3 i 7 -r nrr? -i fin .4 'J . IV & I I . It. DUNN iilUTOlt. wi:i)!:si).YMnRM.vi;, cct. so, i?78. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. 6 c rou (jovkuxor, II EN II Y M. IIOYT, OK LUKHNH COKNTY. VOW LIEUTENANT COVEUNOR, CHARLES STONE, . ok warrex county. Tor sltreme .tupgk, HON. JAMES I'. STKIIKKTT, OF AT-LEOIIEXy COUNTY. FOR SECY IXTERXAIi AFFAIRS, AARON K. DUNk'EL, OF IMIILAPKLlMir.-V. FiEPUCLICA. COUNTY TICKET. FOR CONGRESS, HARRY WHITE. OF IXDI .VNA COUNTY. FuR-STATEJSENATOK, v E. II. GRANT, OF CLARION COUNTY. FOR ASSEM BLY, N, P. WHEELER. FOR J'ROTIIOXOTaRY, Arc., JUST1S SIIAWKEY. FOR SHERIFF, C. A. RANDALL. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, II. W. LEDEBUR, JOHN II. WHITE. FOR COUNTY AUDITORS, N. TIIOMrSON, D. F. COPELAND. ' FOR JURY COMMISSIONER, C. II. CHURCH. Vudreis cf Chairmari cf Republican County Committee. v ErUBLICANS OF FOREST COUNTY : Again the tirao ha3 come when iho !nublican parly is called upon to :tfiin its position before the civilized rid, R3 the party of freedom, of ad need ideas and honest payment of i national obligation We are in the i. of a great political strugglp in hich the honor of the Nntion, nay, i very life may bo at slake. Tlio .d'aering of tlio clans of Repudiators, jlitical Demagogues, Disappointed .''te Seekers and Communists may : h'Jn in every State of the Union. e appeal of their loaders to the judices r.nd passions of the Etrug-:-:.; masses, is wicked in the extreme, i merits unqualified cotidemnaliou 1 scorn. 10 Democratic party, the great .'y of opposition (the hind wheel of '.'.agon), is running after this paper ' (or devil) of inflation, v. ithafreu stcterir.iralion to gather its vola i . to its rapacious maw. " lih fetrnnge combination of all the of oM time and modern politics Democratic-Greenback, National ...r, Fi -it-Money, Opposition, Reptt :Iou party las but otic object iu ,v, viz : the defeat mud (lisintcgra y.i of the Grand old Republican Or Nation. -Ic publicans, you who arc training ;e ranks of theso enemies i.f good inmcct and honest principle.?, re i to your old party, vht a c.irricd i safely through the rebellion, caved country mid mado thid nation the '.M'lcbt known to history, brother workers, the Republican 1 1 cil fires are burning Lrigl.tly in ry county in the Slate. From the ;,' of the R'.n to tli-3 going down of the booming of Republican :;iay be heard all along tho line, and rally at tho polls iuid rue .ill surely perch upon tho rtaix of right, giving us the victory, t every Republican ha at l'n jot !:;ty ou Nov. 5th, costing his Iml- the tiraight Republican ticket, of honest money aud the Sincst debts, and t lie Btin ijnon the field of a Wjjck Auxlcrlitz. XVIS, ""oinmittue. OUR TICKET. Gen. Hoyt, tho gallant soldier, the able jurist, tho profound statesman, tho '.outspoken advocate ' of sound finances, and the sworn loo of monop olies, candidate for Governor of this Commonwealth, is a man as eminently fitted for the position for which ho has been nominated as any man in Penn sylvania. In his lnuuls tbcro will bo no deterioration from tho high stand ard adopted and carried out by cur present Governor. Let him, as he deserves, have tho full vote of the party in this county. Hon. C. W. Stone, our candidate for Lieutcnani Governor, is too well and favorably known in this section to need even a word from us. That he is honest, honorable, capable and deserving, is known to every man who knows him. The Western part of tho State could bo no better represented than by him. Anron K. Dur.kel, candidato for Secretary of Internal Affairs, comes recommended as a high-minded, hon orable man, in every way qualified for this office. In his own part of tho State he will carry a large number cf votc3 outside the party. Wherever Lei is known ho ii respected highly, and his ability and integrity havo never been questioned. Of Hon. James P. Sicrrett, candi date for Supremo Judgo, wo can only say that his public record, extending over a long period of years is unspot ted and pure, and his ability second to none in the State. Such men as ho are needed on the Supreme Bench, and our people honor themselves by honor ing such ns he with such positions. Gen. Harry White,' candidate for Congress in this District is deserving the earnest support of the whole party. His record as State - Senator, luember of the Constitutional Convention, and Member of Congress, is without spot or blemish. The only thing his 'da fa mors ever urged against him was his advocacy of a bill lookiug toward opening up water communication with the seaboard. He has been ridiculed, maligned, abused and belied because of his succcs in securing the first steps looking toward this object. The same parties ho havo so persistently slau dered him, will be obliged to do him honor, when it is known that the route proposed by him has been surveyed by competent engineers sent out by the Government, who pronounce it the most practicable route yet proposed, and further stato that tho expense would be lessby millions of dollars than that of the best route heretofore suggested. It is quite probable that Gen. White's plans in this raped, will be carried out, to tho immense advan tage not only of his own district, but of iho State and country at large. Let no man be tempted by tho covert 6uccrs and slanders of those wLo have been unable to use Gen. Whito for their own purposes, to veto against him. He stands high above auy of his opponents as regards purity, intcg rety, ability and statesmanship. Let him liavo our full vote, and as many of tho opposition as can be persuaded to veto fbra man instead of a figure-head who will beur'canipaign expense.. Edward M. Grant, our candidate fur State Socutor, is brought forward aa a representative man. by tho oil region of Clarion county. That the oil regions have been balked cf tiii cient legislation in the past is true; that they need it now mora tlym ever, is also true; tint they bhoitld have representation by men who kuow inti niatoly, and feel personally tho vaut3 of their Red ion U preper. Mr. (J rant is this man. lie has been sdecled by the producers their fittest repre sentative, and ho should receive r.s hi" a vote i:i this county as if we were now what o expect iti tho foturo to be one cf the leading oil counties cf the Slate. Fur Assembly v:c presort tho name of !ir. P. Wheeler, and confidently in sert that there cannot !;o found inter est county a man more eminently qualified to represent intelligently its rmitcibl interests. He hai been in business in this county for upward of a dozen years, in lumbering, the traf fic which ha -j been our lifi?, growth and livelihood. No man is more inti mately acquainted with Forest as a county, nor none had belter opportu nities to know what is fur tho bene fit of his constituency. In addition to this ho is a man of liberal educa tion, of gwl business cppucity, i-.nd of fixed principles. On tho financial juestion, he has maintained his integ rity us a deiei mined oppoutut c-f tho Greenback hereby ; ho has never 'at tempted to mollify his neighbors who have gone oil' Rfier tho unattainable, nor has ho ever been accused of bear ing water on both shoulders. Ho is now as he ever has been, an uncom promising Republican, a good citizen and an honest man. Threo years in the otiico of Commissioner has given him an insight into the alfiiirs of tho county such as is not possessed by the average citizen. Ho will undoubtedly receive the entire Republican vote of tho county, and should receive the votes of all tho best men of the other par ties. Wo assert again that no man in Forest is better qualified or calculated to represent her interests in tho Legislature. Junis Shawkcy, candidate for Pro thonotary, Register, Recorder aud Clerk of tho Courts, is fitted to do the business of that ofilco by a throe year's term in tho otiico of She riff. No man of average intelligence can occupy that office for threo years without get ting a completo insight into tho work ings of the Prothouotar 's o'fieo. Mr. Shawkcy has mude an efficient Sheriff, aud will mako a competent Piotho. larv. Let him receive every Republi can vote in the county. For the office of Sheriff tho Repub licans havo nominated C. A. Randall, a man in every way qualified to do the business of that office in a perfect ly satisfactory manner. Allthat has ever been urged against him is bis unfilteriiig feslty to Repnblieau prin ciples aud candidates. Of course this is a crime in tho eyes of falterers, back sliders and t-oreheads, but a rec ommendation in tho eyes of nil true Republicans. Ho has douo yeoman's service in the party for years past, and this, in addition to his undoubted qualifications, should tecuro him, at least, every vote in the parly. Of his triumphant cleetiou we havo no doubt. II. W. Ledabur, or.o of our candi dates for Cuntv Coromissioner, is an oid resident of the count v, a bravo soldier during tho lata war, is a suc cessful business man, a sound Repub lican, and a man eminently adapted to watch over tho receipts and expen ditures of the county. John II. White, is also on old resi dent of the county, havig lived in Hickory, Kingslejr and Barnett town ships. He is a man who is entitled to the respjet of al, and would bring, to the office such experience as can be acquired by a long residence and close observation. lie was nearly four years iu the army during t he lato Avar, ono year of whic'i was ?pcnt in south ern prisons. Let every soldier and every Republican remember him on the 5lh of November. For County Auditors, Messrs. Nich olas Thompson and D. F. Copela-ud drew the lucky numbers. Both avo ardent Republicans, and both honest and straightforward nieJ? Give them a lift at the polls. Henry Church, candidal? for Jury ConamuYimier, ja well lit own iu this end of the county, and will bo hearti ly supported. We say nothing that v.a cannot fctand lo when we assert that he can undoubtedly draw a jury as well as any other man. iu Forest county. Our ticket cs a whole is au honor to the party, tcj the county and to tho Slate. Let no Republican be tempted to vole any but the straight tickct.and we can confidently rely upon a glori ous victory on tho l'u cf November. Remember lhat.no party ever l.ad better or purer men up for Stato of fices; that no holler sot of men were ever nominated ou any ticket iu For est county; that when vou veto the Republican ticket straight, you arc doing tho beit thing for tho county, tho Slate r.nd the Nation. Let no Republican scratch bit ticket. rfX An old ph.Vioian, retired from prac tice, h:vi:i had placed in his bands by an Fust India mi.sioaary tho for mula of a simple vegetable remedy, fur the speedy a:i I permanent cure fur consumption, bronchiii , catarrh, ajth in;', and all throat and lung aliLetions, v..o a pe.vaive and radic.il euro fur nervous debility and all iu rvoi.3 com plaints, after having tetted ita wonder ful curative powers in thruiands cf cases, has felt it his duty to mako it kuown to his iui;'erii;g fellows. Actu ated by thi- motive, and ;i desire lo relievo human sufieriiig, I will read, free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, with toll directions l'jr prepar iie:; and Uiing, in German, Fivncb, or Fugli:.':u Sent by mail by addressing ft ith slump, naming thin paper, W.;W. Sheiar, 11!) Powers' Line:, Rochester, N. Y. llcow-lv "rid-VJt .1 lW''-fv'.-'jTj" . j i' IffUM K.T."?XX".,.''flVT . AL ELECTION. Wlirreim, in ru- by mi net of the ( iencnil Am icmlily of t!ic Com inniiwraUli !' I'cihi Kvlviuiin, entitled 'An Art, to i((.nilati tln KlerlioiM ol' tlio ('ommomvrnll.li,' i;iss ( the '-M day of .Inly, A. I., l;e,lt j, j inaii the duly of (ho Sherill' of every county within thu Comineiiwonltl. hi ivive iulli'e notieo of tlio Ocnci'ul Klcrtl.iiM, unit in sueh to etuunonite : l.-t. The ofileors to he elected. 1M. Dcximei.'o the -placo at which tlio election to ho hold. I, Justin ShuwKcy, llih SlicrilV of the rou nty of l'ue-it, do hcvehy mako known mid .'i'e this imlilio noiit o to iho oloet 'iu of tic county of I oicmI, that ii Honor.".! Klcciiofi will lie held in xn.id coon ty, on TITSMY, NOYKMBEIl STH, MS, between tho hours of 7 a. mi. and 7 p. m. at thoMo'-ernl Kloet ion MistiictH. In U.irnclt township ut Jacob M;uios Curpi'iiler shop. In (irecn tovnvhi; at Iho Iiimikii oi' j. Arner. I it tfnwo township at Urookston, in ljl'ooksiou School J louse. Ill Junks towiediij) at the court house in Marion. In Harmony township at Allender .' chool house. tn Hickory township t lliokory House. Iu Kinsi-sloy township :it Newtown School JIod.se. Jji 'l ionesta (ownsliijnt t'ourl House in J lolH'Slll LKII-OIIOII. In TuuioKtu borough nt CJoifl-t Houso In said boroui;!i. At which time and places tho quiilifiid electors will elect by ballot : ino person for (iovernor of tlio Com monwealth of I'enusylvania. . ( Ino jH.'icon Jbr Lit uleiiimt lo ci nor. Oui'. jierson for Judjjo ot t'.io .Suprcnie Court. Ono person for .Secretary ot Internal Af fairs. Ono person for Coniws, One person tor .S'.-ilo Senate. One person lor As- oibly. One person for lVotit-vnot-v.-y, ltejvistcr, Ilecoi'tler and t'lerk of tho I oi;i Is oi' J'u (:t ( 'omdy. One person for Slipril'. Three persons for Oou.ity OomniiMsion ers. . Thrt'C persons for County Auditors. Two persons for Jury Coi.noi-i.-'ioe.ers. The :i. t of Assembly eA tiliod "an ac ,ro hitinrrto tho cle.-tions of this Common wealth," pa ssed July 2, IS!), provides, as follows, via : "That tho inspectors trad jedeex iihall meet, at tho respective places appomn d tor hohlin tlio election in the disti K t at. which they respectively betonjc before S o'clock in the morning of tho 1st Tue iday of No veinber, and each said insjicctor xivall Hp point ono clerk, who siiall ba a i n:i! Iliotl voter of Huch distriet. "J n e;use tho person who shhli havo ro ee.iod tl.e He.'ond hirliest manlier of votes for inspector h;dl lmt attend en tho (lav of any election, then tho person who shall have received tho second Ugliest number of votes for Judge pt the next preceding election shall act u.s inspector in his place. And in ciisc the person who shall havo re eeivivl the highest number of vote.-t for in spector shall not at tend, the person elected Judjie mIiuII appoint an inspector In his place, and in case the person elected J itd e fifiall not attend, then tlio inspector who received tho highest number of votes shall appoint n J ud'G in his place ; and if any vacancy shall continue in tho board for tho space of ono hour after tho timo tixed bylaw fortheopctiingof the election, the (nia'irted voters of tho township, ward or district for which Mich ollicer shall liave been elected, present at the place ol (taction .slm'l elect ono of their number to lilt Kiieh vacancy. I plso Rive ollieial notice? to the electors of l'orevt county, that by an act. entitled "An Act further supplemental to the act relative to tho election of this Common wealth, approved Jan. :U), 1ST t Ski.'. U. All iho elect ions by the eiti.ens shall be by ballot; every ballot voted shall bo numbered in the order in which itf hall bo received, nndlho number recorded by t he clerks on the list of voters oppositoth'e name oi the elector from whom received. And rny voter voting two or ino'-o ticket: the several tickets so voted shall each te numbered with the number eorresjHind in with tho number to tho name of the voter. Any elector may writi his I'.imuo upon ids ticket, or cause the samo to be written thereon, and attested by a citizen of the district, in addition to Iho oath now prescribed by law to be taken and subscribed- by election uli'iccis, they sha'd sev erally bo MVoru or a!iii mod not to disclose how any ( lector shall havo voted, mile-::) rconirc.l to do so as wjtnenseH in a judicial pr.VeeiUntr. A 11, indues, inspectors, clerks mid overseers of every election held under this act, Khali, before entering upon their duties, )ic duly sworn or uflireied in the presence of each other. Tho jud.0 shall bo sworn by tho minority Inspector, if there shall bo such minority iifpccha, if not, then by ajustieo of the peace or alderman, and tho inspectors and'elei l: shall be sworn by thb judge. l-'crtLioalo.-i of u;h si ear ing or atlirmin shall bo diily ma lo out find signed by tho oiiieers :;o sworn, and attested bv tho oilicer w ho n dmlnisterctl the oath. 1 f uoy jud..-e or tuir.'-rity inspec tor refiex or fads to swcir tli.-s oi;!ci rs of election in the iieinner recpiired by this act, f-r if any oliiocr (.f eJee'ioii sliall act without being did v sworn, or if any ollicer ol ( lection shall cctui.v thai any cie'er was sworn when he was not, it shall Jo ilccni- ful n i n i : 1. -I i w.i n i- un.l itiiin ft it t -l. -i it t . tho l1icCi- or oliieers so one ndiic- si ::ii I . ' lined not exeeidintf one tlio'isan I ' . ; : -i : or imprisoned not exceedim; one yc-ai, -ir both, m the discreliou of i'.i : court. Notice is hereby fdven, 'I'leit i.ny person f :e( ptiecr; Jitsticeit of iho l'c:e--o who shall hold ary ol!'e (i or loipair, I mem iu' prol'd or trust under the 1'nit.cd Stilton, ( r this M .io or any city or corporal cd disli i t, vhoihcr commissioned ttlioer or othci v. i -t1, a sub ordinate ollicer or am lit ho i.-. or :.li..!L oo employed under thu lejiiislatuie, ( ..( i Li o (ir judiciary dep irlieei.t of tiiis i or of any city, or of any incorporati d li-;-tricl, and e.i:o that every in cm her of Con gress and of the .State 1 eyisiauiro, or,f tho hOlect or comiiKii! couiK il ol'ai y city, ol commissioixas of any incorpoinU'd dis trict, is by. law incapuMo ot hold.j: or ex. erci.sinc, e.r, t'ne time, thu oiiico or app.-.ln incut of jti'le, iiipcet.r tr ch ik of eny i hi; tio.i iu this (VimiMonwctdth, end tliat i,o iii.-pee'.or, jiid'.'n or other I'liieor otVm-h election shad bo elij-.il.lo to be llu n voti d lor. Also, thit in the ill) see'.;. m of ll,'. ,;oi of Asseinhiy i milled "An acl reiutiii-j; to elections and for otla r purp'i-;'.:," ;.'proe (d April ltilh, ls'itt, it is cnituwd that tlio b'ith section shall not be sofeoiist rued as to p.ievc:it uny militia or J'.nt.u'.i ( ihecr Iroin K'rvm;; us j ud isoeito or td .ii ii iii toi.-i at any e-ciicial or i.pi il vleotio (oini.iui: weuUli. A further supjdon'.ent to tho ch.alon lavs (.ft'ii.' Csiiiineiiv.-ealtii : SN'here'.is, by :,:i act of 'ho Coicress orj ir.e I'linei; ,-,ia; as, i.i ,: e,.i - . u act to lllilKiil the teveia.l act J.ercioi'oro pass; tl lo provide f. .r li e en i ollio; aud calling out of tho national ioici-s, nod lor oin. r por-1os.-h," and epprovid MarHi ::d, I All pi-rsiiiia who have e'e -ci K-.l the loiiih'.ry or naval cer ices t'.o I'i'ited St-U.rs, "i.nd w ho have been dischar.'".! or relio ed Irom tho pi nalty or d isabiii: y th.creiu pro vided, are deemed and taken to havo vol uiitirily rcliii.pii.lied and forfeited their l i;.dit to bceome citi ieu-, aui aro deprived of rerci:nij tlio l ilit'i -of oil i:-.en dii :i her(.of : And whereas, poryona fiol chi " ii'-' of Iho Cnitcd States, are not inner tho emc. tril lion and law of rennsvlvrnia qnaoii id el.'ctors of I Ids Cito mmi weal Ih Skc. 1. tie it enacted lf tho Senalo and House of Kcpresetilali v'os oflhi;( Common wcaltli of reniiMyl vania in :. noral s .em bly met. and it i-i heiebv cnaeie.i by ttio same and iu all elcetinVm hereafter 'to be h"!d in this Co-nmonwe dlh ; il shad be unlawful for the jml.-jes or Inspcciors of any such cloel ion to reeei o au ba : lot or ballots from any icrsoii.( eoibiared in the provisions, and subject to the disabilities imposed by said act of Con" tcs, approved March :)d, sii,,. And II nhall lin iinlavvlid for any such iermm to offer to vol im v such ballot er ballots. Sko. I'. Tint if any such pub'" or inspec tor of election, or liny of'the'iii shall re ceive or consent to receive nev siu-h un lawful ballot or ballots from aiiv such dis qualified pers,,,-,, ho or they no' olie.idin,' shall he l.uilly of n m:sdcniein;ir, and noon ciaivic.iion thereof in anv Court ofinar;er Sessions of I his Common v ?:i!th, ho shall lor each ollence b. sceleiiccd to pav a line of not le-s lhan one hundred d illa'is, and to under;;.) imprisonment, in tho (ad of the proper couipy lor ,,oi less than' - itv days. Sue. ;i. That if any person deprived o citi.cnsliip, and dis'ipiabl - .1 as nforosrdd sh tM at r.ny election hercalo r to bo he!. I in tliis com moil w cab Ii vole or lender l-i the oMIoers thereof, and olfor to etc . brl Jt oi- b.dlols, any pels. ,ii oji. mbi : shaii be );uiity of a tnisdeuie.inor, sod iiii c:m lotion uiei .'ol in any Con it oi (Quar ter Sessions ol tills ('.-mm -u w eallh,' shai I tor each .llenco l.e punished iu a like ..inv nor as provided in tho preei!in section of thii ii"t, ill the easo of ollleeis of eli e tions receiviii'j such unlawful b-,II..t er ballots. Si:c. 1. Thalifan.i ). i s u shall hoi car ter persuade or adveo anv person or per sons deprived of citienship and dis'piu'i liod as aforesaid, to o!ii r ai;s- I alid i ' ) .! lols to the olUerrs o('i;oy lection here.-.fi.'r to be held iu this Coin hi. ,i, wealth, or ,!,. ,ii liersuado or advise any sin h ollii er b re eiiveiii.y lia'dotor bai:.'. froni ;u. p. r son deprix ed oi' cili '.enshii iu:d I -' 1 1 . t i tied nlbrcsiM. such pet-si.ns so o!i';')iei i--sle'.ll lie jroiily ol a misdemeanor, imd i:i oi) coiivi"ti:Mi thereof in any t oon n tiliartor Sea; k iisi of tins Coni'inonvontiii, sliall ho punished in a like mann-.r us peo vided in l!io secoiid section i f Li : ; :c i, in the ( Use of olle-ei s of such election id i ii -in:; such unlaw f.d ballot or 1 ellots. J also e.ive ol!;ei:d iioliee o) t t.e I' , h in; prin ls'oos of an act approved the lioo'i i'i .Mnich, iS'JIi, entitled "An t re ;u.i: in-; the mode of votini? iU.aU tho cleetioiid ol this Common wealth.' Srce. J. Co it emtvled by the .'--nato and J Ioii.'-oof tteprcscntati ve's of ! ho C numoii wcaith of re:iiisivi.iiia iu(!"iu ' ,d As-mo-bly i.k'!, and it i:i lierebv enaeie.l l v tiie authority of the same. 'Tint, the ipeiiilieil voters ol the. sevor.d eoiintk-s of this Com mo:,weidlh, mail fonerul, township, h.u o'udi and . Kpecir.1 elecliono aro hen bv l.ereal'ter atit!:o:-i:'.:fd and lequ'red to vm'e by ticket.! i.i inti d or v.-rhlci, or pai dy printed and pr.rtly written, sever-il! el !s siihd as fol lows :' One ticket shall embrace the names of all indites, of court s voted for Mid shall bo h'dvlod "J udiciarv ;" one ticket shall cmbraco the names oi' all the idiuo oliieers voted for and bo l;u leu "Shde;"oiKi ticki tshai! embi .'ion tl;e nao.es of all the county otliccrs votcil for, inclnd inr?"fllco of Senator and member of A s w nibly, if voted for, and member of Oos c;ress, if voted for, mid be labeled "Coun ty;" one tieket shall cm'iraco the names ol nil the township oliieers voted lor, and be labeled "Township ; one. ticket shall i m braco the names ot ail the horoii;:hoiiicers voted for, and bo labeled " Itoro.mh," mi l each class shall bo deposited in ' separate ballot boxes, Tlio Juibjo of tho iii'oi-csai.l districts shall rcpre.M i. tali vely take ch.u j:o oi the corililcatea of leuirn of the elect ion of t:s ir respi-ctive disliiets, and pnshic j them a! the rrothouot.iiy's oiiie;; in tlie 1!iov.'!i of Tintiesta, as follow --, ; 'AI1 p.'ihv s ifv-in-; within twelve miles of the' pi-o'hono-tary 's olhce, r within twenty-four inU( j if their rosidcr.co be in a tn: ii, 'il!a:'.e i r city ilium liio line oi i.sii d;.,! ,..,, ;-,.,,' r the colluly seat, sliall bef"r;i two ,.!.. p. m., on vi:iN'!:sr,.vY, :.oy:cm ; ?v!XTII, .'-7"; and all c.lhcr jiid-e -l-i!! (( lore t we viw.'el.i.-:-, , m., mi T! I ' lis-1 ' V j MU l'.C.i; S 1-, ),!! 1 1 i , (!'!i(i said ret urns, t;r( tin-t xil;i the r-.-'eiv. slaets, to tho pi olhoiK.hiry f tic. cn.o". of coioinoii picas of i-'oi.-i c i.'i'.v, v, hu-'.i said rotiiin sh.dl be !d. , : ud :), day sfd hour of din. :t Market! '.Iu reo, and .-hall he preserved by the pi-od;-i:. .1,-i v for j iiiilic iiir-jiecti-ii!.'' fop. Tin; taxxtiox op j;otw axjj tjik riioiKCTJo:; ov r.::;;i;p. Spctioiv 1. : :t o-fWo. '(,., That from and after tho px:.uc.t' this e t, there h' tdl he n'".seve I, levied and coile.-'i aiinue.l ly, With oilier county li'M i!i e i e i i of liie t'iwndi'ps an it '.. .'!,i:i;iri of I his coiumoii vealth, In. m the owners and keepers of do-'S, the following named tape's, nanc lv: i'or each i.ulo ilo,-, the s um oi l'u'lv ccnis, and lor every f-male d.;i; tin kih.i" of oi;r. doliar, to be jiahl to iho' ueasimr of t!,e county where coIIlcIc!, to be kcpthyJdm scjiaraie and in such m:i:mer that lie c -i km vv l.o v Much has leen ( .'.Heeled l-oi.i each township and boroiicn, and J.j-.v much )iaid or.t for losses or dainaLC i h, each, at any timo, to ho a fund in.ni which p:r....iis ciXniiiii,..- ;e..s .,: .is i tosii, ..p j'..' .1 ''.- "' '" s, : l.d lis' i . a y cost:-! t.i ii.'ieeir, as pl-wVideo, i:ia , i-.c lid r'.i.- tlio pi.i4.o c of icv.v inj and i'"""' i e.,r sir-Ji la . - :n : - s.- ors in cash t.:-.vi!s.;.ip !!..! i..i,"', :. -a :. a eoii-dly, at the time ol .i-,: ; .,.!, r i ..it.Jo pi-.,j-erty, a :e( i tain an I ret ir,i t, tin; e,.un.y co inn lissioiiLirs of ; r eooniy a 1 1 ie si Oe loeiil .of all tho !..;: ol their tiavM-i.i,.: n:ul bon-le.ii:-, 1 . . .pee ...iy, i: . : .he na.iiv.M ol (he p i -oici ov. i.i.", i.e. in;.: m" Ii dcs, ;j;d how ji.'a.'iy of eae-i ,-iev 1 -; kepi, er o net r,y cai i: 'cisou; an-i sin ii i : .'.-!cis-!o.crs i n cie.-h i ountv i.lia!!, aiiiici .1 v, Ic-y and e.-'U-.e to ho c de. lad Iho uc-cs I ercioi, 'ioi e naiof i V.'ii !i, lo..! in t'uo SMi'e.i m.iiiiK ;, iwi't'ia s.aiio c..; i j i. ic.i. i'.r.t oi'u. r ( ouiity ;e : :"i an e. ; i.-el id. S.u -. Ti.-it wheto-yer a.i y j.ci-: on . haii fai lain ary i ..ss or i! iin:e-c to shot ; I.,- p. do' or "!-i', in any 'on : ... I. i . er boro1' .. h, ."'.i"h a rs.'Di, or liis or h r a . . id. or e.tior. ii' y, !,:' com ; .lain to any j-.i.-t '..- cf tho ji-ai ,; oi s ie:i to,::.-,i,ip or ', : rilhi)-, to l.i'i.i.'.A,! by ii:-' . ..'son f;:.' -iie: Ni'i'lt : . .;.!a: , : ;. ie vAi- :. i'.Iviv :.-:X s:.i h !.-., ., y..;.: is.: by '.'!!'..' ii- or ',..-,, ' . ,!. I. ; ii-.-recpoii the jitsii.-o :' tk.i pea. a o Who!. i sua!, c;. i i plaint vhi. I b 1 i.'a ! , ii.-dl cai' -.e a :i '. ice t i I servi-.l on t ie o.wer ' J:ei jior of llic ioa vv d- --.s .::!. ii.-i' li.a diui..!;:-', if know n, tj.nt a eoiLj....;-.. 1 i 11 n.ade lo hi;. i of .'!!'; h. ; i.r d . , . ..'.; :. ; : : i ai ow i ' r o - .. t , i .- a . . . . r f 0 "a'! i . . 'i'S lioi appi in-, : . so. ei I, , ,,:.. i:-.,. !di , imd si-lllo mid !!' or .-..I'-u" i..---, or liai.ia.'e, tiicil s uaii i o -i i. o sii. u !.;':al t ' i lc. c.l.ij a '.01 . t . o'i lie 1 1 :.: a-, i ; aa : . a-, ;., , 1 el a' ed lo the c!.:ici.in! or :!'.: p( ; ,i in tai vsh .( tiie. i iu, to a,. '.:,- t', . J . ... v..-(l;.':i.-.c s:e.;:-:!i(-.'. by t'c; c!ai, i:;,i! ; i ai :i :e oraisei -:, af't r '. i . -i." :':! or Jir.'iiv.l by s'l.-li jn.-.lea' i Ii),'. a;. a.', i r soi.ea (.ii..;.' c 'liiji'.iei.r pi o-i, to pi ri.,i : i ll.a i. ie it .. of their a a . ' : i.e: it v, .. 'amt pardalily lani ac . : , . n-; to ti:e U .t .1 their j mlne lo. :::i;. ::i:i:ty, :.h i'I, i.. on 1: 5 luai tic.il .:e, I. .Main no li. a p! i s' v. i. ;v the d:illi:i"e is ; heni, d lo Ism e be. :i dace, a-id I he "!',. p i i . i ; i o 1 or I. HI' !, i'' pi;n I ' hie, and I Icy ore ivijU... i . , i- d i ' , a.i I si in! I be c s on i ii" : !, i a i n... a or i: ! ' ' r oeilaoli ! ' I e : d c' i u i .1 ei ed by ' u nf lin in, any v. i'ncsM cal l( d i.e'ore 1 iieio b(-a ni'r.nin Iroi.l such in. ! ice or ol I icrwise, and adi r. iiia .in,; diliea'.l impiiry in nlalion I sue! i il, i m, -o.iil dea'i en no and report o sin 11 jll'-. ;.-e ii v. ril i a.; vl.el hoi- a oy such iliinn:1"' I. as I ..on sie.t.-o i.e. I, and II: aioo'in' l' ei a, ,i-.d v- ;,o w.r; la' ..viler i : r I. ' cpel" of t a a . . l; or . lo; , ', i : ' i" . m 1 . , i v v inch s-ui h dan: i.e hss i.c n .jo'icpimi w in ! tier or not a, pari !!. c f w:e-c ed by a do..; owned or ki pi. ,y ,,. , t . i i . . t -1 ; t , hi"h ) i.orl , so made, . l-id I e :"ia;oed by a loai"! of "oi Ii upprai: c: i, and deliv ered lo I ho jn. ;! see by v. Vi'.i 'icy .". eve ,i; -pointed. iSi.T, 1. 'I'ii: I. n ion recciv ii'ir s'U h report, the said j lis! i.-e s I'll 1 1 Immc Pap'ly i.iako a, ci 1 1 1 lic-ile thereon or lliei.;.;, si.vned atel si I led by hllll, licit M'ah iippr.ic-cw. wera duly appoint ed a.cl sworn by him, and thai, tie y made such lepoil; I If b;r such M-port il ilpp) urs that .-my il.aniai'i s Jiavo hoc n silstailiod .y !'i" eoi.,pl-iiii'ilil. I he said j u -I ice ';. I 4!i a i er neli !c,.orl :!:! all p.lpel-J re,.i' i M:'; lo I he c l'-c. to ;.. i laiiniint oi Ids or her aia nl or iii: niirv, upon ji.u i oi 1 1," co ; . up to I iiai I one, In I la : ei her I .l'o v i i lei I , yr b a , i n .; i joi ed to b' paid,) to i.e delixeiel to I iie i": . n in . -si "la is of I il" ceo n v w he. SIC I) ll.llH'I'.o s have her il su; !:ui,e. -1,(- i!ei In He ir olia e, Siic. "). Tint e p- ii I la - com ii. is; ioeov of Iho county i ccei ,o;.- sin h r.oorl, it ..i.c'i appear thereby t hat a eeiiiiii iminutit of da in a 're or ,'o- s has bocu sust i : ik d be t ho elaine.nt to ll?e ma p, be a do.; or i'a;-i le t owned or kepi y lion ,,r i r, ims chiol iiiiincdiatoly d.i ..w llu .r onier en ' I 'II s 1 1 i . 1' of 1 1 1 ' i i o 1 1 1 1 1 y III lai'or a! I j it eiaimaiil for Hie auioii'il. of vs .,r i!.::n twiv such ci.ui'ian' ha "i Caee d accoi.bo . to sin h rep u(, ith m . e -aiy a.c.i j.r .ja i e"-,l.s iiu nr. ed a : iitei-c.-aid, t.i be ,.: ! i-ir ol die lend i e; cd by lit:. es on . . ;i Jlef. .I'o-I'o.- pr.-'i id- j ; s.l.; if 1 1 . ! e i ! I ; pe:r Ie. s'lcbicpoi! or . .I her ,a , a re '.on si . p( t ., -.vas il.'.'.rviicp ; Uc p er ill i I d"'.' or do 's l.y waii. h I i. laiea complain, d ('' Mas ,ioi;e, ; iai II ere is ., reasonable pi . ! :,.., I i!y si., ii , ,, ., , e.i.-.l.s ni;: be eoileel: if jy, ,.. .a. a, n ,.,- ,,, ki eper, i.e;i such "ism-nis: ,i. vs , '.-Ji nme;!i.;'..-n. pre eed, ill the .::n;i r oi'e , .(ted y 't.iw i ir lh nil.. . ol t! ! , and ( o.-:s .i 1 I, a an:. .Ho!, !oc,,.,.:. m.,;. dan. a.;e and eo..u by a sn'.i i r -;,its from tho ow nor or oy in is or kaep.er or hi e( era of su-'li ri r do..; , ,. ol;,, ... ,,..-o. ee.i i ll.creof, !..-. eo. t in ;,.. ( .-,, , . ,,, j, tiled ni die eoi.nly; ', , ., j i(nv and a'.l limes, it shall Pa t, . ui,t..- of .p.',. ow m r of i.ny si. .p..; : ; n ,(, .r .',,. ,.s or any 'pee-on .. nhi;. -ie ep, i,, :.-;: ..';', and ai! :o"s i;.;iy ot l iiio.;- ,(,(..,- v, iiii iii (his coimno!,.'( ..ipi. See. (l. Thatr.ll iio:;s in lliis comnen:- Wia'.ti! sh:.!! !.'-r. ef'i r be ; e:s..i;ai pr. r- ly sod uliioePi of ,,,.. ,)v ,,.: i,,. 1U or i.ecoer id' any do..; -: i: . 1 1 .e liab'o to the count,, coliniiis.-ioU..s f .r ui. . ... ej-dai,!-.i.,e to i.hi ep by :.M, M,..; v j i, .t ti(, ilea -HIS l o-ta .i : 1 . t i lit .'j in ,o, .y., n.r and ( ..il. i tio;.; ,i:ie!i dill:. a as, i Cei il, i im; anudorne;,- li e ol live d . i 1 1 "-. c -. if Ui.ailv oi iermii.ed boi'ore a iii.-.t a o ol tl-o j.i-.aee, and of leu dollar . o' n j, ,; i,, :i ,. a. 0f common ple.-s; 1 ut i t any lime a'ls;- no tieo of a claim for dama-es under the pr.i- isions of iiis tvt, tr.r. nv, !' or l;(p-r of any do;; may Jender () (he claimant or his a-cntor alloriioy , n,;i. i ;,,,.-h eiaim a simii of money equal to tho loss or daei s;;e sustained, or m iy mi, ,- p, Cnm justii e of iho peace, with notice to the c'a'imiuo. h:s ...;, ot ei aitoi -1 1 c--, , a aforesaid, a ju.l : iiiviit ill an action ot" t i-,.-.ii iss to'r t!i amount of such toss oip d noWo, and ai! costs up lo the timo of such oiler, v.hio.i oh'er, for a f e of twenty (cms, : hall be t-niereil en the iioi-kcfol ie h iusti -e ; end in case the claimant in such cii.se, or com missii :;er I, (he e;t m a.y be, h dl .,ut acei pt oi ... ,i teie'i r or oii'er (find 'lie ., ; and afterward on ;!,. linal (i.'Ic'-i.M.ee.i..:. of sn h case shall i o it never a r.-a'.-r ace mil tieoi tiie sum so li'irhiod or which a jndid.i-'nl i:.,s been ,,if( n .!, a . all.l estiid, I ides tl.,. inl-.rist aiid.ci. si nee ,ii.il. Ie:. dor or (.tier, a.- the oe -e in. be. "iii h ( hit mind .r co: a o. f;;.t, j , n .1. re o-, er any ,.. '..'s i ea; ulie:; nfn-r ..u,-., lee-h-r or ol. or, .i,: .dail! pay to ,l. . ) 'idaut. or de."ei:di.nts tlie ,.. t.s h .( .. t.'lldao' or dcfi u.liilila a illellJl;., j .;.i , ... ii o'i' r or !'";J, ,-, i i , ! 1 1 I ; n an :;t;er ''' " ''"hd" ore J l-.nidc.l ill .-..so ' ' ' '' . ,!,., i I. '..'lie :ist wlii, !) ,.0M-, cay be de j.n 'ed from ti.e iin'ouut of 'my .:.' .nicnt ii'cs'iv.-.l .ii M.tch cise by lh'. i i ....Hants or --!iii.ne:.; .nr., i.u l it' ,iliO,.'!.K lit is p.. U StUlleieilt !-.ilo!l eosla II lit V oo eoiieetei! :y mi : .' ii.n . fil-fi. .n i "'.p i Sur. in'.r.::irisd.'.ct!(.n of such :i.i:a.i:iic r.s in (i.itiT , or (Ii i,;, S;:o. ',. ". I:, ! jusliees of the peace !.,r 1, e !il'e: ed : cry ;. e.j under the prevision ..t' lid- m-:., t.kitd be enli'ded t ) one dollar jo, eaelt (.-use, and the npernisers caah one doll'tr per d-. v for n,'. time r..-e.- s-irii e :-p. I t by them il: III vest i.;:tli).rl.,.1 ,.;;,, ta lie pi. by t;,e ela; i ua , . t iu sueii ease. ' Si:.'., H. Ti.at ,il th.o 1 of , ye:!)- 11,0 coii'iiti.-.sion-rs of 1 a- ii (omit v shall .e.-i.- '.i 0.1: lll'.l' HUT O! I . '.' COll . a. ' I,,,. .(-- Ci.:l claims 11a, d auioujit- then ,:,.,( p, ti.eir ol iee under ti;e provisi",.-; of lie'. ." (, l'. i iaiiiin..,' u.-ii. aid ; imd i: -e tr. is'.irer idiail bin o in his h: iios, ,,. m. neys col,; 1 :.! !.r the pavinetil the.'- t.f more than two hnndr. d doliars i.hove t,.. iim.iiiiit of su h .iiii. s, lie Mi.V.i ioimcdi a'ely apporiien ami de.lri b,ii,r i,,, ,..,',.,..'.. 10 ii,,, several seho .l disiricis iu such coeety, iu pn ..lortion to ;:,o iii.o:,.;t of aii'-h ba! i',ieo or excess ai-ed b fi i 011 .!:; in i-ui'h , f ia tl,,, save.a.i t.e.Ve ships or boi'o"",h: : ii i ri 1 1 i 1 1 ;...; -a , . j , .,, . . ) e.-pective'y, a.id s! all iioiiiy th ! Ina ur or 01 :;.icm districts l,..'-,v i::.., j'. M entitled to of sue. ,,,,-.. ys, and ,s: i, the t.anio to soeii s -hoe tri-i.-.urers. -' lieu- neo'pta m; t .i,!,r4 for t!:o kiiiic the support oUhe comm..:, school.- of .'.u, h uist: 1, (Sic. V. Vint ti is a. ts'i-ul ,.. 1 ..r a: 'l i-.e jnwM-iom 01' ei. e.-aail eo. i. h.!:oi: j.. .lie ,,.o,.esulj,.-t j anv e.e eiy (.1 I '. : 1 :i.i.i,iiv.-,p a - -' : V ' li..i'.t:.o:-.i.c,;ir ,., "" li",' ' " ' " ' !-e c,, I,, 1 . . , ,'.V '.:.4:"- V ' ' :- i'uh;:s.,.-i ' n a ' ' '' - ' : i...- 11. .. .. i., il a t ,1 :. .' . ! this a. :, : ' I1'.- .... , a III, !ie t:.( tin.:.; " '. ' "I 1: ' : O , 10: 01 . : colli;. s : la a- oi llv A 'S I. ai or p: i ,) . . I. :d . ,1 1 1, .'.1 ;, , co 1 ilw" , ,. '-i V !v : n-i iu ee. 11 Is 'Vr' r by a prop- 'I a. maioro is ;: a'. :..l. I s; ; I..IW," this ic-t' .-p,. 1 i"-H . i I'. ill HO Othl f 1 He.:- I : y ! ten ipeiiuied ' ' "' 1 ; o ad vertist' mei.t '' ! ;i ; ' ''::::ei; liial tl,,. (''.'. It, l, llil '. "to a. tii.-l III 1'S.c 01 .l.i 1 1 ' l I III el 1 ! cri in : ', (.- '!'1 '. '-'I'd' 01 no iei rriise s ot , ; o., ; ..iirpe.-.o in a,,v .:.'.,. ',' t'.. 0 is . ,11 ti o years. VKo - it a opi, ,!-.vi.f Jirii.?, A. I. !'. !!.Ull'itA.'.I."P.. 1..11:. r "v !: '' '' 'uul niv 01 iee in Tio- . ' ' 1 ' i :lv l'-'--l' Is f, il. UiO Ve.tr o: o. r ,,esd ona 1 ii, .;, . .. ;,: i il,, a .,'-ei dd. li th ill!. ' ' l ion! . ee. ,- 0. -llu. .,. 1 f lh Cl.i.ed s. '.' pt 1HU I, CO .l!'Sft:PillAVn.:i:y, pi.eri Y.'OKK , f all .:.,d,d,,:u no m Ud,, of- Lee l i !loU-.c.