i 1 K f. DUNN - - 7 DM . l'flllHWI.'."li'i"l' JEW cpuMkrm. - - FIUTOH. SBAY JIOUMXB, JAN. 15, 1S79. Our Washington Letter. lul t( tho Ukithi.icas. Washington, I). C, Jan. 11, '79. he news from Maine, even through stful Greenback sources, docs not ill improve the aspect of the new ly nud Democratic coalition there, 1 it is probable tliat the develop nts to come will not make the new nme. a whit more savory. The Bangor Whig end Courier, in able review of t lie intrigues by ;iich Jareelou was elected Governor ith a, hybrid council and a speckled istribution of other office?, doubtless xposcs the true inwardness of tbo so ailed new party. It :mply a com ination of huugry p inns, cling- ng together for the hopu of plunder, ind ready to make any bargain that ,vill profit them individually. The people of Maiue are taking notice of Ibis, and next year's election will set out with a very different leport from the Pine Tree State. The Republican party is fortunate in having an eppo pition inefficient in everything except in the commission of blunders. The danger of the early return of the yellow fever next year, and the consequent, wide-spread devastation. affecting North as well rs South causes great anxiety relative to spine measures not only to repress it as a lical disease, but a demand for more effective means to prevent its importa tion in vessels from abroad. Scientific men have been studying the methoi of ranid "frcezice out" devised bv Prof. Gamgee, of London, as a des troyer of disease on shipboard, with a view to applying it to our quarantine establishment. It is well known that frost is vellow fever's enemy, nud in fact of all forms of malaria, and any artificial means of reducing the tern peraturc must seemingly prove efficient in the extermination of the disease, and in presenting contagion. Surgeon General Woodworth, of the Marine Hospital service, proposes to apply Mr. Gam see's system by means of Government vessels, to be located at exposed points, like the mouth of the Mississippi; those vessels to be sup plied with the freezing Apparatus by which it is said the largest incoming vessels may bo disinfected in twenty minutes, so that its passengeis wid cargo may be relieved of the long tie lays and losses entailed by our slow and doubtful quarantine arrangements. It is probable that Congress will np- propiiate 8150,000 to build one or two small vessels especially for this ser vice, and no expenditure could be more properly in order, since the coin merce as well as the health of the whole country may be invelvcd in the result of this year's efforts to prevent the return of the scourge of last year. The letter of Senator Thurman to the Jackson meeting at Columbus is the laughing stock of the hour, taken in connection with the Democratic complications in Ohio. Mr. Thurman says he cannot attend their meeting because of a cold, and the imprudence of traveling so far. This reminds peo ple here of bis excuse for declining the Democratic candidacy for Governor. He is not in a condition to withstaol the draft on h'i3 physical powers, he Bays, which such a campaign would le maud. Ohio Republicans are of a similar opinion. And yet Thurman wants the Democratic nomination for President, with all the extraordinary strain involved, which would be far greater than any mere State campaign would call for, of course. Iho truth is that Mr. ThurtuaVs candidacy is demanded by only onu faction of Ohio Democrats, and that faction was de sirous of having him at the J.ickon supper. This "ut to be so common talk here that he began to inquire in to its truth, and found it so. Hence, and not because of hid cold, at all, Le begged oil'. And his letter is a good example of schoolboy composition. Tho only pointed thing ha says id that the Democratic parly is the party of equal rights, and that is so evident a falsehood as to create disgust and de risiou everywhere. Poor old Thur man! II'u Presidential fever is very severe. Tho Senatorial flection in Kansas gathers interest as it approaches. The publicity given come of Mr. Ingalls' lcttcn hurt 'lis chanco im pidrrod from a Washinglon stand-point. In olio of the letters ho demands of n Caufas postmaster tho payment of a certain sum monthly, and in another divvy" from rt U. S. Marshal, who, n default of payment, lost his official lead, a fate ho threatens tho postmas ter witn. It is now generally believed that Ingalls ws privy to tho job "put " on Pomeroy. several years ago. liV A SAD AFFAIR. rom tho ISrookvillo Jtopntilienii. On Sunday last, tho 5th inst., our eop'e wcro startled with the sad in telligence that W. F. Brady, junior Senate and House of Kepr-rsealntivcs will vote for United States Senator in their respective halls. In tlm evening a grand display of fireworks will take placo iu tho Capi tol park, after which Gov. Iloyt will hold a public, reception nt tho Execu tive Mansion. o 33. F. Kunliol'B J?l!,t?r Wino of Iron. F. F. KunkolN rolettriitf'l Fitlei' Winn of Iron w'il oll'octmilly euro liver com plaint, .jiiindioo, dyspepsia, chronic or ner vous dt'liilily, chronic diarrhu'ii.-disoiino of die kidney and all diseases nt'lsing from a disordered live", Ktomm-h or interlines, .-.noli us constipat ion, l!atul"neo, inward piles, fullness of blood, to the heiid, acidity of Hie sloniiieh, nausea, hoiuthurn, disgust for food, fullness or wtiirht iu the stom- au. e,un -r .1,;. aen. soro oru.-uuions, niiming oriiiui- nnS had been found dead in his bed. Ho had been living with his partner, Mr. W. G. Clark, on Mill street, and for many years p;:st has been in the habit of indulging in too much strong drink. For several days previous to this sad affair, he had been under the inllucnce of liquor, and on tho Saturday even ing previous went to Dr. II. S. Hunt. and requested something to quiet his nerves, in order that he might get some rest and sober up. The doctor gave him a prescription composed of morphine, chloral hydrate ond bro mide of potisium. euch as is usually given iu like cases, to tho extent of a two ounce bottle, with instructions to take one tcBspoonful every two hours, nud admonished him to follow the di rections closely. He was heard -going to bed about ten o'clock by Mr. Clark and his family, in his usual quiet man ner, but fulling to put in an nppear- ance at breakfast, they thought it best to let him sleep until dinner. When Mr. Clark went to awaken him for dinner, ho found him cold in death. Medical ail was summoned, but of no avail. The two-ounce bottle stood by his bedside nlmost drained, and the evidence of the physicians beforo the jury summoned in the case was to the effect that the amount lie had taken was sufficient to cause his death. The verdict rendered by the jury, was that he came to his death by an overdose of morphine, administered by his own hand, contrary to directions. His re mains were interred in tho IJrookvillo Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon last, the funeral services being held in the U. P. Church. Mr. Brady, like many another young man, was possessed of many good qual ities, and we might say, almost without a single fault, save his uncontrollable appetite for strong drink. lie came to Brookville from Clarion County seve ral years since and served an appren ticeship of three years in this office. Afterwards he connected himself with Mr. Clark in the publication of tho Graphic, in which lie has exhibited a natural talent, which, had it received the necessarj' cultivation, would have gained for him a reputation among the first-class .journalists of the day. He was untiring in his efforts to rid himself of tho great evil that was grad ually but surely sappiDg his life blood, and time and time again he made new efforts to reform, but all of no avail, the temptation being more than he could withstand. Hi sad end custs a shadow over the entire community, and should be a lesson to those of his associates and companions who survive him. ho it of t he stoniaeli, swim mi m; of tlio head, hurried or dillioull lircalhiu:, llul- leiinc; sit the heart, chokin:; or snl'Iocatinu; ens:ti ion when in a leintr posture, dim ness of vision, dots or vehs hol'oro tlio si rhl. dull oain in tho head, deficiency of iiersoiration, vellowness of the skin nod i'Vi', pain in the side, Im"!--, head, i-liest. limbs, etc., sudden Hushes of heat, burn imrinthe t'osh, eons!. nit imarinimrs of vil and ureat depression of spirits, l'rieo 1 per bottle. Ilewaro of counterfeits. lu not let your druir-rist. palm otl'soino other preparation of iron ho may say it is as flood, but ask for Kuniiel's Hitter V mo of Iron. Take no other. Ivunkel's liitter Wino of Iron is not sold in bulk only in ?1 bottles, j;. V. Kunkel, Proprietor, No, :!i .North ?inth Street, riuladelpliia, 1'a, .Sold bv ull drntrt;ists. Tapa Worm Removed Alive. Head and all oonipletr. in two hours No fee till head passes. Seat, Tin and Stomach Worms removed by lr. Kunkel, ..SI North Ninth Street, I'luladelphia, l'a Send for circular, l-'or removing Seat, Tin or Stomach Worms call on your druirir.st and a-dt for a bottle of KihikcI's Worm Svruo. iiriee SI. It never fails. Common sense touches if Tape Worm be remove.!, all other worm J can bo readily removed. E. y. KvmVeVo Lu3trat & Iu. F. ICunkel'8 Shampoo for tlio Hrdr. Theliost and cheapest Hair Pressing and Hair (Meaner in the world. They re move dandrull', allay irritation, soothe ami cool tho heated, scalp, prevent tho hair from falliivj; o!V, mid promote tho growth in a very short time. They preserve and beautify tho Hair, and render it soft nud glossy They impart a brilliancy and a silky" appearance t braid and wiry. Hair, and!' as a hair dre'-siivr, they are unrivall ed f eradicate damlrclt and prevent bald ness. The shampoo cleans tho Hair, re moves grease, scurf, itching, '(-ruption. Cures headache produced by heat and fa tigue. K mikcl's Shampoo ami Lust nil restore Hair to a n-.tnral and glossy color, restore faded, dry, harsh and wiry hair. Price per bottle' $1. Ask. vour druggist for them, or send to II. 1-'. Kunkel. Pro prietor, No. iV. North Ninth Street. Phil adelphia, l'a. lH-fim cLosflrca out m (JOODVKAirS lUJEKSMt 00'IS OF EVEKY DESCRIPTION, IidIi mmIo ii ,n1 It rt 11. Oth- HRnds.uiie 'nnersiblo" Coat 12.00, er styles, --.!. 50 torfJJ.no. In ordering coat givo height and chest. measure over vest. Caps, Capes, T.oggins, linn Covers, and alerproot ( iooiis ol nil kinds. Ladies' N ursery A rons. S1.7.". Children s Ihhs and Diapers, JUI cts. Crib Sheets, handsomely finished, fcl.no A: tsi.J.), bv mad. ' lied Shorts, handsomely finished, full .size, yi.ao i.v mail. Ladies' Itnbber (J loves for Housework, (iardening, and Softening and Whiten ing tho hands; and a cure for Salt Kheum nnd Chapped Hands. Ladies' Short, tfl.'J."). (iaunllets tJl.fiO. Nursery Shooting, Hot .Water Unities. Lilo Preservers, Air llosoms, etc., etc. Novelties of nil kinds for comfort hud con venience of ladies, worthy their attention. FliKi: Ooom-KA u s Ma m ai., illustrated, (VJ pagea of valuable information, of in terest to every one, on receipt of address and stamp. Uoods suitable to all purposes. Sp-ial articles to order. Anything under 4 pounds, l,r mall. Best Ooods at I.nirrxt Nov.' York Price. AGENTS WANTED. Brooklyn Dqwl lioiiilyciir's l!u!ilirr foods, Mannftiotnrcrs and Dealers! Wholcsnle and Rtai!, Address T."C. THOfJNE.rwianager, 211 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. V. 2S. 45-3m AQEST3 WANTED FOR Dr. MARqjI'3 NEW BOOK FROM DARK TO DAWN. In this new Volume tho Popular Auihor of "Night Scenes in tho Kible" portrays with vivid and thrilling force tho events of Sacred Truth, and adds fresh testimony to tho beauty, pathos nnd sublimity of the Stories of the Ibblo. A'rents will t'ind this Book with ils vpro-kling jhoicrhts, beauti ful ongi livings, nnd rich Jundiivs, the best in the mai ket. Keeoinmeii'led hytleadin.g thinkers and wrhcrs !iud"Vci7.v tit xitlit. ' Makes a mair liilicen' Ji:i,inY Pkksknt. Steady work mul (I'.KiriVnl'ni' Agcrts, Teachers, sin dents, Ministers, Young Men or Women. For Circulars, terms, Ac., address, J. G. P.'icCURDY & CO., Publithcra, Philadelphia; ('in rinnati, ().; Chicago, 111. SL. Louis Mo. A PVKUTISKUS send 2." cents to Ceo". IX P. B.nvell .( Co., 41 Park Bow, N. Y.. for their I'.ighty-pago Pamphlet, showing NEBRASKA L GRIST MILL. ri ) I IC (1KI AT Ml I. Lai Nebraska (Laey .L town,) Forest county, hfi'i been thor oughly ovcrhiulod nnd rehlted in lirst el.iss order, anil is now running and doing all kinds of V V M T O 7S 4 11 1 W I I X 43. FLUDB, FF.FP, AND OATS, CoiisiiinHy onhand, and sold nt I he very lowest figures. -i;m it. w. hiniEiuin. THE PARKER GUN. .V-Vj-r " V:. 1 s EtND STAMP FOR ClUCULAB PARKER BR tfS- VEST MERIDCN,CT. tlreech-Loodln,; Doublo-Barrellod G3JN. JOB JH)NU ATTII:: "REPUBLICAN" 0! At ti lowest cash price, ly, and t tlyle equal t other csUiblinhmmit i V cost of ndvorising. Weight, SI to Si pounds: length of barrel, -S and ".0 in. 10 and 1J gauge, i'rlrg, Slcrl l)i-.:-ri-:,)S l.j ) Tw Im Iturrt ls, SV,0 i.ai.iiuitti'd barrels, "7. t ilnuinnrns tmrn Ir., VAi. Tlio best ever oll'ered the American sportsman, combining nil tho most dosir aole features of the best imported, togeth er with some valuable improvements not found in any other Top Lever, Snap Ac tion, Centre' I' ire. For salo bv tho tardo everywhere. Man ufactured bv I). KKMI.MifoN it SONS, 'JS1 and J.' ltroadwav,.New York. P. (. liox, Armory, Ulion, N. Y. Cut this out and semi for 1 i,i.rsTHTK.i) Cata l.om'H and Treatise on BiKL'i Shootino. iU-:Sni. " (KCOTA week to A gouts. SI0 I Outfit Free. 1'. O. Tick 1S-U Augusta, Me. HYDE, SHATTUOK cfe CO., MANUFACTUKKBS OF by buying your SILYEEAVAEE WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY o f" . " W ILK, TIDIOUTE, PA. I liave deeided to close out my ( ntire ttock of goods at and PlOW COST, f.,r tho pui jiose of leaving tow n. Now is the time to secure presents FOR TI1K HOLIDAYS. I tiavo a very largo and complete stock frifm which to' select, and w ill iositively sell at cost, and iu :;oiuo eases beiow cost. I will sell you A SOLID SILVER AMERICAN WATCH I will sell you a . LADY'S SOLID GOLD WATCH Fon o. and other goods in proportion. All I ask i.i un opportunity to snow too goods. Store next door to Orandin Block, Tid- iuute, Pa. M. .WTLK. THE INAUGURATION. The indications are tbat tho inau guration of Cen. Iloyt, which will take placo on the 21st of this month ut llar- risliurg, will exceed any similar event iu the point of brilliancy and thenum bcrs in attendance. Tho programme for the inaugural ceremonies has been nunouiiead as fol lows : On Monday night, January 20, a full dress reception and hop, tendered to Gen. Iloyt by the Young Men's lie- publican Club of Harrisburg, will take place iu tho Opera House. Governor Jlartrnuft and Ptfifl' will be present with Governor-elect Iloyt. On Tuesday morning at nine o.l'ek the military and civic organizations will Ibr in on Market fcliett ready for parade, under direction of tho Chief Mar.-hal, who-:e lieadiiuartcra will be at the Loeliiel Hotel. At ten o'clock precisely tho parade will inpve, pa.-sing over a fehort rout? so West State street, where the lino will be reviewed by the outgoing and incoming Governors on their way to the grand stand at the main entrance to the Capitol building. Here the inaugural services will be concluded with the inaugural address and the administration of tho oath of oflieo to the Governor-tlect by the Chief Justice of the Supremo Couit. At o oVIoel; i'.i ll.e afK-iiioon ll.e BREECH-LOADING SHOT .GUN Revolvers and Pistols, Gun Implements, etc. " Cut this out and send for Citlulouuo and Prieo-List, enclosing 3 c(-nt stamp. 40-3m. HATFIELD, " Hampshiro Co. ENTERPRISE GUN WORKS-ESTABLISHED 1848. JAMES BOWN & SON, MANUFACTUItKKS OF AND DKALXKS I.V mil, mm, i inULVKES. FISHIB& TAC! BUSINESS CARDS SHOW CAAD8, VISITING "CAM, PROGRAMMED, INYITATION8, BALL TICKHTS, ADMISSION TICKWTS, is not easily e:irned in these Union Ion it can lie ma to in tliree iiiouUih bv an v ono of either Hex, in anv part ;of tho country who is willing to work steudily nt tho eiiii!o.viiient that we fur nish. S'i l'cr w eek in yoor own town. You need not be away from homo over niffht. You can ivo your w hole thno to tho work or only your spare moments. It co.-t nothing to' try the business. Terms nnd $5 Outfit free.' Address at once. II. llAi.LKiT it Co., Portland, Maine. 41-ly SB9B Can't bo made by every agent ev ery month in the business we furnish, but those willing to work can easily earn a dozen dollars a day right in their ow n localities. Have no room to explain here, lhisiness pleasant and honorable. Women and boys and irirls do as well as men. Wo will furnish vou a complete Outlit free. The business pays better than anything else. We will lieiir ex oenso of stai'linir vou. Particulars free. Write and see. Farmers and me chanics, their sous and daughter, and all classes in need of pavintr work at home, should write to us and learn all about the work at once. Now is tho time. Don't delay. Address True iV Co., Augusta. Maine. 33 ALSO, MANUKA CTUKKltS OF STEEL AND IRON RIFLE A WD SHOT CUM BARRELS, our ' Irlirnlnl KENTUCKY RIFLE, Which has been the HUXTJ-nfS I'lillti: for ovci .'iO Yeats. o i-i i jlx, in D SHO T ! IMPORTANT TO OUR SPOUTING F1UKNDS: We have just received a supply of TnOmstt & ISroihci'N Miiporior Cliilloil Hliol, which is jiromunced bv competent judges to bo the UliST MADE SHOT IN THE WOULD. We have ull sizes from 2o. -i up to No. lO. Also BOUABUVH AI lAIXrc HSI5IX4 TSSAF.S. A FULL STOCK OF ItOUOlI I5ALLS AND i:.v LLS FILLUD '.y ITH FF.ATII F.KS. Send for Illustrated Oatalcguo and Trice List to JAKSS 30VJJ iTc SON, 50 Cm - 136 & 138 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. RE YOU COSC TO P A S I T ? Bixbyb French Laundry Blue, J ,.N SIFT1NO LoXl-y J'ho r.ust convcnieiit and ci-ononiical 1 .,' Ua'cc, and tho only coiubineil Lleach aud liiuci. i'ow .U r iu use. S. IM. J'.i NiiY CO., aa mi lac : iirin Chemists, 17. i A 175 Vu:ihintlon St., N. Y CALL OX li V I W 5 ti 32 A Y B5 It , OIL CITY, in the Samis Ki.ock in ir tho Union Depot, roit TOUACCO, lUUHt, WIN LS AND LIQUOUS, WHOI.IMALI-: ANDKFTAIL. loll WiiKlv iic:iMv eeJ'.Ued at tho ltli- Id I'.I.Ica:; Oio.-e o HEIWICAL PAINT.-. LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS, liliAKS, post E-r- Keadf lor uso in White, ant over One Hundred diiTerent Colors niado of strict ly mire White Lead, Zine and Liuseed Oil, Chcmieally comhinei1., waiianted iiiucli handsomer and cheaper, and to last Twice as Lony in any other Faint. It lias taken the FIIIST PKF.MIUMS at twenty of the State Fairs of tho Union, ami Js on Many Thousand of the finest houses in the country. ' . . Address: iNTILLIEI SlOTHIEliS, vr, :it, o si. ciuir street, EAUPLE CAES fcENT TREE CLCVSL.AWD, OHIO. HANDBL LABELS, POIl SALE BY POLUXSOX A- POWEIl, 'HOSES'fA, PA. jglUPPIirO TAdfi, i SCHOOL VA YEDDING C ENTJ?? BILL IIKADH, i