EDITOR. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JINE i, 1??!). Announcements. Our rate for announcement will lo as follow!!! Associato Jiidtrf, $10; District Atlornry, f f ; Cnroncr, '2; County Sur vryor, io announcements will np- ir:ir luilrsx accompanied by the ensh. 'loiiso boar tins in mind. ASSOCIATE .JUDfiE. Wo are authorized to nnnouneo f. J. WOLOOTT, of Tionesta borough, ns a can didate for tho nomination of Associate J mlgc, subject to Republican usages. Wo nro authorized to announce LEWIS AHNKH, of Urccn township, ns a enndi dnto for tho nomination of Associate Judiro, subject to Republican usages. DISTRICT ATTORNKY. Wo nro authorised to announce S. D. IRWIN ESt., of Tiofiesla borouirh, as a candidate, for the nomination for District Attorney, subject to Republican usages. REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES. In pursuance of a resolution of lie members of the Ilepublicftn County Committee, at a meeting held at Tio nesta, May 19th 1879, it 13 ordered that the Republican voters of the county Kiect at their respective places for holding primary elections on SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 18T9, at 2 o'clock P. M., to nominate : - One person for Associate Judgo. One person for District Attorney." Ouo person for Coroner. One person for County Surveyor. Tho polls will remain open until 7 o'clock p. ra. Each election precinct will elect one person as a member of tho County Committee for the ensuing year. The meeting of the Return Judges will be held at the Court House, in Tionesta Borough, on the following Tuesday, to-wit : The 1st, day of July, at 2 o'clock p. in. Republicans will remember that the grand skirmish will take place before the great battle of 1880. Sentinels upon the Republican watch-tour of Forest County, awake I Why stand ye nil the day idle? Tho skirmish must and will be won. E. L. Davis, Chairman Rep. Co. Com. Tionesta, May 27, 1879- Harrisburg Letter. IIaeiusburg, May 31, 1879. The Free Pipe Bill which passed the House has been defeated by the Senate committee. Local Option was not reached. For the benefit of some of your readers, who may not know, would 6tate that each Bill reported favorably from committee, takes its place on the calendar, and follows in regular order. Unless the rules are suspended, which takes two-thirds vote, one objection will prevent bring ing any Bill under consideration out of order. Watched as carefully as this was, it was impossible to reach it, though often attempted. Its friends were quite hopeful that it would pass the House if reached. The Appropriations are being carefully watched by both Houses. Nearly alt have been cut down and many defeated entirely. The Insane Asylum at Warren gets $125,000 of tho $200,000 asked for to complete the building. The aggregate of ap propriations this year will be very much less than usual. The comniittea to investigate the Statuary expensus report a loose way in doing business, which looseness has descended through many years. It also shows much loss expense in that direction this year than common. A Bill has beeu intro- J duced that will remedy the evil. In the Senate the Revenue Bill has been leported without any tax on oil. It continues the tax on anthrocito coal at 3 cents per ton, as at present, and cuts down bituminous to 1 cent per tou ; increases the tax on Banks and Limited Partnerships. It is thought by carefully watching the ap propriations, and tho saving of the expenbe of a Legislature next Winter this Revenue Bill will provide suffi cient to keep tho wheels in motion. Should it t defeated the old revenue bill would be in furce, which ii more severe in its tax on coal, and will raise about the same amount. Iu neither case will oil be taxed. It will interest many in Forest County to know a Bui to prevent Refmsrici liinniutr their refuse into the btreami lias passed tho House. On Thursday even'1112 the Riot In- testiguting Committeo made their report signed by all the members except tl-e Chairman, Gatchell, who J. E. WKNIC, was away sick, but signified his will ingness to join in it by telegram. An unusual silenco pervaded th House while being read by the Clerk, Iluhn. It finds W, F. Rumbcrger, member from Armstrong, E. J. PetrofTand Geo. F. Smith, members from Philadelphia, guilty of corrupt solicitations. Chas. H. Salter, an ex-member from Phila delphiit, Jesse R. Crawford and W. H. Kemble wcro also found guilty of tho same offense. A move to cxpol the members implicated will doubtless be made next week, and some of your readors may know the result by the time this reaches them. Gov. Iloyt, with about eight' mem bers of the Legislature, went to Gettys burg yester lay to attend tho decora tion of the soldiers graves in tho Na tional Cemetery. Here sleep 3,500 of our Nation's bravo defenders, on the very hill where the tido of battle turned. Forest county is represented among them. This was oao of the pivotal battles. When, after three ilajs' terrific fighting, Lee, with his scattered army was driven back, the fortunes of the Rebel Confederacy be gan to wane, from which there was no recovery. Ilowrfiumy a poor fellow- sleeps there a sacrifice to tho rebel power that attempted to destroy tho nation. Vkiutas. Our Washington Letter. Special to tho Republican. Washington, D. C, May 29, '79. There are signs that the Democratic revolution is going to pieces. The general discontent manifested every where at the persistent efforts of the Confederates to engraft their old state rights dogma on the Government is having its effect. The expensive and wholly useless extra session ; the effort to abolish tho civil authority of the national Government entirely ; the threat of rcduciug the Army by the stoppage of recruiting and promotions; the despotism manifested to make lawful fraud and violence at elections; the enormous jobs proposed to restore to the South what it lost by tho war ; the schome to prevent causes from being appealed to tho Federal courts ; the hint of repudiation and dishonesty iu finances ; all these have disgusted the couolry, and the country is making itself felt even to the average Demo cratic member of Coigress. The vote of the House Ways and Means Com mittee in favor of adjourning on June 10th, is but the expression of a desire to get through wUh a bad job, and this probably means the pasuago of the appropriation bills and a square back down of the hunkers. The silver bill passed by the House I think has hastened this action of the Ways and Means Committee. It is a dangerous measure, and a great many who are in favor of free coinage of silver and a double standard of values begin to see that this bill would set speculators wild and hurt the credit of the Government to an alarming extent. Many Democrats in tho Senate, knowing that tho Republicans are ready to take hold of this as a good campaign slogan if it shall bo passed by the Senats aluo, are auxious for a speedy termination of the session in order to nip this bill. The country however will take notice that it ia.not tho damage it would lo the country which they desire to avoid but the damage to tho Democratic party. The steadiness with which Republicans stand out against.oll such Democratic iniquities is all that prevents a vast deal of mischief. The third veto message of President Hayes against the revolutionary schemes of the Confederates is to be read to them in the House to-day, It relates to the general appropriation bill and its riders, abolishing tho test oath for jurors, tho election supervii ors and U. S. Marshels. It is as rad ical as tho most stalwart Republicans could desire, and a dose such as the Uemocrals will not care to repeat many times. Dk Soto. New Advertisements. SHERIFF'S SALE. 11 Y VIRTUE of writ of Vcndi. Ex. -I J issued out of tho Court of Com mon Picas of Forc-st countv and to mo di rected, there will be exposed to sale bv public veiiduo or outcry, ut the Court House, in the borough of "Tionesta, on MONDAY, J L'XE 23, A. D. 1879, at 10 o'clock, a. m., tho following describ ed real estate, to-wit: Mary M. Woodingtou, adniinistratix of M. K. Kiddlo, deceased, in part for iifco of A. B. Kelly and M. W. Tate, vs. James R. Shriver, administrator ft al, vcndi Ex. No. 4 September term 1N79, C. I). No. 17 February term 1877. Tabs it VariGiesen, Atty'8. all of the Defendant! right, title, claim and intcio.t in ami to all that certain iioor or pnreol of land lying and bpinjr in tl Borouoh of Tionesta. countv of Forest, and State, of Pennsylvania, de scribed As follows, to-wit: Commencing at n post and stonoi at wririnnl Northeast corner of tract of W. W. May, deceased s thenco North thirty (30) degrees west flltv two porelics to a hickory tree, on the bank of Allegheny river ; thenco South forty seven (47) degrees west forty-three (4't) perches to a red oak. about four inches in diameter: tlience South forty-eight (IS) degrees East lilly-ono pcrches'to a cucum ber post; thence North forty-six (4(1) degrees East twcnty-li vo perches to ' place of beginning. Containing eleven acres; being a portion or that tract of land for merly belonging to W. W. May, deceased. Taken in execution nnd t.i bo sold as the property of James It. Sliriver administra tor et. al, at tho suit of Mary M. W'nod ington, adniinistratix of M. K. Riddlo deceated. in part for uso of A. K. Kollr and M. W. Tuto. TERMS OK RALE. Tho following must b strictly complied willi when tho property is stricken down : 1. lien the mnintitr or other lien cred itors boeoiv o I be purchaser, tho costs on tho writs must bo paid, and a list of liens including mortgage searches on the nnm crty sold, together with such lien credit or's re eipt for the amount of the pro ceeds of tho sale or such portion thereof as ho niilv claim, must. Im fn rnitlix.l Sheriff. : All bids must be paid in full. II. All sales not settled immndmfolv it-ill be continued until a o'clock p. m., of tho day of sale, at which time all property not settled for will again bo put up and'sold at tho expeuso and risk of tho person to ...1. ... a t ii M IHMIl 111 SL See Purdon's Digest. Ninth Edition. page 4-!J and Smith's Forms, pago 3S-1. O. A. RANDALL SlimifT Sheriff 'S Office, Tio iesta, Pa., .Tuo U, '70. Estato Notice. Estate, of Marv Dale. TWnnsnd int.. Tionesta Townsliip, Forcut Countv, Pa. All persons indebted to said estate lire re quested to make immediate payment, ami those havinjr lesjal claims r.guiiiNt the same will present them without del order tor settlement to NANCY DAWSON, Administratrix, or, TATE A VAN U I KM EN, Attorneys. Tionesta, V., May , 1879. AUDITORS' EC EGOIST OF TIONESTA BORO. OVERSEERS OF POOR ofTioneMa Bor ough m account with said Borough for tho year 1878. T1- To ain't of duplicate for 1878 i7:t iz ret! ti iroiti s. u. Haslet, Tr. 7 oil ' bal duo from F. Koppman, Col lector for 1M77 3G 52 " bal due from Overseers on settle ment 1877 22 55 $4W So By expenditures ns per vouchers J213 63 exonerations io w. j. inlands, Collector for 1878 1 o " ain't due from W. A. llilands, Coliector for 1S78 91 78 " pereentago to W A llilands, Col lector for 1878 5 00 " percentage to A It Partridgo for collecting $25.00 at 7 per cent 1 75 " percentage to F. Koppman for collecting $a;5.40 at 5 pci? cent 1 67 $.135 58 ,.$104 27 Bal. duo Boro., S. II. HASLET. Treasurer of Tionesta Borough, in account with said Borough for tho year 1878. . Dr. To bal at last settlement $ 58 05 ' cash from .1. Swailes collector 2M4 15 ' " 41 " P M Clark " 1!I0 68 $542 88 To balaneo $2 71 Cr. By commission $ 344 " orders red'U lor lS4-;-U-7-8.!... 520 21 " commission on $50.21 at 2 per ct. 10 52 $540 17 .8 2 71 Bal dueiioro. FoitKftT Co. We, tho undersigned Auditors of Tionesta Borough, do hereby certify statement of the accounts of A. II. Part ridge and George W. Sawyer, Overseers ot me roor 01 nam norougu, and S. II. iiusict, xreasurur of said borough, lor tho year 1878. CIIA3. BONNER, 1 , ,., P.M.CLARK. 'jAuaitors. Tionesta, May 26th, 1879. POSITIVE FACTS Plain Statements by SIMON ! STRICT BUSINESS!' NO HUMBUG! FI IIST, My stock of r::ady-made cloth ing, for Men, Youths and Children, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, ttc, is too largo for tho timet. SECOND, It also is too large to move, and I am go ing to reduco it without regard to its cost und worth. THIRD, All the NEW SPRING STYLES will bo sold at COST, or less, as I am going to icavo lown. i ins in a lact. FOURTH, I will duplicate any order for Clothing at less prices than any house within Ii0 miles ol inlioule. FIFTH, It will PAY purchasers to conio 50 miles to see my goods and prices. Only one word and one- price;. SIXTH, Be prompt in your purchases, as I am liable to move out of town very soon. THESE ARE ALL FACTS. I will sell for I. K SN T II A X V OST ! nuil "DON" YOU FOlUiET IT!" T-.. SllsZIIOIsr, Cor. Main iC iJi jiot 'Jts., Tidiuuto, la. D. W. CLARK, RE AX. ESTATE AGENT, AND I'lt.U'TBCMI. SUElVirVOK, TIONESTA, PA., Has now for sale tho Following: 120 ACRES, Allegheny Township, .Venango Co., on Stewart Run. 3J miles from Tionesta; 40 acres cleared ; good barn ; frame house ; small orchard; fences good; splendid water. Will bo sold at a bargain far cash. A FARM OF 152 ACRES, Three and n half miles Enstof Kittanning, in Armstrong county, known us the Rob infon Farm. All undor fence ; splendid farm house and burn, and all necessary out-buildings. Well watered; well adapt ed for raising of crops or stock, and un derlaid with a 4-foot vein of coal. Also plenty of Limestone. A FARM OF 200 ACRES, In Kingj-ley Township, (his countv, known ns the D. Harrington farm. About 40 acres cleared; good barn; small orchard: houso in fair condition; well feneed. A fine lot of Pine and Hemlock timber on tho uncleared part. FORTY ACRES, Near Trunkevville, Forest countv. Part ol the Daniel J on oh place. 'Will sell cheap. SIXTY ACRES, One milo from Neilltown ; about 15 or 20 acres cleared, partly fenced. Homo good oak on tho balance. THIRTY ACRES, In Jenka Township, Forestcounty ; ten acres clearod; small orchard growing, comfortablo house ; well watered. Cheap. A BUILDING LOT - In Tionesta Borough, near tho Court House. A splendid business location. JAMES' Bl. BEVERLY, PliACTICAL HOUSE-SUOEH (Shop just South of Khox'h Mill.) Carriage Ironing and Repairing, and Blacksmithing of all kinds dono in first class manner. Also, Contractor for tho euro of Contraction, Corns, Quoiter, Split Feet, Acute Larninitis, Acute Narvi?ular diseases, and tho prevention of Interfer ing, Clicking, etc. mayl4 9 NEW EDITION ilTUIilUnfir. A..,'... . -. -. 'iV 1-.-. " 'c"fV xor ,:-V-:': WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED. 1928 Pages. 300O Engravings. Four I'nurn Colored IMiUoh. Now added, a SUPPLEMENT of oyer 4600 KUW W0UDS and Meanings, including such as have come into uso du ring the past fifteen years many ol whk-h have never beforo found a plaeo in uny English dictionary. ALSO AIM)i:i, A NEW IilogrnIaical Iiciiogiary of over 9700 Names of Noted Persons, ancient and modern, including many now living, giving Name, Pronunciation, Nationality, Profession and Date of each. GET THE LATEST ATEW EDITION contains:! supplement 11 over 4bOO new words and iiicainu Iach new word iu Supplement lias been -i selected and defined with great care. With Wographieal Dictionary, now ad. . tied, of ovor 0700 naiiiei of Noted Persons. GET THE BEST I Edition ol'tlio best Dictionary of tin Eng--i lish Language ever published. Definitions havo always been conceded to bo bettor than in any other Diot'y. Illustrations, 300O, about threo times as many as in any other Dictionary. rlho Dict'y recommended bv State Sup't.'i i- of 35 Slates, and 60 Coilcgo Pres'ts. In Schools, about 32,00 liavo been placed in Public Schools: in the U. S. Only English Dictionary containing a Biographical Dictionary .-this gives the Name with Pronunciation, Nation, Pro fession and Date of over 0700 persons. Published by G. & C. MERRIAM, Spring lield, Mass. ALSO WEBSTER'S K ATIONAL rtdOIAL DICTIONARY. 1010 Pages Octavo. 000 Engravings. I(ENDALL,SrLSr1,.Ss will fiiro Spavin, Slint, Curb, CikUous, Ac, or unv oiilurtjoincnt, AND NVIIIj SPAVIN lluNCH13 V'lxi'i'i OUT BLISTERING or causing a sore. No l oiiiody ever disi'ovorml fiiiuuls it for I 1;" ii rtainty of notion in tstop- w ITi. Cm iin tlio lanii'iK'ss aiul re nioviii. tlio Ijuih-Ii. Prieo )rl.(Hi. Send for circular riving POSITIVE PROOF ami your nearest ncnt's aUlrosH. Sohl by (lriit'u'Uls, or sent to nny addrcxs by tlio inventor. B. J. Kendall, M. D., Enons Ijurjr Falls, VI. mar 0, 1 y. Allegheny Valley Rail Road, -A N 11- Pittsburgh, Titusville &. Buffalo Hailroad. ON AND AF trains will TERM onday, May 12, 1S70, run ns lonows : STATIONS. x a Norlhw 1. 1 . i m p m ird. Nn. p in 7:10 8:5'.! 1':45 10:11 l(i:5s 11:41) 12:00 lo;5L' 1:!!7 1!:15 Southward Ha. Nn. 4 N. p m p 111 i!:0( B!:40 12:05 II:'2:i 11:05 K)::io! 10:10 l::.'s a m :(I0 (1:05 5:07 4:110 5:42 2:55 2-:!2 1::'2 Pittsburgh s W Petri undo 8:00 0:50 Kittanning 10 4:15 5:10 5;5'J l::to 7: to 7:5- i:0(i 0:H R. B k .fundi Brady Bend II: 5:20 4:50 Parker Eiulenton Scriibgniss Franklin Oil City l Honpni i Eagle Rock Tionesta Tidionto Irvineton Falconers Buffalo 4::tl !1:52 .'1:17 2:50 it. - 2:20 2:01 1:27 1 2:5(1 11:05 8:; io 8:4 !12 8:15,11 11:15 10:51 10:17 !:! f:!5 4:50 :t::M 4:'J0 5:''0 (i:l 10:00, Oil Citv Pet. Centre Titusvillo Cony p. m v. in a. una. m p. m p. m Trains run bv Philrdelnhla Time. DAVID MfCAlUiO, Oen'l Sup't. J MORTON HALL, Nen'l Passenger f Ticket Agent. STAVE BOLTS WANTED BY- J. I Ml Nothing but 2STO. 1 COLTS ACCEPTED. Klnvc ISoJiH. ,;,"5 inches in length. Prieo paid, 31.00 per con.l. s in len-lli, nnd cut from timber not Uv. than 22 inches in diameter.. Price, $...rj0 per cord. fehl!) REED INSTITUTE. A uoAnnixo Kcitooi. ivm noTit rkxkh. Total cxponto of Boiird (with tho Facul ty) and ACADEMIC TUITION Pkh Qi'Aitn:u Ok 'Vv.y Wjekkh, $1S.."0. Daily Lessons in Vocal Music Free. lnstrunirnlRl Music Fifty Lessens JS.OO. Instruction in thorough Base, Harmony and Composition. The Normal Class. a special feature. Drawing Taught by nn Experienced Teacher, late of tho Pittsburgh schools. A WEEKLY LECTURE COURSE. A conipleto Faculty of experienced pro fessional teachers. Address JNO. B. SOLOMON, A. M., I-I60111. Principal. MANHOOD: How Lost, How Restored ! Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culverwell's Celebrated Essay on tho vail ii'ttl rurc (without medicine) of .Spermator rhoea or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Nominal Losses, Impoteney, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. ; fjso, Consumption, Kpi lepsy and Fits, induced by scll'-indul;jeucc or sexual extravagance, Are. "toy- Price, in a scaled envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty yearii successful practice, that t lie alarming consequences of welfubuso may be radi cally cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or tho application of tho knife ; pointing out a mode of euro at oneo simple, certain, and cllnctua!, by means of which every BiilVerer, no matter what his con lition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, nnd ratlical!), iiiU This lecture should bo' in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent 'under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, pout-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Addross tho Publishers, , THE CULVEKWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann St., New York ; P. O. Box, 4; 80. 4-l'-y. wwmmm cronxTsoroisr jz-uzpjl.tijz CO., OTTDMWA, IOWA. ARE YOU C 0B U Q T O P A 8 N T Turn vxrniusszizi CHEMICAL Beady for uso i Wliito, and over Ono llniulred dilTorcnt Colors mrvlo of ff;:f I ly pure Wliito Lead, Zin3 and Linseed Oil, Clieinieully coinliincd, wan sntcd' ciucli linndsonier and cheaper, nnd to last Twico as Loni a any oilier Paint. It' has taken tho FIRST PREMIUMS at twenty of tho State Fairs of tho Union, and. is m Many Thousand of tho finest houses in tiio country. . ... ' ' i m'iLLER BROl MEIiS. J ENTLEM E Wo havo sold laro quantities of vour Ciieuiisnl Pi.lnt tiosi of tin! country, and all parLi.is h ivin'used tho s imo sp-iak highly of sertion ol inn country, and .all parLi.is li ivm use.i i.io s nuo sp-iuK .utuy ol its ilur abilit v anil linish ; and they tind tho color and niixUiro;just a you lepKent. Thero can no bolter paint for oxposuro to heat atld coM, and any ono usinjr it oneo will Hiuvly do so aain. Ymi have pr'viloo to uso our -inuics for rci'c-rencc. Respectfully, i 1 1 A Lb'AN T A' li RA IF. BA'mPLE CA.K.D BEST FEEE roil salk ry noiiixsox 1 m v m a ft m a iu SEWING WMliVilZ tun near or auu Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, Ar.d Undisputed in tho Bread Claim , erBiiNOTHi VEUV mtST OrEItATIMQ fJVSCKKOT CKJ.I,INQ, XKAMX30IUS'r, AND Most Tcrfoct Bs77ln2 Ifcehino IN THE WOALD. '''. V- yw'Vir .?.fc . r lillL " Tho gro t pepu'rrlly c! tTio WMlo In flic mr, cot-t-nrln'.i tnuute ta 18 exccllcnco n. supcrlnrity over r, Uit r mnchlncs. n:ul In tubmlltlnn It lo thj tratln we put it imnn Its merits, and in no Insfnnco hns itovrrybtlallsd to satls'y ny rocoinmcnUtlait In 1 1 favor. Thn demand forlhq Wlilfo hni Inrrfajed to uch an extent that wo era now coinpolle J to turn out o-vci-;jr tlitco xcj.la3.-o.ta In, tii.o a.n.;r tz enpiy t".rf ir.nri.Ino It w.irrankd for 3 ycarj, and Old fur cth t lilicrai disr(inls,or upon easy ItiymnU, to suit th-j convaiiionco cl customerj. tfs-iasxTs mizsi lit citosrisp tjssitow. tvhm semnqTmachine CO., ' W 350 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, Ohio.' f!SCHQLS,sllETc0.7 IJivttlo OrtoV, Mich. OIliCtfJAL AD ONLY GENUINE VIB JZ ATOK 99 THRESHjKG JEVSACI! I N ERY- rpIIK Tatrlilo (?ntlMSnv!n?, T!mp-Pav!np, J bm-1 M'.n"T-Si ln; TIit-'-ilu'i di tlii 'Inr n4 r-nru-tin. H-T-nfi f-1l rii'ry f r Ho put Work, Perlcct Uraiillttf, nil for Hafiug Ciraia fro; Wmiv fr ' - - r CJTKAI! VouorTliroslifnmspfrliillr. Nteiiil mut, Ur bryooi any otlior mi or kiui, rriHE Tlirhlntr Y,u mon 'utiil oftrn tlirf tuiln tlm- 4 ttint fimt.utii run i mult bjr Ui Kxtin Ui'Io bAVkU by tli-jiv Inirutwl JJ(.hiut. C".HAIN IUIspii ti'tt p:!im!Mo t fie rnor d mum vmttvKor (Jruiu uiJ iho Inferior work dou jf ftll olliwr UiMiiiuw.4, wtiiu uuu putted tu bii Jinrwnco. both Po.-uMo u Trncti' Wr0T 0nlr VrtKfIV ii:urlir fur brut. ?n' Hnrl.T, Bj, ntnl Via ir.il;ifc. hut th 't v Rnwin Mi lurckii r in Hit, i t'ti'dtiv, 3i in Peed. Uf-ulr mi ' ftttcl...:u ' Oliunt floiu UrkUu UScwJx. Clvr, and Hi rabu.JlUtf to VX TriornnpJi lVornif n!i!p, npfint KI:iMi, m of Pirtt, ri.rtn-l.trn-M o KitNipiMn'., flu., our "VlflUATw" Ibrtlifr Oaillts ui' Iuumiulu; aUc. Ta,TtUVi:i.0f'S f.ir MmpnVltv r f'rrtu, slnt: ZiYw K-. tli:.n .iu.'-1i:l1I Itiv i. .hi 1 in ftti4 i llukua Ckmu Y, oik, Willi uu l.turi int: or !i,:tLt'.t ;n Ijlol'lt Sb" of Ki-paralon "Uili-, Ksii'liut ! f;oui HI It to Tw'htMi!c ,iic, tiuU tvu.tjji' til lluutiU iJ llr.(c 1'.vi-m tu matt b. T()lt. l'.irllculiirs. - (;ill on our Pcsilcrs or lt W u (uf liluitl JKd Ciiculw, wbicb wo wall fr4. THE J0HN3T0H . EUTFLEB " IS THE BEST AND MOST POPULAR BEWINQ MACHINE ATTACHMENT Ever invented. ' Price J2.00 THE JOllisTOlT Tucm, No Howlng iratliino "Altaclnm iit rxcrpt tho HulUur so much us l an tba Tuckur. l'rlcu JJ.OO.j THE JOHNSTON CORDER Prieo $1.00. Tln?so3nrothorenlly piacticul attachiueiita tlmtcvrry boily wants, ami net sewing ma fhino Is cuiuiiluto without tln'iii. Tliey aro kept ly all iiBwiru machine aprnts. Wu will fiirnisfi eitiitr or tln-m at tho price named. , Axcuts write for illimtrntcrl clrcu . lar and Wliulrvalo Prieo List to ' P A IN St. l'eterslmrgli, Pa., Jan. 10th, 1S77. lot in thin HI, 1 :t:t St. Vlair Stret,' 4 CLE VET1.AK D, O HI O. .t i:oxxi:i, rioxr.sr t, m ' a V-.'-a'V:.---' !l.r ';. '''Km