The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, July 24, 1878, Image 4

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Utile Impnilenr.
It takes no many hours to make a day 1
It taken so many days to make a year I
My seventh birthday seema so far away,
And yet my eighth, they say, is nowhere
near !
The robins' uest out in the cherry-tree
Held four young birds, naked, and weak
and small,
A month ago ! so fast they grew, yon see,
There's not a robin In the nest at all 1
They flew, f n'l grown 1 and I'm no bigger now
Than When the nest was built that one can
How robins grow bo fast, and girls so slow,
Is Tory strange indeed, it seems to me.
I wonder how 'twould eorm to be seventeen,
And wear long drones like my Cousin Sue,
She has a watch, the prettiest ever seen,
And winds it all hersolf, as I should do.
I s'pose I shall be married too, some day,
As mamma was. I've seen her veil and
They're in the bureau draw, laid awav,
She's saving them for me to wear, I guess. "
I wonder who I'll have ! Not Cousin Joe I .
Nor toasing Clare ! Maybe my Uncle Tim.
My papa is the nicest man I know;
Bat mamma's very sure she can't spare him!
Joy AllUon.
- " " ' Treaaarea from the Deep.
"The Bea," says a writer who has
deeply studied the subject, " contains
in itrj bosom an exuberance of life, of
which no other region of the globe
affords any idea. Our forests do not
afford an asylum to nearly bo many ani
mals as do those of the ocean. For the
Bea has its forests, long marine herbs,
or the floating banks of sea-weed whioh
the waves have detached. If we could
plunge our glances into the liquid crys
tal of the Indian ocean, we should see
realized therein the fairy tales of our in
fancy. Fantastic shrubs decked with
living flowers, the richest colors glow
ing everywhere; greens and browns, the
liveliest reds, and the most intense
blues. The sand is sprinkled with sea
hedgehogs and sea-stars, of fantastic
forms and varied colors. The Bea-ane-mones,
like great cactus flowers, adorn
the rocks with their crowns, or spread
over the ocean like a flower-bed of bril
liant flowers. The humming-birds of
ocean, small, gleaming fishes, some
bright, with a metallic splendor of blue
or vermilion, some with a gilded green
or dazzling silver luster, play around
the coral bushes. Light as spirits of
the abyss, the white or blue bells of the
medusa float through this enchanted
But if our coasts do not present us
such a fairy land as this, they yet pro
vide ns with many wonderful and beau
tiful things. See, here is an oyster.
"Not much beauty here," you say. No,
but much to wonder at. He does not
seem well placed for happiness,
though without a doubt he has his joys.
His life is spent between two heavy,
stony plateB, with which he can secure
himself. Those lovely things called
pearls are, however, his speoial treasure.
They are caused by wounds made by
worms boring the shells and hurting
their bodies. Pearly matter is thrown
out freely ou the injured spot, which
soon becomes a pearl of greater or less
size. Of sometimes a grain of sand gets
into the oyster's house and irritates
him, upon which he coats it over with
pearly matter.
Here is a little crab. It lives, you
see, in a hard shell. The shell doe not
grow, but the crab does, and therefore
he wants a new shell now and then.
When he feels that he mast cast off his
old shell he first of all gets into some
bole, where he can lie safely while he is
weak and helpless. Then ho goes with
ontr f ood until ho is very thin, and his
clothes hang about him, as we say. In
this state a new shell, soft and clastic,
forms about his body. Then the crab
struggles and splits his old shell, and
pnlls his long legs out of his boots.
When he has got safely over this strange
process the crab increases rapidly in
size, and his new suit becomes in a fow
days as hard as his former one.
Here is a star-fish, or asteria, often
called the five finger. Its mouth, you
see, is iu the middle of the under side,
and it is a great devourer of small shell
fish. It is considered so destructive to
oysters, that by old laws, every man was
liable to be punished who did not kill
the five-finger when he saw it.
And what is this mass of jelly ? It is
.i creature called the medusa, or sea
nettle. It has received its latter name
aoause it makes yonr skin smart when
'ou touch it. While the medusa is
loating, many tentacles or nets may be
i eon hanging from its underside. With
tiiese it catches food. If yon take a
medusa alive, you will find it impossible
! hold it in your fingers. It will divide
into parts and fall a shapeless mass.
Sometimes these strange animals may bo
seen below a ship's keel, glowing like
white-hot oannon balls.
Perhaps the most wonderful crea
t ares of all, if we consider their works,
re the Polypi. These animals are of a
i Uft, jelly-like substance, sometimes
shaped like a bell or a pill-box. The
sea-anemonea, as they are called, belong
to this class. Jtound an opening or
mouth in the upper side are arranged a
number of arms, like the petals of a dal
y, by maus of which the creature
-izes his prey. The prey is sometimes
1 uite as large as the polypi itself, but
t is sucked into the interior and there
-stroyed; the shell, if there is one, be-
vomited forth afterwards. This
imal-rlower is fixed on a rock, along
jicb it can slowly crawl.
The polypi form the substances called
ral aud madrepore. By their means
, mouse reefs of solid rock, whioh stem
ia mighty waves and form large islands,
r,re raised in mid ocean.
One of the most useful treasures of
the sea is the Sponge. It is believed to
be an animal, but the lowest of all ani
mals. No feeliugs have ever yet been
Uncovered in the sponge, though it has
en pinched and tortured with red-hot
). It is pieroed in all directiofts by
N, out of which opening streams of
- itre being constantly discharged.
inikM the creature sucks the
its body by small pores, and
t when it has drained it of
' ;iig matter.
A late invention combine an ironing
table, step-ladder and a chair.
The exact cost of the construction of
the Paris Exposition buildings and
grounds is now estimated at 45,300,000
irancs, or S'J.IWU.UUU.
Liebig's experiment of curing intern
rerance bv a Btrictlv farinaceous diet,
has been tested in twpity-seven cases in
this country with very good eilect.
Professor Riley, the government ento
mologist, estimates that the annual loss
to agriculture in the United States from
destructive insect! is not less than 8150,-
the Mississippi, Missouri anu vmo, nr
being stocked by Professor Baird's fish
hatching establishment with millions of
shad eggs and California salmon.
Frederick Hasse graduated at the head
of his class in a German university, in
1870. He was heir to $80,000, and his
prospect of a successful career could
hardly have been brighter. A few days
ago he died in St. Louis, where he had
for a year been a porter in a medical
college. An appetite for opium killed
In some parts of China crickets are
regularly trained for combat, by being
kept in small, earthenware pots, with a
little mould and a tiny cup of water.
- - . . . ... . 5
and fed on fish, insects, boiled chestnuts
and boiled rice. If they catch cold their
health is restorod by rations of mosqui
toes. At the cricket pit they are match
ed according to size, weight and color,
and a cricket that wins many victories
is highly honored, and buried in a small
silver coffin when it dies.
TVin HmitliHnnian Institution, which
has been engaged for more than a quar
ter nf a (rnitnn: in ranenrcheR into the
antiquities of America, and has during
that time published many important
mnmnirn on the snbiect. is about to
issue an exhaustive work on American
archraology with numerous illustrations
and maps. The institution, therefore,
in mi t inns to collect from everv available
source whatever is known or can be
ascertained by special investigation, of
. . . n a i ?a
the antiquities oi rorm America, ana u
invites the co-operation of all interested
in the work.
Upon the appearance of rolling-chairs
at the Paris Exposition nobody could be
induced to ride in them. At last an old
gentleman, being much entreated and
being promised that the trip should cost
him nothing, took his seat and was
wheeled about. Everybody he met
smiled, then laughed, then laughed
louder, and presently he had a large
Burrounding, In disgust he left the
chair, and then foand that a placard
upon it Baid that it was " especially use
ful for elderly and weak persons, par
ticulaily for men Buffering from the re
sults of overdrinking. "
The question whether postal officiuls
have a right, nnder any circumstances,
except by due process of law, to open
letters or sealed packages in the mails,
has again been answered in the negative
by the Supreme Court of the United
States. "Sealed mailed matter,"
says the decision, " is as fully guarded
from examination and inspection, except
as to their outward form and weight,
as if they were retained by the parties
forwardiug them in their own domiciles.
The Constitutional guarantee of the
right of the people to be secure against
unreasonable searches and seizures ex
tends to their papers, thus closed against
inspection, wherever they may be. No
law of Congress can place in the hands
of officials connected with the postal
Bervice any authority to invade the se
crecy of the sealed packages in the
France reckon two braves more. A
fireman at Tarbes rushed among tbe
burning rnins of a house to save his
captain and a clergyman, who were
buried beneath the floor in endeavoring
to rescue the inmates. The fireman re
mained trying to extricate the captain,
but without avail, till the flesh peeled
off bis hands and face. He has died
from his wounds, has been buried at
the nation's expense, and for a month
his name will be read out first on the
roll-call of every regiment in the army.
Jean Plantier is a pointsman, and a few
months ago, in endeavoring to close the
gates of a crossing, he waa Btruck down
by a goods train, and his arm amputated.
Not a soul waa within reach, and aware
that an express 'train was due, he tied
up the bleeding stump, and remained at
his post till a station-master, informed
by the engine-driver that some accident
had occurred, picked up the arm from
the rail and snocored the hero.
Lost Her Head.
A Boston ietter'says: Everyone knows
that among all the rest of our schools
for women, there are ample means
now for a woman who seeks to become a
physician to make herself familiar with
all the principles of practice and all tbe
secrets of medfCine and surgery. A
young student who has pursued her
studies up to a certain point in another
city came to Boston last winter and pro
ceeded to visit a certain dissecting room
to which she had been invited. Mount
ing the stairs, she at last comes to the
landing, from which opens the apart
ment where the wonders of the human
frame are, materially at least, all found
out. Waiting to catch her breath, per
haps to catch her courage, she over
hears the following from the physician
iu attendance upon the class: "There
are not enough heads to go round.
Bome of you must choose something
else." The listener turned pale and
leaned against the wall. She thought
she would n t pay her visit that day.
Bhe thought she would ro home and
perhaps study a little further and ap
proach the dissecting room a little more
gradually. As she turned to carry this
resolution into eilect, slie met the jani
tor of the building, who was evidently,
laiaumr wun visitors ana students in
this stage and state of mind, for he said,
enoouragiugly, "If you'll wait a minuto,
miss, you'll be all right. They all of
'em leois tins wy at trie lirst start,
But " misa " didn't wait that day.
Curious Jicst of a Poisonous Insect.
The nest of the tarantula, occasion
ally found, excites the admiration of
bolh old and young, and, indeed,
nothing could be more ingeniously con
trived. It is a subterranean lionse
about the uize and shape of a ooeonnut
of medium growth, and is mndo of
small pebbles and grains of sand glued
together with some viscid matter. Its
interior is lined with a silky material as
fine and white as satin. Just at the
surface of the ground is a circular open
ing nearly an inch in diameter. Into
this fits a little door or lid made of
sand and fine gravel glued together.
This lid is lined with the same silken
stuff as the nest proper, and at one
side has a hinge made of many strands
of the same. This door the tarantnlar
can open and close a pleasure. When
the lid is closed it is almost impossible
to find the nest, as owing to the Band
and gravel on its upper side it presents
the same appearance as the surround
ing ground, from which wore gathered
the materials of which it was construct
ed. ffrtf nnsi -A tt t VMM Hffya U7TVQT tXXTa
SOOTHING 8TRTTPhas been nsod fnr nhil.lren
with never-failing success. It oorreots acidity
oi me siomacn, relieves wina oouo, regulates
the bowelR, enres dysentery and diarrhwa,
wriAfhnr ariaincr fmm f AAtlhinor nr ntliai. a.u...
An old and well-tried remedy. 25 cts. a bottle.
Cramps and pains in the stomach or bowels,
or in any part of the body, no matter how
severe or what the cause, can be relieved bv
Johnson's Anodyne Liniment used internally
and externally.
More than twenty rears ago we had chills
and fever, and the recollection of it make us
shake even now. But this disease no longer
terrifies ns. Parsons' Furgative rills are a
sure preventive.
Snob names as Dr. O. W. Holmes. Washing
ton Irving, and Ex-President Van Bnren, have
borne testimony to the efficacy of Whitoomb's
Asthma Remedy, which is for sale bv Druggists.
Accidents will happen, and it is best to be
always prepared for them. Sufferers from
Cuts, Burns, Soalds, Wounds, Bruises and
Sprains, will find immediate relief in the use
of Grace's Salve whioh also cures old Sorest
Felons, Corns, Ulcers, Ac
Itemerabrr Thin.
That when you buy a can of Doolev's Yent
Powder you take no chances, for it is warrant
ed absolutely pure, full strength, and full
weight, and it cannot fail, if properly used, to
produce the most positive and satisfactory re
sults; not only in biscuits, rolls, muffins and
fanoy cakes, but in all kinds of batter griddle
cakes as welK
The Celebrated
" Matchless "
Wood Tag Flog
Thb Fiohbkb Tobaooo Cokpaht,
New York, Boston, and Chioago.
The Orealeat Dl.oarery or ipe Ave I. Dr
roblaa' oeebrated Venetian Liniment I 80 yean before
the public, aad warranted to onn Diarrhea, Dyaentaryf
Oolio, and Spaama, taken internally ; and Oroop.Ohronio
Rhanmatlem, Bore Throat, Onta, Bruiaea, Old Bore.,
and Paina in the Lunba, Back, and Oaeot, .iternally
It haa never failed. No family will er be without 1
after orjoe giving it a fair trial. Price, 40 oenta. D
Bottle., at On Dollar, la warranted inperior to any
other, or NO PAY, for the oore of Oolio, Onta, Brnleea,
Old Sore., eto. Bold by all Drnggiata. Depot 10 Park
Place. New York
As the time has come for the renewal of subscriptions, THE SUN
would remind its friends and well wishers everywhere, that it is again
a candidate for their consideration and support. Upon its record for the
past ten years it relies for a continuance of the hearty sympathy and
generous co-operation which have hitherto been extended to it from
every quarter of the Union.
The DAILY SUN is a four-page sheet of 28 columns; price by mail,
post paid, 55 cents a month, or $6.50 per year.
. .
. . ad
Who does not know the WEEKLY SUN ? It circulates through
out the United States, Oanadas, and beyond. Ninety thousand families
greet its welcome pages weekly, and regard it in the light of guide,
counsellor, and friend. Its news, editorial, agricultural, and literary
departments make it essentially a journal for the family and the fire
side. Terms : One Dollar a year, postpaid. This price, quality con
sidered, makes it the cheapest newspaper published. For clubs of
ten, with $10 cash we will send an extra copy free. Address
How Not to Hore.
None of the books of etiquette 1 hat
we have yet read give prescriptions
whioh will cure the tendency which
most of ns have to bore other people.
The reascin'is that none of us suspects
he is or can be a bore under any possi
ble combination of circumstances. The
supposition is bo wild and absurd as to
be discountenanced at onoe. And yet
so often are we bored by other people
that it would only be reasonable for us
to conclude that we too might sometimes
place ourselves in the same unenviable
light. To know when to come and when
to go, when to be silent and when to
speak, what to say and how to Bay it, to
be properly aware how to express those
thousand little tones and acts which en
dear one, it is difficult to explain pre
cisely how, is either a natural gift or an
art obtainable after long years of train
ing. Yet he who is not master of these
things will run the risk. Bome time or
other of being considered a nuisance.
We nil ought to learn how not to bore.
We owe it to our neighbors as well as
to ourselves. It is a knowledge we
exact from them. If they do not betray
it we feel personally aggrieved and are
apt to consider them, for a time, our
One certain way of not boring is never
to give people too much of our com
pany. This is a rule difficult to observe.
There are times when we are too ready
to believe that our friends want us more
than they really do. We take their pro
testations literally, and when they say
they could live with ns forever and a
day, we positively give them tho day.
This is a great mistake. Proba
bly six hours of the day would have been
quite sufficient. But we are unwilling
to believe that our fascinations are bo
weak as not to stand a longer trial, and
yielding to that weak prejudice in our
own favor we become immitigable bores.
It would be well if we could hold the
hand-glass up to our failings in this re
spect and see ourselvee as we really are.
To the average Athenian the dearest
spot on earth is the Greece spot.
Thk Millkh and Mim.wbioht. The boat milling paper.
Sample copy free. MiMPStm A Uadlt, Cincinnati, O.
Laughton, Wilson a Go., Qhioago.
$ 1 0 & $25 KA'httXZ Novelties
Catalogue & Outfit Free applioatio
ion to
J. H. BUFFORD'S HONS, Mannfaottirinc Publisher
141 to 147 Franklin Street, Hoatun, Maea.
Established nearly fifty yean.
If (TH If
isnE3"W" tore: , git
KNT WANTFO Vnr the and rnM
Mlina notorial Rooka and Rihlea. Prtoee rerinoed
o.i percent, a nnreae, ,inM' Hook and Bible ltooee,
IJiiladelphie, Chicago, or St. louia.
Onr i Daen'nry, liarthr-a and Summer rinmplaliita
of dhilrtren. Price ftOo. flKOKOK MOOK R, Proprie
tor, (irent Falla, N. H. Ho Id by eUlrn miaia.
room in TWO
loc. worth
will kill
more flics
than $io
wort!, of V CSi
aoia ejr 1:1
Botanic Medicine Co
Buffalo.N. V
Vfho VTants UacMnery?
We hare for tale over 1 ,gOO new and aeoond hand
raaohjnea at p-ioea far below their true ralne, eompria.
WOKKINU MACHINERY of erery deaoriptlon.
Portable and Mtatloaary NT RAM KNUINK
and no I l.K KM from 1-2 to HOO h. p., WATKK
TOOLS of every variety, PUMP FIRE APPJt.
NIIAFTIXJ, PUM.EYM, etc., etc., all folly
deaoribed in onr printed Liat No. 17, with prise annei
ed, whioh w will mall to the eddreee of any party dealr
big maohinery npon receipt of atamp.
Slate plainly jnt what machine or maohlnee yon arx
In want of, and don't buy nntil yon bare oarefiiUy read
oar liat of the areateet banraina ever offered in the war
of new and aeoond-hand maobinee. Low apeoial freight.
aa obtained for onr ooatomera to any aeolion of tbe
United Bute or Oanada. Addreea
Machinists anil General Machine Dealers,
N. B. Village and Town Fire Knginea, Hoee Car
riagea. Ladder Trnoka and Fire Kiinipoiente a apeoialty.
Send for Fire Kngino circnlara.
Homes in Minnesota,
of Wheat, making EIUI1T
MILLION barrel, of Flaar,
wort,hover FIIIt Mllliaa
Del lap., TI1IUTY.VIYR Ml
fK MILLION boaheat
of OaU. Corn. Rve.
worth ov.r Term
re. Barley. Kaotwh
Baolwheat, and PoUktoea,
alv ftlllflsa Dallare. Fnnr knn.
dred and eleven Haa . af Hlene. The
GreMeslMUIingCcunProflDCt try In foe World
Th. seat Water Power " la the United
Sute.. Oaa haadred aad tweaty taaa.ajid
Moree Power at St, Anthony Fall alone. V1T8
IMMENSE BHiTlOl HT?np!878.
Nothing like it ever known. Twaaty P Tarea
Haadred Mile. f KallraaaT, Ul aod.rery
train crowded. Land offloee be. egad with throng, at
aupllcant. Wlaoonain, Iowa, aad Raaaa. ala eoaatna.
We invite the warld Into tn iEj PIRR STATB
OK THE NlMtflaWB-iT? twenty Five
Million acre, of land awaiting aettlement a ftrjn
Freis Eoines.Frse SQOls.fresLaii(ls. IR77
PanTphlet of Klghty Page, with a fln. AVI I 1 1
Mi; will be aent. poat-paid. ta KYFKY APPLI.
CANT everywhere, ta every roaatrr, tba world
v.r. Appy to JOHN W. BOND,
8cc'y of Saaua Board arjaaaalaraiiaa.
area and rive FLO I7K1KU MILLS, nfteeabao-
nt. raal.Mlaaaaa
J" . W- r.r-r4et- l(W -X... LL.uiti,
- w. Af-ta, t', Ilk
; - , J
' i 11. W"X i 1 1 . 1
a F a IT E a r
3R of the
Bwmrw'g BuoufWint Triornm, for oonght and onldt
A4JKNTN Send for oatalogae rednoed prloea--neir
atx-. Oontlnentnl tlhromo tin.. It S Warren Ht, W. Y.
flTT rtf Q KKVQI.VKPN. Pnoe I lit free. Addree
3 U i.1 O Qreat Weatern Onn Worka, Pittahnrg, Pa
HDP I tTfl '"'"'l P"'' "! UNO onl;
nly w I it ft. (treat
WaKhington, N.
A PAT to AvftntH M.Tnii.nj( fnr tfa Flrirld
V iHllor. Trrmn And Outfit Km. Adilmmi
P. O, VIUKKKY Anyimtft. Mulna,
8tiprtor in dwiijra. Not ftqaftlMl
In quality, or a tlmk4um .
Auk your .!wlr for lnBt
Fl k O Th flholniwt In th world Import!.
L I Jl iOft priowi I.rr-t Dotupwit 111 Amiirioi
tfiplft rtiol plAPtM uTAryhndy 'I r an continually
incrwHSinc Ajrent wnntud THrywImrn- bnt lnduo
irint lont wnt tim Bnd ftr itroulr to
KOH'T W F.lil,H, 4 U Vtpy St., N.Y., P. O. Ho Yl.
$10. $20. $50. $100.
Inveated jndioinnalv In Rtnoka (Option, or Privllegee)'
I a anre road to rapid fortune. Full detaila and Oltioia
Ntook Kiohang. Report, frre. Addroaa T. POTI'KU
WIOHT a HO . Baakera, 3ft Wall Street, NewJYork
JoKltavii.l.g, Mlnb., Deo. 17, IK77. cr. FbtrUt:
aent yon an eta. for two boiea of tlraee'a Halve. 1 have
had two and have need them on an nloer on my font .and
it iaahnoat well. Reapeotiully youra, O. J. VAN Mmr).
Prlre XJ) eent. a boa at all dnigglata, or eent by mall
on reoelpt of rent. Prepared by NKTII W.
FO v I." tV StINN, Ht Hamaon Ave., Hoaton.Maae.
fa v I i . . 1
Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
Sour Stomach, Sick Headache.
NT BY MAIL, r-Ulv S.taa
A Safe and Reliable Subntlluto fur tlulnlue
Tho only 25 cent
eld ay I1 Dnvtllli. Mallad FREE rtcol,,! otpilra,
Wrtla to IHTNtua nine CO., ' Wnoarra a aita-r, Kr.iv
Veaa, for tlitir tn coet Imu.Ii, nillvl lu llm raadaia ut
ttile paper a aj ffr tf u am.l lattuu.
SiMO to $8.00oS.
; keepoood Jr
lU I NYnU gM
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