PIUH, (UUHEX AM) HOUSEHOLD V r e 1 1 ('nltnre. Tlift followiu is taking from a pnppr read at t'10 lute meeting of tlio rennsTl vnni B -Uo boar I of agriculture by CaIviq Cikij pv: Tii proV'r fni0 ff fruit trees is too ofieu neglected. Thelmbitof crowding trees into poiuo out of-tlie-wny plnco, or fence-corner., ns though mi wort by of a better pi nee, ii too common. Trees treated thin fail thii first yenr, or lan guish a fw retrs nt best, nnd finally die for want of a little eare and attention, and then the render or nurseryman is condemned for having Bold worthless or diseased trees. Location should bo the first considera tion. IVilliug ground is always prefera ble, and a northeasterly slope most de sirable, with the altitude as great as cir cumstances will allow. In alopting such a site you will have perfect drain age and a much lighter and less humid a mosphere; you will also have some proteotiou from the afternoon snn on mild wiuter days that sometimes follow excessive cold. The sun striking the trunk of the tree after midday, warming one side while the other remains frozen, is often the cause of bursting hark, not nnfrequntly follow ed by the destruction of the tree. This can be avoided, how ever, by growing the trees "with low tops, to which I t-hall allude hereafter. This injury generally occurs about the time the trees begin to bear, and also when there is no shade except from the branches of the tree itself. You can readily see that a slope of irom ten to fifteen degrees would elevate the tops of the npper trees sufficiently to afford some shade to each succeeding row. To assist in this protection and to occupy the ground while the trees are small (particulnrly with apple and st-in'lard pear), I would advise planting a peach tree between the spplo trees, and in deed, a row of peach trees between each two rows of apple trets. .They wonld materially assist in protestilau, aside from the fruit they would bear before the apple trees commenced to bear or occupy the entire ground. Cultivation is of prime importance.' Thorough tillage of the soil is necessary to induce goo 1 healthy crops. . Discre tion is necessary, to preserve the sur face soil on hilly ground, especially if the soil is of a light, porous shale, as is often the case, as the material washed away is essential to success. Summer crops will not bo detrimental to. the trees provided tlio fertility is kept np by application of proper manures. Corn, potatoes, all vegetables, and most of the small fruits, may bo grown, for the first few years, to advantage, yield ing a profit in themselves that will fully compensate for the work. There must . be no double taxation; if secondary crops are takmi off, au annual dressing of manure must be uppiieJ to cornpeu ' sate. The question of cultivation or nou cultivation after the trejs have attained bearing age (particularly the.apph)is one upon which many of "our niubt buj oes ful horticulturists disagree. I am decidedly iu favor of no cultivation after the trees have been planted ten or twelve years, or say are half grown. It has been my practice to top dress with stable manure every two or three years, and occasionally dressing with lime 01 nnleached wood ashes; one bushel to each tree will very materially assiht in keeping them in health and productive ness. We generally cut the first crop of grass and feed as a green crop; an after growth is cut for a mulch, 01 trampled down and allowed to remain But no grass or other vegetable matter should be allowed to grow within three or four feet of the tree. This we try to prevent by the annual application of the finer parts of coal ashes, which we also think assists in preventing the rav agen of the " borer." C.ire should be used (p prevent too rank grovttb. I have oiten heard plan ters speak of the gnat vior of then trets, rapid growth, etc. This is often caused t.y au excess of stimulants, ana is nut infrequently followed by incura ble injury, if not entire destruction. Moderate growth, of apple and pear, particularly, will be loDger lived and 111043 productive. Peieh trees require ' s uiefiiiat different treatment not that rthey require Jem cultivation, but it rfavuld Oh continued while fruit is tin obj ot. The critical period is the first few ymra f&r planting, to escape th. depredations of tLe bonr; one grub will do more injury t a oae or two-year-old tree than a dozen might to one full grown. The tendency to overbear, when tho peach does wdl, should be ojuutttiacte I by judicious thhiniug 01 shortening of the branches, to preserv the vigor and shape of the trees, as the are at best abort-Jived. Household Hint. Beeswax an i salt w II make rusty flat irons as Bmooth ua glass. A teaspoonful of turpentine in the boiliug water will whiten the clothes. A little' sperm, or green arabic, with salt, should bo put into boiled starch. Fish may be scaled much easier bj dipping them in boiliug water for u minute. Cool rain (rater and Rod a will remove machine grease from washable goods. In gravies and milk porridge the salt Buomu noi oe auuoa until the dish is prepared. Lamp -wick dipped in hot vinegar oeiore using, is baia to prevent offensive emeu irom lamps. Tortose-f-bell and horn combs are pre served from cracking by being occasion fillv FIlMlAil tirifli ,il ally rubbed with oil. To remove oil spots from mattic counterpanes,' etc, wet with alcoh rub with hard soap, then wa.ih with co water. Half a dozen onions planted in the 1 I 1. Al . ..... .... utmur, wuore uiey can get a little ligt Will do much toward atiHOihino' urnl ru recting the atmospheric impurities th are soapi 10 mrK in sucu places. A nice stool can be made hv tatinw soao box. or anv umall-nm.i lio fm.n grocery store ; fix a lid by mailing pieces ui loaiuer ou ior uuigtfH ; lahleu u piect in fr ut to lift it up ; Iheu cover it witl pieoos of - carpet tacked on with iraH Ilea leJ uailH ; cut Horn pieces of o Id quilt to pu, I the tup, tuej cover wi carpet and trim around the li 1 with a old caMt off fringe. This ulso makeH th uy a convenient piece of furniture, useful lor Keeping shoes in, out of sight, FOU THE 1'AIU SEX. Nprlnar Vnahlnns. The success of Amerieau ideas in drcpa end fashiou, as iu other practical detiila of modem life, is duo to tho fact, that out h mai-H of fashions i ho best lec tures have beu taken and combined with what exporim-e has shown to I e. the best methods of uniting the modem exigencies in regard to clothing. Street dresses must follow certain well-defined rules iu order not to bo conspicuous or attract undue attention. Tho short woman can wear her skirts dmi-trained and untr.mrnod. The plump woman can display her figure to ndvantnge iu a prin cess dress, and the medium, Bleeder fig- ore indulge in delicate stripes and fabrics, speckled or dotted by a figure. Tho largo woman, tall in proportion, should never wear auythmg but solid fabrics black or neutral iu tint, and unbroken by lino or dfti-h but she may revel in tiiuimed skirts, provided they are draped low, and by adding a few- loops of crimson or gold satin ribbon to the folds at the back, where they nierne into the train, will shorteu her perppretive and sufficiently reduce her line of length to make it harmonize with the line of beauty. All the sott materials in cotton, wool or silk and the two first have beeu so greatly improved that they are now equal in appearance Bnd more sympa thetic to the touch thiu the last adapt themselves to thA graceful designs of the 'present daydesigus which la lies uiighc to prize and cliug to a long as pofisible,for they will not be appreciated until they permit them to be superseded by something far less desirable, and whose stealthy approaches nmy be seen In the efforts to revive the petiier, the short aprou and the grotesque conceits of Paris during the first consulate. Spring Walking Costumes. The streel dress must ba dark, short aud uuobtrusive to make it suitable for walking in different kinds of weather aud iu a crowded thoroughfare. The present styles of 'dress adapt themselve-i to every requiremeut of in aud out door life, and the best styles can therefore be relied upon for a certain degree of per manence. The "Mathuae walking skirt, for example, is more fashionable to day than when first issued, and will be good for a year to come. Tuo " Uns old.. " walking skirt is another excellent dosign for walking dresses, aud either of these may be used for spring cos tumes with entire certainty that they will not do likely nt present to lose their popularity. With theso skirts, whicu require but a moderate amount of niatorial, aud nra exactly adapted to the all-wool materials or the pretty mixed fabrics of silk aud wool, may be employe! the "Clementine" or Pa- meua basques, the " Melame or the ' Balsamo, for a combination of silk and wool or wool and velvet. The "Prinoess" walkiag costu re is a j MUi excellent model, and forms n charming design for spring dresses for street wear, in conjunction with a lo.ig jacket or tiiha draped and knotted ut the back. Ladies wao wish it can re vive for houe wear the French waist, with its belt and simple skirt, trimmed with two or three narrow flounces, an 1 cut so as to clear the ground. This is really a pretty dress, in delicate striped or checked ginghams for medium-size i slender women, and very convenient for svear with aprons of silk or muslm. Charming spring suits are in trray and fawn shades and small designs which quite cover the surface. They are made short with a draped polonaise, or deep, close basque and trimmeu skir, the flounces being kilt-plaited or triple oox-plaited and spaced between. The sleoves are demi-loug and filled in with Hue plaitings of crepe lisse, and the garniture consists of a combination of blue and wine-colored ribbons, arranged with more or less profusion. Nothing eau be more pioturesque to a street costume than the straight mantelet. Runted in irout, to complete a dress which is of one solid color or of two hadei of the same color with hat to natcu. The fashionable bha le of the season for these complete costumes is io longer the pale mastio, but a deeper -h ide, ve ging to coffee color ; and fawn is idno considered very disiinnuished. Dressx Wb4fs fob Spring. Black nantles will he most used, though lighi Irab or beige-colored wraps will be con ddered m re dressy. Tlie shapes are very similar t those of last season, 1 ting at the back with three seams and 1 iuging sides that drape the arm, and inisbed ia square Hungarian fashion, instead of drooping in pointed winus like dolmans. These are of medium le Jgth, covering the tournure and hips, a id are trimmed With one or with three Oraided points down the back. A great dual of French lace will be used for trimming tine wool wraps. Cjats ol soft, light cloth will be fashionable, stitched edges and showy buttons being the only trimming. The small flohus of embroidered black cashmere worn last spring are again largely imported. A novelty in trimmings consists of painted buttons for dresses of black or white silk, satin or velvet. These are painted in sets by competent artists, ?ach button differing from the others, (n this not only tkill but attention to proportion is necessary, as it would be .bsurd for a tiny bird to be ais.ciated with a large butterfly. Each button must properly accompany the others, and a sot f sixty buttons, of which no one resembles the other and all alike are well. executed, is a decided improve ment to a dress. Some of theso dt signs are intended to imitate the lino mosaics. Neckerchiefs and Collarettes. There never was a time when tho neck was dressed in so many charming ways. A coat bodice, for example, will be turned back from the front, and the neck filled in with soft plaitings of ernpe lisse, in which flowers always nes rk. This decoration of flowers has brought bark the fashion of wearing flowers in the hair, nor are they con fined to full dies". Lace bows and jabots re also decorated with roes, to which are sometimes added loops of pearls. The double neckeiohiff i of silk or crapo ore still used, but are gathered to the left side and fastened with a long spray of roses or carnations. The newer styles are of soft mull, slightly gathered au I bordered with laee. These sur round a high or square neck and fa'l iu square tabs in front, or aro carried iu the fa-diion of a fichu to the waist. There is nothing stiff and ODiiveutional in the arrangement of theso accissories; they must appear graceful, easy and natural. Novelties of thr Season. "Lace shoes " are of satin, over which appears to be lnc The. designs of applique and g iipureare enrofuJly imitated and -uper-posrd to nil nppoarnnco on the main fabrifl. Tho ehoe is finished with the smallest heel yet worn. It is fo narrow aud so high that it requires practice to venture upon it. Some designs of these shoes imitate velvet with overlying lace. Some ladies lmve worn shoes upon which wns pet law, the fanej was taken np. and henco this n allv beautiful sho . There is nn entire change in the style of combs. The present idea seems to bo that tho comb shall mrel,v push for ward the superabundant ornamentation of the head, consisting of light and fluffy crimped puffs ami feathery curls, or ii arrow, flat, many-stranded braids, and that it shall lift awny from tho nnpe of the neck all floating ripplets. The comb is not intended by fashion to be worn with any low coiffure. Tho high est mode gives n narrow, three-forked, ball-bended ffair, aud tho poniard, with one ball or a crosp-shnped hilt, carries out the same iden. This finisht s a high heod-.lressiog with fine effect. So long p. go as when lVichel was in this country it was la haute mode, and the prent tragedienne wore at a dinner a poniard of gold in her jetty hair, in which were set three diamond solitaires. "La Surprise." Only tho nltrn fashiouHble will venture to wear thi, the first hat of the season. It is best suited to carriage wear. To walk the street with it would bo hardihood in deed; and tin's, not l ecanso either its material or trimming is eccentric, but heeauseof the adjustment of the feather This feather rs three-quarters of a yard long and is attached to tho forward part of the brim on the richt side, Hnd pimply bangs from that " pron l eminence," curling down upon the shoulder. The effrtjt is that of its being detaclfe 1 by n hrgh and unreasonable wind from the main body of the hat, and of its hanging thus almost apart from it without the wearer's knowledge. The hut is of the " monsquetairo Louis XlV." shape, either garnet or nav; -blue velvet, and the plume is white, or very light. As associated with a suit of gray Bilk, trim med with either garnet or navy-blue, its effect is good , or would be. could-the eoceuti ii ity of the feather be lost sight of. Already a novelty in sun nmbrellns is introduced and commands attention. The "Pekin satin stripes" harmonize witti the satin stripes in alternate bright and dull shiides, now the leading fashion in dress goods, and is a novel, tasteful nnd elegant material for Bun umbrellas. Those of Pekin silk, with satin stripes, are nhown in blue, brown and black, and those in cardinal are very effective for the carriage. The cotton "Pekin stripes," with silk finish, come only in black. This material is tine, iesemriling cjosely thoso in silk, and is decidedly superior to the boiled twills at half the price. The handles are varied , including carved ivory, gold mounted, pearl and ivory combined, celluloid, white and colored, in perfect imitation of coral, shell, mal achite, etc., and those mounted on "ventilated" handles aro exceedingly attractive. New York Herald. Knowledge of the World. There is a class of people who act as though they belii vad that a true knowl edge of the world consists, not in philo sophically comprehending human nature as a whole, but in comprehending that part of it constituted by the frauds, shams and pariahs of society. To know how to protect one's self -in tho journey through life, so as to escape being im posed upon by the vampires who lie in wait for one. is a duty we all owe to ourselves; but after having discharged that duty it is well to recollect that there are some souls in the world who are sin cere, who speak the truth, who are hon est and who love justice. People of thi kiud are not, indeed, so numerous as could be wished. They do not consti tute nine-tenths of the population of the wotld. But they do exist, and any respectable and intelligent person who hns reached middle age without meeting many specimens of that class, has an a1 rogether exceptional experience. Full as the world is of humbug of every kind, it oonta:ns a certain proportion of hon orable men and women, alike in the humblest and in tho highest ranks. L'hose who'prowl around, preaching the gospel of cynicism and disdain, are the real fools of fortune, for they mistake gold lor pinchbeck and throw away pricelessly precious pearls. Nothing is easier to acquire than this phallow kepticism, which looks like profuudity only to goslings. To know the dark side of life, is nit to know humanity. Xtw York Telegram. The wife of a printer in New IIav has applied for a divorce, on the ground that her husband had no style about mm. lie wouidn t brace up, bad no dash, cut no figure, had no point, lived np to no rule, was of bad form and maVe-up, wasn't a man of letters or up to the period, was a poor type of the geuu, was out of quoin ond couldn't impose on her any longer. Chicago Commercial Advert inrr. The True Way la Invlcornte. The t ruo way 10 iuvigurate a let Lie eyetcm is to iufuHe activity into the operatiors of the Kloraauh, that wondrous alcmbioiu uliich the foud ia transmuted into the cousdtueutR tf liluod, the cnief eloment of our vitnlitv. Uoatetter'a Htomach liiUerM, btcaase it ac complibhes this end, i grnatly to be preferred to many so- ailed tonics, useful indeed ao' ap putizorH, but iuoperxtive as ai ls to digeatimi and aHvnuiatioii. This sterling oorrhal, while u invigorates tne xtoinach, beautifully stimu lates Ui liver, bowels aud kidneys, eiiHiiriug tbo escitpu through thertgular channels of ff te aud line eg matter tbmwn oil by the sys tem, which in thus perilled as well at iuvicor- nu-d by it. Ir touio inUiience is suou made mai.ifer-t by au increase of vital eueruv and moro active and regular discharoe of everv pliyuk-Hl function, aud it hai the further effect of rend'-ring tbe yntem uoaeuailablo by ma larial c pidemion. We have received from the AiverUning Agency of Mensra. "Geo. 1. Rowell 4 Co.. No. 10 Spruce Btreet, Nuw York, a oopv of their Newxpaper Dutotory for January, 1879. a woik of over ij'JO pagea, which bear the Htamp of ueHtuoHh and aoouracy. i ne noon u invalua ble to btifciiifiii meu and a'lverturr The Priululum, mi Ortnwteh, (II. I.) Jan. 81, l7tf. Vi Lave received of George P Unwell A Co., their Newspaper Directory for the quarter. ianubd Jauuarv. It ia a neat volnpie and of uroit valu. Suuttiern Athvill$, Ala., Jan. x'j, ibs. Chew Jaukaou Iioet Bweot Navy Tobacco. Th I'rowtile rlacvry. All the " phones " of thin ptiouetio aire are aurpamed In practical benefit to mankind by the discovery of Allan'i Anti-Fat, the great and only known remedy for obe mty or corpu lency. It produce no weakness or other un p!eHMit or injurious effort a, its acton leing simply C')nl:iied to repulatuiR cllgextinn, ami prevtieiiiK an lnulnn aHHiiuilatiou of tlio car lHitiRceniii or flVuh-piodnciiig elements of the foi d Hold by rlrrgkl tn. I i.i.swouTii Kan. , July 13ih, 1878. i Hot an to AIfiioine Co., ISnffalo.N. Y ! ' Gentlemen lUu e Anti-Fat reduced me seveu pounds In one week. Yours respectfully, Mns. Ttloh. Children do not. die of the croup to whom Pr. Wm. Hall's Balsam for tho Lung" lit sd miniHte'red. l'drnma will do well to remomber this fact and keep a medicine, which saved ho mai y liven, In the Louxe ready for an emnr gi noy. The Italnam overcome a tendency to O'liisumption. strengthens weak and heala soie in tigs, remedies painful and atbniatio breath ing, banishes Inmrsene-s and curnii all bronchial niul tracheal liillamniatic n If yen havo a oonpta. ue it " early aud often." All drng t'irilH sell it. Howell's Nwinaper Directorv, This Mihli- catiou, for 1M79 has jutt been received, and is au inprovement on any of tbe former editions lfcch ms a vast amount of care and labor, and rtlct ti finite credit upon tho eiitertirlsiiu.' nrm uy w hich it Is compiled. The pi ice of the book is f5. It should be in the handu ' .' ery tfei eri anveriiser. igiTflvwn Mall; . kjitm ic vn, MU,, Jan. 31. 1H7U. CHKW The Celebrated " Matchless " Wood Tbk l'lug Topaooo. Thk TioNErR Tobacoo Company, New York. l!oston and Chicago. Anions Amerieau manufactures, few have done our country as much credit us the Mason it Hamlin Cabinet Organs, which havel ciu N' knowlcriged best at all giont world s eihibi -tions for many yars. See advertisement. Wo have received th-j new volume of tbe N'UVi-p!.er Directory from Metyrs. Geo. 1 Howell ,V Co., Now Y'ork. It in a kk'1 thim'. Fountain fc Journal, Ml. Ytrnon, Mo., Jan. 30, lt7!). Tkstkd uy Timb. For throat disoases, coMj and coughs, 'Brown'a Bronchial Troches" have proved their efficacy by a lest of many venrs, Twi nt -fivH cents a box. A Safe Companion. Thisjsa tning season for invalids, pattirnrnrly thoso suffering or liable to snller from Biliousness, Kidney 0 mi plniuts and Const ipution of tho Bowels, aud to women subject to the diseases' and weaknesses peculiar to their sev. Indications of sickness should at once be ul tended to. Fatal disease may be caused by allowing the bowels to become constipated, and the system remain in h disordered condition. An onnceof pre vention is worth a pound of cure, is an old and truthful saying. Therefore we advise all who are troubled with com plaints now so common indigestion, disordered liver, want of appetite, cor stipation of the bowels and feverish r-tate of the skin, 4o take without dduj Dr. Kennedy's FAVORITE EEXIEDY. It only costs one dollar a bottle. Pcs -tively there is no medicine so harmless and yet so decisive iu its action. Peo ple leaving home at this season of the year should not fail to take a bottle of this medicine with them. It has a al most instantaneous effect, relieving the person of healacho in a Jew miuutes, and will rapidly cleanse tho liver of Biir rounding bile; and this excellent medi cine is for sale by all our druggists. CiT When inquiring of your drugg'st for this no w medicine, avoid MISTAKES by remembering the name, Dr. David Kennedys FAVORITE REMEDY, and the PRICE, which is only ONE D0L LU a bottle, and that tho Dr.'s addrois u P.vid mt. N. Y Ed. HOW TO HAKE HONEY. AOK.NIS WANTED for fut-ralhDg, improved arnulna and DoraltiM. W od furnirb th larxes', utmost aud bBt assortment at low-t piioei an j in luta to luit. OtinvuBera o.n make f.om fj:i t lt) pr dir. Kferjr one wiibing amplatmeiit (and for A rnt't i 'iroular. All ooDaumeta riVatrh g to stve rrra 2o t-. 4(1 per cent, on b .Qnebo d roods aud atcisUiHa in r srd ware sbonld write for our i luntrau-d oaialoaue. W d a gnerl purchasing bn inps and inn buy anytbin jrou warn at low rates. SMITH HIIO.'S A t'U, 3 erk Ho. Vr)i HOMES in NEAR the WEST. A choioe from over l,0O0,(XM) aorea lowit l.nndx, due west (rum Cluio-go. at from Did to 8 per acre, in laim Tits, aud on eary terms. Low frigbta and ready nisr. keU No w Idernea no ague uo Indians. Laud eiplonng tickets fr ra tibioaao, free to buyers. For Muiia, Pampnl-ts and mil information apply to bllV t lUII.IKMII I. a I) t' n PAM Y, Oeiiir Rapid-, I wa, or t2 Randolph Sfre-t. Omoaan. X'mI1H1 I LI Will 1.- eU-l RMge lofd iiM reoiv- d the mont unqiinlilled teati. rnon trom iirKOino( the liiKiietctiart;tr aod reapoa nihility in this ftiid othtr ouuaui.H. SCHOOL SCANDAL Pstmohlet. (Jont ins the rcr.nt icunrlnhm dioleiurui in thi Fultlio Kohoul I-prf iuhd( of Hmi. iranc co, 111 cluti dk tMHtiiuitny and uurrenpnndenue. MniUd, rn -p uii, un rnoBi.it of A cents. Addrsi J. II A K I', Ottilia Wc.rto'Joarnal, 60S U .y strent. Hn Kranuiico, UmI, U . . S . PASSP 6 R TB U Fl E A U .s Oit rens of the ITmUtd States Tisitinv f.ireijrn countries ae lial-le to karinut inconvenience if unprovideil wit b Fa-prt. Hlt k forms and mat ruction tur Mbid snd l'i-Bpor.i procured nn applio h ion to A. U. Willtaixih. U. N. anp rt Ayent, Mi Fa k Vv.m, Ne York P ANUS tyS'SitJUXHl ORGANO f stop', only .. Orinn, n s op. , ii ny m j f Don't Ori i M? .i. All W nrtuiilMl - a a.. tfif Don't fail to tnd for HhiH(rat-d iliroular. ItrWKI.I A 1111 I.Kit, Orig nil Manufacturers, LKWbTOWN, PA. Ifr rMif. dividend ifirlt Fifty doll rs and upw rd van he investel in tiro Llyn Ueinptny tu pny twenty-tive per ennt on invbetnititit. Addruis H, M. i HAPMAN, .7 Kroad fa., New York. r-fifi 4 pj ij oicHsr in inn wor a itiiitoners' prices utuuiuv .in Ainerio-ataole itiolo nlnaHei everh'dy Trade con- linuallv increa in Agents wimhiI every whiebebt indncHtT mt 1ont wxilu tune- d for Oircalar, HUM' rWKLl, 43 VWj hL, N. Y. P t. Bm 1287. T,IM HUASI'iI Knnn A hinhirv (-r J l.OOt) A r a. H anufully Mitu'itd on AH einrte h uni. smu e Hea h l' ni lr lo f Ont of the roost t liu itile nroiiH.tiHH in the Smith. irat Hanifioe. beud stamp Id N uHKY CO., Nomfolx, Va PIII- Don't let your Appl -s rot, but keep . iheni till nxt He. .son nnd stnt good pree; it eoi-is tu a lew c-ntn pr '-hi. Full ins rut ti n for 1 1 ceui iosilv.-r. K. H. OKOSSMN, I Uchhurn, Mnas tift ti finOtl i'VH:ila 1J Wall all. 6 look Qlkva. iij lU vlwUU lrtanes nwry mo.ith. .buck aext T fnt uiplAiuioK evuoUiicr. AH1rr. HA X TF K Ai . IUulf,rv 7 W1l Kt.. N V FREE 1 uportaiit irfor'Uati.n li boluiera ao i I'O'.aiorf re. Addr.as . J. U. (SUU1.H. Wa-Uingtw, D I). tt 1K-TKH W11ITK P(ti8for,ae Aiao KlitiS r.nu I ii 'i and lark l.rabn K4. par dozen. 1. BKAIIMtl.NT OA I', Went, t;tv Slur, P. 1.) liKT lM"l'IO AII , 30',HMI Words, and Dr. Kiiiur'a II rail b .H ' hir. one r, alio. Aiuui.av Hli.l Pub tlo , I lit tf. 54-th St., New Yrli. 1IH!' I It V.TIH-N Jl IMiK ! Whateveryone ui-ds iwii.t every one w.uls. fSend s'sikd for circulars. C'tiane. Kuiersou A boas, Haverhill, M as. i W w a MttuIL aud Kiuna-ri cuarauteed to ArffeL S. O i i Ouibt fri-e HHaw A Uu., Auuusra, Main 88 IU1 t'llOI'IT. Aaeuta' halliple, U Cellls III K NASSAU I'll 1. 11.11 I." Muau.n V. CQinA VEAl. Huw t. Make II. f. try am. llSiMiffiiii - ' ' 1 j 6 30 SSL WTLBOX-S COMPOUUD OT PURE COD LIVEH L OIL A1TD LIIIE. To One nnd All. Are nil ftnff'rrina frm n C m;;h, )nld, Afthma, MuMichitif, or ittiy of - h VArionn ?ilnuna'y mnhlt thM so ttn ond in 'ntmump .on? f so, ihH " H ilWi I'ur rt -i limr Oit nml i.imv," a nafe and sure iMiifdy, Tills is nn quark preparation, but in regularly prMMleii In the niedwial ..otilty. Man it'd unh ly A. li Wiuioit, Ohoniif I. Hoiton. Hold Iy nil t'riTfruiPts THE SfITB QHG&H Ci PlvU Eatabllahed I Moat Successful! Til KIR INSTRUMENTS Imvo a stunl.jj vi. hit' In all t ho LEADING MARKETS OF THE WORLD! . Krr-rywliero rerounlecd da tlio FINiial OVER 00,000 Ml Ami In nse. Now Doalutia conalantly. !i st work hii1 lowi.Kt prit'ra. II' Ht'i d lor a I'nlulnpiio. Izd St., opp. V'allkn St MJvli AUhNTM HAM'KII KOIt DACK FROM the M0U1H OF HELL." It fin. l.it fceff'i ihTt utter anil cai uMhn mini iota rue I . I U M U QAf 91IIC I n b I I Ci lilt ), Ifttrke humor. Samai a P. A. and P. I three hrfRhK Jid eM--eMin loo 1 0n nut itmKHrfniMik in saMvwli- h AUrn Vie, t-teMlnclvonks nnt. Agent. HMt tAtna ktvi. r oreKh l(tr ARnoy, AMKUl AM I'UUl.Jhil U e nlntitirecl ly Drops , Kidut). HUddHr or lit i.iary l-Jump'1 ntit HriKht's UiheruiH, Grave, or Usuer al UhVuIi y, take HI NT S l?FIKI)V. PHtwiition of ITiine, Uiahntes. P in in tu Hid. Hack and L mi , KtiiMflves bi d 1 temperance, a'e dired ty HINTN I(KmKV. AL IteHte of the Kid' er. Hlad LIFE Her an 1 I ) r tmrv rK'in urn uured hv II um n It r nif d . Finnly IMijh emit u-e l ittiM t mrd v. 8ud U t iiamphiet to WM K. ULAKK K, Frovideuue, R. I. Soldiers Pensioners. We publish an e Kht-oaxe paper "Thk NiT.uNit Till IHJ N k ' dent,Hd t th inti-rets of I'MnlutiH'S hoi di'ri and 8 nlors nnd tbeir hniri ; aUo ouu'aim in teres t ins 'Aruilv rnrtdrnff. li-ioe. Ffty mtt a year spnoial indnoertents o'uhs. A proMr hlank t o lhct amount due under new AHUKAUB i r PfSHION lill.L, tliriiislied ' atttit ..imi An rrrnlar auhrrth I otjy mid 1 aCl ulim flld in li-lminn OlH.'M tetlhmt tharif J i " on ry nn-iit-nr rh sjvC men copy free. H n.t it. t.KOKt.K K. LKMON A CO.. Washington, U. O. lck liia. f. P AGENTS WANTED "FOR THE ICTORIAL HISTORYoftueWORLD It oootains fine historical ennraTin-s and l2tX larRe douhle-uoltimn pairres, and is ihe most orop.eu History of the World ever puhlinbed. It sells a sight Herd for spcimeu paires and extra terms to Anenta. AdirHM National I'rm ibihnu Co , Paiiadelphia.Pa Rl)FULA.---TJersons afflicted . with Scrofula, Hip-disease. Ulcer J ous Sores Abscesses.White Swell ing, Psoriasis, Goitre, Necrosis, Eczema, Diseased Bones, will please send their address Dr. JO N ES, Cihcmibt, Nr-w I.ebunou, N. Y. II YoTOsillfohliFLlpfs IT e npn thH ;OIJKN HFAf- DH-KIH; TAHM'ITN They will prevent all i h uup't a ant Oju-h cnenct a arisioK trim the use of liqunr, n vrnll as in t- rinaiio'i ot that diaea-ed o nlttin n the t-tom auh whiuh in time cann an app-tiie fur lquor ov-r Mtnch 'Dere is no o tml Km .d cet 10TIIK (iULDK SK L TAHIeKT C'OMPAfcY. 117 and 'mu Street, P. O. ttx I "1M, New York Oiy, and tht ywtil he snt hv mail. Vorstlnhy Liquor Dealers anl A o neonnos. iji- rai nicnuius io o-ier. MOlLERCODUVER Oil la perfectly pure. Pronounced the beat by the hlph eKt miHlual autunritii'Hin the world. Given bitcheet award at 1't World'x ExroHitloue, and a IH78. Bold by DruKS iata. W. 11 cliletf: THE HEW VORIC SUN. IMII.Y. 4 iaen. .iicta h muntli ; a0 60 aear. ('MY. 8i'es. r I .'JO a rear, Vi:i'.KI .Y Hpairet. I a ur. THK I'M lias li. h largest oironlation and ia th oht,npHt a id moat mtereatina: paper in tLe United Si (tie Til K WKKK I. V r'NiseruphaticaU)thepeopla'i laujily u.ipbr. I W. KNG LAND, l'uh inhor. N. Y. City. ;Vn i:C ITINI HOOK!! SfO.OOO MOM!!! Tin- " lid Ailvriiiiii-rs" (Hid "Triuinpli nt STANLEY IH AFRICA TliiK mil V m.'li.i.'.r and ").!ryA'r.fi i(.1, rilitiun is ffllinx li.rr ih'in i v 'r ni Amrrira. :it- a Vll'i'.":f.",.'vo,.l'i''" " ln''oiiuo." ACJIiNTM A I I'.ll. l-or full j.'irl .i-uhtrH nnd term a-tdrvHS lIUltll Altn HUU1 1 1 Kits. l'nl.lilii'rs.l'liiU-'..lihia.la. Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs. lraiOHrral -( y HK1HFKT HONOKH AT AIL WURI.U'8 KXI'OSlTIONS KOR rVVKLVK VKAKH; jir. : al Pms, 1W7: Viknna, r,; Hamttoo, 1H76 : PHii..lri.FuiA,lti7H; V.uifl, 1H7H ; and Ohand KwEDiaa Ool.l Mkl.il,. 1H7H. Only American Or.ans erei aw riled hiahst. honors at nny suob. Sold lor oaah or im.taMriii.nl . Im.iihtratkd lU'iiuiauu aud tJirca lure with newatvlwa ami in ires, scut free. MASON 4 mWllMll'HANIU I., Hrwt.in. NewVork, or t'liioaeo V," ,s ii1mi oi K.frpiTYliftvFI We will .end fr..e bv iniil to any one ilesiriua pleasant and protkitulH Hlupltryment, a iMi.ntiftil Ouroiao aud uonliilenl.Hl oircul.ir nf Ihe Aiumoan and KuropH.n l.liiouio Uoiiipi,y, ,l)o int( how to uiiike mouey. We liH.e i-onm Inn i-nlirely new. snub a. Las ne.er hcn iKerrd tu the pulilio before There H a lot ol money in it for aant4. Ad'irabs, inoloninic a 3 ceut a. amp ttr returu iHsti;e on chr iinn, K. (JtstASUN, Kumnier Street, B s'on. Mass DKA.,,'.1 U:'' K 1 1 K V I'l'K It7l7rr alTKiU NKY Dl.sKASKS A i-ure Urnedy ; failnras nn. known Send for circular. N.. Kros A Duller, St, Paul: Ixir.l.Sloultiurg 4 ( lo , (;hi. ao ; A. Nrnilh, Lon don ; W Maddux, llip.y, Oliio; K. Oar ,los Molue.; R. pteurns. Detroit. Th matt popuUr medicine of tbe day w AGENT S("READ THIS! We will py Am a. Sninry of tlinj per mouth and xpensea, or mlow a l ime uouiiuiuion tu Bell our un and wonderful invention.. It. mtan what u Sample free. A'lilreaa, NIIK'ltMAN iV ri , .llnrehnll, Mich. f JVTT'x I.NZ4 SVKIiIV 1.IKK. Had II ('ntrrh Sfynaiti ; lm,t en of aiuell, appet te, sleep ; and ten in I lull fornix and Kurope wit hout rien. . tit, when II V ATI'S 1Z A oure.l mv o .tarrh. renlored my heilth."0. H.Hni. an. NewYork. Hyatt's INZA nirle l.y Hyatt A llyoti, III Grand fctreet,New York. Surtiuir'nt tor c .ru luuiled at ou. and a I a packet. P I fl 3k 1 1 - & 1 ! to m 4 orfartor B I JU l.MJ i m c .Miu-l houurs M.il lili'tu-i. ,i m .i i 1 1 V .i(U irua lllit?r.L up. Ii.'mIj. in Anu-i ii a-IJ.UJ) in um Pimms mm I I'M t fi'af i . h. jiii' Iri-i'. Mk1iKL ' i'l.st .. iMrcn.N. Y. VOUNC MEN e, tuon'h. Kvery r dilute guar ljea.ro 'rlt-fruri and earn X J to HH a rytfr dilute ir uarautH'i & dmidi it- oattoo. Addrea4 K. Vaientu;. Mi vt,r,.'n.Ti-vi i Win. KIDDER'S PASTILLES.fiS1L3!i 'i.ajlf jiaas. JlVIVvJV I IM:1TH (. A compleU uu.uk it al kuiiU. Ii.r riro-i'a- ho ins mid prioe list, ddres J H. t t'UKK.Mr nci. li in () ... Mich. opium;' bit .V hkiii I) at'iiarai. In-iu Uilo(irt't l.onrasl J'rices Uo not fall inb i'r r-.K.Mttfch.Quuicy.M ch 57 r icut t it oaldi t'roe AdJ'rtus t teller. l e-u...:i(.? - .i v.i'i: flYi PA --VMIU btel.oil DultiU). Wiuiuu4 f- I ! Cl. ll 'up.dl t.r 11 na. tJitl .loEue re. S. MSI'KSI'K.a. J Vt W., ,jin Si ..i..l.ill. ... Silv.rViulniStriiig liu lliill.ori lir...., alariliallluwD.Ia WJlEN dSurvivalof the Fittest. k FAMILY MF.DICIXK Til AT HAS TiRMr MILU0N8 lit R! NO SS TSAKSI HALM POrt EVEKV WOCNO Of, " MAN AND I1E.IHTI TnEGLOEST&BESTLINIMEJJT EVEll MADE IX AMERICA. , SALES LARGER TITAN E7EH. . Thr MfXli'nn JltiHlnnp; T.tiilmniiti bo fri lii'i'ti kiiiivvii tor iiiciru tlmn tlilitv r. v, f Ue i... 1...1 ..il I i..l in: rui e lie 1 1 in I." ni ui iiii .jiiiiiiii'iii!, j," .iiiii nnri j.i'iiMi. ji f-ih'j. irvrmy E" 'iiitr'T 1 1ntra rvrr. It our r whn n s ni lu'r-i full, ittnl iM'nt!mr akin. Un ' ;Ji'iiil mtiwlti, to tUo M'iy bono. : . ,V i'Vrytvlu!jM. ! f t 'MiMHi kr( Ai A A Jt , A.S. WMWW'm.MW Will HMI TUk tiUttAl'KMI' .till 'Ii At. MiJi.tA TIIK MAY ! ' . . Ftl. S- Pinafore IT lias attracted larKs andienoe n (lit art -r i l:iM,an w. rk atier week. In all the principal oiiloa.end usvllirf eay ma.io, and needing but ni tuple eeenery, l le,n aiien.i.uly rehears-d by am.teurs awywliera. T,na Buo.'eas Is metited toy IU perfectly innocent wi,, its li i y words aud (wd aaoai. Try It wsula at ia , met ry.illaaet . A K.ii.ni eoutea with MsaVa, Wards aosS UlTat-so, malh.il for v l.OO. Par duaao, SO.OU jrimat nUm'sHIOHBOHOOLCmOlS.. St.OO LAV RfL WEKATH. by W. O. rVrjWe.... l.OO a m, Ttu't buuool aono buok.mmmmm .09 AralhrMof the f ery beat Books for I and lliu Baoaaia, a. Octavo Choruse3. Ai-pl.ndld stoakof these oa band : eost bwt fl te 1 0 ots. each, and aach ooetawa a fasmita Aetftem, t". Oratorio or other Uhorus, (Jaartat as Part tomm- 1 1'--" are in'ion aae4 by Uboira and Koaieeaea few ee.r -.iriamg. Try a jl,, sen! Head lac lie, sw SB as IO for uur fall Book U.taloaae. 1 irealfl . torosre Maadaad Ctavaysaw. OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. , V. n. DITIOrt & CO., 1 1 1 b S4S BraalwiTt Nww Tarfc. J. E, DITSON Ac CO PHt th ft BtTty Pfclladfl. APOWIFI la thai Old Kallabl taneantratad l.ye FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING. Directions aeeompaaylaa aaak aan tut aaakuva Ba aft and Tellat Hoap aulrklf . IT It FULL UfaUT AIT $T0HTU. Tha Marks Is Ins . 1 with (so-oalled) Oenemtraa4 Lye, wniok la adoiteTatad witn sail and reaut, sm4 weal iaA',ean a a rm momMt. amp m wt tww a" CAPON! FIE! MADHBT1UH Ptaaiyltavnia Bait Hanufg Co., rHII.AOEl.KHIA. HOW TO Oft THIM le the beat part ef th. .I.lc. fl.OIMI.000 acre. r,,..it lor frre aopy of 'Kansas I'aelaa lloma slead," adilraH S. J. tillinoryI.ajiil t-ora r, bilmi, tmiit A II K A If Af.I.TIIKTIMK. Tha very best (ooda direot from the lm- porters at Half tha nsaal east. Best pUn erer offe dub erer Offered to Ulnb Aaenta and laraa borers ALL KXFKKatj CIliAitUltS PAID. New tauma FBJtla, TheGreat America nTea Company, 31 and 3!i Ten? Htreei, Mew.Vark. D sTta awl..'. A KM' MILITARY and Band raiforms Of11rtri Friuipments, ( sis, rta.( made by Iff. '. l.Hlt f A t u., CuluiBbus, Ohio, tie mi fur l'ru-4 Luit. Firemen'i Caps, Bells, and Shirts. Ta CUR I 1 An infallible i Hie, Ki.ll.-i CURED FREE! and unexcelled remedy for I'arer I'ttlllnat Mlrknraa wnriuiilrd to etlect aetieedyand 1'Elt Db, H. Q. RdOT, 1 !IJearl Ktree NewYorJL tnfZi1 WARNER RC8 .illRSETa rst'sjivi , Lt,r (a; i . .( M '. t I ll) rri'H FA It IH liXFOSITION, "'-r tn It I. , Inl flllnil 'I s.lr FI.KXIIII.K llll'l OKSKT tl JUbwlit' la waKIaNTHD Hut 1 u In vMtt llr.w ti rivi-r ( iilii- I'rtrti II tV Tlrlp MPROVED HEALTH CORSET Ul4i v ilu tl 1 u.'l u Bul. UicB alt artil fiakltil nI cguttUas lit Untra. 1'ilr br nitit), $ Lit. Kor ! by all Ullaf SBarobsata. WARNER BKOS., til Broadwd. M. T. mm i'ur lieuiily I'olKli, Ha v iuv l4ibr,4 u-nn 1 in -, II u i HI y A lirii iiii, I ur winnle tl. Mil U V. II a-'rat. llli(.rt, P 1. si . F. E. CUEDRY, Agt. Railway Tickets Bought, Sold or Kjrehattortl. EKDUOBU RATES ON AM. TK'EETa KOLO. CUOil B OF ALL ROUTK.O, . No. 31 St. Charloa Street, Under tbs Bt. Charles Hotel. IN K W (lltl.KANN, I.A. $350 A .IIONTII-Aaante vuted-a hrat aellina aruoiee m tne world: oue aauiola r. Addiee JAi bkONttuai tWvit, au.a. TE&S! I Y i".A.M K.-N I-cure. ! a. at a 1 1 re doii le " or my I renowned siteciuo and a ral. B nahle Treatise sent to an7 8 C Jl aiitlerar seadina rue his iV f. o. and Kxpresa addraaa. ml Ah i UV a9 1 j " f Hi I I Jr THCTB IS MIGHTY! I "V ! ''?ruri?sr3 -af I . -V I r.t. haeaWaJ m xaa, KM st . ' "'' 'j' aA4aa. the Wau t4 yakMa aikeM if V Keaaea. Maw, - ak J S