- - EDITOR. W EDNESDAY NOR.HIM, DEC. J, 1873. Tho National Banks. t m i i i 'tho report of Mr. John Jay Knox stroller of the Currency, gives some ts and statistics couccrning National nks, which will correct some of the pulnr impressions on tho subject, ) far from the National banks having monopoly of the banking business in Ilia country, the amount of capital em- - loved by State banks, savings banks d privato banks, is $205,380,000, gainst $470,300,000 employed by the National banks, and in deposits tho National banks have but little more than one-half of the amount of the combined deposits of the others the ;'2ures being $677,1G0,000, against 51,212,794,000. The total number of National banks is 2,056, while the Hate concerns, ae above, number 4,400. As under the law as it now stands, the privileges of the National banking sys tem are free alike to all, these figures are important, as showing that a large portion of those engaged in tha bank ing business, do not consider it to their advantage to avail themselves of these privileges. Of the National banks which have been organized since the ; ystcm went into operation, 273 have ;ono into voluntary liquidation by eta of the shareholders owning two ' "rds of their respective capitals, and ' have been placed in the hands of iivers for the purpose of closing up :ir affairs. Another notable fact .ted in the report is, that the Na qsI banks, so far from considering s issuing of circulating notes a prof ible monopoly, have, since Juno 20, 574, voluntarily surrendered $66,237, 3 of their circulation, which is $29,-;-2,4G7 more than has been issued to ill of the banks organized since that 'ate. The annual profit upon the entire irculation of the National banks is 'ated to be $8,961,519, whilst the iioks have paid to the United States '.n taxes from the beginning of thesys ra to the present time, $86,033,541. ba losses from tho Stato and savings Tiks of the'eountry during the pres et year alone are greater than the ;Ul losses resulting I row an tae iaii res of National banks whi:h have oc irred since the inauguration of the yctem sixteen years ago. la one respect the National banking stem lias secured absolute safety :it is, in the value of the currency it r.s furnished. There has been no loss 'ateverjjy depreciation of National ink notes. Throughout the whole riod of depression, when commercial asters came thick and fast, there .5 not been the slightest uneasiness t tliia score ; the National bank note been always good for the amount called for. The experience of the "Uitry under the old State bank sys i, when the curreucy of yesterday ,a worthless to-day by tho failure of lank, and when every business man to daily watch the bank note lists bberve the changes in the value of - cotes pi different banks, affords a -king contrast in favor of the Na tal system. One of the chief objects in view in iblishing the system was not only furnish a safe currency, but to Bup- a' steady market for United States ids, and to facilitate their oegotia n. The Controller shows that it has 1 this effect, and that in absorbing 1 negotiating these bonds the banks va assisted the Government in re ring the rate of interest on its boat's, .11 now the bonds bearing 6 per ':. are leas than one-fourth of the ?, nhile ou nearly onetfourth the sost has been reduced to 4 and 4 rccut. la the change of isoue which some t th Democratic leaders propose to like on tiie financial question, by Iropping tho greenback idea, and inak- - ' Z a fight against the National banks, y will G:.d many stubborn facts .ich they will have to grapple with. J'itidlufjh Telegraph. o Before the late elections the reenbackera declared they would poll ),000 in New York city, and they hit t within 28,012, which is doing very . till, iodefed, lbr new hands at the V.dHteru ir.iinufacluring establish es urs coin jiilliug the unparalleled rige and tyrranny of compelling r tu.Tering employees to take go!l ty, cowardly ld, as Col. "Wright . -- k'T their wages. II. DUNN This Will Pay. Many times the small cost will bo returned to every person, in tho coun try, or village, or city, whb supplies himself and family with the plain, prac tical, reliable, useful, paying informa tion given in the American Agricultu rist. It was so named because started 37 years ago as a rural journal, but it is now greatly enlarged in size and scope, oud profusely illustrated, so that it meets the wants of all classes of cultivators of the smallest plots, r of the largest farms of Housekeepers and Children of owners of Cattle, Horses, Sheep and Swine of Fruit Growers, Florists, Builders, Mechan ics, etc. From 600 to 800 original engravings in every volume, bring right to the eye and understanding, many useful, labor-helping and labor saving contrivances, largely home made, and for jmt-door aud in-door wQfk ; also plants, auimals, construc tion of dwellings, etc., etc. These numerous engravings make this jour nal greatly superior to every other one treating on the same subjects. The persistent, caustic exposures of hum-, bugs and swindles are of great use to all its readers. Over $25,000 a year are expended in collecting useful and interesting information and engrav ings, the benefit of all which can be enjoyed nt the reduced price of only $1.50 a year, post-free ; or four copies at $1.25 each, or ten copies at $1 each. A specimen copy 10 cents. Try it a year. It will pay. Published by Or ange Judd Co., 245 Broadway, New York. . ' N. B. A copy of Marshall's mag nificent Steel Plate Engraving, "The Farmer's Pride," is delivered free to every subscriber of the American Ag ricultwist who sends 20 cents extra to cover cost of packing and postage. Blessed is Vermont I Four weeks ngo the legislature of that little state assembled and in one hour both houses were organized. The next businass was Mr. Morrill's re-election to the United States Senate on tho first bal lot and without a dissenting voice. Siuco then the legislature has been re pealing a few unnecessary laws that were lumbering up the statute book and enacting one or two necessary statutes of a general character. There being no further business that anyone could Ihiuk of, the legislature con cluded to adjourn this week. In at least one respect Vermont people are envied by those of somo states that we know of. The entire expenditure of the State government is not as large as the oxpense of governing Luzerne cou n ty. Wilkesbarre Record. CLOSING OUT!!! by buying yonr 8II.VEEWAEE WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY OF IMI. "WILZ, TIDIOUTE, PA. I have dooidod to cloo out my entire stock of goods at and BELOW COST, for tho purpose of leaving town. Now is the time to secure presents ron TLTK HOLIDAYS. I have a-very largo and completo stock from which to select, and will positively sell at cost, and in some cases below cost. I will sell you A SOLID SILVER AMERICAN WATCH JPOLt BIO. I will sell you a LADY'S SOLID GOLD WATCH l'Olfc i0. and other goods iii proportion. All I ask is an opportunity to show tho goods. Store next door to Grandin Block, Tid loute, l'a. M. W1LK. Register's Notice. TOTIGL is hereby given that the follow-J-Tl ing account h.is been filed lor Decem ber lei in, 178, of O. C. of Forest County, when tho samu will be presented for con firmation ; Final account of :.,m-,,-, u Hindman, Administrator of Fstate of A Patterson, deccrsed. o, w tURIfi Rojrlstcr. N CALL ON J. U I W I a M A Y K It , OIL CITY, in the flANDs Block near tho Union Depot, FOlt TOBACCO, BKEU, WINES AND Ll'jUOItS, WHOLESALE AND LET AIL, Consumption !sircl. An old physician, retired from prac tice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the for mula of a- simple vegetable remedy, for the speedy and permanent euro for consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, nsth ma, and all thro:it.and lung allVcftons, also a positive and rudic.il euro for nervous debility nod nil nervous com plaints, after having tested its wonder ful curative powers iu thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to mako it known to his suffering fellows. Actu ated by this motive, and a tlosiro to relievo human suffering, I will send, free of charge, to nil who desiro it, this recipe, with full directions for prepar ing and using, in German, French, or English. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, namiug this paper, W.jW. Sherar, 149 Powers' Block, Rochester, N. Y. 14-eow-ly From the riM.hunth I.cdrr, Mmt 11, 1KJS.) "I Mnst Lie Down and Die." Tho following is an extract from a letter dated July 21, 1877, to tho discoverer of llethrsdii Water. Ihowr'teris tho Itev. T. 11. Fuller, 1). P., I). C. L., Rector of St. Gregory's Church, Toronto, Archdeacon of of Niagara, etc., etc. Tho writer, at tho ago of 60 yonrs was a victim of tSacchnrinc Diabetes. His physician said (to uso Dr. Fulle-i's words) "ho could do no more for mo than ho had done : that my disease was incurable, and that 1 must lie down and die." p'o should stato here, en rarenfhe. , that our townsman, Joseph Fleming, Ksj., Is tho sole, and only authorized agent tor-this wonderful, water for this State", as well as for Ohio and West Virginia. To return to Dr. Fuller: "In four days," Jio writes, "after taking the Watcf, I obtained relief, and since that time I have taken no medicine, consulted no medical man, and presume, if I could give myself reasonable rest, I would lie quit well." Such testimony, from such a souref, should indeed have convincing weight'.. Sole agent for Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia. JOSEPH FLKMINO, 1 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Send for Pamphlets and Certificates, mailed free. Prick per gallon, Me ; per one-fourth barrel, $1.00; half barrel, ?S.O0 ; barrels, $1(5.00. E. F. Kunkel'a Bitter Wine of Iron. K. F. Kunkel's celebrated Bitter Wine of Iron will cllbctually cuio liver com plaint, jaundice, dyspepsia, chronic or ner vous debility, chronic diarrlio-a, disease of tho kidneys and all diseases arising from a disordered liver, stomach or intestines, such as constipation, llatulenee, inward piles, fullness of blood to the head, acidity of the stomach, nausea, heartburn, disgust for food, fullness or weight in the stom ach, soro eructations, sinking or fluttering at tho pit of the stomach, swiinmingof the head, hurried or dillicult breathing, llut toring at the heart, choking or sullocating sensation when in a lying posture, dim ness of vision, dots or webs betbro tho sight, dull pain in tho head, deficiency of perspiration, yellowness of tho skin and eyes, pain in tho side, back, head, chest, liml-s, etc., sudden Hushes of heat, burn ing in Uio llesh, constant imaginings of evil and great depression of spirits. Price ?l per bottlo. Bewaro of counterfeits. Do not let your druggist palm oil' some other preparation of iron lie' may say it is as good, but ask for Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron. Take no other. Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron is not sold in bulk only in $1 bottles. K. F. Kunkel, Proprietor, No. ITi!) North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by all druggists. Tapo Worm Removed Alive. Head and ay complete, in two hours. No fee till head passes. Seat, Pin and Stomach Worms removed by Dr. Kunkel, 2. North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Ta. Send for circular, For removing Scat, Fin or Stomach Worms call on vonr druggist and ask for n bottlo of Kunkel's Worm Syrup, price $1. It never tails. Common sense teaches if Tape Worm bo removed, all other woruia can bo readily removed. E. F. Kunkel'a Lustral & E. F. Kunkel's Shampoo for the Hair. Tho best and cheapest Hair Dressing and Hair Cloancr in the world. They re move dandruff, allay irritation, soot he and cool the heated scalp, prevent tho hair from falling off, and promote the growth in a very short timo. They preserve and beautify the Hair, and render it sort and giossv. uiey impart a brilliancy ana a silky appearance to braid and wiry Hair, and, as a Hair dressing, tney aro unrivall ed ; eradicate dandruff and prevent bald ness, tho snampoo cleans the Jlair, re moves grease, scurf, itching, eruption. Cures headacho producod by heat and fa tigue. Kunkel's Shampoo and Lustral restore iiair to a natural and glossy color, restore faded, dry, harsh and wiry hair. Price per bottle $1. Ask your druggist for them, or Bend to K. F. Kunkol, Pro prietor, No. 25'J North Ninth Street Phil adelphia, Pa. 18-6m WILLIAM READ & SONS, 13FANEUIL HALLSQU., BOSTON, - - MAS., Agents for W. & C. SCOTT & SON'S BREECH-LOADERS!! Used by Capt. Bogardus (who has shot one of these guns over 30,000 times and still uses it in all his matches), Miles jonnson and tne principal sliots and clubs. vt o nave also brought out the IScKt 0 lireeoli-Ijonder of favorite Too-Snap Action over shown in tho market. Other qualities at (35 and 10. rO-Scnd for Circulars aud Lists of sec ond hand Ouns. ;i8-(ini mi s not easily earned in these times but it can be made in three months bv anv ono ot either sex. m auv partjof the country who is willing to work hteaUily at tiio employment that we tur nish. ttW lier week in your own town You need not bo away from homo over night. You can give your whole time to tho work or only your snare moments. It costs nothing to try the business. Terms and f") Outfit free. Address at once, 11 11ai.m:ti' ii Co., ioi tbiiitl, Maine. il-lv (iOODYHAUS ItlJ HltEIt UOODS OF EVEEY DESOMrTION, Wlinlcmiln nnl Uelntl. Handsome "It versiblc'' ('out S 12.00. OIV er styles, $-.r0 to $22.00. In ordering" coat give height and chest measure over vest. Caps, Capon, lii'gu'ins, (inn Covers, nnd Waterproof (ioods of nil kinds. Ladies' Nursery Aprons. $1.7A. Children's Bibs and Diapers, .lOcts. Crib Sheets, handsomely finished, $1.00 & 1.2.', by limit. Bed Sheets, handsomely finished, full size, .f0 by mail. Ladies' Rubber (Jlovcs for Housework, hardening, and Softening and Whiten ing tho hands; and a euro for Salt Khctini and Chapped Hands. Ladies' Short, f 1.25. Gauntlets $l..r0. Nursery Sheeting, Hot Water Bottles. Lite Preservers, Air Bosoms, etc., etc. Novelties of all kinds for comfort and con venience of ladies, worthy their attention. J,7Jf:?--OooiYKAHHMANrAi.,illu8trated, 62 pages of valuable information, of in terest to every ono, on receipt of address and stamp. floods suitable to nil purposes. Special articles to order. Anything under 4 pounds, by mail. Best floods at Lowest New York Prieo. AGENTS WANTED. Brooklyn Depot Gootlyrnr's Rubber Goods, Miwu&otureri And Dealers, Wholesale and Eetail. Address T.:c. THORNC, Manager, 211 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. r. O. lto 2H. 45.3m AGENTS WANTED FOR Dr. MARCH'S NEW BOOK FROM DARK TO DAWN. In this new volume tho Popular Author of "Night Scenes in tho Biblo" portrays . . . . ...... iwiiu trum Sacred Truth, and adds fresh testimony tho beautv. natlios niwl sublimit, nftu'r. i iu iKiti iiiriiiuiLf iorn inn nvnn u Stories of the Bible. Aironts will find this B iok with its sparkling jhoughts, beauti- ful i i"moi iiK", mm ricu oinuings, ine nt ill tlio mnrknt bei Ilccommendod by leading tblnkers and i hits aim crux at. mgiti. juakes a mag litlcent Holiday Puksknt. Steady, work md Hood Pay for Agents, Teacher's",' Stu lents, Ministers, Young Men or Women, .''or Circulars, terms, Ac, nddross, J. C. McCUBDY A CO.. PnMUhnn. Philadelphia; Cincinnati, O.; Chicajro, 11. ADVKHTISERS send 25 cents to Geo. P. liowell f: Co., 41 Park How, N. Y for their Kighty-pago Pamphlet, showing HYDE, SHATTUCK fc CO., MANUFACTUHKBS OF BREECH-LOADING SHOT CURJS, Revolvers and Pistols, Gun Implements, clc. lOxti-tv Ilottyy Ouiim lot Lonjf I?nn- u 8pcliiUy. Pllf tliia rtut mi1 ul rx. r.. 4 .,1 1 and Price-Lint, enclosing 3 cent stamp. 48-3m. ENTERPRISE GUN WORKS-ESTABLISHED 1848. JAMES BOWN & SON, . MANUFACTURERS OF AND DKALKIiS IN BUNS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS, FISQIM TACKL . ALSO, MANUFACTURERS OF STEEL AND IRON RIFLE AND SHOT GUN BARRELS, ; - And our Celebrated KENTUCKY RIFLE, Which has been the IIUXTER'S I'll T 11! for over .10 Years. CHILLED SHOT! IMPORTANT TO OUll SPORTING FRIENDS : We have just received a supply of Tallinn! fc Ilrotliers Superior ?liillcl Shot, which is pronounced by competent judges to bo the UEST MADE SHOT IN TIIE WOULD. We have all sizes from No. -1 up to No. IO. Also IIOGAIIDUS AXI FAIXire SrillKG TRAPM. A FULL STOCK OF ROUQH BALLS AND HALLS FILLED WITH FEATHERS. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List to JAMES EOWII & SON, 50-Gm ARE YOU G G H J G TO PAIftT? CHEMICAL PAINT. Ready lor uso is White, and over One lluntlreu" different Colors made of utriet ly pure White Load, Zinc and Linseed Oil, Chemically combined, warranted much handsomer and cheaper, and to last Twice as Long, as any oiber aint. It has taken tho FIRST PREMIUMS at twenty of the Stato Fairs of tho Union, and Is on Many Thousand of the finest houses in the country. Address: MILILjIEIR BBOTHEES,', ii'J, 31, id 33 St. Clair street, SAmX CAED BENT IEEE FOll SALE BY JiOBJNSON HEB3ASKAjGHjST mil. 'HUE OBTST MILL at Nebraska (Lacy-J- tow ii,) Forest county, Jihs been tlio'r ongldy overhauled nn4 refitted in ilrst class order. .nd Is now running and doinjr all kinds of rt V V H T O 11 fllllDI U. F LOT IB, FHKD, AND OATS. Constuntly onhand, and sold nt the very lowest llgures. -' II. W. LKDFBUn. THE PARKER CUN9 SEND STAMP r3R CIRCULAR PARKER BRfi?. WESr MERIDN.CT. REr;SjGTON Breech-Loading Double-Barrellod Weight, fJ to pounds : length of barrel, 28 and 30 in. 10 and 12 gauge. Price, Ktrrl bnrr-K,943 , TwlM bni-i-cls, $l(i( l.nmlnntod l.nrrcN, 18173, Ditinnm-us bnrrcls, 85. Tho best ever olfered tho American snortsman, combining all tho most desir able features of tho best imported, togeth er with somo valuablo improvements' not found in any other Top L-cr, Snap Ac tion, Centre Fire. For sale bv the tardo everywhere. Man ufactured by F.. UFMINflfoN A SONS, 2SI nnd 2S3 Broad way, New York. P. O. Box, aiKii. Arm; ry, 'lllion, N. Y. Cut this out and send for Ii.M'sriiATtti) Cata log uk and Treatise on Bifi.k Shootin. 24-3ni. week to Airents. SI0 ttpyt7H I Outfit Fret. 1 O. Vick-lH-lt ery, Augusta, Me. HATFIELD, Hampshire Co., Mass. 13G & 138 Wood Street. Pittsburgh. Pa. CLEVELAND, OHIO. & BONNER, II ON EST A, PA. 4 If DON K AT 'HHK "BJBtlGAN" OFFICE At the lowest cash price, neatly, prompt, bj, and in style equal to that of any other establishment in the District. BUSINESS CARDS, SHOW CARDS, VISITING? CAUI, SCHOOL CARDS WEDDING CAIiDS PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, HALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, 9IOXTIIF4Y KTATliM JB A TS, ENVELOPES BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, KOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, POSTERS. DODGERS, HANDBILLS LABELS, SHIPPING TAGS, Ac