u WEDNESDAY MORNIM, MAY 22, 1878. BOROUGH OFFICERS. JiurffcaitVf. It. Dunn. . LtouncilmnnA. 11. Kelly, G. W. Bovnrd. T. A. Proper, W. It. Reck, Win. Richards, Si. I'oronmn, Jutticen of the reaceD. 8. Knoi, C. A. Randnll. Conittabley-II. Swnggnrt School JHrcctnrii-. 11. May, IT. O. Da vto, O. W. Robinson, T. J. VaiiGloson, 1). W. t'lork, W. It. Dunn. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. TVAttfotf . JittlnA T. TV Wbtwahb. Aociat Judges 3 . O. Dalk, Ed- Trea.mror Wm. LawRKNCE. Prothonotary, ttcgixtcr t Recorder, Ac W fr nv Sheriff" JUHTia RrtAWKKY CommitninnrrsVtlA. Uicni.lJI, ISAAC Low, John Hkck. County Supcrinletulcnt 11. S. BnocK- Vf AT. JMstrirt Attorney R. P. Inwi. ' Jury Commi nxioncrs Lyman Cook, P. V. Mr.RCiM.ioTT. County Surveyor T. D. Colmnn. fj'on'r W. O. Couvrn. County Auditor Niciiot.as TnoMP-f-oi. J. it. Nkim,, H. A. ZuKNnm.i,. Member of Conyrr.M Hauht White. Assembly I. li. Aonkw. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TIONESTA LODGE I. O. of O. F. SI, It. it Tir.MT ovnrv Friday evcnlntr. nt 7 ill o'clock, hi tho Hull formerly occupied y J. K. BLAINE, N. n. O. W. SAWYKIl, Soc'y. 27-tf. E. L. Davis, k TTORNEY AT LAW. Tionesta. Pa. I. Collections made la this and adjoin Hig counties. 40-ly MILEH AV. TATK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JSl,nStrct, TIONESTA, PA. W. K. tATlt Y. J. B. AONKW. LATHY .V AGNEAV, ATTOltXEYS AT LAW, TIONESTA, PA. ATTENTION HOMMKRH! I have boon admitted to practice as an Attorney in tho Pension Olllco at wasn ington, 1. C. All officers, soldiers, or tailors who wero InjurriMn the lato war, ran nblain nnnHlons to which thev may ! entitled, hy eallinx on or addressing; me nt TloneHU,Pa. Mho, . t-lainiH for troro .t t anil l.rtmitir will rnfft vft lirmimL &L I ".T J I tontion llavinir neen vor tonr vrars a HOKiipr in the l ite war, aii(l having ior a nuinhor of years outfall in th prosecution of sol- aiers claimi, my expoiienco will aMiiro . j .I! f the collection of claims in tlie, suoriesi poH- ailile time. J. 1$. AONKW. 41tf. F. V. Hays, ' K TTOltNKY AT LAW, ami Notary fY l'cni.io. Hcvnoldn Hnkill A Oo.'h Itlock, one-a St., Oil City, Ta. 39-ly Lawrence House, niONKSTA. l'EKX'A. WNf. liAW- Itl'.NCK. l'BoriUKioR. nonsn Ik centrally located. Kvorythinu; new and well furnished Hunorior Rccommotia lioiiH and strict attention jriven to Kiiestf Venetabloi and I'rnits of all kind served some 10 or 11 years, died of diphthe InoiTi AiV Him,,le r0m f COm" r''a. on Thursday last, 16th inst. A CENTRAL HOUSE, "nONNKIl AONKW I5I.OCK. I,. 13 Aonew. Pronviotor. This i a new Mowne, and has j ust heen fitted up for the accommodation of tho public. - A portion of tho patmnAgo of the public In solicited. 4U-iy , j. 10 , IHjAI1?I?, si. i., tionesta, ya. Okkior Hours :7 toO a. m., 7 to' 9 v. m. Woclnosdnyn ami tsaturoays nom 11 .ft. .... v v - .... I A Xf tt ! 1 u I W. C COBURN, M. D. "I31IYSICIAN A SURGEON offers his A services to tho peopin or forest vn. Having had an oxporienco of Twelve Years in constant practice. Dr. Coburn burn inak.es a specially of tho treatment oi Nasal, Throat, Liing and nil other -hrm,ie or iinirnrinff diseases. HavfYiit Investigated all scientilic mctliod of eur- tvsums. ho will guarantoo relief or U euro in all cases whore a euro is possible. No i ii.nH..A fH c.uiunKiiliiui All ffVM u-ill nn I rtasonablo. Professional visit mado at s!iu'mm)v1Ietrtcr?!4la d,sUlU00 viin cou" Oft. co and Kosidenco second builUmg oelow the Court House, Tionosta, Pa. Of- tice days Wednesdays and Saturdaya. li)tl II. 11. MAY. A- B. KKLLY. , MA Y, VA11K e CO.,, Corner of Elm it WalnutSts. Tionesta. Bank of Discount and Deposit. Interest allowed on Time Deposits Collections madoonaU thoPrineipal point, of tho U. S, Collections soiioited. 18-ly. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Ki.M HTKKKT, SOUTH OP ROBINSON & BONNER'S STORE. Tionesta, Pa.K M. CARPENTER, - - - Proprietor, " . rieturcs taken in all tho latcht styles thojart. W-"- re LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Council Meeting, Members of the Boro Council will please remember that a meeting will be licld at the Commissioners' Office on Saturday evening next, at half-past seven o'clock. Ilcv. W. O. Allen will preach in the M. E. Church next Sunday, morn ing and evening. Services to com mence promptly at 11 oclock A. m. and 7 P. M. Gen. Harry White our present Congressman, is to-day announced as wuumaw vvi-fc., Republican usacrcs. ' J. II. Church, I'jsq., ot Hickory TcwnshiPj is to day announced as a candidate for Jury Commissioner, sub ject to Republican asages. Mr. John Ileatb, of Jenks Town ship is to-day announced as a candi date for Jury Commissioner, subject to Republican usages. -Mr. Wm. Richards has the main part of his house up and the roof on. When fiuiehed it will be a very sub stantial and desirablo property. Mr. John Reck has had his house newly painted, and ha3 put outside shutters on the windows thcreef, which jne 8arae adds materially to the looks and valuo of the property Pettingill's Newspaper Directory, the most complete work ou this sub iect vet issued, has been sent us. It should be in the hands of every news paper mau and every extensive adver tiser. Mr. Robinson is finishing up his wood and coal houso in good shape, and is treating his residence to a com pleto now coat of Miller Brothors' Chemical Paint undoubtedly a good article. Dr. J. E. Blaine, of Tionesta, and Maj. Jno. Woodcock, of Neilltown.aro announced in last week's Press as can didates for the Democratic nomination for State Senate. Among the nomeious arrivals in town, we notice that W. W.Mason ' -ff P 1 -C il.t- Jlaq., oi XiUeuuurg, juriuerjjr .01 iio , . .. . 11. 1 place IS attending court, lie looks wel aud is warmly greeted by all his ' . 1 i- V wiu iiiciiua uuu uicuw Ia talking with our farmer friends wo learn that the fruit crop is not so badly injured as was at first feared It is now thought we will have a half or two-thirds of a crop. Half a loaf is belter than none. The wheat, we be lijve, is not injured materially. Dr. Coburn informs us that a sen of Mrs. Tatterson, of Whig Hill, aged little girl, snter of tho deceased, also hai the same malady, but we believe she is recovering. ' Dr. Towlcr, who lias recently been operating about MarienviUe, is in town this week, and talks of resuming ope rations in that neighborhood shortly. Verily, the Doctor bath more than i j j i. rr..:.u mubiiu-wu ' ""'"1 8atid ruunetu not out ; he smejietn tne . . . ..... . 1 l' I 1. 1. h, K.a wiana Oil alar uu. uiiu iiu oiitiixcbij uo iu u u and crieth ha 1 ha ! All sorts of weather has been ex peri enced iu this latitude for the last week, and on goiug out for a day 1 ride it has beeu a question whether to . , i l.f-r nr a (luster On take along au ulster nr a uusier. un JJonday the weather was oppressively warm, and in tho evening we had liar.l shower, coniouslv interspersed with thunder and lightning. Yester day was quite moderate, and to-day well, we 11 tell you more about it next , w A young man who occupied tbe position of book-keeper of tho First National Bank of Warren ia a defaul ter in some 2,000. He embarked in one of these "cheap" printing oiDces, in Warren, and came out at the small end of the bom. "We know of other establishments that are doing printing tor much less than tney can uuy sta tionery and pay rents. However, if they and their creditors can stand it we will try to. Davy Hilands shipped 500 pigeons to New York this morning, the first that have beeu shipped from this sta tion for some time. The trappers are l . t ii now operating uear lirooKston ana al so about Kane, and altogether the pigions get no rest at all. It is a won der that there are any left for seed. Representative Agnew informs us that the game law, as amended this session, will probably prevent uou-resideuts from trapping in this State hereafter. Ladies' and Children's Linen Suits at tho Acomb Building. Fntr Wn riling! Next week's paper is the last issue n which to start an announcement, to give it three full weeks previous to the primaries, as required by the Crawford County System. So, therefore, nil ye that are willing to serve your coun try, please take due notice, and send in the names, offices desired, and and tbo particulars, Ac, Ac., Sc., previous to next Wednesday, the 29th inst. The- Derrick has come out square y against the Republican fctate ticket Truly this is a strange reward for the 1 1 l. O Herculean enens pui lorui uy oenaior btone, who is now on the ticket, to get the rreo Pipe and Ajiti-Discrimination bills through the Legislature. Abe votes on these bills all show a majori ty of the Republicans of each House n favor of the bills. The Houso vote on the Anti-Discrimination bill was as follows: For the bill, Republicans, 48; Democrats, 17 ; ngainst the bill, Republicans 34 ; Democrats, 32. Out side of Philadelphia only six Repub- icans voted against the bill. In the Senato the Democratic Lieutenant- Governor, Latta, killed for the session the Free Pipe bill which had passed .1 t- it; tt I j I me xicpuoncan nouse, uy a oecimon that, a similar Ull having failed to pass the benate this session, the House bill could not be considered. Of courso it will help matters materially if, with the aid of the producers, the outspokeu opponents of these bills get into office. We are under obligations to D. W. Clark, Jr., for complimentary tick ets to a home entertainment, to be given at the -Grandin Opera House, Tidioute, Pa., on Friday evening next, for the benefit of the Hunter Hose. On that occasion the drama entitled "Don Ctesar De Bazan," will be given, to conclude witn tho jaugnaoie larce, "ins i,ast i.ega." ine cnaracters are taken by home talent, and the enter- tainme"bt will undoubtedly be a very enjoyable occasion. We hope the Hunter Hose will have a goodly sum deposited to their credit aa the result of the entertainment. Prices of ad mission, 50, 35 and 25 cents. Peterson's Magazine for June is on our table In advance, more than main taining its well-earned reputation of being the best and cheapest of the la dies' books. The principal embellish nient is a splendid steel engraving, "Tbe Freshet," illustrating a powerful story by Emma Garrison Jones. Then there is a double-size colored steel fash- iun nlata. with fivfl fin-urea ? a lar. sized pattern for a tidy in crochet : and about fifty wood engravings of fooK Atia Hi. lapna fnP hn "YVnflr ' . . . . . ..... . . ble," etc. Besides all this, there is a Supplement, containing two full-size patterns, one for a boy's suit," tbe oth er for a lady's mantle : this Supple ment alone is worth the price of the number. Peterson still keeps up its reputation for giving the best of sto ries. all original. "The Orohans of Oldham," the principal of five novelets published this year, i3, perhaps, the 4 best ever written by its accomplished r-. o ou.. -vr No family ought to do without this mag- azine. It is only two dollars a year, postage free, aud so is within the means of every one. To clubs it is cheaper still, with a premium to the person getting up the club. Now is a good time to subscribe, as a new volume be gins with the July niirubof. Speci mens sent, gratis, to tho persons wish ing to get up clubs, or to subscribe. Address Chns. J. Peterson, COG Chest- nut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SA3I i. BItOWN & CO Still dispense Dry Goods at the Acomb Building, and would inform tbe pooplo of Iionesta and vicinity that the prices ore much less than they quality much better than is generally found in the ordinary country Dry Good3 stores. Call and see us at onco nA .a mill looa,,r In B,All,:nfT , , r " you turougn tne block, au gooas warranted as represented or money re- funded. XOTICIS Is hereby given of the loss of Cer tificate No. 82 to eight shares of Ex change National Bank Stock, issued in tho name of Mrs. Rachel Lewis, now deo'd, and dated March 9th, 18C0. ftaia Lertincate is Denevea to nave r. . . i. .....It v.. been destroyed by fire, at Tionesta, Pa., April 9th, 1877, and application has been naade to the bank for tho issue of a new Certificate to the undersigned. Mrs. II. M. L. DmnuuuK, 59 Ct Admx. Notice to Tax-Payers. The subscriber will be at tho fol lowing named placestffor the purpose of receiving Taxes for the year 1878. Those paying before August 1st, are are entitled to an abatement of 5 per cent. BAUNETT TOWN&IIIP. Monday, June 17, Cooksburg, 10 to 12 A. M. Monday, June 17, Clarington, 3 to 6 r. M. JENK8 TOWNSritP. Tuesday, June 18th, Marien Post Office 1 to 6 r. m, IIARMONY TOAVSSHIP. Monday, June 24. Store, L I. Range, tf) t,u 12, a. m. Tuesday, June 25, Trunkc5 ville, 10 A. M. HICKORY TOWTs'SniP. Wednesday, June 26, Store, T. J. Bowman, 10 A. M. KINGSLKY TOWNSHIP. Thursday, June 27, Store, Wheeler, Duscnbury A Co., 10 A. M. GREEN TOWNSHIP. Friday, June 28, L. Arner's Hotel. TIONESTA TOWNSHIP fc BORO. Saturday, June 29th, Treasurer's Office. HOWE TOWNSHIP, Monday, July 1st, Brooks' Store, Brnokston Those liable for Mercantile License for 137s will save $1.00 by paying be- foro jur jst ,1878 Wm. Lawp.ence, - County Treasurer. May. 22, 1878. Sam Q. Brown A Co. have a hand- come line of Ladies' aud Children's Linen Suits, at tbe Acomb Building. Fop Sale. Thirty acres of good land, tho upper part of the Waldo Farm, on Stewart's R Venango Co., will be sold cheap for cash A , to W. Richards, tf. Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa See the new Linen Suits at S. Q. Brown A Co.'s in the Acomb Buil ding. Kunkel's "Des Fleur De Alpes," a delicious perfume for the handker chief. Price 75 cts. per bottle. Do not waste your money on "cheap" perfumery ; the best is tbe cheapest. For sale at Bovard's. tf. Large and Small Clover Seed, Timothy Seed and Lanireth's Garden Seeds, at Robinson A Bonner's. 50 4 Ivunkel s "ranume ue rans, me plcasantest and most delightful per extant, for sale at Bovaro s I I J: T R r r a K,,(iU hlfl ID ril-t. I TIUW I U PCI UULUC. iuio 10 uv cheap, ecenteu trumpery, but isastan dard and lasting article. tf. Try Kunkel'g Perfumes lor the handketchief. For sale at Bovard o For Sale, or To Let on a long lease for improvement, or 1 -ii i . i j tu:i.jii.:- wm ue UUB . ..ucip.. Property : the quarter-acre lot on Mm I . , !. vyuik i::v.i i , T ply to S. D. I ply to S. D. Irwin, Esq., Tionesta, Pa. ---If you want a good article, buy Kunkel's Perfumes for the .handker chief. For sale at Bovard's. tf. FEUVEKT WORDS. 1 A GOOD WOMAN'S TESTIMONY. Under date of February 22d, 1878, Miss Sara T. Smith writes from Linwopd, Del aware county, Pa., to Col. Dunbar, of Wau kesha, Wis. Thd letter is before us. It bears the unmistakable evidences of cul- ture and refinement, besides being per- vaded with tho writer's religious feelings ana iun ueiiei mat a uivmu nuiiu icu uvi to try Bothesda water for her aflliction, "Bright's disease." We make some ex tracts. After detailing her intense suflbr lngS( Miss smith tolls of tho arrival of tho first gallon of Bethesda water t cme, and I followed tho directions, stopping axi uuier meuiciuut in iraa tunu that night and the noxt day Ujt vxy room for the first time for our weeks." The supply of water (1 gallou) then gavo out, and it was Ave days before tho suffor or received a 10 gallou keg. Meanwhilo, ..the pain had returned and all the old mis ery. On Wednesday night (February 13), I suffered so that I was given I of a grain of morphia (tho most I ever took atone time) without effect. On Thursday I com incucod drinking tho water at 8 a. M., and before noon was perfectly free from pain, and had no return of it." The writer, in conclusion, says : ''There la something peculiarly happy in tho thoughtof being thus benefitted directly 1,V7 (ha limnl nfCoil " 1.J Kin a.-nnt for Peimsvivauia. Ohio and West Virginia. JOSEPH FLEMING, 84 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa Send for Pamphlots and Certificates, ui ailed froe. I'kick per gallon, f0c j per one-fourth barrel, $1.00; iiuir barm, frs.uu ; barrels, SflO.OO. MARRIED. MAKK1IAM V A I) Kit. At East Hick ory, Pa., on Hatnrdny, May 11, 187K, by C II. Church, KHq.Mr. Oeo. Markham, of (Mean, N. Y., and Mi.ss Georgia Vader of Hickory Township. CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY, By Robinson A Bonner, Dealers in General Merchandise. . Flour barrel ... 5t.75i7.V Flour sack, best ... l.po Iluckwhoat Flour, per cwt. - 3.003..1d Corn Meal, 100 lbs - - 1.00(51.75 Chop feod, pure grain - - 1.451.60 Hye j bushol ... 75 Oata New bushel - -45 Corn, ear - - - - - 35(5-10 Beans p. bushel - 2.00(3.00 Ham, sugar cured. . - - PQll Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured - - 10 Shoulders ..... 70i8 Whiteilsh, half-barrels ... fi.00 Lake herrins half-barrels - - 3.75 Sugar - 0(11 Syrup ....... 75 1.00 N. O. Molasses now Roast Rio Coffeo Rio CofTeo, JayaCotfoo Tea ... Butter ... Rico ... Eggs, fresh Salt Lard - - - Iron, common bar Nails, lOd, keg -Potatoes Lime $ bbl. Dried Apples per lb Dried Beef - 50 75 25 Q)28 - 20(3)26 35 .40(590 - 15 10 1012 1.902.00 121 - 3.00 3.00 40(3 50 - 1.75 - 8&10 17C418 TIONESTA HOUSE.' "I 13. McCR AY. Lessee. Situated at the moulh of Tionesta Creek. Tionesta, Pa. This houso has been thoroughly re litted and refurnished, and a portion of tho public patronage is respectfully solicited. TIDldUTE SHAVING SALOON. i T. II. BARNES, Proprietor. S HAVING, Hair-Cutting, Shampooing and every thing in the Tonsorial Art done with neatness and dospatch. Also a first-class stock of CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Between Mabie & Hunter's and the Post OlUee, Tidioute, Pa. S3 ly WILLIAM READ & SONS, 13 FANEUIL HALL SQR., BOSTOX, - - MASS., Agents for W. Sc C. SCOTT & SON'S BREECH-LOADERS!! Used by Capt. Bogardus (who has shot one of these guns over 30,000 times and still uses it in all his matches), Miles Johnson and the principal shots and clubs, We have also brought out the Rest $50 I5reeoli-r.oaler of favorite Ton-Snap Action ever shown in the market. Other qualities at $35 and 1J40. 5j-isonl for Circulars ana Joists or sec ond hand Guns. 38-Gm II. J. TINKER & CO. OIL CITY", PA. WHOLESALE & RETAIL Dealers in EC J ID -W Ji. JEZ, E , Oil Woll Supplies, i. e. Tubing, Casing, Sucker Rods, Working Barrels, Valves, tc, Brass C Steam Fittings, Belt ing, Laca Leather, Casing, Jic, Iron, Xalls, Wieel, Hope, Oakum, Are. We make a SPECIALTY of ono-and-a- quarter-ineh Tubing and Steel ltods lor Small Wells. ' II. G. TINKER & CO., Oil City, Pa. NEBRASKAGRIST MILL. TMIE GRIST MILL at Nebraska (Lacy L town,) Forest county, has been thr ouirhlv overhauled and refitted in first class order, and is now running and doing all kinds of CUSTOM GUixnixci FLOUR. FEED, AND OATS Constuntly onhand, and sold at the very lowest ngures. -6m H. W. LKDEBURy mi s not easily earned In theso times but it can be male iu thrco months nv an v oiio of either sex. in anv !artof tho country who is willjng to work uteodily at the employment that wo fur nish. $t'ii per week in your own town. You need not bo away from homo over night. You can give your whole time t tlio. work or only your spuro moments. It costs nothing to'try the business. Term mid $o Outfit free. Address at onco. H, Hallkit Co., P ortland, Maino. 4t-ly MEADVILLE, - - PENN'A., TAXIDERMISTS. BIRDS and Animals stutfed and mount ed to order. Artificial Eyes kept ia stock. J-ly Aim-ric.iM GILMOUE f- CO., SiKvvHors t. man, lionmor it Co., Solicitor. Pat procured in nil countries. No Fees in o vnnce. No charges utilc life tiatetit i" anted. No lees for itiMking prelimina ry examinations. iNo additional recs for obtaining and conducting a rehearing. By a recent, decision of tlie Commissioner Ai.t. rejected iipplicntious may be revivod, Special attention given to Interl'crenco Castes before tlio Patent OtTice, Extensions beforo (!ongress, Infringement Suits in uilierent States, and all litigation nppcr- laining to inventions or 1'atonts. tsend Ptamp to Gilmorc A Co.. for pamphlet of nitty pages. f-aiul f p.seM, Warrants mid Mri. Contested Lend Cases prosecnted before the U. S. General Iand Ollice and Ilepart ment of tho Intirior. Private Iind Claims, Mining and Pre-emption Claim'-, and Homestead Cases attended to. Land Scrip in 40, M), and 100 acre pieces for sale. This Scrip Is assignable, and can bo located in the name of the purchaser upon any Gov ernment land subject to private entry, at $1.25 por Here. It in of equal value with Bounty Land Warrants. Send stamp to (Jilmore & Co., for pamphlet of Instruc tion. Arrears or Fay fc ISoimly. Officers; Soldiers, and Sailors f the lata war, or their heirs, are in many eases en titled to money from the Government of which they h'avo no knowledge.- Write full history of service, and state amount of pay and bounty received. Lnelose stamp to Gilmortt & Co., and a full reply, alter examination, will bo given you tree. Pensions. All Officers, Soldiers, and Sailors woun ded, ruptured, or injured in tho lato war, however slightly, can obtain a pension by addressing Gilmore .V Co. Cases prosecuted by Gilnimo & fYi. be foro tho Supreme I'mnt of tho United States, tho Court of Claims, undthfl South ern Claims Commission. Each department of our business is con ducted in a separate bureau, under clvarga of tho same experienced parties employed by tho old firm. Attention to all business entrusted to (iilmore Co, is thus so ured. We desire to win success by de serving it. Address GILMORE & CO., C20 F Street, Washington, D. C. 41tf SQUARE GRAND PIANOS etailedat Who lesalo Prices. 600forS230. S6SOforS300. S700 fOr300 S800for330. THE "MENDELSSOHN" PIANO CO. i. 7E STRUCK 1IARI) PA3J PItlCKS. Only One Price for Cash, and a low one. NO DEVIATION. We give no discounts. Wo pay no agents' commissions, which double tho prices of all Pianos. We look to the People, who want a first- . class Piano at a fair profit over cost of manufacture. We appoint the People our agents, and give them our Pianos as lovr. as any agent can buy equally good Pianos j of any other manufacturer, giving tho People, in a reducod price, what Is usually expended in commissions, rent, freight, traveling and incidental exponses. Tho "Medeisohn" Piano Co. can sell you a 7i octave rosewood case Piano, 6 feet 10 inches long, with front round corners, carved legs, serpentine and plinth mould ings, with improvements, including Full Iron Frame, Over Strung Buss, , A'gralfo Treble, and French Grand Action, which only accompany the best Pianos of the most celebrated makers, at the very low price of $250, 275 or f 'M0, according to stylo of case, or with four round cor ners and full agraffo for $.'if0, and guaran tee them in every respect equal to an Piano matte of similar stvio, or no sale. Tho "Mendelssohn Piano is manufac tured from tho very best materials, an.: by the most skilled and finished work men. Tne manuiacturo is conducted i; one of the most experienced Piano mam. facturers in tho country. This is no nrv enterprine, turning out a poor and che;' piano, mado from green wood, and I Krocner mechanics. i Our Piano is unsurpassed by any in t: market for its rich and powerful toii. and its adaptation to the human voicn sympathetic, mellow and singing qualiti. It speaks for itself. We are willing to place it beside m other make of Piano on its merits, eitl in boauty of case, or excellence of t" and "nt half tho money" of equally g instruments. "Tho best the cheapest" When it costs the lent money. All Pianos full v warranted for fivoyc;' Sond for our Illustrated and Pe'sr:'. tive Circular. The "Mendelssohn" Piano Co.. Oflleo of Manufactory, id BBOADWAY, N. REMINGTON, Breech-Loading Doublo-Barrel curj. Weight, H to 82 pounds : length of ba 8 and 30 in. 10 and 1 gauge. Price, Hlecl barrel, 9 15 Tw Ui barrel, h l.aiMlnulid barrt-U, !75 lauiOM'un burrelit, 85. Tho best ever oif vcd tho Anivi sportsman, combiiiii:;; all the mut alile features of the best imported, Uy er with Bomo valuable imirovi incnt found in any ether Top Ltsver, teuai tion, t'ontro" Fire. For Hale bv the tarde everywhere. ntUcturcd by 10. ltEMINGTO.N A S( iiHl and Broadway, New York. P. Box, 3tm4. Armory, lllioii, N. V. Cm ; out and Bend for Ilmstbateu Va koui'K and Treatise on lti'U Buoot. 24-3IU. CCC a week in your own town. T. DD and i outfit free. II. HAM A CO., Portland, Maine. JOlt WOltK of all kinds done lico on bhort notice.