2 DR. CLARK o H nso rroj INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP Laboratory, 77 W. 3 J St., N fork City. VATS or JBnSIT CtTT. 1 36 TRADE MARK. Tho Lost Remedy Known to Kan 1 Tr. Clark .Tnlinenn having Asanointr-cl himself with Mr. Kilwin K.-ii-tinan, nn craped captive, long n l ivp to Wiikami'tkln. tho im-dicwo roan of the t ,;n-in.-lirs, ih now prepared to loud hia aid in tho Lr.ro.l iPliim of tlm wonderful remedy of that tribe. Tho experience of Mr. En-tmnn being aimilnrto that of Mrs. L'h.v. .Tones and son, of Waahinjtfon Co., Iora, an nceonnt of whose sufferincs were thrillinclv nnmtiil in tlie AVin 1'nrfc Herald of Dee. l.Mli. 1S7S, the flirts of which lire so widely l;nmvn, and no nearly parallel, thnt but little men tion of Mr. Lastinan'a experiences will be Riven here. They are, however, published In a neat vol ume of :t!)0 p i .'i s, entitled, "Seven and Nino Years Axons; the Comanche and Apaches.'' of which mention will be made, hereafter. Ntifllce it to aay, t iat for several veari", Mr. Kat!iinn, while a cap tive, va compelled to pitiier the roots, (rums, barks, herb and berries of which Wnkatnetkla'i medicine was made, and i still prepared to pro vide tlio a a vis mnlcrialx for the successful intro duction of the medicine to the world; and assuret the public, that the remedv in the same now M when WukauicjtkJa compelled liita to make It. Wakametkla, the Medicine Man Nothing has been added to the medicine and nothing I as been taken away. It is withont doubt the Bert 1'uimfikh of the Blood and Hbnswkb of the System ever known to man. Thie Syrup possesses varied properties. It arts upon the I. Ivor. It net upon I lie Kidneys. It reuulHtcM tlie lloucis. It purities) the liloori. It qiiietx the er on Syntem. It promolcM IMestiou. It !Vourllien, Mi'eicjtlieus and Invlc orateH. It earrlesi ofl'thc old blood and makes New. It open the pares or the akin, and Indui'osi Healtliy.l'erspirutioii. It iientruiizes the hereditary taint, or poison in t'i blood, which (;eiierates Scrofula.Erysiiielas, and 1I manlier of i-kni diseases anil Internal humors. There are nospirits employed in its manufacture, and it can be taken by the most delicate babe, or 1 y th";ed and feeble, tare only icing rtqutrui in atUntiun ta cli rtct.om. o u 2 o Edwin Eastman in Indian Costume. Bevex and Ninb Years Amonu tiix Comanciies and Apaches. A neat volume of 300 pages. bein; a simple, statement of the horrible facia conueeted with the sad massacre of a h.'hiless family, and the captivity, tortures and ultimate rscupeoi us two gurvivuig memDers. rursaie byouracents cenerally. Price tl.OO. The incideutH of the massacre, briefly narrated, are distributed by airents. free of charire. Mr. Eastman, being almost constantly at the West, engaged in gathering and curing the materi als of w hich tho medicine is composed, the sole business management devolves upon r. Johnson, and the remedy has been called, and is known as Dr. Clark Johnson's INDIAN BLOOD PURIFIER. Price cf Large Bottles $1.00 Price of Small Bottles - - . . 50 ins who Read the voluntary testimonial of per have ueeu cured by the use of Dr. I.-; rVi husou'i 'nuiun wood syrup, in your o a v;i n.iiy. Testimonials of Cares. ' MVKIi COMPLAINT. Jacksonville, March, 3,"1870 Dear Sir: Knowing, lVoin oxpurience, that your Indian lilixid (Syrup it u sure cure for JJver Complaint, feonlldently recommend it to all Butluring htimumty. Keukcca Isiicl. THK INDIAN IJLOOD SYRUPTIIK'mGHT MKD1C1NE. l'lTTKiii ltun, I'a., August 2.3, 1878. Dour Sir: I wan troubled with Kidney Din case and Liver Complaint. I tried everything which I thought might do me good, hut I did not find tho right medicine until I got a 50-cent bottle of your medicine, which entirely cured me. Mus. Kasdali.. KNT1KKLY CUHKI). I'lTTsui ltun, I'a., August 25, 1878. Dear Sir: I was troubled with hung Dinuatio and Hulfored from other complaints so much that I could not describe my lcelings to any person. I doctored all the time, but louud no relief until 1 took a bottle of your Indian iSloud syrup, which lelt me entirely lice of all pain. Cai'T. Sam. ACauuo.. LIVKK AND IvlDNL V COMPLAINT. AsiiALtbiA, Pa., I'cb. 10, 1870. Dear Sir: I have been using your Indian liliMxl Syrup in my luinily for Liver anil Kidney Complaint with success. I believe it has no eijual. Lkwahii (ill.r.hiir. KKCLIVr.l) uliKAf LKNKI1T 1KOM IT. jku.Mslu KU, 2M W ard, Philadelphia, Pcb. '24, 187'J. Dear Sir: I take great pleasure iu saying that I have given your valuable l.idian illcxxl Syrup a fair trial iu my family ii'id icceived great benefit from it. SAM 1. N. SoLLV. LIVKIt COMPLAINT. Pensvi ack Mills, Pen. 21, 1879. Dear Sir: I have used your Indian Mood Syrup ami found it to do all you claim for it, It is a sure cure for liver Complaint. JosKi-ii IIaixls. g g f; ivy .3 (;;wMor. CI - 1 f in i if Va r7jlK S 4? UUil V v ?, VA -f is! - 4 FOR THE FAIR SEX. Fashions ofthe Itny. Hliick is no loniror to bo tlio universal tvt'ar for tlin stn'ct, rvtn the noutrnl lints In Avliicli those who wore tired of liliick have taken refuge seem to have disappeared from the market. They are crowaedoft't he counters by more derided shades and flowered patterns, showing violent contrasts in color. The trimmed skirt is still much worn in walking suits in the new goods, or in combination suits of silk and wool. The short skirt is made on n lining, on which tho out side fabrics simulate two overskirts. Or rather the upper overskirt is simply the draping of tlie panier, which is a de cided feature of all the imported suits. and in short skirts consists only of voluminous drapery upon tho sides and back. As the short skirts are narrow, no bustle is worn, and the panier effect is ob tained by looping and draping. For trained skirts renuiring more support there are the old devices and some new ones in crinoline, wire and other ar rangements that look like incipient hoop skirts. The most dressy basques are cut high on the sides, in long lappels or points at the back, and are cut away trom the neck, and lowered from the back as well as the front, and are cut away in front, showing the vest, which is an indis pensable leature ot all dresses made in iny substantial material. The vest is cut in different shapes, square and long, pointed and long, or it may simply show in a straight line three four inches below the edue of a round msque. it is really merely an excuse ... , , for tlie use ol run material, in bro aded or arabesque designs and bright colors, and. with this same trimming re peated in the rolling collar, cutis and on Uie oversKins, n is very ciieciivc. Ladies who dinar to the Frineosse dress can have a stylish walking suit of a half rrincesse dress, with vest lront, l rin- esse back, and draped low on a lining. A jacket completes the costume for street, and this jacket must not close in front, but be cut away to snow tlie vest beneath. If there is not a real vest one must be simulated. In fact, the vest seems to have become as imperative an article of womanly as ot manly- attire Custom has not yet stated the infinite variety of its cut and color, nnd it may be borrowed from whichever one of the French Louis' one prefers. White and gray-brown and pink, blue and silver, are cood combinations of color. With the new almond color, olive, gold and faience blue and crimson harmonize. Tlie Dudley promenade costume has a special feature, which makes it a com bination street and house dress. The skirt is short and the train made separ ate so that it can be carried on the arm. leaving the hands at liberty, so that ladies who insist on a train dress can wear it, and still have comparative free dom. Khyber cloth is a new material, a deli cate texture in wool, and ivory, cream and cafe au lait shades, which will be much "used lor summer wear, it is trimmed with knife-plaitings of the goods, and satin ribbons in combined colors. Bonnets are shown in English straw. with large crowns, covered with masses of spring flowers, and lastened with horns, which are always elegant and ai ways expensive, are shown in new slipes, elaborately trimmed with flow ers and satin ribbons, and the brims lined with colored satin, softened by a plaiting of crepe lisse. 1 here are colored straws in great va riety, plain and embroidered, to match suits, and a decided novelty in rough and-ready straw, in which the strand sot the braid, are of different colors. 1 he plumes nnd ribbons used for trimming show the same medley of colors, and the ellect on the whole is not so bizarre as it sounds. It is not half so aggressive in its demands as the handkerchief suits and tlie "bandana dresses," repeating from memory probably the startling reds and yellows of negro turbans. Gloves are plain, in long, close-fitting dressed or undressed kid. The embroid ered srloves were prettier to look at than to wear, and so they were allowed in the main to remain there. Ihe liking for embroidery must be satisfied with the elaborate ornamentation bestowed on lingerie, which was never more dainty, and on hosiery which is shown in ouen work spun silk and in the most delicate colors, l hey are embroidered in old gold arabesque designs, on flesh-color and in all manner of designs in bright colors.' Dressy gloves are finished with lace ruf fles. A fashionable parasol to match the suit is made double; the outside of the darker and the inside of the lighter shades, elaborately embroidered on both sides. New fans do not close; they are made of natural leaves and flowers, and perfumed. The fan is a favorite and con stantly appearing form in decoration. being seen frequently in the new ribbons nnd arabesques done in the characteristic Chinese colors. naniunylon l ost. News and Notes for Women. An alarming scarcity of marriageable women is reported in Iowa. The female wards in the Chicago jail have been put in charge ol a woman Victoria Woodhull and Tennie C Claflin have settled for life in London, Lngland. Japanese Indies paint their cheeks with a green substance, which on exposure to the air soon becomes of a delicate pink An exchange for women's work has been organized in Chicago. The wife of William Penn Nixon is president. Philadelphia women have taken to wealing the India shawl, by which it was once possible to tell a Boston woman anywhere in the united htates. Miss Louisa Itynier, a young lady still in her teens, has carried off a chess prize of the liirktieck Literary and hcientihe, Institution, London, from many muscu- hne competitors. In an odd St. Cloud (Minn.) wedding the groom could not speak or understand a word of Cierman, whilst the bride was u German who could not speak or under stand a word of Lnglish. Florence Nightingale lias sent a gold watch to the captain of the Erl King, in acknowledgement of his having rescued four nurses who were wrecked while re turning from a Canadian hospital. The Woman's Prison Association of New York has given shelter during the past year to four hundred women. Two thirds of them have been placed in the way of pursuing useful and honorable lives. This society is supported by pri vate charities, assisted by its temporary inmates, who share its heneiits. A Mrs. Peter Miller, of Helena. Ark has arrived in Lousivillc, and though but four feet six inches high, is asserted to weigh 103 pounds. She measures three feet nine inches across the back, nnd is thus nearly as broad as she is long. Her aire is sixty-eight. Mie married at sixteen, nnd then weighed but 100 pounds. FOR THE FAIR SEX. Ieronl Wives. History from tlie twelfth century,. when the wife of the noblest crusader proved her love by hrnvery and self-denial, to tlie present day, is replete with instances of con jugal affection nnd heroic virtue in woman. Ve nil remember tho story of Eleanor, Queen of Kdnnrd I., who, disregarding nil danger to herself, extracted with her own lips the poison from a wound the king hnd received from n poisoned arrow while m Palestine. Then we have that remarkable instance, the devoted attendance of the wife of Sir Walter Italeigh to quote from. Not only did she share with Sir Walter the pri vations nnd sutleringsol Ins rrnel twelve years' incarceration, luit, sfter his execu tion, remained his faithful widow for twen ty years; indeed, to the hour of her death. The quick wit nnd clever acting of Marie, wife of the celebrated Cirotius, liberated him from his imprisonment in the Castle Louvestine. He had been permitted to re ceive his books in a large trunk, and these were often exchanged for otliera through the same medium. His wife, observing thnt the guards gradually censed to examine the trunk, nnd having make a number of holes in ditlerent places to ndmit of the air, in duced Urotius to place himself within. She closed the trunk, and when the guards en tered she stood by the curtains of the bed, feigning much distress at tlie indisposition of her lord. The ruse wns successful, and from her own confession the authorities learned the means of escape ; she wss not uinished, but allowed to rejoin her husband in his liberty. .Many such instances oc curred in France during the reign of terror. tVmong others, that of Madame Lavnlette, who effected her husband's rescue by taking lug place in the condemned cell. hen the chiefs of the different departments were trying to vindicate themselves to the king from any blame in the escape, his inn jest v coolly replied, " I do not see that, anybody has done his duty, except Madame Lava lette." No later than 1850, a drama full of solemn sweetness was enacted almost in our midst, too, proving not only the strength of wilely devotion nnd courage, but that a woman, when taught, can, even under the most ad verse circumstances, as well steer a ship as ply a needle. I refer to that bright girl, of fortune's prosperous home in East lloston who married the gallant Capt. 1 atton. In the first days of their honeymoon he was of fered a magnificent command, which being refused on the plea of not wishing to leave his bridcj he received permission in a year's time again to assume the position, his wife having leave to accompany him, which she did. From the outset she made herself the companion, helper and pupil of her hus band, one studied navigation, and was soon enabled to take observations, steer by the chart and keep the ship s reckoning. The first mate was the captain's enemy on board, who for some reason of his own was bent on carrying the ship into V alparaiso, which would have been in direct disobedi ence of orders, and have compromised the honor of the captain. lietore reaching Ciitie Horn, Capt. Patton's health bogan to de cline, until he was taken down with violent fever, which in a few months ended in hopeless'nsanity. Now was the opportunity for the mate to achieve his purpose, nnd he commenced by trying to intimidate the heroic wife of his captain, threatening her with the responsibility of every life on board, her own included, if she presumed to interfere. She replied that her husband had not trusted him while he was well, nnd she would net trust him now that lie was ill. She assembled the crew, laid before them the facts, asking them to accept her authority, and save the honor ol their cap tain. They unanimomusly agreed, regard ing almost with superstition the eloquent appeal of this loya woman, lliey soon learned to love and reverence her; a young wife, alone with men, a raving husband to protect, a crew to command, their lives to preserve and an enemy to watch ; she had indeed a herculean task before her. Nightlv she could be seen at her studies, now among medical books which could instruct her in her husband's case, now keeping the reckon ing and making entries in tlie log. At noon and midnight, on deck taking observations; she marked the charts without mistakes, and carried the ship into port in line condi tion. The husband blind, deaf, delirious and dying; the wile culm, grave, careworn and resolute. Another incident of wifely consideration and delicacy of feeling was that of the young village belle in marrying the honest out illiterate locksmith. The latter was asked to sign his name, whereupon he made his cross, and the maiden receiving the pen did the same, to the expressed astonishment of her bridesmaids. "Hush? the wife re plied, " would you have me put my bus band to the blush ? To-morrow 1 will be gin to teach him writing." Love is said to laugh at locksmiths; in this case he teems to have given pity, his nearest kin, instead of mirth, his direst foe. It was Aristotle who laughed at love to Alexander, upon which the maiden ot Alexander s fancy re venged herself upon the aged philosopher by so enchanting him with her loving arts and wiles that he carried her on his back and passed the emperor's window, who, see ing them, said : " Since love has power to melt the fronts of age, it is not surprising that it should kindle up the fires of youth." 1 huatUipnia to(jrtm. Home Sentinel Brevities. A bang-up affair a powder mill explo on. How to smoke a ohie-vhang it in the chimney flue. A promising young man one who gets nisclothiiig on credit. If it is in order we would liko to inquire who threw the eider down 7 A Massachusetts man has invented " lightning grinder." Such a thing may I needed in New England, but hereabouts un ground lightning is generally considerc sharp enough for all practical purports. The important liearing of the military chieftain who wins a battle is the merest modesty beside the exultant air of the small boy who has traded oil' the remnants of an old horse-whip for a three-bladed iack-knife. though three fingers on each hand are bound in rags. The sea-sick n an finds it very hard to hold his own. "As Siam." General firant quietly asked the King of Siam if he would resign and accent a position in his next cabinet The king rolled his eyes round toward the L'cneral in an incredulous manner, am! chantrinir his "Jackson's llcst " to th otlier side of his mouth, said, "I guess am well enough as Siam." Ltwistun Uautte. Smoke I'otfue'"yitunyBUDurluimTolxic:o. Wrenched anil Harked ltv the pnngs of rheumatism, the joints event ually Ih-coiiio grievously distorted, anil some times nsstime nn almost grotesque deformity. To prevent such results by n simple nud agree able menus is certainly the piirt of wisdom. A tendency to rheumatic ailiiicnls tuny bo suo cpsxfiilly cimiL'' ed with llosletter's Stomach Hitters, n medicine, with the prestige of a long nnd succcKslul career, of unbounded popularity, and of emphatic professional indorsement. It removes from I lie blood those intlaminatnry impurities which pathologists assign ns tho cause of rheumatism, nnd not only purines tho life current, but enriches) it, promoting vigor by fertilizing its source. Digestion, tho net ion of the bowels nnd the Hcrrction of the bile, aro Milled by it, and it impels tho kidneys and blad der to n regular and nctivo perl'ornmnco of their functions. It is besides n thoroughly reliable remedy lor, nnd means of preventing, periodic fovei-s. A Word to tlie Corpulent. Instead of regarding obesity tvs an abnormal condition, inuny people have erroneously con sidercd it as an evidence of health, anil any ngent that reduces fat is therefore at once. Sus pect ed of being injurious. Starting to reason Iroin tlio false position that fat is an evidence of health, it is not surprising that they should, very niiliitnlly, lull into tho error of supposing that an ngent possessing properties capable ol reducing corpulency would prove injurious to the health. Reasoning, however, lrom the rational basis, that nn undue deposition ot fat, constituting obesity, is not a limit hy but a morbid condition, it is quito as lint ami for us to arrive at tlio opposito conclusion, which is ustained by experience and observation, i. t., thnt the reduction of fat incases of corpulency is invariably followed by nn improvement ol strength, spirits and physical comforts. Allan's Anti-Pat will reduce a tat person from two U live pounds a week. Sold by druggists. It is astonishing with what rapidity ulcerous sores and erupt ivo maladies are cured by Henry's Curliolic Salve, an external antidote to unhealthy conditions of the skin, which is prelcrrcd by physicians to every other prepara tion containing tho carbolic (dement. It is undoubtedly the finest antiseptio nnd purifier extant. It acts like a charm on purulent erup t ions, and has also been successfully used for rheumatism nnd soro throat. All druggists sell it. CHEW The Celebrated ' Match i.kss " Wood Tag Plug Tobacco. Tub I'ionekh Tobacco Company, New York, Hoston and Chicago. Prices of tho Mason and lliiinliu Organs are somewhat inoro than those of tho poorest or gans made; but they are not much mom, while the quality im vastly superior, this has been so thoroughly proved by tho results nt all great world 8 expositions lor many years that it is no longer a question. At tho prices, they tiro tho cheapest organs ollered. To Farmers anil Fruit (irowrri, Wo are requested to say that tho American Drier Co., Chainbersburg, Pa., will send a cata logue of tho new process of fruit evaporation free. Nearly 100 first premiums awarded it in 18i8. Prices, markets nnd buyers ol vvnpo rated fruit, etc., etc. Coughs and colds are often overlooked. A ooiitinunnce for any length of time causes irri tat ion of tho lungs or some chronic throat dis ease "Crown's Bronchial Troches" nro an elTectuid cough remedy. Twenty-flvo cents. Chew Jackson's Bost Sweet Navy Tolnuico, mm The experience of lTSeonflrme that of previous aeasong aim i'Kl.iniislit'8 uie llrlKliloii lirniMj III IU position uii rlrst on tlie list of native Grapes, vlx.: neat iiiniity liror nml llnrfllncRH or Vliir, l:rly illMti(iiir. Ilrnuty ud piae of rriiii. Hiiie lor jiiai neiiiitr Tlie tliltlrr .MccIhI v. a. aanleil to this (rlety by the Am. 1'omoloulcal ttoc.al lttiineetlnu In lialtimore, Sept. is. .7J. Slrong 1'lanU by mull, SI each. DeikTlP- uve circular iree. II. i:. IIOOHF.K, Ho heater, X.Y ir 4 fc. l . ten A punitive rcntcdv f r Iro;my ull d:scniri ut tha K.lUney, i5lrul-r and Urinary r ganft lIunt'H Uomcdy i punly vi-K'Ub ami prepared expreauty f r l.;c a!xvo dnear, it ha cured ttiousainH. lvry lott.c warrantrd. Hend to VV. . . Clarke, I rnvuifinT, H 1.. tr iMmtraU'U naniphlt-t. It your nrutrrm unn i navr it, ne wm ohht u i lor yon. ir AGENTS WANTED FOR THE I HISTORY ofthe U.S. The creat Interest In the thrtllliiE history of our coun trv makes this the laslcst-ae lion book ever published PilceB reiluceil X per cent. It la the moat complete His tory of the V. S. ever published. Semi for extra terms o Aticnts, ami see wny u aens ao very ibri. Anorew, national rcHMSiilNU (..(., rniiaiieipmu. ra. tig- JtKAHKK I 1IKFOHK lil!VIX A PIANO or ORGAN Do not fail to send for my latest i-pae Illustrate N'ewsprt iner. w tli miK'h valuable Inrormalion t re J'Ihiioh, Wl.t. H and upward. IN'ev i irmiM. to m I IO. lie mire to write me tK'rore huv mi; t' Hrwriero. i.ewnre 01 imiiairN aiiihi-w LADIES, CUT THIS OUT! ' Mcl-:ire'a lltrh Vln or U'omnn'd lte lief " is the only remedy thnt never faiU to cure fcinns of ,11 eiixtriiAl llHlui-aiiir." IW. i; Mi'Klree unve it hwav to his irieiutti uiilu tlie dein ik' became hurdcnsonie. Scores of preachers turn !otot nJiv it in a hleshintt to the sex. Parktuteii of the lr.at n il, for h imrt, will ite Bent liy nmtl. A')lreHs M Ki.hkk ('., vine iH'poi, lenn. rnce a mime, nunjie phckio: i. LONG ISLAND FARMS. 4M,IMMt Acre of valuable, unimproved faun 11 lands, within aeveuty-tlve mile of New oris Free traiisiuirlation ou L01111 laiand Kailroad. Filly percent, reduction on all freight, lumber, brick, lime, stock, 4c. Liberal inducements. For Informatl in address W. M. l.AFFA.V. L. I. K. 11., StOl Broadway, New York. SexTof Klnjli'irs at Law,Lopatees,A.c. Cllaiimiiilx Wanted to vast sums of Money and J 1'iOiM ity In ii cat llrilain and the ('olonies, luanv of whom arc residents of the I'nited States. You may be the luckv one. Send st'iiup for circular. Address IC. O. li:Ti:itN, Ilooairk Fulls, IV. V. i;.;i iMi t ritu for Imlicrcation, IVrnk l i a)lnnii4-li, .f , Send SI to 1.. K. KlWl.tll ft CO., P. O. II"X t1l, lloi lu ster. N. ., aul obtain llt-t'lne for !. Ilntciie'e Celebrated Liver 1'IIIh. A sure cure for Liver Complaint. Jaundice. Weak St-unach, Indigestion, Ac. Recipe accompanied Willi explicit iluec tions for manufacturing, doses, Ac. Simple, sate ami sure. PENSIONS JVoenreil for Solillera disabled In I". S. s.'rvice, by reason of Wounds. Disease. A-videiit.il Injuries, Ac. t uder the New Law all Pensions will date back to day of dlscfiarne. reunions increar.ed. Address with stamp, STOItlklKT 6i- CO., W13 i; Nt., IV. V., Waahiuuton, 1. C. "CAYUCA LAND PLASTER. V prompt, a'tlv ami rrllulilrt lVrti!l,er. ?4 veurb' Biucenbfitl m' aii'i raiiily incriMfiiii n:ilea all ovel the country, are the hft eviileni e nf U Kiiperiur iuality. Ahlrew CAYKiA PI ASTKlt CO., Union Spruit, C.iyuuj Co., N. Y. DEATH AN IMPOSSIBILITY. S- Tt t On lllnr for my Iteretplrt for Cow I'HlAiiif. iJt'HiiMiiaic. ('Hkf Hun. Dry Mur rain, Hide Ituuud, SuiT'ile. Vt'e, Vi. tnre itoiiU in every tmnsi'lii'lil. IS lever kimwi. to fail. A dd rest JM. DAKKYMlMaK, Fun llamlle, West Virniiit. PURE TEAS, AK'ents Wanteit everywhere to tffll to fitllillk'ti, butt'iti ami larce roiinutnem : laru- tnt tttoik iu tlie country; duality anil tt-rum the hent. Country Ktorekeepr siiouhi cull or write THK WKI.LS TK.l COMPANY. Mil Fulton St.. N.Y. P. O. Iiox 4-Stiu. lAiCCTCDM nnWn Ancwrv Hnyin ami 11 iJ 1-1111 uwnu . R,.iiiIUr Muni cipal Itomlti of Wlrk'onsin, Illinois ani low u, ami col!tc tiun aii'l reaiiiuhtineiit when in ih-faiiit a SjxrviUu. Information rheerfuliv jsiven. SCHi.KY 4 MtiHCtlN, 11 v ritmeiit lirokers, Milwaukee, W lb. AGENTS:; One lor each place to sell Chevron Ointment, Junt out. Sure cure IMIen. Ketalll ftOr. iool prniiia i.m aei'iit. Se'ls hrUer than anytlmiu else. Snn- p -!tt frei- for trial. If trooit, take cont"l f irale of V. Kk.ssx.uw P- O- Hox New York. Fun for All ! On receipt of 115c, 1 will fi.rwai'l to any u-Mrewi 3 Wu- t hcri aii'l : ioatee8, iKJbtpaiU LtV - Aei.is waiiic i everywhere C. SicAiiiu.O'J Heaver St., New York. H'.1 ILE." History of this (ireat Straw J. i bcrrv.send postal to oriKtnatoi 1 lllllT S, Jp 1 VV 11. .Sloltl.ll. Akron, oh,.,. li.ii.i - liirnu ili'di f Colora lo Mines, il-a til He 'it,; i; u-in .v 1' cir.-ls .in 1 (' niMi'uplives c i in.".'. Ciiji.' , ."i'J ils. Ufcik.d t Co., I) liver, CjI For i: orl-.. i tOMIHOH-NENNR Chairs and Rockers With or without RcAtlng TaMc. No OfNr, Library, pnhltc or pri vnte, Sltttnit-rooiTi ir IMnKift lioull W without some of my Hhihh Chftlrn, nn roiunv, m Puny ftint 1iir ntili! Trv mt Vurltftn HoVker. nr (l!l Point ('ninfiirt. nnd VnU Will .urrfivflnit II rT. Hi'iHl itnuiD fur llliirv- iL-',"SMr F. A SINI'LAIH, Morrvn,i., N. Y. M tin toil ITlrP in fiLFCTKK ITY ana CURATIVE POWER Tho (3 AUH ATT B1I.VKR 7.XSC PIRK M pfl nr hvU, acting only with the mo tut warmth off the Inn Ann ImmTt. Iuh no rmml for iMhVttiiev I ami pmnnniy, Hpt-clnDy a1nitcil for tlip relh-f nni fto ot nervous anncnrtimc niiim'mp.niirii as Ncurnllrt, HhpiniinttMn, turn local woak tif'Hii nr pnin, It la lli-xlhli' nt catty twt'itr, In nlwavii reaiiv ami la ilurnbl lrnr IMhk, MS hm.. 24 pn!M.2.ftO: Hrlt.fct.ao. Omitir "til ti implication. Kl.KlTUIC DISK AM) HKl.T COMPANY, fti llainlltuii PLnco, Hontoti, Spt'dal ImHicv int'iiln to Aveiitt". THE NEW YORK SUN. I 1I.Y, I pnKm. nil rut. a month i SO.ftO year M l V, H iwiir. l. Von vwir. IV I '. I . It I . V . M imiri'H. I vcivr. Till; M X linn Ilic liirp'st clriiilntlnn unit In ttir rlii'iiiH-st nud liioHt lnlpri'BllHH pnnrr 111 the I iiltnl St'it.'H. THK WKKHIV SI'W la cnulintlolly the Ppo- pic luinily rtuci'r. l. iv. r.ii, i. a : it, riinnin''r, . i. vijiy. Soldiers-Pensionersr We piiMIhIi nn ilulit - iwee pur paper "Thk Natiomhi Thimi'ms " iIovoIim! i. tin lnlon'tti rests of Pensioners. Sol- iltiT. iiikI SnllnrH mid tlit'ir lii'lrn; nUu coiitnlim InUTi sllim runny ri'fnnnti. lMir Kuty centH ft yrnr iwcliil Iniltireinonta to rluM. uroixT Wank in collect fttnnnnt ilne imnVr new Ah- hkam or Vkmoh mii.i.. rurnipiMHt criiUiituiT, to rcui!nr ftiilTl!Krs only, and audi rlniniH llled In Ci'IihIoii M!lre Ithonl rlmmc. January number a nrwM'linpii cortv free. Si'liilforlt. (iUOHliK K. I.K.MON k CO., WanhlTicton, I). C. Lock llox 8'jn. AUKNTM WANTKH FOH" " "BACH Voiu thf JHOVTII nf III: 1. 1,. ny one who nan tieu mere i "Itlne ami Fan ofthe notST.i VII K. ny t lie iiuriiuiiioii nawKeye. iiiimorim. "Samnntha an a I. Lnnil f. i." Ily JoRlali Allen'i wile. Tlie three lirlcti(ent ami tet-ii(illiiir Imoka out. Aeentt it lean put Ihene book 111 everywhere, nest ( rn Klven. AiMn-M for Aiienry. AMKHK'AN 1TH I.1SII I Mi CO., Ilarlfonl, Ct., ChlraKO, 111. ....... AIIK.II ALL 1111. I1.MIL The very lient oolmllrect from the Importers al Half the iinunl cost, llcttt plan ever oll.-retl to Clnh Agents ami nirue miyern. all KM'KKSS U1IAKOK8 1'AIO. New teiina HtKK. The (lront Ainorirnn Tea Company, ill iil it.l rnry Mreel, tVeiv 1 ork. o. iiox MILITARY and Bund Viitfnrnm-Ofrlrprn Ftiipmnl, fuiw, nc, i.inl hy yg, 1 fJllry V '0.f t'lilunibiM, t'luo. fmi for Jriet Luti Firnmen'i Cant. Drift, and fihirla. REWAHD '',r onVrod for any romi'dv for Anthmn. Coiik'tia. Colda, Hlot'dlnii of the l,uni:s, nr Continiiiptlon. fthowinf mio-half an many tentlm'Ula' ol ormtitte curr& In the satne length nf tinit aa Atamon'$ tf tunic wh linlsttm. Tintl fx-ltu-i. uv. KiTUlAi htif, M and 7ft i t. N. Y. Ai;i tits. IrnM-rA Ler.au HfPkmnu St i i ' tiooilwln A (., Au'lH.Moftt'in.MuHai Ir. K. W. klimniKn, t'ntp..Auut 1 Me. (Jlrt ulur ir1;. AkiiIh waiite.l TO- COD-UVER Oil It perfeictly pure. Pronounced lb bert ly the h irti eat medical auttiorlli'a in the world. (lien li'Vlioat ward at 14 World's Kxpotntloini, biicI at Paris. 1H78 Sold by JJrumaata. W.ll.lclilrllclln eV ( in.I CUREU FKEE. An Infallible and unexcelled Heinedy foi lls.l'.pllrpsy or I nlllnitSlrkiiraa wairautril to ellect a speedy and IM-.lt .M A ,1 V.ST cure. 'A IVee liulllti" of nil ITS renowned succlllc ami a valuable Treatise sent In any aufterei aeiidliiK me hll V. U. aud Kv press address. nn. II. a. MM ft. 1K1I Pearl Street, Kew York. WAHNEH b R COIStlS recrivnl 1 ne lHchi - 'll nit li rvcrltt IA KIM V TL t tl'i KIN. T-r Hl Anicrli.ii r,ntK lltin. TliMl FLKXlULKllli JOKSKT (UIh.u ir wa.itilfi i Uitrril ftnwn nv.r llciilM Pr) It'-, 'lll'l- IMPROVED, HEAlTrl I uRSU Is .alt an.l llll,l. and ju:.u. nt bonr-a. Price hy m.tl, tl.ift. r,r.i. It allU.'tlnc merr' WARNER BROS.. 361 Broadway. , I. Mason Si II ami 1 n l ublnct Organs nemonstrated best bv lllfillKST IION'OHS AT ALL WORLD S KXPOSITIONS t'OK TWKI.VK YBAKS. vll.: at Paims, W,: VlllNNi, 1H73; Santiago, IMTft; Piiilapel- rniA, IKifi; Paiih, 1H7H. and liaANU Swkpisii (.old IIlihi., 117s. limy American ornans ever awurue 11 niunesi 11011 oim at anv such. Sold for cash or Installment. ll.LL's- THATin I'atalogi'ij and Clrculara wlllt new styles aud ..rices, sent free. MASON' ft HAMLIN (JUUA.N CO., ltoston. New York or Chicago. JUHt Out MW INIVEKSAL QUARTETTE and GLEE BOOKv For Malo Voices. Ily K. II. ItAir.KY and O. A. V1IITI Tlie uuaiiettes are after the style of White " MuoiillKht 011 Uie l.ako." Hotti authors are known to the world. 144 piik'ea. Kasy and erlectlve. aud just suits ail. Pleas. look ut it. Price, is-r dni., fcy, 50. Sample, postfree, 71 1 eta. WIIITK. SMITH ft CO., rIO Wash. St., , lttSTtN, Mass. Mothers and Nurses t Send for a pamphlet on Kldee'i KiH.d. kiviiik your address iu run, to vt uui.Kll u c i ll,, Sole Manufacture for America. tor all KID- MiV lUSKASI-i. A sure Kernel); failure un known. Semi for Circular. Isoyeallios. fc Cutter, bL Paul: Lord. Sb utoiiru k Co., Chicago; A. Smith, Loo- ton: w. Maddux, Kiiiiey, tiiuo; K. uary, lie jnoines r Steams, Detroit. Tlie most popular medicine of the day 1 Vj wilt iu. Ac-1.: -;&lii v ti i ' t-r muntU ami einunsei.or Mtw a latu cornm,. and wonderful tu vnt innn. U iwim ic(.i( v soy. Rmn pie free. Adiiresa MiKKM A N A I'O . Mur-hil, Mi eh. ft I NtlUC iiieen uhet tioni)t Matlmnl ek ot&lo for ni l n fluent up. .if rinliin in Aiuenca 12,0 0 la us Piunnn TIA1 Lvtiw. rent on trial Hialottiie in ftiBMrij- him.v l ii.NO ( o.. i'l r, Ititn Mretti, i. . DYKES BEARP ELIXIR AWe-l(ul Wt'.ii. tun r..nrM,H.i f... M bWi4 (iraManeMraMiUtnwMuM.ii oc a lium (h iikl,a4 ikee, a. bn.ii frees iu mt. It ik ai 4IU. l-Uinjiif lolbeai a, .!) Dpi Ita ad . i a 1 tiTw.I i M-i id L-Hia.SIui t-'el .O.rLJl,Ac'i.T1u..lll, AlUi . . n n A Invested ill Wall St. Stock mak. Sal 1 1 TO StllllllJ fortunes every month. Book sent free eiiu!ainiliK eVervlhiDK. Address BAXTER k CO., Hankers. 17 Wall fci., K. T. VOUNC MEN month. Kverv graduate ma Learn Telelaphv and earn S IO to MK a uionth. Kvery graduate auaranteed a payimr situa tion. Addreaa K. valentine, Jl.-nun.-er, j.in. svnie, n is. fajiaajajaiajajasHIMWSaV&al Sure rellur 1 r-rrr-.T KiOOERS PASTILLE8..rkuto .:iiarle.stown, lu-i. OPIUM Habit L Kkln IHseaaea. T'i -u- saudscured. Lowest Prices. Do not fail to write. Dr. F. K. Marsh, yuincy, Mich. 1IIKSTKK WIIITK PICS for sale. A.so KtMiS from I 1 I.iuht and Dark Itralnnas. Is'J.rMI lHr dozen. I). 1IKALMOM OAT. West Chester .Pa HITII-Au-enlsWulltril I till brat S.hllselliiiK article In tlie world; oue aanitile free. Addres JAV It HON BON, Detroit, Mich. $7 DAY to Amenta canvassing for the Firealtle Visitor. Term and Outlit Free. Address r O. lUe.l-.KllI, AllKUSltt, iUU'llu. trc -HABITS. Ks.r an.l prmsn.nl cur. . or Money Hefun.lt-U. I'n . 1 1 ; or .llbcr l'r.. trrieoon .nd l li lei l,ii(r,1i.iiu, sec. Ire.- Hi. Inc. 1'rnf. 1.EON.4V r'ullunit., N. I. PORTABLE- pa uo.ip.k a euu.a.,,, .j(l'. "iv '.u8i,iua -hi juj .3J l.ddmvl xk (sji iue mi m'iti-bt.iiniiuj viu- BIG 1)1 1 lr. MCKUAV PAY.- With Stencil Outfit. What costs I cts. sells rapidly for (VO cts. Catalogue free. S. M. Si-i.MXtt. 1 IV Wash D St.. Uoslou.AlaMi. i)Ot'Hi:T im'TIm.-ltl'.:,HHiwoniaiui Mckkv lliix I'ua. Co., I'Jt K. a"Ui St., .New loik. i.r. r oute' iitsua .,iuiiooj,'-iir.'.''.,".. 877?, Month aiel exinnses guaranteed to A unit.. (lutlll (ree. Shaw k Co.. Auuusta. M.isit ( iimplriioii A, IMiysiiiue. .StimefAint; etilir.li w! Snid i-. t. stanili for circular, lloi 67, lllaslier Falls, X. . t'omplt Sriid my 1. 1 A YEAR. How to Make li. Km Af CO ewnejaw, Msu, aio. r? - j 5000 GOLD Mid, V : !1 ! I1 It t ..... .. ..... j I .- Si-v'V J... .1 f . . S 1 If you aro Interested In llio Inqntry Which is tlio host Liniment for Man and Iloast? this Ih tho answer, nt tesfeil hy two Keneralions : tho MEXICAN BIUNl'ANU LINI MKNT. Tho reason is sim Ilo. It penetrates every sore, wound, or lameness, to tho very hone, nnd (hives out all intlainmatoryand morbid mat ter. It goes to tho root" of tho trouhlo, and never fails to euro in double quick time. N Y N ll-n 111 THE CHURCH OFTERING. Hv L. O. Kur.iMon, (I.W, orJlS ir tloseni. hns tha bi'-t-arranued and 'arrest inllivtioii of Music for KI'ISCOI'A I. ClliilliS ever piib'is'ieil. a Venllaa pi lilorla I'atrlaa. i'l (ilorl.is. i .. Ae .al! In Anthem Form, besides a larn'1 vnrh-tv of Chnnl nnd Anlbems, for ChrWImas, lvN'l'I.IC, and other Ki M vals. -Allhollu'h prepaid! espreasly for l!ic lil'ISI l'( IA I. SKKVICK. the lame iimnber of line Anthems renders It one of the best Aiitiiem books for all Choirs. Easter Music. Easter Gsrols. Easter Anltems. Send for Lists. OA TT. l'Olt SCHOOLS AM Sl'.MI. iliAltli:s. Ainomi many i;eo.i 0111 s m.iy lie inen- tloned .'Inilllr Irvllllt. 'eiri'lllM. I,-K1 ttr ClinrKv, 'isl eentsl. ;lnrllail Altu)'l. 0 renlsi. t'orount Ion, nai , enlsi. t ltl)i II Fny,' and I nli y llrlilnl. i.'ai cento. Tbe present nuniber of the Wrrai.v Mimical Hmiird la full of KA.W'KK .Ml SIC. Hi ii'I b i la. for it HKMIAHPSdS'S NKW MKTIIIU) I'l IK 1 II K PI ANO- FIIIIIT. (Jl.liM. Is tne lnosl poplltar eei usoeu.na proved osltlvel.v by the sl'.e of hundlels of thou sands of copies. Kxaniine it. Any lt'k mn,l il M i, (u I'rir. O LIVKK 1H1SOX A- ., Hoston. V. II. IHUon .t ., N:l Itionilvvny, .lew York J. I'.. lUtaoii cV On., Olirntunt Strri't. riiil. tub mm um co First katabllalird I Mum! Sutrraafiil I TIIKIR 1XST111MKNT3 have a Standard Value In a' tho Leading Markets Of the World! Everywhere recounted aa tho FINEST IN TON K. OVER 80,000 Made lnl III liar. New Designs constantly, net Work and Lowest Pi Ire. - Bend for a Catalogue. Tremont.SUopp.WaItham St., Boston, Mass gAPONIFIE Il the Oll Krllubie oncentiuled Lye FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING. rilrertlnnj accomiuMivimr each ran fur niaklmt Hard Sort and Toilet Soap liuU LIy. IT IS FVI.l. WKHHIT AXI STKKXHTU. Thi. Market Is Hooded Willi lao-callcdl CollCCIltrateil I.ve. wlilcli 1 aduiterateil Willi sail uud resin, and uvn'l make kntp. t 4VK MOXSr. AM) M r THK APOWIFIEbTa M.VDR 11 Y THE rennsjlvaiilii Salt Muniirg PHILADKI.PMIA. Co., Knr Hrsutv of Polish, tiavlnir l.ahnr. i leatiltnesa. PunUiilliy and Cheapness. I'neiiualcd. AlWlitUi UXiOS, riupridoia, Canton, lsa. HQW TO GET THEM inthcfocM n i n e uir. t.0(M,000 l f i. -le. i-r free cripy of ' K utir-i.-; I'aeltle lluino. ifi.tt," aJ'lrew H. J. lelliitorc, la'". - lll.a, Kai.A. S500 PR12E BUTTER r.Tof r. Ji m n 1 1. Ui uik i .-hi nuiry i air, i i: oi it nag It w.M aisaxd- 1 loli-l-w iiiLtioiiiil lliiiloiuti 1MB lf lh.,r Ttt'li IZAift f j f -we.ya Kivea aiiu Ask yourdruuK ant 1,-r iti or I It I. ul.ut 1 1 ,'ost M w here t , i Lr ,-l 1 1 ivi ih-ii! iitir,- In ' MI0LL8. UCUAIUksOSI a tO frvclul UorlluaUa. VC ' t I , I l;lti:.S l'l4. iulit SrViie.," I .r lfic". X Sent scaled. Aild.cs. Das IN A Co., N l vervllle.N . Y . 8MMMHI Furiu for S:, UMIiorrhard, wheat. limestone, r.cti luaiu. iViUt Al. A. llrovtu, Aljuicr, (Int., Canada. mnn TmnrriMnnTnTinn mil DSMiUUbDUUM ili.E..JaloJu'l