The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 01, 1878, Image 4

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Wu $vxtti tmhfcm.
mm)n .noimxn, mx i, m.
bohougii officers.
Ilurpe. W. R. Th'NN.
(yuvcilitien--, B. Kelly, O. W. Boverd,
.T. A. Proper, W. R. Rock, Win. Richards,
K. S. Foreman.
.lnaliern of the, l' tcc I). S. Knox, C. A.
(Jtinstoldr 1 r. Hwaggart
,'hnttt lhrrrlr.lU. 11. May, IT. O. Pa
ris, G. W. Robinson, T. J. Va'ntJloson, l.
W. Clark, W. H. Dunn.
, . g-
yir'ixs Judyc Jn. O. Dai.k, Ed
(N'AHl) Ktr.n.
'J'resu rov- W m . T , A w n r; . c k.
I'mtmnntttry, lletjiier Sr. llceordcr, ifrc.
J. W. Ct.Ainc.
O" iionrra Kia II Kit MX, IsAAC
I.O- f ItKfMC.
Superintendent II. 8. Urtocic-
JH.nlricI Attorney H. D. InwiN.
.; (Vm iiimiers JjYMan Cook, 1.
V. M icitt II.MOTT.
(iuitty Htirre yor T. P. Col.I-V".
f Vwirv W. O. Cnm'iiN.
Oj tinty A vdilvm Nirnor.AH TiiOMr
((. J. il. Nru.T,, II. A. Zi:kkdt?t,t..
Memhc.rnf lintre--1 1 a khy Wiiiti:.
Atteittl)lyJ. B. Aonkw.
No. .309,
I. O. of O.
MEETS evory Friday evening, t 7
o'clock, !i t'liollnll formerly occupied
1y tho Good Templars.
J. E. BLAINE, n.g.
"G. W. SAWYHll, Kee'y. 27 -tf.
K. L, Davis,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tionesta, Pa.
Collections iriiijo in this and adjoin
JiiW fou ntioH. , -10-ly
KUnStrcoi, ' TIONESTA, TA,
W. K. I.ATNV. J. 11. AON'UW.
AT T O 11 X K 1' S A T , A W ,
I havo been admitted to practice an
Attorney in Mio Pension Ollleo at Wash
ington, ' D. J. All olficcrs, soldier, or
sailors who were injured in tlio lato war,
can obtain ponuions to which they may ho
-vntUlcd, hv calling on or addressing mo at
'I loiifiMtrt, I'a. Also, claims for arrearages
f pay mid bounty will rceelvo prompt at
tention. .
1 In vitii? ln over four years a soldier in
the 1 ito war, and having for a number of
years endued in Ilia provocation of aol
(iieis' cla:iiiH, my expei-leneo will nnfliro
th eolleetlon of elaims in the shortest poh
Kiblo tiiin. ' J. 1R AWSKW.
v F.W.Hays,
a ti'okx:y at law,
;V Pi'Ul.lfi, Heynohls llukill
lllix-k, hi-nuea Mt., Oil City, Pa.
I.awren,ca Housr,
Thil housn
is eeni riil! v he;l.)d. Everything new and
well I'lirnifhed Superior aeconiniod.i
tiins Miid siri.-t -MU ution ivrn to ieKt.
Vt-uetablivs iMd Fruits of all kinds nerved
in their sens in. Sainplo room fur Coi:l
iikm ehd ccnt-'.
HON'N'KH V AliNEV.' V,Lt,K. 'L.
AtiNi-.. Proprietor, This is a new
ii'iilse, and has just. been fitted U for the
re.viintiKMtatiKii ot ine puhiie. . a portion
of Ibe piitro:ifi'j,i! of tho public ia solieiUnl
Okkii r. IIouks : 7 b. !l a. m., 7 to 0 v
WednesV'rH and Saturdays from il
A. M. to i r. M.
W. C. COBUKN, M. D.,
l")Il YSIt'IAI'I .V. SURGEON oIV.ih his
I iir ires to the people cf Eolst Co.
Hiiviuu had an e.vpoi'ieueo oi Twelve
Yeats i:l e'MHUar.t' iniu tiee. Dr. Coburn
uiiai aiilec:s to uive satisfaction. Dr. Co
burn makes a ap-viaUy of tho tivatnient
o! Nasal, Throat, Liiuy; a:id all other
'hiMiiie. or linuarin-f Ulsoascs. JIhviii
iiiM!ti;ralc-d nil seienlilio methods of cur
itiu- diaesise and Heb.vled tho Rood lVoill all
Kv'sleiii';. he will iriiarauteo relief or nemo
in all i.vuh s vlie:e u curj is possible. io
.'hnrv,e for Consultation. All foes will bo
i easoiuible. Professional vit-ita niado at
at 1 1 hours. Parties at a distance ean con
villi him hv 1. tt.T.
Ollice and Pesideneo Koeoml liiiildint
oclow tho Court 1 louse. Thmesta, Pa. Ot
tieo ilays V'dnesdays uud Saturdays. 2ntf
H. H. aiV. A. B. fcKLUY.
MA r, VAliK e CO.,
Corner of Elm fe Walnut Sts. Tionesta.
Bank of Discount and Deposit.
Interest allowed on Timo Deposits.
Collections madoonall thoPrineipal points
of tho U. S.
Collection!) solicited.
Tionosta, Pa.,
M. CARPENTER, - - - Proprietor.
ri - lii.' .I.: vi -.V-J
. ' ' ' tri"... iir ?
Picturostakcu in nil tho latent styles
theit. 'M-if
ITkiims. Our terms foraiinnuneements
aro'Bs follows! Conurpsn, iiO.t S(ninlo,
P).; Aa'einhly. Jill.; Prnthonotnry i;
Hhoriir, fOH.j (!on'irniHMioner, ".; Co. Super
lntei)drnt, f-".! Auditor Jury Coinmis
sionec tl. Primary election tickets extra.
No fuimi'veemenl. will ojweur itnexx the.
eoxh. neeoinponir Hie. inline. This rule will
not bo broken in favor of anybody.
Wo are authorized to announco DK. W.
C, COBL'P.N, of Tionestn lioro, nsaeandi-
lato for As.seiubly, Kiihjout to Kepubliean
Wo aro nn(horled to announco S. C.
POUl'K, of Oreen Townidiip, as ft candi
date for Assembly, subject to Kepubl'ean
Vo urn aulhori.ed to nnnonneo E. L.
TAV1S, of Tionesta Itorouifh as a eimdi-
dato for AsMcmbly, subject to Kepubliean
We are anthevlzed to announce N. P.
WIIEELEU, of lliekry 'lownshlp, as a
enudidato fi'i1 Assembly, subject to Ke-
puljlieail Usages.
AVo aro authorized t) announco W. It.
COON, of Cl;ir)ni?fori, as a eandid.ito for
Assembly, mibioct to tho usages of ilic
Uepublicuti party.
P 1 1 OT 1 1 ON OT A Ii Y, vo.
Wo aro au(horied Ia annnnnrn T. J.
VAN (ilESEN, of Tionosta P.oro as a can
didato for Prothonotary, Bcplster ami Ko
eorder and Clerk of tho Courts, subject to
F.cpublicrtii usages.
Vo aro authorized to announco JUST1S
S1IAWKEY, of Tionesta Borough aft a
candidate for Prolhonot.iry, llenister and
Iteermlcr, and Clerk of the Courts, subject
to Kcpuhiicsui usages.
Wn aro auHiorized to announco W. W.
THOMAS, of Oreon Township, as ft ean
dkhito for Slieriil', bubjeet to llopublioan
Wo aro 8utlioriod to announco C. A.
HAN DA LE, of Tionosta lioro, as a candi
date for Sheriff, subject to Republican
Wo are authorized to announco II. S.
BKOCKWA Y, of Tionesta Boro., as ac.nn
ilidato for tho oflico of Superintendent of
Schools of Forest County, at tho Conven
tion or School Directors, to no iieul in Ti
onesta, on Tuesday, May 7, 1S78.
We aro authorized to announco B. I.
McCLUKK, of llowo Township, as a can
didate, for tho oillco of Superintendent ot
School: of Forest County, at tho Conven
tion of School Directors, to be held in Tjo
nosia, on Tuesday, May 7, 1878.
We aro authorized to announco D. (1.
111,'NTER, of TionesU Township, us a
candidate lor County Commissioner, sub
ject to Republican usages.
Wo aro authorized to nnnonneo ELI
HOLEMAN, of Tionesta Township, as a
crndKlato lor Comity Commissioner, sub
joet to Republican usages.
We aro authorized to announco JO'IN
KECK, of Tionosta Boro, as a candidate
lor ( 'ounty Commissioner, subject to r.e
I : I m an usages.
We are authorized to announce S. J.
ZENTS. i Burnett Township, as a candi
date for County Commissioner, subject to
Kepubliean usatrev.
Wo are authorized to announco II. W.
LEDKBUR, of (Jreen Township, asa ?an
didato for County Commissioner, subject
to Republican images.
Wo aro authorized to announco WM.
PATTERSON, of Kinsley Township, us
a cunilidato for Jury Commissioner, sub
ject to Republican usages.
Kev. Elliot will preach in tho
PiCfjhytot iaii Church, on Sunday uext,
morning ami evening. Sabbath School
at 3 o'clock p. m.
Mr. l'A Iloleman, of Tiuncsta
Township, iu to-day announced as a
candidate for County Commissioner,
subject to llt-puhlican usages.
Mr. D. G. Hunter, of Tionesta
Tvp., is to-day announced as a candi
date for County Commissioner, subject
to Republican usages.
Mr. Win. r&tUrsou, of Kingcdey
Township, Is to duy Birnounced as a
candidate for Jury Commissioner, sub
ject to Republican usages.
Mr, Alex. Gordon, of Elkhart,
lnd., and 0. W. Dithridge, of Pitts
burgh, are in town, to-day, both look
iug ketiity.
Through traios from TJnflalo to
Pittfcburgh will copiinence running
over tho P. T. it B. II. Ii. on tbo 15th
We noticed Dr. J.Gordon Carna
clan, of the First Presbyterian Church
of Meadville, in town yesterday, hav
ing a visit with Rev. Elliot.
D.ivy Ililanda came in from Lhe
forests yesterday with ninety dozen
live pigeons, and starts out to-day for
some more. Tho lot brought in can
be saen at tho Central House barn.
Titusville and Franklin National
Banks are now paying out gold, for
their notes. It occurs to us like this
kind of work might knocktho breath
out of tho Greenback party.
Some of our young men were up
at Hickory last Sunday, witnessing a
general baptism of tlio converts of the
Free Methodist Church of East Hick
ory. They were eleven in number,
and were immersed in tho Allegheny
River, by tho pastor.
As last winter was ono of the
mildest on record, for many years, we
have also the most forward spring
within the memory of the oldest inhab
itant. If we are not visited by severe
1 frosts this spring, wo may look for good
crops of all kinds in the fall.
a'Kjr.oN shoot.
Mr. L. Ague.w desires us to inform
tho public that ho will have a grand
pigeon shoot in Tionesta, on Thursday
of next week, May Olh and 10th. lie
has threo thousand lively pigeons on
hands, and sportsmen can bo assured
ef havirg all they want to 6hcot at.
Tho shoot will bo under tho direction
of . sonic experienced person, and ev
erything wiil be douo according to the
moat approved rules.
We have had lots of rain and nn
abundance of water in tho creek and
river since our Inst issue, and if all the
lumber is not out it must bo tho fault
of the lumbermen. At any rate, a
large amount has come out, and tho
greater part, if not all of it, has gone
dowu the river. Our town looks lonc
eomo duriDg these floods, because all
of our able-bodied citizens, young and
old, go down the river if they can pos
sibly get away. Wo aro not informed
as to how lumber is selling below.
An ordinanco passed by the Boro
Council on last Monday eveniug, pro
scribing tho method of building new
sidewalks, is published in to day's pa
per. TIih ordinance was pas.icd after
getting the opinion of many of our
best and most practical men on the
subject, all of whom were agreed that
rthe plan prescribed was the best that
could be recommended for our town.
The remarks of Gen. Harry White
in Congress, on tho River and Ilmbor
Appropriation bill tako up so much
of our space to-day that we have not
very much left for loca affairs. How
ever, wo consider the remarks good
reading master, and a perusal of them
will convince any of our. readers that
Gen. White U capable of taking care
of the interests of his district.
Tho Paris Exposition opens to
day. If wo aro missed from these busy
haunts of our usefulness in tbo couiee
of a few day?, don't look for U3 on this
stdo of the water, that would be labor
iu vain ; just go across tho river and
look un some of those little trout
streams, you'll find us engaged in an
exposition of angle-worms to the gaze
of tho trout.
The attention of our free and eu-
lighteced voters is called to tho fact
that not a candidate for County Audi
tor ia announced in cither party. This
i3 really an important office, and three
good business men and good account
auts should bo chosen. Don't bo back
ward, gentlemen ; thero is still room
Tho Superior Mills, across tho
creek, aro in full blast, under the
watchful rye of Win. Richards, who is
bossing tho job. The lumber is being
sawed, wo believe, for Messrs May &
Kelly. During the high water of the
past week a large number of logs have
been floated into tho boom.. .
' In tho East matters look more
like war than they hava sinco the Brit
ish lion began to roar. Bismark has
ceased to mediate, and tho business cir
cles of England aro clamoring for war.
Money gained by pushing a war upon
tho people would look very much like
"blood monev."
School Directors' Convention.
To the School Directors of Forest County:
Gkntlemen: In pursuance of the
forty-third section of the act of May,
1854, youire hereby notiGed to meet
in convention, at tho Court Houso in
Tionesta on tho first Tuesday in May,
A. D. 1878, being tho 7th day of the
month, at one o'clock in the afternoon,
and select viva voce, by a majority of
the whole number of directors present,
one person of literary and BcientiSc
acquirements and of skill4nd experi
ence in tho art of teaching, as county
superintendent, for three succeeding
years ; determine the amount of com
pensation for tho same ; and certify
the result to the Stato Superintendent,
at Ilarrisburg, as requirod by tho
thirty-ninth and fortieth sections of
said act. II. S. Bkockway,
Co. Superintendent of Forest County.
Tmnesta, March 27, 1878. 4r.
Teachers' Examinations.
The Teachers' Examination" in tlio
several school dUlricU will tako place
tTis spring as follows :
Newtown Mills, Tuesday, April 23d.
Nebraska, Thursday, " 25th.
Neillsburg, Friday, " 215th.
E. Hickory, Saturday, 27th.
Marienville, Tuesday, " 30tu.
Clarington, Thursday, May 2d.
Tionesta, Saturday, " 4th.
Teachers for certificates aro expected
to comosupplied with writing-paper
and pencil, us tho examinations w ill
be principally written.
If au applicant is under IS year3 of
ago it is held to bo sufficient cause for
withholding a certificate.
Directors and citizens aro respect
fully invited to bo present.
Examinations will commence at 9
o'clock A. jr. II. S. Buockway,
March 25, 1878. Co. Supt.
IVolicc U. H. B siliiinJ-BScvc-nuc
8;ecial Taxes.
Under tho Revised f'-tatutcs of the
United States, Sections 3232, 3237,
3238, and 3238, and 3139, every per
son engaged in any buniricss, avocation,
or employment, which renders him lia
ble to a special tax, is required to jro-
euro and place and keep conzpie.uoushj
in hit establishment or place of bimiicw
a stamp denoting the payment of s&id
special tax for tiie special-tax year be
ginning May 1, 187$. Section 3224,
Revised Statutes, designates who aro
liable to special tax. A return, as
prescribed on Form 11, is also required
by law of every person liable to special
tax as abovo. Severe penalties aro pre
scribed for non-compliance with the
foregoing requirements, or for contin
uing in busiuess after April 30, '1878,
without payment of tax.
Application should bo made to
James C. Brown, Collector of Internal
Revenue, at Greenville, Pa. 4t
Bethosda Water ! Bcthesda Water !
Tlie flieht Wonderful Dlncovrry lhe World
IlnnKver Known It In a t'crinbi Cure for
All Kidney IM.ieawcs.
For tho benefit of those similarly afflict
ed, I hereby certify that, about thorniddlo
of October, I had a violent attack of an af
fection of tho kidney, having all the symp
toms of gravql. Tlio pain at times vis
oxcrutiating, so that lifo would havo been
a burden had I found no relief. I triod
several remedies recommended by an old
and skillful physician, withotit'any bene
fit whatever. After . suffering two weeks
a lricnd brought mo a gallon of Bethesda
Water, sold by Mr. Joseph Fleming, Mar
ket street and tho Diamond, Pittsburgh,
and beforo I had used tlio peeond gallon 1
was entirely cured, and havo not had a
symptom of tho disease sinco. I helievo
this water is a sovereign remedy for all
diseases of the kidneys, including tlio hith
erto incurablo disease, diabetes. By writ
ing to Mr. Fleming ho will send Iy mail,
freo, printed circulars.
Kev. W?isi.EY Smith,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Solo Agent for Pennsylvania, JOSEPH
FLEMING, 84 Market street, Pittsburgh.
Price per gallon, CO cents ; per ono-fourth
barrel, 1.00; half barrel, $8.00; barrels,
SHSX'0. .
Send for pamphlets, mailed frea on ap
plication, to JOSEPH FLEMING,
8 t Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
EH F. Kunkol'3 Bitter Wins of Iron.
E. F. Kunkel's colobratod Bitter Wino
of Iron will effectually cuio liver com
plaint, lanndice, (tvspensm, chronic or ner
vous debility, chronio diarrluea, disoaseof
tho kidneys and all diseases arising from
a disordered liver, stomach or intestines,
ueh as constipation, llatulcnce, inward
piles, fullness of blood to the head, acidity
brtho stomach, nausea, heartburn, disgust
lor food, fullness or weight in tho stom
ach, soro oruetations, Kinking ortluttsring
at tho pit of the stomach, swimmingof tho
head, hurried or dillicult breathing, Mut
tering at the heart, choking or suffocating
sensation when in a lying posture, dim
ness of vision, dots or webs beforo tho
sight, dull pain in tlio head, deficiency of
perspiration, yellowness of tho skin 'and
eyes, pain in tho side, back, head, chest,
linil.s, etc., Huddcn Hushes of heat, burn
ing in tho llesh, constant imaginings of
evil and great depression of spirits. Price
1 per bottle. Beware of countertHts. Do
not lot your druggist palm off' sumo other
preparation of iron ho may say it is as
good, but ask for Kunkel's Bitter Wiuo
of Iron. Tako no other. Kunkel's Bitter
Wino of Iron is not sold in bulk only in
il bottles. E. F. Kunkel, Proprietor! No.
25!) North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Sold by all druggists.
Tape Worm Removed Alive.
Head and all coniplote, in two hours.
No foo till head passes. Seat, Pin and
Stomach Worms removed by Dr. Kunkel,
2"i'J North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Send for circular, For removing Seat,
Pin or Stomach Worms call on your
druggist and ask for a bottlo of Kunkel's
Woini Syrup, prico $1. It never fails.
Common senso teachos if Tapo Worm bo
removed, all other worms can bo readily
E. F. Kunkel's Lustral & E. F. Kunkel's
Shampoo for the Hair.
Tho best and cheapest Hair Drossing
and Hair Cleaner in tlio world. They re
movo dandrutf, allay irritation, soothe and
cool tho heated sculp, prevent tho hair
from falling oil", and promote tlio growth
in a very short timo. They preserve and
beautify tho Hair, and render it soft and
glossy. They impart a brilliancy and u
silky appearanco to braid and wiry Hair,
and, as a hair dressing, they are unrivall
ed ; eradicate dandrutl and prevent bald
ness. The shampoo cleans tho Hair, re
moves grease, scurf, itching, eruption.
Cures headacho produced by heat and fa
tigue. Kunkel'H Shampoo and Lustral
restore Hair to a natural and glossy cohjr,
restore faded, dry, harsh and wiry hair.
Price per bottlo $1. Asic your druggist
for them, or send to E. F. "Kunkel, Pro
prietor, No. 2o'J North Ninth Street Phil
adelphia, I'a. 18-lim
Licenso Applications.
rpil E following named persons havo filed
J- their petitions for License and tho
Kiiino will bo presented to our Court of
Quarter Sessions of May Term, 1878:
C. E. McOray, Hotel, Tionesta Boro.
John Woodcock " Neilltown.
D. S.Knox " Tionesta Boro.
William Toy " Fagundas.
John Peterson, Eating House, Trunkey
vilhi. D. W. CLA UK, Clerk (. S.
Tionesta, I'a , Apr. 27, Jt78.
CE. Mcf'KAY, Lessee. Situated at tho
mouth of Tionesta Creek, Tionesta,
Pa. This house has been thoroughly re
fitted and refurnished, and a portion iff tho
public patronage is respectfully bolkitod.
The Cheapest!
Having just returned from New
York with a large stock of
The following Prices of a few arti
cles will be a guide, as to Low Prices,
for all : "
Best Prints, 5 and 6 cts per yard.
Huslins, 3i cts per yard and vp.
Crash Toweling, He per yd. & vp.
Coats' AfoClark'8 Thread 5 cts spool.
Good Knitting Cotton 5c a ball; 6 for 25c.
Desters Best Knitting Cotton 7c. ball.
Dress Goods 7 i cts per yard and up
Embroideries 2 cts per yard and vp,
a Nico Lino of thorn and Cheap.
Ladies' & Children's IIoscQe pair & up.
Lace Edges 2 cts per yard, & upward,
Ribbons of all Colors ami Styles,
Cheaper than over beforo.
Colored Torchon Laces & Embroiddries,
a very fino assortment.
Euchings of all Kinds.
Ties, Kid Gloves, Lace Stripe riqucs.
riqucs in Plain White and Colored
I have bought theso goods to Sell, and
1 assure every customer that no
where in this region w ill they
get lower prices than at
my store, for
Call and he Convinced of Vrhat I say.
Orders Taken and Goods Sent fpr
andocoiveid in tne snortosx
Possible Time.
I hero express my thanks to tho pub
lic for their Liberal patronage in the
past, and hopo by fair dealing to merit
a continuance of tbo same.
Ij. Iu ISmniesIioUz,
oppo&ito People's Savings Bank,
TiiioiJrri:, iw.
i Fokkst Co., Pa i
No. Tr. Yr.
1 Seldcn Whitman vh. J. y,
II. Ileifinger, et al admis 15 Doc. 70
2 John B. Carr vs. J. W. ( 'arson :;7 S"p. "(1
: The Superior Lumber Com
pany vs. T. .1. VanOie-en
et at 0 May 77
1 Deriekon it Co. vs. Thomp-
moii iv Cenroo 07 Dee. 7i5
William l:ii-h:u-'!"on Vs. Ihir-
motiy Towie'.Mp 1? Dee. 71
0 Constantino Doherty T Har- '
mony Township" l'j Dee. 71
7 Wm. Jones for iimi; vh. Har
mony Township 20 Dec. 71
8 Ceo. Morgan vs. .). O. Boot 31 May 70
! James Carl vs. J. F. Over
lander fil Sep. 77
10 John D. Hunt vs. The Comi
ty ol' i'uri t 02 Sep. 77
11 Catherine N"'tl(.f:t al vs. P.
Day and l.lrnry Swawirt 37 Sep. 77
12 J. P.. Agii"v 1( r liso v-. S. II.
1 1 unlet (17 Sep. 77
2 y Jonmfa ii. Sill, widow, et al
vs. rs. J I. Ha U tetel S Dee. 7a
II William B. (on vs. J'.obert
McCloskev Dec. 77
15 Helen S. Thoinan vs. John A.
Proper et al 3 Sen. 77
lii Daniel S. Knox vs. A. II.
Partrhlgo et al 10 Feb. 7
17 Dericksou t Co. vs. Samuol
Clark 20 Feb. 7S
13 May, Park ct Co. vs. Freo-
man it Corbet 10 Sen. 77
H) Jacob Cosper vs. Win. A. G il-
lord cY, Wito 0 Dec. 77
20 F. W. Ellsworth vs. Leonard
Airncwctnl 42 Dec. 77
21 Robinson Bonner vs. Ja.-t.
M. McKav 13 Feb. 78
22 Jacob F. Overlander vs. J. B.
Murphy A J. W. Murphy 1 1 Feb. 78
23 J. II. Jones v-. Frank Barr 5 May 78
21 Hugh M. Boli v. John lie-
soir et al 0 Feb. 78
25 Cha.s. Slarrow vs. Ell '".cr'in 80 Sep. 7(1
Jacolj l. Ain:ror 1 riir.'ee Vi
vs. Joshua Dout;!a.''H et al
Terrii Tenants ' 10 Dee. 77
D. W. CLARK, Prothonotary.
April 22, 1S7.S.
Whkreas, The Hon. L. D. Wetmore,
President Judiro of tlio Court of Com
mon Pleas and Quartor Sessions in and for
tho county of Forest, has issued his pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas
Quarter Sessions, Ve., at 1 lonesta, lor
the County of Forest, to commence on tho
third Al outlay ot JSlav next, being the
20th day of May 1878. Notice is thercforo
given to tho Coroner, Justices of tho 1'eaeo
and Constables of said county, that thev bo'
th'-n and there in their proper persons at
ten o clock, A. AL, ot said day, with their
record., inquisitions examinations and
other remembrances, to do thosu things
which to their appertain to be) done,
and to thoso vh are bound in recognizance
to prosecute aaahist the prisoners that aro
or shall be in the jail of Potest County, that
they be then and 'l iter. present to prosecute '
against them as shad bo just. Given un
der mv hand and seal A. D. 1878.
JL'sSTlS SHAWKEY, Sheriff.
Agents for
Used by Capt. Bogardus (who has shot
one of theso guns over 30,0')0 times and
still uses it in all his matches), Miles'
Johnson and the principal shots and clubs.
Wo havo also brought out tho.;
Jlcnt i,ZQ 15reec3s-IiOalcr
of favorito Top-Snap Action ever shown!
in tho market. Other qualities at $35 and
T-SfMid for Circulars and Lists of sec
ond hand Guns. 38-Cni
You Can Save Money
By buying your PIANOS and ORGANS
from tho undersigned Manufacturers'
Agent, lot tho best brands in tho market.
Instruments shipped direct from tho Fac
tory. CHAN. A. SHCLT., Tuner,
ly Lock box 17 IU. Oil Cy, Pa
SHAVING, Hair-Cutting, Shampooing
and every thing in th.i 1'onsorlal An
dono with neatness and despatch.
Also a first-class stock of
Between Mabio & Hunter's and tho Tost
Oilice, Tidioute, I'a. S3 ly
Brooch-Loading Double-Barrelled
. GUr-tL
Weight, si to 8? pounds : lemrt'i of barrel,
2s and 80 in. 10 ami 12 gauge.
l'rit-c, Slct l Inrrcls,!.! 15 ; Twist burn-Is, t'tiO I
l.uuiiiialcil Imrrt'lM, 7 5j l)ani.i'H
liurrclM, K..
The best ever offered tho American
sportsman, combining a! I tl.o most desir
able features of the best Impoi ted, togeth
er wi'h some valuable iiiiirovenients not
found in any other Top Lever, Snap Ac
tion, Centre b ire.
For sale bv the (aide everywhere. Man
ufactured by E. BE.MINGTON cV. SONS,
281 Hnd 2K3 Broadway. New York. P. '.
Box, !l!'.'l. Armory, lllion, N. Y. Cutth.
out and send for 1 i.i.vstkatki) Cm.-.
Miiii i: and Treatise on Klil.K (Snooii
JOB WOl!K of all kinds done at
lico on short notice.
f WW,- ;