'oiuiU 'inn - o'"'1' Tho invalid find in "Dr. Lind say's Blood Searcher" nature's great restorer. It h Wonderful. For sale by G. W. Bovard. 24 2t. --My child, four years old, was taksn with convulsion:!, straightening out of the limbs, and seemed to bu lifeless. I gave tome of E. K. Thomp son's Sweet Worm lJoic!:r and she was relieved at ouce. Druggists sell it at 25 cents a bottle. For sale by G. W. Bovard. 24 2t. "Sellers' Liver Pills" aro ll.Ji secret to perfect health, long life, and absolute happiness. Sold by all drug gists. For sala by G. W. Bovard. 24 2:. Xc to Ad vc rtiscmcHtSi ruliljc notice is horchv sriven tlint John H. Mensch, Exocutor of tho Estato oi Henry Koilo deceased, has tiled in tin: Heuislt r's Ofi'ico of iovest county his par tial account in cx i u'.;i- of Mid decedent. Also, Matthew Rortzcr. fiuardian of Su- Rnn J. Robb, minor child of Jonathan IvObb ueeoased, h;is filed in tho Olhco of the Clerk of Orphans Court of said county. ins partial account as iruanlum ol maul minor; both of which accounts will bo, presented to the respective Courts forcon- nrmaiion aii'i ntknvaiice on tho 4lh .Mon day of September next. . J L STIS SUA W K K Y, Pops ter and Clerk of Orphans Court. Tionettn, Auar. 27, ls7i. Q EOI'.iE l!LNDJJRyOJJ. TONSORI AT, ARTIST. Tionesta, l';i. Sho In si door south of Lawretieo House, i'ora n ice shave, sham noon or hair-cut call on Mr. JL lln is Jirt-c1ain every n:-pc,-.t. aujiG-tr. REID INSTITUTE. A i'ir.M ('tuna JSoinftiiiK Nrtioo! for Jtol'i Sexes. ROAR DIN (J, LODOINO oi TUiTION, $2.00 I'ER WEEK'. A complete facully of accomplished teachers. Aradamical, formal .Commer cial and Musical Courses. For particulars address, Jno. R. Solomon, A. M., Pi;iN. Rcidt-burjc, Clarion Co., I'll, EG ! MfliH I take plcasuro in tcllinjr tho Sporting Fiaternity that I havo ro-purchasod TII 13 tiUS K1TSIXKSS FKOM HORACE JONES, TO WHOM I SOLD IT IN 1S71, T AM NICELY LOCATED at my old -I- stand, find I am prepared to attend to all my friend i, and tho public generally, who iioed AHYTHIHG IS THE GUN LINE! I bhall keep a perfect stock of all kinds of AMBAUSIiTiON! And all kinds of FISHING TACKLE. I shall also eonlinuo to handle tho , And tho CHICAGO SINGER SEWING MACHINE Como and seo me. You will find mo ALWAYS AT HOME. Muz'o Loaders made to order and war ranted.' fTprT'REPAIIilNG III ALL ITS !3MNOH'G3 PROMPTLY AND PAITHl'TJLLY 1)011 E. 13. A. I5AJLHW1N. Ti.lioute, l'a., An?. 12, 1S7H, CHAUTAUQUA LAKE ! The short Popular Toiit04 Pitts bur": o, Titus villo & Buf falo, and iluil'alo, Cautauqua Lake & Pittsburgh It'ys. 0 N AND AFTER Juno 2:5d, 170, Trains 7lOn A TVT I'ailv, (has lliroiiuh AM J iV.iVI. omehiarrivim; atMav- ville id: l.'i a. 11 ; I'oiti a. in.; Fair l'uini, 11:1 C!:.liil:iliU:i, 1 1 :)'! u. m.; Kic '...!', !:.. p. in. IV. -VI J.ll. dav.i.rmhijMtMu.y Ville. mi p. in.; I'oiut.t 'liaitl.iiKpia, l;l.". ni.; Ea.r i'oini, I: ll p. lit.: Kulliilo, 7:15 p. in. Q. . K l It Daily, except Sunday , .w. -w 'S 1 .1)1. ( has ihrotirrlt coach aii I I'lillinao I'.tbu c I )i aw int;-Rooiii Car) ui -l ivin;; al M ay i illc :"; p. i;i.; l'oiul Chan taiii mi, b) p. in.; l-'iiir I'.niil, i::'J. p. m.; Ililli.ilo fc:''i o. in. i inl It I t-aii'iil-.v only, arrivi '1.U 1 inv; -i M iy lib1, 7: in p. lo.: I'oiut;::iiua, 7:.'" p. in.; Eair l'oill., S;(l,i p. l.i. Ti ins arrive at oil City (Voir, Cli.uilau iia L.:l.c !: I i. m. (Monday only), -;h p. in., p. ni., p. m., iuily. J. 1.. l.l'TMA N', . Supl., Ma) il If, N. Y. w. a. r.AHAviN, C ii'it' I t'ascM'-ici- Audit. Riifl'i'.lo, N. Y. Pennsylvania Female College, i ISTUMI, IMTl'srU IMUI. A lil,t-el is i (.,,'(. foi- voll!('i. I'M llc.i tional stao l 'i'd In ;.b. ;lita;; s e. iu- plclo. Most'iil situation in 1 1 1 - whohj coiuiiry. 'lerms i,itilo nuihialc. Opens Kepi. b. Add'Vss. Mlxs HELEN i:. I'ELLETREAl', aui? ti-lm. A. tiiiL? I'lvsidcot.. IOI1 WORK J VUMLICA? neatly excclitiul at tho Rl-.- N i Uli co 'O BAKING choral (a ti. a. iJii