T a OF NEW. Ftern and Middle States. The Home Ravine TlimV. of BofW. bM p-Mdxl. It in believed the dvwitor will be ltii in full, bnt a long tinio will be reqnired to wma np uie nair. A fire In JernoyCity, N. J , dculroyed five . dwellings and made over one hnndred larnilic" dnntittita. I,og on buildings and to occupants, about $28,000. Itnbert McAdam and Charles Tatton, boys a.Kd Alton! twelve yea.ru, quarreled in I'hiladeU tibia over the noaneHfuon of a stick of candy, ration drew a pi-tol and Hhot McAdam through the boad, instantly killing him. The election in New Hampshire reunited 'n a victory for the Republican. Governor Tres oott waa re-elected, and a Republican legis lature and conncil were also ehosrn. Throe building of the American Fowder Company, at Honth Acton, Ma., were com pletely demolished by an explosion, and two men, named Foster and Tnrpenty, were in atantly killed. Bo heavy was t be shook of the eipiosion that it was heard for a distance of . -twenty-live miles. Jehial Reed t Co., wholesale hat dealers, and Joseph H Marks, commission merchant, of New York oity, have snsponded. the former owing $200,000 and the latter $110,000. Benjamin N'oyes, who was indicted In New Jersey more than a year ago for his acts as president of the National Capital Life In surance Company, in connection with the trans fer of assets of the New Jersey Mntnal Life Insurance Company, and whose ba 1 at that time was declared forfeited because he did not appear when wanted, was rearrested in Wash ington and taken to Newark, N. J. The Pennsylvania Senate has passed a bill creating a banking department, whose duty it shall be to annually examine into tho sound ness and stability of the State's incorporated banks. Student of the Princeton (N. J.) Theological Seminaiy were attacked by Princeton College students and two of them severely beaten. Six of the college boys were arrested. Mr. Ann Eliza Leggett, a wealthy widow Residing in Tnckahoe, N. Y., was shot and in stantly killed in the presence of her daughter by a neighbor named Thomas Merritt, who then harried to his own house and shot himself through tbe heart. The partios to the tragedy - were related by marriage, and Merritt had been drinking at the time of the shooting, but the cause of the double crime remain a mys tory. The verdict of the coroner's Jury was that Merritt was suffering from temporary aberration of mind. Tho Newburyport (Mass.) Five-Cent Savings .-'"Bank has been enjoined by the State bank commissioner fron doing further business. Joseph La Tsgo, alia JosepTi Parish, was . , executed at tho State prison in Concord N. H., for the murder of Josie A. Langmaid, at Pem broke, N. H., on the 4th of October, 1875. Miss Langmaid, a girl of seventeen, and daughter of one of the most prominent citizens of Pembroke, started for school on the day of the murder. Sbe was waylaid, and in the evening her body was discovered in a dense swamp, a few rods from the road. Her head was cut off and missing, and the body was otherwise mutilated, evidently for the purpose of concealing the evidence of a brutal crime. The head was fonnd a third of a mile distant from tho scene of the murder. La Page was arrested and convicted on circumstantial evi . dehce 'and sentenced on January 19, 1877, to be executed. He . was granted a new trial, which resulted in a similar verdict and a sen- tence of execution. La Page, it was believed during his trial, murdered Miss Ball, a school teacher, at St. Albans, Vt., in 1874, but es caped through lack of evidence. Previous to his execution he confessed the murder of both Miss Ball aud Miss Langmaid. His whole his tory is characterized by acts of excessive bru tality. He was accompanied to the scaffold by hi spiritual advisers. He made no remarks before the death trap was sprung, and his ' death seemed an almost painless olb. Calvin Stewart, who killed Ira Cole, the rail road engineer, at Dover, N. J., last June, and was sentenced to be hanged on April 8, has had his sentence commuted to twenty years' im prisonment. There has been a run on several of the Bos . ton saviogs banks by frightened depositors, Alexander Bartow, treasurer of the Fishkill (N. Y.) Savings Bank, has been indioted on four charges two fir embezzling 61,000 and ' two for grand larceny iu taking $8,Q00. Western and Southern States. Eleven buildings were destroyed by fire at Tlalbirdaton, Mich., and a loss incurred of tll.GOX Tne Farmers' and Traders' Bank, of Lexing ton, Ka., has suspended payments. Its de posits aggregate $80,000. Tho recent heavy snow storm in Nebraska and Wyoming Territory was one of unpre cedented revcritv, aud numerous persons ranchmen, sheep herders and others lout their lives, while tue loss of live stock is very large. - Tne State Bank, of Arkansas, at Hot Springs, has gone into liquidation, in consequence of losses during tbe recent fire. ' A heavy storm of hail and rain in Jefferson eonnty, W. Va., destroyed thousands of teres of wheat and other; grain, unroofed and blew down houses and killed catlle, The loss will reach over 1 150, 000. , The new Virginia funding bill has pas-ed in the State Senate ayes, 20, nays, 5. The pre amble opposes increase of taxation, recognizes tho iieoe-ixity of preserving and insuring the continued exist once t.f the' institutions of the Sta e, including the public school system, aud exprising wiliinguotw aud anxiety to restore the former equalitv of the public creditors by distributing rateable among them the entire ex cess of public revenues derived from tbe pre sent rate of taxation, after a moat economical admiuiutrdtion of the State government. A partv of men who were lynching a colored man at l'ensacola, Fia., for assaulting a little girl, were fired upon by a sheriff's posse; one man w lulled and live were dangerously wounded. It is reported that Sitting Bull is preparing lor another inaan war. Ous Johnson, a white man, was hung in itome, ua., lor tne murder or uamel A, 1 ford, a colored man. The cause of the crime was Alford's refusal to hurry in taking a .tUtboat across tneuoosa river to Jonnson, who there upon shot him dead. Before he was hung Johnson confessed that he had murdered two men aud helped to kill two more. The hard money league of the West met at oiiioago and issued an address to the peo- -ple of the United States, opposing "all paper lunation ana consequent depression ; in favor of ooin and paper of equal value and equal purchasing power, and convertible into each other at the will of the holder. From Washington. The President has nominated John V. Ilovt. of Wisconsin, to be governor of Wyoming Tei- mory. The act amending the laws granting pensions to the Boldiers and sailors of the war of 1812 and their widows have been approved by the iresiaebt. The director of the mint has informed tho TTctlse committee ou coinage that the capacity . f the miuU would be doubled by the erection f two new mints and the reopening of the old mml at fiew urieans. Senator Morrill, of Vermont, recently called sip in the Benaie the um to provule for a com- uiHsiou on the subject of the alcoholio liquor trallio. It authorizes the President to appoint. by and with the 'advice of the Senate, a com juUmiou, of live persons, who shall be selected boltly with reference to personal fitness and capacity for an honest, impartial and thorough iuveHtiLration into the alcoholio liquor traftio, primarily, in its relations to revenue, and also to taxation, and its general economic and ciimtilio respects in connection with the public ana general welfare or the people. me o nn fniHBtuiieTB are to serve without salary, but tho 1 appropriates 410.000 for the ueoessary and ! ieutal expcuHfcs of the commission. The was adopted. . raooiit meeting of the cabinet tbe prill ' joot of consideration was the draft of irpared by Secretary Evarts, aud to 'lit) governments of all the Latin nniou countries. Tills In In accord anco with tho section of the silver bill, providing for an international "onreronoo to determine tho rela tive values of the bi-me'allic standards. The House committee on post-offices and post road has under crnxideration a t ew scheme f r the clansiflcatiau of mail matter. The stato depaitment has received official intelligence, from Constantinople, of the dis continuance of the blockado on the Black sea. The House committee on education and labor has instructed Mr. Goode, tbe chairman, to re port a bill providing that the net proceed of sale of public land shall forever be conse crated and set apart for the education of the people This act is not to have any effect to repeal, Impair or suspend any law authorizing the pre-emption of publio land or the entry of public lands for homesteads, nor as limiting in any manner the power of Congress to alter or extend tho right of hnmostead upon such lands, nor shall it be held to limit or abridge the power of Congress over tho publio domain or interfere with granting bounty lands. The President has nominated William S. Choate to be United States judge for the Southern district of New York. The first batch of new silver dollars ten thousand in number was received at the treasury department, and three thousand of them were paid out in exchange for gold. Sec retary Sherman, by whose order silver is only to be sold for gold, take the ground that to sell it foi greenbacks would make the latter payable for customs duties which, he states, is contrary to law. The House committee on banking and cur rency ha agreed upon a bill providing for the issue of silver bullion certificates in denomina tions of 10, 20, 50, tlOO and 1, 000 each, representing 412lj grain, and receivable with out limit for all dues to the United States. Messrs. Hardenbergh, Fames and Chittenden, of the committee, voted against the bill. A dispatch wa received from the Uni'ed States consel-general at Havana, recording the death of Hon. John E. Leonard, member of the Bouse from Louisiana, who about a fort night previous had been sent by the' President as a special commissioner to Cuba to inquire into the alleged kidnapping of colored men from Florida. Foreign News. A London dispatch savs : Trustworthy pri vate advices from India state that the Moham medans are greatly excited in consequence of the overthrow of Turkey. Serious trouble is even apprehended unless the government takes some antl-ltussian action shortly, it is be lieved that 200,000 Moslem vo'unteers, to serve against Russia, could be raised without difficulty. About fortv miners wrra killed liv an ex plosion in a colliery near Bolton, England. The kins of Greece was entertained bv Gen eral Grant, at luncheon, on board the United States steamer Vandalia, at Athens. Cassagnac, the well known Frenoh editor of fighting proclivities, has fought another duel with a Republican deputy, at Paris. The storerooms in course of erection at the Woolwich dockyard, London, sovering an acre of ground, suddenly collapsed while the laborers were at work. Hundreds of the workmen were buried in the debris. All were quickly rescued, but many of them were seri ously injured. Thirty-six persons who were attending a fair at Brest, France, were drowned by the capsiz ing of a barge. Subscriptions for a new issue of 50.000.000 roubles were opened at St. Petersburg, and tbe amount is said to have been immediately subscribed. The Power have agreed to have each two representatives in the Peace Congress. CONG KENSION Ali SUMMARY. Heaate. A large number of petitions remonstrating against tho transfer of the control of the life saving service from the treasury to the navy department, protesting against the passage of any bill to impose a tax on incomes and urg ing to appointment of a commission to inquire into the alcoholio liquor traffic were presented. . . . .Tbe House bill making appropriations for tne west roinc military academy was reported, . . . .Mr. Oonkling, from the committee on com' merce, reported a bill in aid of a Polar expedi tion designed by James Gordon Bennett. . . . Mr. Blaine addressed the Senate in regard to the Halifax fishery award of 95,500,000 against the United States, urging that the award was excessive and should not be paid. - A bill pro viding for a commission on the alcoholic liquor question was passed oy a vote or tj to 11. Ad' lourned. Mr. Thurman, from the committee on the judiciary, reported a bill prohibiting members of Congress from becoming sureties for govern ment contractors. .. .Mr. Conkling called up the Senate bill in aid of a Polar expedition, designed by James Gordon. Bennett," and re ported from the committee on commerce on the previous 'day, aud it was passed unani mously without debate. It authorizes the secretary of the treasury to issue an American register to the vessel purchased by James Gord n Bennett, under the name of Jeannetto, and also authorizes the President of the United States to detail with their own consent, com missioners, warrant, and petty officers of the navy, not to exceed ten in number, to act as officers of said vessel during her first voyage to the Arctic seas i provided, however, that such detail shall be made of such officers only as the President is satisfied can be absent from their -regular duties without detriment to the publio service. .... Tbe bill oreating in the United States treasury a sinking fund to pay the debts of the Union Pacific- and Central Pacific railroad com panies was debated. After executive session the Senate adjourned. j The House bill making appropriations for fortifications and other works of defense was reported Mr. Kellogg introduced a bill to establish a mint at New Orleans A bill ap propriating (150,000 for damage done to the property of the Methodist Episcopal Church South during the war was reported favorably. ... .A letter from tbe secretary of the interior in regard to the timber depredations was read, and Mr. Blaine made a speech criticising the course of Secretary Sohurz in collecting one dollar per oord, stumpage, in Montana. . .The West Point appropriation bill was passed with some amendments. Adjourned. Mr. Yoorhees, of Indiana, introduced a bil providing for the payment of all customs duties and all other debts due the United States in legal tender notes at par, except in cases where it is otherwise expressly stipulated on the f aoe of the obligation or contract. Re ferred to the committee on finance. ... After further discussion on the Pacific railroad sink ing fund bill the Senate adjourned. House. Mr. Springer, of Illinois, offered a resolution authorizing the committees on f-xpenditures in the several departmeuti to employ each a clerk or expert pending investigations, and the com mittee on postwihoeB and post roads to employ two experts. Agreed to by 133 to 104. . . .After debate the House passed the deficiency appro priation bilL It appropriates 16,500 for tem porary clerks in the treasury ; f 20,000 for clerks to investigate fraudulent land entries, etc.) f 25 ,000 for olerks in the general land office to bring into the market the public lauds in Arkansas, Louisiana. Mississippi, Alabama and Florida ; and f 4,000 for lighting and heat ing the pension office. Adjourned. The bill authorizing the issue of a long bond for the investment of savings was referred to the committee on ways and means. . . .(The bill appropriating money for the payment of Southern mail contracts, for services rendered prior to 1861, came up and provoked a pro longed discussion. Mr. Willits, of Michigan, read from the Confederate archives to show that eighteen of these claims had been paid by the Confederate government. He also quoted from a report by Mr. Keagan, as Confederate postmaster-general, in which he credited him self with 5l)2,0oo paid on aocouet of services rendered prior to May 81, 1861. Mr. Reagan, of Texas, said that he had not seen any of his reports since the end of the war. but if the gentleman from Michigan, Mr. Willits, was right, he would concede to an amendment so as to exclude from payment such contractors as were paid by the Confederate government. Mr. Blount, of Georgia, felt it to be bis bouuduu duty to say for bis section that he would Lot oast bis vote to pay any gentleman Torcirrying mails iuthe South who had hither to been paid by the Confederate government. Withont comiiig to a conclusion the House ad journed. Mr. Ewing, of Ohia, offered a Jo'nt resolution proposing to amend the constitution so a to authorize the issuing of au indefinite amount of treasury note to be used to retire United State note not bearing interest, and to reduce the interest bear. ng debt, and to be legal tender except whr existing contracts call (or ooin.. . . The diplomatic appropriation bill wa 0' nsid ered in committee of. the whole, when Wr. Hewitt, of New York, attacked the recent fish eries award, and assailed the policy of President Hayea. ... A joint resolution fixing the time for paying whisky taxes was reported from the committee on ways and mean.. . .The naval ap propriation bill wa reported. It appropriates 14,043,648 A resolution Inviting the Presi dent to recognize the Dial government, in Mexico, was offered, but objection wa made. An evening session for general debate was held and the House adjourned at 9:50 P. M. The consular and diplomatic appropriation bills came up for discussion. An amendment restoring tbe pay of first clam missions to the original amount was rejected ... .Mr. Reagan, of Texas, made an explanation in regard to the subject of proponed payment of mail rout' contractors in the South for services rendered previous to the war. He stated that he had forgotten about tbe legislation in the Con federate Legislature regarding the matter, and hoped the House would not consider he had been dealing unfairly with it. Mr. Conger, of Michigan, 1 disclaimed any intention to reflect upon Mr. Reagan in the matter. .. .The bill ? ranting an American register to the Pandora or the Bennett Arctic exploring expedition wa passed. Adjourned. The bill to extend the time for paying the tax on distilled spirits in bonded warehouses was discussed and amended so as to require that the tax paid shall be the same as when put in bond. Adjourned. Mother! Mother! Mothers!!! Don't fall to procure Mr. Winslow's Soothiug Syrup for alt diseases incident to the period of teeth ing in children. It relieves the child from pain, cures wind colic, regulates the bowels, and, by fiving relief and health to the child, gives red to he mother. It is an old and well-tried reniodv. Why He Wouldn't Mnrrv Her. " Marry her 1 by George 1 I would if it wasn't for her confounded nrse." " Nose 1 H, ha ! What's the mattor with her nose ? Is it too short, too long, or crooked which? You're too fastidious, younir man. A woman may be a sharming wife and have one of these deformities " It isn't anv of them, old fellow. The fact is I like Kitty like to look at her and taiK to nor but any closer relationship I could not endure. Her nose is too odoronsl" Unfortunate Kitties should use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, the wonderful disinfecting Eroperties of which instantly sweeten the reath, destroying all offensive odor. To its mild, soothing, and healincr effects the most inveterate cases of catarrh promptly yield. Doia py aruggisis. A Result of Obstructed Dljrentlon. Among the hurtful consequences of ob structed digestion, is the impoverishment of the blood, and since a deteriorative condition of the vital fluid not only produces dangerous organio weakness, but, according to the best medical authorities, sometimes causes asphyxia, it is apparent that to improve the quality of the blood by promoting digestion and assimila tion, i a wise precaution. Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters, is precisely the remedy for this pur pose, since it stimulates the gastrio juices, conquers those bilious and evacuative irregu larities which interfere with the digestive pro cesses, promotes assimilation of the food by the blood, and purifies as well as enriches it The signs of improvement in health in conse quence of using the Bitters are speedily ap parent iu an accession of vigor, a gain in bodily substance, and a regular and active perform ance of every physical function. . No man in his senses should buy worthless horse and cattle powders, simply because it is put up in large packages. Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Powder are put up in small pack ages, but aro absolutely pure and are immense ly valuable. There's no uma Tn I kin jr About the adulterated, cheap baking powders in comparison with Dooley s Yeast Powder, The latter is strictly pure, wholesome, and is put up iuii weight, eatistactorv results in using are guaranteed every time. CHEW The Celebiated "Matchless" Wood Tag Plug Tobacco. Tuk Pionfeb Tobacco Company, New York, Boston, and Chioago. Tho Urenteat Discovery of Ibe Ace ta Dr Tobias1 oelebrated Venetian Liniment ! 80 jeara before tbe publio, and warranted to cure Diarrhea, Draenterjri Oolio, and Spasms, taken internal 1 ; and Group, Ohronio Rheumatism, Bore ThroaU, Outa, Bruises, Old Bores, and Pain in the Limbs, Back, and Chest, externally. It ha never failed. No family will ever be without it after onoe civine it a fair trial. Prioe, AO cent. Da TOBIAS' VENETIAN HORSE LINIMENT, in Pint Bottle, at One Do liar, is warranted superior to any other, or NO PAT, for the euro of Oolio, (Jute, Bruises, Old Bores, eto. Bold by all DrucsisU. Depot-10 Park Plaoe. New- York. Tbe Markets. W TOBX. Beef Cattle Native 0TV V'H Texas and Cherokee. ... 08 (4 08 ' Milch Cows 40 00 (470 00 Rom Uvo 08)4(S 06 Dressed.- CoC4 08 flheen Mis (4 05 Lambs 08V4 03V Oottoa Middling U7U4 1 IX Flour Weatoru Good to Choloe.... t s I (4 7 la State Good to Oholoe I 80 (4 T 7J Buckwheat per owt 1 40 ( Wheat Bed Western..... 1 80 (4 184 Ku.2 Milwaukee 1 Mil (4 1 2 Rye Btat ' 4 VX Barley Htate... ....... ti oe Barley Malt (S (4 BT Buckwheat M (4 M Oats Mixed Western. 4 (4 86 Oorn Mixed Western 49 (4 B3 Hay. perewt 66 (4 fcO Straw per cwt 40 (4 40 Bops 76's 01 (403 77'a 1 k (4 14 Pork Mks 10 '.6 (410 61 Lard City. Steam 07X(4 08V Flail Mackerel, r-o. 1, new It uu (411 OU " No. 2, now 10 CO (411 00 Pry Cod, per cwt 6 00 (4 6 69Jtf jrcrriiiR, Scaled, per nox 17 (4 11 Petroleum Crude 09tt(409V Beflned, 11 Wool California Fleeoe ao (4 . Texas " 30 (4 83 Australian " 44 t4 U oloXX 41 (4 44 Batter -Htate 86 (4 ' Western Choloe. 1 (4 at Western Good to Prime,... f (4 61 Western Firkins 11 .4 18 Cheese State Factory 18)i(4 14 Huto Bkimmed (8 (4 10 Western 11(4 18V Egs Htto and Pennsvlvanla J 2 (4 n BUFFALO. Flour M A 8 60 Wheat No. 1 Milwaukee 1 86 (4 1 41 Oorn Mixed 6$ (4 68 Oats 80 (4 BSJtf Bye 76 (4 77 Barley 76 (4 18 Barley Malt 80 O 82 PBILADELFBIA. Beef Cattle Extra tiheep HotfS Pressed. Flour Pennsylvania Extra. ..... . . . Wheat lied Western Itye Corn Yellow. ..... ................. Mixed Oata Mixed Petroleum Crude ..UlVletOTV Wool Colorado..... Texas. ............ ....... . . CaUtiruU 08 V9 09 V us (4 w (8 (4 4 60 (4 4 'a 141 (4 1 41V 61 61 84 Refined, Wi n (4 22 (4 81 (4 6 (4 60 (4 60 (4 82 (4 84 82 42 BOSTOB. Beef Cattle.... Bheep. Hogs. Flour Wtaoounin and Minnesota, .. Oorn Mixed...... Oata Wool Ohio and Pennsylvania XX... California BBiaHTOM, MASS. Beef Cattle Hueep...... I aw be Bok WAT unto WM, Haas. Beef OstUe Poor to Oholoe. , Sheep. Lauil4 , 08 (4 06 (4 08 OS 06 (4 08 k x (47 jia 6 (4 61 81 (4 88 6S (4 6 44 (4 41 06VO 07 os (4 us U7 (4 10 m6 oh 660 (4 660 I 00 (4 7 1 00 14 74 JohnFon's Anodyne Liniment is, wltln ut doubt, tbe ssfet, surest and best remedy that has ever been invented for internal arid ex ternal use It is applicable to a eat variety of complaiuts, and is eqnally beneflcttl for man or beast. Find out about it and thank us for tbe adviee A IMIrrnhle Urinal is one that is l iiioux. tiet from your druggist a package of Quirk's Irish Tea. Price 25 eta. 1Q10 PENSIONS NoMiIr'ihi1 wii AUlaJ nf 1818 van irrrf not If" than 14 "V, ami t . their willows if mnrritd t S.MI. To wonre the annie, ed it., w Ih stamp, McNKH.I, A BIHCI1, We.hinJn, l. O. An?t until ignition in pniil. Ple.se stmw this to any one rou may think entitled as abore. rrairoOT-TOTsrl CEILING for rooms In plnre or l'losler. FILT ROOFING and SIDING. For ciicular and HHinple, sildrenn C. J. FAY, Camden, N. Jrriv. AN $18.75 ELGMJWAliS. r to the KANSAS CITY TIM KS, at Oni Doi.i.. eaeb. Anybody can a;et up a club, tmupnn tiokeU, i, itn.i an nariH'uinrn pr.n i r rir.ri. XiljLTAjj.K'S Kswns ltv, Mo. NERVO-VITALIZERl A wonderful In.trument. Produces a quiet. patve state of rest of mind and body. Ke.Uires lout vitality, Sire, life and strennth to the weak end nervous, when all othur means fa I. Build, up w..td structure anil qnlrkoes he ne-.n .it.l fluid. Psin is cured hi'slth restored. W.ll produce the mmliummtlo state and devnl. op flUlrToyenoj, Hent ererrwhere for ffl I .Ort. Agent wanted. Uu. W. A. CANIIKK. Hriktoi., Comm. I"" A WESTKRN niMl OTKKY.BI FANCHER'S PRAIRIE FLOWER $500 Reward followed. I he I'rnlrlr Kloiver nres ntnrrh snd Nore 1'hront iu all their form.. Kept by all l)rii. Si.is A sample bottle will be sent, to ini adiliw.s in the U. N. or O.n.dns, express ;")xii, on rerni t of A . 1 " 1 ' ne"'rs. ITupnreil at w . K. HAW. Kilt's CukmK'ai. LAiionATonY. Kansas City. Mo. Address, H. J. FANt 1IKK, Kanaut City, Mo. CENTRAL- WPSTFRN 1,200,000 At KK for Mule nt S5 and SO per Acre, In farm lots, and" on terms to suit all elaaaes. Round trip tickets from Chicaaroand return free to purcha.era. Hend Postel eard for mans and oamphl.t desoriliina' elimate, soil t?I,.Tod.'ioU.,in jonntlos. Cull on or address, li-i.A 2V 'V M?" UOJIPANV. tit K... rtolph pitreet, t'tilciico. or ( rilnr itnnlde. J. H. UALHOUW. IjndCminis.ii.ner. ' LAND Iowa Napoleon's Fate Book ! FUN ! FUN ! ! FUN ! ! ! 1st It tells who and where yon will marry. Snd It tells wh.re snd how you uill many.' 8rd It tells where yon will meet the fated one, and so on. Bent post-paid for V!i cti. PIKK A CO.. Publishers, S.U Hish Ht, Boston. Mass. P. O. sddte.s. Boi 3. Q aTTti." D E ftfl O ft . Nw ready, this startling new temperance book, by Hon. J. A. Dacus. Progress of tjaeprl Trunin -nnre and the IMnrphy Movement orer the whole land, with biographies, portraits, addresses and inoi. lonts of the wonderful work of Ureal Temnersnoe Apostles. Murphy, Reynolds, and others. Teemint with powerful facte, arguments snd illustrations of the In rap of Slrsu Hl'lnk. The lattt ami but wolum. Only 82.UO. AtJK.NTH WA.NTJfcll. Out.,11, MMiryfAmy. Address, T. HKl.KWAP, llAnTFOBn, OOKW. HKTABMMIIKD lOA. ED. H. WEBSTER. Real Estate and Loan Broker, ouz main street, Kansas City, Mo. Farms, unimproved and Mineral f.snd. hnn.hr .nrf aold.eapital incestod, rents oalleoied. taxes paid titles eisinined, deeds, le .ees and general oonveyanoing and ..unman, pruaipii aitenaoa lo. I & Particular attention given to the business and interest of non-resident.. THE BEST FERTILIZERS. ?t ton at follow! : flKNTTINR No. 1 PKRUVUN OH A NO, $. KoMl CWi (taper Phopfal of Lim, $40. DnHhia Rrfltiod PnadrfHtt., ttt.M. Ammonia irl Animal Maltrr (Bona, Mat,' anil Blood). nDequaled fur Ilia plica, I'iS.ia. Ground Bona, til A 1st. Beat lad Plaatftr, fa per Inn, In barrela. fen fr TWKNTY-THIKD annual pam phial. Ordar tflracl of H. B. On IFF! NO. Dealar In Agricultural Implement! and PeritHxora. to CuurUeu4t ttlreat, haw Tork. Nl. PERUVIAN GUAN0J iWARRAKHO IF YOU AKK GOING TO KANSAS! Rend for Kree Onide, siring full and re'isble infor na tion in regard to the cheapest, most productive and best loeated farming lands in the btate. . Address, J. E. LOCKWOOD, General Immifrratinn Agent, Kanttaa City, Miaeouri. mm Hi PIANO Ba I I I J Dunham & Sons, Manufacturers, J J J .Wareroomt, IS East 14th Street, XtmZy Established 1834. REW YORK. Sendor IlluttraUd CC-Mtlar aiuf Price lit. HOMES IN THE WEST Excursions to Lincoln, Nebraska, I.eiive New York unit Nrw Ensrlnnd the Third Tilled. i tn i-vrrv month until llrrrm. her. Kuur.i.in No. W will leave Tl KIAV. iHlltl'll litili. Fnre i.linut hulf rrtiuUr K.ifp. Kant trains aud rind-class accommodations gu-irinteed. For dfsoript r Jind Oiroul.rs, Informa tion Ktmul Tinkers, etc , nd addresa on Portal t'.rd to PLINY .UOOKli, 317 Hrnudvrny, New York. I A poiitiv ratnctlT tor Dropsy and tall diaraara of (ha Wldneya, 11 ladder and Urinary Or a avai a. UuitVa aCeanedv ii purely veittrtable and ! irt-pared expraMlr fur tt.t abuva diacaaea. It haa cured thou ii da. fcvary buttle warranted. 8nd to W. K.Clarke, r'roTidence, R I., for illustrated pamphlet If jour drufrtrttt dont hare it, he will arder it for 70a. "The Best Polish in the World." 33 mmmm USE THE Peerless Wringer. IT IS THE BEST. .J. Y. Office 108 Chambert Street FACTORY-CINCINNATI, O. GLCVE-FITTING CORSETS... lhcfnndortnit LUNHIVAtLtDCOfiSCT I tie now nu inhered oy MILLIONS. frices are m ik h reduced -TntOxtfttCflvtD AT CtNTtNNIAt. t thai Gnuin and bawar of imitation.. AaK also res . THOMSON'S FUNMlAaaAltSnltt The best ftoada made . Sea that taa nam of H O M SON snd th l Mr C now m, art d on every Cortet aSttel .VI I I n mm THE CELEBRATED SWISS WARBLER'S BIRD CALL. THE ONLY ORIGINAL BIRD CALL AND PRAIRIE WHISTLE I (Martafactnrd tinder tha ?at nt Grants) to Mr. 1UMURL MnClAlN. Fab. 5, 1W7.) TUB ONLY t-KNUINK ANI SCIENTIFIC INwTRllMKNT. TltTa la mm nt lha mnti imnaln rA naafnl art.tolwi bTrmaW 1 hfnra the ptiMio fnr mnn ratti-a. It la the nTent.io of Himnol 1 MoClain, the irrwat vantril qnirtt, and for the paat few monina haa tmtn the leadinsa wnndir of all the noielt.e Intrffdnoed In the KnmpMii world, erwat ina; the a;reatMit aatrniinhment end tmnwimHnt wherever aeen. I'he Bird end Animal Imitator it a little Inatrurnent which la entliely oonoealed In the month when in nae, It Heine lmpoaihle for the elneeet obeerrer to dta oorer that the pereon uatnc tt haa anythinar annaaal in bis month at all. It ia oompoaadof a dotible awmi-oirealar metal Ho rlna;, beanttfall ellrert d, which enalowae and enpporte the ?ihrator)r tiaaue or eound prodnoer. Attehed to the line le ateo the rtiaphraajra or retainer, the whole fnatrument bln only about half an inoh in lenirih. and leaatban an etuhth in dtametr. All the parte are made of enatly machinery, de. ierned eipreealy for tlie pitrpoaa, and every part le Bniehed 10 the moat perfect and uhatantial manner, and wlb Uat ft life time. With It any penrnn ean Imitate, In the moat perfect manner, the am in- ol every bird tn the rrrreet, tne oacaima ft ben, the squeal of ft pia, the runt of ft hoar, the neiarbinajol ft horae, the w hint line of a qnail. the qnaoktn of a duck, the hiaa or ft irnoee, the barkina; of ft doa or fox, the nobble tI a turkey, the orowlna; of a moetar, the bam of ft bee, (Ha bnKRinar of a fly, the ai a;ina; of a moeqnito.cto. It bait reoently been used with Ira men ae auooeee by all the prominent ren tnloquiNta, minatrele. and imitator, and has never failed to Iive perfect sati a faction. In fact an exaot imitation of every nown bird and animal oao be jfivan.even by a child, in the moat aatoninhina manner, and without teaching or practice. For the uaeof the hunter they are invaluable, ae any animal or bird oan be ao nearly Imitated aa to eall them at once with in ran re. All the various eonre of the mookina; bird, oanary, and other choice sincere, oan oe (iren eo naturally that the moat expert liatener oannt dteot the difference. When not In use the Imitator oan be earned In the pockt without In jury, or oan be retained in the mouth for hours, if daeired, without the I me at Inoonvenlenoe, aa yon ean talk as well with It in the mouth as when it is entirely empty. Juat Imacine the amasement of ft company at the sadden singinc of ft bird, the ft'iiieiling nf a pi, or the mewlne; of a eat. when It Is snp. poeed that none of thee are in the vicinity I All the eMomah ina; feata of the moat expert ventriloquiat ean be performed by met,ns of the Whistle iy a ohild ten years of see Were eantlv saw the ntmoet astonishment oreated In alarre eom f any asaembMd In a private parlor by what appearftd to be he terrific barkina; of ft oVg In an adjoining room. The room wa aearohed but no doe; ooald be fonnd. Then suddenly ft oat oummanoed an unearthly equal I In ft oloeet which had not been opened for months. Thee a ehlld oned out In great bird oommtinoed singing; In the oorner of the room 1 A a ton in h ment turned to fear, until a boy. who had been sitting quietly reading all this time, fonnd that hia pranks were becoming sen. oua, and owned up to having one of Hamnel MoOlain's WhTatlaa, Tliia wnndnrful instrument ean be eent by mad, with full directions, which will enable any pereon to nao It. Ketail, . onnta eaoh ; three tor AO oentft. Wholesale. per dosen ; tt per gross. He sure and get the (.KffUINB Whistle, which Is sent pre paid to any addreea on receipt of abor prioea, by the sole agents of bamuei MoOiatn. Addreea IM A T. ASU.MCN 6c CO., Begtn, Msuaj. In order to satisfy any doubts as to onr reliability, we would state that our goods hare reoeirnd the hearty indorsement of the publishers of the Wky 7lo, 1oj .-, 8tntmm tmd o(, of Boston, and ITm(v .Sun, of New York. Vnl tliuout and show your friends, as it will not appear again. 33 TRIX $4 fVril imM Wntlnna Til.... -tt flaf.lAsvnA frA I f to Arente. Hostn Novelty Uo.( lioeton, Maes. A day ran be made on a Portable Soda Komi tain lrA. 'K AX. A s. Usl .M.r.l.l. hniJ for o ttaiogue to t;HAPMAM iu.t Maliaon, lnd. TURKEY TAIL And Wing K.athnrs Wsntod. Doubl. tha mafkat prlca Paid durum March A Au'l. t.'itliiAOO Krathkr Utilill !).. (JhliiKgo. Ill,, and 7 W. Broad ar, Now York. WOREC FOR ALL In their own locahtlea, canvassing for the Vlrnld Vlaiior (enlarged) Weekly and Monthly. I.irae-t Pniirr In lbr Vorld, with Mammoth Ohromoe Fre Addrees P. O. V( KKKVi Awitwetai, Mnlne. EVERETT HOUSE, Fronting Union Squaro NEW YORK. Finest Location in the City. European Plan-MauranlDiisiirpassei KKRXKR WKA TKR, Prprltr. BABBITT'S TOILET SOAP V.rivalM T lb. Tol.t .nd Is. Bats. N. .rtisdal sc. dM.pU. loi l. amrw mmt an. al.torloai lradl nU. Aiurjravtef rta.Uo. urinaol th. masabrwrn .' m. r. rvn Tk FTflEST TOILET IOF la Ika Wrl vmlji Um pnrMt 9ftthU iU mtid ta tu .MM.w.r. .. tor Uaa In the Nurssry It haa No RQual. I. ortn tmi Uu.MlUcii.1 to .v.ry DM.llirr Mia nuntljr InChrtaM-adual B.m.1. bus. tmnulolng 1 cahM of 4 Ma, Mcb, Mil IrM t. a.7 atV Vm. as rli.t of U cnU. Atdrt B. T. BABBITT, New York City. IT tor 8al J ill lru.tI.U. jU m e Annual flntnlnarue) nf Vav-aretnlklei ' tanrf F I ov'r td fo4 rich engravings, will he sent KKRK to all who apply, tlustomere of last season need not write for it. I offer one of the largest oolleo tioi.s of vigetab)o sne ever snt out by any sed houae in Ainorici, a lnrf portion of wiiicU were grown on my sift seed farms, frintnl flirtation far cultivation on erjra parkv;e. All Sned warranted ta hath frmnh and tr to nam ; un far tlmt should it prove otnerwise i vilt rrjill the order yratu. Nsw Vfgt'lnblfH ft Npeetnltr. Aa tlie onarml introducer of t lie Hub bard Sqiifish, Phinney's Melon, Marblehead Oabltagea. Mexican Oon, I olftir several new vegetables this sea son, and invite th patrtinagn of all uho art anxiou to hart their rd dtrex'ly J'rom tht grottttr, frtih r, and of tki verg bent strain. JAMES II. J. (niKfjORY, .Marblrlittad. .Mug Bo wit's Buowch i al Tnorngg, for oooghs and eolde. n.TT TJQ KETOl.VKRW, Prire List free. Adrtrew UUXlO Great Ventrn Oun Works, Pittabnrg.Pg. SCHOOL HDSIC BOOKS! High School Choir. KMw"ttD'"- A standard, useful and favorite book. School Song'Book. 0FvE5o'.To.0p, Kin Hook tor Uirls' High snd Normal Suhoolt Choice Trios. W. 8. Tildkh. 80 Pr doi.n Threa part Songs for Kumal. Uollsgaa.Haminariea.ato Grammar School Choir. waX?: Excellent collection for High or Grammar Sohools. American School Music Readers. In 3 Bonks, each 35 cants, AO eanta and 60 osntar Carefully prepared for Graded 8chia. The following are favorite general oulleotionaof genial Bongs for Uonuuon Schools ; SIIMI1 IK'IIO H. H. PKBKlna. .75 .11111 HIMi ftllfll W.O rrimiNS. .AO .111 sit: 'I KAl IIKK O. K.veHKsr. .AO oCltfrAVl It UK II. P. IANas. .HO MUSIC C:iIAUT-. By Dr. Lowell Haroh. Idirge Charts, oontnining I If O Blackboard Leasons. plainly visible to all, saving much trouble, eaaily set up and uiied. anil f urniHhing a complete oourseof praotioa. ttant by t": press. Iu tutu rolls or seta. Kacu VH. 0LIVEE HTS0N & CO., Boston. 11. II. UITMON Ac 1:0.. I 813 Broadway, New York. J. K. DITSON At CO., t:Knt.st !.. Pfctla. Tho Standard of tho World. I FAIRBAIMICSV SCALES. AliGNTN FOR CIS Miles' Alarm Money Drawers, Oscillating Pump Co.'s Pumps, Enterprise Co.'s Goods, The Improved Type Writer. FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 Broadway, NVw York. r.iiitn.tMis, ;oii.v,i (o., 3 Milk Street, Boutoit. PIAKOS R.UII pHo. (HINNJ only Wlf60. IVk r.vae.,prios;40only .. Haper free Uakikl, F. Beattt, Waahiagton, N.X.. $350 A !Ionth. A rent, vantad. .tH bast eall Ing artwlee In the world. Uaa sample frit Addreea JAV HHONHON, Detroit, Mioh S2500 a year. Agent wntl ffrerywtiem Bna Ineas strictly lcgltlniate,Partlcular frog AUdreaa J.woiti A Co., bt Louie, Aba Men In each Htata for the Da ve riervioe, and to report orima. Pay liberal. InoloM stamp snd sddresa Amen oan and Knropean Becret Hervioe tlo., Oinoinnatl, O. WANTED S orima. Pay liberal. Inclose sts GLQ CKSI Hopehor in des'gn. Not equaled ijuniit.jr, or as iimeseepars. 1 vnur .Itweler for tnem Agfnoy-H Uortlftndt tSt., N. Y AGENTS, READ THIS We will pay Agents a Snlnry f l7U pr ftlontk) . and Kipen., to sell onr ew and Wonderful lnvenj tions. Address K H. ShkrmaW A Oo.( Mnrshsll, Mioh. A HAY SI'IIK made by Agente selling ourObromoa Crayon., Fiotare and Uhro. mo Oarda. 1 aamplae, worth MA. seat, post-paid, for NA Oenta. Illastrated ratalogna ft. J. II. NLPKOKU'S HONS Haalon. jftstahHshed Iwtn.l $10 to $2S W J"a Tt W J IaI - Uil HOSPHO-NUTRITINE, Tha beat vitalizing Tonlo, ., . Relieving Menial And rbysical ' PROSTRATION. ITERVOU8NE83, SBBIXJTT. , FKMALB WEAKNESS, And all Impairments of Brain sod ierva Svateui. It Ir.:rliu. Depot, a Piatt St., N. T. HAPPY RELIEF To all suffering from ohronio disesses of all kinds llonAdenttal consultation iuvtted pernnnally or by mail. New method of treatment. New and reliuhte remedies. HiH.lr and oirculsrs sent free in sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD AHHOCI ATION. 4 10 N. Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa , an in.tiliit ion uavinga llKh reputation for honorable oondoct ana pmfussiL.nal . skill. P AGENTS WANTED FOR THE HISTORYoftheWORLD It contains 072 One hlstorioal engravings and 1 2 O.I large double eolumn pagtee. and is tbe moat complete History of the World ever published. It sells at sight, 8end for specimen pages and eitra terras to Agents and see whj it sells faster than ao othar book. Addreea, National Prin.it.HtHQ Co., Philadelphls, rs. r wrr-nmi'a: rsfiTtrpniTST. 07 4 PURE COD LIVER OIL A17D LIME. Ta the t'anenranllve. Wllbor'a f ompona or Cod I.ivek Oil, and l.mc, wiihont poeaeaemg the very nauaeating flavor of the article as heretofore vised. Is enrtowed by the phospDate of lime with a healing property which renders the oil doubly emoacioua. Re markable testimonials of its effioacy shown to thoaewho deairetoaeethem. A. B. Wll.lluK, Ohemist, Burton. the OLD STAtlD-DY. MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT FOR MAN AND BEAST. (TADLdsKSS 35 Tsam. AJways anna. Alway ready. Always handy. Uaa never failed. fnerfg rilUons Aowe saatael It. Tb whole world approves the glorioo. old Mustang tbe Best and Cheapest linlmea InaiuUnoe. A oenu a bottle. Tbe maatang Unlmeo ores when nothing else will HQf.n BT AtX MKDlfiritH VFTf dkkb. Sandal-Wood A pltlve raised lot all dlsssesi of the HUaeye Bladder and Urlaary Organs; elso'good in Draa. steal Cemplalate. It never prodneas siekesaa, eertaln and spea eetioa. It ia fast superseding all other remedies. Btity eapenles sore in six or elgh days. No other madialus ess do this. Bawar af laittatloas, for, owing to Its grea oooess.many bsve been oSered ; some are most danger one, saasing piles, sts. OI7NOAS DICK cV V-4.'H mM Soft Okas les, amfaaafag MI 4 AtadaleMod, sold at ail aVe Mores. Ask for atrtmlor, or ttttd far sa fa 86 sad (1 WoortT tttri, Ir Ttmh. Slick i t its tor i,ss( inacitra titled WhlxUyaod llurlt 4 hiiUv per gallon ; 1 6 ota. aud at I per Bottle. 3V. VAN IIIJIT HH Obambers Bireet, e (Joiipar Dia 3 and Ht New Tork. I N it. 1 1 f i J