SDAY MfiRXISG, DEC. 4, 1878. Though officehs. w. n. di'nn. i ir ..11 ri tYn.MU,1 J. a. W. l;. Hock, Win. Rieliardn, N. H. I'.- .i.if I'cr.f O;. . Peace C; A. Randall, J, T. Rronnan. tfrinMahle If. Swaggart .Svloof Director II. II. May, II. O. P;i yis, . W. Robinson, T. J. Van dirsen, D. TV. Clark, W. H. Dunn. urn- FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. President Judyel,. (). Wktmorh. Af'iociiile Judge Jos. (1. Dai.k, Ed ward Kerr. TreamirerWyt. LawrkkT Prothonotary, llcgilcr & Ilrcorder, Cc. J. W. Ouiik'. AVirrip Justis Sn awkky. Coinmiioner 10 LI BERLIN, IaAAC Lo, Joiiii Kkck. (hunty Superintendent I. R. BnocK- WAT. JJittrict Attorney S. P. Irwin. Jury yommisione.rM Lyman Cook, 1. V. M KRCII.MOTT. County Surveyor T. T. CoLLtNs. Oiroarr W. 0ConiTUjf. )unti Auditor NicHOT,AS TnoMP- BOM, J. H. NkIM,, II. A. ZlIRXDK!,!,. Altmhcrof Congre -I I AHHT WllITK. sc nfj J. II. Aonkw. ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TIONESTA LODGE No. 309, MEETS every Friday evening, at 7 o'clock, in the Lodge Room in Par tridge llnll. 8. n. inwiN, x. o. a . W. S A W Y K It, Kec'y. 27-tf. J. W. Walker, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tionesta. Pa. Ofliceatthe Rural House. Will at tend to business in tho evening n?4nn Hal unlays, r K. L. Davis, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tionesta, Ta. Collection mado In this and adjoin ing counties. 40-ly ATTORNEY AT LAW, JTtr rcr, TIONESTA , J4 W. . l.ATHT. J. H. AONKW. LATHY .V A.GNKW, ,! tto nxnrti at law, TIONESTA, TA. ATTENTION MII.DIKKH! 1 have been admitted to practice M Bl1 Attorney in the Pension OlIU-o at Wash ington, ' D. C. All ollicera, soldiers, or noilors who were injured In tlio late war, can ehtain jienaions to which they may bo entitled, hv callinir on or addressing me at Tionesta, t'a. Also, claims for arrearages if pay and bounty wm roceive prompt at tention. Having been over four years a soldier In the Uto war, and having for a number of yoara engaged in the irwuiioii oi soi Aiern" claims, ? experience will annun lha col lectient claims in the ahoTtewt pm lhle time. J. 15. AliN'KW. 41tf. F. W. Hays, A TYORNF.Y AT T-AW, and Notary i riuiMe, Rovnolds Hukiil A Co.'n Ulook, Seneca SU, Oil City, Fa. 3i(-ly Lawrence House, lUONKSTA. rKNN'A. WM. LAW L flKNCK. FROfWlRTxK. This hous Im ennlrallv located. Kverythins? new and well furiiish(l Superior accomiuoda tioiiN ami strict attention tfiven to guoatn. Vf etahh's and Fruits of all kinds nerved la their Hcason. &tmplo room for Com Hiercial Agents. . .- CENTRAL HOUSE, BONXKU ft AONKW. I. LOCK. I. Aonkw, Proprietor. This is a new House, and has just Iweu fitted up for the Hecommodatiou of the public. A portion f Ilia patronage of the public is aolieilcd. -iy TIONESTA HOUSE. CE. MrCRAY, Lessee. Situated at ho mouth of Tionesta firwik, Tionesta, Ia. This house has been thoronijlily re- Jltted and refurnished, and a portion of the public patronage- is respectfully solicited. j. li. bijAinis, n. !., TIONKSTA, PA. 0ricR Hours: 7 to 9 a. m., 7 to 9 r. M. Wcliiesday and Saturdays from 11 a. . to 3 r. m. M. M. MAY. A. KKIXT. MA Y, VA11K C CO., B 2sT IC E S Corner of Kim fe Walnut Sts.Tioncsta. ' Bank of Discount and Deposit. Interost allowed on Time Deposits. Colleetions madoonall the Principal points of the U. S, Collections solicited. 18-ly. " TIDIOUTK SHAVING SALOON. T. II. BARNES, Proprietor. tniIAVIN(K Hair-Cuttimr. Shamnooinsr O and every thiiiR in the Tonsorial Art done witn neatness and uespavcu. Also a first-class KtX'k of CIOAKS AND TOBACCO. Iletweon Mabio fe Hunter's and tho Post omeo. Tidiouto, Pa. 3J W PHOTOGRAPU GALLERY. EI.M HTKEGTi SOUTH OF ROBINSON A BONNER'S JSTOKli Tionesta, Pa., If. CARPENTER, - - Proprietor. Picturea taken in all the IiiUt htylni lhert. a- 1 htiX TIME OF TRAINS AT TIONKflTA STATtOV. Houth Q:M A. M. accominodadon. ' l:53r.M, " (i:'2 J p. M. North i!:f A. M. flng. 3:1! P. M. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Kcv. A. O. Slone will preach in tlio M. E. Church nc-xL Sunday evo ning. M. E. Sunday School at 10 o'oloclf n. m.f and Presbyterian Sunday School ( at 3 o'clock p. m. ! The boys who skate aro growing terribly uneasy, because of tho delay of freezing weather. 'Aftor the first of Jannary no noto less than five dollars can be paid out by any national bank. , The National of last week spouU forth something over a column of froth against us, and says nothing. M. W. Tal, lTsc., has geno on a trip to Colorado, to yiew the land. We are not informed how long he intends to bo absent, but presume? lie will be back before court jek. Wm. McGrory, of Stet"y Run, will dispose of a lot of personal prop el ty, consisting of horses, cows, hay, straw, farm produce, and household goods, on Saturday next, at public sale. Jno. Jamicson is at home on a little visit. Himself, J T. Dale and another party have been putting down a well near Bradford. We have not heard whether tho well is a success or a failure. The young men of our place are making preparations for a social dance, to be held in Buvard's Hall on Friday eveuing of this week. Good music will be iu attendance. The bill will bo light, and a good time may be expected. Toe oil market was terribly ex cited on Saturday last, and advanced to 1.133, and on Monday declined to 93. There is a good deal of squirm ing among speculators when these rapid changes occur. We arovhaving a terrible amount of bad, wel, sloppy weather, and tu morous bad colds are the result. The river is up and the roads are bad. Diphtheria is raging in sections near here, and our pcoplo have great fear of its advent here. The Forest County Teachers In stitute will meet in Tionesta on Mon day the 16th inst. Prof. Broukway is exerting himself to procure talant to make tho eession no interesting one, and wo Lave no doubt but he will succeed. We will publish the pro gramme in full next week. . The Mobile Register says : "To day the Democratic party controls the national legislature and the South rules tho Democracy therefore the South is again the ruler of at least one branch of the national government." Quite correct. Mr. Shupe's N. Y. Advocate, the National party's national organ, too, is dead. This is sad, very sad. The thousands of persons who paid a year's subscription to the Advocate will have to read a fiat paper the rest of the year. Ex. P.Gray Meek makes no bones about it. He saysCuctin was defeated because a good many Democrats have become tired of electing renegade Re publicans to office to the exclusion of staunch, hard-workiug, consistent ad herents of Democracy. That's honest, any way, and good authority, as well. In two weeks Jas. Swailes and his son John have trapped five wild-cats and four 'coons. Jas. has killed two deer in the same time. The saddles sell for 12i cents a pound. S. II. lias let killed a deer last week on Little Tionesta, and Geo. Haslet and another hunter killed one ou Tubbs' Run. Sclden Whitman thinks he has discovered a paint mine on his farm, which will discount several heavy oil wells. A bample of the paint was brushed on a part of Prof. Brockway's coal house. SelJcn says that it cau be used with or without ail, and ho firmly believes that he has a bonanza. Wo hopeo has. Governor Bishop, of Ohio, wil leave the gubernatorial chair without a twig remaining of his laurel wreath Even some of the Democratic papers irreverently refer to him as "our ol imbecile, bankrupt, fraud of a Gover nor. wnen a uemocrauo omcmi 6poken of in that way by his own par ty paphrs he has about reached the "laBt ditch." in T"v . a t ; t j Tho lecturn of Iter. Dr. Carna chan, on Monday evening last, was well attended, notwithstanding the in clemency of the weathet. It was at tentively listened to throughout by b thoroughly i uteres led audieuce, and we have hoard only praise of the lec ture and lecturer from everybody who has expressed an opinion. We aro sorry that we have not space to give a few of the points ho made, but suflice it to say that he exploded numerous fallacies, and advanced several new Ideas on tho subject of temperance. Our people will bo glad to listen again to Dr. Ciuiiaclmii whenever ho can make it ennveuient to bo with us. England, besides havinr the ex citement of a war to attract her atten tion, is, in some of her industrial cen tres, undergoing a tcrriblo depression. In the Shcflicld district enforced idle ness and stagnation in business prevail to an alarming extent. Reduction after reduction was made in tho wages of tho workingmen, and has finally been followed by strikes. Thousands of workingmen are now idle, and they and their dependent families are re duced almost to pauperism. England is more depressed to day than this country. -'-Congress met on Monday last, and President Hayes' Annual Mass age w published in the daily papers of yesterday. It is too long for ns to publish even a synopsis of it. It touches upon all the topics of theaay; and upon the President's Southern policy, it is dflicult to say whether he deems it a Buccess or a failure. The message is an interesting document, andontains much information which will be of use to all who are giving close attention to the hnancial ques tions, and other intricate matters per taining to our government. , The safe for the Commissioners' office has arrived, and we do not hesi tate to pronounce it a good bargain for the price. It is larger than the one in the Treasurer's office, and as complete, except that there isii burglar-proof box in the insiJThis is no dctiiment, however, t5is it would onlv he in the road in that office. It is a second-hand safe, but is, to air in tents and purposos, as good as new, and cost less than half the amount paid for the Treasurer's safa. W. C. Pluramer has served notice on Col. Dick, that he will contest his election to Congress on the grounds of corrupt use of money to influence votes, fraud, irregularity in certain districts, bribery and intimidation of voters. The Meadville Republican pronounces tho wholo business an attempt at blackmail, and further says that Mr. Plum ra or knows that his accusations are a tissue of lies, and that the sore spot with him is that Dick wouldn't bribe somebody. -Two years ago a bet was made by some parties in town, ou the Presiden tial election. The question that agi tated tho country, the electors, and Jhe electoral commission, also agitated the parties to the bet, and the assist ance of "Wilkes Spirit of the Times" was called into requisition. That pa per decided that Hayes was elected, and the stakeholder was instructed to deliver the funds into the hands of the lucky man, which was done yesterday. There's a battle among the giauts in the Democratic party in this State. U. S. Senator Wallace and Mr. Barr, of the Pittsburgh rod, are at it, tooth and nail, calling each other everything they are, and showing up each other's records in a manner the reverse of complimontary. The "open letters" they write at each other are interesting reading, and the result will be the political death of on or both the champions. Thanksgiving passed of quietly, Some had turkeys, others had ge'ese others ducks, and others venison for Thanksgiving dinner. All must have digested well, as we hear of no one being sick. In the evening services were held in the Presbyterian Church, and Rev. Elliot delivered a very able and pertinent sermon, which was listened to by a fair audience. Con trary to the usual custom there was no dance in Tionesta in the evening. By a notice in another column it will be seen that the Commissioners have called in $10,000 of the out standing couuty bonds, which will be redeemed ou and after Jan., let. That's all right. Keep right on gen tlemen. Cull them all in at the earl iest possible moment. A county debt js pot a county blessing. I AM HFRE ! I hare arrived in Tionesta .to-day, with a complete stock of Reajy-Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, &c, tc., in the Acomb Building. ' Call and tee me. L. Sijion. The annual re union of the Tenth Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves will be held at Beaver, Beaver county, Pa., Friday, December 13, 1878, tho an niversary 'f the battle of Fredericks burg. Col. M. S. Quay, of Philadel phia, is the orivtor of tho day. All who calculate to attend should write to Capt. A. M. Gilkey, New GaUilec, Beaver county, Pa., so that provision can bo made for their .entertainment. A communication on educational topics has reached us. It may be that we will make room for it in a week or two. Property Notice. Notice is hereby given that I have purchased from Peter Knight the fol lowing property, viz : 1 yoke oxen, 2 cows, 1 heifer, 8 hogs, 1 set blacksmith tools, 1 timber sled and chains, 1 cook stove, bed and bedding, and all his peraooal property, all of which I have left in his possession, to be removed at my pleasure. All persons are hereby warned not to meddle with or remove tho same. Susakah Cussins, " Cooksburg, Forest Co., Pa. New Crop N. O. Molasses, at Rob Yson & Bonner's. Try it. 36-3 -M. Wilk, Jeweler, of Tidioute, of fers his entire stock at lower prices than the samo goods have ever been purchused, here or elsewhere. Give him a call. tf. I take pleasure in certyfyiug that the Sweet Worm Powder hus worked wonders in my family. My girl, four years old, was taken with convulsions, rolling up the'eyes, and straightening out of the limbs, and seemed to be al most lifeless, when I borrowed some of the Sweet Worm Powder, male by E. K. Thompson, TitusviMe, Pa., giving bar two doses, when she was relieved at once, l also gave some to my other children with the same effect. Geo. M. Herring, Kerr Hill, Pa. Prepared and sold by E K. Thomp son, TitusviMe, Pa. Price 25 cents a bottle. Sold by G. W. Bovard, Tionesta, Pa. 36 2t Fresh buckwheat flour from new buckwheat, at Robinson &Bonucr's.-3 Dobbins' Electrio Soap. Having obtained the agency of this celebrated soap for Tionesta and vi cinity we append the opinion of some of our best people as to its merits : "I have tried Dobbin?' Electric Soap, made by I. L. Cragiu & Co., Phil'a, Pa., and find that it is all the manu facturers claim it to be. It is the wo men's friend, because it saves one-half the labor. Mrs. J. L. Craio." "Dobbins' Electric Soap is the best I have ever used. I can heartily rec ommend it. It is a charm in the wash tub. Mrs. D. S. Knox." "I take pleasure in recommending Dobbins' Electric Soap. It is a supe rior article, in fact the King of Soaps. Mrs. W. R. Reck." We desire all our frieuds and cus tomers to give this soap one trial, so the may know just how good the best soap in the U. S. is. 22-12 Robinson & Bonner, Tionesta Pa. Sole Agents. CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY, By Robiusou & Bonner, Dealers in General Merchandise. Flour barrel ... $5.50 0.25 Flour $1 sack, best - 1.60 Corn Meal, 100 tts - - 1.50 Chop feed, pure grain - - 1.30(1.40 Rye f bushel CO OaU New bushel .... 30, Corn, ear 25S0 Beans bushel - 2.0e3.00 Ham, sugar cured - 10 Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured 10 Shoulders ..... 78 Whitehall, half-barrels ... 5.75 Lake herring half-barrels - - 3.75 Sugar - 0H Syrup 75 1.00 N. O. Molasses new ... CO75 Roast Rio Coffoo ... - 25 RioCoffeo, 20&23 Java Coffeo ..... 85 Tea ...... ,40JO Butter .....- lS(y,20 Rico 10 Kggs, fresh .... 20 Salt 1.80 l.!M) Lard H Iron, common bar .... 2.75 Nails, lOd, keg .... 2.75 Potatoes .... 75(!i'JO Lime Mil 1.50(31.60 Dried Apples per lb ... 8(,10 DviodBeef - - - 17 H Nkwtown Millp, Pa., Nov. 19, '78. Mk. Dunn': I wish to inform the readers of iho RKi't'PMC.VN and the citizens of Forest County generally, that I shall make a thorough canvas of the. County, as Agent for the Rem ington Sewing Mnebine. I havo fur nished a number rf thre Mfehine3 to the people of this County, among whom are, Mrs. D. B: Tobcy, Buck Mills. Mrs. John Mathe, " Mrs.' John Hunter, Ross Run. Mrs. Dsuiel Brecht, Beaver Valhy. Mrs. Siebert Burhen, Dutch Hill. Miss Zuendel, " The most of theso ladies have tested other machines, and I am willing that auy one desirous of purchasing a Sew ing Machine should consult them. Yours respectfully, Aaron Elliott. New Advertisements. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUK of a writ of Lev. Facias issued out of tlio Court of Common Pleas o!' Forest County, and to mo direct ed, there will bo exposed tosnic by public vendue or outcry, at Fagundas, on the Berry Lease, in IJai niony Township, on MONDAY, D10C. 23, A. D., 1878, at 9 o'clock A. M., the following described property, to-wit : S. Squire and P. C. Bloeher, now for nse of S. Squire vs F. B. Squiro and O. O. Cottle, Assignee in Bankruptcy of F. B Squire, Lev. Fa. No. 17, Deo. Term, 1278. L. it A. The undivided one-third interest in all that certain leasehold interest situate in Harmony Township, Forest County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a post, thence by .land now or formerly owned or belonging to Hon. A. McCalinont, south 2 degrees west 18! 5-10 perches, thenco by land of John Fleming, north eighty-eight degrees west 87 perches, thence by laud of "Wil liam Gorman north 2 degrees euRt 187 5-10 perches, thence by land of C. O. Fagundaa south 88 degrees east 88 perches to the place of beginning. Containing M acres and 30 perches and allowance, beln the . I 1.-.. A T nMK AI' 1 . ISeott. known as tho John Lamb Ti ict. and being the samo land leased to the de fendant by Walter Scott and John J. Rock well, of Now York city, by loose dated the iflJth dny ot Juno, 187D. Aeso. The undivided one-third inter est in 10 well rigs, machinery -and tools thereunto belonging. -The undivided one-third inter est in a carpeifer'a rig now ready for use. Aijso. The undivided one-fourth inter est iu 5 wells together with rigs, machine ry and tools thereunto belonging. Also. The undivided one-third inter est in a quantity of lumber andrjg timber sullicient to erect 5 rigs. Also. Tho undivided ono-fourth inter est in 2 horses, wagon, bob-slcigha and harness. Also. The undivided one-third inter est in a curtain iron tank of tho capacity of 9O0O barrels. Also. The undivided one third inter est in 5000 cords of wood cut to use in run nins said wells. Also. All defendant's interest in all tho tools, rigs, lixturcs, pipe, tubing, casing, pumj'S, luacuuiery, and otlier property on said leasehold. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of F. B. Squire and O. O. Cottle Assignee of F. B. Siiuiro at tho suit of S. Squire and P. C. Bloeher, now for use of S. squire. Tako Notioo, tho money must bo paid when tho property ia struck down, or it win bo immediately resold. J. SIIAWKKY, Sheriff - Tionesta, Dee, 2, 1878. Notico to Bond-Holders. TVTOTICR is hnrebv civen that the nrinei JLi pal and airuod interestoii the follow ing Fordst County Bunds will be raid nt tho Treasurer's Oftice, Tionesta, Pa., on the 1st day of January, 1K7!, aad that the interost on said bonds will cease on that day : Bonds No. 1, 2 and 3, $1000 each ; No. IB and 17, 00 each; JNo. l and ltt, 5Gc: each ; No. 21, 'Si, 2U and so, tfiuooeacb and No. 3:?. K00. ELI BERLIN, ") ISAAC LONO, Co. Commissioners. JOHN RECK, J Attest J. T. Brennan, Clerk. Trial List for December Term 1878. Pbotdonotary's Office, ) Forest Co., Pa No. Tr. Yr. 1 Henry Owston et al vs. J. J. Sloan 31 Doc. 78 2 Sclden Whitman vs. J. W. H. Reisinger, et al admrs 45 Dec. 70 IS If, . A Knew lor use vs. S. 11. Haslet (17 Sep. 77 4 U.u. Ainger Trustee vs.j.isb- ua Douglass et al 10 Doc. 77 5 William R. Coon vs. Robert McCloskey 27 Doe. 77 6 J. R. Jones vs. Frank Barr 5 May 78 7 Edward Jones vs. John Pe terson 22 M ay 78 8 Jacob Helm vs. J. S. Hood 7 Feb. 78 9 Cloorgo B. Walters vs. Sam uel Clark 52 Sep. 78 10 Calvin u. iimkley vs. war ren Huttou et al 2 Sep. 78 11 :pnriam ituiumau vs. j. i' . Overlander 65 Sep. 7 12 County of Forest vs. A. J. Wiggins et al overseers 23 May 78 13 Terrct-sa Roberta vs. James J. Fisher 13 May 78 13 Hugh m. Hole vs. John o- som et al 6 Feb. 78 15 John D. Hunt et al, Road Com'rs vs. Auditor' Re port Jonks Township 20 May 78 D. W. CLARK, Prothonotary, Tionesta, Dec. 2, 1K7. PROCLAMATION. Whkhkas, Tho Hon. L. D. Wetmore President Judge of tho Court of Com. mon Pleas and Quarter Sessions iu and for tho county ot t orest. has lstmed ins pre cept for holding a Court of Common Plena Quarter Sessions, Ac, at Tionesta, for the County of Forest, to comnienco ,n the fourth Monday ot Doc. next, being tne 23d day of Due. 178. Notice is therefore given to tho Coroner, Justices of tho Peace and Constables of said county, that they be then anil thci o in their proper persons at ivn u I'Kii'K, .. m., iii n:u u;iv, wim.r yir records, inquisitions exainiiiatio,iid other remembrances, to do lluisonnigs which to their ollices appertain to tie done, and to those whoaro bound iu recognizanoe to prosecute against tho prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of Forest County, that thoy be then and there present to prosecute aguinst them as shall be just, (iiven un der my hand and seal A. D. 1S78. JUSTIS S1LWKEV, Sberiir. Wld3 Av-Tkai Oil City Dc., lor 1878. WrX'vi Tlian ICrcrt Moro and Fn .'-liT News, find Moi , ing Matt r ti.iin nr-v oth"r Dni'y I'm in Norf.i- i-t n PennsV 1 vim i i I iflrf oil cm; daily nfcj'wc; HAS ION E5tAS(...;0 TO U COLUMN, And wi'.l be,: ti tl'" new year with OVER 6.0C1 DAILY CinCUUtfiOS, Lr.rEtir than r. : ai'aiv.r- by nil v daily pcw.ip per In l'a. .nilsidou'thv larfcu eiiie. It has gained tlds by givin-r nil the fresh-' est news, and sparing no cxf-'iise in ob taining itfips. It, bas eovrewpondriii in every portion of tho Oil Region, besides several reporters who aro constantly trav eling, 'i'iio proprietors, editors ai.d re porter! at staff, nre all young and energetic men, whose aim Is l mnU tho Derrick the leading newspaper of Western Penn sylvania. The Dkriuck will be better than ever for 1877. It will l ave special reporters at Washington and llarrisburg. who will send daily specials of all important events. Its renders vill be kept posted on pll tho political news of t.l.o dv, as reports from' an independent standpoint, wh 'arg'i ruportcriat fn:c will keep them tn-'.-rmetf on local matters. It will also, as it doe now, take tho lend, in discussinurriiiestions of importance to oilmen, nnd worK faith-1 JUly lor the interest of the Oil Region. It will maintain its position as authority in oil statistics, and its market quotations; will always bo found reliable. ...I . . . . . ... , i no imily iiKumoK punitsiiea at Oil City, the Metropolis of the Oil Re gions, and the largest Petroleum Market n mo world, lias better advantages for ob aininor eil news than anv other dailv. Iw market quotations have gained precedence over all others for accuracy, reliability and fullness. THKDKRRICK IS THR BEST ADVERTISING KEDIUKL IN Til K STATIC. It circulates anion a rich? and flourishing people. If vou want spicy rtadrnir. fresh now,-:. nformation concerning tho Oil Region, and a red-hot paper, subscribe for tho Ou City Daily Dkriuck. Terms, $10 pr year j six months $5r $1 a month' in ad vance. THE WEEKLY DERRICK With 23 to 30 columns of Choice Reading iTInlf? Containing a weekly review of tho JJiisiiccss, all the "Stray Sand" of the ly Derrick and interesting news from parts of the world in a condensed for; 'Ilia WlSMhY UK K KICK will be f post paid, to anv address, for $1.60 year, always in advance. . . W. Jl. JiUJUVlIjl fc CO.. Publishers, Oil Cit Awarded the Highest Medal fit Vi- . and Philadelphia-. E.&H. T. ANTHONY, & I ritl'l' Broadwav, New York. (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) Wanuiaeturers, importers A Dealer-, Velvet Frames, Albums,' GrephoBcop STEREOSC OP E S AND VIE" Engravings, Chromos, Photogrs And kindred goods Celebrities; Act, es, etc. PHOTOGRftPHiFWATI&Ll We aro Iieadquarters for every th'i the way of STKUEOPT1CON8 and ' iu , being manuiactui tho Micro-Scientific Lantern, Stereo-Panopticon, University Stereoptir on, Advertisers f-tereopMce: Artopticon. School Lantern, Family I.:. PEOPLE'S LANTERN. Each stylo being the best of its in the market. g? Beautiful Photograpic Transpan . Statuary and kngraving lor tnewi: Convex OlasS. Manufacturers o: frames for Miniatures and Convei. Pictures, Catalogues of Lanterns and S1K! directions for using, sent on reees; cents. i Can't be made by every . ery month in the busii furnish, but those will in can easily earn a down ' day right in their own localities, room to explain here. Business and honorable. Women and ' girls do as well as men. We wil! you a complete bitlit free. The pays better than anything else, bear expense of starting you. . 1' free. Write ami bco. farmers ehanles, their aons and daughte classes in need of paying work should write to us and learn all work at once. Now is the tu. delay. Address True A Co., Maine. Frank llobbfi: PHOTOGRAPI Pictures in every styleof the ( of the oil regions "tot sale or t;; der. CENTRE STREET, near R, V. SYCAMORE STREET near i pot, Oil City, Pa. PRICE REOUCE- Full of Flain, Pr ictical, Rt Paying Info nr. for Wnt, Esi, Soul a, Nor-h of Cattle, Homi, M rep, ! S Uaidcni, or Vill.ite I A I - ' Jo for oil lloyi and Li.a SOVER 700 rlne ENCh & fch pleading aivi inurucii.. S I I It American mwm ONLY $1 E AC 4 copie, .ti men. fm'ult i.toci One number, i; . Aivw. t- !0 . Uinitiiiinii.. ..... u.i. mnr i .1 sued in EmfiuA a r al m .TRY IT. . . IT WILL f m::3li!i4Co.,FiaiiiL. a, a. . . K aits JOB WORK neatly execu' PUULICAN Othce - a nmir nriiiri 5? 8 . .