forest $cpuMican. W. H. DUNN EDITOR. WEDNESDAY HORSING, JILT 17, 1878. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. FOR GOVERNOR, HENRY M. IIOYT, Or LUZERNE COUNTY. FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, CHARLES W. STONE, OF WARREN COUNTY. FOR SUPREME JUDGE, HON. JAMES P. STERRETT, OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY. TOR SECY INTERNAL AFFAIRS, AARON K. DUNKEL, OF PHILADELPHIA. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. FOR CONGRESS, HARRY WHITE. Subject to decision of District Conference. FOR ASSEMBLY, N. P. WHEELER. FOR PROTUONOTaRY, Ac, JUST1S SHAWKEY. FOR SHERIFF, 1 C. A. RANDALL. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, H. W. LEDEBUR, JOHN WHITE. FOR COUNTY AUDITORS, N. THOMPSON, D. F. COPELAND. FOR JURY COMMISSIONER, C. H. CHURCH. .V Our Washington Letter. Special to the Republican. Washington, D. C, July 17, 78 Mr. Potter made a formal charge in the House of Representatives, that Secretary Sherman had. conspired with certain persons in Louisiana to cause the vote of the two parishes to be thrown out, on the false pretense of ic timidation and violence practiced in those parishes at the time of the elec tion. This was a serious accusation, an accusation of an infamous crime brought against a high officer of the Government. It was indecent to make it on the strength of rumors and parti san reports, and if it is not fully sub Btantiated the men who hastened to father it will be disgraced. Mr. Sher man has met the attack upon him, not only by defying his assailants to pro duce any evidence of conspiracy, but by enering to prove that there was no false pretense of intimidation upon which a conspiracy could possibly have been based. lie offers to prove that the charges of violence, upon which the vote of Felicina parishes was thrown out, were strictly true. Io his letter to the Committee he asks that Messrs. Hale, Garfield, Dan ford, Harry White and Kelley, of the visiting statesmen, be called and allowed to state their knowledge of the proceed ings obtained by personal visits to the parishes where the troubles are known to exist. General White visited the parishes of Ouachita and Vernon, and convinced himself beyond a doubt that the fraud and violence used was a fact so well established, that women grew pale, and men lowtred their voices when speaking of it. General White made a map of the parishes, and des ignated each locality where the worst abuses aad atrocities had been prac ticed. This map, with a description of the cruelties, was afterwaids pub lished in the New York Graphic of ;D4wary 22d, 77. With tbe conclusive evidence al ready before the public of these out--.oa; with tbe living proof of the errors of tba last election, walking ;r streets in the person of Mrs. Chis- oiui; with the testimony of men of uudoubted truth and justice; men ..ho, like General White, convinced himself by personal investigation of the truth of the charges, and canio away with tbe blood burning with in dignation in his veins, the Potter 'ommittee with an impudence unpar ' led, reply, "We decline to go iuto Mestion of iutimidation," yet they a to insult Secretary Sherman, and give him no opportunity for de nial. It is easy enoutrh to understand why the Democratic lenders should be unwilling to enter into the investia tioa of the management of Democratic victories in Louisiana. Ther have re vived the dispute, not we, and they must not plead any excuses for declin ing to make the investigation they have invited. We want men like White in the Forty-Sixth Congress, for it will be of greater importance to the interests and prosperity of the country than any since the first Continental Congrsss. Men with clear, decisive judgment, and the experience of the Forty-Fifth Congress will be invaluable to the success of the ext in its members. Whig Hill Letter. Whig Hill, July 13, 1878. Ed. Re ublican: Thinking that a few words from this point might not be uninteresting, we venture to "take our pen in hand and let you know that we are (generally) all well." The swish of the mowing machine and click of the scythe whetstone tell us that hay harvest has begun. The hay crop is good. Wheat promises a good yield here, although considerably hurt by tbe late frosts. The warm weather of the last two weeks has done much to improve the prospect lor corn. Oats promise a heavy yield. Considerable buckwheat has been sown. Potato bugs are plentiful. Squirrels. red, striped and black, are numerous. and a source of much annoyance to the farmers. Messrs. Geo. Klin'stiver and Ed. De- woody have taken the contract to "stump" the Newtown and Hickory road trora JNewtown to near the Hick ory township line, and the Tionesta and Ualltown road from the Green township line to tbe top of Ross Run Hill, and are now busily engaged thereat. The 103d annual scream of "the Fierce Gray Bird" is a thing of the past, yet it lingereth a sound of pleas ure in our memory. The S. 8. CVU. bration here was a nice, enjoyable af lair. Music, vocal by the Whig Hill S. S., and martial, charmed the ear ; handsome ladies pleased the e'ye and made glad the heart; rallant erentle men upheld the dignity of tho time and place ; eatables, pleasing to tho eye and gratifying to the palate, were in abundance; while the patriotism evoked by the speakers, and which found vent in snapping torpedoes, ex ploding fire-craskers.and the loud roar of the cannon, was kept at a proper temperature by tho cooline lemonade. Beaver Valley S. S. was in full atten dance, and delegations from German Hill, Ro3s Run, Newtown, Lacytown, Minister and Hickory, were also pres ent The exercises on the ground were Opening prayer, by Rev. Rhodes : read ing of the Declaration of Independence, by R. Z. Gillespie; Oration of the Day, by W. E. Lathy, Esq.; S. S. Ad- aress by Kev. Khodes ; and Oration bv u. i. uuiard. The Orator of the Day was inter rupted in the delivery of his very able production by a premature call to din ner, caused by the 6torray appearance oi the heavens ; the threatened storm going around, he concluded his oration alter dinner. Rev. Stone and "y pedazoeua" of Whig Hill school, "did" a branch of thebalinon the other day; the Rev.'s count was 102. A good Sunday School is in opera- lion Here ; last babbath the attend ance was eighty. Nothing Moke. Our Fluid Extract of Smart Weed Is as good, if not better and strong- er, man any bmart Weed now before , o the public, and put up in a larger bot tle holding full four ounces. We have sold it for years over our coun ters with a steady increasing demand every year. For Colds, Sprains, Bruis es, Cuts, bore Throat, Lungs and Chest, it is invaluable. Price 50 cents per bottle. Prepared by E. K. Thompson, whole- sale druggist, Titusville, Pa. Sold by G. W. Bovard, Tionesta. Pa. IK 9t For Sale, or To Let on a long lease for improvement, or will be exchanged for Philadelphia property : the quarter-acre lot on Elm street adjoining the Court House. Is eligible for building purposes. Ap ply to S. D. Irwin, Esq., Tionesta, Pa. Try Kankel'e Perfumes lor the handkeichief. For sale at BovardV Fm Mm riiubornti Lotdiir, tUnth tl. m ) "I Must Lie Down and Die." Tho following Is an extract from a letter dated July 21, 1877, to the discoverer of Hcmcsua water, ine wr'tox is the Rev. T. R. Fuller. D. D.. D. C. L.. Roctor of SL Gregory's Church, Toronto, Archdeacon of oi in lagara, etc., etc. The writer, at tho age of 60 years was a victim of Saccharine Diabetes. Ills physician said (to use Dr. Fulloa's words) "ho could do no moro for mo than ho had done j that my disoaso was Incurable, and that 1 must lie down and die" I We should state here, en parenthe sis, that our townsman, Joseph Fleming, Esq., is tho sole and only authorized a;cnt for this wondorful water for this State, as well as for Ohio and West Virginia. To return to Dr. Fuller: "In four days," ho writes, "after taking the Wator, I obtained rellof, and since that timo I have taken no niodicino, consulted no medical man, and presume, if I could give myself reasonable rest, i woum be quit well." CI 1- i . . oucn lesumonr, irom bucIj a source should indeed have convincing weight. Solo agent for Pennsylvania. Ohio and West Virginia. JOSEPH FLEMIXO, . 84 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Send for Pamphlets and Certificates. mailed free. Prick per gallon. 50c : per ono-fonrth barrel, 4.00; half barrel. Sij.OO: barrels. 516.00. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from nrac tico, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the for- muia oi a simple vegetable remedy, for the speedy and permanent cure for consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asth ma, and all throat and Inner affections. also a positive and radical cm re for nervous debility and all nervous com- piainis, niter uaving tested its wonder ful curative powers in thnua.mria f cases, has felt it his duty to make it Known io ins sunenng tellows. Actu ated by this motive, and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send, Iree ot charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, wilh full directions for prepar ing and using, in German, French, or ii.ngw8n. eeni oy mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W.,W. Sherar, 149 Powers' Block, Rochester, 14-eow-lv - j K. F. Kunkel'8 Bitter Wine of Iron. E. F. Knnkel's poloVtratn T;tt,. H7s.. - ........ . . . . I . 1 1 U of Iron will eflnotiinlW m isunl. plaint. Jaundice, dyspepsia, chronic or ner- "-" uomiHj', uurumc aiarrnuea, disease or the kidneys and all diseases arising from a disordered liver, stomach or intestines, fiuch as constipation, flatulence, inward pues, ruiiness or blood to the head, acidity of the stomach, nausea, heartburn, disgust for food, fullnesa or weight in the stom ach, sore eructations, sinking or fluttering at the pit of the stomach, swimming of the head, hurried or difficult breathing, flut tering at the heart, choking or suffocating sensation when in a lying posture, dim noss of vision, dots or webs before tho sight, dull pain in the head, doticioncy of perspiratiou, yellowness of the skin and eyes, pain in the side, back, head, chest, limbs, etc., sudden flushes of heat, burn ing iu tho flesh, constant imaginings of evil and great depression of spirits. Price $1 per bottle. Beware of counterfeits. Do not let your druggist palm oil' some other preparation of iron he may say it is aa good, but ask for Kunkol's Bitter Wine of Iron. Take no other. Kunkol's Bitter V Ine of Iron is not sold in bulk only iu ?1 bottles. E. F. Kunkel, Proprietor, No. 259 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa Sold by all druggists. Tape Worm Removed Alive. . Head and all complete, in two hours. No foe till head passes. Seat, Pin and Stomach Worms removed by Dr. Kunkel, 259 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Send for circular, For removing Seat, Pin or Stomach Worms call on your druggist and ask for a bottle of Kunkel's Worm Syrup, prico $1. It never lails. Common sense teaches if Tape Worm be removod, all other wormo can bo readily removed. E. F. Kunkel'S Lustra! & JR. V. TTnnVaVn Shampoo for the Hair. Thfl rtouf. nnrl .. n ll.i. THAn..:H - - - ' ' - " vi ninin xiail l-ri email g and Hair Cleaner iu the world. They re move dandruff, allav irritation, isrvithn unH cool the heated scalp, prevent tho hair from fallinsr oft", and nrnmoie thn nrnuith m yuiv nuuri umo. m ney preserve ana ....... . : " .1 ii- . ui-aunijc inn jifur, ana render ic soit ana glossy. They impart a brilliancy and a silkv armcnrancA lr hrairi nnrl u-irv upl and, as a hair dressing, they are unrivall- . ...wl .1.. i i . . . . Dii,ciiuiiuiuntmiiuruu mm prevent uulu ness. Tho shampoo cleans tho Hair, re moves CrenHft. Ucnrf it.'liimr crm.iUn ----- l-t T - 1 - I V. 7. Cures headache produced by heat and fa- num;. rvuim'ia miaiupoo ana liUMtral reatoro Hair to a natural and glossy color, robtoro faded, dry, Harsh and wiry hair. Prico per bottle $1. Ask vour UrugKist for them, or send io E. F. 'Kunkel. i'ro- Drietor. No. 2.rifl Vrrth NT inrh Mfrm.t i,ii ftdelphia, Pa. 18-5m SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE of a writ of Vendi. Ex. issued Ollt Of thn I'juirt rf 'm. Pleas of Forest floimtv ami ) ed, there will bo exposed to sale by public wuw-i v, Miuoioun ijouho, in tho borough of I ionesta, on MONDAY .IIII.V W A r iotq at 10 o'clock A. M.,thefoll'owingdescribed Mrs. T. L. Davis vs. B. C Scott, Vendi. Ex. No. 11. Sentnml A Thompson. A certain piece -r parcel of land beinir tho north nnrl inn nf i Sheleston, Jr., in Harmony Township, Forest County, Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by laifd owned by Isaac Jones ou the west by the Preacher Road, on the South bv l.lllilM of Pliilli - ...... .....l!,, ic, wll east by lands formerly owned by Daniel Scott, containing forty-live acres more or less, being tho same tract conveyed bv J amea Sheleston tnthnsniH Pnlvin on the lirst day of April, A. D. 1871, and recoruou in uoea Jiook Six, pages 387 and 388, and being about 25 acres cleared and Under feUCO. mill Kinnll turn.utr..r V... dwelling house, about 20x18 feet. laKeu in execution and to be sold as the property of B. C. Scott, at the suit of Mrs. I. L. Davis. Terms cash. JUSTTSSIfAWlfRV mi,o,!flr Sheriff's Oflico, Tionesta, Pa., July 2, ls78. TIONESTA HOUSE; O E. McCRAY, Lessee. Situated at the v mouth of Tiontihta Creek, Tionesta, lu. This lifluse hau been thoroughly re- public patronago is respectfully solicited. TOR WORK of all kinds done at this of t nee on hm-( Exocutrix's Notice T ETTEPiS TERTEMENTARY on tho wme oi joseim Aiiender, lato ot Har mony Township, Forest Co.. Pa., deceasod. having been granted to the undersigned. u persons indectert to said estate aro re quested to make Immediate payment, and those lmvmir nlnima nfrnitiat. t lia Dnmn ...111 present them, properly authenticated, for nvint ll It'll I . ELIZABETH ALLENDEIt. Executrix. Stowart's Run, Pa., July 16, 1878. FINANCIAT-.STATEMF.NTof tho Road Commissioners of Howe Township, Forest County, Pa. Tax of 1870, In Com'rs hands $ 374.05 Tax levied for 1877 $1981.34 Ain't roo'd from Com'rs by Treas. 1372.02 R91.42 691.42 Soatod lands ret'd to Co. Com'rs 39.00 Total duo from Co. Com'rs Ip'Ni-Treas. (IrAlinm'a hnmlg 1004.63 1172.92 2377.43 Twp. orders outstanding to May 20, 1877 Twp. orders outstanding to 772.84 Jan. 1, 1878 .1 :14.10 3988.00 By Bal. iei0.6.i 3988.00 39S3.00 To Bal. 1610.55 Edward REEr, 1 . ... A. Dekt, j Auditors. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE of writs of Lev. Fa. and Fi. Fa. Issued out of tho Court of Com mon Pleas of Forest county and to me di rected, there will bo exposed to Bale by iuuiiu venuue or oiuery, at the I olirt llouso, in tho borough of Tloneata, on MONDAY, AUGUST 6. A. D. 1878. at 10 O'clock, a. m.. thn follnu'lnnr lru..r!K. cd roal estate, to-wit t Tl. J. Raid. FTintir nf P n Tl.n.. deceased, vs. Ieonard Agnew, Levari Fa cias No. 13. Spnt. Torni ln.-u Those pieces of land situate In Tionesta jiorougn, roresi county, Pennsylvania, that is to sar. Lots No. 4 nnrl ft in c as per survey and plot of Tionesta Bor ough ny Samuel D. Irwin, Surveyor, des- wiua , xciiiiiiiiK ' posi on J-Jim Street, eornor nf T.nt.a A nnrl 9 n-KUl, I. tr.a , - - - nuivji 1 ju northerly of the corner of Elm and Helen Street, thence bv Elm Htrpni. north . io. Lgreca east 104 feet to post on Elm Street, inenco oy lino ot iot o north 83 degrees west 105 feet to a post, thenco south 12 de grees west 104 feet to post corner of Lot 3, thence south 82 degrees east 106 tcct to the place of beginning. Containing one-half acre, be the same more or less ; being erected thereon one two-story board houso Taken In execution and to be sold as tho property of Leonard Agnew, at tho suit of B. J. Roid, Executor of P. D. Thomas, deceased. ALSO, Win. Melchoir vs. Henry Galbarith, N. B. Galbarith, J. M. Galbarith and G. C. Vincont, Fieri Facias No. 14, Sept. Term, 1878. Jonks A Clark. All tho defendants' interest in and to tho following real estate in Green Towuship, Forest Countv, Penn sylvania, bounded and described as fol lows, to-wit : Beginning at the northwest corner of Warrant No. 6133, south 40J de cpreen ennt. Ail nirflin. iw.ri. .171. east um perches, north 401 degrees west " iuicu3. huuui j aegrees west 690 perches to place of beginning. Containing . "v. inuuomm acres una allowance, togeth er with tho hereditaments and appurto nances. Taken in in execution and to bo sold as Galbarith, J. M. Galbarith and G. 0. Vin tirni., 111 uiu ouit 01 yv in. Aicicnolr. AT.SJrt AV. V.. TiH-thv for nan ra I?. T., Fieri Facias No. 10 Sept. Term, 1878. La thy & Agnew. All that certain piece or I'mvui m mini muiaie in itartuony Town 8lip' Y?6st 9ountviPennsylvania, bound - - . . -j . t - -, .11 i' I. aju- Tinntnirnn tlio A lUi.Kn.... i . i i of Vandertrntt un said mvap north iWni 03 perches to lands owned by J. L. Han- iimi, lucnce wesiauout 03 perches to a pilo ' """'"i inenco suuiu oa percnes 10 joues rilll H IJlie Or amiiaft T Ii Anrta rlnmn on ill . , - ..r ..uw v. j .. nttiu run about 03 nerebns to thn ulaponr ning. Containing twenty-flve acres, more or less j being erected thereon two two btory dwelling houses, oach about 28x35 fee', and two small stables. Taken in AIAriltinn nnrl ts h,a lanl.l nu IK- " " ' ' Diiu qn E. Lathy for use. Terms e-Asli. JUKTIS SHAWKEY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. TionosU, Pa., July 17, 1878. Administratrix's Notice. INSTATE OF PALMER STEPHENS, DECEASED. Letters of administra tion on ine estate of l'aliner Stephens, late of Burnett Tnwnsliin d'Apwt cn i. a ceasod, having been granted to the under- oiiidu, nn pcimuis inueuiea to saia estate are reauested to niulrn immruiintia r.n.r ment, and thoso having claims against tho namu win present mem, properly ant en ticuted for settlement, to Lathy Aovew. Attorneys for Administratrix, at Tiot.esta, Pa. ELLEN REYXOLDS, Administratrix. Tionesta, Pa., Juno 7, 1878. 12-tit Awarued Uie Highest Medal at Vienna E. & H. T. AifHONY t CO., 691 Broadwav, New York. (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) Manufacturers, Importers A Dealers In C1IROMOS AND FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, Albums, Graphoseopes, and Suita ble Views. PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. We aro iTcndnnnrtom for,. l the way of HTEHEtJPTICONS and MAG- 10 IjASS liltiSS, being manufacturers of the 'Micro-Scientific Lantern, rstereo-i'anopticon, University Stereoptir.on, Advertisers Storeopticon, Artopticon School Lantern, Fainilv Lantern, PEOPLE'S LANTERN. Each Btyle being the best of iU class in the market. ..Mi,vv.,la yuut'O, WILLI directions fo? usiug, sent on application. Any enterprising man can make money with a Magic Lantern. ifr-Cut out this advertisement for rf- crence.-Q- S55 Agents. $10 P. O. Vick- 18-n 'HVI Outfit Free. ery, Augunta, Me. ENTERPRISE GUN WORKS-ESTABLISHED 1848. JAMES BO WN & SON, MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN GMSJIFLEu, MOOTS, FISDIM TACKLB. ALSO, MANUFACTURERS OF STEEL AND IRON RIFLE AND SHOT GUN. BARRELS, And onr ('rlrhrntd KENTUCKY RIFLE, Which hat been the llUXTER'S VIIIDE fpr over SO Yearn. C I-I I JLi Ij IE ID SHOT! IMPORTANT TO OUIl SPORTING FRIENDS: We have just received" a supply of Tnihnm A llrodicrw Superior Olilllod Nhol, which is pronounced by competent judges to be tho IJEST M ADK SIIOTIN THE WOULD. We have all sizes from No. t up to No. IO. Also HOfJ AltDUS XSU PAINK'S NP11I(4 TI1.1PN. A FULL STOCK OF ROUGH BALLS AND BALLS FILLED WITH FEATHERS. Bend for Illustrated Catalogue and Prioe LiBt to JAMES BOWN Sc SON, 50-6 HYDE, SI-IA.TTXJCK Ss CO., MANUFACTURERS OF BREECH-LOADING SHOT GUNS, Revolvers and Pistols, Gun Implements, etc. Extra Ileiivy GritnM For Long Ilniiffo n. Hpoolulij-. Cut thia out and Rend for Cat aloanin and Price-List, enclosing 3 cent atamp, 49-Sm. ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT? CHEMICAL PAINT. ' Ready Ibr mo la Wait, aad ovr Oao Hnndml different Colors mmla of rh4 ly pure White Lead, Zino and Linseed Oil, Chemically combined, warranted kimu handsomer and cheaper, and to last Twice om Long as any other Paint. It haa takau' theFinSTPRrTMIUMS at twenty of the Slate Talrs of the Union, and la on Many Tlionsand of the ilnest houses in the country. Address: ZIXjILjIEIR, BKOTHERS, SAMPLE CAED SEKT TfiEE. FOE SALE BY ROBINSON GOODYEAR'S RUBBER GOODS OF EVERY DES0EIPTI0N, Wholesale aad Retail. Handsome "K3veflhle'' Coat?12.00. Oth er stylos, fci..r)) to $ii.(K). In ordering coat give height and chest measure over vest. Caps, Capes, Levins, Gun Covers, nnd Waterproof Goods of all kinds. I-Hdioa' Nurs-ry Aprons. $1.75. Childreu'a Bibs and Diapers, Mcts. Crib Sheets, handsomely finished, $1.00 $1.25. bv mail. Hcd Sheets, handsomely finished, full size. $4.50 by mail. Ladies' Rubber Gloves for Housework, vj.irueninjf, ana reopening and Whiten ing the hands; and a euro for S;ilt Rheum and Chapped Hands. Ladies' Short, $1.25. Gauntlets $1.50. Nursery Sheeting, Hot Water Dottles. Lite Tl . t . r 1 i 1 tioci vers, vir noHomn. etc.. eic. Novelties of all kindsKor comfort and con vemonce or ladioa, worthy their attention. .?V?72J--Goodyeak'8 Manual, illustratod, j'Kf i vuiuauie iniormation, or in terest to every 0110, on receipt of address and stamp. Goods Buitablo to all purposes. Snecial umi'ius 10 oraer. Anything under 4 pounds, by mail. Beet Goods at Lowest New York Price. AGENTS WANTED. Brooklyn Depot Goodyear'. Rubier Goods, Manufacturers and Dealers. Wholeula and TL.tll Address T. C. THORNE, Manager, 211 Fulton Street, Brooklyn. N. Y. .0. Box. J 4j.3bi ADVERTISERS send 25 cents to Goo. P. Rowell it (Vi 41 l'ni l- !.... Tvr v for their Eighty-page Pamphlet, showing rMNlT)XcVtKJ,oat,y executed at the RE 1 PUBLICAN Oilic sous Can't bo made by every agent ev- iij iuuiiu, m me business we urnish. 1 1 nt llinu.i v. ii 1 i.,.. ,..1. ' " ' " 1 "o iw ui tv CRtl :iKllv i.uiii u .1......... day right 111 tlioir own localities. Have no room to explain here. 11 lluinnuu .1 ...... and honorable. Women and l.,v ....i L'irls 1I0 ilm wi'll ns mini v ...ill . .. i -. ' in turiiiu you a complete Uutlit tree. The business uiw:i uwtii tiiiyuung ejse. We will bear expense of starting you. Particulars free. V rite and see. Farmers and me chanics, their sons and (laughters, und all (Irkhm in npftil n iifivin.. ...... i- ..I i 1 : , " . rJ"'H ul uoine, should write to us and learn all about the work at once. Now w iha ;.., 1 delay. Address 'lruo A Co.. Aiitriist-i. Maine, -i 13G & 133 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. HATFIELD, Hampshire Co., Mass. 20, 31, f 33 St. Clair Street, CLEVELAND, OHIO. & BONNER, TIONESTA, PA. Allegheny Valley Rail Road, -an n- Pittsburgh, Titusville dc Buffalo Railroad. o ,N AND AFTER Mnnday.J,,,,. 17, 1S78, triiiiio ...til ...... .... r ......... nui iuii un KIIIOWS; STATIONS North w Na. I X.. a ard. So. 4 Southward N. 1 Na. t H. t a 111 P m p in pm pill 1U 8:05 2:55 :00 6:55 1:40 6:00 6:20 12:58 4:55 5:10 11:47 ftSS 5:20 11:31 3:15 4:45 0:55 2:05 4:20 10:30 1:85 3:33 9:42 12: 2:52 9:02 11:33 2:30 8:25 10:55 . 2:11 2:02 10:27 1:41 10:07 1:03 9:29 12:25 8:50 10:53 7:; 8:30 4:50 1:45 8:15 8:35 1:21 7:50 8:10 12:40 7:10 7:35 11:25 :2. p. 111 Pittsburuh 8:50 2:301 8:40 W Pen June 10:00 4:00 Kittauning R. B k June Brady Bend 10:;W 11:18 4:43 5:35 5:40 11:4; 1:0.- 11:33 1:40 2:48 1 arker Emlenton ScruV)grass Franklin Oil City Oleopoiis Eagle Rock Tionesta Tldiouto Irvineton Falconers Butl'alo 12:10 12:52 1:33 6:2.' 7:10 :ir 4:3'. 5:37 7:54 8:35 2:08 2:30 2:4 0:05 i:30 7:13 2:58 3:17 3:54 7:21 7:43 8:22 0:00 10:30 4:30 6:57 8:25 1:05 0:50 7:15 Oil City 2:ia Pot. Centre 3:10 Titusvillo 8:50 Corry 5:05 p. m 0:10 9:45 10:20 'Ven'l Passenger if- Ticket Agent. THE PARKER GUN. J SEMO STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfS WEST MERIDEN.CT. li-r. Clii-iwt. Sloiulay, TREACHER of Vocal and Instrumental J- Music, will give lessons on the Piano. Organ and Violin. Term , . . . 1 MiUsliieUon Kuarantoed V"?""1 Frank ItobbiiiM. PHOTOGRAPHER, of the oil regions lor sale or taken to or- Ub'l, CENTRE STREET, near R, . cr0Haillf.. SYCAMOREKTREET v.c-lr V.T it ( pJi.iWCily, Pa. -