EDITOR, WEDNESDAY MQRXING, OCT. 31, IS7. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. FOR SUrUKMK JUDGE, HON. JAMES P. STEURETT, OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY. FOll STATE TREASURER, CATT. V. 1). IIAUT, OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, FOIl AUDITOR G EN Ell A L, HON. J. A. M. PASSMOUE, OF SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. FOR TREASURER, WM. LAWRENCE, PFT10NESTA. ' , Democratic candidates. , ' ' ftqN.'AMOS C. NOYES.' ' ' Hit Monopoly and War Record, while a Member of the House of Representatives. "That capital combined in corpor ate organization lias been too highly favor ed by both State and Federal legisla tion." Democratic Platform, It 13 our province to recite below . the official record of Amos C. Noyes, Democratic candidate fur State Treas urer, and let our readers comprehend the consistency that exists between the candidate and the platform. Laurel Run Improvement Compa ny, title afterwards changed to Phila delphia and Rending Coal and Iron Company. 'Voted Aye. Houso Jour ' nal, page 932, 1871. ' Amendments to. the Constitution : Sec. 8. No bill shall bo passed by the Legislature containing more than " one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in the title, except appro priation bills. Sec. 9. No bill shall bo passed by the Legislature granting any powers or privileges in auy case where the au thority to grant such powers or privi leges has been or may hereafter be couferred upon the courts of the Com monwealth. L. II., pages 414, 415, 416, 1864. Lehigh and Susquehanna Coal Com pany, act to hold lands, mine coal, &c. ' Voted Aye. L. II., page 412, 1864. Lnckawanna and Susquehanna Coal and Iron Company, act to incorporate. Same as Laurel Run. Voted Aye. L. R., page 591, 1864. An act to prevent the payment of of workmen and laborers for wages due by orders on corporation store-keepers. Voted Nay. L. R., page 793, 1863. An act to repeal the fourth section of the supplement to the charter of the Milford and Matamoras Raihoad Com pany, approved April 6th, 1870. Vo ted Nay. L. R., page 476, 1872. The section referred to diverted from the State an annuity of Ten Thousand Dollars paid 'by the New York & Erie Railroad Company, and transferred the same to Milford and Matamora3 Railroad. The bill was "snaked" through in the interest of a few specu lators owning the Milford and Mata moras Railroad. The act to repeal was in compliance with special mes tae of fioveruor Geary denouncing ; ';tbe bill. L. II., pago 370, 1872. , HIS WAR r.ECOKD. . . Au aet to prevent the immigration 1 -of Negroes and Mulattoes into this State !" J . First section made it a penal dense ... for any persou of color to move into Pennsylvania, cither temporary or permanently, from any State or Terri tory. Second section made it a penal of fense for any person, white or colored, who aideJ in bringing Negroes or Mu lattoes into the State. Third Hcctiou compelled EherhTs, constables and police officers to arrest U transgressors of fjregoing sectious. Voted Yea. L. R., 547, 1803. J'jliit resolutions upon the ttatc of country, declaring all war ineas ' J" Coii.trrcss wrong, denouncing n fiihiic ami condemn til"- - - o W. U. DUNN - . the Emancipation Proclamation. Vo ted Yea. L. R., pages 505, 566, 1803. Amendment to foregoing resolutions offered by Mr. Johnson, as follows : "That this General Assembly, in common with all truly patriotic peo plo of this great and loyal Common wealth, execrate and condemn tho traitors in amid against this, the best Government under Heaven, and that wo will hail with plcasuro and delight every victory of our gallant soldieis in the field, by which this wicked rebel lion is to bo crushed and its guilty au thors brought to a just punishment." Voted Nay. L. R., 629, 1663. HON. WM. I SCHELL. FATJIEU OF THE CREDIT MOCfUEU OF AMERICA. His Monopoly and War Record, while a Member oj the Senate and House of Representatives. Road in place, "An net to incorpo rate tho American Improvement aud Loan Company of Philadelphia. L. R-i rge 62, 1859. Preseuted memorial from Gen. Duff Green in favor of passage of bill, and moved that it be printed in the Legis lative Record. L. R., page 72, 1S59. Ameuded title so as to read "An act to incorporate the American Fiscal Agency." L. R., pago 544, 1859. And on the final passage of bill voted Yea. This was tho infamous Credit Mobilier Bill. - Wenato bill No. 2S7, "An act to reg. ulate the charges of railroad compa nies." This bill was inteuded to pre vent tho undue discrimination, and unfair charges made by railroad com panies for transporting goods to non competitive points. See speeches of Hon. Elias II. Irish and Hon. John P. Penny of Allegheny. L. R., pages 521, 568, 1860. Mr. Schell voted Nay. L. R. page 569, 1860. "An act providing the means for so curing the health aud safety of persons employed in the bituminous coal miues of Pennsylvania." lie endeavored to defeat tho bjll by charging it was spe cial legislation for "these western coun ties,'' and attempted to prove it was in violation of article three, seventh sec tion of Constitution. L. R., pages 278. 280, 1877. Made trivial and factious opposition by offering amendments to destroy the efliciency of tho bill. L. R., page 297 1877. After hindering legislation for sev eral weeks, and finding his position untenable, his amendment was with drawn, and to cover lip his truck voted for the hill on fiual passage. L. R, page 298, 1877. ni8 WAR RECORD. Joint resolution relative to the or ganization of Congress: Resolved, That Pennsylvania remains as ever faithful and true to the Con stitution aud the Union, and deter mined that they shall be maintained ; that the treasonable threats of disun ion uttered by the ndherents of the present national administration on the floor of Congress will not deter her peoplo from the expression of their political views, and tho proper protec tion of her interest?, but will be treated with the utmost contempt and scorn, while any attempt to carry such threats into execution will be met by her de termined resistance. L. R., page 49, 1860. Mr. Schell voted Nay. "notice! All book accounts and notes due me, that are not settled by Nov. 1st, 1877, will be collected without furthor notice. J. E. Blaine, M. D. If you want a good article, buy Kunkel's Perfumes lor the handker chief. For sale at Bovard's. tf. For Stoves, Stove-Pipe and Stove Castings, go to Robinson & Bonner's. 21-8t. EVERY Scientist, Architect, Rudder. Tinsmith and Property Owner should havo a copy of tlio practical trcatiso on LIGHTNING PROTECTION, just issued by tho undersigned. It exposes tho seri ous delects of tho lightning jods now erec t ed, and Kives explicit directions for prop erly protecting buildings, ships, oil tanks, steam boilers, wooden bridges, telegraph apparatus, etc. It shows and describes a simple method by which metal root's and rain pipes, or other suitable metallic con ductors about buildings, will oiled abso lute protection. Sent by mail," postage prepaid, on receipt of I.6U. Jlenry W. Nponj?, Reading, I'enua. 11 4 DRUNKARD STOP! C. C. LEERS M. I), (formerly of Mos ton) has a harmless euro for INTEMPE RANCE, which can bo jriven without tho knowledge of tho patient. Also one for tho OPIUKVJ HABIT, Permanent cures guaranteed in both. Si nd stamp for evidence. Asli dmuuist.-i for it. -Address UEEES it CO., Linnin liuiu. Coim. 11 H AN ORDINANCE rnoiuniTiNo thk trampoktatiox ok N ITKO-O I, YCHHI X K A NO PA N HnOt'W ('- rousns tiiuouuh thk nouoi'oir. Passed Oct. 13, 1877. JJe.it ordained by thf Tinrfcta and Owned of the linroiifih of Tionrxta, and it in here in ordained by authority of the name, : Si:c. 1. That If any person shall know ingly have or transport tlironirh the street of said Itornugh any explosive and dnn HerouKinaterial known as Nttro-Glyoorino, Dunlin, Dynamite, (tun Cotton and Phos phorus or compounds of tho same by auy nnnio celled in any paokniro railed a tor pedo or oilier vessel cotitaininir said com pounds, for every such oll'onee the person so carrying or transporting shall be deem ed polity of a misdemeanor, and on proof of n violation of this ordinance shall bo (loed not less than titty, oor more than two hundred dollar", by tho Mur-joss or nov .Justice of tho Peace of said Itoroutih. Said lino to po into the peneral Rorough fund except as hereinafter provided. SKI". 2. That in every case of tho viola tion of this ordinance,, without repard to tho owner of tho explosive material it shall bo lawful for tho Horoopii Con stable or tho Iliph Constable, either on warrant (based upon a complaint) issued by tho Rurgoss or any Justico of tho Peace to seize said explosives, tho team and vehicle in which It is carried and ar rest tho party earryiup the same, and upon complaint beinu lodpcd, on oath of any cit izen of tho said P.orouph, tho Riirpess or Justice (as tho caso may be) may issue his warrant to any sheriff, constable, or any lit person, coiiunandinp him to siezo the same, and arrest tho person earryinp tho explosive materials, wheresoever tho same may be found 'n said Rorouph, and also to tako possession of the material and convey it to some safe place. If tho lino imposed as aforesaid is not paid within 24 hours, it shall then bo lawful t sell tho material seized, as well as tho vehicle and horses. in and by which tho Uanporous compound is transported, pivinp reasonable notice by advertisements of tho sale. Ono-fourth of tho rino received to bo paid to tho olliecr making tho arrest and seizing tho prop erty. Skc. 3. It is further declared tho lawful duty of any constable or other otlicor of said lloronph to arrest on his own view any .offender apalrrst this ordinance -without warrant, any tliinjy in this ordinance hereinbefore contained to tho t contrary notwithstanding. Passed and Approved Oct. 1.1, 1S77. G. W. ROUINSON, P.nrgess. Attest: Samukl H, Ihwin, Clerk. :it Breech-!-oajfcg Double-Barrellod Weight, 8) to SJ pounds : length of barrel, 28 nnd HO in. 10 and 12 gauge. I'licr, Storl barrels, ; Twist Wri'dn, jK ( l.nuiinutrU barrels, t$?5 !aiiinncit burr els, ISj. Tho best over offered tho Americnn sportsman, combining all tho most desir aulo features of tho best imported, togeth er with somo valuablo improvements' not found in any other Top Lever, Snap Ac tion, Centre Fire. For sale bv tho tardc everywhere. Man ufactured by K. RICMINCJTON A SONS, 281 and 2S:J Broadway, New York. P. O. Box, 3!ii)4. Armory, lllion, N. Y. Cut this out and send for Ilu'stratki) Cata logue and Treatise on Riflk Shooting. 24-3H1. Red Hot I Spicy! Newsy I Oil City Daily Derrick, For 1877. Uctlor Tlinn Kvcr! More and Fresher News, and Moro Read ing Matter than any other Daily Paper in North-Western Pennsylvania! The Oil City Daily RKnuicK will bo pin tho new year with a larger circulation than ever attained by any daily newsptpor in Pennsylvania outsidc'of the large cities. Ic has pained this by piving all tlic fresh est news, and sparing no expense in ob taining items. It has correspondents in every portion of tho Oil Region, besides several reporters who are constantly (rav eling. Tho proprietors, editors anil re portorial statf, are all young and energetic men, whoso aim is to make tho Derrick tho leading newspaper of Western Penn sylvania. Tho Deriiick will bo better than ever for 1877. It will havo special reporters at Washington and Ilarrisburg. who will send daily specials of all importantevents. Its readers will be kept posted on ad tho political news of tho day, as reported from an independent standpoint, while a largo riiportorial force will keep them informed on local matters. It will also, as it does now, tako tho lead in discussing questions of importance to oilmen, and worn faith fully for tho interest of tho Oil Region. It will maintain its position as authority in oil statistics, and its market quotations will always bo found reliable If you-want spiry reading, fresh news, information concerning tho Oil Region, and a red-hot paper, subscribo for tho Oil City Daily Derrick. Terms, glO per year; six months $l a month in ad vance. W. II. LOXUW ULL it CO., 39 3t Publishers, Oil City, Pa. THE CHEAPEST & BEST ADV'RTISING TO REACH READERS OUTSIDE OF THE LARGE CITIES. ovtii looo m; spai'ehs, iivii)i:i ix. to six 1)U'i kim;xt lists. Advertisements receive-! for one or moro lists. For catalogues containing names of papers, and other information and for es timates, address DEALS & FOSTER, 41 Park Row (Times Building, New York. CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION lJLCUlUtli AND lLX.L'bTliATiilJ. Nearly 800 pages, rich illustrations, superb bindings, very attractive, and a treasure as tho be-it and cheapest history of tho Oreat Exhibition. Endorsed by "the H1 cials, press and clergy. Is selling im mensely, tine lady of n experience has cleared 53.10 in four weeks. Act ouickly if at all. Now or never. For full partic ular! address HUBBARD BROS., Pub lishers, Philadelphia, Pa. 4,-;t TMPLOYMENT, Male and female, sala XJ ry or commission. Wo pay agent as salary of .i'J a week andexp. if.-es.' Eure ka Mainii'a.-turing Co., liaitlurd. ('cum. Particulars lice. l Best r n tvt T xt i r at L L1.1.1M AJ 1.JLN mTTTTrTTrnT 9 I havo just returned from New York with a Limn; Stock of New Goods, most of which 1 will SELL AHA REDUCTIONS from Former Prices. MAKE A NOTE OF THE ABOVE FACT. PRINTS, 3 cents per yard and up ward. G and 7 cents for tlio best. EMBROIDERIES, 2 cents per yard nnd upward. MUSLIN, 4 cents per yard nnd up ward. LADIES' UO&E, 8 cents per pair & upward. CHILDREN'S HOSE, 8 cents per pair and upward. DRESS GOODS, 0 cents per yard & upward. LADIES TIES, 10 cents and upward. HANDKERCHIEFS, 5 cents and upward. RUCHES, 3 cents and upward. KID GLOVES, I advertised for 95 cts. last spring, now 83 el?. Gloves, Ribbons, Laces WOOLEN and COTTON FLANNELS in all the latest styles. In fact my assortment is Full and Com plete and I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! Agency ibr BUTTERICK'S Patterns. Latest Styles received as soou as out. L. L. RRENNESIIOLTZ. Tidicute, Pa' Allegheny Valley Rail Road. Pittsburgh, Tittisvillo & Buffalo Railway, and Buffalo, Corry &. Pittsburgh Railroad. OX AND A KTKK SimkImv, May 1:1, 1S77, ti-aihn will mu M i follows ; (STATIONS. Noilhw No. I Kn. .1 II 111 111 111(1. Soll(llWIU1 N Xn. I No. I pill Nil. H II III 0:10 4:4S 2:IV! 2:1.'. 12:10 12:00 l(':t.". 0:41 8:4:. K.-lo 7:20 C:di 1:1)2 P i 111 111 S:I0 7:00 (':2(i :.::ir. r;is, i:ir '1:20 :.::i:i; ntlslnirj-h 'J:in H 1(1 II 12 1 :!( :."i(l :l"i .-' W l'ii.I uiui t:;m :;x l:'l(i 12:dS 11:17 1 1 ():.Vi! 1('::M 1':I2 d:02 Kl anil nir (.'! 4-lit It. IV k .Tniicl I :().-, f:oi Dr.'Klv lli'iullhlNl ;:H I'urker r':(in r:")i! -:'.: I'.llilciili'U V2; J (i- I I N -rnliiti-uss 1: 7:2.; rrmiklin 1:."S n:o, Oilt'ily 2:S S::i; liotisi'villd S;."i :: 2:1;. ii'jl ; .V.!l2:f.0 .S;dl 7:10 litusviilo .-!:.l.) l:r.(i Orry 1:17 '.; lO'lhld Mii.vvilto (!:! I Id: VI 10:10 Jllllhlll) K.O.I II : d il:.ri:i :o Oil Cily Olcopi i! i Knjlln Hoc) TioiH'slu Tiilionto Irviiu'ton S: -..-) o-.o.-) H::i-.' 10:22 I llldj in 1:10 12:27 I2:IM ll;(K 0 ::d i:(io a. in S;(HI :I:I7 ; 7:10 v. in Trains run liv Pliiln DAVID M U J. MOltTON HALL, Uen'l l'lissiMiKor l'Ma Timo IO, (ien'l Sup Tii-kot Atfi'iil. GEO. A. PRINCE & CO. Tho Oldest, Lnrgcst, pnd MohI rcrfw-t Manufactory in tlio United StuUiH, nearly 56,000 Now in uso. No oilier Musical Inslnuuilt overolitniii- eithfiliiiiiu'vP'J'H'il. J - jr-Scnd for I'rico Iiit. , AuMroM BUFFALO, X.J'.. Tho ftit of ours lioiiiR tlio oldest nnd largest liianiifneloiy in tlio United SIhIch, with nearly 5(1,000 inNlruiiienlM now in use, is a HiinVient puarmiteo of our ro Kponsiliilitj und Iho nierits of our inslru-iiK-ntH. C-Oni U EO. A. I'ltlNCK .t CO. Awnrued tho HiylieKt Modal ut Vienna. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 501 Uroadwny, New York. (Opp. Metropolitan I Intel.) Manufacturers, Importers A Dealers in ClIllOMOS AND l'UAMKS, STEREOSCOPES-AND VIEWS, Albums, firnphowoppH, nnd Suila blo Views. PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. Wo lire Headquarters for pvei vtliintr in the way of STKl: VA ll'TH'ONS lind M A(l IO liANTKKNS, liciiift niamifadiMeis of tho Miero-S.-ientilie Iinlern, Stereo -ranopl icon, Uin vorsiiy Slereoiitii on. Ail verliscrs Kiereoplicon, Artopfivon School Lanlern, l-'iiinily Dfuilorn, TKOi'Lirs LANTKItX. lOitch Klylo lein: the best of its elass in tiiu market. Catalogues of I.iulerus and Slidef, i!h directions for uxin, sent on npplieatioii. Any enterprising inim can in:il;o money Willi a Ma;ic I.aiitci u. rfrOiit out this advei tifieinent for rcf-ereiice.--" Tho ex pel ienee of li vn JELL'S , v mi-, jimuil III. IV rhis ('onipact and re liablo work of Oener:i' Information i.i better adajited to tho wants') . all i-lasses of iho coin." iiiiinity than uny other work of the kind cvo pCYCLOPESli Kei mini tcition. I AGENTS WANTED. imblished. It has been proven by its IMMENSE S A LKS, by tho numerous COMMENDATOliY NOTICES EEC'D, And by its uniform SUCCESS WITH AGENTS. The odition of 187 hns been THOROUGHLY REVISED TO DATE. It contains 150,000 articlo. :000 w.xmI enraviiis and eighteen liaiulsoinoly en grttved and colored maps. Tho work is issued in parts, and nspeei men copy, witli map, will bo sent to any address, free of posture, for twenty cenb-. BAKER, DAVIS & CO., Publishers, (Successors to T. Elwood ell.) Nos. 17 and 10 South Kixih Street, 12tf I'llir.AIlKI.rAIA, l'A. SJtnn Can'tbo mailo by every ajii ntev cry month in tho Luniiicss we Uli&S furnish, but Ui0";u willing to work can easily uyrh d'-..t n doliajs a day riht in their o M localities. l!ve nd room to explain hero. Uusiness paiif-aut and honiiiable. Women and boy a and Kills do as well as men. Wo will furnish you n complete Outfit free. Tho business ways otter than nnytliinu: else. Wo will near expense of siartiiiK you. l'ai ticiilais t'reo. Write nnd koc farmers nnd me chanics, their sons and daughters, ami all classes in ntivd of paying woi k at Inline, bhould write to us and learn ail nlx.ut the work nt once. Now is ihu lime. Don't delay. Address True it Co., Augusta, Maine. :v. $ 45 PER TEHM, 137 PER YEAR, Tavs ALL EXPENSES nt CHAMBERLAIN INSTITUTE, RANDOLPH, N. Y. School established ls."0. Dicperty 1C:1, Ooo. Eiidowinciit -in, did. dur vout'h ( lioth sexes', sbiiil have iho bem lit'of it. Wjnler term opcn.j Dee. ft. Send for eala lo;'iie (Ireej to Re v. J. T. Luwahus. D. D., PniiTi'i il. OEMS O 1 l,H 'i'l :,(('()., Sv, ': s. .r-, to i -p man, llosun i'iC- Co., Nolleiii .1-. 1 nien't procured m all couni i U ,. ,c 1'ei s iijiMl vnnce; No ''Iuiich iiiiIomi-: tlio patent H Kni'dt-d. No foes for innK'ii- preliniliui ry examinations. N'i iiddil imial fees 'or I'blainiiKi,- iiiii.I conduct iiiif a-rchcrinu;. My it receiH ili ei.sii ui of t lie ( 'i.ni tilts si oner i.l. rejeeleil a; pi icatinii'i vuiv do revhei'. Spi eial attention elven to Tnli lei em Cases betorollie Pin 'Mil l Hl'.ce, l'',x tensions before Compose, J iil'i ii;i nicnf. Sups in dill'i rent S;nte., nnd nil litigation upper taming to Inventions or Patents. Send stamp to (Jilinoio A- Co., for pninplilct of' sixty pn;;ef. Hi Contested l,and Onscs nroseeuted lii ore the V. S. ieici-iil Iwnid Otlicfi nnd Dooai t-' nient of ihii Iniirio-. Privalo Land Ci.timsr MiniiifC and .Pre-emption Claims, anil Homestead Cnss nf.teiulcd to. Eniid Scrip' in AO, so, ami lt'd iu to piei es for su'e. Thi- Scrip is nssii;iiulile, and can bo lu.- i d ill Him mi ihm of tho pur- hiiser it pon any ov eniini'iil land subjecl to privuto entry, nt ?1.2" per Ik re. 1 1 is of C'pnil valuo 'with Motility Land Wanniiis, Send Mump Ur Oiliitore it Co., for pamphlet of Instruc tion. Olllcorn, Soldiers, and Sailors of tho lato wnr, or their heirs, arc in many eases on titled to money from Hie loveriiinent of which they havo no knowledge. Write full history of Nei vice, nnd slato umoitnt of pay ainl bounty received. 1 inclose stamp to (iilnmro iV Co., and a full reply,, alter wxaniination, will be given you tree.. flVllxloiiN. All Olllocrs, Soldiers, and Sailors woun ded, ruptured, or Injured in tho Into war,, however slightly, eiin obtain a pension by addressing Uiimoro A !o. Cases prosecuted by Ciltnoro it Co. be fore tho Supremo Court of tho United. States, tho Court of Claims, nudtho South- cm Claims Commission. Eaeli department of -our business is con ducted in a sepnrnlo bureau, under ehargo of tho same experienced parties cm ployoth by the old linn. Attention to all business, entrusted to (iilnmio it-Co. is thus se cured. Wo dosiro to win huvccsh by do sorvinj; it, Address GILMORE it CO., (WO V SI root . Wiwlilftftton, 1). t!. 41tf i-r vi. a a i-f f1 f f r f 1 ('f TO THE WORKING CLASS. Wo ara now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment nt home, tho wholo of tho timo or for .their sparo moniints. Musiness new Unlit and piolitablo P(r sons of either sox easily earn from 50 cts. to Ji per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their w hole time Ui tho busi ness. Roys and jrirls can lai n nearly as much as men. That nil w ho see this' no tice may send their address, ami tost tlio bu-inohs wo make ihis unparalleled oiler: To sik h as nro not avcII satisfied wo will send ono dollar to pay for tho trouble of writtinjf. Full pailic'uiiirs, samples worlti several dollars to commence work on, ami a copy of Homo and Fireside, ono of lh largest mid best Illustrated Publications, all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want pornianonl, Urolilahlo work, "address, Gorotfc Slinsoii ,t Co., Portland, Me. :;.J C II ii I li A.M)N IN THE GREAT SOUTKWESTI The lattluRoi k and l'ort Smith Rail way Company is Kollin;;, at exceptional- ly low prices ami n terms to suit pur- w chasers, over ONE MILLION-ACRES of their niiifiiitleent (rriiut jiui every nido within twenty miles of their road". Ad mirably suited for production of Corn, Cotton, Grain, Grass, Fruits, and all' thcr Northern crops. Winters aro mild, por inittinii outdoor labor for eleven months. Soil fei tilo liej'ond precedent. No j.-rass-hoppers, no ronlit. Special induce- menls for cstablichmentjof nianuliietories. For circulars, address W. D. SLACK, Land Coinniisnh nor, I.ittlc Rock, Arkan sas. 4i 4 J. Sd w co ats havo been awardoil a Medal and Diploinn nt the Centennial Exposition and com- mended by tho Judges for M U IT.il SOU tiT It KS tJ'i'II AND Il'BI.I.iT C1JAMTY -OF HSMOI. DOTTOAV A. T. Q0SH0EN, Dirootor-a moral. J. E. HAWLET, Pre Ar.KX. R. IloTKLKH, wc rotary pro torn. : ska I.. 31 4t Wjr ST LAMPS -HPMESTEADS1 Lyou want reliable inforination whero and how to net it cheap Farm, or pcvercinent Homestead, free, send your address to S. J. Gilmore, Land Commissioner, Law rence, Kansas, and receive gratis a copy of Tho Kansas Pueilio Homestead. JJIJ 4 TO AG ENTS ok AN V A lio THE BIG BONANZA MifclJ WOUK, Thk Silvku VOLUM E. Dan 1 o t ) 11 '.lie's iii-w l.nol.- u lfli l.it.n. duetien by Mark Twain is Just ready. It is iho richest in texts and illustritioiiH. scon for a loin? timo. Aro you out of work or drajifjiiijjHloni? on sumo dull book T lift, for this i;iu. It will till your pockets surf! Don't delay and lose territory 'you want f send for chvularat once. It costs nothing to see them. Address AMERICAN I'Ult LlsrijNGCO., Hartford, Conn., or F. C. RUNS .rCO., Newark, N. J. :M 4 $1302 50 I PE0TIT8 FE0M f $10652 ? I J 0(1 J INVKs'lJIKMStit' JlUo The judicious selection und management of Stonk Privilegs is a sure rt ad to rapid fortune. Send fop new "System of Assued Profits," free with full iiiloi niaHon concerning tint Slock Market. T. POTTER WIG HT tt CO. iold and Stock I'.rokei'M 81 R :ia Wall Street, New York. SENDdntd adams v"co7r7iox Pa. iManulaetory iu Howell m marble buil,!;,,- Mllt, ' ' ChcslnutsU.l and re.eivo by ret" , ' a,,,""i,!'i-t "fthofiv CENTENNIAL BUILDINGS elcKiintly carxed in Mack Walnut W.sid 4