rj-orwt glfjmMiciut. uki)m;si).yb:oimg, opt. 3i, ;&77. BOKOUOHOFFICEKS. Jlurfess-ii. W. Konussox. f yincUmrn P. I. Thomas, H. .1. Nefloy Wm. Kichurds, D. K. Knox, A. . Kelly, - U. A. ltandall. J n.t tec of the. Ponce I). S. Knox, C. A. fUlKlltll. f ,b n slut) to. 1 1 . Swa yirurt Hnhnot Directors -II. II. May, IT. O. Pa Vls, O. W. UobiiiMon, T. J. Va'iiGiosen, D. V. (.Murk, W. 15. Putin. TORKST COUNTY OFFICERS. President, Judge fj. D. Wktmoik. yt.iaori'ife Judges Jvh. G. Dai.k, Ed WAim K'KltK, Treasurer H. J. Skti.ky. Protlionotnry, Register Recorder, dc J. V. Clark'. Sheriff Justih Shawk ky. Cofninissinners-Kl.l ' DkrMN, Isaac ' IjOnii, .ToHJf'IlKrif. ' '' County SiipcrintcndrifI. S.' RnocK- XVAY. District Attorney H. P. Irvi Jury Commissioners Jf. ',. ToWNKU, Lyman Cook. County NiirvetfarT. P. Collins. fSironrr M. Ittki., Jr. Cotmtu A uditors Nimot.AS Thomt fon. J. H. Nkit.t., II. A. ', it k sn fix. Member of Congress -U AllKY WllITK. Assembly J. 1. Aonkw. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. John Reck is about to buiM nn addition to the rear of bis bouse, tn cover bis new well, which was put down n couple, (if weeks ago, and which caved in about ten feet from the bot tom, nearly burying John Tietsworth without tho usual ceremonies. The addition is to bo finished off to cjrrcs pood with tho house. Mr. J. T. Brenuan has built a new 'portico to the front of hi3 bouse, and put up n neat lattico on the south side, all of which adds materially to tho look3 of the property. We take this occasion to thank Mr. B. for two very fine squashes, which be left with us a few days ago. Oil is down to a figura which has a tendency to 'make producers look Forost County Oil New3. There is positively no oil news this week. Tho contractors are Rlill drill ing at the Woods Heirs' well, and Mr. Baldwin, tho .Superintendent, has gone to New York to consult with tho ad ministrators of the estate relative to putting down more wells on the tract. All other ventures remain in data quo. Cornwt-ll's ritr, on Dutch Hill will be finished by Saturday, and drilling will commence next week. From the News we learn that some Tidiouto parties are about to com mence operations near Dawson's, four miles up the river from this place. Tho Pittsburgh Dispatch of a late date tell of ft man named Cunning ham, arrivingfin that city a short time i,ue. it dosed last night at $1.98i since, from the Black Hills having Terbaps we had better defer develop- walked all the way ; further, that lie meats for a few months. Five or six was a resident of Forest county, and 0f those big wells we are going to get had left hero some thre years ago. WOuld rull the market down so that it Does anybody know the man, and has take all the production to pay for he yet reached home ? F. L.. Allison, pUmpiUg th0 wells. A late letter receive! from Dr TKM PEKANCK I.KCTUKE POSTPONED ! who has been on a scoot to tho Black Hills for several months past, lias Started back by water, in a john-boat with u couple of companions, according to a letter from him in last week's Press. Ho will have '2503 miles to travel to reacdi St. Louis, where he ex pects to land about the 1st of Decem ber. So far as tho rocora shows, no citizen of this countv has made an ev- In Ihe Forest iYc of last week Rev. II. Payne, of Buinbridge, New York, ranee in the Presbyterian Church this crlast.ng fortune in the Black Hills evening. Wc received a letter from Mr. S. S. Holbrook, of Cincinnati, i.:' t .i -xr- t t p.,un t.fTvlprn. called on us last week. He confirms lilirtr. oil Mondav. Btatimr that the the report that ho has disposed of all Rev. Pavne had been unavoidably de- his Forest county property to Mr. T. laved, and would not be here until the D. Collins, but says that this will not 7th of November, and dewing us to binder his coming up to kcc the coun- .nnnounco that the lecture would not try occasionally. Mr. II. has, among come off us announced. We are sorry other good things, a couple of pure for the occurrence, and hope to hear blood AUerney cows, the progeny of from Itev. Payne some time in the which all seem destined to como into Forest County. Messri. Wheeler, Col lins, and Keisler, of Hickory township, each have one of these beautiful little animals, f.nd more are coming. Their pedigreo is recorded in the proper place for such records, and oau be seen by any one who will take the trouble. The parents of Mr. Holbrook 8 cows Ailu i c. Key. Elliot wi nreacli in the Presbyterian Church, on Sunday next morning and evening. Sabbath School nt 3 o'clock r. M. It is cold, wet, dreary and disa- Price's family, of West Chester, states that a consultation of the leading phy sicians of that city was held in regard to tho case of Col. Thomas, and that the conclusion reached was that he would iievcr be any better than be now is. His wife will probably start for West Chester next Tuesday. R. B. Brown, be of the Clarion Democrat, is'one of the most successful operators in the Clarion region. He bus several pood wells, and a lot of ----- o prime oil territory. If his luck don't desert him for a couple of years, he will be as wealthy us tho rest ef us newspaper chaps. At last we have some glorious news from our sportsmen. For ihe last three or four days they have been bringing in good strings of pigeons. None are shot very close to town ; wc believe they are captured somewhere about tho Mealy settlement iuTiouesta township. The President has appointed Thursday, November 29th, as a day of National thanksgiving and prayer. The Governors of the various States Kunkcl's "ParfumedoPari," tho pleasanter-t and . most delightful per fume extant, fr salo at Bovard . Price 75 cts. per bottle. This is no tioinj;st.a. :MvVititirj. cortnrccTKD every Tuesday, By Robinson & Bonner, Dealers in General Merchandise. cheap, scented trumpery, but is a stan- yom. -p bam 1 dard and lasting article. tf. Flour r s'k, best a. rT "rii:i." n. m, J Jlnckwhrat Flour, per cwt. I fVirn Awml 100 made ly ino national ouver-i iau::g crj,oi f.ol Co., 104 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, in Ky0 bushel our columns. Their silver-ware is Onta New bushel " l,oo,,;r,.l .,! fnlltr .in f,i Ktiirwlnrd. Corn, ear , . n- -i i l J Hpis bushel aiHi iiieir generous oner is utmmu.c jram. unsrar cured to all the readers of this paper lor Breakfast liacon, sugar cured uinetv divs after date. 27tf Shoulders ' .... ..... i tr t rr. ir..i .11- T.--I-. . ,!. MVIlUeilflll, IliUI-uuri iry ivuiiKeis xenuiu i w.u LbUo hcrrill)I half-barroU handkeichiet. rorsaloat liovaru r. Sucrar Syrup - N. O. MolasscH Roant Ttlo CofToo Rio Cotton, ' Java Cofleo Ti I will give $50 reward for tho ar- jitter rest and return of Samuel A. Varner, Rico who broke jail on the night of Oct. 1, Ekk, fresh 1877. r.:,i Also. S25 for the arrest and return Iron, common bar of Frank Sanford, who also escaped Nails, lOd, keg the same niht. Jlstis Sir.vwKtcY, bhcrifl. Tioneata, Pa., Oct. 2, 1877. $75 REWARD 1 liUOKi: J Alt,. New Buckwheat Hour at Robin son & Bonner's. 2G 4t Potatoes, New Liino H bbl. Dried Apples per U Dried lloef ?7.00S.OO 2.00 3 )". 4.00 - 1.75 - l.fiO 75 8fa40 M0i 35 2.00(3.00 15 - in 10 - coo 3.75 10(5,121 75 Qi, 1.00 - 75 Gj.90 25$32 - t22S 35 .45(1.00 - 25(2.28 10 . 20 1.102.00 - 12(3,15 - 3.00 - 3.00 - 40(50 - 1.75 - 8(3.10 17(ilS New Advertisements. greeable, this morning il ra. Vll. IIIOIIUI.1 una muicn mm ncic ""p"""' " " ., .... . .. r I 1 . . .1 nnnA.Al 1 nnnnmf Iho fi'tnin limp. Ufl the new house on Helen bt. Ihe old a very aiiectionaie uisposuion, auu - 4. , . . . mvn richer milk than anv other breed. nB IIUU11S" l" """e tm Tho fresh milk is almost like cream. Fruit tree men have been making deliveries bee receutlv. This seems to be a good poiut for operations in that liue. Of course there are those homestead by the river is vacant. Reports from Jas. Foncs say that bo" is getting along very well, considci iiifT the severity of his accident. He is expected in Tionestu this wcik. Mr. G. W. Dithridgc has moved bis family to Pittsburgh to Ppcnd the win tor. It is probable that they will lie back again in tho spring. It in rumored that Hon. S. Newton lVttia, of Mcadvillc is to represent the . Si ii r- Snanfled Banner at Peru. IIo's ft o a civil service reformer Pettis is. Tho manufacture of kraut is very brisk at prrsdM. It always -increases in brisknes3 about the time that Hal low-E'en approaches. Tbin. Black killed a d.-er with bird-shot last week, near Little Tio aiesln. We also heard that Jas. Hud dfesoii made auother deer bite the dust last week. ruation of Gov. Hartrauft when it U issued. The Forest and Stream and Ilod and Gun, is the very best paper pub lished for devotees of either tiie rod or It is a 24-page journal, pub i - i i to lift them when they como on, they are of that class who will buy anything that offers if they can only get "time on it, trusting to luck to enable them to meet tho bills when they become due. Luck generally goes back ou them, and thus the time eventually comes when they have no credit whatever Geo. Bluerock, of Minister, was in town on Monday, and embraced the orjnortunitv to leave us a fino lot of patatoes and a big pumpkin. Jle looks heartier, happier, and ia every way better than he did four years ago, when Ln lmnm I'rnm Afi&unnrl Willi fl IIKJ VillUU i.V.i.w . v. . . ...... , - n..!ft will nrobablv celebrate her p.....:i u,l i;.tin .h.W nn ,iie ihe artists are lllman M brothers, ana " " 1 y oitft Jiimn mi.m v..-.., I . . . , tin. ' thanksgiving this year ..without Tur- in3 himself Wo thillk it6ofe t0 pre. they have engraved it (.size incnes . . ' 1 . I 91 nrp v fur Ihia MntrH7.infi. key. When the ZUtn proximo comes di , that Gcorce is anclored in Forest "J ' 1 J . . Id all rive thanks that we arc f.,llllt tn Kt!iv ,..;,, us henceforth. 1 he Pure represents the ' " I -V v .. j J - ' I and nobody about here is borry. Gen. Harry White, Member of Congress for this District, has beeu made a member of the Committe on Mililary Affairs, a position which he is peculiarly qualified to fill. Col. Simon, a 12-year old son of Selden Watson, of Warrtn, U a member of Whitman, bad bis right arm broken the Committee on Expenditures of the near tho elbow, on Sunday last, while Post-Oflico Department, and also of Peterson, 306 Chestnut Street, Pbila scuflliug with some other boys. Dr. the Committee on Agriculture, home ucipnia, ra. . a at l--l,.-A-ti n t 1 r 1 til Coburn reduced the Iracturo, ana re- ou bills were onerecl on Monday last, PUIJIIC .i 11 I-.. 1 I, :, ..- .. !n,l I jioitrineuoy uo.ogen. ann um .u. u i There will be exposed to sale at the t . ii . I-... I The oyster season ia here, dui me busmou .oysters have not yet made their . i ...I,.. ....1,. i.ug Xrn iitm oro nnt. nblf 11,0 buu u... iisnea weesiy, uuu is chulk-juh ui matter which canuot fail to interest ill readers, and is almost indispcnsible to any who fisli or huut. Its answers to correspondents each week contains information which can be derived from no other source without the expendi ture of a great deal of money. Terms g4 a year. Address Forest and Stream Publishing Co., No. Ill Fulton St., New York. The Premium Eugraviug, issued by Peterson's Magazine for 1878, is of rare excellence and beauty. It i9 a first-class line and stipple engraving, executed in the highest style of art. A good domestic Sulphur bath can bo instantly prepared by taking a cuko of Glenn's Sulphur Soap into the bath tub. Such an expedient will, to use a slang phrase, "knock the spots off" any victim of cutaneous blemish es. Sold by all Druggists 25 cents. HiU'a Hair & Whisker Dye, black or brown, 50 cts. 20 5t JIOA'KY. We will pay cash on delivery at our mill va Tionesta, for white oak stave and heading bolts at the follow ing prices Stave bolts, 35 inches long, per cord of 8 ft. by 4 ft., 84.50. Heading bolts 22 inches long, per cord of 8 ft. by 4 f:., 4.00. Heading bolts must bo made from timber at least 20 inches in diameter. Office at Lawrence House. J. H. Dkrickson & Co. 27lf E. F. Kunkel'B Bitter Wine of Iron. K. F. Kunkers celebrated Rittor Wine of Iron will cliectually euro liver com nlaint. iaundico. dyspepsia, chronic or ncr voua debility, chronic diarrlioua, disease of tlio Kidneys anu an uiseascs arising lruin a disordered liver, stomach or intestines. miolv as constipation, llatulcnce, inward piles, fullness of blood to the head, acidity of tho stomach, nausea, heartburn, disgust for food, fullness or wciuht in tho stom ach, soro eructations, sinking or fluttering at tho pit of tho stomach, swimming of tho bead, hurried or dillicult breathing. Mut tering at the heart, choking or Biiilocating sensation when in a lying posture, dim ness of vision, dots or wobs boforo tho sight, dull pain in tho head, deficiency of perspiration, yellowness oi me sum hiiu eves, pain in tho sido. bac!', head, chost, limbs, etc., Kiidden Hushes of heat, burn- THE PARKER GU SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfS WEST MERIDEN.CT. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! SOMETHING THAT INTERESTS YOU! INSECURITY OF OUR PUBLIC BUILDINGS Prisoners Have Escaped Largo Rewards Offered! READ! READ! READ! TT Is well known to all that rturing tno ..out turn vrnra In t.xrt for VCIirs OrevioUS hard timos has been gradually tightening his grip upon us; that our incomes grew 'beautifully less," and as a result we must practice greater economy, i non me ques Hmi nrisins. Iiow can this be done? tho an swer to which has prompted tho writing of this short article. JN early two years since, wo finiraired in tho Urocory and rrovision riiisinoss in this place, and how well we have succeeded in bringing tho prieo of that class of goods to their propor value, as sold in neighboring cities, wo leave to tho surrounding community to decide; enough lor us to know that our business has increased beyond our most sanguine anticipations. To accommodate tno Jiuo- ingintho flesh, constant imaginings of ral patronage extended to us, yo have ro TTHSTIDIEIR, SJ ATE MANAGEMENT and In daily operation over 37 ye;ws S15.000S . Full Tlf HSDA V. 6ct. hi and 127, 1S77'. KENTUCKY STATE AliLOTJIKXl' OF $67,025 IN PRIZES I 1 Prlao of. ..$ir.,doo' 1 Prizo of K,00n 1 Prize of. ... fi.000 1 Prize of 2,500 1 Priz.0 of 2,50(f iaS!l Other ?is amounting to 44,029 Total 507 .ra. Whole TlrkcH, 3 1 .Ot)( AO Wbnlo TlrkctH for to; lOO Whole Ticket, OO. J Chartered for Kducational Institutions Under charter no postponeniont can ever ' occur. All prizes paid In full. Oflicial j list of drawn numbers published in N. Y. I Herald, N. Y. Sun, and Louisville Cour- i ier-Journal J Circulars containing full particulars free. Address SIMMONS A D1CICKNKON, Manager's Ofllco. 72 3d St., Louisville, Ky i-y,Similar AUotmcnU on tlio loth ami last days of every month during the year. 2:1 4t Is not easily earned in theso times but it wm be ma le in threo months bv anv ono of either Hex, In any oart of tho country who is willing to work steadily at tho employment that we fnr-- nish. ?tto per weeK in your own iown You need not be away.lrom homo ovr night. Y'ou can give your whole time to tho work or only your spare moments. It costs nothing to try the business. Terms and ?5 Outfit free. Address at once. II. Hali.ett A Co., I'ortianu, aiaine. n-iy mi geo. r. iiowell e co. Mothers who dose thoir Darlings wlthJ drastic purgatives incur a fearful respon sibility. The irentle. moderate (yet oll'oc- HvnV biTfitivA. nllfiralivo. and nnti-biliotl operation of Tarrant's Skltzkk ApkkiH ent peculiarly adapts it to the disorders of children. For sale by O. W. BOVARD, TioneKtt. ffT O COfl Per Day at homo. Samples 4J H worth f5 froo, Co., Portland Maine. Stinsom fc mot Unsbians. Win. Reck lias movcJ into a part lTra .Tno. A. Dale's resilience. The DavU house, vacated by Itcck is now .pmntv for the first timo in three or I-.- ibur years. Angela of Christmas." In artistic beauty aud merit it is, we think, the finest Peterson has ever issued. lTou can get it gratis by raising a club for Peterson for 1878, or by remitting $2.50 for it acd for the magazine, the magazine aloue be injr two dollars. Specimens of the magazine sent, gratis, to those wishing to tret up clubs. Address Charles J A great many stave9 aro being hauled to this station from the mills out about Tvlersbur. Dcrieksou & fall j un up the river. A e have ircsu pork and beef-steak iu town, however, pig cons just outside, and Jim. Swailes has rrnnn out to kill a bonr. 'DWenow have religious services of bolts and the untiring iudustry of .twico'every Sunday in Tionesta, beside Mr. Adams, the contractor, l-armers two Fundav Schools. It looks as if will eoou have their fall work done, ,this might become a model town after bolts will be brought iu numerously, n whilo! if wj would all conclude to and the mill will probably be kept live nn to our religious privileges. busy all winter, rMip,i l.tter from Mr. D. Ab. Grove is up from the Eden Graham, of Brookston, after the out- burg district. He reports that they .m-.p n.n,rw.i printed, to the made some good time putting down clTcct that the place of holding dec their last well, drilling only about lions in Howe township was changed eighteen days on a 1200-foot hole. Ihe bv order of Court from Brookston) Jail well is only about a three-barrel aUuir, to Rrnnl-Bloii School House. Women-1 and will not bo pumped lioned the matter to the Sheriff, and residence of Col. P. D. Thomas, in the Borough of Tionesta, on Monday, nov. 5th, 1877, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following among Co.s; y ersburg mill .. not running hoise Hack, 1 two-horso Wagou, 2 6etts Harness, 1 large improved Land Roller, 1 S!eigh, 1 Coru-Shellcr, 1 Feed-Cutter, Farming Utensils, Hay by the ton, a quantity of Straw and Cora-Fodder, 3 acres of Grain in the Ground, Corn, Oats and Rye by the bushel, about 80,000 Good Brick, and many other things too numerous to mention. Terms made known on day of sale. evil and great depression of spirits. Price fl per bottle. Hewarc of counterfeits. Do not lot vour druyrtnst paini on somo oiner preparation of iron ho may say it is as good, but ask for Kunkul's Ditter Wine of Iron. Take no other. Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron is not sold in bulk only in $1 bottles. K. V. Kunkol, Proprietor, No. 2"i!) North riinth Street. I'lnladeimna, ra. Sold by all druggists. Tape Worm Removed Alive. Head and all complete, in two hours. No feo till head passes. Seat, Pin and Stomach Worms removed bv Dr. Kunkel, 25!) North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SiMid for circular, For removing Seat, Pin or Stomach Worms call on your druggist and ask for a bottlo of Kuiikel's Worm Svrun. prieo il. It never fails. Common sense teaches if Tapo Worm bo removed, all other worma can bo reauny removed. E. F. Kunkel's Lustral & E. P. Kunkel's Shampoo for the Hair, Tho best and cheapest Hair Dressing and Hair Cleaner in tho world. They re move dandruff, allay irritation, soothe and cool tho heated scalp, prevent tho hair from falling off, and promote tho growth in a very short timo. Thoy presorvo and beautify tho 113ir, and render it soft and glossy. They import a brilliancy and a silky uppearanoo to braid and wiry Jiair, and. as a hair dressing, they aro unrivall ed ; eradicate dandrull and prevent bald ness. Tne sliampoo cleans mo iiair, re moves greaso, scurf, itching, eruption. Cures headache produced by heat and fa tigue. Kunkel's Shampoo and Lustral rostoro Hair to a natural and glossy color, restore f.idcd. dry. harsh and wiry luur. Price per bottlo $1. Ask your druggist for them, or send lo K. K Kunkol. Pro- pi ioior. No. 2.j. North Ninth Street Phil adelphia. Pa. l-6m moved to tho laruo and commodious rooms known as tho Haslet liuilding, -whoro vc havo largely inercasod our stock, both as to quantity and variety, having added Tinware, Doots and Shoos, Olovos, No tions, and tho staple nrliclos of Hardware to our former stouk of Groceries and Pro visions, Flour and Feed. To parties pur chasing of us in quantity we oiler a liberal discount Oil our low reiau prices uuu win duplicate prices of goods in our lias, wherever 1 urchased. Cash paid for grain. 27 tf J. II. DK1UCKSON A CO. PROFIT! M R Lapiks and Gknti.hmkw rMDi nvvflVH WANTKD in every town OrLUlJnC.i f and city, to procure sub scribers for tho " WORKING UUUIU n. " Steel Kmrravinyr. 2 ft. x 2 tt. 6 in., "the Finding of tho Savior in the Temple, is presented 10 -u i'-muoi , rr rmlv Si. 2.1 per vear. This picture is universally admired and should bo in ev ery household. Fxtra large cash commis sions paid to Agents. Write for terms and Agont s outfit. Wovlilng Church rub. Co., 2(5 3m 7 A 0 Warren St., New York. AG K NTS WANTED 1 Medals and Di plomas awarded for holman s PICTORIAL BIBLES 2000 Illustrations. Address for new circu lars, A. J. HOLMAN A CO., U:S0 Arch St., Pliila. i 4 PXAYS! PLAYS! PLAYS! PLAYS I For Knadinif Clubs, for Amateur Theat ricals, Tempcranco Plays, Drawing Koom Plays, Fairy Plays, Ethiopian Plays, (iuido Hooks, Speakers Pantomincs, Tab leaux Lights, Magnesium l.igius, oioruu Fire, Ibirnt Cork, Theatrical Face I'repa rations, Jarlcy's Wax Works, Wigs, Hoards, and Moustaches at roducod prices. Costumes. Scenerv. Charades. New Cat alogue sent free containing full description! and prices. SAM L FKKNC11 A WU.- 1 Nassau St.. New York. 3i 4 Tei; 1IALL1 THE DLACK HILLS, II. N Maguir years ln this region AdniliilMtrtttor'M Xotlcc. Hy II. N jsiaguiro, wno nas sponi iz i . . . t,lftt letters of Latest accounis or V""V.. 'i:.. . ir.m tlm estate of Jane be desired us to call the attention of the Howe towuship voters to -tho fact. Let said voters take noticeAnd oy.ern themselves accordingly. Our sidewalks, in places, are dan gerous. It is high time they were re paired. Somebody will fracture a lej --Kunkel's "Des Fleur De Alpes," a delicious perfume for tho handker chief. Price 7o cts. per bottlo. Do not waste your mouey on "cheap'' some of theso dark evenings, then look perfumery ; the best is the out for a duit for damages. Fur sale at Bovurd's. cheapest, tf. uold an.i Mivcr prospe. s, aKu1 i - - - - i)rough of Tionesta. and (ira.ing resources, Climate, Hunting, E. c la. ",v ' , uL.y i.avo beeii Fishing, Indians, and Settlers' adventures orest eoun y, l a., '. ,l. ,n 11 . mulriinuvinntit bio scenery, immense Gorges, etc., With '' "f.-V. " 1 ,T " , ; ..,, J 27 tine illustrations, und now map. Price onl v It) cents. Sold bv all Newsdealers, or sent post-paid Kir 12 cents by Donnel ley, Loyd tV, Co., ruuusnors, tnieiigo, in, A GREAT OFFEIUuMil1;'!; dispose of 100 1'iauosHiid Organs, new and second-hand of first-class makers iuclud- inir Waters' at lov.'cr iricos lor cash or in stallmei.ts or to let until paid for than ev cr I.elV.rc oll'ercd. Waters' Grand Houaro and I'prii'ht I'ianos and Organs (includ- . . 1 . . . . : 1 ... 1 : v against it will present tho same, duly pro bated, without delay, to SAMUEL CLAUK, Administrator, 20-(it or his Atfy, Mii.ks W. Tatk. J. M.MVUl'llY, MUltOIIATVX' TAILOll, flONESTA, PA. Mr .1. Nf. Murphy, lato of New York lias taken rooms in me Jamieson mr ll.i.ir new SliVlleil Ulld llollduirl lll'll Cllv. I the best made. 7 Octavo Pianos 150. 7i Hu'ilding, north of Central House, and is do $100 not used a year. "2" Stop Organs prepared to do anything in tho line ?.)(. 4 Stops fl. 7 MOPS H.tOS.. 10 Stops f ss. 12 Stops luo cash, not used a vear. in perlcct order aud warranted Local traveling agents wantt d. Illustra ted Catalogues Mailed. A liberal discount to Teachers. Ministers. Churches, etc. Sheet music at half price. Horaro Waters .V Sons, Manufacturers, and Dealer', -10 East lUli it.. 1'iiion square, N, Y. 7 4 in lii-Ki -class manner. Ho lias held tin) posi tion of Cutter in somo of the best houses in England and tin) United States, ami is confident that ho can givo satisfaction. Suits cut and made from $10 to 12 and fits guaranteed. Coiipet'tion iletied. l.Vlini JOit WOUK neatly cxtvutud at tho 11E PU15L1CAN Olliia C CC a week in your own town 4JUU and f.1 outfit freo. II. A CO., Portland, Mai no. WORK FOR AL In their own localities, canvassing for , FlllKslPH Visitoh, (enlarged) Weekly Monthly. Largest Paper in the Wo: with Mammoth Chroinos Freo. Pig e mission to Agents. Terms and Oi. Froo. Address P. O. V1CKEHY, An; tn, Maine. :i - CM t) a day at home. Agents wain OIm Outfit and terms freo TltlM CO., Augusta, Maine. 26- - Ci i: ICxtra Fine mixed cards, with na U 10 cents, post paid Nassau, N. Y. It. Jones A ( 28 4 Fancy Cards, with name, lOc,; .r0 i bk!.;Vai'i or (Ivhl. Try us. W. E. 111.' I A CO., Hudson, JN. i . 30 20 Mixed Cards.with name, 10 cts. Stu pics for S ct. iitanip. J. MinkIkk C:)., Nassau.JC. Y v 2t: ' SOJflEthiug New aud Beauliful. photograph on cards with name, b'on 1 cents for sample. Novelty Photo Co., .n sau N, Y. J' YOUNG MEN l.KAU- TKbEcJKAl'i and earn ?10 to $10(1 a iimntli. Si wilary wbilo learning. SitimUon .iwu ed free. Can bo done in four ''OHl'V : dress, with stamp. '- VAiLll Manger, i:nglewool, LH. v' The Kvaporalor, FPU M AK 1 Mi t j 1 lVtJ-llW w - I I I I AMI 3fnilt Kinip und H Reduced JYiv.v. Illymx-r Mnuufui-lui Iuh !- 41 Steam Engines, Thresher, ' iXj'-V 1