i.u.' crec nnd lowi infV 1 t(l Thej , hnndrt flic COM kit rx r N. ca TT) 13 ant ti oal til i4 1 ' e! c! if t; X f UNN' - EDITOR. !)N;:siUYJI()KNlNi;, DEC. lF.liW. Our Wailinnjton Letter. ill to ilio Ui rt ;iL.;cAN. Washington. D. 0.. Dec. 13. 78. OMoViAi'e debute in the Scniito jcterday a Senator Blaine's resolution of in ry into tlio Southern election af rs will be long Memorable in the aals of Congrers. Of course Senator iaiue wns tlio central figure, for no nly knew who else if anybody would cak upon the subject, and hfi" wa3 oorcd with one of the biggest and ost intelligent audiences that eycr Hcmbled in the Capitol. In fact, any hundreds hrtd to go away uusat ; lied. Senator Blaine spoke about 'alf an hour, in an emphatic and ear est manner, showing that the colored ?cplo of the South are disfranchised ) such an extent that a minority of hite voters in the South overpowor t c-uly the honest vote of their own cj.ion, but the large majority of white cu in the North, aud that the vote of !,e ex-Confederate soldier is twice as 5werful as that of the Union soldier, his condition of a flairs, ho said, could t endure, for it is repugnant to re ublican institutions, and therefore it : proper that we should inquire into '9 abuse3 alleged, and try to find a medy. enatur Thurman followed withanJ . ndmont,- with the evident purpose weakening the inquiry, proposing to ?tigle the matters of Federal in eraneo inflections, political ns ments and imaginary terrorism in North. He supported his amend t in a speech which was uoled for adroitness and its lack of candor. 'i most potent point was that this i a renewal of sectional differences, rlooking the fact that these offences ) sectional; and therefore the que3 n must be of the same character, e that condition is forced upon the utry by the offenders themselves, cnator Lamar Followed iu a more, 'ortunato strain, warning the Re '.Henna that if this matter of read ing representation was begun it lit end in the destruction of State cr in the Senate ; in other words t the smaller State would be re rl in their Senatorial power in pro tion to their insignificance. Judge 'itiunda of Vermont took up this it of Lamar's speech and exposed iiijudiciousncss-- aud danger. In , he denounced it as revolutionary, i Mr, Lamar Iid not mend matters trying to explain, and getting an nt the repeated goading of Blaine : Ed mu lids. "heteis one point' in this debate !i should be made a note of for rc rc ference, and that is the pro cf Thurman aud Lamar that every v;ht in tha South is as sacredly . ed ft3 in the North. "When this ,;r'i comes up for debate again .lor Blaine will probably show i the Southern newspapers and pol n that the charges entertained i resolution are fully established. Mfcs to get the Democratic Scn- to commit themselves oa this end then emphasize the truth :.tr;Jictions from the mouths of . Licmccratc. Tho proof will be lusive, and it will be impossible for Democratic Senators to face it i with any amount of assurance. other struggle is threatened over neva Award balance, and the i!g bill was taken up in the House 'ay, after a brief debate the re as ordered to be printed, and it ome up for debate at a future Th bill which is presented by mmittca as a substitute for all u3 tills provides for the contin f the Coramisfion of Alabama , that the claims shall be ad Led and allowed in the order of .1, namely, that the direct losers by ilrpredationi of the rebel cruisers . Jl hrst bo remunerated, and then e individuals and others who can ; rove actual losses. It is to be hoped th.it this vexed subject may be dis posed of soon. Prospect is not good for the disposal rfalargo amount of business before the holidays as it was a few days ago. Congress will adjourn over as usual, probably, aud already the signs are imminent that there is a holiday let ting up in legislative energy. New Cmp N. O. Molasses, at Rob iuoou & Bouuer's. Try it. 30-3 TEACHERS' INSTITUTE Monday Arjri:nxQnN. Called to ordr bp Co. Supt. Brock way at 3:lo, r. m., Dep. 10, 178. Officers elected by Institute; V. rres.-rrof. J. W. Walker ; Kcc. Secy. F. F. Whittekiu; Asst. Secy. Mis C. E. Hunter. The following committees were ap pointed by Prof. Brock way: Committee of Enrollment, Miss Deb bio Woodingtou and Mr. J. E. HiN lard. Committee on finance, E. M. Wood. Adjourned to meet at 7 r. m. KVEMNti 8KSSIOX. Prof. Brockway delivered a short ad dress to the teachers of Fores. Co. Mr. J. E. Hillard then delivered the address of welcome, which was well re ceived. Ilesponso-y F. F.-yjliittekin. Adjourned. TUESDAY, A. M. Met at 9 A. t. Opened by Mr. J. E. Hillard by reading 1st ChapteV of James. lW. Georgo U. Dijon, Co. Supt. of Elk Co. was then introduced, and spoke at some length upon School Govern ment. Recess. Music. Prof. Dixon then finished his talk upon, School Government. The following committee oil mutic was then appointed: Misses C. E. 1 unter, C. A. Davis, Mary Butterficld, and Messrs. A. J. Sallada and II. L. Miller. Adjourned to meet at 1:30 P. M. . . , Supt. called to order. Music. " " Talk upon, and class drill in Red- ing by Prof. Walker. Music. School Government by Prof. Dixon. Recess. Music. Class drill in Orthography by J. E. Hillard. Supt. G. 11. Dixon then spoke about "Headache and its Causes." Adjourned to meet at the Court House, at 7 p. m. TUESDAY EVEXKCO. Called to order. Music. Lecture by Prof. J. A.Cooper, on Educational Forces. Music. Adjourned. F. F. Whittekis, Secy. i o i Coiiiimitioii Cured. An old physician, retired from prac tice, having had placed iu his hands by an East India missionary the for mula of a simple vegetable remedy, for the spoddy and permanent cure for consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asth ma, and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility asd all uervous com plaints, after haviucr tested its wonder ful curative powers in . thousands of cases, Las felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actu ated by. this motive, aud a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send-, free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, with full directions for prepar ing and using, in German, French, or English. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W.W. Sherar, 149 Powers' Block, Rochester, N. . - 14-eow-ly CLOSING OUT!!! .-V' l - by buying your SILVERWARE WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY OK IMI. WILK, TIDIOUTE, PA. I have decided to close out uiy entire stock of goods at and BELOW COST, for tho purpose of leaving town. Now in tho time to soeuro presents YOU THE HOLIDAYS. I nave a very large and complete slock from which to select, and will positively sell at cost, and in some eases below cost. I will sell you A SOLID SILVER AMERICAN WATCH FOJt 1(. I will sell you a LADY'S SOLID GOLD WATCH and oilier goods in proportion. All I awk is an opportunity to show the goods. Store next door to firaudin lllock, Tid iouto, Pa. m. WILK. CALL ON LV1MVIU MAY1J11, OIL CITY, In tho Sands Block near tho Union Depot, FOR T011ACCO, MEEIt, WINES AND LIQUOKS, WHOLESALE AND 11 ETA I L. l(!!'.WO,.K Uf iity executed at tho Kl No. :U Io(. Term isrs, Scl. Viu Mur. Modi, loin l'VtT"4 County, us. . T!in (Jonimomvonl'h of roi.iisylvnnla to the iSlioi ill' of sHid Coun ty, Jiootiiifr : . Vlu i-vs, Tlioina -I. Van flf""n lintli filod nV'aini in onr Court of Common l'loiis In mid for tlio Comity of I'ovcMt, anaiiiHt. Wttmcr S.oword Wood, owner or ropntixl owner f th( leawcliold and ier Honal jiroperty and Wilmer S. Wood eon tnvior anil employer, and John A. l'ro jrr owner or reputed owner of the. real estate, for tho sum of thirty-nine dollars with interest from Aujr. 1S78, for work and lahor dono and performed and mator IhIm furnl.scd for a eertaln building, to-wit: Al' that eertnin derric.kj. enginb house, boiler, engine, band-wheel house, tu()inp. rlirht-ineh easing, about three hundred feet thereof, inch pipe, and ineh-and-a-half pipe for steam and water eonneetions, rubber belting, about seventy feet there of; said property mora particularly here inafter described, and tho leasehold and real estate upon which tho said personal property is1oeated. Tho property is lo cated on tho leasehold situate in the town ship, of Tionosbi, in the county of Forest, and .State of Pennsylvania ; said leasehold moro particularly bounded and described as follows: Hounded on tho west by the nniel Stow place, on tho north bv 'land of Sickles, on thd east bv binds of II. II. May, nnd on Iho south by lands of John A. l'roper, being tlie north half of the No ble farm, owned by John A. l'roper, and containing fifty-two acres f land, more or less. The 'publia road leading from Tlonesta to Xobraska, called tho Tionesta creek road, runs through tho southwest corner of tho mid north half the, said No ble farm, now owned by John A. l'roper, aud crosses 1'ctrs run at right angles. Tho said derrick is of frame seventy-two feet in height and .twenty foot square at the; bottom. The engine liouso is of frame and twelve feet square and oljrht foot hiiih. Tho boiler is a tifteeii liorso power boiler and of tho Krio City make. Tlio ongino is a fifteen liorso power ensjine with a cen ter draft and is of llrown A' Strutlicrs' make, of Warren, Pennsylvania. The tubing, oasinir pipe and belting are uch lis are usual and necessary in the ordinary operations ft lioring aiu', mining foj oil. Ami whereas, it is alleged that tho said sum remains due and unpaid to tlio said Thomas J. Van Ulesen, now we command you that you mako known to said de- fend- pt, and to Jill siich persons as .may (u or nccupy me said leasenoiuofianus, inW.lrtM' 1io utid ar.nenf before tho said Judges of oui'-said Court, at t lio Court of Common Pleas thero ttt bo hold on the fonrthMuyJay' of Decern if any itdiig they" know ember next, to show why tho said sum of Thirty-nine Dollars, w it h interest from Aug. U'J, 1H78, should not bo levied of tho above named proper ty, to the uso of tho said plaintiff, accord ing to tho form and effect of tho act of Assembly in such ease made and provided, if to him it shall seem expedient. And havo yon then and ihero this writ. Witness tho Hon. L. D. Wctmoro, Presi dent of our said Court, at Tioyesta, this 'OCh day of Dec, 1S78. t D. W, CliAHIC, Proth'y. E. F. Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron. E. F. Kunkel's celebrated Hitter Wino of Iron will effectually cine liver com plaint, jaundice, d vspeusia. chronic or ner vous debility, .chronic diarrlura, disease of tho kidneys ami all diseases arising lrom a disordered liver, stomach or intestines, such n constipation, flatulence, inward piles, fullness of blood to the hoad, acidity of the stomach, nausea, heartburn, disgust for food, fullness or weight in tho stom ach, soro eructations, sinking or tt uttering at tiiC pit of tho stomach, swimming of tho head, liu ri led or ditllcult breathing. 11 ut tering at tho heart, choking or suffocating sensation when in a lving posture, dim noss of vision, dots or webs before tho sight, dull pain in tho head, deficiency of perspiration, yeliownoss ot the skin anil eyes, pain in tho sido, back.'Jicad, ehost, limbs,.etc.,1 sudden Hushes of heat, burn ing in tlio , llosh, constant iuiagiufti'?sJ-of evil aim great depression ot spirit!, 'jtvo $1 per bottle. Jleware of counterfeits - Do not let yotjlr d.Miggist palm oil' some other preparation of Iron he may s&y it Is as good, but ask for Kunkel's ISitter Wino of Iron. Tal no other. Kunkol's Hitter Wine of Iron is not sold in bulk only iu f I bottles E. F. Kunkel, Proprietor, No, 2i! North NinUiJStreet, I'hiladelphia, Pa, Sold by ull druggists. , r Tape Worm Removed Alive.' Head and all complete, in two hours. No foo till hoad passes. Seat, Pin and Htoiach Worms removed by Dr. Kunkel, 251) Noth Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Send for circular, For removing Seat, li n or Stomach Worms call on vour druggist and ask for a bottlo of Kunkel's Worm Syrup, prico $1. It never fails. Common senso teaches if Tape Worm removed, all other wornu can bo readily reuiovcu. E. P. Kunkol's Lustral & E. F. Kunkel's Shampoo for the Hair. Tho best and cheapest Hair Dressing anu uair meaner in tho world. They re movo dandruff, allay irritation, soothe and cool tlio healed, scalp, prevent tho hair lrom lulling off, and promote tho growth in a very short time. Thov preserve and beautify the Hair, and render it sort and glossy. They impart a brilliancy and a silky appearance to braid and wiry llalr, and, as a hair dressing, thoy are unrivall ed ; eradicate dandrutl and prevent bald ness. Tho shampoo clean the Hair, re moves grease, scurf, itching, eruption Cures hoadacho produced by Tieat and fa tigue. Kunkel's Shampoo and Lustral restore Hair to a natural and glossy color, restore faded, dry, harsh and wiry hair. Price per bottlo $1. Ask vour druggist for them, or send to E. F. 'Kunkel, Pro prietor, No. 2.VJ North N inth Street Phil adelphia, Pa. lS-tim WILLIAM READ & SONS, 13FANEUIL IIALLSQR., BOSTOX, - MASS., Agents for V. &, C. SCOTT & SON'S BREECH-LOADERS!! Used by Capt. Dogurdus (who has shot one ol these guns over ;.0,(K)0 times and still usi-H it in all his matches), Miles Johnson and the principal shots and clubs W o have also brought out the Host !j0 ISrcecIi'Tjoatler of favorite Ton-Snan Action ever shown in tlio market. Other qualities at $35 and flu. "fSond for Circulars and Lists of see ond hand (Inns. ;W-liin Register's Notice. NOTICE Is hereby given that the follow ing a'tcount has been tiled for Decern ber Term, 187, of O. C. of Forest County. when the tame will be presented for con firmation: final account ol Ueorgo S Hindman, Administrator of Lstato of A Patterson, iiecersed. D. W. CLA11K, Kegitcr, Nov. '.'1, ISTs. Tliotitas J. Van tiifsoi v. Wilmor S. Wood ct ul (iOODYHAKS It U It HE It i001S OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, Whulcwnlr nnil ltd nil. Handsome "H 'verslble" Coat S12.00. Oth- er styles, fj.wi to WvI.ihi. . , In ordering' coat glvo height and chest measure over vest. Caps, Capes, Legglns, (Inn Covers, and i au-rprool Uoods ot all kinds. Ladies' Nursery Aprons. ?1.7". Children's llibs and Diapers, fiOcts. Crib Sheets, handsomely finished, $I.(K A, 31.25, by mnil. ItedShofits, handsomely tlnlshod, full sire, 1.50 by "mail. Ladies' Itubber llloves for Housework, uaniening, nnu Pollening ami wiilten- ing the hands: and a cure for Salt ltheum and Chapped Hands. Ladies' Short, fll.iM. Uauiillets J1.50. Nursery Sheeting, Hot "Water Dottles. Ltlo Preservers, Air ltosoius, etc., etc. Novelties of all kinds for comfort and con venience of ladies, worthy their attention. f 7f :?- I oo n y k a n' s M a n r A i i 1 1 us t rat ed, o. paircs oi vnuiiiDio iniormaiton, or In terest to every one, on receipt of address and stamp. ttoods suitable to all purposes. Special Hrucics uj oruer. Anything under i pouyds, by mail. Host Uoods at Lou r.il, Now York Price. AGENTS WANTED. Brooklyn Depot Gooiljfnr'g Rubber Goods, Manufacturers nnd Donlora. Wholesale and Retail. Address T.'0.3.THORNE,:Manager, 11 Fulton Street. Drooklvn. N. Y. IN O. llox US. 45.3,,, AGENTS WANTED FOE Dr. MARCH'S NEW BOOK FROM DARK TO DAWN. In this new vol nine tho Ponnlar Author of "Night Scones in tho Uiblo"' portrays with vivid and thrilling force tho events of Sacred Truth, and adds fresh testimony trt U beauty, nathostind sublimitv nftlin .t'jtWsortlio Mi bio. Agents will lindtbis l.Mib- urll. It. Ui,.i.bK...l -1....' 1 ful engiavings, ;and rich bindiMjjSj thw best in tho market. .rf,. iteeoininended bvlleading tliifief.sjind Wllters nyiil'XcU at tiiiitt.. Makci'i(.iiiaL'- niticont Holiday Prhsknt. Mrdy wn k and Kami Vtnftfr Agents, 'HVCjifirs, Stu dents, tUiititpr,i, Younif Atfr Women. For (lirculars, tnrms, .lie., Address. J. C. McCURQY A CO., Publishers. Philadelphia; CiiiMunati, ().; Chicago, 111. m. Ijouis .mo. yi-3 ADVEItTISEHS send 25eents to Geo.' P. ltowell d t!o., 41 Park How, N. Y., for their Kighty-pago Pamphlet, allowing cost of adverising. .,. , ' 13 4t hyde, siivtttjck: -Jfc CO., MANUKA CTURick.S OF BREECH-LOADING SHOT GUNS, i evofvers and Pistols, Gun Implements, etc. Cut this out and spud for CaUloiuo and Price-IJst, enclosing 3 cent istifiup. 49-3m. ENTERPRISE GUN WORKS-ESTABLISHED 1848. ; JAMES BOWN & SON, MANUFACTUIIKKS EDHS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS, FI&HINB TACKL V . ALSO, MANUFACTURERS OF STEEL AND IRON RIFLE AND SHOT GUN BARRELS, And our Celebrated KENTUCKY RIFLE, : ' Which has been the JIUXTEIt'S l'ltlbjifor over HO Years. C H IL Tj ED SHOT! lMrORTANT TO OUR SPOUTING FRIENDS: We have just received a supply of Tntlium fc Ilrotlliera Superior (Dili Hod iShot, which is pronounced by competent judges to bo the BEST MADE SHOT IN THE WORLD. We have ull sizes from No. 4 up to No. XV. Also IIOG.trtDU.S AXI A FULL STOCK OF KOUGII HALLS Bend for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List to JAMES BOWN &. SON, SO Gtn 13G & 138 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT? TIIEX USE 3III JLER ISllO.H' CHEMICAL PAINT. Heady for use ia Whito, ayd over One Hundred did'erent Colors inado of hSrict ly puro Whito Lead, Zinc and Linseed Oil, handsomer and cheaper, and to lust Twico the FIRST PREMIUMS at twenty of the Thousand of the finest houses in tho country.. Address: MILLER, BKOTillEIR-S, 8AHPLI CARD SENT FREE FOR SALE BY ROpT l NEBnASKAjGRIST HILL. npilF. ( 1 II 1ST M 1 LL at Nebraskn (Lacy. -I- town,) Forest county, ha been thor oughly oivy h-.iuled and relittcd in (lrst eliiHs order, and is now running and doing all kinds of c1 u h t n a n imi . FLOUH, FEED, AND OATH, Constantly onhand, and sold at tho very lowest figures. -Inn H. W. LUDEIIUR. THE PARKEBGUH, MHO STAMP FOR WRCULAK PARKER BRtfS- WESrWERIDEN.CT. ! & RELll QTON Breech-Loadlr , Jouble-Bnrrelled Weight, 81 to HI M)undAngth of barrel, . 2H and IK) in. 10 a jl gauge. Friar, ttrrtbarrH4Tn lit bnrn ls, pR I.umlimlfd barri-lH, 170 t llninasriiH WtrrcU, Tho -best over offered tho Americnn siatrtsnuin, combining ul tho most desir able fcHtifrft of tho best imported, toireth er with sonio valuable improvements not fourul in uny otlier Top Lever, .Snai Vfcc tion, Centre Fire. For saro bv tho tardo everywhere. Man ufacturexl by E. H KM 1 NO-TON & SONS, i!l and l!S;S Mrondwav, New York. P. O. Uox, :Y.m. Armory, Illlon, N. Y. Cut this out and; send for Ii.m stuatki Cata i.o(t; and Treatise on IIikli: Kuooxixu. week to Agents." (fto JWelrOl lOulHtFree. 1. O. Vick-ry,- Augusta, Me. ih-H 'HATFIELD, . Hampshire Co., Uim, A- OF AND DEALERS IN SMtlXG Tit. 1 IAN. AND HALLS FILLED WITH FEATHERS. C'heiaicnlly combined, vurrauted much as Long as any other Paint. It has t.keu Stato Fair of tho Union, and i on Many an, 31, e h'j st. air stwt, CLEVELAND, OHIO. .x BONNER, TIONESTA, PA. JOB WORK DONE AT THE REPUBLICAN" OFFICE At the lowesleaflh prlert, neatly, prompt. ; I It, and in style equal to that f any '4'' ) other establishment in the Dittrict. ' J -:o: BUSINESS CARDS, SHOW CARDS, VISITING CARDS SCHOOL CAUDS' r WEDDING CARDS PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, MOXTUIiY .NTATKMEMS, n. ENVELOPES . BILL IIKAD8. LETTER HEADS, . NOTE HEADS, CIRCULAR3, BLANKS, POSTERS. DODGERS, HAND.BILLSV LABELS, SHIPPING TAGS, &c. .' i 'UV". ! a A'