- j- t rf-j V kJ, m and Middle States toim Of utll.l lilwl nln ...... .. , 1 , . . ..n. H unx loK ami the Riirroundmit t-tmtitrr, in i ,' hi'.ivy (lurnar-n unim Imil.tih.,.. .).;. ,.... an.) other proj irty . " ' (Invonmr ItnliiiiMon, of Now Tort, Isnircl a ITt.elamotum, Uii(,'uatiiiKThnr.lnv. Novomler j-, M J lmuliaKiving diiv. After 'referring In tho i-oclstnation to Die iniM and fruitful eoa Bns. Dm liountifnl liarvi't, ami policial pood noalth 1 hat havo nmrl.td tho rear aliout to o.liif.0, tho governor huts: "i nieomtncml, then foro. that on tlieiliiv drm'giinttd thciooiln of thin Stuto, layiuir a-ido their accnslomcd ".vomit inn, oiirtiko in apjiroprinte religions Hprvicoi. and (tint iu tlift hnppv fnmilv reunion" and Kovoral cnjovnieiita Incident to' the oeea moi). tho poor and unfortuuat be remembered with gpiioruiiR liberality." ipht, Tho nife of Stephen Mar, of McdiAni!) ""do out of her hmim in thn tii tiiliinp with her four of hor children. .end nine. six, four and one and one-half years, threw them into a deep creek btok of tho dwelling and plunged in herself. The. eldont child nmn i?od to reach tUo shore and pavo the alarm. I he mother and one child were rescued, but the other two children were drowned A Hhoek of arthpi iko was felt in portions of New iork tate, New England rind Canada. In nmny places a loud, rnmliliiifr iioieo was heard, foIL.wed by a h.'av.i j,r ; Imildmpa were ahHk"Uj funiituro was upset, windows were broken, and oousidernllo excitement was created ftmoji tho people. Between 2,000,000 and 3,000,000 feet of hmi- i,. f """"'""-'d by an in.-eiidiai v tiro near $25 000 ' 1ft L0?S' 40'00i """"'anco, Tho New York Libera Club made an innova tion on established forms and practices by elect ing a woman-Mrs. Elizabeth ThompHon its president, Horace Greeley was at one time president of the dub, and it is the first organi zation (f its kiud in America to elect a lady as prosiduiff otlioer. Jesse Pomero.y, the boy murderer, nervine out a hfd term in tho Charlostown (Masa.) Mato prison, was detected in an attempt to escape. ' "aiming Jiouso of Jiuvis J. Cone at ? 'A Y- fai1'"1 li'Uitie" estimated at e 130,000 ; assets. ..'!0,000. " The election in New York resulted in the iMicyesB of the Democratic Htate t -elect, both . parties elmiiiinn tho legislature. In New York city tho interest centered in the contest between Augustus Nehe'i, ono of tho loaders of Tam many Hsll and its candidate for tho Senate from the Seventh Senatorial district-considered the stronghold of Tammany and John JlorriKscy,. candidate of tho Kep'tiblicans and Anti-Tammany Demoorats. Morrissey was elocted by over 3,000 majority. General MeClolUn, tho Democratic candidate for governor of Now Jersov, was elected by over 1 1,000 majority. It is believed that the legislature is also Democratic. According to early dispatches tho Democrats were suocessf nl in Pennsylvania, electing tliefr State ticket. Tho vote polled by tho Labor and Uroenback parties was considerable. Iu the Connecticut election the Itopubtbmns retained their control in the legislature, addimr several now members to their majority. The result of tho election in Massachusetts was the success of tho It'jpiibliean ticket. Pico being re-elected governor.- The Prohibitionists polled a larger vote than bettoforo, while tho legislature is overwhelmingly by Republican. George Williams and James Gallagher, two railroad strikers, wero convicted in Trei.tou .' bt.trneting the pasxnge of the United States mails during the recent railroad war, and were fined each $100 and costs. A decree of foreclosure and sale of the prop erty, rights, franchises, etc., of the Erie Ibiil- VV S-"'VT "as neen granted by Judo IJonolme, of the New York supreme court, and pros;.eci or i lie road's passing out of inn o jinnus uim ueing sold. A banquet was given in New York to Mr. Junius S. Morgan, an American, who removed to London nearly twenty-rive vears ago to .. u, ucurge I'eaDoav, tlie great philanthropist. Specie 1 trains from the Srmtu, East and West brought deputations of the wea tmest citizens of the country, while .New lork city was r presented by its r'oremost men in commerce, finance and politics. Nearly eve y one present wes a millionaire, some rep resenting over t-50,000.000. . Among the guests w-ere Governors Rice and Hartranft, of Massa- " CMnstttB and Pennsylvania j ex-Governors Til den and Morgan, of New York; Cyrus W. Field August ; Belmont, Thomas A. Scott, and Robert Garret t,' presu'ents of the Pennsylvania rail- r?K ' 'KC W. Childs, of the Philadelphia lsvltjtr ; Tet r Cooper and a host of others. Both branches of the New Yoi k Legialaturo will be sightly Republican. Charles S. Caffray's carriage factory at Cara - dn, N. J., was entirely destroyed bv tire, and lcurrL j jf 7,000, oh wluc!f there is ' 82,000 insurance. During a meeting of the' New York Liberal Uub, Leid iu the lcetnre room of the College ot Physicians and Surgeons, a number of meui caI undents i.resent showed their disapproba tion of the subject discussed by creating a tUs tttba ce- nd aftw being ejected several times and always returning, two of them wern arrested by the police and locked np. Western and Southern States. duce il bo held i Chjca ;0 on December IS. lt and 20. under tbe mansgeiuei.t of the North western Dairy Association and tho National But: or. Cheese and Kg- Association. Two thousand dollars in prizes are offered, and tho daiiTniKii of tho country ure invited to compete. At Washington, S. C, Nathan P. Overton! a whito man, and Nouh Taylor, owloml, were bnng for tho murder, in 1K75, of Widiim Grimes, a storekeei,er Kobborv was tho mo- - 7v i i cnnlt' r1k1 tll0ir e'"ilt was firmly established. Mrs. au Yoorhies, a young woman with three children and a hunt to become a mother .ajrain, after living unhappily with her husband outhe outskirts of the town of Wilton, Wis was deserted by him and left despondent. One Jiight shortly after her abandonment her dwell ing was aiscovorod to be on Ure, and when tho ! Hoiw ....... , ,.,,-jcu iu uuuuing vnev l.muil the woman and her two y6nii;;cst clu'ldien King dead ou the bed, while tho corpse of the ),ov f"?ed ten years, lay behind tho bedroom door' J Uo four bodies were clmrrred by the lire, but api'araiiou indicated that the woman bad poisoned herself and children lirst, and that tuey were dead Lefoie the named reached them. The iveruor of Tennessee has called a n:ial session of tha legislature for Doccuiber j, to ca ' aider statu tiuances. 'I'lio .ol'Heqnio of tho late Senator Morton at Indiaimpohs wero witnessed bv a large con course. The room in which tho burial ca-ket jested and thu church in which the funeral services wero held wero filled wit) tloial tributes from all parts cl the country, the President and Sirs. Hayes crmu-dmtinnr anchors, a lvre and a pillow of flowers. Thu rennins were brought into the church nt one o'clock and were followed by the pall-bearers, the committees from the Seuato and House of Representatives, Indiana Sj ofliciTs. and prominent men from JTeividits of the country. The exeicises . Vboiir and three 'inaiteis, and at , inclusion tho remains were taken to the Witry and deposited in a vault with eie , 'lines by the Grand Lodge I. O. of O. 1". Tin result of the election in Virginia was thu :t tion of tho entii u Cuiinen ative ticket, i rerU ing no opposition. Returns from Wisconsin indicate tho election i f tho Republican cu'.di'latis by increased ma jorities. Maryland and Misaissippi went Democratic in the fciuctions, hile in Minnesota. Nirt i-.tUu snd Kaunas tha RepublicaiiM were succenriul. At Quiiul.y, Mich., George Rckler, who had h's"! 1"." L.tuly bocn All iliinate of the KslnjiiaBoo insane Hour AVacousui aiid Ml asyiimi and was r leaded on tho sapj)o.-:tiun ii't he was cured, delil rately shot his mother ad as .-.ho was leaning over a stove, and tl.eii v.t liunself with tho same mediuiu of de letion. trie i'.. Gettolich, late deputy collector of fo'a l Vs. J custom house, has been I't.v 'if embezzlenicnt ; and K L. .-'! a-. urer of -outh Carolina, was l ia ou the charge of fraud while ' I t'liilty by the Jury. Tho failure of Corydon Wood, proprietor of in institution for savings at liloomington, 111., is announced, with liabilities amounting to tho largo sum of tl.HOO.OOO and hardly any avsets. r IT. Phoenix, of liloomington, owner of a celebrated nnrsi ry, also failed, with liaUll lies jdaci-d at i lOO.Otm". bis failure being caused by the suspension of Weed's bank. Henry Oelz. n young German farmer, and his wife, living near Columbia, III., were murdered, and the house and grounds showed evidence of a terrible struggle before the consmnmationlof the crimo, Mrs. U ti was found on tho edge of the cellar door, with her hfad split iu two, whilo hor husband's body was dragged into tho woods and thrown into a creek. 'buries Strahl. a worthless character living in their vicinity, was suspected of the crime, and a viHit to his cabin W is paid by tho neighbors, but bo had Hod Ho was followed to St. Louis, eighteen miles nistanr, to winch placo bo had gono with two mules and a wagon belonging to the victims. Getting drunk howasarrestod by tho polieeand ioiiuu in me station nouso by the pursuers. From Washington. lhe TIouho committee on appropriations Las appropriated V!S,7tH,lHlO for tho army. Governor Williams, of Indiana, has appointed Daniel W. Yoorhies to fill tho vacancy in tho United Slates Senate occasioned by the death of ocnaror iuorton. Tho secretary of tho navy, iu reply to a roso- iiiiiou oi in o nouso or itepresontativos, making inquiry in relation to the hours of labor at navy yards, stated that tho workmen were informed that they would not bo required to work more than eight hours a day if they desired, but any i-ivuiM'ii il nuin leu nours COUIU (I. ho ii nd would be paid according to the rati fixed per hour. A baud of PoHca Indians visited Washington for tho purpose of urging their claim against uiu goverimieni ior namage done to their crops. consequent upon the hasty removal, of the tribe from Dakota to a reservation in the Indian ior ltorv. J no Presidont nominated Henry S. Sanford as united snttes minister to Belgium. The Senate hasconurmcd Mr. Welsh as Minia te hug laud Tho President will nominate William C. Goodloe, of Kentucky, as Minister to the Motherlands. . Foreign News. Field Marshal Wrangel. a distinguished Proa sian general, died iu Berlin, aged ninety-three years. He was known as tho " Grandfather of the army," and had been a soldier over eighty years. Tho capture of Dubnik by tho Russians was effected at the expense of a total loss in killed and wounded of 3,i 00 men, among whom were all the brigade and regimental commanders. The Farmers' Warehousing Elevator in Belle ville, Ont., containing 38,000 bushels of grain, was destroyed bv fire, and the engineer, Richard Dewsbury, was burned to death. A special dispatch states that J'ukhtar Pa-ha has abandoned the imiortaiit town of Erzo roum, in Armenia, and that it has been occupied by the Russians. The Republicans have had a net gain of 111 seats in tho French Councils General. The French Senate and Chamber of Deputies convened at Versailles. Tho Russian victories in Asia Minor have been contirnied. After a severe battle lasting niuu hours' Mukhtar Pasha's troops wero utterly routed. Forty Constitutionalist Senators in France nave resolved not to supp rt tho ministry. Tho fishery commission' at Halifax was a lr'r ssed on behalf of tho United States by till, J-rmiU. . Uurnetl' Caooaine Promotes the growth of and beautifies the Hair, and renders it dark and glossy. The Cocoaiue holds, in a liquid form, a large pro portion of deoaoried Coconut Oil, prepared expressly for this purpsso. No other com pound possesses the peculiar properties whioh so exactly suit the various conditions of the human hair. The elegant company from Duff's Broad way Theater, New York city, are playing to a succession of crowded houses in New York State and Canada. In the hands of this talented organization the play of Pink Domi noes has made a decided hit, and is Bpoken of as a masterly performance. riirmmninai Plxrimr. When wo see tlmt death is so often the pon alty paid for a fatuous d sregard of the symp toms of approaching disease, should we not bo warned against the folly of neglecting de fensive incisures when called for in our own ciiHo 'I Assuredly wo should, and tiKii the fl.'st mn oiliest atlon of ill henltlr or decay of physicial vigor, seek the aid of medicine. The fortifying intlticncKs upon thn system of Hos tel ter 'a Stomach t titers entitle Hint inodicine of many viitues to the highest consideration as a preventive, and it cannot bo too strongly recommended as a means of arresting the progress of nalaiious fevers, dyspepsia, con st tpation, liver complaint, kidney and blad der troubles, gout, rheumatism, and other disorders which in their incipency are far morn easily overcome than in their maturity albeit, tho great alterative has repeatedly demonstrated its power to auquish them in t'.ieir worst phases. lilranoti'n t'lililicnllnns. Cnvttt reducion in tho price for 1878 of (Ucamm't VMoruit to $U a year. Single copies live cents. Tho Iltmu' C'irrh to J2 a year, singlo copies five ceuts, for sale by sll newsdealers. (Jltri.tcm's Monthly Comixniion to tl a year, singlo copies ten cents. All postago froo. 'lhe price of Chromos has just been greatly reduced. No one now give such liberal torn.s to agents as wo do. Send for new free circular. Address F. Gleason & Co., 7J8 Washington Stieet, Boston, Mass. True l;eononi. it lias been round that the only true, econo my is that which stops the little leaks and saves in trilles. For instance, one saves i.i milk, butter, eggs and fWur bv the use of Doolcy's Yeast Powder, whioh is made from tho purest cream-tartar, derived from grape acid. GiKid housewives have proved this by experience. t" " It lienmni ism ((nlrlilv Cnreil. " Dnraug's liliuumiitio Remedy," the great internal medicine, will jxjsitively cure any case of rhoumatism on tho face of tlie earth. Price, Via bottle, six bottles. 45. Sold by all drug gists. Send for circular to Helphcnstiuo & Bcntley, druggists, Washington, D. O. IJIvrn Awm.-A tnlwrb nulr of Aifl Ohromoa. worthy to frame and ai'.nm any linms, ami a Turcx Mont lis' inhKoription to l.FlBUHK Uncus, a shunning HI p:i(te literary pipor, full of tho Oboipt .Morion, Poetry, etc.. Sunt Free to all sendinc Klflnsn Cunts (ntitmiM tuken) to py p:is nice. The pulilishots, J. Ik l'atton A Uo.. William Nt.. N. V.. OnarantM nor ono D.oihlo (iltii, of niony nt. gt 1 ,jM) in prize and uik pay icivon to aaenta. Yi run at once : PIANOS AND ORGANS. REST D,.r,.,KrK"T. tvoni.n llntriiti-d nlnlitiM-K. ;'T U noted llerarsjt but .V Woim, ll I:. tlh St N V AGENTS WANTED ! FOR PARTICULARS. ADDRKNS WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. 99 Broadway, New York CUti Chlcaao, Il.t NcwOrlenn, l,n. . l Hun Frnnelneo, Cwly Washburn & Mocn ManTg Co. WORCESTER. MASS, Sell Kir.uAuturcri Eut of CWrigo, tl PATEKT STEEL BARB FENGTKS. ROYA BAKING lijcrsa rUVVUUI 1. Absolutely Pure: AM (rmo rn Mit.mri(1 to fftiiirrinfen it full wpieht : nil .n'liitn'T tmrn Irt try it. wnil UiunU ior I tHiuudnnu to RoVAL BAK1M1 TUWDKU (JO N. V., if nt hf mail, trr of 15 to $20 1; iwt any nt nuiiiH. ?irnipiri t, BOSTON WEEKLY TRANSCRIPT flfiy- A B TELL Thorn Hedfra. N other Fencing no rbeap or put up io quiokiy. Never rusta. aulna, decnya, shrinks, nor warps. -Unaffected hf fire, wind, or flood. A complet barrier to the most jinruly stork. Imputable by man or bent TWO THOUSAND TONS BOLD AND PUT UP BUHINO THE LAST YEAR. For eat. at to. Usdln hardwsra stores, with Ptretohert and HU.tIK AMI AltltOM). A paper for everybody. Only SI.IU year with nulondid Premiuiu. Agents wanted. 11. it. 5j Cornhitl, Boston, WANTED IMMEDIATE L V !- Von nit Mtm to karn Tele irnohF 8aUr I N to Ijltll) r iiKMilh pHtd Kui operator. A Rare with BUmp, J. A. SllhlHLirAN, Dbt-rlin, Ohio. Oorronondpnce soiiiitd with hnrnum.. n- t PMMtmm h'.me oomplo'oly 3 OO to 97.UO. Send I.i et-nts for Sample anrl t) rotilnr. T 1 kS I 9 l.lt IJM Si Mm. (Srnerul HIirruiRii, wife of tho general of the United states army, mys i "I have frcqnontly purchabed Durang'g ILhcuraatio Ilemedy for friends Buffering with rheumatirtm, and in every inHtance it worked hko magic." Hend for circular to Helphen ttino and Uontloy, druggists, Washington, D. C. CHEW " The Celebrated "Matchless" Wood Tag I'lug Tobacco. Tub Pioneeh Tobacco Compani, . New York, Boston, and Chicago. Arc Ynu Costive If so, be careful of disease. Avoid it by tak ing Quirk's Irish To, l'rico 25 cents. Il.vf Cattle. The Mai kt'ts. miw yof.u. Native 11 iriuii uiu tui'iui;u onua uj M:k ll Cows 40 CO (465 00 Flogb : Liv 05lc 0!( PruMHt-d 07V (4 IjTV Sheep 0-1 V (4 05',- fj&iiibt 05V4 06 Cotton SliUdiiug 11. 4 11V Flour Western Good to Choice.. .. B8I (4 C 2 Hi.,t (loud to Ohokf ...... 6 20 (4 li 40 Buckwheat pur cwt 9 as (4 'i 75 Wh(T.t Hd W latere It.) M'Ml No, 2 Milwaukee 1 3 t i4 Itye State 7 I-nrley Htate 71 (4 Harioy Malt 68 (4 liiK'kwhMt to 1ft Oats Mixed WphUto..... ; , 81 (4 Corn Mixod Wet.t;ra . C7,V4 Hay, per cwt.... 60 & titraw per cwt..... , 0 & ,1b Vi iut V''i II Pork Mess 14 30 l.urd (Jity Steam OK r"ih Mackerel, No. 1, new 19 00 " No. 2, new 11 M) Dry Cot, per cwt 5 60 Herriiip, Healed, per box so tvtrnloum Crude O'J.'tutu-J Befliied. Wool California ilwco., 'I exas Au.tralin Btato XX flutter- Ktste Wenteru Choice Western Good to 1-ri-ae. . . Wostern Kirkins..., Ohec-se Htate Factory Ktate BkiiuajM 2) HO ii ti 13 13 II Wevleru ,. .. IB a State suJ FeunsylvuDia. Flour Wheat: No. 1 Milwaukee L'oru: Mixed. Data Rye liarlt.y Parle y Malt 21 I 81 78 75 70 B 8i 69 70 SB 4 IS (414 10 C4 J 4t I (41 00 (4 6 00 (4 3i i:.i 25 S 41 44 :w 5 l'i 13 11 . 22 Send for Reduced Price List of FASOn&HAMLIM CABINET ORGANS. NKWaml SPLENDID RTVI.KS: PHfCK.S BrnurKO HUt to 9 AO KAliH, THIS MOSI'H (ifoV. 1877). AH.dres. MASON ,v. II A. Ml. IN OlttJAN (O.. Itu.lun, ew Vork. ir 1 liiriitto. Tnf. hsst fsmily nsvspspsr puhlishnd :ilit pos sib uDiuninp rnnomff. Torms ffi psr snnnmi olnbs if i letl, 9 I & iitiimiu in aii.nnufl. I M,K niPY IIH ATI 4. KKKP'M Mill KTM-onlyons otialltr-Th. ll.lt. Kmp's I'aUtnt 1'srtJy muiio Dress Shirt t 'sn tin Hntshml a nsy as lismniing llandkarobt.f. I ho rert het, sit for 7.M). Kip's ( lustom Shirts -ins. is to nisssnrs, Th.mrr Imsl.aii lor Mil. INI. An slessnt set of irsniiln. Hold piste Dollar and NIskts Buttons KivHtiwitb each hslfdos. Ksxp'sHhiru, Knop'. Shirts srs dnliirernd ! KKK on rscslpt of prio. In any part of the ITnion no esprit oharires to pay, ttsmples with full direction, for iwlf-measurement nent k rostoanv a,lnrMM Nn ilimn h..ini,.,l I Jos, I dirootly with the Mannfactnror and (ret Bottrm i urn aiTji BiiinniscTiirinK ., Mil) MnriwrN ,11V f awsek In your own town trr a. II. II A I TomiS and oatflft r A DO., Portland, MW A wonts n tiled. Ontflt aaq K I'll., , AnKosta, Maine. A1 (I it itsfit home. Ti5.M. J twins f rw. nTTVrcf Ill'Vtll.VI-UM. I'rire ' UUilO l.rsiit Western Oiin Wi rlis, I'ittsbu'n, l'l. 'list fri Addrsra ..Th Crii-lnl Tcl of the value of a medloine is time. Does rspwienre confirm the . liin put furtll in its faor s the out.et ? it the trnind quests n. Apply yus entenon. so simple, yet so searehin, to Taiibant' PKKKRVKSCItMTSEI.T7.rn APFUl FN r. How hs it worn w bat has lit-sn iu history t How does it sUnd to-dsy r Tarrant's Kcltzpr Apoi iont i. a household name tlirmihout the I'nited States. It is ailministen-d as a newitt,., and with snco..ss, in dys pepsia, siok headai'he. m-rvno di-liility, liver complaint, Diiioua remittents, lonl complaints (especially con ti pttinn), rbemnatira. oul, snivel, nai.M.a, the com. nlainu peculiar to ihe m .t..r..,l m, and nil types of intlatnmation. Ho mild is it in its operation thttitean he Birenwuh nr'ert safety to Hih feltet child- and f? " " " '" r..frsUin to fiepnlato, that ohildrea nover refuse to take it. For sale by a.I druKKi.ts. ' POUD'S EXTRACT For ConsumDtion And nil disenses Hint lead to it ; such aaOouxlia, Neg lected Colds, Bronchitis. Fain in the Chat, and all dis. ca-.es of the Lnncs, Alleu'a Iuiik llalHuia ii th. (ireiit Modern Remedy, ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM ltas proved itself to b the (rreatest Medical Remedy for h.alini; tho I.u'iira, purifvinK the Wood, and restoring the toiie of the Uver, I: excites Uie phlegm which is raised from the I.untts thereby ptvinif th. way for a speedy euro. Jnst try it onci. SOLD BY ALL MEDICIN S DEALERS. WAITED LiDIES OF ABILITY And vim to c.invass and establish AftenU for one of th. beat selling fatentu iu the United Mutes and Canada. Address, 21 EmI 10th Hi root, I New York City. CONSUMPTION CURED. An "11 physician, retired from prjictice, bavinjf re CHivfd iroin nn Kurtt Inditk nuti.sintiry the furniiila of it fciinple v,etable romntly fr upwiiy and iwmmiieiit curt of conMUJufitiiHt. branching, caiar,h cu Aua, and nil tiimataml I'iiik artootions ; nWna cur fir nervoiiM d. butty nnil all nurvotiff complaints. uf(r havinff Utod h cnnitiv powpnt in (liounndB of c,HeHt hns ilt it bit duty to mike it known to fcunVriiitf fellows. Actu ntftl by a don ire to nliva butniin stitferinic. I will (taud ir"t tn -ill who desire it. thin rtetp in iiminitti, French, or l-'naliNh, YthS'"ll dirurtioriH, Addre&ti.with stnuip, AV,W.KuiLiAUli:6Powor,isUluck.Hoclitt3tr,N.y; . nig tola! t A n-w Medical Treatis. "Tb isuikmik or Lir e, or Buy 1'RKHKKVATrON," a book for every man. fries tit I . unt h mail. Fifty oriKitial uresorip. lons.eitlier one of whiuv worth li I V ten time tlit price. .a the book, (lold Medal awarded the author. T.ie Booton II, ml. I aays : " !'he Scieno. of iie is ueyona an comparison l:ie tuot elruordin:iry w.ul; n PiiVhioto.y i-vcr pubiislied.'1 tins l.t rti I tit .rt ffee. Ad's J'!i. W If. IVAKKKII, No. 4 B i'.rinch Street, Kos on, Ma". 8 : i he ncielfc ilEAL THYSELF PHILAPELlUIA. Extra. i Bef Cattle: nunop , . Iloita: D rested i Hour: Feuneyivatiia Extra Wueat: Bod Wentc-u..... 1 Hye ; Cora : Yellow i Mixed OaU: Mixed : . trolemu : t'rade u9(uiix 'iS'ool Colorado Teias California,,., BOKTOM. ii. n-tn lsoouBiu aud Minnesota. (Joru Mixed Oata " Wool Ohio aud I'euuaylvaula XI.. California tall BmuUTOtf. MA. li f Oatile ..TTrri.. I am be, Hoga.. WATKUTOWH, MASS. 'letf Cattle: foor to Choioe...... . . Suet p Lamb. 1B A 3U 121 Mlil 6014 61 '26 A SO iS 14 OS M (4 83 1 00 IS III) 0 (4 0V 08 (4 0 08 4 T U (4 1 25 1 61 14 1 M (4 07 ft (4 61 10 u til SS 4 38 R-flned..,14'4' (4 iH 'ii (4 81 'ii uj Si US 4 4 08 c 6U 44 68 4.1 9l 07 u; C in) (4 9 ( 0 4 eastf ZioENTS VANTED F0K IHE ULUSTRATED HISTORY a IE GREAT RIOTS U pontams a full account of the re irn of terror In Pittsbintti, lisltiiii'ire, Cliicairo ald other Oitiea. 'J'n Coull::m uuliwn I liu troops iMift til liluh. Tcrnlile oon lliumitjoiis and dcslructian of properly. Thrillinf scene and mi -i.euta, etc ,tc. (Solid for a full description of Uie wiu-i. and uur extra termn to A Ken Is. td.'lroSM, , Na; ii"MALl'iim.ii.HiKii Co., Plilladelphia, Pa. JO ADWRfi'SERSllSS do imy ii'Hpaiii-r i vertisoiK, I tin J Hiito HIUTIOX of AVER & SON'3 MANUAL I O A IIV I I; I l., its. Iiii.bvo.pp. Moreooiupieta tUm an nliu II h-ivo prectuli'd It. jivs tils nal.ies, (".ill. fm, and adiertiKinif rtw i.f M.vrral tliou-au I co'.k.d i.icrs ill the 1'iiited tl-.t aud VuuuU, aad" t-.iit:.ir.t, inoro itiformttli.iii of yn'-u, to an advtTti.vl t!u i, ciiil be found in any other publication. All lieu hae Urti c.ii 'tully reiid, nud wlici-o pra-tiosoUi pnci'. j;. no huou re(l,ii..J. Ilia fr,,.i.ial oUir are nuun niti Mid iiniihually aovoititjeei.iiH. Ho aure to m t..l f..r if bi tnr.i sMitidi!iK a-,y i.,oii in uews'intiei dverti-mi,. A.ldr..N . Vt , A V 1-! it .V; HON. AuVEimi:: A'iKSrQmifM Bn.'.ii.ni:, Vhu.Hielpnia CATA1HII.-I ond's Kxtrnct is nearly a Spe clllo lor tUm diaejtKo. 1 1 can hardly be ev cched, evou in old and obstinate caeca he rc'.iet la so irompt tlmt no one who r... . ... J'.V "' 'r ' Wi" 'W Without it. CIIAri'EII HAMS AMI VAt!B.-Pond'-Kxlruct ahotild bo In every family tlds i-uiu,'h weather. It removes the soreness and rouKhueas, and aoliena and Iipnla tlie skin Jironiiitly. RIIEUMATIHM.-Duriiur severe and chnT.aW yrraihrr, no win Hiit.J.v-t to Ithet'imn l Pains should be oue dav without Pond's . Jf.xtrncf, with !j nlnciy, rrlii'vps. HOKE 'V-i,iV1,$?4jm ' t.-Ull t OI.IIS.- 1 liu c. Id weather tries the imiVi ,'' ' Kxirnrt tin band always. It relieves the pu u ami cures the diaouae. 1 " CllIl.llLiAINH Hill be Promptly relieved nud ultimately cured ,y buthinif the allii "ted )arts w-Mfi I'ond'H Kxt rnri """-ea FROSTEIJ MM llA" AS, ExTrncl 11Tn ria bly relievo tlioimm aud tiuully l urt-m SORE THROAT, UI INHY, INFI.iVlFn nre promptly cured by the use of l'uud'V IOSTOR ami L'c- ol INiud'ii Exfrnrt, i Nhw lrU. K..I.I t- Ir.y"4i. "VEGETIE," Say. i a Boston Physician, " has no equal as a blood puritier. earing- of iu m my wonderful cures, alter all other remedies had failed, I viaiud th. Laboratory and oonvinaad mystlf of , :s gonuine merit. It is prepared from b irk., roots and herbs, each of which s hiithly ellnctiya, and they are com pounded in suoh a manner a to produce astonishing rasulta." VEGETINE Is th. Cire.-it Blood Purser. VEGETINE Willcur. Uie worst case of Scrofula. VEGETINE la recomuieadad bj Phy.ioiana and Aotliscarias. VEGETINE Haa ffiit.d some marvelous cures in case of Caursr. GLOVE-FITTING CORSETS. Jtmpd Th fri.ndt of this UN R I VAf LEO CORSET re now numbered by I MILLIONS. Prices are much reductdl Jw0aLRtCCIVO CINTINNIAt, lthrnninA anrl beware of Imitations. ASK AISO FOR THOMSON'S UNtREAKASIC ITCCLS Th. best tood mad. Se. that th nam. of iomson and the tM4rk.4CaowN.1n on .very Corset iStttl rri ... ill . II . iiwh iiihSv-S lyiuaMiaiitiiiL . A Perfect Hair Dressing. A Promoter of the Growth of the Hair. .' A ProDaration Tree from irritating matter. BUKMTT's C0C0AINE. ri-wrvlns and Usulirlng the nd Ii'llderilir it dark aud j Per pN-nerrlm l lair, i I tfloMV. ' lhe 0f,mW hfil.l.ln alinuidform, sloritc proportion el dvuI,iriri .1 Cocoa-uut Oil, 1 Pr;srrd cprc..1y fr thu purpon.. oini r rompuuml p, ,.. t,e -peculiar liron.rlu. yhlcli ... .....i.. uil ttie Tatluiii cundltiuui ot Hi. hu luan hair. It lolti-ua th. hair when t,.,rd and dry It oolhf, tlm Irril.t, ,1 irolu klu. It atloril. tlie rirlmt lumre. It rani.iu. loi,. .t iu ttlixt. It u the btt: wl t a,a.l ' . H A I R DRESSI NQ ! .v nir no kin. DIUIX1IOX8. j Apply with lheluUid.ora.tift hnuh. ' every t.thrr day, or a. cltm ,.' j may require, ruhliiiut li tiiorouirhly into tin. roul. cl Hie Imir. ' 1 To reiit'itij Jlimilriiff, ,K,i, e 1 Wah the li-iirl with 111' u ktt s 'k ai' listos, rub dry lth a tns cl, and ap ply the (.Womae a. dirccud. m riitn oiLr it J08EPH BURNETT &, CO. IIP WTO X, r.lrrJ. A rtl.nt I. A.i c ,n,-Tr. la t'.. l.t"..1' ;- ' rJ " ii' i.io a n i',, I .,rk . I'.li ( U,. I,,,,,,,! t u i..l r tl... ,.r.H..u., IRON IN THE BLOOD ! L'urwa Tim w.vjt eajuit of Cankur. VEGETINE Ma.ts-w.th wonderful success in Mercurial disss. VEGETINE Wirt .radicate ball Itheom from th. system. VEGETINE KeuiuTws Pimples and Humor, from the Ksc. VEGETINE Cures Uou.tipttion and Regulate, the JJowU. VEGETINE U vlubl rtudy fur Unadaoh. VEGETINE Will cur. lp.psia. VEGETINE Ko.ts.re I 'if eutint .y.uou to a healthy condition. VEGETINE Ksmoves th. causes of Limine. 'VEGETINE U.U.VM Kainlnaaaat th. Htumacb. VEGETINE VEGETINE HRctimlf tilth Kidney Onmplaiut. VEGETINE Is eOeotit in it eur. of Keinile Wealine. VEGETINE I th treat r.medy fur G.ueral Debility. VEGETINE It okDOwlede1 by lt clii ..f pAo;tla to b the hm aJ muml rhLle tiluuJ luutitj- ui tuu World. VEGETINE p EVERETT HOUSE, I'l-oiitinir Union Square, NEW YORK. Finest Location in the City. Eiiropsan Plan-Restaurant Oasnrpassei HKItl:n .(' ll f,'! I'f.'W, l'rn ietof. OT IA to tl m iV 10 tto va 6 6n 7 00 ua 7 io 7 OU ujl 'ju KB W4 nVSAFft SMISCO. 265 BROAD. ''AY. V. Y VECETIPJE I'lttPAKED liV 1 R. STEVENS Boston, Mass. Vugutinc is Sold by All Drujaists. PERUVIAN SYRUP Makes the Weak Strong, The PKKUVIAN 8YRUP, a Protectod Htilution of tho Prolojide of Iron, is so combined us to have th. character of an ailment, as easily digested and asi i lated with the blood aj the simplest food. It Increases the quantity of Nature's Un Vitalizing Axent, Iron in th. niood.and cures a "thousand Ills' .imply by tuning up, Iavigorilinu and Vitalizing lhe Kystoui. Th. en riched and vitalized blood prmeatus every part of the body, repairindamiiKHi and wailo, aaurchinR out mor bid jeoretions, and loariiiir nothing f'.r dixease lo fee upon. This is the s.'jrt t of the wonderful njcceas of this remedy in cutinx DyspeiiBia, Fever and Ague, Intermittent or Remittent Fever, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Chronic' Diarrhoea, Boils, Nervous Aflbctions, Chills and Fever, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Female Complaints, a And All Disease UR1UIXATIKM IN A BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD, OR AUUOMPANIKD HV lyJSBITVETY, OH, A Low State of the System. Bein frt-e from Alcobul in any form, its enorgiiuj eltects are not ftdlow.,d by corresponding reaction, but are permanent. Htnuulants only afford temporary relief, aud have thn same eifoct a giving a tired home the whip instead f oat. The true way is to in.igorats th. debilitated sy.Uon by aupplying th. blood with ita lif. eliiuiout, IKON, thereby infusing 8TRICNUNI, vigor, and new life into all parts of th. sj.L.m, and building up AN IRON CONSTITUTION. Thousands have been changed by the Ub. of this remedy from week, sickly, suffering creature, to wrong, healthy, and h ippy men and women ; nd invalid can not reasonably hoaitat. to giv. it a trial. Chills and Fever Prevented. This bane of th. West, which laye Ihe foundation for many., consumptive, v-ldom fail to attack those with a a disordered liver. Thi tendency i .Ueotually pre vented by an occasional ua of th. PERUVIAN SYRUP, wbich.byiUalU.rati.. aud toni. .Beet, pro duoe healthy action of th. blood aud lieer, and effect. Daily restore th. system from th. mischievou eHeuta caused by th. abuae of calomel and guinine. f'Al TION.-B tur. you jot Uie "PEIll VIAM SVl'l. A thirty-two page pamphlet containing a n,.,i,.i history of tb. PERUVIAN B7RUP; a valuable paper ou prog res. in medical science ; a treatis. on Iron a. a medical agent; testimonial, and eertitioatea of cures from distinguished physicians, clergymen aud other will be s.nte to any address. 91 uud 83 u battle. Six .mull Urate bottlr. for mi. r tbrce SETH W. F0WLE& SONS, Proprietors, IIOSTON, HAbH, tOLU UV DRUCiOIoTS OENfc RALLV, If your druggist doe not keen Hi Pmnui,., SYRUP remit as above, and it will U .,i wanl-l i' aaprena. 1 KI'KTI' atnniog I UO'UN I II A (Ml . Mm MOTION.-Mmrnetlo toy. Vary tiui. bull sn tionr. Henl I y mail, .1 rts. I I I Mouth ild Ht t'liiladnlphia. Pa. RFlTTY rinno. Ilrnnlt best. -likt Htartllng UU.I I nwi. thgsim, 1 stops ai'iA Pianos only JIBo, ivixWiii Olr. Krfe Ittniel F. Hnntty, Wiishington, N. J. JOI,D I'liATED WATCI1KH. rti-.p. tif kllOWU Hill II. r IMfll It ATl'll h KSS TO AUBST. ooa.s., A. IU'l.TKK CO.. ( nn ILL. S35- $400 $350 it nwvrii. at.itivTwHTs 10 1 . 'J.IO of tho Intci-t novcltle. Cend flirt iiialiig. VAjt i i.t liirsgo. A Itlnnth Agents wanted. liH beet sail. iug articles in tho vtnrhl. One sample frvst, Ad.tn.MS .1 I V ItltOVMIN, D.-tr- t. Mich. I .11 i r rillC HDIil-" br pr.'matnre rtoc.y, th. J only geiiiiinit, s:l.fMI each. Agents wsntsd. II. MOHOAN. JOA K. I 4th St.. New York. Itsssflrrs ISnrircllrfi I'eripTTrMI iinnrn o ns otii i rn rrlee.Victa.aoiu.uii. rMUur.no rno i iLLCormnii. stow -hi a vf mmmmJimiliASlSBktia' flinrk'lowii, Alan. Mf Afinfl ' lHtAIIA.r V 0.'M lH llllll are siiipri"r in design and not I I III II ni nailed In quslity, or as tline- lllllllllmll kippers. Ask your Jeweler for V AAsi VAtktJ tiiem. JHsnntactory-Kri.lol. VU WORK FOR ALL In tb fr own loci, lit If , rnnvnpirin fnr (lis FlrNliln iiiiiir (ftilnrpt-iH Wockly mid lSltinthljr. l.nriirMl ln iir In lhe I orll wtth M:iminith (ihrfmioa f r, li :if (itmiiiiiMion) i- Atri-ntfl Tcrnm und OntHi rrn. Aiilrf- I. p. VM IiltV, A.miMn, llnr. $10 to $2S i 'alaloaue HMiin. Irrr. .1 IKnl.hH.lied KHI.J A IMY Hl ltK mad. by AgnntRselhng onrOloomos. Drsyons, Piotnr. and Oh re tro Oards. I g.Y sample, wtiriii i..r. .nut, tnn,v-psiti. for S."i Cents. Illustralod II. lltrKOIIU'M HONN. $1.00 $1.00 Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. Tht choient houtchold ornament . 1'riet One Dollar rnci. Mend for eatalogut. JAMES II. OSGOOD & CO. BOSTON, MASS. $1.00 $1.00 Bryant's Opera House, NewYork, "' Kii mil iimaaway, upp new York Hot.l. HKYANT'H .ll.STItl-:i.M Under the Mansgeiuent of NKII, BRYANT. HuoutlfV llouaherty. Little Mint. Diva Ueed Ksnfovt ii nd WiMoii, Mukiii snd Yi ilntm. Hilly lirnint. Cool 1 litu., .lust in Robinson, A Vwrnl Hrti lit-, snd A Hnprrb Orclicslm will appear in A (irnnil Vllnetri l I iiti rluliniirlit l.vi r l:vi'iil"u nl K. and Sutnrdiiv illnlinrtt 54 .Pd'nlar Prices-tO snd 74 ols. Alatme SJ. and iil rts. 'ittiok Afiettts 'I tike otirr. JOSIAII ALLEN'S WIFE Has " Wrote Anotlier Hook" and it 1 ready. Samantha at tho Centennial As a V. a. and P. I. Ouidoe herself and Widow lMiti. Isaves Husky Hohiikt far behind. lon't wail i nd loso your chance, solid for territory, circular, etc., at one. Address, AMKUWAN Pl!RI,INHIn (M) , llarffiml.f'onn.. or K. tl. HI.ISS A ' . Newark. I J. Apo.ilive rrnwuv tur llrap.y ami ull dnH-aw. ol the Kidneys lllmltlrT and Urlaary Ur fans, lluut'a Keraedy i. purt.lv vvtittaLl. and prepared vxpreaaly f ,r tli. above Uliem.. It ha. tiured thousand., i-.tery tiotlle warranted. Nend to W. E. Clark., I'rovideucr, ft I., lor Illustrated paniphlft If your dnignnt don't have It. he will order it tor yon. 'J'lto Nnwiu-k DAILY AKD WEEKLY COURIER, Af.'llAKK, KKIf JKHSKi: F. F. PATTERSON, Editor And Proprietor. TIIK I.KIIMMI HUM HI It AN NEWS. I'Al'Lll Of MOW JICICNliY. Tcriiisi Daily, lN.N per annum: Weekly, Uli.OO. Advertisement inserted ou liberal tern, hsud for Pnc LisU mu rs! MAM . ..I.V.OS, Dunham L Sons, Manufacturers, Wt.orooms, IS EastUth Street, tabUahodl834.J NEW YORK. fnior illtutrattd Cirtular and Price Lit. BABBITT'S TOILET SMR, b-riTV m ior th TvM i wie ilatfc. V' f.-ll.bl d.fjv alert to OWVM COttltUoH Uttl deltUHotu gradl. ent, sAricrymnof trWntlrlc eipttloMok tht mMiufv'uw oi H. T. JUtJ.U' A Soap ha perircw-4 TheFIISPsiT TOILET I. k. w.eid. If I'i'r Vu.l.i'il. oil. mm. J .u .1. w.rSr.M"- 'iP th9 Nursery t haa No Equal. SaiTi.lf Uu, .m,iniai: i kr. f e ou. uuk, ..lit m w aayasV B. T, BAB3ITT. New York Cltw. Iff bv tall lrtjgiiu. jAJ "Sill f v"' u i "x'r. j niv u l . a 1 wtflr v m I t " tr rT nr Tuil.'rl? LETTER SHOWING SUPCRIQRrrr MAKMP srJ5tlr?VER ALL OTHERS FOR SOAP 55 , ;. G iENT rEE BY MAIL ON APPUCATinM TO H.rA.ANYH0NY 104 READE ST iSrSrvna THE GOOD OLD jSTflHD-BY, 1IEHCAH HOSTAKG LHI1IEKI FOR MAN AND BEAST. K.TABU.KD 35 Yea 118, Alway. 0Ur. Arw.v, rdy. Alway. bdy. Ha. nev.r y.t Uil,d. ntr milium, A... u.4 u. Th. wool, world appro... th. or.ou. old Mu.Unth. Beat and Ohpt Unim.ol ia.xi.Uno.. KSoenta.boUl Tb. Mu.tsvn, Uaim.nl tore when nothing els will. HOI.p By A I.f. MPItmiMir VKNDFKS i A. SANDAL-WOOD A positiv. ramsdy lor nil disease, of tb. Kidney.. Bludder and I'rluary Urcan. j also ,ood In Drop. sIchI t'tiiuplalpt.. It never produce aiokne.., 1, eerUln and Pedy in IU aotlon. It ii fast aun.rdiiif all other remedie. SUty eap.ule. cur. in ii, or ,i(h d tya. No other m.diein. can do this. lie ware of Imitation., for, oiD to It (M auoc. m.uy has. beo off.red ; wai. sr. met j..,. ou, oauaintt Mea, .to. DLNUAM UIVK iV tO.'S ,H. .uU., eo.lui.iKi, Oil Hf SaadalysaoJ, fcU . lor. A Jo, circuUr, or wd fur m. WMlr Atrw. Mn. f,k. MYNt " m