The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, June 18, 1879, Image 3

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    v.. .r
n ,.!0iiMr.,jrxEi8, i$9.
nonoiiaii officers.
('niiriliiirn l. H. Hood. I K. Mnhio,
M. O. Davis, L. Agnow, M. Einstein,
!. A. Proper.
Justice nf the renrc J. T. F.ronnan,
. S. K nox.
' . ,xlablrW. A. inlands.
.Srhnnl DircetornW. II. May, TI. O. Pn
vIh, I). W. Clark, W. It. Dunti, A. It. Kel
ly, J. T. Urennan.
Afcmher of Cnnrrcx --II auhy Wiiitf:.
AcmUlfi N. 1. tVitKKr.KK.
PrtM'lent Jmlffr L. I). Wktmorf.
v1.(id'i'(n JndrcnJijH. O. 1)ai,k, Kd
vaht Kkiir.
Trrrtsum Wm, TiAWK rc &ck.
I'rolhnnntnrn, Heginlcr f; He'corter,&e,
js'STIH Shawkuv.
" Sltrri(r.V,. A. ItANnAM,.
Cmiimisxinirrx Eli ISrrlin, Isaac
IONf), 1 1. W. IiKtiKnrn.
Coioiy Siijicrintetifinitll, R. Uiuiric-
District AI(ovviH. D. Trwix.
Jury Commixxioiicni C. II. Church.
Vktkk Yoi'Niik,
County .Surveyor T. T). Cot.MNk.
Coroner W. O. Coimnn.
Countu A wiifor Nicholas Tiiomp
jn, I. F. Coi'kl'and, F. 0. Lacy.
'tJ. O. of O. IP.
MEETS every Friday evening, nt 7
o'clock, in tho Lodge Room iii Par
tridge's Hall.
T. J. VanOIKSKN, N. O.
O. W. SAWYER, Sec'y. 27-tf.
E. L. Davis,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tlonostn, Pa.
CoUctions mndo in this an.d adjoin
ing counties. -W-ly
J:i,i Street, ' TIOXKSTA, TAi
T. 11. .AOINIOW,
ATTOJtX i: Y - A T -7 A W ,
1 havo been admitted to practice as tin
Attorney in tlio Pension Olllco nt Wash
ington, ' I. C. All oMcers, soldiers, or
sailors w ho were injured in the Into war,
can obtuin'pensions to which they may bo
t'lititlud. liv calling on or addressing mo nt
'1 ionosfn, Ph. Also, claims for arrearages
of pay and bounty will receive prompt at
tention. MaviiiT boon over four year a soldier in
thn l.ito war, n;id hnvin'x tor a mmibor of
yc:irM ongnKod in tho pronoution of wd
liorV t'liiiiiiH, my ftxpuripneo will usfuro
th collection of claims in the tdiortost pos
il.!o timo. J. J5. AUNKW.
F. W. Hays,
ATTDIINKY AT L.AW, nnd Xotahy 15vnolds Hulcill iV, 'o.'
Ulock, Hnncca KU, Oil City, Pa. 31-ly
Lavrerce House,
I ItKNCl', PnoruiKTOR. This hous
Jm centrally located. ICverythinix new and
well furnished Suporio'r accommoda
tions and strict attention jjivon to quests.
Vee'ableM and Fruit of all kinds Hervod
in their season. Sample room for Com
mercial Agents.
Aoskw, Proprietor. TIms i a new
iwmiso, and has just been fitted up for tho
m'conimodatiof'i of tho public, A portion
of the patronage of the public is solicited.
j. i:. 5:ii.iXK, m. i.,
Ofkick IIotTits 7 to 9 a. sr., 7 to 0 p.
, Wednesdays and Saturdays from 11
. st. to 3 r. m.
a. ma v
MA Y, rAUK .e CO.,
Corner of Kim & Walnut Sts. Tionesta.
Dank of Discount and Deposit.
Interest allowed on Time Deposits.
f - "
Collections made oo all thoPriucipal points
. oftlvoU. S. .
Cl!eetions4iolieitod. lS-ly.
Tylcrsbnrg !.,
M. CARPENTER, - - - Proprietor.
Pictures taken In alUhe latest styles '. 20-tf
In rear of Blum's Blacksmith shop,
Branch Olllco at
Carson'.s Jewelry SI or',
Needles, Oil, and Sowing Machine attach
ments constantly cm hand.
apr30 CHAllKKS ItKSNF.Il, Manager.
Rev. A. O. Stone will preach in
llio f. K. Church ncxi .Sunday eve
niiiR. M. TI. Sunday School nt 10 o'clock
o. m., nnd Presbyterian Sunday School
nt Jl o'clock p. in.
Morri?, tho Tailor, will be in town
Wild strawberries me ripe, butaa
yet nono have appeared in market.
A horse belonging to Mr. S. S.
Canfield died Sunday evening. Ja?.
Gear was driving the team.
Who will bo the first to get up an
excursion to Chautauqua, Niagara, or
omo oilier favorite resort.
Mnj. Newlon, visited a fnw doya
in town during the week, the guest of
hia eou in-law, Mr. Dirickson.
The Odd Fellows have recently
placed a large and handsome clock in
their hall. It was put up the Catson
Bros, of this place.
We received a very ppicy letter
from Stewarts Rim, too lato, wo are
sorry to say, for this issue, but it will
keep until our next.
Our base bnllists aro trilling
themselves up to give the Tylersburg
boys a racket before long. A chal
lenge will be sent in soon by the
By reference to the proper place
it will' bo seen that Mr. Wm. Tobey,
of Kingfilcy township, is announced as
a Democratic candidate for Associate
Mr. Craig, father of our gentle
manly fitation agent, Mr. J. L. Craig,
anj of Mrs. D. W. Agnew, i3 visi
ting in town at present. Mr. C.'s step
daughter, a sister of Mr. Rob. Herman,
accompanies him.
Geo. Malho raised a new barn,
40x48, on Dutch Hill, last Thursday.
At the present rate it will not. be long
before all our Dutch Hill farmers will
be supplied with substantial and com
modious barns.
Some of tho boys visited Zip
Guiton's rattle Biiako den last Sunday,
but didn't have very good success,
only capturing one snake. Zip thinks
it's a mean trick to thus intrude on
his private property.
Rev. Elliot announced last Sunday
that Communion Services would be
held at the Presbyterian Church one
week from next Sunday morning.
Preparatory services the Buturday
evening previous, at half past seven
Mrs. W. R. Dunu departs to-day
for Fergus Falls, Minn., where she
will rejoin her husbaud. Mrs. Dunn's
many lady friends in this place will
miss her very much, and wish her joy
in her new far-ofi' home. May sho
have a safe and pleasant journey.
Dou't forget the dance at the
Lawrence Ilousa on the 'Fourth.
McCray's band has been engaged,
which is a sufficient guarantee that
there will be nothing lacking in the
musical line. The iuvitatious will bo
r n in a A u r nt ( ivn
Wo wish tr warn those parties
who go bathing in tho river, early in
the evening, that they are in danger
of being seen. While they may think
themselves far enough away as to be
invisiblo to the naked eye, yet some of
the girls havo spy-glasses.
Will. Smearbaugh succeeded in
catching 67 trout out of Tubbs Run,
one day last week, the best score we
have heard of in this immediate vicin
ity for some time. Tubbs Run has
probably yielded more trout in its
time than any stream in the country
of similar 6ize.
The fishiug party which went up
on Salmon last week, consisting of
lion. L. F. WatsoD, E. L.. Davis and
L. II. Freeman, Esqs., returned, after
a three day's expedition, having
caught, as they say, all the trout they
could eat, and had hosts of fun, say
about two funs to one trout.
Those who stopped and looked
over into the water between the two
middle piers of the river bridge, last
Saturday afternoon saw a tempting
sight. The bottom of the river was
literally black with bas3, salmon and
euckers, ve never saw the like before
in this river, but thoy wouldu't bite.
The Titusville Morning Herald
celabrated its fifteenth birth-day last
Monday morning by a neat new dress,
which is very becoming. The Herald
is rapidly growing in public favor,
and its circulation is steadily increas
ing notwithstanding tho hard times.
May it live to celebrate its one-hun-dieth
During the week Mr. Win. Felton
brought to town a geological speci
men, which attracted considerablo at
tention. It was a line specimen, being
about 2 feet long, and 4 or 5 inches io
diameter, the same being a matter of
geological interest. Being desirous to
investigate, we called the attention of
one of our gcologints who pronounced
it a petrifaction of the palm tree. The
specimen in question, wes a good one,
as it represented that portion of tho
tree, v, hero there was a lateral branch
from tho main trunk. Our informant
says, the indentations all clearly mark
the tren as defined by Dana, Slemmono
and other eminent geologists, and that
the same belongs to the carboniferous
period, when this became fossillizsd.
In Pincgrovo township, Venango Co.,
about ten miles south of this place,
many specimens of the fossil palm
abound. Tho theory plainly is that
at a warmer period the paloi tree (the
same as is found on the plains of
Arabia to day) flourished here, and
that its record is in the petrifactions
we find to-day.
We aro Bony to state that the
condition of our old citizen Daniel
Iluddleson, who has been suffering for
several months with that loathsome
disease known as "dry gangrene," is
growing worse each day. lie was
taken down about the middle of Feb
ruary last, and has been a constant
suuerer over since. The disease broke
out on his foct and has been gradually
tending upward until it has reached
his body, which is breaking out in
different places. The flesh lias been
eaten off in many places about his
feet and limbs until the bones are
left bare. It is hard to imagine what
the old gentleman must suffer, and
nothing but death can relieve him.
He is a man about 75 or 80 years old,
and the father of quite a largo family
of boys and girls. His residence i3 in
Tionesta township, about five miles
south of this place, where fie has lived
for many years. While his recovery
is beyond all hope, we trust his suffer
ings may be light uutil death shall
relieve him.
Au itenerant rope-walker and
trapecso-perfurnier, calling himself
Trof. LaVeer, hut for all we know it
might be Jones or Smith, struck this
place last Saturday. He stretched his
rope across the street from the Law
rence House to Mr. Dithridge's store,
and at 7 o'clock p. m., made his ap
pearance. Quite a crowd had gathered
to witness the perfurmance. After
throwing a few "flip-flaps" on the tra
peeso he announced that he would
coma down and take up his accus
tomed collection, after w hich ho would
perform the wonderful feat of walking
both under and on top of tho rope,
which he did. Loops were arranged
under the rope in which he caught his
feet on which hooks were-fastened to
keep them from slipping out; in this
way ho worked himself across the
street. The show was worth all that
it cost any individual, as we believe
none gave more than ten cents.
Rev. A. O. Stone met with a
severe sccideut ct East Hickory last
Sunday evening. While on his way
home from the Church, the Dight being
dark, he stepped off the bridge which
spans Hickory creek in front of
Bowman's store, falling a distance of
about ten feet on the rocks below,
causing a severe fracture of the left
fore-arm. Dr. Elaine was called and
reduced the fracture, and left the rev
erend gentleman in good' spirits. He
says his congregations will be obliged
to put up with some single-handed
sermons for a while.
Charlie Hill informs us that oil
operations will be commenced at his
place, 3 miles up the river, within a
week or ten days. Messrs. G. M.
Kepler & Co., of Butler county, have
obtained leases sufficient to justify
them in giving the territory up there
a thorough test, and they will proceed
to do so at once. We believo they are
to havo the first well completed within
six weeks, or thereabouts. Our read
ers will bo kept posted regarding oper
ations in that section.
The citizens all along the line of
the P. T. & B. R. R., from Irviueton
around to Corry, and wherever Mr.
C. J. Hepburn was known will sin
cerely regret to learu that he has ten
dered his resignation as General Su
perintendent of that road. Mr. Hep-
Turn has been, during his long term
of service, a most faithful, eiHuieut and
popular oflicer, and we hope ho may
bo iuduced to remain with tho road.
The Company cannot well spare such
an oflicer as Mr. Hepburn.
Fourth of July.
Wo are requested to announce that
thore will bo a meeting of tb citizens
of Tionesta at the oflice of E. L. Davis
Esq., to-morrow (Thursday) evening,
at half past eeveu o'clock, to consider
the matter of a celebration on tho
coming Fourth of July. Neighboring
towns generally are making great
preparations for the celebration of the
Fourth, and we see no reason why
Tionesta should not. The expense is
comparatively nothing, and by all
working in uuison a rousing time and
successful celebration can be had. Let
all our citizens be on hand to-morrow
evening, and vote for n old-fashioned
The new school board of this
borough met on Monday evening last,
and organized for the ensuing year.
The first thing done was the election
of C. A. Randall te fill tho vacancy
caused by the resignation of W. R.
Dunn. J. T. Brennaa was .elected
President; D. W. Clark, Secretary,
and A. It. Kelly, Treasurer. The
levy for school purposes was put at 6
mills. It was decided to have 8
months of school, commencing ou the
first Monday of September. It was
al-io decided to have three schools.
This action ou the part of the board
will, without doubt, meet the aproba
tion of our citizens. Tho schools kt
fall and winter were entirely too
Jake Stitzinger tells us about a
candidate coming out in his section,
and calling at a neighbors and 6nding
no one at the house, walked into a
cornfield where he saw a man, as he
supposed. Going up to him he briefly
stated his business, at the same time
taking from his pocket a bundle of
tiekets, which he hoped his friend
would uso, aud do all ho could for
him. After talking about the cropp,
frosts, etc., for a short time, and
finding his companion a little indis
posed to converse with hint, the can
didate extended his hand to bid him
gootf day, when, lo ! he had been
wastiug all this time on a well-designed
scarc-crow !
There will bo a glass ball shoot
in Tionesta on the Fourth of July.
Parties from Pleasantville will come
over, bringing with them a trap and a
supply of balls sufficient to last all
day. The sport will be comparatively
inexpensive, the balls costing but two
cents each, and no doubt all our local
shootists will take a hand, aud we
expect they will carry ofTsomo of the
Mr. II. Morris, the popular
Tailor, will be in Tionesta ou June
19th, with a full line of new samples.
AH those in want of suits for tho' 4t h
of July will do well to wait. Goods
made lower than any Tailor iu the
State, and satisfaction guaranteed.
. 12 2t.
Dutch Hill Notes.
Dutch Hill, June 13, 1879.
W. B. Heath, having cleared about
two acres of new ground this spring,
will raise some buckwheat therefrom
this ft-11.
Gertie, Emma aud Otis Baskin are
ou a visit to friend's in this section at
A party went fishing from hero a
day or two ago, but eooii returned,
having met with the usual fisherman's
Pitching quoits is the favorito pass
time here now.
Mr. E. E. Zuendell will teach tho
Church Hill school this summer.
The young folks had quite a nico
dance at. Mr. Lovel's last Tuesday
All the young ladies about here
wish Mr. Geo. Osgood much joy in his
newly wedded life.
Oil City. Pa., June 11, 1879.
Notice To all whom it may con
cern. Mrs. Wilnou, of Oil City, hav
ing left our employ, is no longer au
thorized to collect or receive money
for the sale of Singer Sewing Machiues.
The Singek Manuf'o Co.,
per 1'EitssE Devehell Manager.
Curling Irons and Hair Crimpers
left in the shade by the U. S. Hair
Curling Compound. This compound
is a beautiful hair dressing and will
curl the hair as soon as applyed. Per
package 50 cents, or a sample packago
10 cents. Try a sample packago aud
tet its merits. But oue sample pack
age will be sent to the same person.
Good clean 1 ' nnd 3 cent postago
stamps taken. Sold only by the IT. S.
Compound Co., Bor. 13 Litchfield,
For tho ItKITHMCA :
Amid the clamor and clah of polit
ical and sectional strife and the excite
ment engendered thereby, we are apt
to neglect matters often of the moH
momentous nature. New doctrines
must be tested, sifted, and discarded
or approved as' the case may be, and
men in the strugglo for political ag
graadizement lose sight of those edu
cational Interests upon which the
pejpetuity and enlightenment of the
government depends, nnd which they
by their carelessness reuder abortive.
But neither Republicans, Democrats
nor Grcenbackcrs can afford to ruth
lessly turn tlm disfavoring counte
nance upon tho solid rock of educa
tion, upon which alone all permanent
foundations must rest, and all doc
trines, all platforms, should tend to
solidify all strength, to tho perfection
of free government of the people an!
by the people. Our schools must not
le neglected ; our educational interests
must be kept alive and bright. The
Grecians, so long as thoy were guided
by enligtenment, love of truth, jus
tice and morality, flourished; but
when ignoiance and Persian gold crept
into the assemblies of Grecian law
makers, her fall was a3 astonishing as
her rise. There is an astonishing
similitude between tho government
to-diy and the Grecian government
when it first became a prey to venality
and corruption. But let us not be
discouraged if ominous signs darken
our horizon ; let us as teachers improve
the taleut that God has given us, that
it may be Baid to each "Well done
thou good and faithful seivaot." What
we want is a thorough, earnest awaken
ing upon the part of teachers and
school officers, an earnest efrort to
improve the children in the districts
where we teach or have charge; incul
cate a lovo and desire for learning ;
make the school hours interesting, by
explaining and talking about the reci
tations and telling historical stories,
and then you will not have to uso the
rod so often. Get the parent! out if
you can, whioh signifies a good deal,
but can invent some way to keeg the
interest up, and by so doing you will
faithfully even aud merit the appella
tion of benefactors.
is hereby given that the undersigned
has bought the following property of
George K. Bradeu, of Barnett Town
ship, Forest County, Pa., and have
left the same in his possession. I
hereby forbid any person or persons
interfearing with the same : Two Brown
Horses, 1 Bay Mare, 1 pair Bob-Sleds,
1 sett harness, 1 Threshing Machine,
1 Sleigh, 1 Windmill, 1 Sewing
Machine, 1 Cooking Stove aud Cook
ing utensils, 3 Beds and bedding, 4
Abraham R. Braden.
The most noble and majestic ff
all cicated things under the sun is
man ; and why should he go bowed
down with pain aud grief a great
sufferer when there is a never failing
remedy. Barosma, Bucha, Backache,
Liver aud Kidney Cure has rolieved
thousands of sufferers from liver and
kidney diseases, female weakness,
gravel and diseases caused by derange
ment of the above named organs.
Compounded only by E. K.Thomp
son, wholesale druggist, Titusville Pa.
For sale by dealers in medicines.
Sold by G. W. Bovard, Tionesta,
Pa. 12 2r.
The Best is the Cheapest,
The announcement that a new edi
tion of Webster's Unabridged Dic
tionary has just been published, con
taining many new and vuluablo feat
ures, suggests the thought that buying
a Dictionary is a good deal like
buying an egg or watch : a bad one
is not cheap at auy price. Webster
being tho standard authority for tho
English language, ho naturally has
many imitators, but imitators are
usually held nt their truo worth by
the public: who wants a wooden nut
mpg, though it may look ever so much
lilio tho genuine, article ? The popular
ity of Webster is based upon t'lis
If you want a handy thing to carry
with you, a companion that you can
always rely upon, and one that will
never tire you, a really vade tievwm,
we recommend that you get a copy of
I27-Always tho Best.
Th l-i Ktnndanl Amrlen l'o . iter W usiul' uu.l en.l.:-se.l Ly thotmn.U of thn very best
iiinirt I ii.Mu-luiiit. tin, o 'Uiil-v. lvteli 4-.ui c.. n.uu i ii m;i ul l:u i.ic.i-uro to u o !ns'e;ul
li hjiioin ln-ii'-r lillMit tics H ' e It tt'l lv 1 'II ;tii - , . .
U tl Si H II in 1 M ! I tl iS I .1 l -1 Jt K I I II I I V ('Tl"".1
'I'll ANN UK" is buW by Cii'ei iu lu;i I O I
the porkot edition of Webster, with
its 18,000 word, nnd mcnning", rules
for spelling, tallies of weight and
inRBsiiri s, abbreviations, words, phrases
and proverbs from the ancient and
modem languages.
It is printed from new type, and
bound in morocco, with tucks, and
bright f(ilt edges, and when not other
wise obtainable, will be sent by mail,
on receipt of one dollar, by the pub
lishers, Ivinon, Blakemnn, Taylor &
Co., 138 & 140 Grand street, N. Y.
Good Bock for the People.
Peoj;le who delight in good books
are repricing in the good work being
done by the American Book Ex
change, 5.j Keek man street, N. Y. By
introducing the plan of publishing
and selling books direct to purchasers,
instead otgiving tho large discounts
usually allowed to dealers and agents
to sell for them by working oo the
basis of the present cost of making
books, which is about one-half nhat it
was a few years ago, and by printing
very large editions, which also greatly
reduces the cost compared with small
editions, they are able to furnish books
at prices which, to most people, seem
truly astonishing, but which they tay
are only reasonable. They publish as
follows: Chamber's Cyclopedic of'
English Literature, 8 vols, 16 mo.
Price, complete, paper 82.00; cloth,
3.00; half morocco, S4. 75; half mo
rocco, bound, 4 vols. 3.75. Rollin'j
Ancient History, 1, 192 double-eolumn
pages, large type, 8vo cloth, $2.25;
library sheep, 1275. Josephm Works,
traRslated by Whiston, 1,012 double
column nages, very large type, 8vo
cloth, 82.00; library sheep, 82.50.
Arabian Nights, large type, 12mo
cloth, 55 cents. Bunyau's Pilgrim's
Progress, verv large typa, 12 mo cloth,
50 . cents. liobinson Crusoe, large
type, 12mo cloth, 55 cents. Baron
Munchausen, very largo type, 12mo
cloth, 50 cents. From the above re
markably low prises a discount of 10
per cent, is allowed to those ordering
before June 1, and an additional dis
count of 10 por cent, when ordered in
clubs of five or moro copies, of either
book, or to the amount of $10.00 or
more selected from tl:e list. Pages
giving specimens of typo and full par
ticulars, are sent free on request.
BOWKIt STI I'ZlNtJKU. Juno 5th,
18711, nt tho Lutheran parsonage in Fry
ourj, Pa., hy Kev. J. K. Brieker, Mr.
John J. Bower, near JYjdjurtf, and Miss
iJoralhy K. Stitzinger, of Tionesta town
ship, l-'orost county.
Howe Twp, Auditor' Report.
1 owiiKhip in account with M. M. Sey
hoH, Township Treasurer.
May '--2, 1S7S, hy cash from Co.
'Treas. in payment of County
Order No. 1 Sa 0(1
May 22, 'T1, hy Co.Jorders No. 1 to
Stl inclusive, dated May '20, '73
received from Oo. Coni'rs 1,302 12
Aug. 17, '7v, cash, tax ofJ.lJ.AUon 70
tax of Margaret Crawford 1 50
Aui. 2S, '73 hy cash from County
CommiHioners " 200 00
Jan. L';S, '"!, hy cash from S. I). Ir
win, Att'.V liif,' Level Road 1 00
Apr. JO, '7!, by County order from
Co. Commissioners 100 00
?T,704 as
To Pioad Orders paid $1,703 3S
Apr. 11, to cash on hand 1 00
f 1,704 38
Apr. It, 70, hy cash on hand $1 00
Wo, t ho undersigned Auditors of Howo
Township, havinji'exaniined the account
of tho Ti e:iMirer of Howo Township find
tho sumo to ho correct.
HiiWAltDRF.lO, )
ANTHONY PEET, 1 Auditors.
Dated IJrookston, Pa., April 14,1873.
(Shop just South of Knox's Mill.)
Cnrriairo Ironing and Repairing, and
P.Ir.cksmithing of all kinds done in first
class manner. Also, e'ontractor for tho
euro of Contraction, Corns, Quoiler, Split
Feet, Actito Laniinilis, Aeuto Narvk-ular
diseases, and tho prevention of Intorfor
inir, Clicking, etc. inayll 0
Estate Notice.
Kstate of Mary Dale, Deceased, lato of
Tionesta Township, Forest County, Pa,
All persons indebted to said estuto aro re
quested to make payment, and
those having legal claims i;gain-t the sumo
will present them without delay in proper
order lor settlement to
Tionesta, Pa., May 2!', 1S73.
to irmTcnsTKD kechakic
PATENTS r.nd how tol obtain them.
Pamphlet of i paues free, upon receipt of
Stamps for l'osaie. Address,
On. vni;i?, Smith A Co.,
Solicitur.i of Patents, l!ox 31,
tf Washington, D. C.
The Titusville Mokninu IIkkai.d con
tains full and complete market and month
ly Oil Kei ts, and all the local und gen
eral nt us. l'rico jlo per year. Weekly
Herald il. 50. Send fr sample copies.
mi l - aud I i v IVinul This- o,;