EDITOR VEDMISDAY HIORMXfi, MAY 28, 1879. Announcement Our rates for announcements will be ns follows! Associato Judiri. $10: District Attorney, fJ; Coroner. 2; Count y Sur- vryor, f'. i nnnouneciiionis ui ap pear vnlcM accompanied by the. cuxt. Ploaso bear this in mind. ASSOCIATE .J Unci K. AVe are authorized to nnnounco S. J. AVOLCOTT, of Tionpsta boroujrh, as a can didate fur the nomination of Associate Judge, subject to Republican usages. Wo nvo authorized to nnnounco LEWIS ARN EH. of Uieen township, us ft candi date for tlie nomination of Associate Judge, subject to Republican usages, mi iiiniHi iimmii ii 1 1 i i 1 REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES. In pursuance of a irolution of the members of the llepublican Cuuuty Committer, at a meeting lieU nt Tio nesta, May 19th 1879, it is ordered that the Republican voters of the county tneet at their respective places for holding primary elections on SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1879, nt 2 o'clock P. M., to nominate : One person for Associate Judge. One person for District'Attorney. One person for Coroner. One person for County Suryeyor. Tho polk will remain opeu until 7 o'clock p. ni. Each election precinct will elect one person as a member of tho County Committeo for the ensuing year. The meeting of the Return Judges will bo held at the Court House, in Tionesta Borough, on the following Tuesday, to-wit : Tho 1st, day of July, at 2 o'clock p. m. Republicans will remember that the grand skirmish will take place before tho great- battle of 1880. Sentinels upon tho Republican watch-tour of Forest County, awake ! Why stand ye nil tho day idle? The skirmish must and will be won. E. L. Davis, Chairman Rep. Co. Com. Tionesta, May 27, 1879. s Harrisburg Letter. Naerisbukg, May 24, 1879. The most absorbing measures having been disposed ol, members are anxiously pushing those affecting their own regions. As there are over 400 Bills on the Senate files nnd 750 on the House, when not to exceed 400 in nil can be acted upon, it is certain some one must be disappointed. Tho Revenue Bill, without any tax on oil, passed the Ilou&e finally Tuesday, and now tin Senate are wrestling with it. A strong effort is .being made to insert a tax of 1,500 on each new derrick erected. Should it ba done by tho Senate, any such injustice would be promptly defeated by the House. It is astonishing how the uecessity of extra taxation is shown by papers which urged . tho State to assume euormcus claims since tho Bills providing for them are de feated. Both Houses are cutting down the appropriations. Should this same commendable spirit continue to the end, tho present revenues it is thought will prove sufficient. No one need be frightened at the cry of another session. Harrisburg is very desirous to have it to help her hotels, boarding-house?, merchants &c, about the Capitol. The newspa pers desire it for the items it furnishes them. Some who have schemes they wish to become laws desire it : With the exception of an inconsiderable number the members do not want it, and unquestionably the people do not nt an extra expense of $500,000. No party in power can afford to call au extra session except from diro necessity, which ii not likely to arise. A more stringent law on the subject of firing the woods passed the House finally Tuesday. Hon. John Welsh's bill making it a penal offense to employ labor over eight hours a day, punishing the same by fine and imprisonment, failed to pass. ' Tho two Houses having failed to ftgrce on the General Appropriation Bill it has gone to a committee of conference The Riot Investigating Committee is still taking testimony. More dam aging evidence has been brought out of money offered or promised for votes. C. L. Magte's check book, offeted in evidence, thowed the way in. which public ben tt meat was manufactured by articles puLlithed ut 10c per lir.e; The ivokuion offered Friday to have the j. e. WENK, testimony puohshcif, was met with a good deal of fillihustering, but passed by n largo majority. It is quito pos siblo charges may be preferred against some of tho members, and a move mado for expuluion. The Annual sessions of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, held here tho past week, has been largely attended by delegates from all parts of the Stale. The finnl adjournment of the Leg islature has been fixed upon Juna 6th. Veutias. Our Washington Letter. Special to tho Kiori'mJOAN. Washington, D. C, May 22, '79. From a Republican standpoint, affairs nt the Capitol are point: on awimingly. Nothing could havo been better for them than the extra Confederate session bad they ordered it for party purpose alone. The Dem ocrats havo committed blunder after blunder in rapid succession, until there seems no limit to their capacity in that line. The very inception of the contest over the political measures in the appropriation bills was blunder which the Republicans were not slow to take advantage of. It cemented tho Republican ranks sol-. idly, ud united the President and the minority in Congress so finally that hereafter to the end of his term Presi dent Hayes and the party that elected him will act in co operation upon every essential point of policy. Forced by tho Bourbonism of their ablest leaders to take rauk stato rirrlita grounds, and thrown back upon their unpatriotic record by the Republican oratora, the Democratic leaders have gone on from bad to worse every time they havo essayed to explain away ugly tilings and improve their repu tation. Senator Blaine in his speech the other day brought up against lanyard. Hill and Hampton such damaging a;ts of their own that they must loose the respect of even their boon companions. The Bayard family were shown to havo been copperheads of a deep dye, placing obstacles in the way of the war for the Union at every step. Hill was shown to havo voted for tho Goorgia ordinance of eecessiou, notwithstanding all hia boasts that he had opposed that course and shed bitter tears over it. And Hamnton was proved by his own campaign speeches, to bo a conspirator who is awaiting only a favorable chance to enforce stato rights to the point of dia uuion. The Greenbackera and rag money Democrats have met with a damaging reverse on tho silver bill. While the Republicans are not solidly opposed to silver remonetization, and what is called the double standard, they are united againsc the communistic War ner silver bill as it was. Their steady opposition to it has been .rewarded with success. The section allowing speculators to make money out of the Government to an unlimited extent by "free coinege," so called, was amended so as to make the owners of silver pay the difference in the price of silver bullion aod coin us to the price of coinage. This in fact defeats the dangerous feature of the bill and tho inflationists are greatly disappoin ted. De Soto. Dutch Hill Notes. Dutch Hill, May 26, 1879. The If.to frost, as far as lean learn. did comparatively little damage, and Uie weather has been vtry mild aud nice since. A tramp passed over the HiH Sat urday, who had evidently met an un friendly dog some where, as he was compelled to borrow a needle and thrtad and a piece of cloth to patch the bottom of his pants. W. B. Heath, R. C. Heath and J. II. Zuendcll last Friday caught eighty one trout out of some of the small streams on the other side of the creek. Pretty well done for "boys." I have uotiocd but one candidate on the road thus far. Why is this thus? It must be that the "Hon. Tucker" has given up tho ghost, else why do we not hear from him. Our school will re-open one week from to day, with Mr. R. Z. Gillespie as teacher. Hurry along Robert. Jack. Wanted, by Robinson & Bonner 20,000 pounds wool, for which the highest market price will be paid. Goods sold at the lowest possible cash price. y -It. That charming and welcome little visitor, The Xuracry for June Imi reached us, brim full of beautiful engravings, and entertaining reading matter for the littU ones. Whatever tlier art children "The Nursery" Uould b also. Published by John L. Shorey, G6 Bronofield St., Boston, at $1.50 per year. A7ir GOODS Received this week by Geo. W. Dilh ridge : A third invoice of Ladies and aud Men's Staw Hats, with flowers, feathers and tips; 10 bbls. Fresh Crack ers, Soda, Oatmeal Graham, Nic-Nac, Canton Tea Crackers, Ginger Snaps, Lemon Biscuit, Cream tea cakes, Co coa Drops, Honey Jumbles, etc.; Cooked Corned Beef; Jumping Ropes; N. Y. Regulation Base Ball; Child ren's Books; Harmonics, Jews harps; A B C Book?; 5 doz. Pocket Knives; 6 doz. Ladies Fancy Hose, from Claf Jiu's; 25 doz. Spools Cotton; Cheviot Shirting; Brown and Bleached Mus lin; 500 yards Prints; 200 yards Hamburg Edgings and Iusertings, a very fine variety; 100 lbs. Fresh Chautauqua Butter; 200 lbs. Sad Irons; Tinware, (a new invoice) in great variety; Garden Hoes; Harness Hardware, Axes, &c. Call and "see for yourselves. Geo. W. Ditiihidge, Lawrence Building. New Advertisement. AUDITORS' KKCOItl OP TIONESTA IlOfiO. OVERSEERS OF POOR of Tionesta Rnr- ouirh in account with said llorough for tho year 178. To ain't of duplicate for 1878 S.J73 22 ree'd Mom s. II. Haslet, Tr. 7 50 " bal duo from F. Koppman, Col lector for 1S77 30 52 " bal due from Overseers' on settle ment 1S77 22 55 $ nf) 85 Iy expenditures as per vouchors $213 US exonerations to W. A. inlands, Collector for 1878 1 70 ain't duo from W. A. Hilands, Collector for 1878 01 78 poreentago to W A llilands, Col lector for 1878 25 00 percentage, to A It Partridge for collecting 25.00 at 7 per cent 1 75 percentage to F. Koppinan for collecting 533.40 at 5 per cent 1 G7 ."35 58 Hal. duo Iioro $104 27 S. II. HASLET. Treasurer of Tionest.-i P.orough, in account with said Borough for tho year 1H7H. Tlv. To bal at last settlement $ 58 05 casli trom J. Nwailes collector 201 15 " " " P M Clark p.H) 08 $542 88 S2 71 To balance. By commission 34 orders red'd lor 1874-5-G-7-8a)... 52(1 21 commission on $520.21 at 2 per ct. 10 52 Bal duo boro 2 71 &.-42 88 Foiiest Co. We. tho undorsiuned Auditors of Tionesta Borough, do hereby certify tho ubovo and foregoing to bo a corroct statement of the accounts of A. II. Part ridge and George W. Sawver, Overseers of tho Poor of said borough, and S. II. Haslet, Treasurer of said borough, for tho year 1010. CIIA3. RONNER, I'. M. CLARK. .Tionesta, May 2tith, psirt), Auditors. POSITIVE FAOTS Plain Statements by S I rVl O N STRICT BUSINESS! NO HUMBUG! FIRST, My stock of READY-MADE CLOTH IMi, tor Men, Youths and Children, Cents I'urnislnng (.roods. Hats, Caps, Trunks Valises, Ac, is too large, for tho times. SECOND, It also is too largo to move, and I am go mg to reduce it without regard to its cosst aud worth. THIRD, All the NEW SPRING STYLES will bo sold at COST, or less, as I am going to leavo 10 wn. 111 is is u lact. FOURTH, I will duplieato any order for Clothing at less prices than any houso within 30 miles ot Tiuiuute. FIFTH, It will PAY purchasers to como 50 miles to see my goods aud prices. Only 0110 word and one price. SIXTH, je prompt 111 your pun-naes, as 1 am liable to move out of town very soon. THESE AREALL FACTS. I will sell for I K W S T 55 A N C O S T and YOU FOUl'ET IT!" "DON' . Hi. SIMOU, . Cor. Main tt liejiut Sis., Tidiouto, Ta. SURSCUIBEfortho Forefct Re).ublk-sui It will nay. D. W. CLARK, REAL ESTATS'AGENT, AND IItATIAf. NITHVIWOES, TIONESTA, PA., Has now for sale the Following: 120 ACRES, Allegheny Township, Venango Co., on Stewarts Run, 3J miles from Tionesta; 40 acres cleared j good barn ; frame house; small orchard; fences good; splendid water. Will bo sold nt a bargain for cash. A FARM OF 152 ACHES, Three and a half miles East of ICittanning, in Armstrong county, known ns the Rob inson Farm. All under fence ; splendid farm house, and barn, and all necessary out-buildings. Well watered; well adapt ed for raising of crops or stock, nnd un derlaid with n 4 -foot vein of coal. Also plenty of Limestone. A FARM OF 200 ACRES, In Kingsley Township, this county, known ns the I). Harrington lai in. About 40 acres cleared; food barn; small orchnrd: honso in fair condition; well fenced. A lino lot, of Pino and Hemlock timber on the uncleared part. FORTY ACKES, Near Trunkeyville, Forest, county. Part ot tho Daniel Jones place. V 'ill sell cheap. SIXTY ACRES, One milo from Neilltown ; about 15 or 20 acres cleared, partly fenced. Some good oak 011 tho balance. THIRTY ACRES, In Jenks Township, Forest county ; ten acres cleared: small orchard growing, comfortable house ; well watered. Cheap. A BUILDING LOT In Tionesta Borough, near tho Court Jlouso. A splendid business location. JAKES M. BEVERLY, PltACTICAL IIOHSE-SHOER (Shop just South of Knox's Mill.) TIOITESTA, 3?A. Carriage Ironinsr and Hennirlno-. nnI Blacksmithing of all hinds dono in first class manner. Also, Contractor for the euro of Contraction, Corns, (loiter, Split reei., acuio i.amnmis, Acute JNarvkuilar diseases, and tho prevention of Intcrfo'--ing, Clicking, etc. niavll 0 NEW EDITION f-T" 11.'.' , WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED.. 1023 Pages. 300O Engravings. Four 1'hhpk t'olnml JMutrfi. Now added, a SUPPLEMENT of oyer 46C0 KEW WORMS and MeaniUgs, including such as havo como into uso du ring tho past lifteen years many 01 whk-h havo never belbro found n place In any English dictionary. AIjSO AUDK!), A NEW !5iOr;j$J:i'al IJJHionary tif over 9700 Names' ofNoted Persons, ancient and modern, including many now living, giving Name, Pronunciation, Nationality, Profession and Date of each. GET THE LATEST N1 EW EDITION contains a supplernc i;t over 4000 new wrrds and iiii uniicr'. T?ach new word in Supplement has been XJ selected and dclined with great care. 7 i1'1 biographical Dictionary, now ud. Y ded, of over 070O names of Noted Persons. GET THE BEST IjMilion of tho best Dictionary of tho Eng--i lish Languago ever published. Definitions havo always been concedod to bo better than in any other Dlct'y. Illustrations, 3C00, about three times as many as in any other Dictionary, f piio Dict'y recommended by Stato Sup'ts X of 35 Slates, and 6O Coilego Pres'ts. In Uehools, about 32, OO ' havo been X place placed m Pntilic Schools in tho U. H. n!y English Dictionary containing a w lilO Uiojjraphical Dictionary, -this .;ives tho Name with Pronunciation, Nation, Pro fession aud Date of over 0700 persons. Published by U. & C. MEUKIAM, Spring field, Mass. A I.SO WTBSTEK'S NATIONAL PI0T0IAL DICTI0NAET. 1010 Pages Octavo, tU0 Engravings. if ET RI ft A I S 1 O This remark. 1-" 1 Hblemclicine will cure S)uvins, Sunt, Curb, Callous, ivc, or any enlarirenieiit, A.IJ Wlllj Q S3 ft 1 i r:J K I -MOVE THE Jr V IU LL'NCU WITH OUT DLISTEItlNii or rausin-i a soro. No iciiu'ily ever ili -coveii I ( 4ii.il.-j it fur I I ? certainty if action in stop W J I U pim; the lameness aud ru movin;,' tho bunch. Prico ft. no. Sii,l for circular K'ivinz PoslTlUE PROOH and your nearest a-ent's address. Sold by tiru';;ists, or soul to any address by tlia inventor. 15. J. KciidnllM. 1., Enons bury Falls, Yi. nnu-.i, 1 Allegheny Valloy Rail Road, Pittsburgh, TitusvilJe & Buffalo Hailroad. ON AND AFTER Monday, May 12, 1S7!, trains will run as follows; STATIONS. Northward. Southward No. 1 St. 1 Ho. t No. 1 Nn. 4 K. npi pm pin pm pm nm Pittsburgh 8:50 '2-.:r, 7:10 K:00 'J;0n ;c0 W Pen I uncPHHi 4:do S:.r. (i:5(i ll!:4o ':): KiHnnning ln::w 4:45 (:!." (1:15 111:05 5:07 75. Ilk .luncll:ls 5: into! J I 5:H:". 1 1:2". 4:00 Brady Bend 1 l:Xt 5:5' l(i;5s 5:'.;o 1 1 :D.r !1:4J Parker pJ:lo ii::to 11:40 4:"o in::io! L':55 Emlenton '.':5o 7:10 I'.'Miu 4::t! io:in Scruhgrnss 7;5J 15;r.'j ,'t:.ri i:'j,s ;.,) Franklin 1:51 S;:W 1:::7 :t:17 f:47 l'J::?7 OilCitv 2:'jo ci;oo -:15 11:50 8:1511:50 Oloopoiis i;X l!:.f Englo Rock 2:4.1 I'lU'ii 11:15 Tionestn ;i:OI ;H4 l;0 i(t;;- I Tidiouto .1:4J 4:L,! 1:27 10:17 Irvineton 4: 'Jo 5:10 ll:r0 H:40 Falconers 5:40 0:4") 11:05 S:15 Buffalo 8;15 10:00 h;:io 4:50 Oil City Pet. Centra Titusvillo Corr.y p. in i. in a. m a. imp. m p. m Trains run bv Phili-dclphia Time. DAVID MrCAlKiO, (ien'l Sup't. J MORTON HALL, 'en'l Passenger f Ticket Agent. QHARLES PvAISKl, rn.ivTK-i.ir. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER. In rear of Blum's Blacksmith shop, ELM ST., - - TIONESTA, PA STAVE BOLTS WANTED BY B H T1 Nothing but 2STO. 1 BOLTS ACCEPTED. Ntavc Holts, CEtS inches in length. Frioo paid, $4.00 per cord. - 2en3iii Koli. t2 inches in length, nnd cut from timber not less than 22 inches in diameter Price, $3.50 per cord. fe.MO RE ID INSTITUTE K llOAltMNO SCHOOL roll llOTIt SEXKij. Total expomo of Board (with the Facul ty) and ACADEMIC TUITION Pun Q cart kh Ok Tun Wkkks, $1850. Daily Lessons in Vocal Music. Free. Instrumental Music Fifty Lessons 55.00. Instruction in thorough Base, Ilr.i nn and Composition. The Normal Class. n special feature. Prawinir Tautht by an Experienced Teacher, Into of tho Pittsburgh schools. A WEEKLY LECTURE COUKsi;. A complcto Faculty of experienced pro fessional teachers. Address J NO. B. SOLOMON, A. M., 1-1(3 3m. Principal. CET THE BEST! SINGER MAHUF'TURING CO., Branch Ollk-o at TIONESTA, l'A. Needles, Oil, and Sewing Machine, attnth ments constantly on hand. npr30 CHARLES IlESNER, Manager. ADVERTISERS send 2.r) cents to Ceo. I. Howell it Co., 41 Park How, N. Y for their Eii;hty-pai;(5 l'nmphlut, showir. cost of adverismtf. :i 4t J. 8. ID I CP. ' 1 " ' twiairm air?k', .1 Yy sj 'it croiiZTCTonir ttxtuz Co., ottumwa, iowa. A RE YOU G O I U O TO P AH1T tub:? use 3iitsinzi n:s.v CHEMICAL 'PAINT. Ready for use in White, anj over (mo 1 1 undicdjjincicnt ('(.bus in ad .J of etriti ly pure White. Lead, Zinc and Linseed Oil, Chemically combine'.!, waiiantcd much handsomer and cheaper, and to last Twice as Lor.jt as any oiUer Taint. It lias tnkcn tho FIRST PREMIUMS at twenty of tho S'.ato Fairs of the Union, and U on Many Thousand of the. finest houses in the country. MILLER P.ROTIIEUS. "JU ; 10th, 1377. (JENTLEMEN V"o havo sold lar.o quantities of your Chemisal Paint in this section ol the. country, und all p-irties h-.n-in used tho k-uuo spuak hi-hly of its dnr Rhdity and iniisli; and ihfy liu 1 i ho colors and miMurnjust as yon represent. Tlii'i-o can bo u: hotter paint for oxpusuro t ) heat ami cold, and any one lisin-' it onco will Htirely do so a-ahi. You luive privilc;;o to use our names 1,,'r re'civiico"'"' Respectfully, C1I ALFA N T .V: i R A FF. Ail J ross : 1 A r--r- -T- -i.i-i EAMi'LE CAi'vD sfifli'f I'KEH FOX SAf.K BY ,,0;,V''7).V.i TI3II IICST OF AtXey Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity Unsurpassed in Construction, v ' Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in tho Broad Claim OF OIINU tHC vssxiv r.EOT ofi;ratino ftt'ICKEST erUNQ, XXANUtSOItlliBT, AND Host Perfect Sewing llaohlno ' tN THE WORLD. ' . Iff Th qrM t popularity ol the WMta Is !h most ei i'nclnq tribute io Us exccllunco nnd iiperlority ovrrclhcp mnc'niiiisii. and In suhmltlinn It to ths trade we put It upon II merits, and In no jnstnnc hm It ever yet failed to satisfy any recommendation In lis favor. The deniund fnrthoVVtiKohas Increatcdto uch an extent that wa art now compelled to turn out A. Complota C--rr!m.cr alcicliljaa tk& da;," to oupply Evtry machine tt wnrrtinlod fcr 3 years, ani told tor cch at liberal discounls, or upon cosy payment?, to suit tho convenience. Ol customert. ja:zhi3 TAHKajawTOsewxro iissitoet. WHITE SEWlWMACHINE CO., Nt 363 Euslid Ave., CltvelaoJ, Ohio.' H!CHOLSfSHEPARD&CO.f ItuttloCrcrlc, ?Ito!i. OHIGJNAL AND 0LY GENUINE 66 VI 13 X2. j. T O It 99 THnSSIIKiGJlSCillKERY. rrtVV. Mnfo!i!o Cim tn-Sm Irtr, Tin-p-aTTuff, A bii'I M'HtifV-m ItH l lirt--?.rr' ! nn-i hi nrn tl.m. lifvu'i t nil ill nlff f r I .i, I I V oi It, I'fi r-cl ClrLiUg, r'KV. I'oiror " !wi-i i a sli-. Ii.Hv. r-nr!nl Ot'll l'ii-lt.i.l Kl hi iii 'ilins'nr i:ni;tnrsr, b.itti I' r tl Ii t ...i T ... Li-h KiaCrfW luipiove ni"ntt, tnr h',M)ii.l any .hcv m.c nr Liui. TflliK KXTIIIX I'lirihliis ftprnvM (nl nffrn (i.r(.. tf. ti .i tf i Cut nn..iiTit cflu umiii liy h9 Kxlrs Ui-.in SAVLJ ly tiuo l';i;i.nvti UnbUiit... f".S.t!N Kh'hits wi:: put Mili'iilt 1o ttir fiior- iimtnw.. ti;,oor i;r.i;i u.t.l llit Inf rli.r w.i li ilon Uf ' 11 olh: lualiiu.n, w.ia oui' i w.t. J "n iU!l - t uukV. fTO" duly iv-Mr Siircri iS lis. 1. 1, i;i. .hi I; 1,1 (iii.. f.il TBni.t -r ill I I 'lim. .r. i-Ior for V lu nt. Cafp ScM. llL"i'ii.T iia "bi:iu!.a.u" tt " rvrfnUAw" to rlimi-e frum Ci.iu uSe... 'jj'.N Thoroiiifli M'(irImiiii'.l:Ii, Kif.THtit FI'iMi, ur " VisiiA.'bH " 'I U:vIicr "Jifiu t Iu.uj1; ..ruLIc. -..'.ir.TTTr; 7 A'Cfcil: .ra?-fa.-,;;. -1! 4..' v-.- .:: 5V5!ARVK,'1-'K r'r S'f'l'ii-Hr ' f rH, Ins; -Yi I. -mi. u.,,,i..l,.,;r n -u.. i i,, i , hm.1 (lt ir. Uaina CU.iu Worii, Miih aw l,iib..,ait,'. N.-mui iiij;., 3 3 OP It Si.n ot r-,':;iV,om Sialic, Itanshm r.ln Mx 1.: Twrlvj l;.,i.,- i'if, i.uj tv.o.l. I. a qJ ..i,.l,U 4U Mul'SU I't'U'lll. IU OKlU'll. TM''l Fnr-tii u'lim. Cull on otir I.inlirn or m;ilc tu ui iff iliM .i.ui'i liiuur, m. .m: Ut, THE J0IINST01T RUFFLZH IS THE BEST AND MOST POPULAR SEWING MACHINE ATTACHMENT Ever inventoJ. Trleo J2.0O -,'- ' ths Johnston tucker, No flowing Mathlnu Attiuliiiiciit exoopt tho liutlkr ia so uiiivh iisul an tlio 'J iaki-r. l'rico S.'.OO. THE JOHNSTON COROER TrlceSLOO. TIipso ."J urn the rcnlly rinictit'al nttatiimiiiU lliatevtry IiiMly wauU, hikI no nt'ivinu mi cbliiu is cnuiili:te without tliom. They aru kijit t.y all huwirh mai lilno nsciits. Wo ill furni.-fi eilhtr of tlii ui nt tho iri e DnmrJ. AKnis wruo nir Uliulrati il i ircu. lur uud Whuli kiilo l'riiiu List to I-IITiXS, in. ( .ii,' Sheet, i-:T! J-v:: . ' "T'-V.. - BfiX.XI-L'