i ! She ow?st $qmMiam. WEDNESDAY MORNING, RCV. I J, 1878. DOnOUGH OFFICERS. JHirge. R. Ppnn. (Jntiiieilmen . II. Kellv. O. W. Rovard. J. A. Proper, W. 11. Hoik, Win. Richards, at 3 o'clock p. m. n. . r orcmim. Jutticr of the i'erfec C. A. Randall, J. T. llrenmin. finttilitfiU. ftwaggnrt .Srhno! Director 11. It. May, II. O. Da vis, U. W. Robinson, T. J. Vim Ciiescn, 1). W. Chirk, W. It. Dunn. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Now that tho election 18 ovcr.with r--rr its excitcmcats and its strifes; now -Rev. Elliot will occupy the pul- that the war of words which greeted pit of the Presbyterian Church next oar ears.from early morn till late at Sunday, morning and evening. night, for many weary months, has M. E. Sunday School at 10 o'clock been silenced in tho verdict ol the bai- a. m., and Tresbyterian Sunday School lot-box ; now that the financial policy of the country is decided for at least FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. PrcKiitcnt Jxulfieli. D. Wetmorb. Aixocinte Judges Joh. O. IUI.k, Ed WAnn Kkkr. Treasurer Wx. Lawkkucf. The majority of Henry M. Iloyt for Governor is something over 23,000. Good enough. Dr. and Mrs. Blaine started on a trip to Philadelphia end New York on Monday last, to visit fricuds. Thoy will be abfent a week or two. two years ; now that resumption has no impediment in its way, we must give our attention moro to business and . 33 to politics. With the finan cial question at rest, we have nothing to do but to settle down to work, and with steady work will come confidence, and with confidence renewed prosper ity real prosperity, not a renewal of Mr. 11. II. May is putting a now j rciHM rr ,r m. nr. r r.. i .i .1 . 11 1 - 4 r-othoMtari,lirffiter fircordcr,&e.- heating lurnace in nis nouse, wis oiu the jnflatecl speculative dangerous era J. W. ( unK, I urliJpl, ), hpnn in iiKA for About 1 1 1. t 1 .1! .Sheriff .1 unris Hit awkky. , . wnicu resuiteu m panic mu disaster, UKRr.in, jkaau eignt years nnvmg given oui. but nur. .0 j fletin? nrosncr tv. R. Brock- Oommti-iionrr KM I,ono. John Hkck. County Superintendent II WAY. JHntrirt Attorney H. I). Imvix. Jury Cmmiioner Lymak Cook, F. V. Mkiv'ii.mott. (mntii Surveyor"?. D. Cot-LINS. Coroner W. O. Coiimw. Covntv Auditor NirnoT.AH Thomt eox, J. it. Nkii.1., H. A. .t-EsrtKrt. Memhcrof Confrc-ll akht W11ITK. a T l! AniKW. - . . ... ,11. r 1 -r dam on Saturday last, but alas I there senseless narangues, out 01 rauscie auu was no little man around with a littlo gun, to give him a salute. R. 13. Brown, formerly of the Clarion Democrat has purchased the Erie Observer, and will take charge tho 1st of January. Ho is a thoiough newspaper man. On Wednesday, the 27th inst there will be a shooting match at Walnut Island, below Oleopolis, for fancy chickens and turkeys. No guns barred but those having magnifying to the pump being out of repair' and 8,b,,ls that Mr. Lacy had been informed An exchange says, "Better is the the fact, but had neglected it until too poor man that walketh in inegrity, and ate. Just too late for last week's is payeth his subscription promptly, thau BUC, Mr. Geo. Lacy, of Galenza Mills the rich man who telleth tho collector a nephew of the deceased, called on to call again and again until hopo de- us., nnd told us that we had been mis fcrred makcth the heart sick. Informed in several particulars.' He Wm. Heath, of Dutch Hill, has stated that tho pump was in perfect our thanks for a fine turkey, which, to- working order, and that Murphy, the Tj A If" . trether with the Republican successes ureman.uaa aaroiuca 10 mm me uny at the late election?, makes us feel like no wa.3 ,n. 111111 ine PumP worKea el1- observing Thaukstrivinzdav. William IIe also 8tRted tl,Rt Murphy was in . r :i 1 thft bnhit nf bftnorintr wnifrhta en . tha attkntion somukrhi ' M may your lurney crop uevor inn. o - o - e - - I hRvo boon a1imttml to i.rac-tire an an . , 4 Tr , ..... saiel7 VBlve u one occasion nan Attorney In the lViwI.m Oilleo at Wash- x res.ueu ayv A' ,lu' v"ii cut the pump )elt, for an excuse to iruciam.on . puunM.eu .u ""J' stop tbe miU to get up BUSINESS DIHECTORY. TI0NE3TA LODGE I. O. of O. FV i Tin.-.TS nripv Friilnv rvoninir, at 7 IV L n'l-Jork. Ill 'the Initio ltoom in Par- trUlKO-.II.il. RlWKWINiX.a. . W. SAWYKIt, tioc'y. 27-tf- J. W, Walker, A TTOnNM5Y AT I.A.W, Tlonpsta Ta. I. Oflioe at tho Kurnl iioiimo. vyim m tond to bHines in tho evening iukJ on HntnrdHys. 27 jf K. L. Davis, ATTOltN'KY AT LAW, Tioncsta. Va. C'olltx'UonH niado in thin and adjoin InK rountioa. iO-'y AV. TATK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Xkmcct, TI Ta , rA . The average attendance at School which will make our land the beet, the No. 1, Prof. Walker's room, during happiest, the most perfect nation on tho month of October, was 47. In the globe. It is not a step from panic school No. 2, Mrs. Wood's room, the to confidence, but a journey, which we average attendance was 43. must perform with patience and pluck. We are informed that there was a This is a work not of words, not of deer In the river below the Dithridgo politics, not of ialso statisMcs, not ol brain, and the sooner and tho closer the people apply themselves to the honest work nearest them, the sooner will the financial resurrection of our country occur, - Two weeks ago, noticing tho death of Mr. Elmer Lacy from the effects o injuries received at the time the boil ers of Red Hot mill blew up, we stated that we had been informed that the ;ause ot the explosion was giving A Choice Volume. . Nov. 13ih, 18i3. I rfM n i i i J a 1 -.... We are glad to welcome another me oeconu uenerai r unu in jvj bok from the able, trrnceful and fas- '3 V ,n ,or collection. cinating pen of this prince of Bible Tax-payers pleaso take notice of fnrntnriv Tan who. hAVfl rroruseil "'"" . n. v-.., v.w,, 6. tho poetic, glowing pages of "Night Scenes in the Bible," the mere an nouncement of a new work will be hailed with pleasure. Mingling with the wild scene of Gideon's Night At tack, and the nad vision granted to Nebcmiah of the desolation of Jerusa lem is a beautiful description of the midnight sun off the coast of Norway, within twelve hundred mils of the North Iol0. Th Nioht of Betrava iour t imrroi ... j. : fi..: Flour wick, beat hearts, and we shuddor at the .Dark. -If you want a good article, buy Kunkel's Perfumes for t Tie handker chief. For sale at Bovard's. tf. irTniwiwr a MAinriiVrH. CORRECTED EVERT TUESDAY, Allegheny- Pittsburgh, 'AM' Tifusvili Railroad. ON AND AVTEUM'Mi Viy,.rnn. 17, trii ill's will run as lolifwrn By Robinson & Bonner, Dealers in General Merchandise. $o.50d.2.r 1.60 - 1.00 Chop feed, pure grain - 1.SO01.4O neBS of Noonday, and weep at the Kye 13 liualiel 60 grave in the dark shadows of night, ate bu",el ' ! ,i vi if x:n - " iccniigTiiuiiiiieHso YiuncHntm. Beans -HI buahel - - 2.003.0 bis marvelous skill has depicted. 1 he Ham, ungar eared . . - 12 book is precious to the believer and Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured - 10 IWcrarv ovnollnn rn rarn wnrrl mint. Sl'OTUaeTJI ..... tg,o Salt Lard - Iron, common bar Nails, lOd, $ keg Potat6es Lime f bbl. Dried Apples per ft Dried Boef w. B. lathy. LATHY As - A TTOJtNlSYS TIOSESTA, TA. J. n. AOXHW. 1GNKW, A T at Wnsh- 1.,-ton l. (!. All omcerH. hokucih, or Kiulor who wore injured in tho lato war, mu l)laln potiHions to winch they may be ffiiKK tl,e 281,1 as R d of thanksgiving and of pay and bounty will rccoivo prompt at- prayer. The day is religiously ob- steam. That Murphy was incompetent and reckless, and that the hands in the rem were afraid nf an TTilnfiinn all thn wViiIa . . . iivinlH(.n.v(.rf.urvearHaKol,lierin sorveu in una bocuou us gciai w....!,- fip:ntT rn .l. .v..... i,o..;..,r r.iw a iinnihor of j :n 1. - I r J o r . v;: ;S iii i-';tta, or hoi- imnS. u 0,8 question why Mr. Lacy kept an in "rlKr U CXCepUR l lU rUJU' competent hand in such a responsible Mihlutiins. J. l. AUNliw. The State Senate will contain position, ho said that his uncle was thirty-two Republicans, sixteen Dera- not a practical steam mill man ; that ocrats, one Independent Democrat and he had always run water mills, and one Grecnbacker. The Houbo will did not know the risk he was taking, contain 113 Republicans, 75 Demo-1 Moreover he averred that several if crats and 13 Grccnbackers. On joint not all the raon at tho mill would tell ballot the Republicans will have tbir-1 substantially the 6ame story. ty-nine of a majority over all. A shooting match will come off ou Dutch Hill next Saturday, either at Wm. Heath's or Conrad Zuendel's. Turkeys and chickens-will be shot for, ins, and poetic imagery make it a very delightful work for universal perusal. FnoM Dark t Dawn, by Rev. Daniel March. D. 1). Put,linhod by J. CV Mc- CuitDY A Co.. Philadelphia, Pa.; Cincin nati, O.; Clii'jago, 111.: and Kt. Louis, Mo. Agents wanted. See advertisement-. It is morally wrong to bet unless I mCQ you have n sure thing so Josh Bil-1 Egs, fresh- lings says. But if anybody has sin ned so far as to lose a bet on the late elections, he should pay it, and learn to bet on the winning Bide hereafter. Wc see several new hats, which, being wrn so 60on after the election, look as if the othsr fellow had sinned, to the amount of $3 to $3.50. If any body else has sinned in this direction, and not paid the penalty, they should at once borrow the money and settle up. On account of tho late rains the roads in the country are muddy and cut up badly, which we presume will put up tho price of coal a cent or two on the bushel. We believe, as a gen cral thing, that there has been more and better work done on the roads throughout the county this year than ever before in one season. Heavy hauling and wot weather, however, will soon make bad the best of roads, Whiteflsh, half-barrels Lake herring half-barrels Sugar .... Syrup . - - N. O. Molasses now Roast Rio Coffee Rio ColTce, ... Java CofToe Tea Butter - 5.75 3.75 - 011 7501.00 50(575 25 - 20&25 35 .40 90 18(3,20 10 20 1.80 1.00 121 - 2.75 2. 7590 1.50(51.60 - 8(3)10 1718 New Advertisements. tttntion. 41tf. F. W. Hays, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Pl-nuc, Reynolds Hukiil. Ulouk, Seneca St., Oil City, Pa. Notary A Co.'h 3;-iy r Lawrerc House, v I M ON EST A, PENN A, WM. LAW- KKNCi;, ruoi-HiF.Toii. mi iiuu" is conlrallv located. Everything new and well InrnUlied Superior accommoda tions and Ktrict attention given to guests. Vegetable wud Fruit of all kind served In their e;woi!. Sample room for Coui Mion'iid A gents. CENTRAL HOUSE, IIONNEU A AO NEW BLOCK. L. 13 Anu Proprietor. This is a new iiouse, and has just been fitted up for the Hocoininodatloii of the public. A r''tlon of tho putronago of tho public in solicited. 48-Iy . HON EST A HOUSE. VL McCR A Y.-LeKsoo. Situated at tho In a diatribe contained in the last number of the Forest National, in re gard to "some parties not a thousand miles off" having prophesied the early demise of that naner. the followincr and all who have any conceit about Lru8lling 8eutence occurs-the italics tneir snoowug snouiu. aneuu. id mis . section about every third man is a ..tp,i,. ?p k- . a. 1 a1 r I gooa nno enow an o u.ercioro "P" lieVcs this paper is going to die, the Voe me maicn win ue wcu alienueu. . . . ... t f I a head the better, and he had better go ''. Kansas, died on tho 26th of October to school and learu something, for - v.. VJ, mouth of Tionesta Creek, Tioneata, mi i.. i. ltMiifrhl v re. 1 "it. 11S IIOH313 llin vi' .'"... - - 1 I 1 Tl.'l X n. aum ' . . ... . 1 1 I . ... ... .... . 1 . . ... u I 1 n . . . .1 T M.n liAa.tilv man fitted and refurnished, and a portion t.i uio Jast- We believe that he was upward ttere is more vacant room m nis scuiii a uv ever uoou. w i n.. -... !u .r.winr.t ful I v hoI ici ted. I I ..... IX ...! . x. public! patronago is reapoctfnlly solicited. 31. IK, IF YOU READ This it may bo of great benefit to you. For by reading" this you will know where to go to get a nice selection of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. Nov. 13th, 1878. All parties who have not paid their County, State and Bond Taxea for I 1878, are requested to do bo without further notice. P. M. Clark, Collector. Fresh buckwheat flour from new j buckwheat, at Robinson &Bonner'a.-3 For home-made Yarns and Flrn- nels go to Robinson & Bouner's. 2 Having Inst brought on a fine stock of goous continuing ox DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLONINGS, CLOTHS, FUNNELS STATIONS. Northwstnl. .South v!-'. Nr.. 1 S. 3 N".H N i. 7 .. 4 a til p ni pin p pi 'M Pittsburgh 8:.-0 2:30, 8:I X.0.V f-, ? W 1'en InnelOUd ':""', Vu:0 (i:.".rl I ;M ' KIttai.PMii; l'i::(H 4: Ct 1 1 ' ".. :'J 12:l-"l - It.B'k Juncll.li .r.:.;.. i:0.-( c -hviimt! :: IIvarlVlS'THt: !:.:! l:..i C;;!'.' ! i:? 1 ParUr lA'Oi - !:'; J':.' ' ' Emleilt-n r.'-.r.J 7:10 :V 4:Lr '.'.:'('' '1: . 8erubg-ass 1:! 7:M .-:.V. r,::v '." Z ,;, 'Franklin 2:0S S:?j ft:37 2:'0 !:"-.V OilCitv 2:;) :W ::( 8:U.U Oleopolis 2:4!t 7;J:i I'll Eagle Hock 2: 7:21 2:02 h) Tiononta 3:17 7: H 1:41 ...... K Tidioute 3:64 8:22 1:? 9 Trvineton 4:: :nO;V2:'J-, S; Falconers 5:57 10:3(!10:51 7:'. HnfTalo 8:25 1:05 8:30 4:i Oil City 2:45 p:K 6-)0 1:4ft t'Afi Pot. Centre 3: Iff ff;45 7:15 1:21 7: 8:1 Titnsvfllo Sf.'SO 10:20 7:55 12:4 7:10 7:: ' Corfy 5:05 0:05 11:25 6.'. p. m a. in a. m p. i Trains rtin bv rhllBdelphiaTime, f)AVI I MrCAHUO, Gen'l Snp't MORTON ITAII, 'icn'l Passenger & Ticket Agent. Dobbins' Electric Soap. Having obtained the agency of this celebrated Bonp for Tionesta and vi cinity we append tho opinion of some of our best people as to its merits : "I have tried Dobbinj Electric Soap, made by T. L. Cragin & Co., Phil'a, Pa., and find that it is all the manu facturers claim it to be. It is the wo men's friend, because it saves one-half the labor. Mrs. J. L. Craig." "Dobbins' Electric Soap is the best J. 12. TIOKKSTA, rA. Dvinr-H Hour: 7 to 11 a. m 7 to 0 r. . . i i .. ....... ii it. wetlnGKiiuy ani nuiuninjo A. M. to 3 1'. M. Ii. II. MAY We will try to get some facts in re- a. . kki.ly. gard to his history for next week's pa- MA Y, VAltK A CO., B AUKEBS Comer of El in Walnut Sts. Tionesta. Bank of Discount and Deponit. Interest allowed on Timo Deposits. Collections madoonaU the Principal points of sevonty years of age. He was a I than there ie brains." man of peculiarly upricht character, So? "Than there ta brains?" If and enjoyed the respect and confidence the Forest National wants to abuse any of all with whom he oame in contact, body "not a thousand miles off," then 'one, single person," or two married persons, or four double persons, have a right to insist that it should be done in a grammatical manner , else they might with propriety invite the editor of that paper to "go to school and learn something." Individually, we are glad that wo have this assurance that the paper is 'going to livo. We don't of tho U. S, Collections solicited. per. A slight raise in the creek yes terday enabled some of our lumber men to gather up and drive out their scattering logs which were stuck along the creek. Quite a number of rafts are lodged between here and Nebraska, ramend it. It is a charm in the wash- tUD. 1UKS. 1J. O. "I take pleasure in recommending Dobbins' Electric Soap. It is a supe rior article, in fact the King of Soaps. Mrs. W. R. Reck.' We desire all our friends and cus tomers to give this 6oap ono trial, so the may know just how good the best soap in the U. S. is. 22-12 Robinson & Bonner, Tionesta Pa. Sole Agents. I have 18-ly. i i n i 4- u ,i,n .,f iftu'A want it lo d fr rarely personal rca which will have to be drawn out ii the ' 1 . TIDIOUTE SHAVING SALOON. T. II. RARNES, Pitori.ii.Ton. S1IAV1XO, Hair-Cutting, Shampooing and every thing in tho Tonsoriat Art dono with neatness and despatch. Also u nrst-cluss stock of CUJARS AND TORACCO. llMu wii Mabio A Hunter's and tho Post Olllco, Tidioute, Pa. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. K Ij fll KTUUKT, SOUTH OF ROMINSON fc RONNKR'S STOKE. Tionesta, M. CARPENTER, . - Pa., - Proprietor. Pictures, Uiken in ulltho laUst stylca thejurt. -"u' water does not raise before V9 have "freeze-up." From neighboring newspapers we lenrn that bogus silver is being circu lated frealy in the different sections, and that some of it is so well executed 33 ly that a close inspection is necessary to detect it. In this community wo have heard of none .of this kind of curren cy circulating, but wo would advise all to bo ou the lookout foi it. Mr. Kelly purchased a flock of sheep numbering about a hundred, in Ohio recently, and they were driven through town to his farm last week. They were nice-looking sheep, and we believe they are blooded stock. Wra. Reck is building a pen for them on tho farm. The dimensions of tho pen will be 24x80. Mr. Kelly's farm is well adapted for sheep rauing, and we believe the investment will be a pro fitable one. PRINTS, MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, EMBROIDERIES, LADIES' AND CHILDREN 'huu , RIRBONS, VELVETS, RUTTOXS, RUCHES, FRINGES, CORSETS, IJovth Xiofti 4 or IL,ulle4, &o., &C, All of which I will Hell at the Loweat Prices that tho same goods ran be bought for in this section. Wide Awake! Spicy I New I Oil City Daily Derrick, For 1878. Belter Tfcaa Bret! More and Fresher News, nnd Mor Rea i 1 inn Matter than any other Dally Paper in North-Western Pennsylvania! THE OIL CITY DAILY DERRICl IIAS BEES EMAEGEH TO 12 C0LC1HS, And will begin the new year Wrlth OVER 6,000 DAILY CIRCUUTIC: Larger than ever attained by ant" newsp ipor in 1 a. outside ortiie large citn It has gained this by giving all the fro est news, and sparing no expenao in taining Itmks. It has correspondents every portion of tho Oil Region, bcsiO Beverai reporters wno are consuinuy irs eling. The proprietors, editors and r portoriai stan, are an young ana enerr moiy whoso aim is to make the Dorr the loading newspaper of Western l'c KVlvania. The Derrick will be better than for 1877. It will have special rcporte ; Washinirton and IlarriHburg. who ' send daily specials of all important ev Its readers wm De kept posteu on political news of the day, as reiwrtevl an independent standpoint,, while ' roportorial lorce will keep tnem ini. on local matters. It will also, as it now, take tho lead in discussing que:' of importance to oilmen, and wont 3 fully for tho Interest of the Oil Regtoi: will maintain its position as author i; oil statistics, and it market quot.t will always be found reliable. TllO DAILY DERRICK UOlng pur; at Oil City, the Metropolis of the O.i gions, and tho largest Petroleum M in the world, has better advantages fcr taining eil news than any other diiJly. market quotations have gained preotxV over all others for accuracy, reliul and fullness. TIIE DERRICK IS THE BEST ADVERTISING 4,1ECll IN THE STATE. ' . It circulates amon a rich and flouri people. If you want spicy reading, fresb. information concerning tho Oil I and a red-hot paper, subscribe for t City Daii.t Derrick. Terms, i year; six months fO; $1 a mouth . vance. THE WEEKLY DERRif With 28 to 30 columns of Choice Heading .12: Containing a weekly review of ' Rusinoss, all the ''Stray Sand" Of f ly Derrick, and interesting news t: parts of the world in a condensed Tho WEEKLY DERRICK will f post paid, to any uddresa. for $1. year, nlwavs in advance. W. 11. lAisun v.Vi Publishers, Ol 1 ' SODS. Last week we published an an ecdote of Uncle Billy Grove finding a lawn, and atterwarc eettiog it at liberty. Johu Ilulings gives ua the sequel of the story. It appears that before the fawn was liberated one of the party marked its ears with a knife. Four years afterward, Rob't Guiton, who was present at its capture and liberation, shot a deer not very far from tho same grouud, and on going up to it found by marks on its ears that it was tho identical auimal liber ated by Undo Billy four years before. Report of Jamiesoa School for month ending Nev. 12th, 1878: No. of scholars enrolled 11. Names of those who have not missed a day : Willie, Kate, Mary and Maggie Mack, Kate Jamieson, Mary Hughes, Emma aud Gusfcie JoIidbou. Kate E. Coeb, Teacher. A prominent citizen says been a sufferer on account of liver and urinary difficulties, having a pain in the back, with a stupor, no ambition, drowsy feeling, unable to atteod to business with any degree of satisfac tion. But now, I am happy to say, by taking E. K. Thompson's Barosma,ara a changed roan. Titusville, Pa., May 18, 1377. Sold by G. W. Bovard, TioneBta, Pa. 31 2t II AOGERTY ARNER. At the resi dence of tho bride's parents, on Thurs day, Nov. 7, 1878, by Rev. W. Elliot, Mr. James Ilaggorty and Miss Sadie Arncr, both of Nebraska. James and hi bride have our very best wishes for happiness and prosper ity j and all their friends, of which both have multitudes, will wish them God-speed on their journey of life. May their union be blessed, and may their pathway through life be as smooth as ever fa lid to the lot of hu inanity. BEAR IN MIND that yon will be offorod no pricea but I will e ttliom. YOl ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE NEW INDIA CLOTHS FOU IVATKIU'KOOFH ! Warranted absolutely Moth proof and Water proof. All-white silk or delicate colorud drowses can bo worn in the heavl' est shower, when protected bv this cloth If any dress is damaged it will be replaced uy a new ono. i an aim iook at ii. nrPIF YOU DON'T WANT TO BUY OOME IN & LOOK at the GOODS You are welcome. Goods not kept in stock I will get in the shortest possible timo. Customers coming on tho trains from Other Towns, or those wishing to purchaso large bills, will please mentien tho liict ana special inaeounw win do iuihiu, I. Ij. lircimcslioltz, AGEN0Y for BUTTEEICTS PATTERNS, BUCK'S BRICK BLOCK, opposite People's Savings Bank, TIDIOUTK, Awarued the lifeboat Medal at and Philadelphia, E.&H. T. ANTHONY I 691 Rroadway, Nw Yoik, (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel. f Manufacturers, importer i Velvet Frames, Albums, Grep! STEREOSCOPES AND V Engravings. Chromos, Flu : And kindred good ('elebrlth . , e, etc PH0T06RJIPHIC WZ We are Headquarters fbr v the wav of STEREOPTICON:. -IO LANTERNS, being manu the Micro-Scientific Lantern, Stereo-Panopticon, Uuiveinity Kterooptkor AdvertlHers Sterec Artopticon. .School Lai;' Eamll v PEOPLE'S LANTKi Each utyle being the best of . in the market. JJBeautiful PhoU.grapio Trane, . Statuary and ngraving for lli v Convex OlasH. Manurit'tiu framoa for Mlniuturcs and Vuh PictureB. Catalogues of LanteniH and direction for UHlng, sent on rr centH. Can't bo niado by ev ery month in the I tlirilihll, but tllOBC wiiii. can cohiIv earn a dox n day right in their own localittew. room to pxplain.hero. RiiHine' and honorable. Women and ' girls do aa well a men. We i : you a complete Outtit frco. TI. pays better than anything ' LcarexpciiMo of atarting von. free. Write and ne. ramie chanlca, their sons and dnu' clasHOH in iuhhI of paying woi should writo to 111 and learn i work at once. Now In the t delay. Address Trtio & t'o. Maine. Frank IJobMi PHOTO Git AP Pictures in every styloof tb of the oil regions for bulo or ' der. CENTRE STREET, near R, SYCAMORE STREET iiv pot. Oil City, Pa. i