The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 17, 1878, Image 4

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Eatern ami Middle States.
IWorn a comml'tan of tlin ronnavWania
Laxinlatiire vyoint(nt to tnvotiKte the Tittn
linrh railroad riots, H. A. Amnion, of Titt,
btirRli, who vrn at tho hoart of the Trainmnn'i
Uuioii atthetimn of the Rtrika, tontified that
the citizen offered tho atrikor arms to roaint
the troop two prominent citizon having of
fered a hnndrt'd aland of arm earn j one of
thfKe citir.ena wont to see him at Allegheny,
told him that ho hoped the men would atatid
for their rights, and promtaed them arma and
The steam chimney of tho Hudson river
teamer Maifenta exploded two milei below
r!,,!K,Bl"K' N- Y nd tx0 raJsenRera were
ki'led ontriRht, two were fatally scaldod and
several other, received serious injuries.
Warren Jno, hooli keeper of the Tlanet Mills
Manufacturing Company, Brooklyn, N. Y.,
wan reiiirni from the company' bank in
Nrw Yoik where ho had drawn "t-i.OOO with
which to nay off the employees. He was ac
companied by an aeaistant, who carried 700
in silver. When in an unfrequented locality
mry nrro upproacnea ty inroe men, dreased
as laborers, who suddenly attacked the two,
knocking them down with blows from sand
clubs and relieving them of the money in a
twinkling. Jiffore they could gain their feet
the thieves were rattliiwr off in a wagon that
nun minim in cnarge or a ojnreaorato aud
made gooa tnur escape.
Tote McITugh, ratri"k neater and Patrick
Tully were banged at Bloomslmrg. Ta., for
tue murder or a mining superintendent named
itea, m lHfiR. The town wag filled with people
i"o Kurrounaing connrry, Dtu only about
two hundrod portion were admitted to the jail
yard where the execution took place. The
tnroo men wore hanged together, aud exhibited
little signs of fear. Hester, who was in sub
stantial cireiinWaiicos and for whom atrenn
ens efforts had been made to obtain an amel
ioration of the death sentence, protested hi
iiimictmre to rne last, wnile the men were
still hanging a shed on the side of the jail yard
gave way with a craBh, precipitating about
fifty persons to the ground and injuring a
nine uoy so severely that he died soon after.
Fires : Twenty-three bnildings were dostroyed
v "i net-Hoviiio, i. x., causing a loss ag
gregating C5.000. Nearly a whole block of
iM-Re miHiness iionses in Philadelphia was
burned, the fire being one of the largest that
on Yimrau me .cuv and causing an es
timated lof a of over sIl.Oo'o.OOO.
Comptroller John Kelly, of New York city.
naa written a letter to the attorney-general of
iue otaie in favor or the release of William !tf
i weed rrom further confinement. Comptroller
- j .-x.. . m i'uuiiu vuiurr M.
Wgt his dmcharuH. benanae T l.olioir l.i-
further detention in a debtors' prison ineither
beDefloial to the State as an example to evil
doers, nor in any sei-se aerviceable to thecitv."
Meanwhile Tweed has refused to testify
further iu regard to "ring" frauds until he is
The Higgins Building a five-story marble
structure ou Canal street. New York was
almost totally destroyed by fire, and seventeen
bnaineHs firms suffered losses aggregating
T.llrvn TK4.V J .
uiiiuuiuru, or aow loric, has ren-
V ,, opou against ex-Governor Samuel
J Tilden. in the suit of the United States for
tuo recovery or several years' income tax.
Ihiia ut wag instituted (luring the election
campaign in 1370. the elect of the deoi-ion
will be to bring the case before a jury on the
anestiou of the amount of Mr. Tildera inoome
during the eleven years from 1862 to 1872, dur
ing which he made up no return himae'f. but
allowed the asxessor to make up the return
and paid the tax thereon subject to a penalty
of five per cent.
The recent report of .Acting Superintendent
Henry L Lamb on the condition of the savings
bank in the State of New York shows that
nine savings banks were closed during 1877
the Long mland. of Brooklyn: Clairmon', Clin
vton. German, Oriental and Yorkville, of New
ork ; Rock and of Nyack, Saratoga, of Sara
toga Springs, and the New Rochelle, with a
total amouut due depositor of $1,601,719.34.
In the . State, to-nay, 186 savings banks are
dot' gruxineKB. The total deposit and tt num
ber of depositors have decreased during the
year. The deposits fell off nearly $6,000,000 :
rne transactions, of the year were smaller in
their volnme than in other recent vears ; more
accounts were opened than were'closed ; the
average of each deposit declined, and the enr
phiH of tho institutions has shrunk. The total
resources of the banks, now in operation was
on January 1. 1878, 5G, 786,330 ; total liabili
ties, $51,453,238, leaving a surplus of $5,831,
098. From these facts the superintendent
finds reson for the belief that the savings
banks are coming back to sound rules in ad
ministration, are canimanding reasonable con
fidence of depositors, and are sound.
The Broadway Savings Bank, of Lawrence,
Mass., aud the Sixpouuy Savings Bauk, of
New York city have been enjoined from doing
further business. The latter institution was
pxtronized by the remarkably large number of
33.000 depositors, most of 'them poor people
and children with little aooouuts. Its liabili
ties are 1.808.2(i9 77, and ihedelieiencvis esti
mated at 82,45. Careless muiement,
amounting almost to indifference, is charged
against its offioera by the bauk examiner
The trial of Insurance Superintendent Smyth,
of New York, oharged by the goveraor with
i regularities in office, eodd in his acquittal
by the Senate by a vote of 19 to 12.
Vandarbilt conteitat Will n&flA Arnrv
along in the New York surrogate s court Much
ui me evidence onered to show that the Com
modore was mentally unsound or unduly influ
enced in making his will is excluded.
The Pe'in-ylvauia Itepublioan State conven
tion will be held at Hornsburg, May 15.
' Thomas P. Fisher was hanged at Manch
Chnuk, Pa., for complicity ii the murder of
Morgan Powell, a ' mine boos." While on the
Hoaffold Fisher read part of a statement, em
X hatically averring his innocence.
A bill has beent introduced in the New York
Legislature providing for a Moffec liquor law
niuiilar to that which prevails in Virginia. By
its provisions liquor dealers will be oompelled
to register each drink sold.
A receiver has been appointed for the em-ban-assed
Sixpenny Savings Bank, of New
Sfork oity.
Western and Southern States.
Kumors of an Indian confederation in the
Northwest have been confirmed. Scents are
reported to nave found several thousand Chev.
euues aud Sioux iu Northern Montana on the
warpatn it is aaid that Big Bear, one of the
chiefs of the league demands as an ultimatum
that the buffalo law shall be repealed, and that
iiiuiaus suau ie allowed to settle tpeir trouble
among themselves withont interference from
the mounted police or the Canadian govern-
Mrs. George Wallace, her infant child and
Mis Church, a soUoolgirl, were mur.lered near
Wheeling, W. Va., by the former's brother-in-law,
John Wallace. After the murder he ao
cuxed bis brother of the crime and both w. r
arrosiea. eventually John confessed to hay
ing killed the three alone, alleging as a motive
that Mrs. Wallace aud her husband had been
' diking about him and his wife. His reason
for kil ing Miss Church was that he was afraid
ue would fiud out what be had done. He
urted with Mrs. Wallace and her child for the
ous of Mis Church and on the way killed
inm with a hammer. Then he proceeded to Mis
t huroh'a and completed his terrible work. After
use ojuefsiou a body of men entered the jail
overpowered tue guard, took away the prisoner
and hung him to a tree, after dragging him
nearly a mile on Lis back.
Two colored men, Fortune Bush and Dexter
Mo''rearv, uyro hanged at Barnwell Court
Hoiike, S C, for the murder of Stephen
Kuicka, hia wife, and two children, all colored,
i'tie murder was committed' lust January, and
t Us murderers sei fire to the cabin iuhnbited
v their victims, intending to burn np all ves-
of the cruno. Investigation led to the
-ve.-y that murder had been committed and
r inquiiy re.uited in' the arrest, trial,
i) aud extoution of re ab .ve named,
confessed iiaving Wn a party to the
i, the motive being robbery.
to adjournment ine die the
t a bill restoring capital pun
1 : 't I ; u i a Lw.
7 (-3.
A morning oneent paper In the interests of
the National party ha been started in Chicago.
Ex-Attorney-General Alonaio Taft was nomi
tiatod for Judge of the aiixrior court by a
Republican convention at Cincinnati.
Michael CVIlonrke, foreman, was killed and
aeveral ! borer wrrti wonnded by an explosion
of dynamite at Montebello, Md.
. The Blair resolutions to authorize the attorney-general
of Maryland to Hie a bill in the
upreme court of the United Htatoa, reciting
thit d'ie effect was not given to the electoral
vote of Marland by the votes of the States of
Florida and Louisiana being counted for Hayes
and Wheeler by the electoral commission, and
asking that the court count said votes for Til
den and Hendricks as president and vice-presi-dont,
passed the house of delegate of Mary
land by a vote of 46 to 28.
Martin Burns, a farmer, drove into Chil
licothe, Iowa, put np his team, shouldered an
axe, and walking to where Qeorge N. Rutin was
laying the foundation of a building, without
saying a word struck him a torriblo blow on
the head and ran away. Twenty minutes after
wards Lis body was found hanging by the neck
in the bam where his horses were qnartered.
But in was fatally wounded. The parties had 1
some dispute about fence lines, which is the
only assignable cause for the deed.
At Eastville, Va., Sidney Pitt and A. P.
Thomas fonaht with nistnls'to settle a difmntn
Two rounds were fired by each, and as they
stood ouly hi feet ap.rt, Titts was killed and
xnomaa wounded, probably fatally.
Samuel Goodwill, colored, was hangod at
Live Oak, Fla., in the preaenoe of 2,000 people,
for the mnrdar of a colored man last Mav. He
died without a struggle.
From Washington.
There are, it is said 107 discharged soldiers
who will receive the proposed pension of $72
a month on acconnUof their loss in the servioft
of the country of both hands, both feet or
both eyes.
lion. John Allison, register of the treasury,
is daad.
The appointment of Lewis E. Farsong to be
United Stateg Attorney in Alabama has been
rejected by the 8euate iu executive session
after a contest of over two honrs. The nomi
nation was opposed by Senators Spenoer,
Conkling and Hamlin, and supported by Sena
tors Morgan, Blaine anl Kirkwood. There was
a majority of six against confirmation;
The secrot service division of the Treasury
Department has several specimens of counter
feit halt dollars and new silver dollars. They
are close imitations of the eenuine. Tiia
counterfeit weigh leas than the gouuino.
The House "post office committee hm nraA-
tieally agreed to strike out of Mr. Waddoll's
bill, providing for the classification of mail
matter, the clansa which prohibits express
companies carrying mail matter of the first and
second oiass.
Hon. Glenni W. Robofiel.t nf
has been nominated to be Register of the Trea
sury m piace or air. Taylor, deceased.
The renominatlen of Mr. T)nnn tar
of Delaware has been retecterl hv iha Koniin
both 8enator from the State opposing his con-
The Senate, in fxecntive seamon lias MnArm.
ou me nomination or Mr. Hoolield as register
of the treasury, and has rejeoted that of Mr.
Reynolds as first auditor of the trnannrv n r,t
wrciu nr. misted lo us attorney for Idaho.
T L it? T r ! . . . J
The President has annrnvnd t. luinf r
lution providing that the tax on all distilled
spirits hereafter entered for deposit in distil
lory warehouse shall be due and payable be
fore and at the time tho same are withdrawn
therefrom, and within three years from the
date of entry for deposit therein. He has also
approvod the act to authorize the granting of
an American register to a foreigu built ship,
for the purpose of the Woodrnff scientific
peditiou around the world, and the bill making
appropriations for fortifications and other
werks of defence for the fiscal year end bit
with Juno, 1879. .
Attornoy-General Devens has refnsnd tn
oomply with a request of the House to inform
that bedy whether, in his opinion, the annual
appointment bv the President of ten cadet at
large to the military and naval acarlamia I.
been in pursuance of law or custom. In his
note oi rerusal he says: " The authority cf the
attorney-general to render his official opinion
is limited by the laws which
his office, aud it is not permitted him to give
advice at the call of either House of Congress,
or of CougreRs itself, but only to the President
or the head of an executive department of the
government "
Tho House oommlttce on the
laws regulating the counting of the electoral
vote for President and Vice-President has
drafted a bill to which a majority of the com
mittoe has agreed, to submit an amendment ti
the constitution of the United States hxing the
tenure of the presidential office at Bix years and
declaring the Presidunt ineligible for re-election.
Mr. Stephens, of (i eorpta. h
bill in the House to legalize a metrio system of
weights and measures.
Forelen News.
A London dispatch states that the Ttrifiuh
naval traiuing vessel Eurydlce, with 400 men
on board capsized on the south coast of the
Isle of Wight in a sudden squall. Between 300
nun iuo lives are reported lost.
A six days' international nedAHt.ria.n
m Loudon, terminated in a viotorv for the
ouiy American representative, Daniel O'Leary,
who made 620 miles and 440 vardsin five diva.
nineteen hours, the tournament closing sooner
than the time fixed on aocount of the nnit
nrnvit nrAuant Ttw. AM:ni..n a ii
- f. m. uu tji igiunujr ui uie con
test was Sir John Astley, a member of Parlia
ment, who guaranteed prizes amounting to
3,750. Two tracks aere laid one for Kmrlinh-
men and the other for foreigners and Wes
ton, t ie American pedestrian was eTiwiteH tn
compete, but became sick a few days before
the contest began. Seventeen contestants
started, but the race gradually narrowed down
to O'Leary, Vaughan aud Brown, the first
named being about twenty miles ahead of the
second at the finish aud beatinor the heat time
on record. Besides the champion belt, which
is valued at f 500. O'Leary received a monev
prize of $2,500. Immense crowds visited the
scene of cout-st, and the winnor wag enthusi
astically cheered at the close, the band playing
American national airs.
Advices from Europe Indicate that the
pOrttl peace conitreHa will hA &h anrtfinii
England refusing to participate. '
The Emperor of Morocoo is dead.
The United States ship Supply, with Roods
for the Paris Exposition, has arrived at Havre.
George Bannister, grain merchant at Ret
ford, England, has failed for 1,550,000.
Lord Derby resigned from the British cabi
net because it was decided to call out the
48,000 reserve troop.. Lord Beaoonsfield said
in effeot that as there was no hope of a oon
gress England would have to rely on armed
force to rectify the disturbed balanoe of power
in the Mediterranean.
At a consistory held in the Vatican, Rome,
the Pope nominated the Scotch hierarchy. He
then appointed the Rev. Dr. Silas M. Cbatard,
rector of the Ameiican college at Rome, to be
bishop of Vincennes, Ind., aud the Rev. John
J. Keane, of WashinRron, D. O., to be bishop
of Richmond, Va. The Pope made the .pro
fession of faith, aocording to established
usage, and took the oath to the aftostilio
constitution. Fina lv, he conferred the scarlet
hat on Cardinal McCloskey, of New York, who
afier the consistory had a private
with him.
In consequence of the re-establisbmenr. nt
the Cit u lio hierarchy of Scotland, the Pope,
it is stated, desires entering upon diplomatio
relations with the British government, and hji
in-tructed Cardinal Frauchi, the poutifiu&l sec
retary of state, to take fteps with that object.
Tb Consular and Dinl omatin lnnrnnria:inn
bill was renortcd in tbe Heuate, with amend
ments' Mr. Wallace submiltod an amend
ment to the bill to repeal the rehuupiion act,
making g-eeuback legal tender for all debts,
public aud private, aud providiug thexchange
of six per cent, bonds, held by banking abaucia
tious dehiraiit to incrfaaaa their i-irn .Tuiii.ii
lagal-tflider note, at nar. aud the cani.t.llHtiiiri
of audi bond a part t-f the aiukinv fuml
Mr. nowe, of Wisconsin, called np the resolu
tion relating to the defalcation of Judge Whit
taker, of Louisiana, and made a sieech ar
raigning the policy of the Administration
lie spoke for three hour in criticism of Presi
dent Hayes policy of conoiliation toward the
Nontn and the civil aervioe practice of the Ad
ministration, charged that the President had
abandoned his duty toward Louisiana, and
reviewed tne political career of Mr. Schnrz.
attacking that officer. After an executive ses
sion the Houate adjourned.
Mr. Blaine moved to refer the correspondence
recently ununited relating to the third com
missioner on the Canadian fisheries, to the
committee on foreign relations, and spoke of
the injustice of the award and argued that the
decision wag Illegal, the commission not being
unanimous. Referred.,.. The House Joint
resolution extending the time for paying the
taxe on whisky was passed without amend
ment The bill for the repeal of the bank
rupt law was reported back from the ludiuiar
committoe and placed on the calendar The
Pacifio railroad sinking fund bill was discussed
and laid aside. . . .The consular and diplomatic
appropriation bill was allowed to go over....
Executive session aud thon adjournment.
A bill was introduced by Mr. Conkling ap
propriating $500,000 for the improvement of
Harlem river . . .The bill to pay John Ray and
William L. McMillan f 1,000 each as contest
ants for Mr. Kellogg's seat from Louisiana was
passed The Pacific railroad sinking fund
bill wa further discussed. . . . The consular ami
diplomatio appropriations bill was taken up,
and the amendments of the committee on -
Cropriations with nomo other adopted, and the
ill passed. Adjourned.
Mr. Forry, of Michigan, from thecommbtce
on post-offices an l post-roads, reported, with
amendments, the House bill to regulate the ad
vertising of mail letting. It provide that
previous to tho making of any contract for
ln'and transporta ion, either than by railroads
and steamboat (except for temporary service)
the postmaster-general shall cause to be pub
lished in not mere than ten newspapers in the
State or territory in whieh the service is to be
performed a notice in disnlav. tvne. not ex
ceeding six inches of space, that proposal will
be received and detailed information furnished
by the department, within specified dates, ami
no other advertisement shall be roqnired. . . . A
bill to authorize the building of a narrow guage
railroad from Bismarck to the Black Hill was
reported. Adjourned.
Bill were introduced declaring it Inexpedient
to change the tariff, to issue Post Office bonds,
to reorganize the army, an1 other bills. . . .Mr.
Springor's motion to suspend the rules aud
pass a bill authorizing free coinage of silver
was lost, not receiving two-thirds of the votes.
....Mr. Goode, of Virginia, moved to suspend
the rnles and pass the bill suspending for five
years the operation of the Sinking Fund act,
which requires the annual payment or purchase
of one per oent.of the debt of the Unitod
8tates. Negatived yeas. 123; navs, 112: not
two-thirds in the affirmative. Adjourned.
The legislative, executive and iudiial in.
propriations bill was roported A bill was
passed authorizing a commission on the en
largement of the library of Congress.. The
tariff bill was reported from the committee on
ways and meana. Mr. Wood reported a reso
lution to make the bill a special order, and the
resolution was adopted by 137 to 114 The
Massachusetts contested electiou case of Dean
against Field was discussed without action.
Mr. Davis, of North Carolina, introduced a
bill to compensate the State of North Carolina
for the use and occupation of certain building
and ground by the United State troops. . Re
ferred The bill providing measures to pro
rent the introduction of oontagious diseases
from foreign ports was passed The con
tested election case of Deane against Field, of
Massachusetts, was discussed, General But
ler supporting the claim of Mr Doane Demo
crat. The vote on the minority report declar
ing Field, Republican, entitled to the seat
stood yeas, 120, nays, 119, when tbe Speaker
voted in the negative and defeated Mr. Field.
Tbe Massachusetts contested election case
was finally decided by the admission of Mr.
Dean, the Democrat, by 124 to 123. the speaker
nuu urou. nuuor voting in uie auirmative ... .
After refusing to take up the committee's re
port on the House doorkeeper, Mr. Polk, the
nouse adjourned.
The Statue for IKevr York Harbor.
A French paper eaya : The colossal
statue of "Liberty Lighting tho
World, erected by France and Ameri
ca in remembrance of their old friend
ship, is coming ont little by little from
the immense workshops established
expressly for its construction in the
Kiie de Chazelle', No. 25, near Mon
ceaux Park. The arm aud hand hold.
ing the torch are already in America,
and at present the sculptor. Bartholdi.
is finishing the principal portion of the
lioa.l IR. ill 1
.v,.4, .J.UD iiu3bci uiuuei it ueariv com
pleted. In a few days it will be strip
ped of the Fcaffolding which surrounds
ii ana upon which several gangs of men
are at work. The first sentiment in
spired by tho enormous head, nearly
thirty feet high, is almost terror. Its
gigantic dimensions are stupefying; but
ujr uegrees mo eye Decomes accustomed
to the colossal forms, and the mind
reconciles itself to the extent of those
great lines, and we discover in the midst
of them the majesty and the light
which the author has endeavored to give
ti the features. But the publio will
soon have an opportunity to see the beau
ty of this work.for the head of the statue
of Liberty is to be exhibited at the
Universal Imposition.- Nevertheless,
we strongly advise every one before-
nana to visit the establishment on the
Ruo de Chazelles and see how the dif-
rerent portions of this head are prepared,
worked , nud adjusted. M. Bartholdi is
making copies in plaster of his statue of
liinerty. lwo huLdred of them only
will bj executed, numbered and regis
tered with the name of the niirnh
who iany in this may preserve a souvenir
or tmsniagnmcentcomniemorativeof the
centennial anniversary of the independ
ence of the United States, and destined
to renew aud enliven the old friendship
between franco and America.
Peter Figgans, a peddler, died re
cently in Scotland, aged one hundred
and seven. He worked until ho was
over one hundred and six, and was never
known to wear a coat.
Mothers! 'Mothers!! 'Mathers ! ! ! Don't
fall to procure Mrs. Winslow's Hoothing byrup
for all diseases incident to the period of teeth
ing in children. It relieves the child from nain.
cures wind oolio, regulates the bowels, and, by
giving relief and health to the child, gi vee rest to
the mother. It is an old and well-tried remedv
. fA Well. Kerned Itentntton.
During ten years tuanv urffnd and nalatial
hotels have been erected in New York city,
amonfr them tbe Grand Central bi no the
largest and finest. Kinoe its opening day the
irimuii ui bun vji ,uu neutral uaa increasea.
Neither pain nor expense has been spared to
make i's guests comfortable and give entire
satisfaction, while it prices are certainly tbe
lowest in New York, for a first-clan hotel.
Have yon inflammatory sore throat, ttifT
Joiuts or lameueaa from any cause whatever ?
Have yon rheumatic or other pains in any part
of the body? If so, use Johnson's Anodvne
Liuiiuen'. Our word for it, it is tbe bebt pain
killer iu this country.
Caution. We caution all person not to buy
the extra large package of dust and aaheg
now put up by certain parties and called Con
dition l'ot-dw-a. They are utterly worthless,
liny Sheridan's Cavalrv Condition Powder if
you buy auy ; they are absolutely pure an I are
mweiinely valuable.
Toople who stilt adhere to the look-at-vonr-tongno-and-fenl-of-your-pulse
doctor some
time express not a little curiosity in regard to
r. jw. t. j'lerce original method of distin
gtuahing all forma of ohronio disease without
personal consultation. Home even- suppose
that he accompliihe this through rlairvoyance
nr soiiiH timer species or professional Jugglery,
All this is utterly false. He claims to de
termine rli-eisi by the rational methods
science only. Says Comley, in his Biographical
JMieyelodla of New York State, speaking of
this distinguished physician s He perceived
that iu each of the natural sciencos the inves-
uKur proceed aocording to a cystem of
signs. The geologist In his cabinet accurately
uriK iiiiiiii aim uescriDe me cieil or rook,
which he has never seen, from the miunto
specimen on hi table. And the chemist in his
laboratory note the constituents of the sun
wiin tne i-amo precision that he analyzes a ervs
laiortocK salt. The analogous system do
veioped by nr. rieicoiu Medical Mience i
ins genius, and naa made Ins nine
Justly celebrated." For a full explanation of
this ingenious system of diag msis, see the
roopie a common Hense Medical Advisor, rent,
post-paid to any address on nceipt of one do!
lar aild nrty Cents. Addres the anlhr.r n v
rierce, ai v., Buffalo, N. Y.
Denl Jenlly wtlh the Htomnrh.
no not racK, It With Violent lurcativea. or
permanently impair its tone with indigestible
uiuk ui any ainu uut, II your digestion is
impaired, your liver out of order, vnnr fr.nm
debilitated, or nervous svsteni Unsttui g, use
tnat wholesome and agreeable alterative and
tonic, Hostettor' Stomach Bit era. which will
certainly afford you the desired relief. None
of tho officinal remedies can compare with it in
reswrauvo euicacy, and a a medicinal stinm
in lit it is DV far the most dnsirahln ii well
popular a ticie or its class. Its basis, the
essential principle of sound ryo, is the best
possioie agent tor Hastening the action of the
botanio inirrodieiita which it kr.Ma in .niMti..
and those ingredients are the most effioacious
wuicn cuomistry extracts from
the vegetabla
kingd in, and medical
science applies to the
cure of disease.
IlwnseltolH Kronomv.
The housckoeiier or cook who studies econo
my in the kitchen, can do so in one direction
by always using Dooley's Yeast Powder. It
win oe round a truly econom ca and valuable
assistant in baking biscnits, rolls, bread, cake
oi an ainas, waiues, nmmiia, and most all arti
cle prepared from flour i and whv
iu using the Dooloy i'owder you save iu eggs,
in shortening, in patieuce, iu everything i and
wucu mo oasiug is aoue. it is turned out IlKhr,
palatable, and wholesome, so that every nior-
1 J . 1 M . .
sci is eaieu up ana no wasie.
The Celebrated "ff
" Matchless "
Wood Tag Ping
New York, Boston anl Chicago.
Established 18G5. To obtain the highest mar-
nei iirieo auu qnica returns. Bnipptrs or rarnv
truck, produoe, fruit, etc., should try II. C,
Acker, 105 Park Plaoe, New York.
. . 1 Never Kelt Better.
Such is the verdict after taking a dose of
Quirk Irish Tea. Sold in packages at 25 cts.
The rentes t Ulx-avery of the Ae ta Ir,
Tobias' celebrated VeneUaa Liniment t 80 years bvfure
the public, and warranted to ears Diarrhea, Dyaentorj
Oolio and Bpums, taken Internally ; and Oronp, tlhronio
RhetimatUra. Hera Throats, OnU, Bruises, Old Bare
and Pain In the Limba, Back, and Cheat, externally.
It has never failed. No family will ever be without It
after onoe Hiring It a fair trial. Prioe, 40 eentt. Da
Bottles, at One Dollar, ia warranted superior to any
ther, or NO PAT, for the oars of Uollo, Out, Bruises,
Old Soros, etc Bold by all Dracciate. Depot lO Park
Plaoe, New York.
, War of I S 1 2 MoMlrra and Widows Pnaloned
lor naj- nerrioe. Write UOL, U AM A OO
Attorney!, Washington, D. O.
The Markets.
raw TOBK.
Beef Oattls Native MM II
Texas and Ohsrokee.... CSyt 09
Mtlcb Oows 0 00 (470 00
Bogs Live L'3Hv OA
IrUiedV 06tv(a 0e
Sheep 04V4 CT
Latnbs ISSt 07 V
Cotton Middling...... U''.(l
Flour Weatern Oocd to Choice.. .. 6 81 (4 1 5
State Good to Ghoioe ( 81 (4 7 7S
Buckwheat per ewt 1 as (4 1 5.1
Wheat Red Western 1 80 (4 184
No. 2 Milwaukee I at (41 28
Rye State 78 (4 77
uaney ntaie. .......... ..... . ...... p 3
' 86
Barley Malt....... (S
Buckwheat go
Oata Mixed Western
Corn Mixed Weatcrn
sila 4
41 (4
70 (4
45 (4
Hay, per ewt...,
Straw per ewt.
Hops 76's 01 (sV08 77
11 (4
fork Mnss , 10 :0 (V!0 63
Lard City Btm 07ai 08 V
Fiah Mackerel, Mo. 1, new la 00 J1 !
. " No. SL new 10 CO C41I 00
Dry God, per ewt 8 00 (4 tlii
Herring, Healed, per box 17 (4 H
rmrolruio Crnrte W.H90VS Refined,
Wool California F'.eeoe jo (4
a ,
14 .
lexaa " 80
Australian " 44
fltate XX 1
Butter -Htsto 88
Weatern Ohotoo....'. H
Weetera tlood to Prime,... M
Weatern Flrkina 11
Obeese HtaU Factory 18(4
nT:e Bsimmea. ........... is (4
Weatern 12V4
Kga HUte aud Fenuivlvanla 11 0
Flour.. ((f)
(9 101
(4 I 41
(4 8
Wheat No. 1 Milwaukee.
1 AO
wt u litAI ...... ...,., ....
Barley Malt
Beef Oattls Zxtra 0W4
tP W(4
Hooa Dreicd. , tS'4(4
r leur y ennaylvanla ExU- 4 11 (4 7 11
Wheat Red Weatern 1 2J (4 I 80
y 66 (4 a
worn Kfiiow...... 60 (4
Mixed, ...... ............ .... 44 V(4
Oats Miied 8UK4
rrtrplea: Orude.... . .( a C Banned,
wool Colorado hi (4
Jexaa " aJ &
Oalllornla m
06 s
BnefOattl..., o
8heop.,,,.. 04
MORI m m Q(
Floor Wlacouain and Minnesota. .. 2
(4 1 26
(4 61
Corn Mixed....
n.i. 41
Wool Ohio and'yeuDayiva'ula ZXT.'.
enioBToa, aiasa.
dw uue,HI( H
T . ... V.
06 (4
07 C4
UWUI, ..... ......
Hog ,.
uoer uatus Poor to Choice. .
a ....a
I 60
t 00
a 6o
(4 ton
Jmbs .............
Fmr WMa, n l a Plea.
rNPrTvK, iV K C O., at loniixT f ttlr-
fna C.t V. Write there for partiouinra
Wa will Dui..nM . Muu..r a.i
and ttiuenoea, u. aell our New and Wonderful Inren
tiuns. Addreaa L. 8. Hutaaia A Co.. Mrl,.ll M.nh
Korffi Pacific Railroad Bonds,
or Htook. For information aa to beat disposition to
raahze moat therefrom, ad'lreea
oltAKl.Kjjll'HKKlUGK, 8t. Paul, Minnesota
v"4rnfyr,irr'n 1
a. - ' 'v
A wnndm-ful Tn.trnmant. Prmtnnit a quiet, paa.ive
atat of rent of mind and bodf. Realorea lot I ty,
firmn life and trnath to the weak and nervnna. i hen
all other meana la I. Bnllila np 1.1 alruoture nnd
qmrkena ihe na. To-.itnl flniila. I'ain ia oured lifnllh
ntHtored. Will prod now the mtditimi.lir at ate and riVM.
op elair'oyancj. Kent erervi. Imn. fur M I .O-'V. Aaeuta
wanted. w. A, (lNl)K.K, HhlBTol,, Uonn.
Ilapoleon's Fate Book!
PUN ! FUN ! I FUN ! !!
1st It telta who and when you will marry.
Snd It tella w.'ere and how inu will marrv.
8rd It tella where yon will meet tha fated one, rnd
i. on,
Bent poet paid for 81 r-ta. PIKR A CO.. Pnbll.lw ra.
tt iiiku nr., noeton, Mix. r. (. andreaa, not Kill ,f.
Dunham Si Sons, Manufacturers,
Warsrooms, 18 East 14th Slreet,
EaUbUnhed'.834. KKW YORBU
Snxdfor llltutrqltd Gt-tular a sat Prim liH.
itletropolllnn Aarrlrnltnrnl Warehnnar.
(lCsUbhahed in IH.Vi. )
In addition to a tar? aa.
aortmentof nseliilimp e-
menta for the rariaan
a j'- imrnan.l Daraeanri
wn u.hla iWiDraTemt nta La
t. ..-sr. ii. effer: aaaoas which are
J-u...!!. .i ..naei 9 Ikefellewinir: Adamant
flow, with Reversible hell barpenin roint.
Keversihlo aelf sharpenmc Point for Keaiilar Plowa
I followinar nnmhera: la. 19. 19", , 21. K' Klti IK
IO.eln I ...II .11 Plow, with Una VAI.CAr.l.K IM.
PROV KM FN I', when o ordered, and at a very am 11
attraemt r' i N-w Self-Adioatin Steel Tooth llnr-
siit, Ir.m A.e Cultivator, I'ahoon a iiroan-ceet rieea
Soecr.'i rw'- IM .t. Planter , Kureka Post Hole Uma, r.
Xelu'a Pjt. Hnlter Worker. mil Ileal, lTel Tread II. r-
I'ower. H. II. (inlfIMi.IIt)oiiillnilt 8'., NewYmk.
r sav
ThcFriandiof tni
are now numbered by I
Yicn ars tench reouctdi
Cet rheCntiln anH
beware or imitation.
AaK ALao roa)
uaatAKL nnitl
The bt tooda made .
Sea thai the nam of I
THOMSON and tha I
Trade Mark. Cnowrtare
stamped on every ConevASrtcl.
To all auffi.nna from ohronio diaeaaea of all kin. 'a
Onnfld-ntial eonanltatina invited noniillT or by innil.
1, , . . . mirai. new na relinlile remetit.
Bo..k and etreu..ra aent free In M-.led enreloo. a
R.'1r?!Kn,!.)YAKD,.ASSOt:,AT10Ni 'H N. Nin h
Bt.eet, Philadelphia, Pa., an ins Uution havina a ,i h
reputation for Lonoruble conduct and prole-si.'
la a Droteoted aolutiun of tl
Protoxide of Iron,
new discovery In medicine, which strikes at tk.
1 ... iviiic, w niuu BiriKoi ac in a root
of diaaua b aunnl in thm htl .iik .1 Y
A naw rilaivtap In vaa14i;nA . t .
Of hi. l.minU " wn" riuoip,.
Thi la th aeorat of the wonderful auooea of
remedy In ouring
Dyapepaln, Liver t'oniplnlnt,Uropey,Chrnlfi
Kiarraca, Uolln, eivaaa AUenlona,
Clillla and Fevers, Humors, I.oaa of
'Conatitutloiinl Vljtor, Ulecnaea mt
Ibe Kldnrya and Binddar.
Female Cotuplulnia, and
Bad State of tho Blood,
A Low State of the System.
For Iwpepnltt,
for Debility, I'se
For lironsu. Vie,
For Xtiuratalii, t)me
For Chronic Diarrhea, Vo
' Liver Couiulaiiit. I've
For llttiH ana Humors, 1'ne
For Chills and Fever, Vso
For Loss of Appetite, Use
For Xerroits Affections, re
For Fema: Complaints, F
To Tone I'p the System, I se.
To Invigorate the Drain, l'a
Kf TII W. HIWIU A SONS, Praprletar,
8 lluri'ieou An line, lloatou. Sold by
tlculti t:urin!l
trr- nnnnnn n
4. af m m w m i m w m. u m w m m m mm.
I nA 111 W
I A ft-1
1 "WWW IU J .'f
i "vii j i i J in v
Bnoww's BwoyrKKr. Taornra, for eonahi and eolita
V 'J 3 tlreat Weatern
Prtoa Mat free. Addres
nn Worka, rillahnr. Pa
TDIV NoTelllea, Nodona, Illnatiatod (laUlocne fres
l lllfti i AitKnla. Roal4n Novelty tJo., Honton, Mum,
u! ( 11 A day ran he made nn a rortahle Hoda Fonn.
r-lf tain. Price .. nr., anil t-o, ooniplete.
Sena fur OHlaloaue to 1'iiai-ma A ('o., Mndlann, Ind.
A Ttmli AaMur vi..n'tio ;ifi haa set
l.iy ii'lu'i'. I jln. wirni. One nample free
Ad lma I liKOSiVN. Micb
I ass. mm jil
Ttetail prioe !(0 only ISIIO.
-vo,iiri a;i4iponiy siipi. fap
ater freo
Dasikl K. Krattt, Waahlnton, N. J. .
a rear. Aironta wanted ererywhem, Bn.
ineni-wny ii'irMiniatr.i'ariiriiiararroe
AiiUriva J.woai u Co., bt budis Mo.
Nuperinr in deaian. Noteqnalea
in qnaliey, or aa timekeeera.
Ask your .Teweler tor them.
Aren,v-N HI., N Y.
w a i w ' w -
$10 to 325
A IM V HI I(K made b
Aaenta sell ins our Obromai
(rityona, Plot ore and Ohre
mo 1'anla. t'iti a amp lee.
e-orth aoot, uont-pMld.
for S- Oente. IllnetrateJ
tialon tree).
III 1'KtiUU'H NillNNt
f oaton. ratamianen imhii.
The beat vltallilng Tonlo,
Itrllfvlng Montal and Thyalral
And ail irnpalrmenta of Braia
and IServe B rate in.
Draril.u. Depot. B Flatt St., If. T,
In lat,e variety; fin. WTHKF.T THI KM. FLOW.
KHINU r-llill ll-M 'd KKm.l.:HM!M. aa
well aa H IIOIMlFNIUUNr, Ataleaa, Ma.
n.'l.aa. New tJonrera. Purple ttemjh, nm Btiruoa, eto.
IIOSKM by IV and !().
ttf ton CATM.oiiry Animraa
Box 00. Fltiwlilngt TV.STm
Excursions to Lincoln, Nebraska
l.rnvf New Ynrl; mid Nrw I'nirliind (he
Third Tni'adii y In vrn .loi.llt mini llorrm-
j. r. I iip-i n y. it) e.ii lo.t,. ti inii.tVi
APIMI, It id. Fmr nbnut hnll rraulair
Hanre. Kaat trina and flrnt-cliiae aocommoil.ttona
Kuaranteed. Fur deaonptive IjtnA Ciroulnra, Informa.
tion aonnt Tioketa, etc, .end addreea on Pontal t'ard to
PI. IN V fllOOUK, 317 llrontlwuy. rw York.
rlime nut preaent atork of Qiht New and aeonnd-hand
InKtrntnenta of fire nrMt-"lnva maker., f.itlr warranted
and at prion that llhFY COMI'KI 1 1 ION f .rthis
elaaa of lustrumenta. AO K NTS WANTF.II for
PIANOS Illn.trateil la.taln.iina Mallet llDRACK
WATK.RR A HONS, Manufaotu.era and D lra. 40
Kaat I -lth Ht., New York. Alan Cene'nl Aaerita for
ftlmtff For
1 A fumu VVKK
ff 4P U
4 All
w - V. wj bTYEH and SOIlIi I. YKI.I D.H.
A UKNT BY MAIL Mill 3.o.
A pntitivv rrnitly tor Jlrupay ami nil diaraatri of
Urlunrv Or-
Cn. lluut'ft Urtnedy i purvly vvKrtable ftud
prrparcii etMrwtljr fr the aboy 1 -. Jt hat
cuml ttxtuiaiiU. fcverr tKittle warrmntrd. Ncnti to W.
K. Clarke, fntviilfnce, HI., for lUuttratrd painptilct
If ynurilnigytrt font hay lt.4ie will order It fur yon.
"The Best Polish in the World."
" iJk '
Fi -on tine: Union Rnnnm
Finest Location in the Citv.
European Plan -Restaurant Unsurpassed
KKHSKH A WEA VER. Proprietors
SUorlvallarl far Uw
Toilet anil tht Ball..
iNo artitttftal aotj
4tac?pUva odon la
loover eomaw aud
tlrltrtarUHu lnfTMb
tuU. AfUr yamnol
ictDllflc vpartmant
th ntanufhcturai oi
B. T. Bitbbm't aSsM
aSod hat jmr1mcA
ttml now offrra It' th
tki vvrttt mtftmhlt Ql tUfti ta it tmtnufmelvrt.
For use In th Nurry it has No Equal,
wonu Mil uiuei iucuoi 10 tjverv oidtbcr aud tituiliv lul nrui
jMi ouuint s kui r4 om. aacfa, Mat tt to aav 4
mm mahttof Iftcvnt. Addrxi
B Ti aS4B,T.New iVork c,ty
m ' -J a--i uMm ja.f
N. Y. Office .106 Cliambori Street.
A twaltl ra nunedy (or all diaeaaea of tha Kidney
Kladdrrand I'rtaary Oraranc.iUno ood in Drop
leal Complaint. It dot r prodnooa aiokneaa, I
,oartaia and aoMdy lo IU aolloo. It la fast sooaraadln
all other raonadi Sixty oapanlaa oora ia six or
de.j-4. Ho oUiav madioloa oaa do tbia.
lltvar ! lanltallana, fur, owin to IU rraa
anooau, many hav baam oDerad ; soma ara moat dacjal
ona,etuioc pllaa.'ato.
DUNDA4 lIi"K A VO.'H e... soft Oap
tula, cmtoia4i0 Oil of SuudaUood, told m ail drug
storsa. or aroular. or smd far la aa ..,1
Woo I at ntrttmt, ar. Ynr
STflnD-BY. '
EliauiUD 3S Tuai. Alaayaoaras a,
rtady. Alwaya haody. Uaa n,t ,.t (ailed, rft-i.
aUUoaakoM it. Tt. hol. world appro... ti.
.loriouaold Ma.Unlh. Beat and Lmlm.D
"Ktanoi j. oaou a bottle Tb MnatAn. .." .
ttUM when not bin .la will.
a ! ai jii ir aawtJ