The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, June 04, 1879, Image 5

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P$a nnsoiv s
laboratory, 77 W. 3d Si., New York Cilj,
Tha Best Eemecty Known to Han I
Tr. .Tnrii'son having associated himself
villi Mr. Kdwin hnstmnn, au ecped captive, lon
a slave to Wiikametkla, the medicine man of the
Coimnrhcs, is itw prepared to lend hla aid In the
Introduction of tin wonderful remedy of that tribe.
Tlio experience of Mr, Eastman being aimilar to
(lint of Mr. Cms. Jones and son, of Washington
I n., Imv.i, nn nccomit of whose imfferinea wrrt
thriiliniTly nnrrateii in the iWw York Herald of Pee.
l.iih, lSTH, the facta of which aro to widely
known, r.nd o nearly parallel, that but little men
tion of Mr. Eastman'a experiences will be Riven
hero. They arc, however, published In a neat vol
ume of ;t(H) paces, entitled, "Seven and Nine Years
Amour; tho ('ntnauches and Apaches," of which
i i ntiun vt ill be made hereafter. Sulllce It to say,
that for several years. Sir. Kastman, while a cap
tire, was compelled In gather the roots,, pirns,
luil;, herbs and berries of which Wakamctkla'a
medicine was inrulc, and is still prepared to pro
vide tho pamk materials for the successful intro
duction of the, medicine to tho world; and assures
t ie public that tlio remedy is the same now
i iicu WukamctkU compelled him to make it.
-SSL v-.V
Wakametkla, the Medicine Man
Nothing has been added to tho medicine and
nnt.hiiiK bus been taken away. It is without doubt
the Hest run iK if. ii of the IIloob and ItuNswsa of
he Sjstem ever known to man.
Thfi Syrup possesses vuricd properties.
II nets upon Hie I,lver.
It H-tM upon tlio Kldnejrs.
It re-iilutcN tlio Itoivvla.
It purlticM Hie lllood.
It qiiiotx tlio NervuiiK System.
It promotoM UiucoHtion.
It tourlslie, Ktrcugtliena and I n vl g
1 1 curries ofT tlio old blood and makes
It oprsi tiie porosj of the nkln, and
induces Healthy A'crsptratioii.
It the hereditary taint, or poison In
the blood, which peueratcsScrofula.Krysiuelas, and
ail manner of ekin diseases and internal humors.
There are no spirits employed in its manufacture,
Ruri it can be taken by the most delicate babe, or
by the aged and feeble, care only bang required in
Edwin Eastman in Indian Costume.
Skve and Kins Years Amono tub Comancfieb
and Apaches. A neat volume of 300 pa'cs,
beinj; a simple etateinent of the horrible fuets
conuected with tlie sad massacre of a helpless
family, and the captivity, tortures und nliiuiate
rseaiie of ltd two surviving members. For tale
byour agents generally. Price tl.OO.
The incidents of the massncre, briefly narrated,
are distributed by agents, fiikk of charge.
Mr. Eai-tman, bcin utmost constantly at the
West, cnguged in gatlierini; and curing the materi
n!s of wliieti the medieine it composed, the sole
business management devolves upon lit. Johnson,
and the remedy has been called, and is known as
Dr. Clark Johnson's
Tricatf Largo EDtt'.C3 $1.CC
1 ico . f Saul) i:o.tL'S - - 60
Ue id tlie oln:itary tostitnonials of persons who
li-iv" ih en e:ned by tli'i ur.e of Dr. Clark Juhaou'r
Indian I'lcod Syrup, in yjur own vicinity.
Tc:tiiu02iial3 of Cures.
PiTTHnuwiii. Vu.. Anmist 25. 1878.
Dear Sir: I wai troublud with Kidiuiy J)is-
eitMo und I.iverCoinplnitit. I tried everything
whioh 1 thought ininlit do me rood, but I did
not Und the i i;lit medieine until I got a 50-ceut
bottle of your mediciiio, wliii-h entirely cured
'ie. Mits. Ramiai.l.
I'liTHiii Huii, I'a., Aui;iiHt'25. 187S.
Dear Sir: I was troubled wjth Luiif? Dienne
nnd Buil'ered lrom other complaints o iiiueh
hat I could not denoribo my leelini; to unv
penmn. I (loctored all tlie time, but lound no
relief until I took a liottlo ot your Indian lllood
byrup, winch lelt mo entirely tree ol all puin
Cajt. Ham. A. Cargo.
IIoi.msui ltu, 23d Wiird, I'hiludelpliiu,
Feb. 24. 1S7'J.
Dear Sir: I tako irretit iileusuie iu Buvintr
that I have riven your valuable Indian Ulood
byrup a lair trail in my iauiily and received
great benetit troin it. b.M L N. Sollv.
Pkssvpa tic Mills, Feb. 22, 1H79.
Dear Sir: I have used your Indian Blood
byrup and lound it to uo till you eliuin lor it,
It is a sui'o cure lor Jjvei Coinphiint.
JosKrii Hainks.
EU1.NUTO.V, Feb. 2, 1879.
Dear Sir: I fun, from my experience, re
commend your Indian Jtlix l Syrup n a bine
cure lor IJver and Kidney Diseasu.
Elizahkiii A. Sanijs.
. liVHKiiUV, 23d Wind, Jan. 1, 1S79.
Dear S" : Vour most excellent Indian lilood
Syrup lui1 jjiveu -."leet miliilucliuu when used
lor Dyajiepaiu and in Oij,'etioii.
Tuhvu. Hawk
mm sp
wife H
""at i v o r
4 5
fin cs
n i 'nSC? aft
1 1
i Mm.. i
iilipii I
Ihc Mormoti Creed.
Tiio Moi nors. it 6ootis to mo have
no rc'to'on. ll'pv
liowrvpi', liaro a
cM'Pfti mid
bei'pvQ in
t. J hey Iinvo a
sysifin oi tl oo'oiy, too, but sncli a ton
Rioiip'.ite nlliiir is it ilint u ('clips do
scr'plio'i. It is wot.liy of mention on'y
ns a ruMosiiy. It tp.,ch",s piiniavily
tlift tlipvo .tp nino v ftotls anil tint onii
rPdt si'iois boeonie gods n Iip.ivp.i.
They rise opp nbove o"o'jer in powpr
pj'o' v to in 15 iii v. Jorppd Smiilt is
now the cod o' IIms gppevn.i.'on. Above
1' i is ,?esus o N.izn ei'i. wliose su
npi ior f od 's Ada'P. Above Adi'Oi is
tfebovfii. nnd above Jebovnb is Klohini.
Tl'rse p'I b:ve mnnv w.vea nnd tliey a'l
rule ovrr tbo'r dpsreodanis, who nve
co.isti'iiv'y imens' -i", in mimVv and
dominion. Tlie lo'-y of a fc.tiiit when
lie beeows a goa defends in sere df
gvpe upon the pivpop'' o" vItps
ciiildreu wbit-b be n-3. Ijpppo it is Iliac
poly.ip" is i.Mjbt nnd enToirpd. ns a
duy. Wives a'e eealpti io saiius liere
on earta io increase their dominionjn
heavea. The cods etc in t lie form "of
nipn. rnd m e tlie fa,UiP.'3 of ttie sou's of
men in th;s wo -ld. The .en (om nand
ncn.s ne the raie oc li.. together wif b
a"Pve)a.ion fe'-vei to Joseph SmiUi in
Tl is ievcation is called "A
Weil "of Wisdom." ard is regarded
si'pply rs t ounsel not ns law. Aecord
'n,r io tlio Mormon crerti infant sprin,.--
vn.'r is conde lined. At cpSit years of
are e'liidiPii a e ininie ved. llaptism for
tne dc..d is rrati"oed, a iivie, person be
ns baptized Io one or more o.eail por-
lsors. tsoiue f the g -eat me.i of tho
nation nnd of the world aie by proxy
members of the church, of Latter-Day
Saints, ns Washington. Franklin, etc.
Tlie'.e have be.'n ninny dispensations of
religious futh, but the c,vea.est of all is
that made tin oiv;b the Piopbet Josenh.
This dispeusa Jo.i will culminate in the
settlement of the saints in Jackfon
county, Missour i, whence they were ex
pelled. lle,e v ill ah the saints be
gathered in due tine, and all others bo
cut off. All preaching, so far ivs doe
trine is concp'.-ied. is ringing a change
on tl ese points. The peo le know their of faith by Iicpt c and are not al
lowed to Io;set lliem. .Neither can a
Gentile, thouh a fool, fail to learn what
the saint3 believe. It is an eclectic the
ology that they hold- made up of contri
butions lrom every creed. It is a com
pound of Christin iity: philosophy and
mythology in alout enual parts. J lie
form of ciiurch government is that of the
Metbod:si Church, nlthoujli the leaders
were originally Conieationalisi s in the
matter oi church oruer pnd Baptists by
t Xlns eongmei ace theology is diamet
iea'lv on nosed to the doctrines of the
Bible, (1; in being purely mate ialistie,
(2) in teaching the eternity of matter, (3)
In declaring the pre-existence and trans
mission of souls. (4) in preach 5 ng a plu
rality of feods, and (5) in ad vocal i-ij ihe
ooetnne of a plurality of wives or celes
tial marriage. Zu.t'J.ay Atcrnooii.
Grflpp'ed by a Mex'cnn Lion.
A Tevrs i' ontie-sain, x nnd hunter
named F'anklin, n dwellei on the lone
some baiLs of iho bead wafers of the
LitMe Wichtia. leu, his rpoche for the
purpose of bagging sone wild turkeys
and other game for boeakiast aext rroro-
in?. -
Tne hunter was dressed In the broad
slouched bat so common in Texas, with
boots over ("ousers. a six-s'iooter be'ied
in bis waist, and h's i,ru.siy rifle s'ung
over "ns sliouktor. His veniu e was
qui.e sueeessAil, F-anl 'i.i beinw n center
shot. Foilowin'; ihe blinks of the Little
Wichtia, he biou?ht down tlnee line
cobblers with his niece, pud. bunisman-
iike. tied pll of them with a Ip.uhcr
llion.":. slung the .uvkeys over his
shoulder, and sari.ud for his sylvan
home, or rather cirup.
J lie shadows or r"iht had a'readv
partially fallen oo the niur'niu ins rivei,"
and the somber gloom of deep solitude!
la lien on tlie trees mat line Uio banks oi
the Wichti.i. Frank'ia was plodding
a'ong in the dim shades, uncou ;cious o.'
danger from man or lieast whea he ielt
a sudden shock, as if a great lo:d had
been preclpitaied on bis back. Uti-eiy
aniiizc' -.nd stv.nneu. liunte- arose
from the s-.oopiug position J.ilo which he
had been thiown. end g'-apDlcit with liis
unknown and myse'-ious ossai lant. 1 l's
hist idea was tliat it was some devi'-hsh
by some curious chaoce turned loose on
lt nti.
A fierce combrt ensued. His assailant
grappled with Mm, but seemed to diect
ins st enith aa.iMisu tho iu"rht cairieil
on his back. Franklin co.'id not use his
gun or his pls-ol, lut sr uck at tlie var
mint " witli Ins list ana endeavored to
tree himself lrom tho intruder much
aiier tne manner ot tne cii:incter in tin;
A 'adieu JNi'HKS, on wliose pck was
sndied the O.d Man of JieSea. At last
ih(! aoima1. fo; sucu F'onklin at lcno;th
ner 'civeil it to be. succeeded in seampcr-
'pz O'F with one o" the m 1 c"s, followed
by the hunter, who now drew his gun
ai we 'I as knife.
Mo il-'cd one shot at bis assailant. Tut
this only env.ied him and the animal.
mrJiiiijr a dead'y 8p,,;n ;, alighted on
Frank 'm. at the s.Miie time p'anllnz its
claws deep into bu nek and checks.
The hunter also fcarlu'l v toni and
mnntled about the arms, 'p'rs and other
p:"..sof the body, where the sharp teeth
ot the brute we.'e rapidly plt'iited.
A.ier the last sivniii when the animal
had fastened its ug'y clnws in his face,
FiarLlia nlun";ed li's knife into his
enemy, who fell dead o,i tho ground.
O.i e vaminim; the " va -luint " tho bun
uv 'ound it io bo a Me-;ic:ia lion of
bllff K' ft. fsnell W!i4 liw tven nn
fcebled condition, after such a death
shU't'ie, that it wis with dillicultv
F uaklin leached his ranche, where his
wounds were dressed.
The gondola of the present day is, in
general style and character.- mst what it
was in thedays of Venice's gury, but the
gondolier ot io-day is doubtless a less
pic uresque person, for he is of the ordi
nary type of bis class, and as lazy as the
day is long, (iondalas. according to their
size, have one or two gondoliers, who
row with a peculiar motion, standing up
in 'he ends of the boat; ihee use but one
oar, which is quite long. The gondola
is always painted a dead black, without
a line of color to relieve its somber ap
pearance, but the better class of them are,
for till that, quite ornate in the elaboi-a-tion
of wood-i.'.i''viiir and upholstering,
with a neat and cosy cab covering tho
center, which is generally taken oil' in
lino weather. The gondola, is the only
means of conveyance between dill'erent
parts of the city, though all point s may
bo reached on foot by means of the nar.
row little streets and bridges. It would
b'llae the att-'mpts of any stranger,
however, to find his way about alone.
LitUr from VmUce.
MfWI nnd Notra for IVomrn,
They bae a women's printing com
pany in St.' Louis, Mo.
Wedding bouquets are now carried 'n
bags banging at the side.
A New York bride recently received a
3ctofolid gold liai' pi.-s for a wedding
gi w
Mi a. Ann Simnson lins been nppointed
surveyor of roaud for a parish in Kns-
A daufchter of TbcodoiNJ Hook is
keeping nn obscure lodging-house in
Bulwer Lvtton said : " The secret of
fashion is to surprise, and never to dis
appoint." Dr. Mary Safl'ord-Blake is now one of
the faculty of the Boston Lniversity
medical schools.
Mrs. Anno Perkins and Mrs. Sarah
Osborne have been appointed overseers
ot Mio poor ot the parish ot Ulnlton,
Twenty women are pursuing the medi
cal course o." studies at the University
of Berne, nnd will graduate as doctors of
The admission of women to the de
partments of arts and laws in University
College, London, b:n developed no diffi
culties, aj was anticipated.
A lady of fashion has a fan each stick
of which was painted by celebrated
American art'sts. It is a curious but
harmonious mosaic of pretty pictures.
Miss Hods, the Philadelphia cooking
teacher, wears a black gown nnd white
apron while lecturing, and decorates her
self with a gold neckiace and a locket as
big and bright as a pie plate.
It is said there- are 100,000 women in
Xew Yorn city whosvpnort themselves,
50,000 of whom receive less that $3.50 a
week. Many giris work in stores for $2
week and board themselves.
In a recent return to the Refflstvar-
General of a marriage solemnized in the
Norln of England, tne clergyman states
that the woman married, aged nineteen.
is the thirty seventh child of her father,
by Ins hlth w le.
It is announced that six of tho eight
young lames who acted as bridesmaids
when Nellie Grant was married have
already found husbands. The moral is
be bridesmaids to the daughter of a
President if you want to marry early.
Miss Virginia Hicks, a voung ladv of
Wyandotte. Indian Territory, was
thrown from her saddle by her horse.
She stiuck on her bead," and a high
tortoise shell comb which was in her
hair was drive., into the brain, causing
almost instant dea'.h.
Referring to the allowance of pin
money given to English ladies, the Ixip-
aon (Juccn, a nigh authority, in an article
on the sub'ecii savs that $2,500 a vcar
is tiie usual su n allotted in the hignest
grade oi me, even in tlie eaeot men who
have lrom 100,0C0 to $150,000 a year.
A Ud ' whose husbaad has from $15,000
io $0,000 would get annually from
$1,000 to $2,000.
Tolle.f of jtnC'quU) .
Certain prized records have come
down to us descriptive of the toilet of
matrons in antiquity. Oue or these
chronicles is entitled, "Employment of
a bahnie Eady's Morning." it is a won
devfal production, introducing us to
eve 'v accessory ot lemale attire, and
teaching the way thev were nut on be
fore the time when those full-figured
Sabines were so roughly handled by
lioman warriors. The writer leads the
reader to the lady's bedside and through
her earliest ablutions to tlie completion
of her toilet, a fact or finale she an
nounced by spitting on a mirror which
one ot her attendants handed to he:.
The ceremonial observed for the adorn
ment of a Roman patrician was no less
minute than the care lavished on her
person in order to enhance beauty with
regard to form find color. The ext.'cme
simplicity of the Roman and Greek cos
tume dispensed with recherche otherwise
than in the matter of headdress and
graceful draping, but the embellishment
of ihe human ace has'always charmed
the lemale mind. In countries where
dress styles had a permanent cut, women
were, well versefl ia the elaboration of
cosmetics, and directed to the preserva
tion of their skins the arts now resorted
to, mostly, for fascination by means of
dress. No wonder that a whole morn
ing was devoted to toilet. Ladies who.
in our days, uphold the uniformity of
costume in antiquity should consider
what a loss of time permanent cuts will
cause, and no longer maintain that the
women of Rome or Greece were wiser
than ourselves. Jiany who ore weary
of the whims of La Mode are not only
urging reputed laslnon writers to advo
cate a return to the peplum. etc.. but
aro suggesting that literary ladies are
the proper persons to set this example
by adopting the antique costume them
In the government of Cherson. Russia,
in the bed of a river, a peasant found an
"egg of unusual size. It is equal to forty
hen's eggs, whearas the ostrich egg is
equal to only twenty-four. It is of
yellowish color, and being found between
the clay and gypsum layers, is supposed
to belong to the tertiary lormation. Ihe
purchaser of this egg offered it to the
Imperial Academy of Sciences, St.
Petersburg, for 10.000 roubles. The
academy fusled to buy it, on account of
lack of means, but asked permission to
take a mold from it. 'J he British Mu
scum litis now bought this unique egg.
to the grief of the Russian students of
natural science.
Dr. E. B. Foote, in bis Health MottUily,
says tlie tenement-house retorm lnaugur
ated in New York is a good movement,
but that while " well-to-do people gener
ally aro becoming wild over tho plans
lor delivering tlie poor lrom their ill
ventilated apartments, their own houses.
lecture-rooms, churches, places of amuse
ment, etc., arc choked with foul air. In
most of our large churches, in cold
weather, more attention Is given to
warmth than to the purity of the air.
As a rule, tho lecture-rooms of our med
ical colleges, which ought to be models
in this respect, aro as bad or worse than
a cheap show-room ; nor can you go into
a counting-room or other business place
on a January day and not find that more
attention is given to heat than to ven
tilation the thermometer often marking
eighty degrees or over."
ISrown's lli-oiicliial Xroehes, for pulmonary
and iistliiuatiu disorders, have proved their
eflicaoy by a test ot many years, and have re
ceived testimonials lrom eminent men who
have used them. Twenty-five cents u box.
The MendelKsohu Piano Co., No. 21 Ens
loth Street, 21. V., bell l'iauou ut Factory
prices. Write lor a caiuloguo.
Vrotrrt th Nj-nlrm from Mnlnrln,
It in poxHihlo to do thiB even in region ol
country whuro niiiifliiin i most rile, ami where
the periodia lnvnrn which it muses annumo
their inoHt lormidithlo types. Tho immense
popularity ol Hosteller's Stomaeh 1 iltois is
very hugely uttrilmltiblo to the laet ot its t ill
ottey iw h remedy for chills und lever, bilious
remittents, nnd us a preventive ot tlio various
tonus of malarial disease. In those, port ions
of (ho West nnd South where complainls of
Him iinturo prevail, and in the tropics, it, is
partiunlarly esteemed lor the protective influ
ence which it exerts; nnd it has boon very
widely adopted ns a substitute for the danger
ous nnd comparatively inclVectivo alkaloid, ul
plmte of quinine. Physicians have not liecu
among the last, to eonccdo it meritA, nnd tho
emphatic professional indorsements which it
has received bnvo ndded to tho reputation it
has obtained nt homo and abroad.
A Jlyntrry KxplnlneiK
Tarlor scene: Mrs. Urown, who lias spent
tho summer among the White mountains in
search of health, and who seems to lmvo
senivhed the whole mountain" sido without be
ing able to nnd n pair ot blooming checks or
nn inch of healthful skin; Mrs. White, who
hns remained at homo because her husband
could not nitord to fro, but whoso fresh com
plexion nnd bright eye seem to have caught
their bloom nnd brightness lrom mountain
Mrs. It. Dear mo, Mrs. White, how well
you nro looking! If you will not think me
impertinent, let me nsk how you can keep so
healthy in this dreadlul city? I have been to
tho V into mountains, go there every summer,
in laet, nnd 1 can t keen oil tho doctor 8 list nt
Mrs. W. (smiling) I'll tell you the whole
secret, Mm. Urown. You remember how
poorly I was last spring, somo days even be
ing confined to inv hod. Dr. told Mr.
Wliile to send me to tho mountains, but I knew
ho couldn't nllurd it, nnd I tried Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription. Its effects were so
marvelous that I also tried his Cioldun Medical
Discovery, to clcanso inv system. In inv
opinion, ono boltlo ot the Prescription und the
uwovcry is iieuer inun six weeks ol tlio
White mountains tor n sick woman. I have
only been out of the city a week during the
whole summer; then my husband nnd 1 went
to lluinilo nnd stopped ut Dr. l'ierco's Inva
lids' nnd Tourists' Hotel. Tho buths nnd nio-
hnuical apparatus for treatinir patients were
alone worth going to soo. Besides, our accom
modations woro better than we hud nt Ixmg
Urnnch last year, and tho drives nnd scenery
nre superb. Iot tne ndviso vou to uso Dr.
l'iorco's Favorite Prescription, nnd try tho In
vnlids' und Tourists' Hotel next summer in
stead of tho AA'hito mountains.
A speedy ouictus isiriven to n huckinrr eoiudi
by that inestimable spccillo for pulmonary,
throat nnd bronchial complaints, Hall's Balsam
for tho Lungs, which cures consumption, bron
chitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, labored breathing
and other disorders of tho respiratory oriruns.
When n cough manifests itself, tlio earlv use
of this boncllcent medicine is earnestly recom
mended, ns tlio UilllcuJty is more easily over
come in iu incipient stago than later on. Sold
uy all druggists.
Tho Celebrated
" Matciii.kss "
Wood Tag Plug
In Pionkkk Tobacco Company,
New York, Boston, nnd Chicago.
A cable dispatch to tho Associated Press savs
that Mason A Hamlin have been awarded tim
highest gold modal nt tho Paris Kxpositioti for
,v. n.i . . ...... . .
nieir aiHiict urgans. i lurry nest makers of
tho world were competitors.
I Jackson's Hest Sweet .Navy Tobacco,
n.i 1 c Vogue's Sitting Hull Durham Tobacco,
J-'or anlo at Lancaster, N. 11., flrnl-class Mill, now In
opeintlon. The plant comprise! ten acres of land with
full power of river, with lVfoot bead. Two-atory frame
Mill, 40x30, with annexes barn, torehouse,alied8,aaile,
Ac. The Mill contains one 72-lnch simile cylinder, liice
Barton A Fales' machine, complete; four iW-pouiid.
beatlnjr engines; two tub bleaches, cutters, caleudeis,
reels; one fO horse-power boiler; and all the appliances
for runnlnK the mill.
Straw plenty at fS. Wood at ti. Kxrellent f-elulil
contracts ro with the Mill, which Is now on wrapping
Owners have other business.
The property, which is vsluuble, will be sold at a fair
price and at a bargain. All inquiries by mall promptly
answered. Address
IIKNRY O. KENT, Treasurer.
Lancaster, N. II., 1879.
Freckle, Tan
and Pimple
A few applications of this
preparation will remove
freckles, tan, sunburn, pim
pies or blotches on the face
and render the complexion
clear and fair. For softening
and beautifying the skin it
has no equal. Price 50 cts
Sent by mail, postpaid, for
75 cts. Address
9 College Place, N. Y. '
IO SlMtl t K ST., KIZW YOltH
(Printing House Siuure, opposite the Tribune building.)
Newspaper Advertising Bureau.
New York Audits for all NowspniMTg in the Tnlteil
StutfO aiul L'ttutt la. AilvcrtiwuienU ftTWtrtlei tially (an
Tr wiveti to every Hft'tion, from KewfouuUluitil to
IViiri, aii't from Floriiin to liritlsh (,'oluinhm. AUo to
nil Nt'W York city dailies und weeklies Kinlit Thfutmmt
Newhpapt'iA kt'pL reului ly on tile for inspec tion by
aiiveitixTH. iiulTWinK all tlie KretU dailies' from Hoe to U
to Sun Fr.iiu iHto, from Montreal to ial ebton.
"A choice from over LOiM) acres Iowa IamuM due
west from Clin iiko, at from b-t to It's in-r acre, in farm
lots and on easy terms. Low freights and ready markets.
No wilderness no ague no Indians. Land-exploring
tickets from Chicago, free to buyers. For Maps, Pam
phlets and full inforiuallou apply to
Cedar Hapidb, Iowa, or 04 HAinlulph Street, Chicago
" OD A FOUNTAI N8-I1. s," o
HbiijCii r..-ly fur u... ITur csulogu., A... aSJr.i.
Cbspmu. A 'o,Mtll.oa. lod-J-ia VAMOfcJ
'tBTSfmaTBarSSSBSSKSat Sure rjllef i otttui
KiDDERs mrAmixiu
"WrWW nffli i-Tftit --;-''.'liArieslown. Maaa.
I'A V. With Stencil Outtlts. What costs 4
cts. scils lapidly for Hit cts. Catalogue free
S. M- Scincsk, 114 Wash'il St.. Bosiuu. Aiass.
llaliil &. SVIu ItUeasce. Tiioii
s ili-lo cured. Lowest Puces. Do not fall
to write. Dr. P. K. Marsh, yuuu y. N :cli
t?tVPP A YKAKandextii
sloaueiils. DUIHt t rce
4 4 Address P. O. VU'KKKV, Aiuusta, Maine
CjTT Month ami exeii3c4 gilanuileed Ui Ageuts
(Jl I llulllt liee. Sua A Co.. Augusta. .Maim.
Uli voiir Drn-Jiiint or Sturrket Ik
t for (IS.l.l AS'
11 is Uie best.
For ltrrtiitv of l'ollnh. Hnvlntr I Ahnr. c:itaniinwa&
purabiiUy nnd riiPunnrMTnrqwiilril.
The H'lu Mm of the Ijiittl. tho nivlne. the
rorotmiiriiii to 11 InvnlM ftMi nutrrrm from OypiifpAla,
Sti k llcjiilAclii', Sour Stomiu-li, I'oHliviMtPun, llt'iit tliiirn,
PtiVMirlnil. thp .lllili-i. iiki. ilitllv. In thi'ir Itwn hitman. Afiil
ImllKi'iitloii. riles. Iltlloim Attnt-ka. I.lvi-r Conip'nlntu,
tout mio Khcutmitic Alli-ctloiii, ftnture a own urt'Al and
liood KViiMMly,
Tnrrnnt'ft Effervescent Seltzer Aperient,
nn the lii-nt ami ii'imt ri-lliihlo nieiliclii ever onered to
tilt' iuMtple for tin' fthove vnn of ilttM-n!'!!. iii Ai.i, iiai'
1 lull I'm Iteinedy
Hunt's Krmetly
Curns l)rowy, K Iilney , ulS'Mpr
nml I'rlnarv ('omplMnU, llrlidit'i
rliu'iM Dliil'pti'a ami Oravrl.
Iliiiil'n Itriiirriy r'lrm Pain
Iu IU - Ship, Hack or l.iilin. ami all
llt'tiii-A of the Klilneya, llln-Mi-r
niKt I rWinry Oriiana. Hunt's
llcmetly em-oiiraiira ami cre
ate!" nn !w-tMi timer- up the t. xtein; ami kooi! health
ia the reMiir or iihiui; mini iirmriiy, enu ior
piilnphli'l to WN. K. CI.AHKK, I'lovtiloiiie, R. I,
The verv host coods i!rot f to ti 'mporters at llnlf
the iiHiml cost, llent plan ever oftered to (luli Agent
and liime r.uyers. ALL KXIMIKSS C1IAHUKS l'All).
New tonus FKKK.
The (Jrrat Amorlrati Tea Company,
ill ami Vesey Street. New York.
O Hex 4 a:.
Vib V'A 4i.rTVVfK tit. -.1 M mti lir rmr
Itt fits Milli 1Tlftr o, nn.l il
' f -V Thrlr HKAl.l U I'tUthh V Hli llr 1m
,'limiMpr, Thalr N I'HSINU COHNET If
i.riivc.i Hunt, t inw rr "irr 1 ivnrm
'th tlrllflil f 9X9rj Tiullir.
For "Muliy Kllli"fHiiR inrrriianii.
W Alt N til BROS., 331 Rroadway, N.T.
"It A Cli. from the UIO VTII of IIV.1,1,."
liy one wno lias ieen lucre i
"liise nml I'all ttfthr M1H STACK K.'
uy tne iiuriuiKion nawKi-ye iiuruonsu
"Saimiutha ti a V. A. ami I. I."
Ilv Josluli Allen's wife.
The three briohtest and best-sol I Ihk books out. Auenth.
you can put these tiooks In everywhere. licM tcrins
liven. Adorers ror Aitency, aaikhiuaim l l iu.imh.x.
III.. Iliirirord, Ot.) Chtcatio, 111
In perfectly rnro. Prononnoed the best 1y the h'
est medical autliorities in tlio world. Uien liiKlit st
cbi medical
award at 1 'i
Bold by I'm
warn ai i oriu a r.sixwitinns. ana at l aria, in. 3.
bold by Drutrmsto. W.U.chinirlln &i l'o..l. v.
An Infallible and nneicelled Ren-erly fo
Kllii.l :illeny or FullliiKlt kies
wan Milt eil to eilert a and
! K It 1 A W 1". W X ell 5
'A frjie liottle'- of my
renowned specltluand a valuable
-rreaiiso setii to any suiteirr
sendhiK me his P. O. and ex
press address.
Dr. II. O. HOOT, lst: Pettrl Street, NewYork
We puiillsh i .1 clKht-pnife piiMT Tna Nationai
Thi iiitne " devoteii to the Intercuts of Pensioners. Sol
diers ami Sailors and tbeir bclrs; also contains interesting
run', y ri aiiuiK.
P:.ce, Klft.v cents a year special Inducement!, to clubs.
A in oner biank to collect amount due under new As
iiicaRj or Penmion IIii.l, fiirulshed iiruliiltously, to reuular
siilisnliets only, and fn--h claims tiled in Pension Oillce
without chnrKO. Jaiiuaiy numlier as specimen copy free,
Jenu lor ll. ni-.iii;i,t I-.. i.f.MO.-y i u.,
Washiniiton. I). C. Lock Box
perfert cure for all kinds of PlI.KS
Two to four botth-s In the worst
cases or I.KPIIOSY. Sf ltOI-'l I.A
SALT lillKl M. KIIKl'.M A'l'ISM
i:ATAKKII. and all diseases of the
SKIN and HI.OOD. Kntlrcly Vcce
table. Intennil am! external use,
Money returned tn all cases of fail
ure: none for 111 years. Sold eveiy-
where. Send Pur panumiel, fl a liotue.
II. I. FOlVIiE, Hoston.
Rupnllr-s) for Lrxleps, Clinptrsi,
and Commiindi'rioM, rnanufiict-
nreil bv M. C l.illi-u Jt ('. tUum-
bus, O. Svnil for Fries Lit.
firKnlfrhts Templar Uniforms a Specialty.
Military. Society, and Fireman's Goods.
1 A I IiV, 1 p.ii;es. B,f i ts. a nionth; SO.riO year
m 1 , n 1':ikcs. siio a year.
AVI I.V. H niifcs. l a year.
TIIK Nl 1ms the largest circulation and Is the
cheapest and most Interesting paper In the United
THE WEKHLT TS Is emphatically the peo
ple s luaiiuy paiier.
I. W. ENGLAND, Puhllshcr, N. Y. City.
HISTORY ofthe U.S.
Trie RTeat Interest In the thrilling history of our coun
try makes this the fastesl-wllliiR book ever puhllsheu.
Prices reduced .tl per cent. It is the most complete
tory of the U. S. ever pulmsliol. Send Tor extra u-rnis .
Agents, and see why it sells so very fast. Address
Nationai. Piibushimi ('o., Phllilileliihia, Pa.
.-..r..tllllL- llllt 11,1 111 till 1-11114. Kold at S.ic. 6.Sc. Sl.'i-, Take no other. In use for I J eais. WOOLMCH
t (!(. on every lahel.
Masou & Hamlin Cabinet Organs
Demonstrated bests l.y HIOHKST IIONOIIS AT AL
at Paiiis, in;?; Vikska, UT); Samiiauo. Piiiiadsi
puia, IsTti; Pakis, s,h, ami i.kand smsiiisu uoi.d mkua
ic:4 itt,v a iiii-rii-iiti ( iiifiois ever awarded liiuliest h-
orsatanv Blltll. Sold for cush or Installments, lixus-
tuatsd Cataloouks uii-l Cliculars with new styles slid
iTUes, sent free. MASON UAHkliM UttciAil VU,
lloBton, New York or Chicago,
ftire it. 8nit for.irculM nii pric I Hi,
HeuI undor PftUntt or ihm mna miium-
. TltOKV W II"'' - ' 1
Me mil pay
Balmy of tlnu per dim la at
xpenses, or alio
a large commission, to se ur nt w
.1 wnniLrfiil inventions. H' mn whixt we my. Bal f
Die free. Addrosa BUEUMAH A CO., Marshall, Mlcl .
iki ec r Tirotlts on IA days' inv-
stiuent of 1 nfl
$ ID JU in Kansas Pacltlc. May l.-
Proportional returns every week In Slock imuioiii oi
t0, ., 1M, WU,
OnViiil It. ports and (Circulars free. Ajhlress
T. POTI KK WK.IIT k CO., Hankers, 11.5 W all St.
TP.rrn m mighty i
-ia H.n.a. Ik. H, Bus-d
Bm ft... Wtl. w ., fc, Cm
.ih ,ua, .. h.V, nm W ) ft
kct .1 hftir, Mftfl 1.. irrt
.f r.l.l. ttuwft. M VilV, ia
at, ili d' f -nnTi.
I'i.y UaITimi, i rt-i
rT , ' ms nnn Invested In Wall St. Stocks liisxe
51 II tf Sil nnnrortunes every month. Hook sent
Vi w IV V""", rce explaining everything,
ddress BAXTKK 1 CO.. Hankers, 17 Wall St., N. T.
mouth. Kvery graduate gui
laro Telegraphy and
earn SIO to 1XJ a
earn SIO to
guaranteed a paying situ
tlon. Address H. Valentine, Manager, Jauesulle,
w m.
f'HKCKKH-HOAKI). set of Checker Meu,
(ireat $) t'rue Pu.zle. slid sample )sckaKe
Fain v Colored Writing Ink, all lorlwo .it . ihiiids
A, hires. KuRNKUlil IE I CO.. llullilnole, aid.
I C Kr'r"'"t Mai-lilus nster
LOCK OllOeHil r. v new. Hest thing 11
tue iii.-ilket for A---. -ills. Illustrated Catalogue free.
Admi.-s W. P. H 11IK HKK k (U)., Clliclnnatl, O
CQQnfl VIAW. news-Make !- -Sf
If you aro
In tho inquiry Which is thp
host Liniment for Man and
lloastl this is tho answer, at
tested hy two generations : the
51 CM'. Tho reason Is sim
ple. It penetrates every sore,
wound, or lameness, to tho
very bone, and drives out all
Inflammatory and morbid mat
ter. It' goes to tho root" ot
tho trouble, and never falls to
euro iu dopble quick time.
tJm .lflifftlftt.Hi.SBI
N Y n c-ai
The Cl-ospel of Joy
Is a new Sliik'InK lloolc of iiinisunl tieaiilv for Ooii'd
Meellnii. l-ainti Meetings, Devotlouul Aleettnga and
Ilv ltev. Saviiel Aihan and S. It. Srw. It eontulus k
larue ntiuilH'r :f new and very superior Hymns ami
Tunes. The general ulyle Is very clierrful and brlKht. as
elltN A cullectlun ttiat lias so iniit-h to say and slug about
' Glad Tldlniss of (ireat Joy."
Hotli wonls ami music are of an elevated character.
romuH-niltiiK tlM-nmelvc to iM-rnons of refined tante, ami
the " iliiiii-luK measure " s nreviilent iu uiany rectut
comiH-sltloiM has been carefully avoided.
I'rW-e i ts., for which specimen conies will be mallod
to any addiess.
Sco Decoration Day Music In the SIusicai. IUcohd, 6 cli
('AH cts. the genial Sunday-school Song linos, has thon
sainls o friends. Do not fall-to examine and try It.
There are 27U Sonus. In the ci nitositlnu or flection of
whli h gieat taste and uhllltv has l-eti illsplayed. Kx
amine also "Shining Hlvcr, ami "The Hlvvruf Life,
two standard books of great hcttuty.
O Limit IHTSO.X A- CO., lioaton.
V. II. IMUon &. Co.,
1:1 llrond vy. New York
J. U. Iison A, Co.,
Wit lirstunt Street, I'lilla.
ti smith ma CO.
Flrit I'.stablUhrd I Moat MuccAiI I
THEIR INSTRUMENTS have a Standard Value In U
Leading Markets
Of the world I
Everywhere recognised as tne PINJ5ST IN TONKJ
OVER 80,0Q0
Iitr1e mifl In nae. New Designs constantly. Bet
Work and Lowest Prices.
Mir Send for CnUilogue.
Tremont St., opp. Waltham St., Boston, Mass
tiraml Jlcrftil at tho I'hllatlclithla
Silver Medal at the Paris Kxposltion.'
The most valllahlo fnmllv remedy known for the
treatment of wounds, hums, sores, cuts, skin diseases,
rheumatism, clitlMslhs, catarrh, heme rrhnlds, etc. Also
for coughs, colds, sore throat, croup and diphtheria, etc.
t'scd and approved by the leading physicians of Kurope
and America.
'Ihe toilet articles made from pure Vaseline such as
SOAPS are superior to any similar ones. Tuv thkm.
t OLti.VTK vt CO., Nole AitenU, IV ew York.
2ft and 60 cent sizes of all our goods.
Soin ny all DrngKi.ts.
I the 011 liellnble Conceutrftted Ly
Directions accnuiiwiivlna each can for Miking Hard
Soft and Toilet Soap tul( kly .
it is rui.L wuiuur and wrexutb.
The Market la 'flooded with (so-called) Concentrated
Lye, which is adulterated with suit aud resin, aud Wim'l
imilce lump.
rennsylranla Salt Manurg Co.,
To the liest lands, in the best cltmste, with the hest
markets, and cm the best terms, alouK the Ht. Paul,
Minneapolis k Manitoba 11' J, I Wle ISt. I'slsI k i'scltio.
3,000,000 ACRES
Mttialy ia tba Fauioua
Oa loo tluia, low priuen and eatiy payiueoU. v
Pun phi t with full information inailei fr. Appier to
D. A. McKIMLAY. Land Com'r,
Ht. P. II. A .11. Il l , SI. f oil. Hitiil.
anrns MO T I l-AKcnlsWaiilc.l-a bra
JS jnr-lliui( aitii-li-ii In On won. I; one sample tree
Address JAY liUONSON Detroit, Mich.
1)(K'KKT lll('TIO.l It V.:tO.(MMI Words and
lr. Koote'a Ilea 1 1 li M out lily, one year, RUc
Vwui UiU. Pun. Co., 14U i. tHlh bt.,Mi:w Yolk. ..