EDITOR. WEIlSDAY MOMIXC, DEC. E6, 1877. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. Tlio Eleventh Annual Session of Forest County Teachers' Institute con vened in Tioncsta school building, December 17th, at 2 p. m., with Supt. II. S. Brockway in the chair. The Institute was organized by the election of the following officers: President, II. S. Tirockwny ; Vice President, T. 1). Dunn; Scc'y, Emma K. Arner; Assistant Seo'y, Clara Heath. Miss Mary Hood, Sadie N. Arner and Al verctta Faup, were appointed Solicit ing Committee. Adjourned to meet . in tho Court House, at half past sev en o'clock, p. in. Evening Session. Institute called to order. Evening was occupied by a lecture from Dr. W. C. Coburn, sub ject, "Circulation of tho Blood." Ad journed. Tuesday morning, Dec. 18, 1877. Institute called to order by the Prest. Supt. N. R. Thompson, of Warren Co. was then introduced by Prest. Brock waj to the members , of the institute. Supt. Thompson eutertainod the met -Iters for a short time, on the organiza tion of school, in which some very interesting hints were given. S. D. Owen, of Pittsburgh was next intro duced ; after addressing the members a few moments he took up the science of Geography, presenting a diagram embracing the whole subject matter, which he claimed to be the most logical and practical method; after which Prof. Thompson followed with a few practical suggestions on reading. Afternoon Session. S. D. Owen re sumed the subjectof geography. Supt. Thorupsoi next gave an exercise in questions; 14 questions were asked and answered. Questions pertaining to school government, school manage ment, and methods of leaching the different branches found in common echooh;- Recess. Prof.' Oweu took up tho study of Arithmetic, arguing the combinations of mental and writ ten arithmetic in one book and teach ing both at the same time. "We must break down old prejudices and estab lish new modes that will make all plainer and more practical." lie spoke of tho use of several words that are jjsed very wrongly iu the solving of examples. Adjourned. Evening Session. Meeting called to order by the Prest. Exercises opened with music by Mias Kate . Cobb, Mrs. W. E. Lathy, Mrs. J. B. Agnew, Messrs. Lathy, Dingman and Dunn. Prayer by Rev. Elliot. Med ley by T. D. Duun. Lecture by S. D. Owen, subject, "Educational Mill- stones." Music. Adjourn.!. Wednesday morning. Institute called to order by the Prest. Supt Thompson opened the exercises by reading part of a chapter from the Bible. Teachers joined in repeating the Lord's Prayer. School tuanage inent and grammar was then taken up lv Prof. Thnmnsnn rMvinjr mcthoda of j 1 o - o teaching language to beginners. Re cess. S. D. Owen then followed with liis lessons on geography, giving meth ods of teaching tho Geography of Na ture. This was succeeded by a talk on school government by Supt. Thomp son, giving methods of government of unruly boys as well as unruly "girls." Adjourned. Auviituuu i.;i.cc iuui kj . v;niu continued his instructions on geogra phy of nature. Prof. Thompson fol lowed, giving lessons on arithmetic embracing practical methods of leach leg u ami conducting recitations in the same S. D. Owen conducted an exercise on the geography of man, Recess. Instructions on Punctuation conducted by T. D. Dunn. Prof. Thompson next instructed in what he called "vocal gymnastic." Adjourned Evening Session. Called to order by Supt. Brockway. Roll called re f ponded by sentiment. Music. Essay by S. D. Irwin Esq., subject, "Success nd Failure. Instrumental music by Ir. Monday. Lecture by Supt Thompson, subject, Schools and Fam ilies. Music. Adjourned. Thursday morning. Institute call ed to order by Supt. Brockway. Ex crcise on Ventilating School-rooms conducted by Prof. Thompson, follow ed by instructions oo reading by the t-ame, giving tea standard methods of ' aching it. Recess. T. D. Dunn pre h! a very interesting method of :j history. Supt. Thompson DUNN gavo instructions on arithmetic. Ad journed. Afternoon Session. Institute called to order by the Prest. Supt. Thomp son conducted a class on written ques tions, in which somo very useful ong gestions in regard to recitations and the government of schools were pre sented. The change of seasons was explained by T. D. Duun. Recess. Supt. Thompson conducted an exer in grammar. Adjourned. Evening Session. Prayer by Rev. W. O. Allen. Music. Essay by T. D. Dunn, on "Educational Barriers." Mr. Kennedy King was then introduc ed, and recited "Sheridan's Ride." Lecture by W. E. Lathy, Esq., on the "Power of Letters." Mrs. Sue Sharp sang a very pretty ballad, entitled "Robin." Essay by M. W.Tato, Esq., on "Power of Education." Friday Morning Supt. Thompson gavo a short exercise in Addition. Mr. Kennedy King. Recess. Supt. Thompson talked a short time on Teaching Composition, and pre sented a very good method for con ducting a class in the same. Afternoon Session. Supt. Thomp son occupied a short time in talking on the Management of Schools. Mr. Ken nedy King conducted a class drill on Elocution. Recess. The following committee on Perma nent Certificates was elected : T. D. Dunn, Emma Dawson, Clara E. Hun ter, Emma E. Arner and Ella Mays. Frawell Address to the Teachers of the Institute by Suptlhompson. Rev. Elliott addressed the teachers for a short time, giving them good advice in regard to their duties as such. The following resolutions were presented by a committee consisting of Mr. P. M. Claik and Miss Adeline Benoit, nd adopted by the Institute: Whereas, This is the eleventh an- uual assemblage of tho Teachers of Forest County in the capacity of an nstitute, therefore be it Resolved, That we recognize the hand of Di vine Providence iu the continued care ver our several lives uniil the pres ent hour. 2. That in Co. Supt. Brockway we recoguizo the conscientious educr.tor, and one deserving our cordial support. 3. That the thanks, of this institute be and are hereby specially tendered to Co. Supt. N. R. Thompson and Prof. S. D. Owen for their uu wearied efforts t impart valuable practical in struction. Also to Mr. T. D. Dunn, Dr. W. C. Coburn, M. W. Tate Esq., W. E. Lathy Esq., and S. D. Irwin Esq., for their interesting essays and lectures during tho evening Bessions of the Institute; to the County Commis sioners for the use of the Court house, the School Directors of the Borough for the use of the school house, aud to Miss Ella Mays for the use of her or gau ; to Mrs. Lathy, Mrs. J. B. Agnew, Mrs. J. M. Sharp, Miss Kate Cobb, and Messrs. Lathy, Dingman and T. D. Duun for music ; and to our effi cient Secretaries, Misses Emma Arner and Clara Heath. '4. To the Clergy, Revs. Allen aud Ellot, who favored the Institute with their august presence. Signed by Committee. The following teachers were present Misses Alvarctta Paup, Calista Hil- lard, Ida Long, Adeline Benoit, Sadie N. Arner, Emma E. Arner, Carrie Davis, Ella Mays, Mary Hood, Clara Hunter, Clara Heath, Emma Reed, Debbie Woodington, Mary L.- Clark Kate Cobb, Jennie Shields, Aurilla Painter, Kate M. Flynn, Minnie Root Winnie Root, Sadie E. Coulter; Messrs. T. D. Dunn, P. M. Clark, J E. Hillard, J. D. Rhodes, Alex. Dale, James Haslet, W..O. Fulton, Robert Gillespie. ine lollowing teachers who are teaching in the county were not pres ent during the session : Misses Kate Sallade Nina Sallade, Libbie Rose, Aggie Kerr, Jean Cameron, Maiy Ev erhart, Libbie Goldsmith, Tbomp son, Alice Cogan ; Messrs. S. F. Rohr er. John Sallade, F. L. Hall, J. A Sallade, Byron KcClure. Adjourned sine dit. Emma E. Arner, Sec'y. Clara Heath, As't Sec'y, Kunkel's "Des Fleur De Alpes,' a delicious perfume for the handler chief. Price 75 cts. per bottle Do not waste your money on "cheap perfumery ; tho best is tho cheapest For sale at Bovard's. tf. If you want a good article, buy Kunkel's Perfumes for the handker chief. For sale at Bovard's. tf. Try Kunkel'e Perfumes lor the handkei chief. For Bale at Bovard'c E. F. Kunkel'e Bitter Wine of Iron. K. F. K linkers celebrated Flitter WIno of Iron will effectually cum liver com plaint, Jaundice, dyspepsia, chronioor ner vous debility, chronic diarrho'a, discasoof the kidnoys'and all diseases Brining from a disordered liver. stomach or intestine, mich as constipation, flatulence, Inward pi lo, fullness of Mood to the head, acidity of tho stomach, nausea, heartburn, disgust for food, fullness or weight In the atoni aeh. sore eructations, sinking or fluttering at the pit of tho stomach, swiinmingof tho head, hurried or diillcult breathing, flut tering at the heart, choking or sullocating sensation when in a lying posture, dim ness of vision, dots or webs bot'oro the sight, dull pain in the head, deficiency of perspiration, yellowness of the skin and eyes, pain In tho aido, back, head, chest, limbs, etc., sudden flushes of heat, burn ing in tho flesh, constant imaginings of evil and great depression of spirits. Trice Jl per bottle. llcwaro of counterfeits. I not let your druggist palm off some other preparation of iron he may say it is as good, but ask for Kiuikol's Bitter Wine of Iron. Take no other. Kunkel's Hitter Wine of Iron is not Bold in bulk only in ft iMittles. K. F. Kunkel, Proprietor, No. 8W North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by all druggists. Tape Worm Removed Alive. Head and all complete, in two hours. No fee till head passes. Seat, Pin and Stomach Worms removed by Dr. Kunkel, Will North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Send for circular, For removing Seat, Pin or Stomach Worms call on vonr druggist and ask for a bottle of KnnV.el'8 Worm Syrup, prieo $1. It never fails. Common sense teaches if Tape Worm lie removed, all other worms can be readily removed. E. F. Kunkel's Lustra! & E. F. Kunkel's Shampoo for the Hair. The luwt and cheapest Hair Pressing and Hair Cloanor in the world. They re move dandruff, allay Irritation, soothe and cool the heated sculp, prevent tho hair from falling oil", and promote the growth in a very short time. They preserve and beautify tho Hair, and render it soft aud glossy. They impart a brilliancy and a silky appearance to braid and wiry Hair, and, as a hair dressing, they are unrivall ed 5 eradicate dandruff and prevent bald ness. The shampoo cleans tho Hair, re moves greaso, scurf, itching, eruption. Cures headache produced by heat aud fa tigue. Kunkel's Shampoo and Lustral rostore Hair to a natural and glossy color, restore faded, dry, harsh and wiry hair. Prico per bottle $1. Ask vour druggist for them, or send to E. F. "Kunkel, Pro prietor, No. 259 North Ninth Street Phil adelphia, Pa, 18-6m New Advertisement. WILLIAM READ & SONS, 13 FANEUIL 1IALLSQR., ROSTOV, - - MASS., Agonts for Sc C. SCOTT & SON'S BREECH-LOADERS!! Used by Capt. Bogardus (who has shot one of theso guns over 30,000 times and still uses it in all lila matches), Miles Johnson aud the principal shots and clubs We havo also brought out tho Rest $5 Kreccli-IaOnilcr of favorite Ton-Snap Action ever shown iu tiie market, uthcr qualities at fo5 and $10. r-Send for Circulars and Lists of sec' ond hand Guns. 3&-6m Wide Awake I Spicy I Noweyl Oil City Daily Derrick, For 1878. Belter Chun Ever! Moro and Fresher News, and More Road ing Matter than any other Daily Paper in North-Wostom Pennsylvania 1 THE OIL CITY DAILY DERRICK IUS BEEN ENLARGED TO II COLUMNS, And will begin the ne "' year with OVER 6,000 DAILY CIRCULATION Larger than ever attained by any daily newsptper in fa. outside oi me large cities, it lias gained this ny giving an tiie iresh' est news, and sparing no expense in ob taming items, it lias correspondents in every portion of tho Oil Region, besides several reporters wno are constantly trav eling. llie proprietors, editors and re portorial staff, are all young and energeti men, whose aim is to make the Derrick the leading newspaper of Western Penu Byivania. The Derrick win be better than ever for 1877. It will have special reporters at Washington and Marrisburg. who will send daily specials of all important events Its readers will be kept posted on all the political news of the day, as reported from an independent standpoint, whilo a large rcporioriai force will keep tnem lnrormed on local matters. It will also, as it does now, take the lead in discusbingqucstions of importance to oilmen, and woric faith fully for the interoet of the Oil Region. It will maintain its position as authority in oil statistics, and its market quotations will always be found reliable. Tho Daily Derrick being published at Oil City, tho Metropolis of the Oil Re gions, and the largest Petroleum Market in the world, has better advantages for ob taining eil news thun any other daily. IU market quotations have gained precedence over all others for accuracy, reliability ana iuuness. TIIE DERRICK IS THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN TUB STATE. It circulates anion a rich and flourish! n people. If you want apicy reading, fresh uewa information concerning me uu iiegion and a red-hot paper, subscribe for tho Oi Citv Daily Derrick. Terms, f 10 per year; six nioutua o s tl a month in ad' vanco. THE WEEKLY DERRICK With 28 to 30 columns of Choice Heading llaftcr Containing a weekly review of the Oil JJUMiiie.su, all the "htray isand or the Uui ly Dorrick, and interesting newa from all purts of the world in a condensed form The WEEKLY DERRICK will be sen pobt paid, to any address, for $1.W) per year, uiwavs in aavance. W. II. LONUWELL A CO.. Publishers, oil City, fa, SHERIFFS SALE. BY VIRTUE of a writ of Vcndl. Kx. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Forest County, and to ine direct ed, there will bo exposed to sale by public vendue or outcry, at tho Court House, In tho borough of 1 lonosta, on MONDAY, JAN. 1, A. K, 1878, . at 10 o'clock A. M.,tho following described real estate, to-wit i David S. Duncotnb for uso of John E. McDonald, now for uso of Austin Sleai ns vs. Tho inland Petroleum Company nt'tho County of Venango, Von. Kx., No.7, Fob. Term, 1878. Lathy A Agnew. All that certain undivided one-eighth (!) part of all thoso parrel of land situate in the Township of Ti on est a, Forest jouiity, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and do- scribod as follows, via: Lot or tracts of land numbered four thousand o lirlit hun- dfed and twonty-throo (4823), four thous and eight hundred and twenty-ono (4821), three thousand one hundred and nine-seven (3197), and three thousand ono hundred and ninetv-nve (819S). in all tour thousand acres of land more or los, and being the lanas cnveya by ueorgo C Porter of MeadviUe, Pennsylvania, to Frederic rontlco, and by Frederic Prentice and wife convoyed to tho party of the first part by deed dated November 1st. l.KM. and ro- corded In office of tho recorder of deeds In and for Forost county, aforesaid, in dood book vol. z, at pages W. 100 and 101, and being same land conveyed by S. M. Soely to the lliland Petroleum Compaq , of Ve nango county, by dood dated Febi uary 2P, A. D., 1872, and recorded in Forost county, In deed book No. 8, page 351 o. About thirty acres of which is cleared and under fence with ono old sawmill, one frame house 45x24 feet two stories high, one frame house about 20x30 feet 1 stories high, two frame houses about 20 xM feet two stories high, two fiamo b&rus, ono blacksmith shop, aud tho remains of sev eral old buildings thereon erected, also some fruit troo growing thereon. Taken in execution and to be sold as tho property of The lliland Petroleum Com- iRy, at the suit or lmvid a. Duncomb for uso of John E. McDonald, now for uso of Austin Stearns. Terms cash. JUSTIS SHAWKEY. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Tionesta, Pa., Dee. 20, 1877. PROCLAMATION' IN DIVORCE. J. Shawkey, Sheriff of Forest County, 'enn., to Jacob M. Niuirpe, Urkktino: Wherkas, Susan 11. Sharpe did on the 25th dav of Decerning. A. D., 1877, prefer her petition to tho Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of said county of Forest praying for the causes therein set forth, that she might le divorced Irom the bonds of matrimony heretofore entered into with you, Jacob M. Sharpe. Now this is to re quire you tho said Jacob M. Sharpe to ap pear l to re said Judges, at nonesta, at a Court of Common Pleas, to be hold for the County of Forest, on Monday, tho 20th day of February, A. D., 1878 next, to an swer the ooiu plaint of the said Susan II. Sharpe, aud show cause if any you Jiave why a divorce should not be granted to the said Susan II. Sharpe from the bonds of matrimony, entered into by her with you agreeably to tho act of Assembly in suen cases macio and provided, April Z7. J. kiia wkky, Shoritt. American fc Foreign Patents. GILMORE fr CO.. Successors to Cliin- man, Ilosmer & Co., Solicitors. Patents procured in all countries. No Fees in ad vance. No charges unless the patent is gi anted. No fees for making prelimina ry examinations. No additional fees for obtaining and conducting a rchearimr. Ilv a recent decision of tho CommUsioner all rejected Replications may bo revlvod special attention given to Interference Cases before the Patent Olllce, Intensions betore congress, infringement Suits in dinerent States, and all litigation appor taining to Inventions or Patents. Send stamp to Gihnore & Co., for pamphlet of sixiy pages. Ijuml Cases, Warrants anil 8crip. Contested Land Cases prosecuted before mo u. n. ue-.ierai Liana wince and ucpari- ... A T- . I ! T 1 .,1 ; iiitmioi mo iiniruir. i-nvaie idiiiu v. lanus, Mining and Pre-emption Claims, and Homestead Cases attended to. Land Scrip in 40, 80, and 1(50 acre pieces for sulo. This Scrip Is assignable, and can bo located in tno name or the purchaser unon anv (iov- ernment land subject to private entry, at M.za per acre, it is oi equal vaiuo Willi jsounty Land warrants, womt iamp to Uilmore A Co., for pamphlet of Instruc tion. Arrears of Pay & Bounty. Officers, Soldiers, and Sailors of tho lato war, or their heirs, are irj many cases en titled to money from tho Government f which they have no knowledge. Write full history of service, and state amount of pny and bounty received. Knelose stamp to Gilmore A Co.. and a full reply, alter examination, will be given you tree. Pensions. ' All Officers, Soldiers, and Sailors woun ded, ruptured, or injured in the late war, however slightly, can obtain a ponsion by addressing Gilmoro Co. Cases prosecuted by Gil more & Co, be fore the Supreme Court of the United States, the Court of Claims, aud the South ern Claims Commission. Each department of our business is con ducted in a scparato bureau, under charge of the same experienced parties employed by the old tirni. Attentiou to all business entrusted to Gilmore &. Co. is thus se cured. Wo desire to win buocess by de serving it. Address GILMORE fe CO., 629 FStreot, Washington, D. C. 41tf . MRS. C. M. IIKATII, DRESSMAKER, Tionesta, Pa. MRS. IIKATII has recently moved to this nlaco for the purpose of meeting a want which the ladies or the town and county have for a long time known, that Of having a dressmaker of experience ameng them. I am prepared to make all kinds of dresses in the latest styles, and guarantee satisfaction. Stamping lor braid ing and embroidery done in the best man ner, with the newest patterns. All I ask is a fair trial. Residence on Elm Street, in tno AcoiiiD uuiming. tr. Can't be made by every agent ev ery month in the business we furnish, but those willing to work can easily earn a dozen dollars a day right in their own localities. Have no room to explain here. Business pleasant and honorable. Women and boys and girls do as well as men. We will furnish you a complete Outlit free. The business nays better than anything else. We will Lear ex peuse of starting you. Particulars free. Write and see. tanners aud me chanics, their sons and daughters, and all classes in need of paying wotk at home, should write to us and learn all about the work at once. Now Is tho time. Don't delay. Address True fc Co., Augusta, Maine. S3 TOR WORK neatjy wtecuted at the RK 'UUCICAH Oiiica Allegheny Valley Rail Road. Pittsburgh, Tifusville & Buffalo Hallway, and liufinlo, uorry & Pittsburgh Railroad. ON AND AFTER Snnday, Deo. 10, 1S77, trains will run as follows t STATIONS. Northward. Southward No. I . I No. 4 No. I No. I No. a m. p m pm pin pin am Pittsburgh 8:50 2:30 8:10 8:10i 2:.".r) :4.r W PonJuncMsOO 4:05 10:507:00 1:40 5:00 Klttannlng 10:88 4:41 11:45 0:20 12:58 4:0 R. lt'k Juncl 1:18 5:35 12:55 5:40 11:47 2:35 Ilrady Rend 11:33 5:40 1:20 5:18 11:3.1 2:10 Parker 12:10 0:25 2:35 4:45 10:55 12:40 Kmlenton 12:52 7:10 3:05 4:20 &.Mt 12:00 Scrubgrass 1:33 7:54 4:32 3:33 0:42 10:45 Franklin 2:0H 8:35 5:37 2:55 :02 :41 Oil Citv 2:35 0:05 0:30 2:20 8:25 8:25 Rousevllle 0:25 7:01 1:42 8:04 8:10 Titusvlllo 3:37 10:20 7:55 12:50 7:K) 7:20 Corry 4:17 0:15 11:40 0:05 Mavvlllo 0:14 11:00 10:10 4:02 JJuilalo 8:05 1:05 6:55 12:40 Oil Citv 2:30 8:25 1:1 8:00 Oleopo'iN 3:17 8:54 12:27 7:27 KngloRock 3:37 0:05 12:01 7:10 Tionesta 4:25 0:32 11:07 0:47 Tidlouto 5;55 10:22 0:30 5:57 Irvineton 7:10 11:10 8:00 6:05 p. in a. in a. m p. m Trains run by Philadelphia Time. DAVID MoCAUOO, tien'l Sup't.J VOllTON II ALL, Non'l Passenger tt Tlckot Agent. PERFECTION ATTAINED AT LAST! A TRIAL will INSURE ITS POPULARITY EVERYWHERE. mi mm ami mmi Wttaa m1 will retain lta plae Com ver. IT It CELEBRATED FOR ITS ADVANTAGES, IN THAT IT IS ONE OP THE LARGEST SfcWINl) MACHINES MANUFACTURED, ADAPTED ALIKE TO THE USE OF THE FAMILY OR THE WORK SHOP. IT HAS THE LARGEST SHUTTLE, WITH A BOBBIN THAT MOLDS ALMOST A SPOOL OF THREAD THE SHUTTLE TENSION IS ADJUSTABLE WITHOUT REMOVINQ THE SHUTTLE FROM THE MACHINE. THIS MACHINE IS SO CONSTRUCTED THAT THE POWER IS APPLIED DIRECTLY OVER THE NEEDLE, THUS ENABLING IT TO SEW THE HEAVIEST MATERIAL WITH UN EQUALED EASE. IT IS VERY SIMPLE IN ITS CONSTRUCTION, DURABLE AS IRON AND STEEL CAN MAKE IT. ALL ITS WEARING. PARTS CASE-HARDENED OR STEEL, AND INOENIOUSL.Y PROVIDED WITH MEANS FOR TAKINO UP LOST MOTION, SO WE ARE JUS TIFIED IN v , . Warranting Every Machine for 3 Years. IT IS THE LIGHTEST AND EASIEST-RUNNING MACHINEIN THE MARKET. ITIS, ALSO, THE MOST ELABORATELY ORNAMENTEO AND PRETTIEST MACHINE EVER PRODUCED. WITH ALL THESE ADVANTAGES. IT IS SOLD FROM SIS TO S2S LESS THAN OTHER FIRST CLASS MACHINES. EXCLUSIVE CONTROL OF TERRITORY GIVEN TO AGENTS. EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS OFFERED FOR CASH OR ON CREDIT. SEND FOR CIRCULARS AND TERMS TO 358 Euclid Avenue, wanted. CLEVELAND, 0. F.. A. llAIiDWiN. Tidioute. Fa.. Agent lor warren i:ouiuy. W-W REMINGTON Breech-Loading Doublo-Barrellod CUN Weight, to 8 pounds : length of barrel, 29 ana au in. iu and Vi gauge. Price, Hteel barrel, 946 Twl.l barreln, 0(SO Laminated barrels, 73 Dkuhiiii barrels, 83. Lie best ever oflorod tho American sportsman, combining all the most desir able features of the best imoorted. togeth er with some valuablo improvements not found in any other Top Lover, fSnap Ac tion, t'entre Firo. For sale bv the tnrde everywhere. Man- uiactured by J-;. HKMINGTON A SONS 'Ml and Droadwav. New York. P. (1 Itox.SiKtt. Armory, lllloii, N. V. Cut this oui and send lor Ii.i.i stiiatki) Cata houVK and Treatiso on Kifi.x biiooriNu 24-3111. The ex iei ienco of Ave years has proved that ZELL'S jHCTClQHDli nii i;ompact and r name work or linera . . . . lew ml:si tiitioD, AGENTS WANTED. luiurmauon is better adapted to the wantsi all classet of the coin niunity than any other work of tho kind m published. It has loen proven by its IMMKNSE SALF.S, by tho numerous COM M KXI) ATOU Y NOTICK8 KEC'D And by its uniform srccKss with aof.nth. Tho edition of IH70 has been THOROUGHLY KKVI.SKD TO DATE, It contains 150,000 articles, i;000 w xxl engravings and eighteen handsomely en graved and colored maps. The work is tissued in parts, and aspect men copy, with map, will te sent to any address, freo of postage, for twenty cenU. BAKER, DAVIS & CO., Publishers, (Successors to T. Klwood Zell.) Nos. 17 and IS) South Sixth Street, 42tf PlULADKI.PAIA, Pa. XV ILLIAMS tV t.0., MKADVII.LK, - . P13NN'A. TAXIDERMISTS. BIRDS and Animals stuffed and mount ed to order. Artilicial Kyea kept in htock. o-ly SQUARE GRAND PIANOS Retailed at Wholcsalo Prices. $000 for 200. 1030 for 300. S700f0f E300. 9300 for S QO. TIIK "MENDELSSOHN" PIANO CO. 7K HTIUJCK II Alllf IA3f rui CEN. Only Ono Price for Cash, tuid a low one. NO DEVIATION. Wo give no discounts. Wo pnv no agents' commissions, which double tho prices of all 1'lanos. Wo look to tho rrtoplo, who wantatlrst lass Piano nt a fair profit over cost of manufacture. We appoint the Poople our agents, and give them our Pianos as low as any agent can buy equally good Pianos f any other maiiuiacturer, giving tio People. In a roduced price, what is usually expended in commissions, rent, freight, traveling ami Incidental expenses. Tho ".Modelssohn" l'inno vo. can st'll you a 7J wtavo rmewoMl case Piano, 6 feet 10 inches long, with front round corners, carved legs, serpentine and plinth mould inizs, with improvement, including Full Iron Frame, Ovor Strung Rass, AgrafTb TrobU, and French Orand Action, which only accompany the best Pianos of tho most celebrated makers, at tho very low price of &"i0, i75 or &J00. according to stylo of case, or with four round cor ners and full agralTo for f VX. and giiimtn- teo them In every respect criual to i.nv Piano inailo of similar stylo, or no sale. J he "Mendelssohn ' Pianola manulac- tured from tho very best materials, and iy tho most skilled and llntshed work men. Tho manufacture is conducted bv ono of tho most experienced Piano nmnu- racturers in the countrv. This Is no now enterprise, turning out a pixir and clieup piano, made lroin green wood, and by urreener mechanics. Our Piano In unnuriassod bvanv In tho market for Its rich and powerful tones. and Ha adaptation to the human voice in sympathetic, mellow and singing qualities. it speaks ror l weir. o aro willing to piano It liesldo any other make of Piano on its merits, cithcr ln iKuintv of case, or excellence of tono. and "at half tho money" of equally guoit insiriimenis. "The best tho cheapest" When It costs the lcat money. All Pianos fullv warranted for five yws. Send for our Dlustratcd and De'scrip- tivo Circular. . The 'Mfndrlnsohn" Tlano To., Ofllco of Manufactory, ort BROADWAY, N. V. MAKE HOME HAPPY. tl M K n w o R & o A Manttfal uptlr ef 0 a S o & M r. M H St Q Good Reding u Bentlfal Plotirtt WIU DO IT. THE CIH0I5NATI WEEKLY STAR, A Ana iltkl-pm Ppr, "lib 41 fall coU aiiini, aaaljr $!. par yrmr ( hf Kiiajivl, and m Ilia JorffeJt, brtfthlnt, aad beat rxrw publlah lur Hit monaf. It it lndandni In aallllaa, gWaa all lha aawi, aad, aaaWa aiuob otbar ftooa raaanijf. avary nwmnar aaa Ihraa or fnnr axcrlUnt original or n UcUJ UorlM. Xitj ubcribr alio raoaivofi a oolf l tna aanniimi ii'irav ii. "Thu PofM- (he Paar Mun'a Fi-aenaV aiaa MiM mrhr. aal a c'Hr of TUB tSTAK ILI-KSTHATEl) ALUA N AC U . aatrai mmti ha aut to pny axpatiM of packing and maillnf pra nun. ra?Oar ladmrniaala tm awvaals, alwaja Iba uott lttral uilia fleTit, m nuw grmer Ihnn vr. Wa waiii avry club aiient In tba aauntr to eomttiafitcMta with u. bvfora ooinniaaciiiK work. To anyixirion rte.irlnc to awt an a olun, wa will aad a aatnpla coiy of tha pinluro and a tanvawHir'a onlfli or a5 r fa. .sywfmrn ronv " pntr ea, Mmd fWr aa hrfora waMrlk. ln for any other. FirBona ttt whom wa hara alraad v aant Iba piotura, "Tha Soor h Paxtar nauaa rriwtMi," aayinr ta can hata In lta ataad anoluar aacallaat au qravlna, uf aama aiaa, wbloli wa aava awourad fur tliia purpoaa. trliyr without picture, On 9aUar. 1H3B STAS, 830 Wmlnut St., CitnmH, O, MAUI HOME PLIA.ANT. Awarucd the HighrBt Modal at Vienna. t i E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., GDI liroadwar, Now York. (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) ManulacturerB, Importers A Dealers i C1IH0M08 AND FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, Albums, Graphoscopes, and Suita ble Views. PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. We are Headfpiarters for everything in tho way of STKK KOPTICONH and MAtl 1C LANTKKNS, being manufacturers of the Micro-Scientifio Lantern, Ktcreti-Punopticon, University Ktereoptif on, Advertisers Ktereoptieon, Artopticon School Lantern, Family Lantern, PEOPLE'S LANTERN. Each style lieing tho bost of its class, in tho market. Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides with, directToitfl for using, sent on application. Any ejiterprisinjr man can mako niouey with a Magic lantern. J fr(?ut out this advertisement for ref erence, -t ,0i NEBRASKAGR!ST MILL. rpiIE GRIST MILL at Nebraska (i: oughly overha.dod and rentted b "intl FLOUR, r i ii a xv . i's lownt liuros s W. LEDEliUU. -oiu