The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 20, 1878, Image 4

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    . OF NEWS.
.torr and Middle States.
A tuilpr holonclng to the Standard oil re
linijry at (.nntaUi's I'oiut, N. J., rx'lor1ed,
1 Alfred Hilt, a lahrtrrr. wan inn antly killed,
wh lo tboongliKcr, Ftrria Woodruff, was fatally
A fire in Worth street, New York, caused a
loss Of HlKNlt t75,000.
(JeoiRo n. DiRolow, a linldnr of "&om hovy
trusts in Boston, was arreftml on the charge of
moczzlpment and miiappropriation of funds,
Th Holer convicted st Holding, Ta., of
participation in last July's riots, were aentoneed
a follows ! Hezpkiah Vontcn and John Rquint
pach to two yeara' imprisonment t Thomas
Francis and John Noll, one vrar ; Aaron Deane,
throe mouths., and Ilobcrt lttilxir, who pleaded
guilty, nine mouths, and each to pay a flne of
1 and eoKts.
At a mass meeting; held in Now York resolu
1 tlona were paasei, oppoHng a proposed reduc
tion of the salaries of public schools teachers.
The New York Senate, by a vote of 23 to 3,
adopted a roeolution denouncing the Bland
"- silver bill.
Thshoe manufacturers of Lynn, Mass., are
rapidly filling np their shops wMi now men,
and many of the striking Crispins are return
. iug to work.
.Aa Frank Leslie, the Now York pnbllaher,
was returning from a visit to the President, at
Washington, he was arrested in Philadelphia
on a charge of libel, preferred by a lawyer
named Wriglev, whose arrest for alleged fraud
nlent transactions Mr. Leslie had caused at
Lake Georga, last summer.
At an explosion of m'tro-glycerine in a North
Adams (Mass.) f&ctoty E. J. Wilson, an em
ploye, wag blown to pieces.
At a meeting of the trunk lines of railroads
in New York the old freight rates from Boston
to the West were restored, and a plan was
adopted to prevent the cutting of rates in the
- At Palmer, Mass., Johanna Flaherty, an
old woman of seventy, committed suicide by
The board of trade of Providence, B. I., de
nounced the proposed remonetiEation of silver.
Hugh J. Jewett, receiver of the Erie railroad,
- was arrested in New York, upon complaint of
aa English stockholder, who charges him with
making false statement regarding the financial
,, conditien of the road, with intent to deceive
the bondholders. Tho accused denied the
In January there wfre 129 fa Hurts in New
York city, with aggregate liabilities of 97,113,
039, and $1,438,839 ia assets.
The recent heavy storm of wiud and snow
' - impeded travel generally on land and water;
and did great damage, particularly along the
' Atlantic coast. A number of vessels were
wrecked, notably the schooner Ella Haynes,
off Long Island ; the brig Ella M. Tucker,
near Anbury Park, N. J., and the steamship
ElpUa8tone,off the caps of the Delaware river.
Western and Southern States.
. T i f . . . - . - . ...
aigin prisoners escaped rrom tue county Jail
of the iron floor of one cell and tunneling .under
the wall of the building.
The reported raid of Bitting Bnll into the
- United States from British America is denied ;
but it is asserted that Bhould he take mch
a step General Miles and his small command of
troops ; would be in danger of defeat at the
hands of the Indian chief, with his formidable
fi force of 2,000 warriors.
A special dispatch to the Galveston (Texas)
JN'eics from Laredo, says: Reports have reached
, here that on January 22 a party of fifty Mexi
j 'cans, mostly from Texas, under command of
Colonel Y. Salinas, an adherent of Lerdo,
attacked the towns of Oandela. Havinaa and
vriuuBgo, in inn oiaie or iamauiipns. Tbev
seised trie principal citizens of these towns and
: i forced them to pay f 6,000 for their release.
ij : a 1, . , . . .,
ou rauiu were i iih mavamnnLa nr rrm mirindanj
-that the inhabitants thought there were three
separate bauds. Cavalry started in pursuit of
them from different points, upon which they
separated, and twenty of the band crossed into
Tfxas. below Laredo. It is said that th rM
was planned at this place.
' Mr. Peter Cooper contemplates founding an
educational icstitute for girls, in South Caro
lina, similar in its working ia the Cnnnor
Xustitute in New York. Mr. Cooper thinks the
''Limestone Springs," near Spartanburg, a
. avo able position for his project as it contains
several buildings, and the venerable philan
thropist says, in regard to the matter : " I
wish to do something for the South, and show
that a Northern man has some interest in the
welfare of the Southern people. I hope it may
do., something toward coding old feuds and
cementing the Union. I think there is a very
good held for an institution there that may be
a means of doing good to the country. It will
be done if I oan see any way of putting it upon
a substantial footing. It would be a school of
sckrnoe and art in its application to all useful
and necessary purposes of life, and for ladies
0. 11?"- - . V i '
The Firs'. National Bauk of Kansas City
Mo., hag suspended. .
ThesteimshipMelropolis, of New York, from
T'bilarieljjtiia, for Brazil, stranded on Currituck
7'M.aoh, N. C, the icene cf the recent terrible
diUir t;i the United SUtessteamer Huron. The
Mi fropblj'H had on board ala ge force of work
man engaged to assise in building a uow rail
road in South America, and her cargo consisted
iiiihosfent rely of iron and steel rails and other
material to be used in constructing the read.
The first reports of the disaster w-re meagre
on account of the lack of telegraphio com
munication with the point at which the wreck
occurred ; but it seems that the vessel struck
---t about 6:80 p. m.. and the huge waves at once
i-ojjan to sweep over her and break her to
. irces. Of the three hundred and odd persona
u board about fifty reached the shore in
s(ety,- while many others were swept over
board and lost. The scene on toaro, as de
fined by survivors, was terrible. All ordr
ss at an end and a scene of terror ensued,
any women wei e on board, and o( these the
j eat majority, if not all, were lost "
From Washington.'
In the California contested election case of
ijiuton (Democrat) against Pacheco (Re
blicau), the sitting member, the House com
' tee on elections decided, by a vote of seven
''ir, that Wigginton is entitled to the seat,
"he Matthews silver resolution, which was
ted in the Senate by one vote less ihan a
o-thirda majority, was passed in the House
y 189 to 79 eleven more than a two-thirds
:Iayor E. A. Burke, of New Orleans, who
is sent to Washington iu the interests of
ildeu and NichoUa, after the Presidential elec
n of 1876, denies the allegations of Hon.
V. E. Chandler, of New Hampshire that there
1. ad been a corrupt bargain between represen
tatives of tne President and Congressmen to
vote for Mr. Hayes' title in return for the with
s rawal of United States troops from Louisiana
Bud the recognition of the Nicholls govern-
The Senate committee on foreign relations
! -us decided, by a majoritv vote, to recommend
'i at the nomination of Henry W. Hilliard, as
miitUr to Brazil, be confirmed,
t he cabinet has decided to resume the coin-
of the trade dollars at the Philadelphia
ii has paid to the United States the
.nd installment of $300 000 on account of
.iiteee awarded by a Joint commission to.
ifdoan citizens.
i he House committee on ways and means
! Ave made publio the proposed new tariff bill,
it provides (hat on aud after January 1. 1879,
eil articles not named in the bill shall be free
t duty. It makes a heavy reduction on the
"nruber of articles and some of the rates of
'itis. It abolishee the charter and com-
iiions In ascertaining dutiable values under
' preseut law, and adds five per cent, to
k the dutiable value at the last foreign
i of exportation. It discriminates ten ir
aiut the products of all countries dis.
ui dutittg against us. This will i
i l er cent, to all imiKtrUtiou from
i several other countries It gived
Kter'al u manufacturers for ex- '
' the iuipoiutiou of obscene I
; protect trade marks ( tri.s t diseased hvj
animals; limits wearing apparel to f200 ad
mits steam plows and other steam agricultural
machinery free) extends (he freo importation
of avticles imported by religion, eduo!tional,
scientific, and artisan association!) : encourages
the Ion of superior I rrpiling animals
and of fore'gn inventions ; admits life-saving
apparatus free, and all fore'gn materluls used
in ship-building makes further provision
for carrying ont the. treaty of Wasliington
abolishes all customs districts whore it costs
more than hlf to colicct the revenue, and ad
mits free all arti lea intended for government
Forelsn News.
The captain-general of Cuba lilera'ed forty
prisoners who wero confined in the Havana
fortress, .in honor of the marriage of King
Sir Edward Creary, the English historiau, is
The French Academy of Science has awarded
the Lalande prize of astronomy to Professor
HaU, tho American discrTer of' the mooas of
Terrible suffering prevailed among the thou
sands nf Mahominedan fugitives who were
seeking transportation across the straits of
Bosphorns, and hundreds perisbod from hun
ger, cold and exhaustion.
J. ii S. Rittcrhausen, Hamburg cotton im
porters, who failed recently, have both com
mitted suicide.
The Russian steamer Constantine blew tip a
Turkish steamer in the port of Batoum, on the
Black sea, by means of a torpedo.
Large meetings in favor of peace have be n
held all over England.
Many petitions were presented from all sec
tions of the country remonstrating against the
reduction of certain tariff duties, and the res
toration of the tax on tea and coffee :also ask
ing Congress to provide for a commission to
innaire into the alooholio liquor traffic, all of
which were referred to tho committee on
finance. . . .The House bill to author izoihe free
coinage of the standard silver dollar, and to
restore its legal tender character, came w and
Mr. Morrill spoke in opposition to it. Adjourned.
' President Lincoln Signing the Emancipa
tion Proclamation" the painting donated to
Congress by a New York lady was accepted
by a vote of 43 to 7, Messrs. Edmunds and
others opposing its acceptance on the ground
that it was not of eufUcent merit to be hung
op in the capital .... Mr. Beck calle tup his res
olution declaring it unnecessary and inexpe
dient to impose taxes at this time providing
for the $37. 196,045.04 asked for the sinking
fund by the secretary of the. treasury, and
spoke in favor of that resolution The Blar.d
silver bill csme up at the end of the morning
hour, and Messrs. Biyard, Dawes, and Whyte
opposed it. while Mr. Wallace spoke in its
favor. Adjourned.
Mr. Chnsuaucy, of Michigan, offered a sub
stitute for the Bland silvor bill, making the
weight of the silver dollar 434 grains, whleh
would practically make it equal in value to gold
....After going into executive nession the
Senate adjourned.
After the introduction of a number of Wills.
Including one reducing the number of Repre
sentatives in Congress to 150, Mr. Baker, of
Indiana, moved to suspend the rnlea. and
adopt a resolution declaring that no subsidy in
any form should be granted to corporations en
gaging in private enterprises. A motion to ad
journ was immediately made, which was re
jected by 24 to 230. The anti-subsidy resolu
tion was then adopted by yeas 174, nays 85. . .
Mr.' Ewing, of Ohio, moved to suspend the
rules, and concur in the Senate resolution
known as the " Matthews silver resolution,"
for the payment of United States bonds, prin
cipal and interest, in silver and gold. The mo
tion was adopted by yeae 187, nays 79, and tho
House adjourned.
Mr. Butler, of Massachusetts, presented the
petition of 534 citizens of Lowell against the
passage of the bilver bill. He explained that
those gentlemen were men of intelligence, and
whose voices Bhould be beard. They believed
that the passage of the silver bill would be de
structive to their interests. Unfortunately,
while representing them he differed from them
in opinion, and, differing in opinion, he must
follow his own convictions, however mnch ho
regretted that difference. He desired to have
the test. If he were wrong, he should regret
the act more than any act of his life. Like
Luther, he could not do otherwise, God help
him ! Differing from ihem he would not dare
to follow his own convictions were it not that
he knew that they an laboring men, in common
with other laboring men, could not by any pos
sibility be any worse off than they were now,
and any change would be for their benefit
He also presented the memorial of the Norfolk
conference of Unitarian and other Christian
churches at Walixilo, Mass., declaring that
honesty wag the vital part of religion, and pro
testing against the pausago of tho Bland silver
bill. The petitions were referred and Mr. Bnt
ler continued : " Mr. Speaker, will yon be kind
enough to send me the Bible from your desk V
After searching for the passage he desired,
amid great laughter, Mr. Butler sent to the
o erk's desk and had read the passage from the
Becond chpterof St. John, which describes
Christ driving the money changer from tho
temp'e and saying to them t " Make not my
Father s. house a house of inerohandice." Mr.
Butler ' After that reproof, I have no fur
ther word to say.".... Tho bill granting an
American, register to a foreign I uilt ship for
the purposes of the Woodruff scientific expe
dition was paseed, and the House adjourned.
The House iu committee of the whole, dis
cussed the bill extending Uie time for the with
drawal of distilled ' Spirits now in bond until
Julyl, 1878, and at the close of thedoba'e Mr.
Bntler's amendment, providing that when the
spirits are withdrawn the tax thall be collected
at the rate required by law at the time of its
entry into bond, was' adopted. Mr Foster's
substitute for the original proposition, declsr
ing that a reduction of the tax on jrhisky is in
exiKidient, was adopted by a vote of 134 to 95.
Tho HouseliTh'Uiued the action of the com
mi tee by a vote of yeas, 146 j nays, 112. Ad
journed. '
Besieged Twenty.Thrcc Times.
Constantinople has undergone more
sieges than any other city in the world.
It has been beniegeJ twenty-three times;
twce by the ancient Greeks; thrice by
the Roman emperors; once by the
Lrttins, the PerBians, the Avares, the
Sclaves and by one of its dethroned sov
ereigns, Michael raleologus; twice by
the Bnlgariaus; once by the Byzantine
rebels; seven times by the Arabs, and
three times by the Turks. It was taken
but six: by Alcibindes, the Roman em
perors Septimus, Severus and Constan
tiue, the Doge Dandolo and Count Bald
win, the Emperor Michael Paleologus
and Mohammed II.
In 672, under Constantino II. , it was
besieged for seven years by the Arabs.
They made the surrounding country a
desert, uprooting trees, levelling villages
and habitation, and converting the
flourishing environs into a waste. Then
came the Crusaders in 1204. The devas
tation committed by theFrench and Ven
etian champions of the cross exceeded
even that of the Arabs. They burned
the richest and largest quarter of the
city, and inflicted such a blow on it that
it never recovered its former wealth and
prosperity. They profaned the Cathe
dral of St. Sophia, broke into the tombs
of the Byzantine emperors, dragged out
their skeletons, and scattered their bones
in the streets. They fired the publio
libraries, ridiouled the Greek religion
ty decking their horses with the vest
ments of the clergy, and their heads
with the pontifical tiaras.
Were it not for the incomparable
mi.l u.1 ird iilo trr.n - t jta c i 1 11 .1 1 t
p'imulj full iriTUUVaug vi Abo piLuaLi"U
CoiiHtuntiniple could never have riaen
again from its ashes and survive 1 such
terrible calamities,
If you leave your finger nnils uncut
for ft thousand years, they will grow to
bo 1,000 feet long. Try it.
ill. Trsnvlnn.
Should an eruption occur in this volcano,
and cause the (lrs'rnction of o e-half of the i i
habitant who live in the vicinity, the romairt
der, who barely escape with their i ves, imme
diately move back upon the half cooled lava,
and th "re live in constant fearof another erup
tion, foolishly fancying that the onlv tenant
able portio'i'of the earth rests wkhn the
shadow of the groaf. volcano. This fairly illus
trates the force of habit, and tho persis'ency.
with which people cling to pinions when once
formed. For example Dr. Pierce's Oo'dcu
Medical I'isoovery oures incipient consumption,
coughs, colds, and all affections of the liver
and blood, yet some still depend npon physi
cians and remedies that have nought but re
peated failures to which they can refer. And
although Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is
sold under a positive guarantee to cure thoso
weaknesses peculiar to women, and notwith
standing that thousands of wonim hear testi
mony to its eftloicy, and the truth of all state
ments made cirtccrniug it, many yet submit to
the use of caustio and the knife. Again, l)r
Pierce's ricasant Turgative Toilets, no larger
that mntitnrtt seeds, will positively cure con
stipa'ion. where it is dependent upon dyspepsia
or torpid liver ; yet aonie still depend for relief
upon the " blue pill " or huge doses of- drastic
cathartic medicine. In the face of such facts,
can you wonder at the blindness of the poor
Prem ('tin. II. Cotnle, Kq..
Of the firm of Colgate Jt Co., Manufacturers of
Flavoring Extracts, 21 Blackstone St.,
8omib.vii.le, Mass., Doc. 6, 187C.
Mkrsiih. Beth W. Fowls Sons :
(lentlemen Last spring my little daughter,
aged five, became very much emaciated with
loes of appetite, and great prostration of
strength, so much so that we were obliged to
take her out of school. This continued through
the summer and caused us much anxiety.
After trying various remedies withont deriv
ing any benefit, our family physician recom
mended the use of Peruvian Syrup. After
using it one week we saw a marked improvement
in the child's condition, and in a month slio
was rapidly gaining in health and strength, her
appetite being txcellent. At this date she is
perfectly well, with round, plump cheeks, and
healthy color, and is again attending school
regularly. I consider her restoration to health
entirely due to the Peruvian Syrup, and feel
that I cannot too highly recommend it as a
tonic -Very gratefully vours,
Char. H. Coixutk.
Sold by dealers generally.
What the Nlllnun 1(pnlre.
Since torpidity of the liver is the chief cause
of its disorders, it is evident that what the bil
ious require is an alterative nimulaut wLich
will arouse it to activity, and effect that is fol
lowed by the disapwaiance of the various
symptoms indicative o. its derangement. Hos
tetter's Stomach Bitters invariably achieve the
firimary result mentioned, besides removing
he constipation, flatulence, heart-burn, yel
lowness of the skin and whites of the eye,
pain in the right Bide aud under tho right
shoulder, nausea, vertigo and sick headache,
to which bilious invalids are pecnliarly subject.
As a remedy for ohronio indigestion, mental
despondency, and nervousnoss, the Bitters are
equally efficacious, and as a reuovant of lost
vigor, a means of arresting premature decay,
and a source of relief from the infirmities to
which the gentler sex ts pecnliarly subject,
they may be thoroughly rel.ed upon.
" The Witanw on Trlnl."
Judge for yonrself. The paper you want is the
N. Y. WUtwM. All the news, reliable market re
ports, flnancials.siid family reading Reports of
Fulton st prayer mooting, religiius and temper
ance movements. Ladies' letters. The attrac
tions of different lo it ions for immigrants. $1 50
a year. Samplecopy free. 3 mos nu tril 25cts
Witness oftioe,7 Frankfort st.N.Y. J. Dougall
Highly Important It is claimed that
Johnson's Anodyne Linimeut is almost infalli
ble in the cure of Diphtheria, Pneumonia, In
fluenza, Bronchitis, Congestion of the Lungs,
and hard, dry Coughs. This may all be true ;
we know it will certainly prevent diphtheria,
and that it will cure tho croup instantly.
We will wager a year's suvsuription that a
small 25 cent package of Sheridan's Conditio
Powders contains more pnre ingredients, and
costs more money thau a lu-hol of any kind
pnt up in large packages. Why V Because the
large packages are worthless trash.
The Colehiated
" Ma.tchlp.hs ,r
Wood Tag Plug
Tax Pionito Tobacco Compact,
New York, Boston, and Chicago.
Nonr Mtnniarh find Heartburn
are signs of a bikou attack j Quirk's Irish Tea
will remedy all these. Price 25 cts.
i i i
Gold mining. How fortunes are made. Bead
advertisement Brown & Tiro , Calais, Maine.
Patentees and Inventors should read adver
tisement of Edsou Bros, in another column.
The Markets.
. iiw xoas.
Beef Cattle Native f9 on 09V
Texas and Cherokee. . 17 19
Milch Cows 40 CO 7JW)
Hogs Live 04t 04 H
Dressed 0iM It
Sheep 06 k (4 V
Lambs v...
Cotton Middling 1 He U)
Flour Western Oood to Obolc. ., (6 (A ft O i
Slate flood to Choioe 6 16 ( 8 to
liurkwbeat, per cwt I lr ( t v5
Wheat Red Woatorn 1 40 K 1 1V
No. 1 Mliwankee 1 28(4 1 10;,'
Bye State. U (g IS
Barley Htate 80 i 't
Barley Malt t8 (4 70
Buokwheat , i (at 89
Oats Mixed Western 4J(4 35
Oorn Mixed Western. ...... ....... (8 (i t7
Hay, per cut 80 It
Straw, per ot 40 (it, 45
Hops 78 s W eo ....77'S I 5 11
Pork Mess U 75 (a 13 0J
LHd Oity Hteam 17X 07V
Clan Mackerel, No. 1, new 10 00 (.ill 00
" No. 3, Dew 10 00 (nil 00
Dry Cod, per cwt 8 10 at t 8
Herring, Scaled, pr box IT 17
.etrolenm Crude WHOiX Refined .. M I ?
Wc'-Oallfcrnla Fleece 90 H, 95
Texas 80 (rf 33
Australian " 44 (4 49
State XX 41 14 44
Batter State,..,. go at, 41
WuxUrn GUcioe 18 14 i8
Western (toed to Prims. . 15 (4 35
Weatern Firkins 07 (4 is
Uhe Stat Factory JJ 4 ls)f
State Skirumed. ...... ...... (8 (4 13
Western 0t.K4 13
tggt State and Pennsylvania 18 (4 tH
Klonr 8 95 14 8 10
Wheat No. 1 Milwaukee 1 40 (4 1 41
Oorn Mixed 61 (4 tn
OaW (0 (4 83
By 75 (4 77
Barlry , 76 (4 18
Barley Malt 80 82
Beef OatUe Extra 07 V 0)i
Bbep..... 04 (4 0i
Hoki Drewwod C6 (4 06
Flour Pennsylvania Extra 1 31 (48 36
Wheat tied We tern 1 40)474 1 43
Rye 66 (4 (7
Oorn Yellow...... t3 (4 (4
Mixed 81 7A 69V
Oata Mixed 83 (3i 81
Petroirnm Orada. (NWOiX Eeflned'
Wool Colorado 'i 14 .84
Texas , 3 (4 n
California 81 (4 49
Beef Oattie...
08 (4 08 V
OeM'4 Oik
08.V4 0?
T 7J (4 8 35
(3 (4 f74
.14 4 3fl
88 (4 6
48 ( 83
0V(4 OTX
06 (4 OV
07 (4 10
07fc4 08
ro irf r 80
7 (Ii (4 1 76
t 00 w go
Flour Wisconsin and Minnesota..
Com Mixed
Outs "
Wool Ohio nd Pmneylvanla XX.!
Cliforula Fall........
. amauxoM, mas.
Beef Cattle-
Suefrp.... ,.,..t.J.' 't '
Ucitf., .'. I'
. WATanxewa, Ham.
Beef On tile Poor to Choice..
Hbefcp... J
Dime Pnvlnar,
Housekeeper wiio s n ly -oonomv in small
thii pi should use Dooley's Yeast Powder,
the best, becauso pcrfi ctly pure ; the chcaf'Oi-t,
as evrrv package is full ' ight.
The JJrenlPsI Ulscnvcry ef ihr .r is Dr.
Toln celebrated. Vntinn Unlmetit ! 30 jwir bufor
the public, nd warrantnd to cure Diarrhea, lrenleiy,
tlollo, ani Sp.ama. titkeb intma',lf ; and Cronp, Chronic
Rhenmatiam, Ho re Throat a. Cots. BraiaM, Old Sorei,
and Paini in the I.lmhs, Back, and OtieH, eitemaltr.
It has nerr tailed. No family will ever he without It
aftar one l?in It a fair trial. Prloe, 40 rent. Hi.
Bolttea, at One l 1 ar. la warranted superior to any
other, or NO PAY. for the cure of ('olio, Cuts, Brnlwi,
Old Soroa, etc. Sold hy all Drusalala. lpot-IO Park
Place. New York.
Emigration Australia
undrr mTir anient with thft lioTirnmnt of Niw
South WftJfffi, the tl A1 FMtip IVANIIllK.rt) tnn
rpmitr. A. II. llirrtmiin, Mrinir. now )finn at Pier 1)
Kitfit Kivfr, will tt (itfcwnj up nt pmim.nfj nnrlfr
UoTtrnntfnt KoK'iln.ion for JfJ.r0 paMnirrn. Knilinjt
about Kwitninry 2th. Thi Drnnnt who will m noonpt
ftd muMt hn of nnuml nxintal nnd bodily h(nlth nd of
rood mornl chrRot4r ftn! ahull ontit of mftchanica,
rthorrn, minni, domwntio NtrTanti, fHnnr nnd anjr
other dfnonphon of laborer anited to tonntrT purauita.
Trine to be pid by the emiur -nt WIA.tHr tr fun her
particulate apply to K W. (1A M KKON Jt (M..
5t;i South William Street, New York.
Til AI.rnMRN for wholfiala hontv.
AJdreta IM, CinrlnDill, Ohio.
A Cheap Farm for Sale.
A well improved Karm of 5(17 Aunt Terr rt"irbljr
located right on piilha rd, eonvenint to riirr,
Nrhooll, Mill, fnn otfirr, Kirrr and Onunli Sm, To.
(Tathrr with all the SI, irk, Han, drain. Vnl, farming
impleminta and euiiimenta entire, wi I be fold Terjr
chenp for riA, or o.l pavmr': 1 hla ia a rre oppor
tnnity to any one winning" to Irrate in K. R. Oh n, and
any one dpsirina1 to do ao, will do well to eall on. or
acldrew me at o ce, aa It will be sold the rery Hrat
opportunity. Addreaa, M. II. l AWT Kits,
. I'rnnnvlllr.. Mnmnw I n., Ohio.
Il4,X"Iir,lTV"Sl-No,","r" ?" from
I J 11 P M. t ll 0 wounda. injuries, or diaee,
oan pnwure p naion, and thoae who are p.naioned can
have their penaiont incrra it where their present ratiog
ia too low. aa ia tin oa-e in thonaenda nf Inataimee
Widow, and children of aoldiera who died in or out of
the army ot iliaeaae contracted In aervioe. are entitled to
iwn.ion. bull bounty ia due all aoldiera riiaoha.'id for
wonnda. rapture, or injury other than diaeae. Holdiera
who were priaoncra of war can aeeuie pay fur rationa,
for the thne ao held. Kor full information, aridrea. with
.tamp, AIcNKIl.1 V NIK'll,
An fee till rlaim allowed.
cold BiXrizAT
How Fortunes Are Miutc!
jrany poor men on the Pacifio coast are
inmle rich every year by small investments
in mines without risk.
The Herald, published atCnlnis, Maine,
says, they have no doubt the shares that
can now be had nt One Dollar, will soon be
worth over $500.00 each.
Send at once for full particulars, as ftie
shnres are Wing rapidly taken. Address,
Mess. Brown & Bro., Bankers,
Tm C'ononinpllvee llnny have kern hnppv
to alve their teatimon) in favor of the uae of " H ilhor'i
I'nrm ri l.irrroil aiirf Umr." Kxperienoe has proved
It to he a valuable rvnivdr for Oon.nmpUon, Aathma,
Oiphthona and ell diaoaaeaof the Throat end l.nnira.
Manufuotured only by A. II. Wll Boa, (.'hernial, Hottou.
Bold ny drusranta generally.
NO is the TIME to SECURE IT.
Of the beat land Ii America. 2,0U,0(10 A ore in Kael.
rrn Nrbrnekn, on the line of the I nlort t'nclHe
Ultllrond now for Bale 10 your, irejil givtn, tnlTivl
amlu per rtnt. '1'heae are the only buida fob BAl.x on
the line of this Great Railroad, the Woni o'a Hkih
way. Send for The New " PioMKEH,"4he beat paper
for thoae seekinE new homes ever published. Full 10-
lormat ion, with maps, sent rBKE, l. f. WAV IK,
8 . t.l Aaretil. It.
It., limb., Net..
Choirs, Mn Schools, Societies,
The Salutation (pJi) or
Zion (p.irj, or The Encore
Cpwr dos. ). or Perkins' Singing:
School (pJ or John
son's Chorus Choir In
struction Book (pSrJ
The first two are first-elaaa Uhunh books, by
L. U. Kniars iD and W. U. Ferkina, and have full Inotruo
tive eouniea. Tue Uat three are lilted apecially fur
bin(lnx Suhooia by tlie very beat talent. Mow for a
apuiuxi Winter and Sphnc Hmginc UUaa !
Also give new Interest to the year's practice, by letting
np in. of our l CANTATAH, (wnd fur vuuularsj.
live of theia are:
Belshazzar, - -
Don MuniO, budlej Buok 1.60
Joseph's Bondage, ciuidiekk 1.2.5
Prodigal Son, - - - auiuvau 1.25
WalpUrglS Night, Mendelssohn .80
Helahazzar and Joseph's Bondage are dramatised.
and are .plendid musical dramas.
OLIVER DITS0N & CO., Borton.
t43 hrsadway, NtwVsrk.
J. E. UITMtiN A- CO.,
ii i nrstnal Nireet, Phlla.
CATAItrtll.-PoiiU'a Kxlrnrl is nearly a Spe
cific fur I liia diHfUBe. It call hardly be
rt-iibil, even lu old aud oliatiuato caeea.
The relief ia bo prompt that no oue who
lia ever triol it will he witami' 't.
Exlritfl ku uld bo in every family this
rough weathrr. It removes the soreuer
and rnughuesF, sad aufiena aud heals
thj-nVin promptly.
II Durine- severe and shanreable
weather, tin ouu euhjmt to Kheiiinatif
Piu. sbuald bo (tie "Ji v without Pund's
rli i':iii, w hi' h nlwni'. rrlirveM.
nont lim;.s.( (nmmipi1(, t o tais.
I ft I. OS 1 111. full! tnr . Ill
I.uuna bi-rely. Have l'oud'e Kx'n
on huiid alwuya. It relieves the pum r"ji
cure, the diaeunc.
CI1II.UI'IS will le promptly relieve J and
iiltuuatel iMired by huthniK the arUiciud
1'iin wit 11 PoiiiI'm Exi nu t,
FltOtTKD I. mill-. -i'uuil'eKxiriirl Invnrlu
llv rtli. i-m the paiu uud dually Cur-.
re i itr.- l I t tin- uK i.f l'oud'e
K.xtrHi i. k never In il.
Ill '!" II mill !' ol l'oud'e Exlruet. lu
I.Miplili.t t 'III. l-ellt tree J applleat U:u to
t'tlMl a I'. XT II At'T CO., fH luldeU Use,
Now Vtik. a'li i liu..u.u.
Splendid Markot Garden
WiTl iiitip mI, 8nnh, Too la. and Crop, for 17.. Ona
mild from it nmrkni In Nnw Kncland, AH for aalt or
tolt-narhy JOHN B HM1 I II, Katt Hartford, (Jonn.
Thi bast vltnllilnsj Tonlo,
Kcllcvliig Mental and rhvslcai
intRvousNBsa. dbbilitt.
And ell Impairments of Brain
and erT System,
all ntnrg:iu. Depot, B Piatt St., K. T,
P.t.HT OOI AT l.VKNT PltlCf.
Illu0. i atalarunt & JLevrwr. H Htnik, .,c.
L'VCtlt.lll rlltl. tlllTFITS WANian.
HiGio musical cxnitr.. i tiiko. j. HAnoAin.
Ivsryoasa Munoiaa. Sod Filbert St., l'hilad'a, i'a
ivl ud4uva
Dunham & Sons, Manufacturers,
J I Warerooms, is tajiutrlatrael,
VrS Eatabliahed 1834. RCW YORK.
am&frr Hm rated Cinuiar a4 Prit List
A pnaittv rvmrdTlor lray ami tall di of
tha Vltlnejra. BlAilr and Urrlanarr Or
sani. llHitt't ICwmvcly it pnralr v.Krtbk and
prpar4 tKarwly f -r the a bora diaeavra. It haj
ourd thouawnda. Kvrrr hollle warranted. Hrnd to W.
t. riai-aa, I'rovulrtire, K I , for illuitratrd pamphlet.
If jour dniirrat Unnl haw It, hi will orrfer it rr ytm.
TC TZ 10 1'M MIII1 H'H.
K K KPH Ftmt Partlf -mtvd IHnmm 8hirU, bt qnall
tf, only plain awama to finiah, 6 for $7.
K KKP'H Dtiaion HbirU to mMi.r, bat qnatitf, 0 fot
H. dliTr(1 rrf. )narantd pttrfootlT aatiafaotorf.
tTndvrfhirta and, bwat qnlitr, 11.50 Meh.
WhiU K1annl UndtirvMta, bat qaaltty, 1.60 ceh.
Cantoa KUnnnl Vata A Irawra, z. haifT, 7(k. oh.
i Twilled Rilk llmbrt;iaa, pinion frama, $4 iaob.
BfHii ilingham, patnt protsitml Hba, f 1 aaoh.
Oiraalara nnd aamplM ira.ld frw, on annlloatton.
Khirtaonlr,dliTtrd (it. K KKP M ANUKAOTUR IN
COMPANY, Hift and l7 Mwror Htrwrt. timm York
Knowlna worthy persons who desire useful and reaioe
srotrr eniloyment will help suoh by direetinc them
to send for a Hpeeial Agent's C'iicular of FRANK
I.KKLIK.'fl SUNDAY MAUAZ1NR, a Household Peri
edical, nnaectional asd unseoUrian, edited by Krv,
Or. Define. Good terms mad to aueh aa send a
reoommendation from a c!eryman and tea cents for
postase for a speelmen ropy. Address, PRANK
LKNLIK'S PUBL1.SH1NO HOUPK, 337 Tearl Ktnet.
Thsrrlandf of rnhj
I art sow mwitSTM ay
frkessraauicti noiiosaj
trnabvnulna and
bewara of hnltatiom.
ask also roe)
Hi best Booda axads.
Sea that th a a in of
rMrkM Anrl thi.
stamped en every CorstaSnj
Central Falls, U. I., OoL 19, 1877.
Pa. H. R, Stevens :
It ia a pleasure to aive my liatiin my for your vsluahl
medicine. 1 was nek for a long tuns with Dropsy,
under the doctor's eare. lie said it was Water between
the Heart and Liver. I rH'eive4 no benebt until 1 eom taking the VKUKflNK In fact, 1 was growing
l nave rrtel many reineaies; tney did n;t nelp
m. VKUK'I'INIC is thsraetliolue for Dropsy. I hegi
to feel bettr after taking a fw battles. I hav taken
thirty bottles in all. I am perfectly well never felt
batter. Noon osn feel more thankf ! thea 1 da,
1 sin, dear sir, gratefully yours.
VEGETINE. When the blol beoomes lifeless and
stagnant, eithsr from change of weather erof eltraahs,
want of eieroli. irregul w AfU nr frein any o&her eaase,
th VKC. KTINK will renew the blood, esrry off th
putrid humira, cletnse the stomach, regulate th
bowels, aid impirt a ton of vigor to the whole body.
For Kidney Complaint and Nervous
I-ilkhobo, Me., Deo. It, 1877.
Ma. Stkvks:
Jtoar ,.rl hid ha I a Oongh for eighteen years,
when I cimmenoe taking the VKU KTINK. I was very
low. my -tun was ilnllilitated h diseaM. I had the
Ki ln i OjinpUint. and w very nervous Oougn bad,
an I Lungs s re. When I bad taken one bottle 1 found
it was holp ng me; it bs helped my sough, and it
strMngt:ieiH wi. 1 am now able to do my worlc. Never
have i.mi.t anything like the VKOKT1NK. I know it
Is everything it is rjoominvn-ied to be.
Mhs. A. J. PKNDl.FTON.
VKGK 1'INK isoour sbingand strengtheaing ; purifies
the blsod; rejulste th bowels; nervous
system ; sots directly upn the secretions, and arouse
th whole sitein to action.
Kvnsvill, Inl, Jan. 1, 18T8.
Ma rlTEVEga :
ttrnr Sir-l have nwd your VKOP.TINR for Riok
Headache, and bean greatly banelited thereby. 1 have
rery reason to believe it to be a good medicine.
Votira, vry muneotf uliy,
Mrs. J AMK3 OONNoR, 411 Third Street.
HBADACU3 VKOKTINK osn b ssld tobsaaur
remedy for the many kinJ) of heidsche, as it acts
directly upo th various ausea ot this somplsint
Nervousness, Iudige,lion, Oo,tiveuisa, Rheumatism,
Neuralgia, B, etc. Try the VEdKTINK. Von
willav.r regret it
Kvauavilie, Iud.
Th Doctor writes:
I have a largi) number of go'jd ou,tomers who tsk
VttUaVriNB. Tb.y all apeiik well of it, 1 knjw it ia a
good inedioiae for tbe oomplauit for which it lA reoons.
mended. '
Deo. 87, 1877.
VEOXTINK it gisai panaoM tor ear aged fathers
and mothers, for it give thm strength, qaieta their
nerves, and gins them Nature', sweet lp.
H. R. BTgvENa, Ksq. :
Dxr Sir We hav been selling your vsluahl VKOK
TINK for three years, and we hnd that it give perfeot
satisfaction. W believe it to be the beet Blood Pun
Bel now sold. Very reipeoti ullr.
Da. J. S. BROWN A UO., Druggists,
unioouiwn, Ky.
VKGKTINB baa never failed to effeot a our, giving
ton and strength to th system debilitated by dis.
11 ' ii i m
m mix
m" WCarvstaT5aaHBS""iaB8jl
H. R. STEYENSJoston, Mass-
Vgetine it Sold by All Druggist.
finVO BKVOJ,TFIt. Prioe 1, 1st free. Ad'IrevS
VT U 1 V U drnrt Vw,rn Hon Wort., I'lttehnrR.ra.
KnfplT Inlotnnrt rrr.-l"n't apill, apoll pen., or
aoll nucera. Write Aninrwan Hook Kichnnae, N. Y.
oi,i pi.ATKnwTnm'. !"
111 i:r kua.u t.l. s,mi'i a V AicH Inn to Atiaevs,
lna. a. fill.' I. f KM A I'll., len'.e-i. IlL.
a rear,
. Ai nfawantrrterrrwrher. Hin
it'lr'i)' l EliiniB'r.Pnrtirii'e"r r'f
I nena at
,1. v un
u I o.. ht. Unit Ma
A ftp A .tlainih. A.eM eanierl. l
Jt HSII in; arliolra In the eriit. ,ins tempi
ytfVU AUmaJIV llllO-lt, Ie1m(t
le r.
t, Mich
Retell prirs yM10 only )ffM. Mir
Or 1 .price m:4 nly M.V Paper fre.
DANiri. K. Itrar 1 y. V l,lngton. N.J.
v a -o fll I M-n It i-a h Klnl for te D ,
1 i J.1 I Ii I W tirilve Hervhe. snd t.l rep-rt
orinie. V ty hlieral . IncWe stnmp anil .rl(1rB Ainrri- .
ei Niid Knroi'e'n Hit1 Servh-e V .. V 111 Innai 1, U.
Agenta, 711 O St., Waahinglnn. D. U Fatatillidieri In iwm.
Fee slter allowance. t;ir'l'r of ina!riictiona.ete..renl In-e.
are superior in dealgn end not
efinalt4 in quality or as time,
keepers. Aak yonr Jeweler for
lhtn. Mnnnfnotory Hriaiot, I t.
10 to $25
A DAY HrK !"" T
Agent selling onr Ohmino ,
Urayons, Picture and Ohn
me Osrria. I K. sample..
O.lalogti free. J. II. Rl KrUII ll'N MIWS
Him. (Rrtahllahed KllJ
In their own localities. eanvsHSing for th PtrpetrlS)
Vlxllor, (enlarged) Weekly sntl Monthly. I.nrgeet
Pnprr In f lip t ar Irt, with Mammoth (Jhromos Kre.
rl,lr-.a P. . HcKyilV, Awgwelw. Ilnltir.
Th bet family newspaper published i eight pages ; Brts
ill enlumns reading.
Terms ytt per snnotai elub of leven, fJIA pt
annum, in anvane.
WFKt l l ETi 'OPY UUATIH. , n
HISTORY of the U. S.
The great Interest In the thrilling history of onr conn,
try mas, thia th faeteM-selllng nof.k ever pnhlished.
It contains over AIHI fin bittorical engravings snd
I IVfO page. It sells st sight. Si n I for our eilrs
tanns to Agents, snd se why It sells faster than any
pther hook. Aodreee,
Commercial Advertiser.
Trrnie i I'o.lnirr I'i epn ll 1-Daily, one,
JO; six months, 94,6(1; three months, Xi.lti ; on
month, 1 A cents.
Weekly, on yesr, 191 ; sli months, ftO cents. Hneei.
men nomtwrs tent on application. An eitrs copy to
Uinh Agents for club of ten : the Dnilv forcluh of thirty.
The I'eaimeri'lnl Avfnlrr Is the ln-t Kopub
lican papar puhllahed In thia country. Its Weekly
edition is nnanrpaaned. Hpeoinl terma to Agi-nta.
All letters shoulri hn sent to
lll'OH J. HANTINUW, IfH Fulton W., N. T.OIty.
Pid In Arntfl nn two Trt rli'irnni and va'tinhlft bookn
on punuUr iihjcoU, flllml with thn Tr) flnant llluptrn
tidtii iff nntd ArtitA. ihlni to plfic Anni in
KVi iiY jown on thor book AT dm k, r n ill itivn
to Arntt who umily witliio twenty !.. IU itiron
6uih' ' 8n(t ftr Circnl rt, 'I crnin. tx, flc, U tha
AMKRtOAN runLlSHIMI (H , Hurt hud. kmn.,
or NftiVHi'k, N. J.
is a srnn cvnr.
STVES andHtm.l 1 V. LI 'X.
DKPOT, IIOH EUV.K. . 1IY MAIL. l'Dll ac.
Frominc Union Square
Finest Location in the City.
European Plan Eeslaurant Unsurpassel
K KRXRIt n'K.4 rKR; Proprietor
Two hnndreth rditlon, reviiH.I snil enlargfd. j tat pnh. '
llsheil. It is standard lurn.inl m.ik, Ihe best 111 th
Knglih language, written by a phyli-lan ( eife
rience, to whom waa awarded a gold and Inerle.l medal
by the National Medical Aaeocialion. It Imimu.
tifulaod vary iiriia,ve .Uel piste eniiruvingn Three
bnndred pages, more than Hfty valuable p enrription.
fur all forma of prevailing d.aeaaee. the result ot many
yeirs of eiteDriv aod suocesalul prsntire Hound in
French cloth : prioe only ri , sent hy mail .The Ixmdon
Lament says: "No eraon ahuuld he without this vain,
able book. The author ia a noble benefactor." An
lllaatrated ssniple aent to sll on cipt of II rents for
postage. Address Hit. W. II. 1'AKKkH, No. 4 Hultinrh
htreet, Boston. Tt author msy be oun.ulted on all
diseases requiring skill and eiperience.
UariTfAllMt for tha
ToilcisiHl th btuu
Nr ftrtiAciftl r4
dtcpUvj odor is
oovtr cmntnoa. nl
ttoirterkntt Ofrd
Btt. A liar yean of
rWnUtlc uptrimMl
th iranufavrturvr
Md M otTr ti
piklW TtM riNEHT TOILET OAP U lb Wori4
Vwlf M mpm. vir(aA till wr4 iu ilt mmnmfmetmrm.
,-For Use In the Hufrj tt has No tqual
Wwtb ten time, iucml to every ntoihrr and Uutlly hii. hrinli.duii.
BtunpU box. eoBUlninK t emktt of 4 oat. Mcb, tDt frt lo Mjr ft4-
wwm rciip ei t roau. A Our.
IS. t. ab
tJ5BP!TTvNw York Clty.
IntauiaiD 36 Ybabs. Always on. Alww
rdy. Always handy. Has never failed. ThWlt
asws -iui it. Th whol world spproves lh
glorkras eld Mostang th Bst and Ohapat Liniman
ia If a cents s botti. Tb Mustang Unlmsn
nr whan nothing ls will
A posltlv ramed lor all disesass of th Kidney
Bladder and Urinary Organs; also good in Draip.
leal Caanplalntg. It nvr prodao alnknsi. Is
arUln and so action. It la fast superswaing
ail etbar nunediaa. Sixty as pa ales onr In six ot igh
day. Ho other mdloln oan do thi.
Bewnr of ImltntUaa, for, owing to IU grta
vaooess.many hav been oSrd ; soms ar moat dan gar
ona, sins ptl. t.
tTNOAH DICK oV L'ty.'M mtas Soft Oaf
Us, Melaiei.g WJ m &mmlmood, told at mil arm
ssarss. a for circular, ar Ma for a le 2t ant 37
WooUtr Xtrnnt, firm Torh.
Cough, Cold, or Soro Throat,
' lOl - -1 usi-aa a H 1 1 1 J"
Require immediate attention, aa neglect
oftentimes result In come Incurable Luna;
avr a simple remedy, and will almost la.
variably give Immediate relief.
BOLD 11Y AIL CUEMIST3 and dealega)
la rnedlcln.
n. v. n. i. " M