o , :mmi, m. 21, m. UGIi OFFICE rtS. ','f . It. Kelly, O. W. Bovard, , . 11. Reek", Wm. Richards, l'car.c C. A. Randall, J, -II. Swnirnrt ' -. .v,-fr II. 11. May, IT. O. Pa . dark, W. R. Punii, A. B. Kel- o T COUNTY OFFICERS. 1 rVi)i7?,f,"H--HAItllY Wjuth. ' ' ' N. 1. Viikkm-:ii. nl'irX,. D. Wktmore. Ju(lyci3u. O. Dai, n, ED IT. r Wm. TjAwuktnth. '"y, Register it Recorder, dc I AWKKV. -C. A. RaniAt.t,. '.'. -Km Ukiimx, Tsaac : . W. LrnKitrn. prrivteP'li'yif IT. S. Vnorif- r-rnrifH. D. Inwilf. 'neraC. II. Church. ! T. P. COt.MNS. . :, Coihtrn. UioM Xicnor.AH Thomt- nrW.ANIt, F. C, LACY. :iZSS DIRECTORY. TIONESTA LODGE 't lI. o.bro. 1?. IEETS every Friday evening, nt 7 q'clook. In tho Lndga Room in Par- '.dgo'ii Hall. S. P. IRWIN, N. !. -.. W. SVWYEIt, Hw 27-lf. J. W. VVnlkcr, TTOlSsKV AT LAW, Tiones!a, Pa. v Oflioo t tho Itural House. Will t .1 to business In tlio evenings and on ui'davu. Utf E. I.. Dnvis, , TTORNEY AT LAW, Tionosta. Pa. V. Collections made in thifand adjoin ; counties. ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW, :f Street, TIO.VXSTJ , rA. . . I.AT1IY. J. 11. AUNKW. LATHY .AOISHW, ATXOJIX i: Y f A T J, A tf', TIONESTA, rA. attention sor.niKtis!. I l:nvo boon admitted to practice as an ' t:orney in tho Pension Oftlco ut Wash j.lon, ' 1). C. All officers, soldiers, or ;i dor who wore injur.d in tlio lato war, i.ti olitnhi pensions to which they may bo 'ititlp'l, bv calling on or addressing nin at '1 ioueyla, Pa. Alsrt, claims for arreai-imcs f pny riiJ bounty will receive prompt at- ''ion. ! 1 a vini been over four years a soldier in I 'to war, ami having tor a number of engaged in tlio prosecution of hoI claims, my expnriencA will nscurc I 'llijction of claims in tlio shoi test pos 1iiti. J. It. AUNKW. vr. W. Hays, TTOUNKY AT LAW. and Noiauv I i- Jt-ni.ic, liovHoUls Mukill A. I'o.'n I.locW, Heneca StM Oil City, Pa. "'.My , L;iwrMca Houhc, nrHNF.SI'A, PKXN'A, WM. LAW JL IIV.NCK, Pkoi-KIKTOH. This hows' is (Miniraily located. Kvcrythiin; newwnd well -fiiniiwlied Superior accommodu iiiiiis and Ktrict attention nivon to guests. Vegetable and Fruits of ail kinds served tlmir season. tSamjilo room for Com rcial Ayrrnts. CENTRAL HOUSE, IDONNF.Pv .t AUNKW PLOCK. L. An new, Proprietor. This is n new ii'iiiR?, and has just been fitt-d up for the iieoiniuoilatioii of tho public. A ortion of tho iiatronago of tho public is solicited. jr 7 ION EST A HOUSE. CK. McCKAY, Lessee. Situated at tho mouth of Ttmtesta Creek,' Tioncsta, ('. This hou.-i'! has been thoroughly re '.rttd and refurnished, and a portion of the , fublio patronage respectfully solicited. tionkSta, pa. (kkick Horns ; 7 to 0 a. m., 7 to 0 i. . Wednesdays and Kuturdsys from l . . m. to ;) r. m.v A. II. KKLLY. MA Y, 1'AltK ,C CO., 3 A' U K E B S I'onuir of Kirn it Walnut Sis. Tioncsta. Bank of Discount and Deposit. Interest allowed on TimaPcposits. Sections niadeon all thcVrhieipal points of tho U, S, ; Collectlons'doilcitoil. 18-ly. "IDIOUTESHAVlNGliALdJN. T. IL' 'KAKfKS, Vropuiwtok, 'lAVtNU, Hair-Cutti'V, ,SIia"inpooing ' iti'id every thing in tho Tonsorial Art no with neatness Ai)d.dcspatch. Msg a lirst-cljLs stock iff eiOAPtS AO'OHACC'l). iween M.abiuA llunter'a and thi'Vist cTidioute, Pa. - 33 Jy OTOGRAEIJ. GALLERY. -v JC HTBUJiT, Til" OK UORINSON A, IiONNKir WTOKK. Tionosta, Pa., UtPENTER, '.- Proprietor. Pictuiestikeu in alltho latest ftvles the ai t. W-tf TIME OF TRAINS , AT TIONTSTA STATION. South !i:"fi A. m. accommodnlion. " J:. Mp. m. " p. M. North ":"1 a. m. (lag. " P. M. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Uov. IClliot will occupy the pul pit of the l'reahyteriau Church next Sunday, morning and evening. Jf. E. Sunday School at 10 o'clock ft. m., and Presbyterian Sunday School nt 3 o'clock p. tu. Trains on our road are nearly al ways on time. But there are mighty few roads this far north that aro us fortunate. Court week occurs tho Fourth Monday of February. Wo publish the list of jurorf; this week. The court proclamation and trial list will appear in our next issue. Protractel meetings are being held at Marienville, by the Rev. Sag gert. Jas. Cole has possession of the old court hou?o, and there is somewhat of a protracted effort going on by some parlies who aro trying to get him out. A New York dispatch of last week states that Stewart's body has beeu recovered, by tho estate paying $50, 000, and agreeing not lo pursue nor prosccuto the thieves. Judge Hilton refuscj to bo interviewed. Onco in a while a new agent strikes Tioncsta, . with something for sale which would be needed hereabout twice in a century, and then he just has the lonesonicst time, and displays tlio worst temper you ever observed, until tho next train pulls out. Mr. L. L. Jirennesholtz, of Tidi oute, whose extensive dry goods store is periodically advertised in these col umns, favored'us with a call on Mon day. IIo is a gentleman whom it is a pleasure to meet, and a merchant with whom it is profitable to deal. Fivo tramps put in an appear ance in town on Saturday evening last. This is rather rough weather to be on the roads. We see by our city exchanges that tho number of tramps is daily diminishing, whether by death oi industry doth not appear. J. T. Brennan, Esq , orders a car load or two of coal every once in a while, and our coal consumers will hardly ever find him short. Those wishing a few loads at present can be accommodated by calling on him. Some of our boys occasionally get a letter from our former townsman, D. F. RobinsDii, who is located at Water Cure, near Beaver. David is running .i geenral store, in company with V.'iu. Coruwoll, and the vounj; firm is doinjr a good business. --The rieasautville Odd Felloes are going to return the call made by some of tho members of our lodge some timo in the near future. Some years ago loaf or two of these odd Pleasantville fellows came over here, and we fjund them a very pleasant set of chaps. Every day or two we have a little extra fall of snow. We have already enough to do all the hauling there is to do, if it stays on ; but "old prob.," when he gels started, almost always overdoes tho matter. Web. Clark re ports three ftet of snow on a level in Old Forest. Another "upset" occurred on Sat urday evening last, and a rood sleigh was badly demoralized. parties report that one of the lines broke, and tho horse ran away, and nobody was to blame. There's a comforting thought to tha poor in tlm item : those who are not ab!o to hire a hsrso aud sleigh are not in danger of having a broken vehicle to pay for. Ou Saturday evening last a boy named James Sampsell, whilo coasting in South Oil City, was thrown against a large sled, sustaining a compound fracture of the skull. Apiece of the skuJ bone two and one-half by three inches was removed. The chances are against his recovery. So says the Derrick. Another meeting of sportsmen was held on Satur.lay evcuiDg last, and it was resolved that some ipecial leg islation, on the subject of raising the bounty on game-destroying animate aud birds should be endeavored after. Iu accordance with tthis resolution vre to-day publish a notico of proposed legislation, in accordance with the law in 6uch cases. Whether or uor the matter can be carried through, it is impossible in these days of tho New Constitution to telj. News came to town on Monday of the death of Mrs. Lester Warner, of Barnctt Twp., on Thursday last. Sho was aged about GO t) G5 years. It is supposed that her death was raused by an excess of adipose tissue, as she weighed some 400 pounds. The gen tleman who brought the news was without particulars. The ypunjj people of our place, assisted by some whn are not as young as they once M.rc, are to take a sleigh ri le to Tylcrsburij to-morrow evening, where they will make it lively for Charley Webrr. They think they will be aide to drive out there, danco a hole through the ball-room floor, cat the landlord out and be back at Tio nestn ready for business by seven o'clock on Friday morning. Wm. licck contemplates moving to Slratlanvillo in the course of a few weeks, to take charge of the extensive milh of Mr. IlnlofTson. Frank Reck, who has had charge there for a year or two past, has thrown up the job, on account of the filing not agreeing with hiiu. Sorry to lose William from among us, and hope ho will make lots of money and friands in his new home. Tho roof of the Central House barn fell in on Thursday morning last, from the effects of the va t. amount of snow which bad accumulated on it du ring the last few weeks. Thero were three or four horses in the bam at the time, but fortunately none of them were injured. The sides of tho barn did not spread much, and tho roof is being put up again in sections, and.iu a few days it will be in shape for the "critters" of tho traveling public. Report of tho public schools of of Tionesta, for the month ending Jan. 18lh, 1870. School No. 1. No. enrolled, males, 20, females, 34, total, 00. Average attendance, males, 18, females 28, to tal, 46. Names of pupils neither ab sent uor lardy : Charles Davis, Em ma Sawyer, Emma Davis and Dora Adams. Number of visitors, 20. J. W. Walker, Teacher. Bradford is now a chnrtered city, and men from all parts of the world, and some fiom the "lower regions" are flocking in there to seek their fortunes. A new oil exchange is to be dedicated there in a few days. Old operators with ol4 6triugs of tools, are' crowding in, and before next June the ground for mile9 around there will be bored as full of holes as a seive. Then the country will brgin to play out, and theu Forest County must be devel oped. In booming times our young bloods, and indeed, the old ones too, would snort with contempt if a person offered to treat them to a cigar costing less than ten cents. As the times shut down on us, a five-cent cigar was promptly accepted and gratefully ac knowledged ; but now a two-for-fivo or even a three foi-five, is snapped up so quick that, it makts one's head swim. Thus men's vices, a9 well as their neci-sitirs learn to conform to the times and the state of trade. A loan exhibition nt Meadville, occupies a good deal of space in the papers, and a good deal of attention from the people of that thriving city. The proceeds aro to be devoted to the public library. Amorrg the curiosities mentioned is a $20 gold piece, which has been an heir-loom in one family for eighty years. The Republican says that had tin piece been put out at in terest eighty years ago, and the inter est compounded annunlly, it would have amounted to 20,000 by this time. Who wants to borrow a twenty-dollar gold-piece of us for eighty years? At tho M. E. Church on Sunday evening last, Rev. Stone, by a si rung appeal to the congregation, succeeded in raising the balance due on the church debt, all but five dollars, which are probably contributed before this time. This church has beeu laboriug under a load of debt for a number of years, and wo ato glad to note its com plete release. During Rev. Allen's stay here, part of the debt was paid off by the sale of a strip of tho church lot. Both these gentlemen deserve credit for their efforts to clear the church debt off. Tho Nursery for February, a bright and beautiful number, is to hand. As nn educator of children, it is almost equal to our common schools. The little magazine is profusely illus trated, beautifully printed, and is worth doublo its price to any family where there aro children. Terms 31.50 a year, postpaid. Address John L. Shorey, 30 Bromfield St., Boston. On Sunday morning last it was discovered that during the previous night a channel from twenty to twen ty five feet in width bad been cut through the ico bridge here, which was recently constructed with considerable trouble and some expense. Of course the parties who constructed the ice bridge had no hesitation about where to place tho instigation of tho job, and express themselves to the effect that "the end is not yet." Another pbice of ice was swung on Monday, and tha connection again made. We believe teams are crossing this morning. If this matter goes any further we sup pose our courts will have tho final set tlement of the afTair. The Derrick of Monday gives "the rumor for what it is worth, that Ty lersbuig, Clarion county, has an or ganized band of outlaws, the members of which are oath-bonud, and the lives and property of the law-abiding citi zens of tho city are greatly endan gered." Wo don't believe the rumor is worth much. The citizen? of Tyleroburg are a law abiding race, and m far as we have been able to learn, have never, as a community, beeu guilty of anything worse than a debating society. Oh, no 1 they manufacture staves out there, and are O. K. We expect, however, to see the stave-haulers' heads oath bound all around with blue rings of profanity, when they come in here and find that tho ice-bridge has been "scut tled." If you want floe holiday presents go to M. Wilk, Jeweler, Tidioute, who is closing out at and bolow cost. tf Fresh buckwheat flour from new buckwheat, at Robinson it Bonner's. -3 Nkwtowx Mi mx, Pa., Nov. J 9, 78. Mr. Dunx: I wish to inform the readers of tho Republican and the citizens of Forest County generally, that I shall make a thorough canvass of the County, as Agent for the Rem ington Sowing Machine. I have fur nished a number of these Machines to the people of this County, among whom are, Mrs. D. B.- Tobey, Buck Mills. Mrs. John Ma the, Mrs. John Hunter. Ross Run. Mrs. Df niel Brecht, Beaver Valley Mrs. Siebert Burhen, Dutch Hill. Mis Zusndel, " The most of these ladies have tested other machines, and I am wiling that any one desirous of purchasing a Sew ing Machine should consult them. Yours respectfully, Aaron Elliott. Dobbins' Electric Soap. Ilavibg obtained the agency of this celebrated soap for Tionesta and vi cinity we append the opinion of some of our best people as to its merits : "I have tried Dobbins' Electric Soap, made by I. L. Cragin & Co., Phil'a, Pa., and find that it is all the manu Atcturers claim it to be. It is the wo men's friend, because it saves one-half the labor. Mrs. J. L. Craig." "Dobbins' Electric Soap is the best I have ever used. I can heartily rec ommend it. It is a charm in the wash tub. ' Mrs. D. S. Knox." "I take pleasure in recommending Dobbins' Electric Soap. It is a supe rior article, in fact the King of Soaps. Mrs. W. R. Reck." We desire all our friends and cus tomers to give this soap one trial, so thej may know just how good the best soap in the U. S. is. 22-12 Robinson & Bonner, Tionesta Pa. Solo Ageuts. Sheldons Spellers and Readers. Feltons Arithmetic, and Guyots Go ograpys, and Pateut Copy Books at Robinson & Bonner. 2t. M. Wilk, Jeweler, of Tidioute, of fers his entire stock at lower prices thau the samo goods have ever been purchased, hero or elsewhere. Give him a call. tf. MARRIED. IIolkman IIkatu. At tho residence of tho bride's fsUher, Jan. l, 1S7U, Mr. Geo. W. Jloloinau, of Tionosta, Pa., and Miss Garrio L. Heath, of Hiclimond, (., Itev. C. It. Richmond olliciutin. George, accept our congratulations. May yourself and irido enjoy a long life of happiness and prosperity. APPEAL NOTICE. Commission kkh' Okkick, ) Tionksta, Pa., Jan l), Into, j "VJOTK'K is hereby piven that tho Ciini-i- missioiinrs of I'm-ost (iiniv u ill 1 1 at their ollieo ill ttiu Court Houso in Tio nesta Jiorouuli, ou tlio olli ami (ith of Feb ruary, for tlio purpose of holding appeals from tho assessment of 171'. Py order of Co. Commissioners. J. T. IiKKNNAN, Clerk. Kunkel's "Parfume do Paris," the pIcRsantest ami most delightful per fume extant, for ealo nt Bovara s. Price 75 cts. per bottle. This is no cheap, scented trumpery, but is a stan dard and lasting article. tf. Consumption C'urol. An old physician, retired from prac tice, having bad placed in his bands by an East India missionary the for mula of a simple vegetable remedy, for the speedy and permanent cure for consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asth ma, aud all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous com plaints, after having tested its wonder ful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actu ated by this motive, and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send, free of charge, to nil who dpsire it, this recipe, with full directions for prepar ing and using, in German, French, or English. Sent b)' mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, V. W. Slierar, 140 Powers' Block, Rochester, N. Y. 14 eow-ly --Kunkel'a "Dcs Flcur De Alpes," a delicious perfume for the handker chief. Price 75 cts. per bottle Do not waste your money on "cheap" perfumery; the best is the cheapest. For sale at Bovard's. tf. F.Sale. Thirty acres of good land, tho upper part of the Waldo Farm, on Stewart'B Run, Venango Co., will bo sold cheap for cash. Apply to W. Richards, tf. Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa. If you want a good article, buy Kunkel's Perfumes for tho handker chief. For sale nt Bovard's. tf. For home-made Yarns and Flrn nels"go to Robinson eVBo 11 tier's. 2 Xew Advertisements. TVIuTICK OF PHOPOSKI) LEGISLA li TION. Notice is hereby K'ven that an application will bo made at tlio present session of tho Legislature for an act fixing tne jjounty on r oxes, uwis, uawns, d-e. L. AUNKK, Jan. 21, 1870. J. 1). HULIXGS. . fR1 1 CORTLANOT STREET, near Ilroadwiij-, IV ow Yopk. IIOTOIIKISS it PONP, Proprietors. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. The restaurant, cafa and lunch room at tached, aro unsurpassed for cheapness and excellence of service. Rooms 50 cts. to 2 per day, 3 to (10 per wvek. Convenient lo all ferries ana city raiiroaus. 44 jy SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE of a writ of Vcndi Ex. issued out of tho Court of Common Ples of Forest County, and to me direct ed, there will bo exposed to sale by public vciuiuo or outcry, at tlio Court iiouso 111 Tionesta. on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, A. P., 1879, at 9 o'clock A. M., the following described real estate, to-wit : A. Cook vs. A. J. Mazo, No. 10 February Term, 1K79. Lathy V. Anew. -A certain tract of land situated in Barnctt township, Forest county, Pa. , hounded on the east by Edward Kerr, on the north by John Fitzgerald and Thompson C Parr. on the east by A. Cook and William Henry, and on the south by land of William II. Low rlo and John 11. Mazo. Containing three hundred acres more or less and being tho same lands conveyed by J. B. Agnew, Sheriff of Forest Countv, Pa., to Andrew J. Mazo by deed Sept. 28, 1801). Record in Forest County in Peed Book No. 4. page 603. Ac. At.so. All that other piece or parcel of land situated in Barnett township, Forest county, i'ii., uonnciod and described as fol lows, to-wit: On the west by lands of A. Cook, on ho south by lands of AVilliam Henry formerly William Lowria. nnd tlio Clarion River, on the north by lands of Thompson it Parr and John 'Fitzgerald and on tho cast by tho Clarion River. Containing 0110 hundred and fifty acres, more or less, being erected thereon one saw mill, three board houses, ono stable aud boat scallbld and pin shanty. I aken in execution and to be sold as tho properly of A. J. M.i.o at the suit of A. Tonus cash. C. A. RANDALL, Sheriff. " Sheriff's Oliice, Tio'iesta, Pa., Jan. 1", 1879. WILLIAM READ & SONS 13 FANEUIL 1IALLSQR., MASS., Agents for W. & C. SCOTT 6c SON'S BREECH-LOADERS!! Used by ('apt. Pog.irdus (who has shot one of these guns over .HO.OOi) times and still uses it in all his mutches), Miles Johnson ami the principal shots and clubs. We have aNo brought out tho I&cwt Itrct''l2Ijoalci' of favorite Top-Snap Action ever shown iu tlio market. Other qualities at (3 and flo. Of- Send for ( irciihu s and Lists of sec ond hand J 11 1 ik. 8-hii BA re-Always tho Best. 'Tli! i Standard American I'm viler ust if inut einloi-.so.l bv thousan.la of tho very best t iMi:i'4 tliicm:;liuiii tun cxiint' v. l'.ich run eo'iiaiu u sui-.iil tin niiiisuro to uiu liib-tua 0 it i inn 1 1,. 1 1 en 111 isi ukc urn ltterly i m 1 uM 01 c, ' .1.:' NN;;k" istojil l.y Grocers iu tpi.irterh, llidvt-s Po.iuls mul Five Pound Tin o"!" TIOIVICfSTA. 3IA.It.Kl.yTH. CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY, Ry Robinson & Ronner, Dealers in General Merchandise. Flour barrel - f5.5ow.fl.25 Flour sack, 1 rest - - LCD Corn Meal, 100 !t)i .... 1,50 Chop feed, puro grain - 1.30(7,1.47 Rye "p bushel ----- r.O Oats New bushel 30 Corn, ear - - - - - 2,'e(J30 Beans bushel - 2.003.CO Ham, sugar cured - - 10 Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured Iff Shoulders ..... 7(g Whitefish, half-barrels ... f,.7J Laivo herring half-barroU -- 3.7 Sugar - U(rU Syrup ...... Kfyl.CO N. O. Molasses new C075 Roast Rio Coffee 25 Rio Coffee, - - 2025 Java Coilbe ..... 35 Tea - - - - .40PO Butter 1820 Rico - - 10 Eggs, fresh .... 20 Salt 1.80 1.00 Lard 11 Iron, common bar .... 2.75 Nails, lOd, keg .... 2.75 Pofatf.es .... 750O Lime bbl. .... i.Kri.eo D'ied Apples per ft ... J10 Pried Beef - 17CylS 1 'THE ORGAN OF OIL.' The Daily Derrick iroie 1879 WILL BE BETTEE THAN EVER. THE DERRICK has a large and com petent stall' of editors and reporters, nnd lias special correspondents in every town in the Oil Regions. It is a faithful expo nent of the great Petroleum interest.s.ancl, by a liberal outlay of money and exercise of talent, has established ajsystem of news gathering not excelled by 'any paper in the State. Anything of interest to the oil trade, whether occurring in America or Europe, is faithfully recorded in its col umns. THE DERRICK IS THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE STATE. It circulates anion a rich and flourishing people. BEAD WHAT THE LEADING- PAPERS SAT OF The Oil City Daily Derrick: A bright nnd lively paper Buffalo Ex press. A daily of National repute Noriistown Herald. An exceedingly enterprising daily Philadelphia Times. A bright and original daily Philadel phia Record. An excellent oil authority Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. A live pnper and a snccess Chicago National Board of Trade. A bright and enterprising paper Pitts burgh Commercial -CJazette. Reaches every place of note in the Union Cor. Philadelphia Bulletin. What tho Pvkuick doesn't give about oil is scarcely worth knowing Pitts burgh Chronicle. Tho leading authority on oil matters, and an enterprising daily journal Wor cester (Mas.) Press. Its able devotion to the oil interest of Pennsylvania and tho general live naturo of tlio paper are the secrets of its success Buffalo Courier. Among the best examples of successful journalistic enterprises in tho State. By making a speciality of oil news It has made itself tho leading authority on every sub ject relating to that great industry Lan, caster Intelligence. Tho DAILY DERRICK has a circula tion larger than all tho other papers of tho Oil Retriono combined. It receives the ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES The DEKR1CK will bo represented at tho National Capitol during tlio winter of 1S78-9 by one of tho oldest and best in formed journalists in Washington. TERMS : One Year Q.0Q (Six Months . 5.01) Oue Moiith(ln advance) 1.00 THE WEEKLY DERRICK Contains tho Creme rfe Ic Creme of tho daily, besides a large amount of original matter prepared expressly for its columns. -It is without 11 rival as 11 family journal. Published every Friday morning. Tkums: 1.60 per annum in advance. W II LONCiWELL, Prop'r. Awarded tho Hichest Medal at Vienna and Philadelphia. e. & 11. t. atony & co;, Ml Broadway, Now York. (Opp. Metropolitan j Intel.) Manufacturers, Importers it Dealers In Velvet Frames, Albums, Grephoscopes. STERE0SC 0 F E S AND VIEWS, ICngravings, Chromos, Photographs, And kindred goods Celebrities, Actress es, etc. photographTTmaterials. Wo nre Headquarters for everything In tho way of STE KEOPTICONS and MAG IC LANTERNS, being manufacturcri! of tho Micro-Scientific Lantern, Stereo -Panopticon, L' 11 versify Ntereoptb on. Advertisers .Ntereoptieon, Artopth on School Lantern, Family Lantern, PEOPLE'S LANTERN." Each style being the best of its class in the market Beautiful Photograpic Transparencies of Statuary and engraving for the window. Convex Class. M ami fact lire! s of velvet frames tor Miiiiaturos ami Convex Clans Pictures, Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, with directions for using, sent on receipt often cents. S'J-Uin O BAKING f POWDER i f:, il f s f