The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 10, 1878, Image 4

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eastern and Middle States.
St. rrirk'e day w oelobmtpd in Nflw York
with thn ttnTiftl prooi M.nof Irinh oociHies nd
anmial dinner of the Knight of 8t. Tatrick.
Wages, of opera. t.iven in the rciflc mill", at
. Lawrence Musk., have been reduced ten to
fifteen per cent. ,
A. 8. Hover and O. Sellorn, late ofTioers of
the Dime Saving Rank, of Heading, Pa., have
been held in 5,000 bail each on a charge
of conspiracy to defrand.
The list of failure in New York lias been
swelled recently by several heavy tnntpensions,
notably those of 8. II. Mill tc Co., prominent
Wall street broker and speculators in atoeko,
whose liabilities will reach nearly 300,000,
and Henry 8.. Wells, a lare contractor, who
has been adjudicated a bankrnpt;pon his own
petition, with liabilities amounting to f 225,000.
The Democratio Ftate executive committee
of Pennsylvania met in Harriuburg and de
cided to hold the next convention ii Pitts
burgh, May 22.
A number of students belonging; to Dart
mouth College, New Hampshire, have been
arrested for hazing. The faculty expelled or
suspended several.
The Rhode Island State convention of the
new Nations.! rt&rtv wia huM TVMn
A ticket beaded by William Foster for governor
was Dominated.
The Calais (Me.) Savings Bank has sus
pended. Election returns from all the towns in New
- Hampshire for governor give Prescott, Re
publican,"" 39,377. and McKeao, Demoorat,
87.863. The House will stand : Republicans.
205; Democrats, 165.
A bill to grant female suffrage has been de
feated in the lower honse of the Massachusetts
Legislature by 127 to 93.
James E. Goll, well-known in New York
insurance circles, committed suicide bv shoots
ing himself in the head. He was at one time
wealthy, but mot with reverses, had family
troubles and became dissipated.
The Tarrytown (N. Y.) First National Bank
has failed. The liabilities are estimated at
112,000 and assets 80,000. The Bank of
.. Chemung, at Elmira, N. Y. a private institn-
uon has also suspended.
The Rhode Island Democratio State con
vention, held in Providence, resulted in the
nomination of a tioket headed by Isaac Law
renoe for governor.
Tjft&riinff Kav Vrwlr lunkf... 1, .1 . r
" In that city w ith the House committee on bank-
...n vukiuv itkiuuiuk mo resumption or
specie payments. General Ewing, of the com
mittee, made inquiries to draw out the views ef
mo uBimurs, wno expressea tne opinion that
. resumption was practicable. After tho meeting
General Fwintroaiil that th 4ti,nni. il.
- - vuv ... vj qui wiiivii 10 j i mo
bankers had strengthened his own opinion that
. iun noLicmrj 01 me treasury was not able to
j um i iceumpwun aci. ..
Western and Southern States.
The verdict of the jury who found General
A.UUU1HB kj. auuureuii, oi me juoiusiana retnrn-
Inir hflftrrl. CMliltv nt tnrninn BldAfinn -l
has been set anide by the Louisiana supreme
uuui i, buu iue pni-oner oraerea to be discharged
from custody. The decision states that the re
cord of crime offered in evidence did not con
form with that mentioned in the information;
that the consolidated election returns, in re
gard to which forgery was charged, are not
9 ' ... .. ........ j nuivu iiauun way utj com
mitted, andthier alteration cannot be construed
Auiu a crime.
A hOUSe OCCflniarl hv a farmAr nimoil TT.xIa..
livincr a few milna nnrf h nf kA-imr. -khu ;1
destroyed by fire, and his wife and two children
A building in fUnvelanrl fthln nnt v
a non-explosive lamp company, was destroyed
V. AVA A,.n : . i- 1 . . . " .
vy mo, lugnuor wnu ua conrenw, ana a total
loss incurred of $165,000.
A band of four expert counterfeiters, who
have been operating extensively in the North.
west, were unearthed and arretod in Chicago
bj a special government detective. The whole
of their apparatus and some of the spurious
coin were captured.
The Rhode Island Republicans met in con
vention at Providence and renominated the
present State officers by acclamation. Follow
ing me usnai custom, no political lesolutions
were passed.
An annul lino rliaaarAir ruviita1 t Miti
of Hall fc Alvis, about seven miles from Rich-
uiuuu, a. yvitnoui a moment s warning an
explosion took place which hurled the buildinp,
lumber, sheds and persons standing around in
every direction. The boiler had burst and five
men were killed, and one was fatally and five
dangerously wounded. Among the killed were
two sons of the manager of the sawmill, Mr.
Hall, who was also injured.
Reports from Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and
West Virginia give flattering prospects of the
wheat crop. The average increase over last
year's crop isentimated at twenty-five peroent.
A large tobacco warehouse, several factories,
a colored church and six tenement houses were
aesiroyea Dy nre in Danville. Va., entailing a
loss of 80.000. on which the
loss of 80,000. on which the insurance is $50,.
From Washington.
The nomination of Mr. Beard to be collector
of the port of Boston has been confirmed by
the Senate without opposition. Senatorial
courtesy prohibits opposition to a nomination
supported by both Senators from the Slate in
which the appointment is made, as in Mr.
Beard's case.
The House judiciary committee has, by a
majority vote, uecided to report a bill repeal
ing the bankrupt law.
Secretary Sherman was sent for by the
Senate committee of finance, the other dav, to
get his views iu regard to the bill repealing' the
resumption law ; and he informed the com
mittee that specie resumption upon the day
axed was practicable and that the silver b 11
would be an aid rather than an obstacle to re
sumption. The national council of the Sovereigns of
ladus'ry met in convention at Washington
aud effected an organization. Delegates from
a large number of States were present.
A majority report of the House committee
oa civil service reform says that Doorkeeper
1'olk, who was charged with making more ap
pointments to oflioe than was allowed by law,
rhould be removed. A minority report, signed
by four of the committee, dissents from the
lews of the majority.
Four men and a boy were drowned near
HowardsviUe, A lbermarle county, Va., recently,
while attempting to cross a river in a frail
-noe after dark. Two families, consisting of
thirteen women and children, were left with
out a single full-grown male to support them.
The number of bills introduced in the House
up to the 21st is 3,990, and of joint resolutions
The House Committee on Invalid Pensions
has agreed to report a bill allowing pensions
of 1 72 per month to soldiers who have lost
either both eyes, both hands, or both feet, and
of $24 to those having lost one eye, one hand
or one foot
Thejfational Council of Sovereigns of Indus
r In session at Wa-hington, elected the fol
ing officers of the National Counoil for
7: JohnBheddin, Pennsylvania, president;
. ti. Davis, Massachusetts, vice -president; M.
,'. Morton, Rhode Island, secretary; Clark
. othersby, New York, treasurer; W. H. Earl,
. lassachusetts, lecturer.
The commissioner of agriculture has mada
ka elaborate report upon the diseases of do
mestic animals. According to a tabular state
ment, compiled from information received from
1.100 counties, the annual value of losses on all
classes of domestic animals is nearly tl7,(KX),
"0. As this statement is based on returns
received from only one-half of the country, the
a:iuuai loss from this cause may be placed at
Forelsn News.
" ratifications of the treaty of peace be
,, "lufsia aud Turkey were exchanged at
' y 'JrK- Meanwhile the Russians were
jig their position around CousUnti-
' : of measles has broken out in
dud 6,000 lersons have been
i '.f.KUSM).
The Grecian insurrection agninst Turkey hs
been completely Biippresid. In the district of
Clnmara the entire expeditionary force of the
Greeks has been killed, cuptured or dispersed
in the mountains. Great excesses were com
mitted by the Turkish irregulars, who burned
or pillsged sixteen village, the inhabitants of
which lied or perished. The rations consuls
have represented the oondition of affair to
their govi-rnments, and appealed for preven
tive meat-nres.
England ha refused to take part in the
European oongress miles Russia promises to
submit the treaty stipulation in full.
O'Donovan Rossa, of New York, attempted
to lectin e upon Ireland in Montreal on St. Patrick-'
day, and the result wa a riot in which
four men were shot. T ho wiudows of the hall
in wflw)l H)A lriffnrA tt'Aa liol,! a-nro ridillorf with
stone and the lecturer was compelled to close
abruptly and eal out of the building by a side
door. The military wore under arms and the
police came to close Quarters with the rioters
saveral time.
General Grant has arrived at Naplos.
The Danube is again open to commerce.
TYlA mnrriflfr nP fha Vnfl et n.ian1Ai le
Mis Hannah de Rothschild, only daughter of
the Baron Merer de Rothschild was celebrated
in Tjondnn with cronr. RtJnnHrp TIia t.i-irta'.
fortnno is estimated at from $15,000,000 to
20,000.000. Among those present at the cere-
. iiimmj wrre i ue i rinee or naies, ijora ueacons
field and others.
A new Italian ministry his been formed.
The printers of Paris are on a strike.
The famine in China is extending over the
Northern pn.vinoeg.
The iron trade in South Yorkshire, England
is in the most s'agnaut condition and large
numbers of men are out of work.
Numerous petitions against the revival of
the inoome tax were presented The bill to
permit women in practice in the highest court
of any State to practice in the supreme court
of the United States was retried upon ad
versely.. .The bill prohibiting members of
Congress from becoming sureties for contrac
tors wa passed The fortifications appropri
ations bill was passed without amendment. It
.nrtrnnrinf na !k07K finrt TUn I : 1 1 1 :
. . . w w . . . . j in; L' 1 1 1 gritUUHK
American register for a foreign built vessel for
a scientific expedition around the world was
discussed without action. .. .After receiving
several amendments to the bill organizing a
life-AAVinir &nri nnfenf (rninl ahMi . ...1 .1 ;
o " p ..... v. .... . . ivJ miu mnuuns-
ing the Paciflo railroad sinking fund bill the
The committee on railroads reported Texas
Paoifio and Southern Paoifio railroad bills. . . .A
bill to protect Americsn purchasers of foreign
acting play and dramas was introduced by Mr.
Blaine The bill granting American register
to a vessel for the Woodruff scientific expedi
tion was passed.... The bill to amend the
act relating to the cultivation of timber
was debated and. then laid aside
The Paoifio Railroad sinking fund bill was
discussed for some time without action....
The bill authorizing the employment of tem
porary clerks in the Treasury and Interior De-
Eartments was debated for some time, and Mr.
laine spoke upon his amendment providing
that the Government shall not expend money
to force the collection of taxes on wood and
lumber nsed by actual settlers taken from
Government lands which have not been sur
veyed or offered for sale. Heattacked the Sec
retary of the Interior, who was defended by
Messrs. Dawes, Hoar, Christianoy, and oth
ers The West Point bill wa received from
the House, aud the 8enate insisted on its
amendments and asked for a conference coin
mi' tee. Adjourned.
The Senate bill to form the Territory of Lin
coln out of a part of the Territories of Dakota,
Wyoming and Montana was discussed and laid
aside. . . .The Senate resumod consideration of
the bill making appropriation for detecting
trespass on publio lands and for bringing into
market publio lands iu certain States, aud for
other purposes, the pending question being on
the amendmeut of Mr. Beck to that of tho
committee on appropriations, prohibiting the
use of money to collect any charge for wood or
timber cut on the publio lands in the Territor
ies of the United States for the use of actual
settlers in the Territories, and not for export,
so as to provide that the timber shall not be
exported from the Territory where it grow and
provided further, that iu the event it shall be
exported from the Territory it shall be liable
to seizure by the United States authcri ies
wherever found. Secretaiy Schurz was de
nounced by for. Spencer, of Alabams, and by
Mr. Jones, of Florida, for ordering the seizure
of timber, and was defended by Mr. Matthews,
of Ohio. Adjourned without action.
The bill authorizing the employment of tem
porary clerks in the treasury department, and
providing for the punishment of timber land
trespasser, was taken up and after long dis
cussion, was passed. The Senate went into ex
ecutive session and then adjourned.
Mr. Springer moved to suspend the rule and
psBB a bill authorizing the c linage of gold and
silver on the same terms, and the issue of cer
tificates of deposit on them. Action was de
layed by opponents of the bill until the hour
for other business and the matter went over.
....Bills were introduced by Messrs. Vance
ana warn iroviding for the payment of oer
tain Southern mail contracts, and by Mr. Con-g-r,
repealing the law appropriating $375,000
for the payment of certain Southern mail con
tracts. Adjourned.
Bil s were passed reducing the r ay of United
States jurors from $3 to 2, and limiting the
pay of United States marshals to 5,000, of
chief deputies to 2,500, and other deputies to
5 a day. ...The pension bill, appropriating
28,289,000, as reported.. ..The West Point
Academy bill was reported back, with recom
mendation to agree to some and dissent from
others of the Senate amendments. The report
was agreed to.... The General Deficiency bill
was discussed in committee of the whole....
The Senate bill appointing General Sherman
a regent of the Smithsonian Institute, instead
of Ooorcre Bancroft, rnuitrnurl vna tnba,. nr
and passed. Adjournod.
A bill for the reorganization of the life sav
ing service was reported from the committee
on commerce. . . .The bill to establish a postal
savings depository as a branch of the post
office department was reported from the com
mittee on post-offices and post-roads and or
dered printed The naval appropriation bill
was passed. It appropriates 14,048,864 for
naval purposes. Adjourned.
Mr. Stephens, of Georgia, chairman of the
committee on aoin&trn. rnr,i.vtf.,t . i.iii
the laws on the subject of coinage, to perfect
ihe double metallio standard, to provide for
issuing gold and silver bullion certificates, and
to retire certain silver coins nniv in iiua iA.-aA
printed and recommitted. It provides that the
ooiuage of gold and silver bullion shall be on an
equal footing, prohibits the f uither coinage of
twenty cent, five cent and thinanent ,.in
makes the fractional silver ooins leeal tends
to the amount of twenty dollars, authorizes its
redemption at the treasury in sums of $100 or
over, and calls for the further ooiuage of trade
dollars, exclusively for foreign trade, limiting
the amount to $750,000 a mouth . . . , A bill was
passed oeDsionini' thn wiilnw ml mir.-..
dren of Capt Guthrie, 'and the surfmen who
c, o tuunueu iu me Metropolis uisajter. Ad
journed. Sext.
Some time ago Mr. Robert Williams.
near this place, eavs the fwn mi
News, heard one of his wife's ducks
making a noise as if something were
after it; he got out of bed and went to
where she was, but could not see or hear
anything. He told his wife he guessed
the duck had gone crazy. Next morning
he went to where the old duck was sit
ting upon her eggs, under a brush pile,
and imagine his astonishment he saw
a large black snake coiled up under the
duck, his snakeship having swallowed
twelve eggs. Mr. Williams cut his head
off, cut it open, took the eggs and placed
them undt'r the duck, and eleven of that
dozen eggs hatched. Mr. Williams'
word is as good as his bond.
Fashion Notes.
Overskirts die bard.
Basques are still worn.
Chemisettes are in vogue. ,
Antique laces are revived.
Cantou crapes are in fashion.
The trailing dress is dead.
Navy blue is now called Clematis.
Leg-of-mntton sleeves are re vi veil.
The Ilenri Deux is the coming cos
Auratum is die new name for gold
onmii saiiu uuuons are coming in
Combination costumes remain fashion
Tho short kilt skirt is an accomplished
rievna is the new name for wine
colored shadings.
Looped-up back draperies are no
longer fashionable.
Waistcoats are simulated on most of
the new dresses.
vunries xl. coiiars are seen on new
sacqnes ana polonaises.
All fashionable costumes are made of
two or more kinds of stuff.
Boncle jardiniere is one of the new
names for knotted bourettes.
Boncle d'Angora is a very handsome
checked fabrio in bourette effects.
Tin-head checked bourettes are among
the most popular of the new goods.
The newest thing in stockings are
bourette effects in colors to match cos
tumes. Gold and silver threads are thrown in
very effectively iu many of the galloons,
fringes and laces.
Gold and silver tinsel, hamlet rf n
kinds, and mother of nearl tiro all
. . ' . . -.w MOW
m giving effect to millinery.
Mother of pearl buttons, in shades to
match the new goods, will be used on
wool and silk and wool fabrics.
Ribbons, in two tones of color,
watered on one side and satin on the
reverse, will be en regie for summer
Short kilt skirts, blouse waists or
waistcoats, and cut-away jackets will be
in high favor for midsummer outdoor
Fluted black lace, headed with rain
bow jet passementeries, are appearing
on black silk and black camel's hair
mantelets, dolmans and sacques.
The American export trade is assum
ing larger proportions with each suc
ceeding month, and is destined to set
our financial matters all right in spite of
the Congressional wranglers. Among
the piano exports to Europe and the
South American States the popular firm
of Geo. Steck & Co., of New York, fig
ures largely, because their instruments
have gained the reputation of standing
the most severe climate better than
those of their competitors.
Mother. Mother !! Mothers!!! Don't
fail to procure Mrs. mslow's Soothing Syrup
for all diseases incident to the period of teeth
ing in children. It relieves the child from pain,
cures wind colic, regulates the bowels, and, by
giving relief aud health to thechild, gives rest to
the mother. It is an old and well-tried remedy.
wil t A D-batable Question,
While much has been written concerning the
use of ' put np " medicines, the question is
still an open on, and demands of the people a
care'ul consideration. The salient points may
be briefly stated, and answered as follows :
1st Are the sick capable of determining their
real condition, the nature of their malady, and
selecting the proper remedy or means of cure?
2d Can a physician no matter how skillful,
prepare a universal remedy, adapted to the
peculiar ailments of a large class of people,
rosidmg in different latitudes, and subject to
various climatio influences? In answer to the
first proposition, we would say, diseases are
named and known by certain " signs " or symp
tomsf and, as the mother does not need a
physician to tell her that her child has the
whooping cough, or indicate a remedy, so peo
ple when afflicted with many of the Symplons
concomitant to " impure blood," " torpid
liver," and " bad digestion," require no other
knowledge of their condition, or the remedy
indicated than they already possess. Second
proposition Many physicians argue that dis
eases are soctionally peculiar, and that treat
ment must IherefnrA van or. A
morphine, podophyllin, and hundrods of other
remedies are prescribed in all countries to over
come certain conditions. Is it not therefore, I
Buu-oviueui, luai, a pnysician wnose large ex
perience has made bim familiar with the many
phases incident to all impurities' of the blood,
general and nervous debility, liver complaint,
dyspepsia, consumption, and catarrh, can pre
pare a series of remedies exactly adapted to
meet the conditions manifest, wherever, and
by whatever means, it may have been engen
dered V The family medicines prepared by R,
V. Pierce, M. D of Buffalo, N. Y., fulfill the
above requirements, Many physiciaD pre
scribe tbem in their practice. His Golden
Medical Discovery has no equal as a blood
purifyer and general tonio, while his Favorite
Prescription cures those weaknesses peculiar
to women after physicians have failed. His
Pleasant Purgativo Pellets, which are sugar
coated and little larger than mustard seeds,
are a safe and certain cure for " torpid " liver
and constipation. If you wish to save money
by avoiding doctors and keep or regain your
health, buy The People's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, an illustrated work of over 900 pages.
It contains instructions concernin anatomy
physiology, hygiene and the treatment of dis
ease. Over one hundred thousand copies al
ready sold. Price (post-paid) tl.59 Address
the author, It. V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y.
Encouragement for tbe Feeble.
Debility, whether it be inherent, or caused
by overtaxed strength or protracted illness,
has a most dopresaing influence upon the mind,
breeding au abject melancholy nearly akin to
despair, aud enforcing the abandonment of
cherished projects and high hopes. Happily,
the enfeebled system, even in extreme cases,
is susceptible of invigoration. It is proved
by incontrovertible evidence that Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters is an unfailing strengtbener
of the.weak, and that, in addition to vitalizing
the physical organization, it establishes regu
larity fimnnff tliluA rr,ra r. a nnnn ..,V, .V,,.;....
; J --r. w-.w vacuus (.1.1 -.UUDO DlUblCUb
discharge of the duties imposed on them by
.mil.... ....i.;...... .1 1 1 1.1 t .
a, vuuuuucu vigor mu ueaitn aepena.
Thousands of instances might be cited to show
tho reeeueratinir influence of thin hAuirh-oiv.
ing agent in cases of debility, liver disease, dys
pepsia, nervons ailments, constipation, inter
mittent fever, urinary aud uterine troubles,
gout and rheumatism, aud other maladies.
The Celebrated
Wood Tag Plug
New York, Boston, and Chioago.
The patronage among the first-class hotels iu
New York is constantly changing from odo hotel
to the Other. Tim r,Him rrsrali llnw, has
recently incited the direct wrath of its compe-
ui.b ujr uunnugiue same accommodations one
and two dollars per day less than the others.
It is said by reliable persons that Sheridan's
Cavalry Condition Powders fed sparingly to
In villi; hens will iucreaso th niii, ,.f ......
J two-f jld. Try it. It won't cost much.
A Rrllnhle Article.
'It is a pleasure to commend an article of a
thoroughly reliable .character, and we do not
hositate to do so in speaking of Dooley's Yeast
Powder, which an experience of over ten years
oonvinces us is the best and most reliable bak
ing powder iu the markot.
Mive than throe-quirtcrs of a century has
elapsed since Johnson's Anodyne Liniment
was invented, and it is to-day the most widely
known as well as the most valuable internal
and external remedy in the world. No family
should bo without ii day.
A Mlaprnbl" Itelna
is' one that is bitions. Oct from your druggist
package of Quirk's Irish Tea. Price 25 ots.
The tJrenlent IHsrovery of the Ami Ir.
ToblM oelehratvd Venetian Liniment I 80 jrart bo For
thopulilio, and warranted to onra Diarrhea, Dysentery,
Oulio, and Snnama. taken internally ; and Croup, Chronlo
Rheumatism, Sore Throats, (Juts. Bruises, Old Sores,
and Pains in the Limbs, Raok, and Chest, eiternall)'.
It has never failed. No family will ever be without it
after onoe trivins It a fair trial. Prtoe, 4U cents. Da.
Bottles, at One Dollar, ts warranted superior to any
other, or NO PAT, for the ear of Oolio, Outs, Bruises,
Old Sores, eto. Sold by all Drut gist. Depot IU Park
Plaoe, New York.
Tbe Markets.
raw Toaa.
BeeJOattls N.tive i7V(4 10
1'exas and Cherokee, . 0- a 08 74
MtlohOowi M00 (470 00
HOrfs! Live 0SW' ft
Drees ed .YT (S(a)
Sheep 04)i(4
Lambs 05 (4
Floor t
Western : Good to Oholoa. t SS
State: Good to Ohoioo. .. . 8 ts
( 6 It
Wheat : Bed Western IN
(4 1 84
(4 1 94
(4 79
No. 9 Milwaukee HI
Rye: State 78
Barley: State f9
Barley Malt f
Oats: Mixed Western...... 8S
Oorn : Mtxed Western 1
Hay, per owt. ...... 6!
Straw, per owt 4ft
Hops 70's 08 (Alt 78's 13
Pork: Mens I01K(410 41
Lard: City Steam 07(4 87
Fish t Mackerel, No. 1, new IB 00 A1 00
" No. 3, new ..9 00 (41100
Dry Ood.percwt. 00 (4 ft M
Heriins, Scaled, per box. .. . IT a It
Petroleum: Crude 0t'09X Rffltied.,.11
Woo' : California Fleece. 30 (4 SO
Texas Fleece 31 (4 2d
Australian Fleece....,., 44
SUte XX 41
Bnttert State is
Western! Choice 13 (4
Western: Good to Prime. 81 (4
Western; Firkins........ 11 ii
Cheese : State Factory 10 (4
Bute Skimmed 08 (4
Western 13ki
Kgfrs: State and Pennsylvania.... 1(4
Flour............ 6 7S
Wheat No. 1 Milwaukee 1 81
(4 8 00
(4 1 84
(4 M
Corn Mixed S3
Oat t
Rye B8
Barley Malt....
. 83
. 80
Beef Oattt
09 08V
OS (4 06 H
067,(4 0J
T 11 (4 7 2ft
1 28 (4 1 84
71 (4 73
60 (4 i
80 (4 61
89 (4 41
Refined, 11 tf
33 (4 28
4 (4 II
17 (4 88
19 (4 C9X
WK(4 07 H
eHC4 07
TS0 (4 900
48 (4 13
87 (4 89
43 (4 4'.
34 (4 88
MX(4 07
M (4 09
07 (4 10
07X4 08
90 (4 I 60
I 00 (4 7 10
700 01 BOO
Hheop ...
Hoes Dressed......
Flour Pennsylvania Extra
Wheat Red Western
Oorn Yellow ............ ..........
Oats Mixed
Petroleum Grade 0U 909 Jtf
Wool Colorado..........
Beef Cattle
Flour Wisconsin and Minnesota
Corn Mixed
Oats "
Wool Ohio and Pennsylvania XX...
uaiuornia rail
Beef Cattle
mm oa,
Beef Cattle Poor to Choioe
I a nhs.
Alius. vCatOfus Xrrure. 3 Jittukt, A4c.
Circulars Fhs. Outhts Wanted.
Irerrons a Hutioua. ( 80 FilbertSt., i'hilad'a. Pa.
Honiton and Point Lace.
CJontaininfr over 15(1 Splendid llesians of the Newest
Fiohus,, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs. Neoklaoes,
Tabuta, Sacques, Tidies, eto., 24 cents, post-fre. aiso
250 Illustrations, AO Oflnts, post-free. How to work
Crewel. How ti work Krabroidery. How t acq ire the
Art of Poonah Paintinar. 'iH cents aoh. Just received
a large line of pure Linen and Silk Braids. Sund for
Samp ea and Ptice List.
Mine, (iurnrv ,.- 4'n , 71 1 Broridwnv, N. Y.
Female Fools
Are sosroe.but the HE kind, who liny Scales of travel
ins aitents, are plenty. J of B will d sliver Five-Ton
Wagon Scales, freight paid, for 95U. No money asked
till tested. Bend for free Price List. JONES OF
BINQH AMTON, Binghamton, N. Y.
P. A. AND P. .
Yon can take it np in the fore part, in the hind part,
or the middle, an where or everywhere, and read it with
intense interettt. Kvery one is advised to buy it, not
borrow it. It will drive away the bines and save a Urge
amount in doctor's bills. Avnta fimt.
Asrents wanted in everv town.
, Hartkorp, Comm.
A p&ckfutA of tbe prettiest p!uturaa yon erer uw
Flowers, Kru t, La da caper. Autumn LeAvei. Birds,
AniDiuli, Oh Irfren, Beautiful Ladiei, eto. fur decorat
ing .H.iUery, V-h, Scrap Books, eto., and a live weeks
suuscriutinn to IitLK Hoiihs, a It) page illustrated (ami
ly weekly, tilled Witn Uflnrmina; Staries by able writers.
Humorous Selections, Poetry, Puzzles for the young
folks, eto., all sent FitEE to every render of this paper
who will forward at onoa I cents to pay milling expen
a a. We make this unparalleled off ar to introduoe our
Raptor into new families. 8ttnps taken. Addreas
I. T. RICHARDSON A CO., Publishers, 305 Broad
way, New York-.- Splendid Prises Organs, Watches,
HtjT rwre, etc., for clubs. Rare chance for agent.
Special Penmanship Department ! !
A complete, general and systematic course of instruc
tion. Superior excellence attained in every variety of
work. Students admitted at any time and crowded in
praotioe to the full extent of their capacity and every
pjsible facility given for thorough and rapid advno
ment. Persons wishing to acquire a perfect system,
and willing to work, can seourethe greatest amount of
frood in the briefest possible time. Young men in'end
ng to secure a business education, will not only find
that a thorough course of training in this Department
will accelerate Mieir progress, but wilt be of infinite and
inestimable value.
If or further information or circulars addreas.
M. V. JOHNSON. Po'kerpsle, N. V.
Grand, Square and Upright
Piano Fortes.
Established since 1 857-Received the Highfmt
At the World's Fair, Vienna, 1873.
First Medal and Diploma
At the Centennial, Phi la., 187vi
These Pianes have been before the public over twenty
years, and outrank all others by an uncommonly rich,
sympathetic tone, combined absolute durability
and nave proved to aland longer in t tne thsn any other
instrument, iiuriuy hea hard fit- ih titer k I'tauo
wti br, Mttld at factory print, onJ to thiuit wi thing to
fA most reliable ISano mad a tij'e-tung treasure a
rare ehutiee njftred note to do to at a modrrte mat,
A full warranty, based on a "Ai yearn' excellent reputation;-
giveu with every Pi no.
ft sT lie ware of JIokus l'iuuM.
For Illustrated Catalogue and Terms apply to nearest
Agent, or direct to lleaauaj-ters.
No. 25 East 14th Street, New York.
WAR OF 1012! 1812!!
A New Law irives Pensions to nil for M days' service, or
If in battle All wtdowa are also entitled. Apply (with
sump) to W. K. Preston, atty .Olevelat d.O. (Jir'l's free.
A lute In w gives pennlnn to aUttie veteran of IHIi
who served 14 1ava, and to ttintr widows, no matter when
manitd. Sodlrs of the late war, d tan bled In thenar,
vine (though by accident ), can gt penpln ; If dead, the
widow or child may get It. If discharged for rupture.
Injur!, or woun'la, full bounty ts paid. Comrades, I
served nve years ' at the front" fn the late war, and have
had twelve years eiperience as Pension Agent. Pieane
give me a trial.
Information tdinerfnlly given when stamp Is Incloaed.
Apply nt otirr. AtlftroM
K. H. YI KIKN, lilrngo. 111.
I s?"No charges unless oluim Is allowed and pMd.jg
Who publish so many Musia Rooks that it is quite Im
possible to advert! we the whole. They print
the best, and nearly all there are, for all Ins rumen ta
from a fife to a church r rgan, and for singers, I)etor p
tivo circulars cheerfully furnished free on Application.
700 different collections of Chnrrh Music Bookl, Ring
ing School Books, Choruaen, trtonon, IiIhhh,
Oantataa, eto.. for Choirs and Musical Nooiettv-s,
Inscriptive circulars sent free on application. Also
HMl different colWt(ns of Rnlionl. Tlih Rohool snd
Sunday School Muic, Descriptive circulars sent
ire, AIDU
120 different collections of Vocal or Instrumental
Music, n-luding t'ie cream of all the heet muaio
ever published. Circulars sent free. Also
(UK) other books Including all that any musical person
can need. These and many thousand pieces of
Sheet Muv.o nre described in Cataloguea, which a
few pen niv s will place in your hands.
Any book or piece mailed, poet-free, for the retail
HohIoii, AfllWH.
CATAKRII. Pond'n Rxlrnrt is nearly Hpf.
ritlc for this diiwaKo. ltran liarttly be ex
celled, rvou In old and obstinate cskoh.
The rnlli'f i" so primit tliat no oue who
lias evrr trii'd it will lie without it.
Kxtrnct elioitld bo in evrry family tliis
rouh weatiier. It remnvrit tlie siirea"""
and rmtKhness, aud often, and heal.)
the skin promptly.
RHKUMATI(ill.Durlii(f severe and chana-cable
wtatlior, no one eubjoit to Klipuniatio
I'ikins should be one day without Pond
. . JKxtrnct, which n Iwnra rrllevee,
i'OI.DH. This cold weather tries tlie
.tinge tiorely. Have I'outl'e Kxirnrt
ou hand always. It relieves tlie aiu aud
currs the disease.
CIIILBLAINH will be rrTlmrtly relieved and
ultimately cured by bathintr the afflicted
TrtH with l'ond'e Kxtmrt.
FR08TEI MM KM.-l'oiid' Kxiract Invnrla
' bly rcllevea ti e paluaud finally ( urra.
are promptly cured by the use of Pond's
Kxitrnct. It never fitlU.
IIISTORV nnd Vme of I'omFs Extract, In
..r.. 4VMIL,.'1,i '"X2n- "'nt f r"e "n application to
POND'8 feXTIUfJt CO., MS Maiden lne.
New Vork. bold bv DrumilaU.
y, B""ton Physician, " baa no eqoal as a blood
pitritler. Heann( of iu many wonderful aures, after ail
other remedies had failed, I visited the Laboratory and
snnvinoed myself of IU (tannine m.rit. ft ii prepared
from harks, roots and herbs, each of whioh Is highl,
affeotive, and they are oom pounded in auoh a manner as
to produce astonishing results."
la the Great Blood Purifier.
Will cure the worst ease of Scrofula.
Is recommended by Physioians and Apothecarlse,
Has effected some marvelous cures in oases of Oi
Vures the worst oases of Canker
lleeta with wonderful suocesa in Mercurial dii
Will eradicate Salt R Ileum from the system.
Ramovea PimpWs and Humors from the Fan.'
Jurea Constip ition and Regulates the Bowels.
Is a valuable remedy for Headache.
Will cur. Dyspepsia.
Restores the entire systt.. to u Healthy conditio.
Removes the causes of Dizziness.
twtlicTM Kaintness at the Stomach.
'Jurea Pains in the Back.
Kffectually eurea Kidney Complaint,
Is effective in its ours of Female Weakness.
Is tbe .treat remedy for Oeneral Debility.
Is acknowledged byall clauses of people te be the feet)
rud moat ruhable blood miller in the World,
H R. STEYEKSJoston, Mass
VcQctinc is Sold by All Druggists
Hnowa'a HnowrniAt. Tnoc-HFW, for oontttm snd ld.
flTTWCI KKVOI.v'Kllf. Prlne I.lst free. Addree
OUlvO tireat We.tirn (tun Works, Ittshnnr.ra
TDIV Noveliles, Notions, lllti.trated (latjilogoe frew
1 nlAl to Aa-enta. Boston Novelty Uo., Hoston, Mass.
nfllTftfl Retail price tM H only lay HO. f
rlflrlllS "rnn,prieir;i40only l !.". I'sper 1
1 UUIUU IIaniki. K. ItKATiv, WashiNKlon, N.
(JiPrt Month. Anents wanle.1. t nosi hII
-"lll Inj articles in the wrM. ttne Mmine rrtt
WVVV A.l.lrew .1 A V lli(0N(IN, Detroit, Mi
If KNTOIt ICKH better thsn Rpectaeles.
The best reiliieed to I. (lirolilars free
Address Itnx THH, New Vorh.
,frff fin T'sr. Agent. wnnted everywhera Bn
OL: rl II lnmiast.tli';ly liRMIiiiate.Pnrtlciilararm
jtmf U XJ Ailtlress J. Won I M A Co.. Bt Louis, Ma
ii A day can be made on a Portable Soda Foiin.
tp'l " " tain. Price :, f l 0, and trm. complete.
s ml for o to I tiAriWAW A t'o., Madison Inrl.
KnporioT in design. Noteqnaied
in qunlily, or as tlinekeeiwrs.
A.k your tlewnler for them
Agenov-S tlortlandt. t., N. V
We will pay Agents a Niilnry nt tier Monlli
and Kipii-es, to sell our lew and Wonderfiil InvenJ
tmns. Addre-s I.. H. Siikhman A (Jo., Marshall, Mich .
MIA 1 Ann A lAY HlIKK made If
C 111 fft V'Jti A irenta selling onrOhron.o
worih l, sent, poel-palt' ,
"""c" for HH del'U. IllnatraMO
Oatalogue free. J. II. HlFrllUU'a MOINX.
Hoeton. tfatabllnhed IMI I v
The best vitalizing Tonlo, ,
Iidlcving Mnnlal and l'hjHcl I
yf FKMAtn WB AKNB88,
And all Impairments of Brain
and iiorve Bvatem,
Dr.niiU. Depot, a Piatt Bt., TS.T,
To all suffering from chronlo diseases of all kinds
UontinMntiiil conmiltation invtled personally or by mail.
New method of treatment. New and rellablerertiedies.
llook and cmuilur rent free iu r-ealed enveioos,
Ail.ln.ri HOWAKH AISMM ! ATION. 4 10 N. Ninth
Street. Philadelphia, itmtimtlon havinga high
repitaliun for h(,noml'Ti ci.ndi'rt and pnifeasional
It contains 072 fine histnricsl engravings and I XflO
large dotiiile column pagea, and is the most oomplete
History of the World ever published. It sells at sight.
Send for specimen pages and eitra terms to Agents,
and see why it sail, faster tliAn any other book.
Natiowai. Oo., Philadelphia, Pa.
Fronting: . Union Squarer
Finest Location in the City.
Earopesfl Plan-Restaurant Dnsnrpassel
HF1HKH A'WK.A t'KH, Pro rlrtnrm
t o trie I nnsiltnntlvf. Wllhor'e ( oiiipnun
Or Doll I.IVKU till, AND i.IMK, Wlihout poaaeasing It)
vernauseating tltvorof the a tide as heretofore n.ed
is eii'towed liy the ptinepuate nf lime with a healing
property which rendora the oil donhiy eftivsoious. Ke
markalile testimonials of iis i-ttlcary hown to those who
desire to see them. A. B., Uliemtst, Boston
UariTallvd for the
Toilet ami tb Bat!),
N artllictal ui
drpUv odors to
oovar eomtnoa ac4
dcitaiitrtu loorh
tnU. A iU yar of
rtcnllflc xnrliaWot
4 th tnantifamrr !
Bomp bM jwHsKt4
Mid now offer- to the
poblls The FINKHT TOH.ET SOAP la the WerlsU
Only tkt pwp( ttyttafiU oii$ vt im Ui mmnnmrtttrt.
. For Uoe In the Nursery It hna No Equal.
ts jfih tn timet iu co. i to every mot her and family tnC'brUUadoin.
tUinpl boa. cooulnlnff S cakn of t ou. Mcb, stmt free to say mA
Wsai oa recti iit of 16 cent.. ArlJrei
B. , BABBITT. New York City.
HT kar SmU liy an liruguliu. j
N. Y. Office 106 Chambers 8treot.
KKAituiRxn 35 Tlasi. Always oarea. liwty
rjdy. Alway. handy, lias never failed. I ' t
milUoui kaea fled it. Th whole world approves ihi
(leriooaold Mastuna the Beat and Cheapest Linimen
loexistenoe. d oents a bcttle. The Mustang Linimen
rare, when not hint else will
"Qf,i ny am wpnmiNW vfndfr8.
i positive rami d for nil diaeaee of the Kidney.
Bladder and Urinary Organs; also' food in Uran.
slral t'ouipluln ta. It never prodaoea ilekneaa.
certain and ape notion. It la faat aoperesdiDf
sll other remedies. Buty oapaalea oar. in six or elgn
days. No other mediolne can do thia.
Beware ef Imitation., for, owinc to IU im
snceeas.many have been offered ; some are moat dancer
oue, oauains piles, ate,
DUN DA 8 DICK & Vti.'S 0huk Sot (tap
Im, containing Oil nf Satidaiuood, to 14 at mil dr.
sforM. Ath far eiroular, or uh4 far ens U md DT
y"'" """I. ftw York.
STltE t't'KK for I. una: Dlerase.-C'nmu.r
tilled Wuiaky aiiJ itZ u andy. ind
PMaliou; lieu, and tt 1 per Boltl " "
UK Dhanilxirs btreet, New York.
1 3 aJ E B if JE
n y N u
. ...