i.ii; FA IB MiX. Fashions In Millinery, Hitherto bonnotslmvii bwn vtry cltwtv. fittinu pml tuna!!, but the full r 1 winter shapes show a ilt'pitletl clm:ip. On style lifts a Urge, flit crown, with a slightly Hiring brim. .Tu thin simpo the faoe-trimtning in vtiijHso.l moroly of a shirred mitiu f:uitig. SSoTrral loop o ribbon nre irmnl on the top of the crown, ami a long ostrich vlnrue fasr down one. Bids atul faU on th hair at he buck. Strinca are cvusidorod in. disponssble to evrr bounce. The large Leghorn bonnets, which raaJ their ap penrsao lute iu the anrnmor, are now iinitativl in fIt nr.d Trivet, They are . trimnuxl tery much an iudiridnal "taste snggefiU, but all sgw iu omitting all facH'-trimruing. The brim i favxvl wit'.t Telvet or other suitable material, and hoops over the face, or is indented in Marie Stuart shape. . A very pretty uovelty in a hat, worn M a bonnet, gives na the square Crom wellian orowu and straight, narrow brim, which frames the fuee without, turning tip or indentation of any kind. These flTfWflr in f.f nf nil filia.l.a Vdw I - - . - . llll EJUUVIVC, Mill, . V.- f becoming to the majority of faces. An CIO J .uu v.t.iu-.kvw'-' fl has a high sngar-loaf crown, which slants downward at the top, aud a rerj iivuvuuv. JL im, tuiutti up JilgU BUM broa i at the side. This might look well on the stage or in a picture, but could . hardly be considered suitable for the street. Some importers have exhibited turbans with closely-rolled brims, and the English walking lint is introduced in all the fashionable colors in felt. A stylish model in white felt is cut up some distance on either side and laced . together with a gilt cord; gilt cord to match is placed around t ho edges; the inner portion of the front brim rising ' over the forehead is faced with black velvet-. A Till Q onrs TV -f v o nenfa raA- buds and attendant leaves nestles Bomo distance within. A number of white ostrich tips are placrji in bunch-like form on the top; broad double-faced strings, black velvet and satin, are tied under the chin, and above these are a second pair of narrow strings handsome ly brocaded. A pretty hat of black vel vet was trimmed with a black silk netted scarf, dotted with tiny gilt beads. Three small black ostrich tips sprinkled with gold beads were grouped in a cluster on the top. A few years ago red bonnets would have seemed an impossibility. Now they are shown made of red plush, plain felt, trimmed with rich feathers, and tied with red satin ribbons. Hand some reoeption bonnets have the frames covered plain with ruby satin, or ruby velvet, the trimming costly lace, and a long soft ostrich plume. Of course, red bonnets will only be worn by persons who can afford several ohauges, and do not, therefore, need to display them frequently. There is a distinguished demand for elegant bon nets in one solid color of plush, satin, or velvet, the only fashionable combina tion consisting of trimmings of brocaie in high blended oolors, which look like Indian embroidery or Persian stuff. Persons who must Confine themselves to one best," select a style to match Uieir best suit, which is usually of black, or some dark shade, trimming it with feathers to matoh, and a fabric which contrasts in texture, but not in color. The trimmings for hats are varied and beautiful. Among the reigning colors there is deep cherry, garnet and crimson t-Uade. ; Brown, and "old gold" are used for combining them with. Rib boas are exceedingly , rich in some ' vies, and very gay in others. A new ijbon has narrow plush stripes alter ating with satin. Other rich ribbons double-faced velvet on one side and Atin on the other ; and here especiallv xy be remarked, very beautiful combi" itions of color the velvet being com- iratively dark, and the satin usually of bright or pale 6hade. Black velvet is -atrasted with cardinal dark blue is laced in juxtaposition with pale blue tin ; cardinal velvet is relieved by hite satin ; deep garnet by ivory, and 1j brown contrasts with pale bine, id seal-brown with bright garnet. Flowers, for the most part, are large j i often gorgeously colored. Roses in h shades of garnet are in great favor, ne of which are very dark. Other s are a bright pink or magenta. Ad-;-nal brightness is imparted by cox ibsin natural colors, or, oftentimes, thery tuftings show successions of ?et threads of a deep wine or garnet r, placed in minute bnnchings on lerous green Btalks arranged in cox--like form. it ornaments of every kind reap . Much favor, however, is accorded iridescent ornaments, wrought iu ition of large flies with outstretched : lizards and coiled 6nakes. All finite large ; lizards, although in y undulations, extending oftentimes i more than three to four inches on bonnet, while serpents, though d iu cork-screw fashion, reach al t an equal length. Interesting Facts About India. Q -he natives of India are usually ' n, but some of them are nearly i". - Their hair is usually straight times gracefully curled, seldom of lly appearance. The native women Jcutta wear their hair long, and r loose or braided. The men gen y part theirs in the middle. Shaving ; head is common, especially among t appear to be of the lower classes. ie shave off every hair ; others leave igh for a topknot only ; others make iselves comical-looking by shaving 'jps here and there, according to c fancy. Their barbers are generally I at irregular intervals along the ml streets and lanes. A barber i his bamboo mat on the pave near the wall, for him and his t to squat on during the work ; .iiile he uses the tools, the man j his hair or beard dressed holds a mirror in his hand and watches y every movement of the razor or -i. The mirror is seldom more than r hea ia length. The barbt-r is very )te, aud may spend half au hour head or face for a cent and a half. , -a these street barbers, there are who have shops for Europeans and , and charge twelve oents for cut ! 'aopean' hair. There are also, ' e streets, native cobblers, with kits of tools, repairing fchoes. h utied not only on the head, but fit the whole body is well unoirted. The Indiana of this country. Me IhHr American cousin, are revy Mrnipht r,d r-rrrt. Round or bvped VhortHer ar rrar among them that they sttrset rttentiou at oncw, if the possessor is on hi foets These Mvple citt nearly all their burden on the he?.!, and this de velop a straight form. If one Trant a Vinofot? a bodMcsd, a tea set, or any aitiole transported with perfect safety to another prt of the city, he calls enough cv.Mioa for the job and commit the ariieles to them, sending a servant along t. oversee them. Small articles r pnt into a larfe baVet, which the coolies alwav have. The basket is vn le of bamboo piece tied together, is lined with the coarsest sackcloth, semi spheric in shape, and without any handle. A coolie cau carry a weight on liis head two or three times as great as he can lift. VThcu on the street awaiting or ders, he frequently gets into his basket and goes to sleep, or inverts it and makes a stool out of it. Passing along the street at night, ono sees many serv ants and coolies, especially the latter, sleeping on the asbestos, stone, or Mc Adam pavement, with no bed between except a single cotton blanket worn on the body during the day. Many Baboos aud men of other classes of the natives of Bengal nover wear any covering on their heads except that given by nature. Some of the Baboos are as noble-looking specimens of humanity as I ever saw, and have as good brain as brawn. The head-coverings worn are usually either a little, hemisphere, often beauti fully embroidered, or a largo Durban consisting of many yards of cotton cloth wound around the top of the head. The latter is good protection; the former seems to be worn only for ornament. Chonte's Conversation, The following extract is from nn article in Harper's Magazine on Rufus Ohoate, the celobratod lawyer and once United States senator from Massachu setts : One of tho charms of Mr. Choate's conversation was his habit of exaggeration. To attend the perform ance of Mozart's " Don Giovanni " was liko listening, he said, to 10,000 forests of birds. He knew that no exaggeration in mere words could adeqdately express the delight that a sympathetic mind fela in coming into vital acquaintance with a work of transcendent genius in any de partment of literature and the fine arts. Ton thousand birds would ba a small testimony to the melodies of Mozart ; but 10,000 forests of birds is a compari son which indicates tho rapture of won der and admiration which Mozart's mas terpiece excites in all souls capable of feeling its beauty. With this tendeucy to verbal exaggeration Ohoate had that instantaneous humorous recoil from ex travagant assertion characteristic of ardent natures whose sense of the ludi crous is quick as their sense of the beautiful and the sublime. " Interpret to me the libretto," he said tohis daugh ter, lest I dilate at the wrong emo tion." Sydney Smith never said any thing better than that. Strapping fellow The schoolmaster. Beware of Cheap Excitants, And use, if you need a tonio stimulaut and al terative, HoBtetter'g Stomach Bitters. The liquors of commerce, even when they are not adulterated, fail to produce more than a tem porary f xhilaration, usually followed by a tfopresainft reaction, anything but benefloial to a weakly constitution. Not only do the potent botauio ingredients combined' with tlie alooholio of HoRtetter'a Stomaoh Bitters min uter to the health aud vigor of those who we it, but the bRBis pure old rye, the flacst and most salubrious liquor dUtillei ia no mean promoter of a healthful condition of the diges tive orgaDS. Its presence in the Bitters is eetiODtial to preserve their vegetable constitu ents from fermentation, and it unquestionably augments thoir remedial value. Few medicinal preparations of a proprietary nature have ever received such strong commendations from medical men. The National Hcoarftr. It is estimated that the annual damages cauned by the ravages of iuHecta and worms exoeed f 130,000,000 in the United States alone. Truly an enormous loss ! Yet it sinks into in significance when oompared with the ravages of that more terrible scourge, Consumption, which annually sweeps hundreds of thousands of human souls into eternity. The causes of consumption are various, depending in every iuxtauce for the development of the diseatie upon the scrof nlona diathesis, or temperament, of the victim. Thus the same cause which will produce in one person an attack of acute dis ease or a Blight nervous prostration, will en gender consumption in a person of scrofulous habit ' That consumption can be cured by proper treatment will be readily perceived when the exact nature of the disease is under stood, viz. : the accumulation aud deposition of scrofulous matter (tnberolep) in the langs. Ob viously, the principal remedies required are (1) a powerfnl alterative, or blood-pnrifler, to ar rest the accumulations and also cleanse the blood of the scrofulous matter, and (2) a mild oathartio to expel the diseased matter from the system. This course of treatment in eon auc tion with a strict hygienic regime, his proved the most Bucoessfu'l method of curiae this dis ease. Dr. Pierce's Oolden Medical Discovery and Pleasant FnrgRtive Pellets are the best alterative and c&thartio remedies before the public, and hive been alone used in thousands of ca-os of consumption with the most marked eftioov. Dr. Pierce's Invalids" Hotel, at Buf falo, K. Y., affords upecial and uneqnaled ad vantages to consumptives, not only possessing the best medical aud hygieuio means of treat ment, but having the'essential advantage of being situated iu a climate where the inhabi tants are notably free from this disease. Familiarity with the writings of the grea poets is a necessity to any one who wishes to appear well In company. For 10c. we will send a book of 160 selections from the beautiful inel odierof Moore, the grand poems of Bvrou, and the nnequalef songs of Bums, and 60 popular tongs. Desmond & Co., U15 Baoe St., Phila. "If each one of several makers had taken the highest medal at one of the great world's expo sitions tbero wonld be room to question which was best ; but Mison & Hamlin have taken the highest honors at every such competition for twelve years. CHEW The Celebrated "Matchless" Woo Trk Plug Tobacco. TflS FlOMEEB 'i'OBAOOO OoMPANT, New York, Boston, and Chicago. For Coughs, Colds and Throat Disorders nse " Brown's Bronchial Troches," having proved their efiloacy by a test of many years. 23 cts. a box. ' Have you ague in the faoe, and is it badly swollen ? Have you severe pains in the chest. back or side ? Have you cramps or raiu j iu the limbs, or rheumatism in any form If so get Johnson's Auoiyne Linimeut. It will give instant rtnbi ana nuany cure you. Hon. C. It Parsons, mayor of Rochester, was radically cured of Brigbt'a Disease by Craiy'a Kidney Cure. Depot 4'i Uui versify PI., X. 1 To cleanse and whiton the teeth, to sweeten the breath, nse Brown's Camphorated tiapoua oeons Deutifnoe. Twenty-rive oeuts a bottle. thew Jaokion's Best Sweet Navy Tobaooo. Xpe of Anlinnlx. beat Tsrely exceeds tweuty years. A. hv? lives twenty years; a wolf twen ty ; a fox four to sixteen years. Lions are long lived. One has been known to liw to the see of seventy years, llab biU seven. Klephnuta have been known to live to' the great ago tf four hundred yearc. Alexander the Great, having conquered Turns, king of Iudia, took a great elephant, which had fought vol iantly f-ir the king, and named hira Ajnx. ITo dedicated him to tho sun, and let him go, with this inscription : Alexander, tho son of Jnpiter, hath dedicated Ajnx to the aim." Tho ele phant was found with this inscription three hundred nnd tlfty years afterward. Tigs havo been knowu to live to the ago of thirty years ; the rhinoceros to twenty. A horse has beeu known to live to the ago of sixty-two years, but averages from twenty to thirty. Camels sometimes live to the age of one hun dred. Stags nre long-lived. Sheep ex ceed the age of ten. Cows live about fif teen years. Cuvier considers it proba ble that whales sometimes livo for a thousand years. Pelicans are long lived. A tortoise hnn been known to live to tho ago of ono hundred nnd seven. Insects, as a general rule, are short-lived, though there are many ex ceptions to the rulo. .Marriage and Sponger. Iu many os the Greek islands sponge fishing forms the occupation of the in habitants. Tho method of fishing in by diving, and for many hundred years the business has been carried on. An old historian, writing of a singular custom prevailing at Ilimia, a littlo island op posite Rhodes, says : A girl in this island is not permitted by her relatives to marry before sho has brought up a certain quantity of spong-J es, ana Deiore sue can give prooi of tier agility by taking thern from a certain depth. In other islands the same cus tom prevails, but with reversed applies' tion, as iu Nicarus, where the father of a marriageable daughter bestows her on tho best diver among her suitors. Ho that caa stay longeet in the water and gather the mobt sponges marries the maid." The delicate membrane which envelops the lungs aud lines the air passages, is exceeding ly sensitive, and a slight irritation of it in creases and spreads very rapidly. Ilemember ing this, use, if you are attacked by a cough or cold, that incomparable pulmonic and preven tive of consumption Dr. Hall's Balsam for the Lungs, which invariably gives speedy relief and ultimately effects a complete enre in all earea where the breathing organs are affected. Use it in time and prevent serious bronchial trouble. Sold by all druggUU. For npwur.ls of tliirtv yeir Mrs. WIN8LOWK 300 rUINO SYHUrhas boon lsed for children with uevor-failing success. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colio, regulates the bowels, cures dysontery and diarrhcoa, whether arising from'teething or other causes, oii old and well-tried remedy. 35 cts. a bottle. If any person would nee tho difference be tween real worth aud real worlhlessness let him bay a small paok of Sheridan's horse and cattle powders and feed it out to his hens. The In crease of eggs will surprise yon. IMPORTANT MOTICE.-Farmera, PamV 1m and Otbsn ou pare hue do Remsdr squat to Dr, TOBIAS' VENETIAN LIMMFRf for th ears ol Oholera, Diarrhoea, Duntery, Oronp, Oolio and Sftft iioLntaa, takan internally (it ia parfscilr barml; to oath accompanjinc caob bottlo) and aiternally for Ohrooio Khautnatism, tia1aotie, Toothaobe. Sor Throat, Outs. Hums, Swellings, Bruises, Mosqniio Hit-", Old Sores, Fains in Limits, Back and Obnst. Vb VKNKT1AN L1N1MRNT waa introduced ia 147, and do ona who haa used it but continues to do ao, many station if itwasTen Dollars a Hottle they would not be without it. a Thousands of Oortiiioates can be seen al the Depot, speakine of its wouder' ul curative proper, ties. Sold by the DruKKisti at 4U Cla. Depot 42 Murray bt.. New York. CELEllRATID nh La A SIRE KELIEF FOR THE SUFFEHEH. .A I'lrrlnlilc I'repnrnllnn, Inventod In the .ih in in y bj Dr. Williaiu UrucH, Surxwui Iu Kin .'.inc.- nriny. ThrciiiKli its nxi-iicy hu cured thous- miiiN uf ilio iikmi si'iloiiH Nori-s nnd Wounilu that i.uni-.a the killof tlm most eminent iilivxh luns tif Im i.ijjr, iinil niiiu'thd by all w liu tu'cw aim us r. j uuMc Li ui fiicior. CTHKS VLtxIl WOlSliS. IBo.KN UMUH, KM.T MllfcCM. OHILlit AIX fciillli HHkAnT, KIKK IJl-rl, KKVSH'tl.AH, KINunnkMH ' CAIXl'SbM, HCA1.U llkAII, ClIAI-fkli HANDS, r.t'RNK, fAN'ltKS, JKLONS W Uie, KiHh1, VU'KIIH WUI-MM, MINUS, MIINULtl. r'l1KU4, EH, KriKH HI-KS ABCKSS. KKIKKLEH. IirsioH, H'UAl.NK, BII.H, 1,ITrS' (ITS, WHITLOWS, ""T". DLISTKItJ, TAV riMI'I.KS, t IJKSH, M-I'RVT JTCH, IVUKOWIVO XAII.H, KKTTI.R llfn, MObUllTO AND I.EA BITES, M'iDER bTINQS, And all cutaneous distaws and eruptions generally. PRICE V5 C KNTS A BOX. UY MAIL 33 CENTS. Three dozen Itoxra (1.4 r roes', will be iieut TO PKUDLEKS, NTOKF.KEEl'ERS DUCfifJI-MTf, (expreaaaKo paid), on receipt ol 1.00 about eleven tenia a box. PBErARED BT SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, 66 HARRISOX AVENUE, BObTON, MASS. WAllTESIAN ell Drilling, Boring, Mineral Prospecting & Quarrylnsr Tool. niKDeat award at Centennial Exhibition. Send foe TTC 11 O 6 lb' 1,8,1 Bpl" Tea. tl 60; 6 lbs. Very I tlUt) Nbw 0rop Te (""a or black), J. a awaraT t,e ,t jn p,,,,,, 0( 5 n, M(j upward to Sw?.i,lr""" on of price. Oirculara msilod free. THE OANTlIN TEA Ot).. lmportors, 14 4 Uhambera htieat, New York Poet-i fflce bm ls,2. Annts wanted. EMBOSSED PICTURES tot lleuoratlug and Fancy Work Finest slock import ed, iucluti nu r lowers. Birds. Heds, I.Mives. lusecta, fr'iirures, Jtc. 7 sheeta l"r Hue, 12 fi r 6o , 'a) or for tl liu. Calaluu nf lmm slieets, iio. JwiU luinlitl. M.inue e.ou. . i irci,, noun oirwti, rioKuin. la ss "VV ANTKI Tte Entrprisin Yonna- Faimara, a f Oardeuar, and a Blacksmith, btoady work, aood waKes, pleAbaiit home. Ouence to aHve uioaey. Write j. ix. 11. cLLiutMinin, va., lor pariicuiara. WHO WANTS A FARL1 WHERE FARMS, PAYS THE BEST ? FOR SALE. 0 fl fl finn Acres Rich Farmhc U UUtU UU l'ANIM, noil Im otM in Mi. , ??, ' M from At to S p-r nrrc. t ". tnrmn of iMmnt . A Inn. Acres of Choice Pi I.AMN, In limt l,uml'r Dim' if itllrhlunn tW Send lor Illuatrnted rmphlt, full of fclu l . mod rmmi.nVVi:nnMnVN.Vfrh: WASHES ESQ'S C3SSETB U.-.l I !i" mc'H"l M -il.il 11 Hi. i i. . PAHIS KXrONlTIOX, Jl .Tim t!i-:itl nili1 1 Hoi Tb.l M.KMIU K llil roitsl.r -..,1 It ftt itll tir.; fi-i l ., Hint l H mTKt ttol t o tn-k ib n over Uh- til pit J Tin Ir IIIAI.IH I'OHSKT wllh In Li, ;hs; en ty nl 1 1 r R'tt n ft tTtri')iMitn, WARKI RnOH.,351 Broadwat, X T. CUBED FREE ! An nfIHhle and nneroelled remedy for h'llf, KpllrpeT or I'lilllna! Hlrlinrea wnirnnim tn effect aapnoilyand i'Klte IMSi ill X KNT mire. I "A I rrr lint il of my I VsW rennwrneil specitlo and a ral I I .ta ni'" Treatise aent to any B I B 9 sufferer aendina me hie gr Post-orTire and Kipross aiblress. JR. It. 1. rtOOT, 1 H.i Pearl Street, New York. STANLEY IN AFRICA FKOIMJ.VH KIMTIO.N. Staiilej'a own stmy in one superb rnlume nf oyer SiW PiT. W ll'l.l I'iiiK Kmiravink Pnil'K OM.t t't AO. No nintiniml). ; no irilt edited, hta-li'totied prions. Ptipulur Hooka at Popular Prices, ia our Motto. AOT'IJT'J don't mistake, send for circulars (ir- A U in our unusual terms. Aildresa Ooi.fMiiiAM Kook Oo., Hartford, Onnn. ; Ohioaa-n, III. The. Antidote la Alcohol Fannd al l.aet. The Father Mathew Remedy la a oertaiD and speedy enre for Intemperance. It dn stroTs all appetite for alcoholic liquors and builds up tne nerrous system. Alter a Orbmirh, ar any InteniprrRte lndu)ainrr, a elnnlr Irnepoon lul will rrmsve all menial and uhvalral dr. prenelon. It also eurea erery kihd of Fevicr, Dyh-riti-siA and Tom-iniTY or ihk I.ivkk. Hold by all drucKista. 91 per Bottle. Pamphlet on "Alcohol, its l''tleut on the human body, and Intemperanoe as a Disesse," sent free. KATHKR MThitW IkMPFRAM K asn M awt'r ArTVRtNo Co., att Bond St., New York. DAItNINdllADEHAKV and eipeditious by a wonder- inl (UW ATTACRMItNT. UMI stookinnH, socks, icmiients. table and bed linen, marks elothinc, and dues all fancy erabroiaerinc as quickly as plain sesma are aewed by ma chine. Try it, Send for circu lar. Address , II M. ROSKw Room 4, Sua Bulldimt, New York Oity, or any Agent. '. WATERS' PIANOS MID ORGANS are the best made warranted for ft years; ami will be eohl during tris month at lower prices for cash or on inra Imenrs than ever before offered. Aafita wsnted. llloi-trBiel 'Aia!ones mi led. HiRl'li WATKKS a BO.NS. Mnufiio lirers aud penlerj, 4l K.nst UlhKt.,N Y. AIo Oeneral An-ntn for SHO.V I Nii I' K'S t'e'ehrted flliOANS, which revWTed the TRIUMPHANT tlKDAf.of AWAHPst Ids PAKlrTKX POSITION. NEWSPAPERS and MAGAZINES at club rnt.' Time, trouble and xpens wiwd bj sub. BOTibing throanh tne Rocky Mountain Hubstiript ion Arncy, which tfurninhM any nnpnr (oiowpt local) nub lit., tod in the United Statna. Musical Instrument--,, Kw. in Machine ol alt hinils, Chroinoa, Frame. Sewing Machine Needles and Attachment at reduced prices. I will also furnish Books of all kinds at loffest urioea. Rocky Mountain Stereoscopic Views pnecmlty. rKmt fail to write at once fur our circulars, genta oan make bi mony. Address JAMRS TOltRKNS. Ryan. Oolo. MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. l-monrn'r.f hu HIGH PUT HONORS AT AI,L WOHlilPS KXPOSt T10.H8 OR TWK.LVK YEARS, r: it Pabis, Iii7: Viunha, 1H7H: Hantiaiio. 1H76i Piiil.AliKi.i'HiA.IHTC; Pa 1K7B ; and Grand Hwkdikh Horn .Mkiiai.. H7M. only American Orxans erer aw r;lel htirbcf't h ra at etiy anch. K'ld for cash or in tii'm nU. li.l.t arBA I fi Oa i Aixirye nnd iJircn l. wi'h ; Mvlm mil iiri,, mint flee. MASON A K KM LIN wKtjAN ( O , B-st m, New York or Ohin.iro. HE WANTED -Aa Airsnt. in ever town In the United States to introduce into our best homes the lm.u.tly lllilftruted Monlliiv. .ll n nuiiit' Nsnhlilne (n. I. title Children." Kniumite and yaluau!e Piemi. mm aiven to tJanvasners. which ennlilo them to clear fmm !jl I ' to:i() per wek. Kend stamp forcirrurs and terms, to IIev. .1. Hknhv m vtiip, ore of BKAL8 A FOSTER, No I O Spruce r New York. J CTVE H IVEN1,PL0YMENT iiQENTs U o o d Everywhere By over iioo rennonsible adrnrtifiera in thiamont h tMtie oh ho ACKNTS HFKAI D. Sample wyt lOcenM, with nmnple card and full particular of the AtKN th DiBF.i'TOBY and a bmitiful huM enR of the Kmitlm Kraphy. AfiKNTB1 FLT H. JQ.. San worn 8t.( Phila., Pa. JIM mm .Mher. if nnslite to nurse your Imlie, lilnon It nt once "'dire a ho. Ml. Miinutactured . WOOI.R1C1I 4. CO.,J'.i luier, M ass. $i 0 g $25 flim: Novmes Si..lo?".d Outfit Free Z J. IL BUFKORO'S SONS. Msnnfrctnrlnic Puhliahera, ,, I I I to 1 47 Krsnklin Street, lionli.n, Mass. r.hli.hlished nearly titty years. YOU R PHOTO C RAPlT AND NAME on 1 dux cards for 30 ols.: a dot. ,"Octa. Seu.l piclure lo H. II. A If C 1 1 1 U , Troy, . Y. AGENTS, READ THIS! ' At wtd pay Akviiu a Salary of lml per month and liiwu., ur allow a larne uoiiiiiiUli n to aoll our new and wonderful inventions. lie li. ill. irAut its .u u. baillpl tree. Addrets, t wnKK HATH cV ., lliimliHll, ,IUIi. isv TIM T., i Ail:u rvi if f ?':'"";r";'-:::i.'.:,,.-r. f . V Jfic St.. S, u. I ... e , ..',''i" at-e' ARKOIPR FOR CURING I ON-I .1IPTION Kjren gratis by Dr. II. James, ln.fi Ksce St.. Pinla. R 3 R F4 fi 1 ""'-'"""f prlces- I IviiltJU l,;l!e8t honors-Mai huitiek's scale " "'"wsw tr snuaron--tlneit upriKlits in i"i siiiars--tine.il upriKlits ID 7!ri'!:'u"r '"M -K'llarlf luujryoraled .... . ..... . ...... Js mTT.lv u,. ,,11., MuiaiMlH l EUIirill lmi.telssoiin PiAnoiJo.,! K lr. r-th Kir. el. N. . Bicmri WriowoHut, Tnofnu.tor oongba and cold CI.AMS MALL'S. Traps, Ao Price list free, d dress Oreat Western Gun Works. Pittsbufy, Pa QO day to Acents to sell a Household Article. V d;lresa Buckeye fll'f'a o.. Marion. Ohio. QQHfi yEAI. How o Make It. J tmM OuOUU'.l.oi' 1UN01C, at. lesla, ale OPIUM Ilnblt Ar Mkln Dlaeaaea. Thous- is cured. lxeeat frlces. Uo not fall trite. lr F.E Mariu.QulDOy.MLob. Something New for Agents woV.n wanted In erery illae. addreao Bo 78W, New York. fc .'WTH-Aaent. Wanted-3H beat tClJ Jll VVi" rVol" ,n the world; one aample Jrtt. UVU Address JAY BRON8QW, betroit, Mioh. $7 DAY to AcentsoaoTaestnc forth flreelde Vlaltar. Terms and Outfit Free. Address r. kj. ti'imni ancuata. Maine DIG HAY. With Htenoll Ouiflte. What costs 4 cts sells rapidly for 6O0IS. OaUloaae tr, S M rii-KNoaa. I Waah'n Bt.,Boauio,Maae. C TP D CT f II WANTED for Dslsctlr. SsrTlc. CCunCI I'uv l.l-erol. Addrsss, with stamp, Jvy WW Am.e h. riecrsl rernca Co., Cincinuatl. O. $10 tO WOO JSSSn-a 'e0,. Invested in Wall Ht. Blocks makes r monin. ooojl seat ... . ..l"" eiiiLuue- eseryiDin. Address BAXTPR AUt . Bankers, IT Wall Bt.Ti. K I Q D ER 8 FASTI LLE8.hyr mXoH?! T -TrrtaaiTTraiiaaliilii imi 1 D'Lajitisiowu, tiasa. lOUNC MEN ti lu-jntu. hliiiii I B-ilery wUll.learnlrj(. bltualion I ur. -j sued. AudrreaK Valenlioe, Maqar, Jar.ess ilt. Wia, 1 ytfSKntXlr mmmmn It hnTlnc brrn widely advrrllard unrirr the rnptloa f . J, America Ahead in Spool Cotton," that the Jury on rattan tcxtllM, ynrna nnd thread, at the Purls Kxponltlnn. tlrrrrrd n tlold Jrlcdnl and I J rand Pir, la the Wlllf innntln I.lnrn Company for "Ppool t'oiton enperlnllv ndnptrd tor on Hew-In illo chlnea,"avr all the romwirttad iiinnnliii-. lurrs of the world, we awe It mm a duly to die pudiio ana to iiirnsra. J- v i . l omi to No Grand Prizes were decreed at Pari for Spool Cotton. . We are advlnod by rabla oflha followlua award t iT.&P.COATS. GOLD MEDAL. Vvr - .,,i rt n't if i i Linen Co., Silver Medal. and we claim for the winners of tbe Klret Prize thnt.ae Ihey have eatablUhedln Khnde Island the larceat Hpool tlottea Mllle la the Vailed Mtates, where their Hpool Coiton la manufactured thronch erery pracena from the raw cotloa to the Onlahed apool, AilIRHK'A, as represented by Messrs. J. & P. ('OATS, Is still AHEAD IN MI'OOI. COTTON. I Sola Agenti in New York for ' J. P. COATS. THE LIGHT RUNNING NEW HOME Is the Heel, I.nlcet Improred, and most Thor. ouahl i'onalrnclrd v Sewing Machine ever Invented. It ia NOISKI.KMf. and haa more POINTM of EX. ( lil.l.KM K than all other Maubinea oomhined. at AH RNTM WANTED in localities where we are not represented. JOHNSON, CLARK & CO., 30 Union Square, New York, Orange, Mass., I'lttatiureT, Pa., t'hlcno, Wt. I.onla, Jllo. APOPJIFIE US In the Old Reliable Concentrated Lys v FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING. Directions accompanying eaoh ean for making Hard, Soft and Toilet Hoap ulckly IT JS rVLl. WEWHT AX .ITNKXSrH. The market la flooded with (so called) (Jonrentrated l.ye. which la adulterated with salt and rosin, ami u-.n.'l HtuA-e oap. ., HAVB MOXXr, AXJt II cr THK APOPJIFIEa MADK BY Til K Pennsylvania Salt Manuf g Co., PHIIiAO KI.P II I . THE SMITH ORGAN CO. Flret Ketnbllehefl ! Most MurresMfal! THKIK INBTRUMF.N'Pai hare a standard talus In an tne LEADING MARKETS OF THE WORLD I Kvsrywhcre recognised as I he FINEST IN TONE. OVER 80,000 illade nnd In use. New Designs constantly, nest work and lowest prices. t If Bend for a Cat alof ue. jf Trcmont SL,opp. Waltham St.,BostoD,Mass. Seven Shot Pull Mrkrl Pin ted, Ntrcl liar- rcl a: ( ylludrr. Killed Itiirrcl A- KlRte Cylinder II KFill.V lilt Tht ( l(CA.01.KI;i H NIX MONTI1H fur TWO DOI.I.AItM. We wamun Ibis tieautirul KevoWer to b tlie tieat ever effered for th money. It la no ohoan caaa Iron nlstol. bnt mannfsotnied of tile heat Knfflinh ateel and nnished equal to the highest-priced ReTolvex In ths market. We have sold e.uui ot them aince tlie flras of June, and hare just contracted with the manufactory, for le.utiu more. Our guarantee aooomiiaitUts each Ho volver. (Jartridgoa to lit them oan be obtained si ans general store. TI1K (JHIOAGO I.KDOKR Is ths Lanreet, Beat snf Cheapest Family Psper In the United rjtatee. It la prlnuid upon larse, "plain t ie, and can be easily road hf old or young, and ahonlil lie In every honsehold. If ClllfliillPI, every pltrohneer of one of these Resole era gets '1UK OIllOAtiO LKIX1KK for G months, post ea-apald. AddreeaTIIK l.l'JIM. KU. Chicna, III. A pmittve rrnu-tlv tor Ik ropiy ami all diveuari ot th ALIdneya, kll,cltlr and Urinary Or cans. llunt'M lCeraedy i purely vtffnblt and ;rprel ereaty fr tint abuve diteavea it hm curfit ii.ouHuUi. i-vf ry bottle vsrrmnUd. (Send tm W. K.Clarkr, i'rovidf ih-p, ft I,, tut lllmtrmted pamphlet. If jour ilriijjnirt don't have it, he will order it fur ym. I'or Iti iiiiivol I'uhsli, ..'ii-.tnic I.nlmr, l lr-ian. liiiien. Iliii itliiliiy cV. ii,.(pi.-HH, I ucu nn led. il)llSE li It Hi.. Pri.w'n. Cunion. iVluan. Dr. 0RAIGS KIDNEY CURE THE GREAT REMEDY FOR ALL KIDNEY DISEASES I Htfvr by t0rlal Vtrmintinn til Hev. Dr. J. K. Hatikio, Wsahingtoo, D. O ; U. 'J'. Ileston, M. D., Newton, hucLs iJOj Pa.; Ji.lin L. Roper, Ki?i.. NurlolU, Va. Dr. J. li. White. i; I'ourth Av.'.. Ne York: Dr. U. A. Di-an, Charlntte, N. Y. ; Hon. (J. It. rVrsorj,, pres ent Mayor of Kovliester, M Y. Auk your drttKtfiet. UrnJ Jr pn.mj.hlrt, i... nl.l.-er. r. , If All,, -it IMVfclt-ITV f'l.At li, NKW Villi It. Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Bout Stomach, Sick Headache. traders Bud others enffRRed in the lorma lion ol (lands ur orcuebuua siiouiu inn- ncwueacin.ilvc cut ai'"ue, ue Voi'.: ex i livA'ely to ln'( fMatlun Concern li:r. Hand and Orclies- 1 1 il lequls'tee, suit con tainiui eleirant entrrav Inpa uf the latest aud most approved stvle of la sirumeiils now lu use. Mailed lice. Address LYON it 11 KALV, State and Monroe HU., Chicago. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE HISTORYfmWORLD It contain, (il ' Una hiatorio! enfrraTinga and 1 KiO I rKr duiitiU-uisluinn pasa, ami ia tba tuoet oouipluta li a'ory ot tiiH WurSd vr pahiibhad. It aalU t aicht. Semi fr NptjciuiPit pHirn mid M'ii trrnia to Aeuts Addrtss, NA1IUNAL PUHL'tSH ! Sii CO . riiiladf Iphia, Ha. TO PHYSICIANS AND MOTHERS. oa rooa for Infarcts and Invalid. "TfaebMtar.ilV.ft. looi I liiTst evrr known." I . V. Ukn, Mi,.y,wYk. ' MoreUnefii'ia) than any t-lher i(.ted 1 biittrutni.r' A. Jiudam.utt tl It V. ,.,!,. K)d bv liruuuiut and Xa. . " waiiUlttttUitd l-y the rtHEALS M'FV VO UL aS2 """ " """"Si ISI I u.i it. Mmw iiit. A ua ior V"1 'ill itae,ey A GOLD MEDAL lino been awarded at tbe Paris Bshlbltlea f I8T to CLARK'S C2D- 10?- karat BIX-rOttD WPOOI, COTTON. It la celebrated for Del oar ntkuk, !""" nnderUNIFOItM HTItKNtiTII. It has boon awarded DIKOAMt at tbaareat Bapaslilons, rrom the flret at Paris, id isoo, is, ids w--lennlal at Philadelphia. In 1876. In this ronntrr UUHK'NU. N. T. POO l COTTON I widely Hnewn ia an secuons isr I-.V...II....I. rtT.nLleMNnri llaad StOW Inc. Their Mills at Newark, N. J. aad Pals. ley, Mootland, are the laraest ana moss com pleto In the world. The entire process of uinnnfartsre la conducted under tbe most complete aad earerul sBperrlaloa, aa4 they r .. a m.rt.DM nend nerdkea at least an equal merit to thnt pradncrd la their Pnlslejr Mills. As No Grand Prizes were awarded nt Paris for SdooI Cotton, the are Iliad to announce to the Amertnan Public that tbey haa beea awarded MMUL.it niKIAI, beln tbe hlahest award lvea lor Ml. Cord Hpool Cotton. George 1 Clark k Brother, No. 400 Broadway, New York. T.FRANK LESLIE'S Illustrated Newspaper A Pictorial Becord of Current Events at Home And Abroad. Kpitomixed History of Our Time. Tha I'onlerna emhraoe araphle lllnstratlons nf Ihs prominent eve-ifa of the da pnlitioal, sooinl, solentino, oomtneroial, etu. Kdllorlnl, on all suhjeots of pnhlie Inlerert. Admlrabla I'nttnone, hnmorouslv hittlnf off pei'iihar inoidente, prevailing lolliea, fuihlea, eto. Mrlrrl eterlal and Hhnrt Stories, Kssa' a, Poetrv, Riocraphiea, Musical snd Dmmstta News, Persenal ttossip, Foreiitn and Dnietio, An odotea, and a bitfblf anitisms and instruo'.ive Miei-ellanr. llnuble.Pnao ssupn'rinri.le are frequently alren eriihout eitra charge, lllu itratlug eventa of more than uaual interest. Tlila Pannlnr Vreltl hs now reaehel Its Kortj-sevent h Volume, and hns effvded the p. hlio a complete revi..w ot the events of eseh week dnrins the risnt twentv-twn yehrs, and is, therefore, s veritahle tlirarj of referenoe. rrBi.isMtu r.vr.KV wenxn P4r. For Sale b j all Newsrtoaleri. Price 10 Cents Copy. Annual Subscription, $4, Postpaid. Frank Leslie's Publishing House, 53, 55 & 57 Park Place, New York. For Singing Classes. mffWAUTll (7ftots.,7.&Operdoen ) lif UiM Vf ALIUS L t Kmkkson, aud Is the Anlhora last and prrhspa best o-.nipilatlon for HlueTinf rlchoola. Vhie insttuotions, a undent eierou.ee. man, lues aud Sonus, toils good quantity ol oaored Musio. JOHNSON'S Msfk Mm Classes, (HOeta .o- QttAHl tmt dan) for Ku.lneHub wla. baa mraarkab.f o aar itructiuiu.. ai d a ltr quantity of p aacics tt.orcd aud booular Mua.o Nr praotia the uim WBM,2v.rrr is s srand book for Hlnin (J asses In Hieh Holioola, Monual Hohools and beru naiiea. Pett 1, Klemeu tafj. Part 11, Vo.ee Cultivation. Part 111. Keleot Musio In i, I and 4 parU. Part IV, Sacred Music GRAMMAR SCH00L"CH3IR, ' H. Tii.dih, Is an eioeedlnsly weli-eon true ted book for the binsina Ulasees In Ursmmar Holiuol-, (li e faisher elssses), and fur Uw lounger olaaaee of II gh holioola. THE WmFPOORWfiXi'a? (snlal and rerf bright oolleotion ot School ttoiujs. Ant Book nailed post-free, for retail prios. OLIVER DITS0N & CO., Boston. C. n. DITSON Ac CO.. ev 843 Braadway, New Y'arb. J. B. D1TSON dc CO.. I'lieetnat Wt.. Palta. t.i.Oi,l,,., Ir,j. Gargling Oil Liniment "ellow Wraprxr for Animal and White fin Human Flesh, is GOOD FOR Burn snd Scalds, Sprains snd Itruiets, Chilblains, Frost BitFt.Stringhiilt, Windfalls, Chapped Hands, ,.7 . , wiceec, rmil lioi ill rjlirrp. Foui.dered Feet, Roup in Prrultry, Cracked Heeh, Fpizootic, l.mc Back. . nrsn tvounas. External Poisons, Sand Cracks, Galls of all kinds, Sitfast, Rini'bone. PollKvil, Swclhnps, Tumors, Garret in Cows, Cracked Teats, Callous, Lameness, Horn Distemper, Crownscab. Uuittor. es. I Hemorrhoids or il Xocithache, Rheumatism, frpavins, Sweeney, ! istula, Manaje. . Caked Breasts, Sore Niuplea, Curb, Old Sores, I. .... I , .I T . ' i uui i'iicr, i- arcy, i .urns, Whitlows, Abcess of the Udder, Cramps, Boils, Swelled Legs, Weakness of the Joints 1 hrush, Contractus v( Muscle. Merchant's flerirllns Oil is the ntundard j ..it... w. wiv uniLca atattfj. I.are sue, f, medium, sik; small, r;c. Small size Inr lamily use, cc. Manulai turrd at IKkport, N. V., by Merchant's Gargling Oil Company. j JOII3T UOnUG. Bec'y. aasasawseas saise mis !! Mi Hi J.ESTEYtScCO. BRATTLEBORO, VT. nr Send for Illustrated Catalogne. N Y N U 4n BOSTON TRANSCRIPT, Daily and Weekly. Quarto, BOSTON, MASS, . 'J ,rseet, Oh.pe.t and Best Family Newapasai ,"?.w.,t"""ldJ "dited with special relerenoVtVtr!. varied Ustee and rwiuiremenls of ti.e home oirula All toe toteisa sad loeal news published prompn, tVsnjTrsoript, H IO per sonuio U advaoa ft copies to one sddrses.) tt 7 .ftn dsj t soouiii in advanoi W BEND FOR SAMPLE COPT. llonllou. Point Iaire Br.ii-s. Purlin,:... Kun'. 1 hirt baiuplee lor !-ui sump. (J, I-AKK, , J iaIho, J . CtO l HI NATION lilsnrr, H'Wfet h w beta. ll piee... Ml 4. Fine KesnvJl ("ublet adoa. I-.or, handled Table K n.v a. iVd. i l' i luruielilug eoiuplete. o. ds bosed Ire. ui psee V'r,! List (re.. Mne.lord, (Xoper luititute, NV V. ifi.