The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 15, 1879, Image 4

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Oridltlra r I nenne who t'nll at the
Prrnldrntlnl .llaaalna.
Every now unl then nn item is pub
lished giving au nccouut of the autics of
nome crn&y porson who Amis his or her
wny to tho White hone. Not half the
calls of people of this dims nt the exeo
utive mansion rtro recorded. The visits
are almost the daily rule rather than
the exocption.
Among these is an old gentleman who
lives a short distance ont in the country,
near Bladensburg. Ue wears a large
Boft hat, Balt-and-pepper pants, and a
short black coat. Ilia eyes are blue and
mild, with nothing wild about them,
and his hair is gray. lie calls regnlarly
onoe in every two months. He comes
in the door solemnly. Being asked
what he wants, he replies, I havo
come to tnko my seat." He then tells
how he has been regnlarly elected
President and would have come to en
ter on his duties sooner, but work on
his farm prevented his leaving home.
The ushers talk to him seriously about
tho matter, and as a general thing he
Boon leaves perfectly satisfied.
A mau comes down hero from Penn
sylvania about five times a year. Die is
about thirty-five years old, and dresses
neatly and comfortably. lie demands
to see the President. The treasury and
the White house have been deeded to
him, ai d he wants the possession of
both. The last time he called he wore
a pair of bndly nsd up shoes, and got
slightly noisy. When put outside the
door he said : "I will submit this
time, as I do not wish to make Hayes
houseless; but the next time I come I
want no foolishness. I want him to
move out promptly. I hate to be so
harsh, but my shoes are wearing out,
and I must have my rights. Just tell
him how the case stands. "
A woman from Maine walked in one
day, in a dress like that of a Quaker.
She stalked 'into the east room and
spreading a large Bible which she car
ried nnder her arm on one of the win
dow seats announced her text and be
gan in a loud voice to hold forth on the
necessity of being born again.
A man from Ohio called a few weeks
ago. He had a theory that the world
was coming to an end in a few days, if
he was not made superintendent of the
naval fiservatory.iu view that he might,
by hiw'Knowledge of astronomy, avert
the impending collision of the earth
with all the planets, ne was promised
the position, and left satisfied.
A raw-boned fellow from Maine is
seen no more at the White house. He
used to be a regular visitor. He would
march in every morning, walk up to
one of the ushers, and hand him a let
ter. The letters were addreesed to R.
B. Hayes, from Ohio, President of the
United States, U. S. of Amerioa, West
ern Continent, White House, Distriot of
Columbia." These letters were always
opened, but were such scrawls that no
one could read them. This probably
suited the man exactly, as all he seamed
to want was to deliver the letters
promptly at nine every morning.
The goddess of liberty just stepped
down from the dome of the capitol," has
already been introduced to the readers
of the Star, She came back the other
week, and being refused admittance to
the President's room, threatened to
bring down her " reserves." These con
sisted, she said, of all the statues in the
old hall of representatives and that of
Columbus in the east front of the capi
tol, and of the group of the backwoods
man and Indian fighting.
A hard-looking male customer he
was about forty years old came in one
morning. "I am the man," he said in
a roar, who closed the rebellion. It is
a matter of necessity that I should see
the President." He was told that the
President did not receive visitors at the
White house. lie saw every one who
called at No. 414 Tenth street. This is
the number of the police station on
that street. The man went promptly to
No. -114 Tenth street and took a seat.
After sitting there a while the keeper
asked what he wanted. 'Oh The said,
" I have just called to see the Presi
dent." The keeper took in the situation
at a glance, and, saying, "step this
way," conducted the visitor into one of
the cells. As he turned the key in the
lx-.k Hie mau inside said : If the
President comes just show him right in,
will you?" " Certainly," said the keep
er, and went back to his desk Wash'
ingfon Star.
A Mule Kickgatauor Nitro-Gljccrinc.
There was a dinai-troufl and fatal ex
plosion of nitro glycerine and blasting
powder at Earlicgton, Ky., a mining
town fifty miles south of Evansville, one
night not long ago. The St. Bernard
coal company, in whose mines tho ex
plosion occurred, have of late begun to
use a small quantity of nitro-glycerine
with powder for blasting purposes. On
the night in question an old colored
man was ordered to carry some nitro
glycerine. He went to the magazine,
and, after getting a supply, left a can of
it sitting by the car-track till he could
deliver the charge. While gone a team
of empty cars came by, drawn by two
mules. One of the males kicked the
can of explosive matter, which instantly
exploded, blowing mules, cars and the
colored driver into atoms, and filling
the passage with debris and rubbish of
all kinds from the roof. Two seconds
later the blasting powder stored in the
adjoining room exploded with terrific
force. The shocks were distinctly felt
atMadisonville, Ky., three miles distant,
and were attributed to an earthquake.
The wildest confusion prevailed in Earl
ington, as it was supposed to be an ex
plosion of fire-damp, and there were
eighty men in the chambers beyond
reach. The whole city turned out, and
affrighted and weeping miners' wives,
mothers and children made a scene
whioh beggars description. The popu
lation gathered at the mouth of the pit
and made various attempts to enter, but
the volumes of smoke that rolled out
prevented, and for an hour the most
agonizing suspense prevailed. By that
time the miners began to emerge, as the
smoke decreased in volume, and the safe
ty of all was announced. Not one was
injured, though all sustained some ner
vous shock. The only deaths were those
of the driver and the mules.
From the debris of their coal mines
France makes annually 700,000 tons of
exoellent fuel, and Belgium 000,000
Items of Interest.
" Life is reel," to the spinner.
A paying teller Edison's phono
graph. There are 948 p.per mills in the
United States.
Dried apples aro nsed for dessert at
all swell parties.
New York oar horses on an average
last only four years.
To remove paint from door posts, back
up against it when it is fresh.
A yonng man with his first goatee may
bo said to have a tuft time of it.
Anybody can catch a cold now. The
trouble is to let ago again, like the
man who caught the bear.
The Brazilian government has granted
a privilege to a gentleman for the mnnu
factnre of paper from the wild fig tree.
Phosphorescent paper, writing or
print on which can be read in the dark,
is the substance of a late European in
vention. A fellow ont West got a sentence of
twenty years for stealing horses. That
is what might be called an Evarts sen
tence. It was very long.
More noble horses are to be seen in
New York's business etreets than in any
commercial or political capital of the
Christian world. Soribner'i.
Mother (notioing her son's greediness)
" George, yon should always leave the
table feeling that you could eat a little
more." Son I do, mother."
An obvious improvement on Shak
speare: "Cry havoc, and let loose the
cats of war." They will be much more
likely to come np to the scratch than
dogs will.
Bnrdette, the Ilaxvkeye man, is lec
turing on the "Rise and Fall of the
Mustache." He gives an illustration of
his subject every time he takes a bite
out of a pumpkin pie.
It used to be the patchwork quilt, but
now it is a feather cloak. This particu
lar feather cloak is in St. Louis, and is
composed of 38,961 feathers, furnished
by quail, wild duok and prairie chicken.
The cost is- $500. Cloaks of a feather
flock together.
The remains of huge glaciers have
been discovered cn the east side of Wind
river peak, Wyoming Territory, and on
the east baseof Fremont's peak. Prof.
E. V. Hayden thinks that on the west
side of Wind river a gigantio glacier
onoe existed eighty miles in length and
twelve in breadth.
Intemperance Among Women.
Dr. Stephen Smith, of New York,
who has given much thought to the
subject, says : Thoughtful medical
men frequently express mnch appre
hension at the prevailing tendency of
women, and especially yonng women,
ti indulge in the nse of alcoholic liquors.
The causes of intemperate habits among
the wealthier class are twofold : The.
first is social wine-drinking customs.
These exert an especially strong inKn
enoe npon young women. At the period
of budding womanhood the nervous sjs
t )m is peculiarly impresnible, and any
thing which produces a state of nervous
exaltation will, if repeated, readily be
come a fixed want. No one except a
physician can fully appreciate the bus
o sptibility of young ladies at the age
when they are conventionally intro
duced to fashionable society. There is
scarcely anything so liable to impress
the nervous system at this time as mild
but exhilarating wines. Confirmed
habits of drunkenness may now now be
formed, bnt nermanent imnrAsninm d
made which will never be lost, and
wmcn roo oiten revive at some later
period and make sad h
character and domestic linnninona a
sjcond exciting cause is the prescription
oi uiuuuouc Btimujants oy pnysicians.
Referenoe is not made to the scientific
uses of alcohol in medicine, but to the
reckless habit of recommending utimu-
ianis ior an me trifling ailments of
women. The physician, wearied xith
the importunities of patients, recom
mends wine or beer, brandy, or whisky,
a prescription easily made and gener-
uunijf uuwpueu wun.
The effects of intemperance upon the
constitution of women are of the most
decisive character. Intemperance tends
to shorten life more in woman than in
man. Competent authority gives the
average duration of life of the intem
perate, after drinking is formed, as fol
lows : Among mechanics, working and
laboiing men, eighteen years; among ers, dealers and merchants, seven
teen yearp ; among professional men and
gnt) euien, fifteen years; among women,
fo irteen years.
The ills of women acoustomed to the
habitual use of alcoholic beverages are
innumerable. The effects of intem
perance upon the mental faculties of
women aro not lens disastrous than np
on the physical system. It very
rapidly brings her will power under
its subjection, and often before her
friends are aware that a habit has been
formed Bhe is already its helpless and
hopeless victim. She will resort to every
device to secure its indulgence. It de
stroys her purity of thongtt and makes
her indifferent to the good opinions of
others. The use of alcoholio beverages
by women is a growing evil which de
serves the most serious consideration.
The evil is not limited to the individual,
but perpetuates itself in her offspring,
and thus leads to the degeneracy of the
race. In England, where wine and beer
drinking is more common than in this
country, the voice of the medical pro
fession has been rained against it. The
reform must begin in the home and
social circles.
Iowa'g Walled Lake.
The greatest wonder in the State of
Iowa is what is called the "walled
lake," in Wright oounty, twelve miles
north of the Dubuque and Paciflo rail
way, and 150 miles west of Dubuque
city. The lake is from two to three feet
higher than the earth's surface. In
some places the wall is ten feet high,
fifteen feet wide at the bottom, and five
wide on top. Another fact is the size
of the stones used in construction, the
whole of them varying in weight from
three tons down to 100 pounds. There
is an abundance of stones in Wright
oounty, but surrounding the lake to the
extent of five or ten miles there are
A French Taper's Joke,
A young and rich American lady,
with her three children, boarded one of
the Mississippi steamboats which have
the dangerous habit of enjoying a little
racing when a conple of them are
careering np or dowu the stream.
"Captain, I will make the tripwilh
yon ou one condition give me your
word that yon will not race.
" Madam, I pledge my word."
They 6tart After half an honr an
other steamer begins to overhaul the
first. The lady rushes frantically to
the captain.
" Captain, d'yesoe ? d'ye see?"
" leu, madam."
"And will you endure it? Will you
allow her to give yon the go by t No I
Impossible ! You will at least try."
"Heavens I madam," replied the cap
tain, coldly, "I don't race, but if I did
I have no more wood to pile on and show
her our heels, unless "
"Quick I quick 1 What is it?"
" Unless I burn one of your chil
dren." "Very well, captain," she cries,
straining over tho railing and looking
wildly at the advancing steamer ; " hur
ry up ! Burn the biggost I" Paris
There is now living in the province of
Ontario, Canada, a Catholic priest
named John Macdonald, who is ninety
seven years of age, and has been more
than seventy years in the priesthood.
1 1 oat nf Peopl arc Rlartvr
To bick headache, that infallible symptom of a
disordered stomach, liver and bowels. Many
Buffer from it as many as three or four ti i en a
week. Tboy do so needlessly, for Hoatetter'g
Stomach Bitters, by toning the digestive or
gans and regulating the bowel and liver, re
moves the cause, and dispels the painful symp
tom. The intimate sympathy between the
brain and the abdominal region cansos the
slightest disorder to be reflected, as it were,
in the organ of thought. The reform insti
tuted by the Bitters when the digestive, secre
tive and evacuative functions are in a state of
chaos, has other and more benefloial results,
viz.: the complete nutrition of the whole phy
sical eoonomy, the restoration of appetite and
repose, and an increase in the power of the
system to resist diseases of a malarial type.
Why. Verily !
Why be an animated tallow shop when Allan's
Anti-Fat is a safe and sure remedy for obesity
or corpulence, and will reduce the most ill
proportioned form to a graceful outline within
a few wot kn. Jt contains no ingredients that
can possibly prove deleterious to the system
A well-known chemist, after examining its con
stituents and the method of its preparation,
gives it bis unqualified indorsement as a rem
edy that " cannot but act favorably npon the
system and is well calculated to attain the ob
ject for which it is intended."
Baltimore, JM., July 17th, 1878.
Prop'rs Allan's Anti Fat, Buffalo, N. Y.:
Dear Sirs I have taken two bottles of Allan's
Anti-Fat, and it has reduced me eight pounds.
Very respectfully. Mrs. I. It COLES.
There Is no lime to be lost when a cough at
tacks one, in adopting means of prevention
against consumption and bronchitis. A cough
may, with perfoct truth, be termed the incipi
ent stage of those destructive maladies, and it
is the height of folly to disregard it. If neglect
ed, it will assuredly culminate in some danger
ous pulmonary affeotion, but if Dr. Wni. Hall's
Balsam for trie Lungs be nsed, the complaiut
i speedily vanquished and all danger averted.
There is no pnlmonio comparable to this great
specific. Bold by druggists.
The famous Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organo,
which are certainly the bot of these iimtru
mouts in the world, are now sold for payment
by instalments, bringiug them within reach of
those who can make only email payments at a
time. Any agent for their sale will give par
ticulars. . Cure foh Couou on Com. As soon m there
s the slightest nnea-tineag of the chest, with
difficulty of breathing, or indication of cough
take, during the day, a few "Brown's Bronchial
Troches." Twenty-five cents a box.
Leaky roofs or water pipes, water trousbs or
other places, must be made tight. One 50o. or
75c. can of Flexible Cement will do it thorough
ly. Any one can apply it with stick or knife.
Liberal inducements offered to looal agents to
canvass in their neighborhood. Address Van
dervoort's, 110th at., East river. New York.
The Celebrated
Wood Tag Ping
Tbi Piokeeb Tobaooo Goutant,
New York, Boston, and Chioago
For upwards of thirty years Airs. WCNSLOWb
SOOTHING BYBCP has been nsed forohildren
with never-failing snooeu. It oorreots aoiditj
of the stomach, relieve wind eolio, regulates
the bowels, enres dysentery and diarrhoea,
whether arising from teething ur other causes.
An old and well-tried remedy. 25 ots. a bottle.
Chew Jackson's Bttst Hweet Navf loltcco
IMPOHTAN r NO Tiun.-Fivruierii, Kami
les and timers oan unrooitae no Kmnttdy equal to lr
TOBIAS' VKNK'l'iAN L1N1MKN I for me oar o
Cholera. Diarrhoea, Dyaent-err, Croup, Uolio and aea
eicknese, takttD internally (it la perfectly harmless; see
oath accompanying each bottle) and externally lor
Ohrnnio Rheumatism, Headaohe, Toothache, Sore
Throat, Oata, tturns, Swellinge, Bruisee, Mosquito
Bites, Old bores, Pains in Limbs, Back and Ohest. 'i'ue
VK.Nif.TlAN LlNIMKNTwaa introduced in 1X47, and
no one who has used it bnt oontinnea to do so, many
latins i' it was Tun Dollar a Bottle they would
not be without it. Thousands of Oertihuates can be
ven at the Depot, speaking of its wonderful enrativ
properties bold or the Drugciats at 40. Cla. Depot
fi MnrrayKt,. New Vork
ARB PAID every soldier disabled In Una
of duty, by At-cidnnt or ollitrwln. A
VOl l ol any kino, loss or rm
If but "IlKht, or IMaraaei or I.IXJN,
HOl'SiT V Discharge for Wound, Injur
ies or Kiiptura, arivra KILL, Homily.
I-oet llarara, Oittr.rra' A un In
ami Mil Wmr (ialma artllpit. HK
bend its rriim for a 'oiy of Acta i
on rKnniOttH, BUIHTV AJ
? fori
(.Anii l.A i jt n. Meiia tamp
H ll. V. CCMMINttM CO,
aua t.irw. uMniDKHin. I. i
Hunt's Iteniody.
Cures Dropsy, Kidney, Bladder
and Urinary Uomplaints, Blight's
Disease, Diabetes and Urarel,
ram in the Side, Back or Loins,
snd all Diseases of the Kidneys,
Bladder and Urinary Organs.
Hunt's Hftniffdv nnnnnn.M
sleep, ereaes an appetite, braces tip the system and re
newed health is win result of using Hunt sRemedy. riend
for pamphlet lo WM. K. t'l.AKKK. ProTidence, R I.
The Asuldote io Alcohol Found hi l.uat.
Is a oertain and speedy oure for intemperance. It de
stroys all appetite for alcoholio liquors and builds up
the nerioua system. Aftrr a tlebuurh, ur any
nteinReraie Indulgence, a elngle icaapooii.
ful will remove all menial and ithynical tie-r-Kion.
It also ourea every kind of Feveh, Dia.
vepsia and ToBFiDiri or tub Liveb. Sold j all
drugicUta. 1 per bottle. Pamphlet on " Alcohol, IU
KHecta on the Human Body, and Intemperance aa a
Disease," sent free. riTUFB Mathew Tr.Mrr.HANCf
AMU MAMCrACTPHlMQ Co., iU Bond Bt., New York-
The most startling description of the terrible effects of
rum ever written. Embracing also the life-work an 4
speeches of Francis Mijhi ht, Dr. Reynold, and their
so laborers. The great Bi t' ana Hxd Kiubom book,
ttellsatsigut. I)pages. Price Mg.OO. Big terms.
Address, . 11, ft. t-OODtll'iCKD A; Co., ij
i-iuw a ma
Nt-w book. By hit P. W INN eh. Kaviu-
Sl pKi aunt on i pliotion to
M. 8tiddrt A Oo . Pub. Phil.
PA V. With huinoii Outrtu. Wbtvt out &.
ota. aellt ntpidiv fur 50 ola. OavUIukua trtm,
H. M.bk-tM'iLM, 1 i y Vt avoIa'o bt.bjjtoti.M68.
jb Mend.dWork ready with Suu illustrations
A A a-en Is Wanted on salary or commission.
Vjr Great reduction in prioeaof Books and Hs
T galia. bend fo- cata ogue. Redding Oo.,
Xa7 Masonic Pub., 731 Broadway, N.Y. Beware
' w- f ,,n0 Rituals now being offered.
Tzrt Sttlf will b printed (.Tory dny dtuln th ytif to
eoni. Iti pnrpoM and method will t tho Mm M In
the past: To print all the nwa In a raftdnhla ahapa,
and to 111 tha truth thonh tfaa harna full.
Taa Su hu ban, it, and will oontinua to ba tnda
pandant of a t pry body and arnrjthinit vara tha Troth
and Ua own ootiriotioni of duty. Thnt is tha only policy
which an honatt nawxpapar nfd hava. That la tha
policy which hat won for thia nawnpaprr tha oonfldanca
fcod friandehip of a wtdar constituency than waa a?ar
an joy ad by any othar American Journal.
Tub BUR la tha nawapapar of tha paopla. It la not for
tha rich man tarainit tha poor man. or for tha poor man
aa;atoat tha rich man, but It anaka to do tqnal Juaticato
all InUraata In tha aom manly. It la pot tha oranof
any peracn, olaaa, aaot, of party. Thar baad ba no
fhjatary about Ita loraa and hataa. It la for tha boneat
man acainat tha rocuaa avary tira. It la for tha booatt
Democrat aa aalnat tha dlihonaat Republican, and for
tha bonmt RapubJiaan aa against tha dUhonaat Darno
orat. It doaa not taka ita cua from tha nttaranoaaof
any politician or political organisation; It ffltaa Ita
tapport nnrArrftd1y whan man or mnmoi ar ttt
a ream ant with tha Oonntitution and with tha princi
ple upon which thla rapublio waa founrtod for the
popla. WhtadTftr tha tJonatitntioo and constitutional
Jirinniplaa am violated it apettkR out for thn right. That
Thr Htm a Idea of Indnnandano. In thU respect
there w.H be no change In ita programme for 1h;&,
Tui Hun ha fairly earned the hearty hatred of raa
oala. fraud and humbug of all aorta and aie. It
hope to deaerre that hatred net Iam io the ynar 1 879
than In IB-9, 1877, or a. y er gone by. Thr Hun is
printed for tha mnn and woman of to-a ay, whoaa con
cern la oblefly with the affaire of It baa both
the ditpoattion and the ability to afford it readre tha
promptest, tallest, and moat accurate Intelligence of
whatever la the wide world is worth attention. To thia
and the reenuroea belonging to wel.etablUbd, proa
perlty will be liberally employed.
The present disjointed condition of partiea In thia
country, and the nnoertainty of tha future, lend an
extraordinary significance to the events or the coining
year. To preaeut with acouraoy and o. ear nets tha ex
act si tu a ton in each of ita varying phaea, and to ei
pound, according to ita well-known methods tha prin
ciples that sbouid guide us through the labyrinth, will
be an important part of Tbe Hun's work for 1879.
Wa have tl9a means of making Tng Hun, as a pollti
, a literary, and a general newspaper, more enter
tain ins; and mote naeful than aver before ; and w
mean to apply them freely,
Ourratt-a of subscription remain unchanged. ' For
tha Daily Hun, a four-psg sheet of tWHQty-aigbt
columns, tha price by mail, postpaid, is V) cents a
montb, or JPH-AO a year ; or, including the Hunday
paper, an eigVtt-page ahet of tlfty-six columns, the
price is Ut) oenta a month, or 8770 a year, pottage
The flnudny edition of THE SUN laslsofumiahed sap.
arstelyat -.uO a year, f otas.e paid. The Hunpat
Sum, in add! ion to the current news, presents a most
entertaining and instructive body of literayand mis
cellaneous matter, in bulk twice aa great atd in value
not Inferior to that of the beet monthly mag a tines of the
day at one tenth of their cost.
The Wkkklt Hun ia especially adapted for those who
do not take a New York daily paper. The tews of tha
week ia fully presented, ita market rnnorta are fur
niched tithe latest moment, and Ita SRrinultnral de
partment, edited with great oara and unsur
passed. The Wkkklt SUN la prcbab'y read to-day by
mare farmers than any other paper published, A choice
atory, with other carefully-prepared miscellany, appears
in each issue. Tha weekly protects ita readers bt bir
ring ita adv-utlring columns against frauds ami hum
bugs and furnishes more good matter for less monvy
than can boon ained from any other touroe.
The prioeof tha Wxrvlt Sun, eight pages, flfty-aii
columns, is SI I a year, poet-age p Id. For o lib of ten
lendiafl 91U W Will
, send an extra copy free.
ynbHshaj gjTni Sum. New York City.
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sawawai m wa -saw po , Uhlf (h(.
nsnnl cost. Best plan ever aff red to Olnh Agent' and
New terms FRKK.
31 nnri 33 Vrsfj MtrreC, New York.
P. O. Box 4 2 35.
Andrew Mcmullen,
Broom Manufacturer's Supplies,
?.4!?Lon 8HL Screnoctady, N. Y.
iior.iEs m the west
Excursions to Lincoln, Nebraska,
rrnvit New York and New Knarlnnd the
Tlilrd Turadnv In everv Tlonlh until Deomber.
Riouraion No I O leaves NEW VOIIK, Tni Kilnr, 21.1. Fnre about hnlf rraulnr
llnlee. Fast traina and Hrsr-oliiss acoummndationa
guaranteed. For descriptive l-and Uireulars, Informs,
tion ab-nt Ticket, etc.. send addr-ns on Postal Oard to
IM.INV ilKIIIHE, 317 lirnndwnv. New York.
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find I'oininiindiTii-H. munuliict-
urcd by M. C. l.ih t ,l- f v., i oiuih-
O. ifciia Jnr 1'rtre List.
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ry, Society, and f-iremcn's Goodc.
Cures UyapeBsia, Indigestion,
our Stomach, Sick Headache
When yon ask for Ridge's Food, see that yon net it ! the
name is emboaaed on the lid and the label has tbe sig
nature of VVOOJ.RIOH A CO.
For lpcoratin and Fancy Work. Finest auiuk imMui
e1, inoludini Flowers, Birds, Heads, eaves, Injects,
Fignrea, ta.l sheeU for 30O..12 for 50o., Du or 35 for f I uu.
Oiileloante of lil sheets. Bo. AgtnU vanMjKtunH
wkenF. TRJF'KT, lil Court Street, Bosion. Maes.
We will py Agents a Salary of $100 per month and
eipenaea, or allow a large commission to sell our new
snd wonderful intentions. H's mean vhat its lav.
Sample free. Address,
HIIKRMAN CO., Mnrelinll, Mlrh.
TT A TkTskn lo 40U taotory'pnoea
irl AW 1 1LS J'sjnaat honors Mathoshek's aoalc
7 for aquarea-ttneet nprighta in
f,m"rJ?" T"r 12,ono in nse regularly incorporated
J!' K fo Pin sent on trial eS-page caUlogue free.
Mewualsboum Piamo Co., I K. fpth St., Ww York
f 7 'l ' Ktia-M, eai-w of rM tn I
isrVV " ' a. n a i J er ajiie, -.,,au at
fc . V ". ai-l tl..4,ie of m.rntt-a.
Uatioa.. Mas. ra.- . i ""IT
1 he great Specific for all Kl nty Uiaeases. Has neve
fai ed in any di-ea a of tbe Kidneys i . the p int three
I";1";;. nd "r Pain.hlet. an.l aodres lr I IIAMi,
in price, ltest ouunrtunitr for club
agenta and large buyer,. All express
-"!- I'am. nw larni, ires.
148 ChamlwraSireetWewj'iirk. P.O. Box 87S.
TO TUB From Srnrlel Fever, fl!eiHfesi7Kto.
Unfailmz means of self-cure (no artillcial
drum humbag) aent frre, on receipt of
address and stamp, Uh, CAM I BKI.L,
17U Islington Avenue, New York.
EW-ff iim CARPENTER'S .lJw
Alarhlne will out smooth and true. Price ta 60. II
luatraled circular free. K. Hoth 4 Ilro..New Oiforil.Ha.
$10 to $1000,
invested in Wall M. btoca. uiaaei
fortanes every month. Book sent
free explaining evervtbing.
isanaers, 17 Wall Mt., n.Y
month. Kverv rrsduate m
Liearn 'IVlegraph and
earn XIII Lo M IIMI a
month. Kverv rraduate auartnlHHrl a nnv.nir air.
nation. Addresa R. Valentine, Manager,,Ianesville.Wis-
JTVINH' I'mrut llalr-l rlmpere! Sample Box
L oOols. Retailers supplied by any Wholesale Notion
louse in the United States. Send for ciroulura. Manu
fact u red only by K. Ivins, idt).) I N. Fifth St,,Ph
Kooyolnpedia is tha beat.
Two Medals, Farm, 1K78.
Selling better tban ever.
Ag'ts write to T. Kllwoiid
Zkll, Uavih A Co., Fhila.
(KHIBI NATION IMriiirr, IJ'kPel u...l 'Ira
J Sets, liM pieces, 1114. Fine Kngraved Oobleis at I
ados. Ivory-handled Table Knives MI a doa. House
F arniahing oomplete. Goods boxed free. DO-page Prioe
List free. Hilrd. Itopw Inatitiite, N. Y. city.
AbK YOflR BtyoKSKLiTfrR for Ur, FOO'rR'S
NflKNfK JN M'dHV, for the Holidaya.
Mdrbat Hill Pi b Co., VK asth St., New York
Af5FrMT fua.hko mto iOM24Iat. mi per
dolHn. Boxing free. Send for Culalogurs.
Continental Chromo Co , as Warren St ..NewYork.
a... A MONTH Agent.
Viiilrd-:i lienl
4M1 aelling articles in tbe world;
one snniule rec.
Address JAY BKONSON, Detroit, Mich.
gys asay A LlAY to Agents oanvaaaing for the frlrell,
f lellur. Terms arid Onilit Free.
HaT P. O. VIOK FRY .A.iKU.lA.Hiiu,
2K rtltOIO I' A HI)-, Flow r re, llolloe-,
99 no two alike, a i1 h name fre. Mend IO ontsto
pay poataga. NASSAU CARD CO., Naasau. N. Y.
ICKu INN desiring to make from
!: lo day will a1iios Rkv.
b. T. bULK. Milt n, Nurlhumlierlaiid Co , Pa.
Ilublt ik Uln Uleeuaea. Ttions
IIMI II IYI anus cured. iAiWest Prices. lo not fai
anus cured. I-Aiwest rriuea. lo not fai
to write. Ur.F.K.Mareh.Quiucy.Micu
CQQAfl YEAR. How to Melie It. .V. Atmm
OOOUU 'wt t-oa. ot kOM.-, fcl. Leui,, alai
First ralaMUIieil t Moat Siicceaefnl I
T!!f.ltl TXPTlM"Mi;x r3 linvo n atnmliira
vulilo in nil 1 1 io
Krerywlicra recoKiil.eil na tho FINEST
OVER 00,000
Mniln nrtd In iisf. Now Poslgiifi cmistmitly.
lli'st work mi'l lovrft price.
j- Pt'itd for n t'liliilogtirj.
IrtaEil Si., i:p. WiH'i:i St., IriiJ.K:::
It the Old llellable Concentrated
Directions accompanying each can for making Hard,
Boft and Toilet Soap qulrklv.
iriarvLL wkhmt and smKireTB.
The Market la flooded with (so-oalled) Conoenlrated
Lye, which ia adulterated with aalt and restn, and ism'i
moAs toap.
Pennsylvania Salt Manufg Co,,
. rilll.ADHI.PIII A.
ANOI Nt:l: l KNT !
Mnic NOW ready. q
This Number l uniform with the Scries, and mntaina
another Id NHKKimpW'ii'li'1 IVrlnmatiotis ami Iii-adinga.
ISO pp. I'rico, 30 els., inuilod free, bold tiy llookscllera.
For xst-ulil of I'ullmi. v lull J.iilvi. lenu-
llneaa. laiirti 11 lit v ,V i hritit'Sa, liirqmil J,
llrl!ti: i(lt I'riiu r , initon, Mi...
Matthew Kale Smith's new book.
Iikki Prominent Persons men and women
snnlvund. Mieel Piirtriille nf A. T.
AiiVK yilVX, BKNNHTT.Kto. The
en,atin of the season. Now is thetimefor
AGENTS to secure territory. Address for
" w ' airencv circulars and terms.
llnnlord. Conn.
It oontaini UT2 tin hintorioal (tnirrKrinKi and 1 2MI
lrKA dnublff-uolnmn puges, and i thtt mottt complete
I i in tor y of th World 6vr pubHthd. It Bulla at eight,
httinl for Hpeoimea pnnrns and rztra tsrm to AkmhU.
Addrewa National Puhlihhing Oo., lJhiladlphia, Pa.
NO MONTY KK(iUIRPDtill m!. i r mads. I will
id ii oulHr, Willi piuptiiMta to a lvrrtine, by mail.
pl pnid. J bin i a uo-ni opportunity for iiKrit to add
a'imetbi: to their tnoomt wiLliout risking t,ue ovnt.
Write fur parttouUra to
W. H. Comstock,
ilIorrttawn. St. Lnwrsnrf t'o , Ntw York.
I 1 An infallible and unexorlli
I Flm, Kill If iv or Fulll
lied remedy for
II I. ir Klokiiewa
to efTnot a aneedv and
PK It iI AN KNT cure.
k A Iree bolilr " of my
rtmownad pacific and a
vaiuHblH Trtvfttiae Bent to
nny autfHrHr Br-ndina: me bia
P. O. and Kxpretta addresa.
Da. H. O. ROOT,
S3 Pearl Rtreet, New York.
X very iinporant hula an
r'PTl nil PTCi now pending in Un aresn
L UilQlUUUlOt) which if allowed to paa
very impornnt hud
thouaunds of iueruorioua ' Bmnts will ha dropped
from tha rolls, and great .njnfijue dona. For full par
uvular Bend tor oo.yo( Thk National Tkihdhk, ao
H-pjc nnper, is sued iii'intlily and devoted to the iter
fista of ooldiftra and aailori,and thir neira. Uonlain
I'll new HOUNTY and pknsion LAWS, hhould be in
toa hand 4 of ivry ttoldier Term. dO Ornta pr ynar.
.Special indJOemunlB to clnbu. Specimen copy free.
Address at once, UKOKUtt K. LKMON A (JO ,
Wahii-Kton, I. O
at clnb ratea. Time, trouble and expanre aaved by BnW-
ncribiofi tbroavh the Kocky Mountain .Subscription
ifency, wliich furninhHS any paper (etuept looal) pub
lislifd in the LJmld htntes. Musical InntruinenU, 8ew
IDK Mdcb-iifs nf all kinds, Cbrumoa, k rHmes, Sawing
MHchuio NMtdl and Attachments at reduoad price.
I will alai funuHh Hooks of all kinds at loweut prices
Rocky Mountain Stereoscopic Views
a specialty. Iion't fail to write at onoe for our oiroulara.
Agents ottu tutake big moimy. Addrerjs
JAM KiS TORHKNS, Kvans, Oolo.
Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Orerans.
lptn,mtmtr,l h HKiHKS r HU.NOKSA V ALL
tie: at Pa his. 117; Viknna, 1H73; Kantiaoo, 1M75;
Pun.Aur.i.i'HiA, lHTtS; Pai ib, 18,H; and Gkak )) SwtDiHa
tioLU Mkpal, 1k7H. Only Aiuurican OiKuna ever
awarded biihent honors at any such. Sold for cash or
inMtulliiientM. Ilmibtuatkd OataLOOIikh and Cirnu
ara with new h(16 nud piices, nnnt frtM. MASON A
HAMLIN ORGAN VO.t Kumuo, Nmw York or Uhioajro,
rcrfivfi in- tii-.'li. -r Mi-iul hi in - i- .-eul
ri t .a, i iii-t in. -i m J.Klr
I I I 1 Hl.K llll't OKSKT '
I Jli I - -U. n 1 r S AttKA.VI KU ll'il I U f! rHaef
1 !,,, ,lil!l li.i 1 .UDI-I- U It..r(. ..ill. h
Ami in u l iu. do
. V, ii o t"
id!. ll.Sfi.
WA!!NK!t f lillS.. 3.11 I'.roail uy, ti. Y.
I perfectly pure. Pronounced ttip be. by the high
est uiediL-al ttiilliorilii'K iu the worltl. Oivt-n hiKlif-at
award ut t'i Wiirltl'H KxiioeitioiiB, mid at I'aris, mH.
boldbvUriiL-irihtb. Y. H. S liii ilcliu A Co.. N.Y.
I Sure relief rrrrw
. harleatowu, Maas.
t irt alur
Prof. Johnson's Uorui ij.ya a diary uud oouiiuihuKm. St n1
Blauio for girculars. U4 Liiuyotie A ve.,liroukly o.N.T
Who want glossy, laxnrLv.'
nnd wnvy tresses of abundant,
beautiful Unlr mnst
elopnt, cheap article alir?"
JDialies the Hair prow fres iy
nnd fust, keeps It from falll. -out,
arresti and cures gr;v
ness, removes. dandrulT fi
itching, makes the II n i .
strong, giving it a cm!r ;
tendency and keeping it, I ;
any desired position. I!cau
tiful, healthy Hair is tho ::r
result of using Kathaircn.
Tb Laraeal, Cheapest, and Meat AttraetlT
of the Menf hly MararaBlae.
Tha arwat merit pt tha Merer- snd artlatle denara.
merits lias securer! almost nneiarapled aueoess (or
Poroi.AR Monthly ; and such arranirameoU ha
b. a made aa will render the forth eoauu- roiuinee
area i
Store nrllHantlv.AttracHve,
- ,
Rash number eonUlna 180 quarto pavm and ovsw
I (XI baautifnl en amsi two semi-annual volnnaee
therefore onntaln 1 qnnrlo pnarea and m-rethao
ItlM Handeome Iliuairmlooe, oonsii'uiln a
onmorehensiv.1 llhrarf f tha highest order of r union,
Poetrr, Hislorf, Adventures, etsseja, ate., and a vast
e.mroa nf enteriammeut aad Tamable luforaaatlua,
1'ubllsbsd 161 b of aaoh month.
3-00 per Annum, 23 eta. per Nwar,
rosTAOi Fmas.
Frank Leslie's Publishing House.
63, 65 and 67 Park Place,
boston Morr.
Quarto Sheet--56 Columns
bAA beon carried on for fortyeron yean m an
dlicaulnn and cmnldr-rlnR quentlonmof Hlltlcal an '
ucial IntArnat, according Ui the beat itplnimw. aiu .
eonvlrtiom of Ua cotidut'ton In advocating tie )'
condemning the bad, exivoalnK the fa)laclfof mih
taken policy, and promoting tn general welfar of
the iteople. All foreign and loctt.1 newa publiabrd
tu pnblUhi'd rvttry Tuesday morning, In a Quart
Konn, comprising fifty-Mix columnfi, at Two Doixafh
per annum, Including postage. Kingle cop lea for
mailing. fle wnta. it conlalnn the choicest
and In made up with Hpecinl r'fcpcnce to 1 ne varfeil ten and reiilrefnenta of the borne circle. , Jn
word, It Is a flrst-clorta ' f
giving. In addition to ltd literary contenta, the p rt net
pal newn of the week, Market Reports, etc., etc.
Dnllv Tranhcrlpt, $10 per annum In advance. ,
Weefcly " i
" (Ocopleato one addrewi,, 87AO
jKrannnm In advnnca,
Newspaper Directory
1 879,
Ia a Gazetteer, corrected to data, of all towns lo which
Newspaper are published, and fivee tha Names, Hires.
Editors, Publishers, Politioa and Circulations of all
GEO. P. R0WELL'& CO., Publishe
Hi fiijtrUc Street "ett York.
Chord." "The Maiden's Roe;" Tld "Jami." . -tin
of the fl-p Beventj Piva eioepUon.lir ...
Bons . that ISX make this oolleolion one of t -
Prtoe la Oloth 3 ; tin OilCBlndlnf , 4. "
NOVELLO'S Muafeal Prese:;'
. Elegant London Gift Book.
NdNMOUTOr HO! ($4.36): 'IIRIST
i:tHOL, K)i UOUNK ilii
ItlbM, (UaO), all prof use 1 illustrated la U.t
atle of art,
H. M. S. PINAFORE. ud'mrwuVpiei1.'.
Kas, . bright musio, full of fun and frolio, and uuu .
tiunahla In morals. Just -tha thing fur auateiu
formanoa. Frioa 11.00.
aT" Bead Seta, and reeelve, poit. free. 60 eta. srorih
of mualo in the itlu.lcal Heourd, whieA ia
published weeklf. as.uO por fear.
OLIVER DITS0N & CO., Boston.
U. II. DITSOM cfc CO., t
848 Ursaawa;,N,wYrk.
J. . DITtsON eV CO.,
Thaataal mt., PkHa,
Nrw Id. i.
beoret UurreDiMJiidtini-tj."
How tu do it.
nair iotiont Kus tuotpMid. Ky A tJo.,Ni,u,N. V.
AI1W I'HOKl r. Ant' Sample, a oenta,
'TUB NASbAU UKLK.U1," Nu,)i.V.
h. I