4 qmkliam. II. DUNN EDITOH. VEfiM;5sD,Y MOUMXG, MAR. 11, )fc?8. A!f SOUS i CK2TI KXTS. ASSKMnLY. Wo nro authorized to announce TV. It, COON, of Clarington, as a candidato for Assembly, Subject to tllO USagOS of tho Republican party. Our Washington LetitP, Special to tlio RcrunLiCAX. " Washington, D. C, Mar. 9, 78 It is felt, I will not say universally, but by a lnrgo minority hero, who have diagnosed the complication of ailments now nfflictiug our languishing business interests, that Wood and his commit tee of tariff adjusters are doing more to perpetuate the existing commercial prostration than arc all other causes now acting iu that direction. The steady decline of gold sinco the pass age of the silver bill over the Presi dential veto seems to have discredited tho predictions of disaster indulged in by the advocates of the exclusive, gold standard. Synonomotisly with this do clino there has been noted a growing firmness iu about everycluss of Gov ernment securities; and the feeling is general that if the mischievous tenden cies of t he inflationists on the one hand and of the anti-tariff maniacs on the. other, could be restrained, we might confidently count on a gradual recu peration from this time forvrard. But Wood, shuttijg his eyes to the evil consequences already so palpable that tho wayfaring man, even, is at no loss to interpret their ominous purport appears determined lo abuse the power that has accidentally fallen to him, as to cripple every interest within his reach. As compared with February 1877, the decreaso for last month in custom dues amounted to $788,622 ; internal revenue taxes $1,174,847. Total decrease in tho revenues for the first eight mouths of the present fiscal year as compared with same period last year, foots up to S5.074.3C5. Only .19 out of the 52 pages oi Wood's bill have been completed during the six months' session. There is hope, how ever, that on the first day it is present-' e'l to theJIouse, a motion to strike out the enacting clause may be adopted, thus defeating the bin and properly rebuking the mismanagement respon sible for such lo3S?s. The report of the Senate Judiciary Committee seems conclusive as to the right of Congress to force the Pacific ilailroad 'Companies to live up to their contracts, and to enact such legislation as appears needful to enforce the rights of the public in the premises. The re port substantially Bays that while (lis claiming on tho part of Congress any sight to destroy at pleasure the vested ;5hts of property, the right to "alter. need or repeal" the charter of the acific Railroads was reserved and is ndoubted ; that even had it not been ecially reserved, tho prohibition and in the Federal Constitution ainst the right of any State to im ;r tho terms of a contract would give "irress the ritrht to interfere; and illy that iu the absence of any post e stipulation, the fundamental prin lo that no Congress has the riht to lit the Constitutional powers of any sequent Congress, would confer the '.t on Congress to adopt such legis 'irtuusiii iis discretion is dcet ie tosary to force those roads to com with t he spirit ai;d letter of their tracts with the Government The schemes of the railroad lobbies ' roduced to the notice of the House t ing the past two weeks, are oumer .1, ana many oi liiem colossal in : aracter ; and it is quite impossibl i conceal the indications of jobbery Hh which they all abound. Their 'uificanca is about the same in all of 'oi, to-wit : the committal of the ivcmmcnt to tho gift of millions in : ey or land or both, for the good behoof of speculators who have !e tho swindling of the Government i ofVsjion. iiia Folk investigation siill drags its .rmiuable length through the weary is uud weeks of Congressional sit '.i:gs. The general purport of all the limouy has been so conclusive as to iuilty complicity or knowledge of "I of tho noted reformers of the and many of the Senate, that " them have already offered "ex and more are to fJlow. It U to effectually white f many' duiVha IciicfL claries as lo satisfy the public of their innocenco. A start has been made on the ap propriation bills. On Tuesday the fortification bill passed the House, and ft deficiency bill came up for conside ration. A good many of tho "erring broth ers' iu Congress who represent tho timber stealers, seem disposed to for get past favors because tho President saw fit to veto a bill designed, no one can doubt, to secure the acquittal of this class of publio plunderers. But what Mr. Hayes has lost with that class of bis whilom admirers, he has gained with those who believo in the punishment of thieve, great and small, whether tho offense is against the Gov ernment or individuals. The postal -savings bank bill will soon como up for disposition and will find many friends in both Houses, it is believed. Tha refusal of Cox to sanction the suppression of that portion of his re marks of the other clay, in which he characterized tho President as "a fraud," has secured for him the con tempt of many of his associates. After benefiting by the kindly interference of Speaker Randall to extricate him from a very unpleasant predicament. le turns about and repudiates the bar gain to which he, by his silence, bad committed himself. But llandall has earned something by his experience. All officers, enlisted and drafted men t' tlio army or navy, who served 4 days in the war of 1812, or in any engagement of that war, are entitled to a pension of $3 per month under the bill just passed, if not already. in re ceipt of one ; and all widows of such, who have not remarried, are also en That old, and at all times Bepub ican paper, tho Philadelphia North American, has been looking ever the political field iu this State, and its con clusions are given in the following short article : "The Republican prospects in Penn sylvania for the State election in No vember next are beginning to look promising in view of tho uprising all over the Commonwealth 'against the monstrosities of Fernando Wood's tar iff bill. So good an issue for the Re- 1.1! 1. . a t nr n puuncans uas not neen ouercu lor a long time, and unleis the bill be aban doned by the Democrats in Congress, which seems now improbable, there will be an old-fashioned Republican storm in j.oveniuer. iha reaction in Philadelphia is general and pro nounced, and will tell with effect when the time comes. Success has exercised its usual influence upon the Democrats iu developing all the worst tendencies of their party. The issues nbout the national Administration and its policy aro beginning to sink away, and the necessity of Pennsylvania stauding by ner own principles auct interests 13 everywhere appreciated. The Demo cratic hopes rest on their ability to galvanize into the semblance of life the somewhat putrescent remains o the Labor Reform party ; but as i means of aiding a free-trade tariff this concern will become odious to the workingmen, and sink out of sight bo fore the revived vigor of the great in dustrial issue." Sammy Cnx's disgraceful perfor mance appears in a still worso light sinco tho T)-ibvne revived the half forgotten letter ho wrote to tho Presi dent last spring bogging for the ap pointment to a Special Agency of Geo. II. Butler, a nephew of General But ler. Cox now calls Mr. Hayes a "fraud," but bo sonsidered him a valid enough President last March to give his friend Butler, who is a fraud of the first water, a good office. E. F. Kunkel's Blttor Wine of Iron. K. F. Kunkel's celebrated Hitter Wino of Iron will effectually euro liver eom pl a i n t . 1 a n n d ice, dy pe p i a , eh r on io or n er vous debility, chronic diarrhoea, disease of tho kidneys and nil diseases arising from a disordered liver, stomach or intestine, nnch as constipation, flatulence, inward piles, fullness of blood to ths bead, acidity of the stomach, nausea, honrtburn, disgust for food, fullness or weight in the stom ach, sore, e nictations, sinking or fluttering nt the pit of tho stomach, swimming of tho head, hurried or dillleult breathing, Mut tering at tho heart, choking or aultocating sensation when in a lying posture, dim ness of vision, dots or webs beforo tho sight, dull pain in tho head, deficiency of perspiration, yellowness of tho skin anil eyes, pnin in tho aide, IkcIt, bond, chest, limbs, etc., sudden Hushes of heat, burn ing in tho ilesh, constant imagining of evil and great depression of spirits. Price $1 per bottle, llcwaro of counterfeits. IV) not let your druggist palm olf somo other preparation of iron ho may say it is as good, but nsk for Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron. Tako no other. Kunkel's Hitter Wino of Iron is not sold in bulk only in $1 lottles. E. b Kunkel, Proprietor, No. 250 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Ta. Hold by all druggists. Tape Worm Removed Alive. Head tpul all complete, in two hours. No feo till head passes. Seat, Pin and Stomach Worms removed bv Dr. Kunkel, 250 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Send for circular, For removing Seat, m or Stoinaeii Worms call on vor.r druggist and ask for a bottle of Kunkel's W orm Syrup, pcico fl. It never lads. Common senso teaches If Tape Worm bo removed, all other worms can bo readily removed. , E. F. Kunkel's Lustral 8c E. F. Kunkel's Shampoo for the Hair. Tho best and cheapest Hair Prcssine and Hair Cleaner in tho world. They re move dandruff, allay Irritation, soothe and cool tho heated scalp, prevent the hair from falling oil', and promote tho growth in a very short time They presorvo and beautify the Hair, and render it soft and glossy. They impart a brilliancy and a silky appearance to braid and wiry Hair, and, as a hair dressing, they aro unrivall ed ; eradicate dandrtwt and prevent bald ness. Tho shampoo cleans tho Hair, re moves grease, scurf, itching, eruption. Cures headache produced by heat and fa tigue. Kunkel's Shampoo aivj Lustral restore Hair to a natural and glossy color, restore faded, dry, harsh and wirv hair. Price per bottlo SI. Ask vour druggist for them, or send lo 12. P. Kunkel, Pro prietor, No. 250 North Ninth Street Phil adelphia, Pa. t 18-Gin JOB WORK DONE AT THE At the lowest cash prices, neatly, prompt' hj, and in style equal to thai of any other establishment in the District. Terms of Peace. An outline of the preliminary treaty of peace between Russia and Turkey is published. It. leaves too many and too vital questions open for settlement by the Congress of Powers to permit of its being accepted as furnishing pos itive assurance of the peace of Europe It exacts an enormous wat indemnity equivalent to about 81,100,000,000 in American money, but territorial ces sions are to be accepted for the greater portion of it. This will take an enor mom slice out of Armenia. It is not agreed that the Turkish fleet or tho Bulgarian or Egyptian tributes shol or shall not bo pledged to Russia. The whole effect is simply to transfer tho question of war or peace for England Austria or Russia from the present ne gotiators to those who arc soon to meet at Berlin. The Congress then and there to assemble will be as roomen tous as the similar one which estab lished the European "balance of pow er" after the fall of Napoleon I. Buf falo Express. The Public Debt was reduced two million two hundred and fifty thou sand two hundred and thirty-seven dollars during tho month of February. A rather favorable showing in the face of a reduction of nearly $2,000,00) in revenue during tho .atue time. Prof. OIit'iMt. Enlii.y, rpKACIIlilt of Vocal and Instrumental JL Music, will give, lessons on the Piano, Organ and Violin. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. l'resent resi denco with Mr. Frank Monday, at Tiones- ta Station. rati Wide Awake! Spicy I Newsy! Oil Cjty Daily Derrick,. For 1S78. Bi'ltrr Than Evrr! Moro and Fresher News, nnd More Read mg Matter than any ot her Daily Paper in North-Western Pennsylvania! THE OIL CITY DAILY DERRICK HAS BEEN EXL1RGED TO 52 COLEHXS, And will begin tho new year with OVER 6,000 DAILY CIRCULATION larger than ever attained by any daily newsp iper m l'a. outside oi tnc large cities li has gained tins by giving nil tlio iresn est uows, and sparing do expense in ob taining item, u uas correspondents in every portion of the Oil Itcgion, besides several reporters who aro constantly trav eling. Tlio proprietors, editors and re portorial start, aro all 3'oung and enerjreti men, whoso aim is to make tho Derrick the leading newspaper of Western Penu sylvania. i lie derrick win no la tter than ever for HS77. It will have special reporters at vvasnington and narrisburg. who will fend daily specials of all iniixirtant events Its readers will bo kept posted on all tho political news of the day, as reported from an independent standpoint, while a largo roportonal lorco w ill keep them informed on local matters. It will also, as it does now, tako tho lead in discussing questions oi importance to oilmen, and worK taith fully for tho interest of the Oil Itcgion. It will maintain its position as authority in oil statistics, anil ita market quotations win always ho found reliable. The l)Air.v Dkruick being published at Oil City, tho Metropolis of the Oil lto gions, and the largest Petroleum Market in tlio world, lias better advantages tor o! taining eil news than any other daily. Its market quotations have gained procedenc over all others for accuracy, reliability ami iiumess. THE DKRRICK IS THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE. STATE. It circulates anion a rich and flonrishin people It you want spicy reading, fresh news information concerning tho Oil Itugion and a red-hot paper, subscribo for the On. City Daily DKHRicK. Terms, S10 pe year; six months fl a month in ad vaneo. THE WEEKLY DERRICK With US to 30 columns of Choice IScmling flatter. Containing a weekly review of the Oil istisiness, ull tho "Wtray !Sand" or tho Dai ly Derrick, and interesting news from all parts of the world in a condensed form. Tho WEEKLY DKHH1CK will bo sent post paid, to any addross, for jl.50 per year, always in advance. V. 11. LONUYVKLLifc CO., Publishers, Oil City, Ta. WILLIALS V CO., MEADVILLE, - - PENN'A., TAXIDERMISTS. BIRDS and Animals stufi'cl and mount ed lo order. Artificial Kvco kept in htock. ' -j-y "REPUBLICAN" OFFICE :o:- BUSINESS CARDS SHOW CARDS, VISITING CARIjL, SCHOOL CARDS WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, HYDE, SHATTUCK So CO., MANUFACTURERS OF BREECH-LOADING SHOT CUftSS, Revolvers and Pistols, Gun Implements, etc. I HATFIELD, Hampchlro Co., Moan. Cut this out and Bend for Catalngim and Prico-Lint, enclosing :i cent stamp. 49-3m. ARE YOU GOING TO P A I U T ? CHEMICAL PAINT. Keady for use in Whlto, and over Ono Hundred different Colors made of Htrict ly puro Whito Lead, Zinc and Linaoed Oil, Chemically combined, warmnted imfti handsomer and cheaper, and to last Twice as Long a-' any other Paint, It has taken tho FIlbST PREMIUMS at twenty of tho State Pairs of the Union, and is on Many Thousand of the finest houses in tho country. AiUlresa: MILLER BROTHERS, B AMPLE CABD SENT FEEE. XV, HI, C .7.7 .S7. aair Strait, CLEVELAND, OHIO. FOll SALE Jii- JIOBIXSOX A BONNER, 110NESTA, PA. - -I Allegheny Valley Rail Road. Pittsburgh, Titusville & Buffalo -Railway, and Buffalo, Corry &. Pittsburgh Railroad. rN AND APTRK Sunday ,Pec. 10, 1877, trains will run as follows; STATIONS. Northward Nn. I Nil. 3 N.. a m rutsburph 8:.)0 W Peii JnnelUiOO KittanniiiK 10;:W 1L li'k Junclt-.lK lhady llcndl Parker 12:10 Emlcnton I'Ji.Vj. l:.l:t Scru harass Kranklin Oil City Housevillo Titusvillo Corry Mavvillo ISntlalo 2::i :i:!i7 4:17 II. H s.or. BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, MOXTIIXY STATEMENT'S, Oil City Oleopoli" EhhIo Hock Tionesta " Tldicuto ' Irvinetoii p m wo 4:0". 4:41 7:10 7:.r4 H::s.- !):).") U: P 2::M) :t:17 :i:-!7 4:2.' .r);.'- 7:10 in N...5 ) 111 s: H 10;.V1 11:1". 12: 1 :iif H:0' .:.t7 0::i0 7:ld :.; i):I.r) 11:00 1:I." K:L'5 K;.-)4 Southward Nn. 1 So. 4 Jin. p in p 111 a in s:10i i.V)' : !." 7:00 l:lo :l0 (i:o'li."si 4:00 .r:4ojlli47l L':a- r:is!ll::vi 2:10 4:4."i;iO:.V, 12:40 4010:.) 12:(H) n:-; in: i 0:021 0:41 z:.. 1:4 12:50 11:40 10:10 f!:5.-) 1:10 12:27 t:0.": 12:01 0-.:l2l 11:07 10:22 11:10 a. m 0:i() 8:00 a. ni :loi f:'i'i 7:20 t (l:or, I 4:02 1 12:40 I H:00 7:27 ! 7:10 ! 0: 17 r,:r.7 5:05 lp. ill Trains run bv Philadelphia Time. HAVI'D McCAlKiO, (ien'l Sup't. MORTON II ALL, Wen'l Passeni;er it Ticket Ayent. BOOTS AND SHOES! pH? ENVELOPES BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, KOlE HEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, P O ST E R S DODGERS, HANDBILLS LABELS, SHIPPING TAGS, &c Hll. EVANS liasjut oienod a largo ami well-.-eloctcd stojk of HootM and Stioes, at prices LOWER THAN EVER! and cordially invites porsons from sur rounding towns and country when visiting Tidioute to call and JExnmiuc Ills SJotlc before purchasing clsew here. "lurt" and also ''dray Ji;W Fine Fronch Kid i'tttcaii.K. , ( JILM OTt E .C- CO., Successors to Ch!p nian, MosmeriC' Co., Solicitors. J'atent piocured in all counlric-. No l-'oes in ad- ' v:mce. No charges unlc.-s tho patent is gi anted. No fees for making .prelimina ry examinations. No addilional Ices for obtaining and conducting a rehearing. 1'y a recent decision of thct'omnil.-sioucr ai.i, cject'd a iilicalions may be revived. Special a'.lcnlion given to I ntcrlcrcm-o Cases before tho I'alent Ollicc, lsxtcn'-ioiis beforo OongieHS, .Infringement Suilst iu dilferi'iit Sint(fs, and all lilhralion ii)ipcr taiuiug to Inventions or Patent. Send stamp to Oil more ti Co., for pamphlet of sixty pages. Ldiitl I'asow, Wari'tmls nut!t Strii. Contested Ijnl Cases prosei-utcd beforo tho U. S. Oc.icral land Oflico and Depai t inent of the Intirior. Pri vat Lantl Claims, Mining and Pre-emption Claim-'," and Homestead Cases attended to. Land Scrip in 40, W), and 100 auro piecc-s for sale. This Scrip is assignable, and can bo local ed in tlio name of the piitvhaMr upon nny (luv ei nment land subject to prh m'.c entry, at $1.25 per nerc. It is of equal value wild llountv Imil arranfs. Send Kiamp lo iil moro it Co., for pamphlet of Instruc tion. Arrears of ay fc Ilomify. Olllccrs, P'lldiiirs, and Sailors of the Into war, or their heirs, me in many cases en titled to money from fhe (iovenintci't of which (hoy have no knov!e:lgc. Wtito' full history Oi servico, and viatc amount of pay nud bor.utv received. Kndoso stamp to 'iilinoro (: Co., and a full lcnly, after cxaiuinathjii, will bo jiven you free. 5esiioiiM. , All Ollicers, Soldiers, and Sailors woun ded, ruptured, or injured in tho lato war,' howovcr sliglitly, can obtain a pension by addressin-jiiilniore A Co. Cases prosecuted by (iilmoie it Co. be foro tho Supremo 'unit of tho United States, tho Court of Claims, and the Soidii-' orn Claims Commission. Each department of our business Is con ducted In a separate bureau, under chargo of tlio same, experienced pai liej employed by tlio old tirm. Attention to all business entrusted to Oilmoro A Co, is thus kc curod. Wo desire to win success by do serving it. Address ("JILMOllE A CO., Ol'O Street, Washington, J). C. . 4ilf Shoes lteniember for Ladies' wear c, upcciallj- the place, GIRAED BLOCK, TEDIOUTE, PA. 3!l .1m II. H. irV'ANS. G00DYEA11S II U B I E 11 GOODS OF EVEEY DES0EIPTI0N, W'IhiIi-nuIc ami ltrlnll. Handsome "H'versiblo" Coat 012.00. Oth er styles, ?2.50 to.22.C. In ordering' coat givo height and chest measure over vest. Caps, Capes, Legglns, Oun Covers,'and Watt-rpi'(K)f (Sooda of nil kinds. Ladies' Nursery A prons. 1.75. Children's Hibs and liapers, 50cts. Crib Sheets, handsomely iinishwl, 1.00 iV 1.25, by mail. Bed Sheets, handsomely finished, full bi.e, $l.iQ by.mail. Ladies' Itubber (iloves for Housework, Gardening, and Softening Hiid Whiten ing the iiands; and a cure for Salt Ithcum ami Chapped Hands. Indies' Short, jd.25. Gauntlets f 1.50. Nursery Sheeting, Hot Water Mottles. Iite l'reservcrs, Air llosoms, etc., etc. Novelties of kinds for comfort and con venience of ladies, worthy their uiientioii. Vi 7i A' (ooDYl-: A u'sM AM' a IH illustrated, 52 pages of valuable) information, of in terest to every one, on receipt of uddre.xti and stamp. oods suitablo to all iuri'.ses. Special articles to order. Anything under 4 pound , by mail. p.cst tioods at Loicat New Yoi k Price. AGENTS WANTED. Brooklyn Depot Coodyrnr's Uulibcr (lootls, Manuftctarera and Dealers, Wholuale aud Retail, Address T. C. THOFINE, ranager, 211 Eultoii Street, Pruoklvu, N. Y. i'. o. llox -Jti. ' irj-3a f a week in your own town. Terms and 5 oiillit lice. 11. HALLETT V CO., I'ui lland, Miiue. 20 1 S66 THE WELLS TEA COMPANY Importers of Pure China and Japan Teas, 201 FULTON ST., P. O. Box 45C0. NEW YORK. THE WELLS TEA C'MPANY Supply Teas to Storekeepers, in original packages, at lowest import prices, as per sample sent on application. Supply Teas to Ii.uirgist, General Deal ers, und others, packed in l..ind.-onie sealed packages of one pound ea-h, in canisters of Hie samo capacity, and in 5 lb., 10 lb. and 20 lb. boxes. Pull particulars on ap plication. Supply Teas t; Toddlers in haif pound and one pound bags, p:ain or printed, at a more liberal discount than is given Use where. Supply Tea for Club Orders, und allow a larger 'commission than usual, and in all eiiKCH guarantee tho quality of their goods-. Forms sent when required. Send for circular, anil please say under which of tlio foregoing heads you desire particulars, so tlutt we may pend you all tho hi formation necessary without further truublo. The Wells TeuCoiniiuny Is one of tho largest and most reliable houses in the trade ; all parties requiring Tea in quantities will do well to send their orders direct. 24 2m ADVEItTISEItS send 25 cents to Geo. P. Kovvcll it" Co., 41 Park Kow, N. Y., for their Eighty-pago Pamphlet, showing co.it of adverting. la it J (Jit WOKlv neatly executed at tho 11 E I'L'ULICaN OUk'o V