n 1 t ill? $m$t gqnMiaw, ti rUIJLWHKD F.VKRY WEDNESDAY, IJY V Jl. DUNN. orr-icc ra ftonraooN & bonitovb buildikcj ELM STREET, TIONESTA, PA. TERMS, $2.00 A YKAU. Ho Subscriptions roeolvod for a shorter peilod than tlirco months. Correspondence solicited from nil parts rf Uio country.- No notico will ho taken of ononynioiw communications. U3INESS DIRECTORY. TIONESTA LODGE jvo. :to, I. O. of 0. 33 n fi;M;"ra ovrrir Vrlilnv OVCn(n. lit 8 VI ..ImxIt. in tbn Hall tbrmorlv occupied by IhoUrtod Templars. y S. J. SETLEY, N. O. I). V. CLARK, Soe'y. 27-tf. TIONESTA COUNCIL, NO. 342. every Tuesday evening, nt 7 n'cl J P. M. CLARK,, M O. TJ. -A.. M. KETS at Odd Fellows' Lodga Room, K. A. VARNER, R. 8. o'clock C. 31 W. II. LATHY. LAIIY A TTOllKEYS J. it. AONKW TIONESTA, PA. ATTENTION SOLItlKltSl I bftvo boon admitted to practico as m in iim Pension Otileo nt ash- ;,.!. D. O. All officers, soldiers, or . .. I.n worn Inlnrcil 111 the latO Wlir, ruiiiulnllM U Which tllPV I11H.V ! untitled, bv calling on or addressing mo at I Innmlt. Pa. Also. clailllH for arrearages .f pay and bounty will rocoivo prompt nt lomlon. . ,. , i,nnn i.vnr four vears asoldior I tt,-i Uto war, and having for a number o . ars engaged in tno proocuu.M. .V.ers claims, my experience will a.snure ti collection of claims in tho "VTliX" rtl.la time. J UNKW. lltf. K. L. Davis, nmnvi.'V AT LAW. 'rioncstn. 1 n iimiimiii .ii i i in ii ..i iiiwnniiiimi hi i nnitiMi."J'"i" -- vol.x no.m. TIONESTA, PA., OCTOBER 31, 1877. $2 PEK ANNUM. 91 ItS. 51. 1 112 ATI I, PROCLAMATION OP GENER at tt"t i?prrTnT DRESSMAKER Tionesta, Pa. ..n"r,10 General Assembly of tho Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitled 'An Act to rcgulato the iin..M.iiia nf tlm Commonwealth.' passed tho 2d dav of July, A. 1)., 18!, it is made Tf P.S. HEATH 1ia recently moved to IV 1 (Ids phu-e for the purpose ot mceiina a want which tho Pviioh or tho town ani county have for a lonr timo known, that of hnvintc a dressmaker of experience anion!? thorn. 1 am prepared to make all kinds of dresses in tho latest Hiyies, aim (juarantoo Hatistaetion. Stamping for braid ing and einliroiiierv uone in ui ner, with tho newoHt patterns. All I afc Is a tair trial, jiesuienco on -i-wi an y, in tho Aeomb TJuilding. tf. Frank Itollins, PHOTOGRAPHER, (SUCCKSHOR TO DEM1NO.) PL.tnnto innvprvstvleof the art. Views of the oil regions for walo or taken to order. CENTRE STHEET, near II, R. erossing. SYCAMORE STREET noar Union Po- p,it, Oil City, Pa. tho dutv'of tho .Slierilf of every county within this Commonweam. w nivo mmm; notice of tho tieneral Elections, and in such to enumerate : 1st. Tho olUcers to be electoil. 'lii. PesiK"alo the plaeo at which tho election is to bn held. I. Justis Shawkey, Hinb Shenir of tho county of Forest, do liereby mnko 1 - nAi;n mill i r Vfi tl lis iiublie notice to tho electors of tho enutrty of Eorest, tliat a General Election will beheld in mudcoun tv. on TUESDAY, KOYEMBEtt 6T11, 1877, between tho hours of 7 a. m. and 7 p. in. at the several Election Districts. , In Harnett township at Jacob Mazes Carpenter shop. .,.,.., T. In lircen lownsmp nw mu 20-tf at Brookston, in rnOTOGRAPIl GALLERY. E1,M HTKliBTi SOUTH OF ROBINSON A BONNER'S STORE. Tionesta, M. CARPENTER, - - Fa., - Proprietor. AT3 llHctiona mado in this ud Viijj: iwuntitw. P adjoin- 10 -ly ATTORNEY AT LAW, tionesta, r.y. ' F. W. Hays, TTORNEY AT LAW, and NoTAnr A Poni.io, Rovnoldti ilukill tV. ( o. s IKock. Soi.o at-, Od City, Pa. -ly Plcturos takon in all tho latest styles tho art. 2(i-tf J4. n. HHIl.HY. K 1 X HE AK J SMILEY, mtiMUw, - - Franklin, Pa. TiUACTICK In the sovoral Courts of Vc 1 wg.Crawfoid.Forw.t, and adjoin- Lawrenca Houso, nmxHHTA. Pr.NN'A. WM. T. W . . t rif tlUT A 'F.ft A. 11 -" I tt.'Nr'iMi ri,riniuToii. Tliis hoiiitn . ii.. i'. ...... i i.vrvthinir nowimd .....ii t Mnnerior accommiHln- i ..:.. niinniimi ilvoii to iruests l .. i.'r.,it of al k nds served UiUieir hoason. bamplo room foi Com jxoruial Aijontrt. Ii now tho ion CENTRAL HOUSE, A.iuKur l'roiirietor. T Ins is a uouse, an.l lias just been tUtcd up lor ' Ko;n:oorumbUo is Ho'licited. i:-y FOREST HOUSE, . lrinVl'IIPimrnlKTOR. OppOsitO O. Court House. Tionesta. l a. Just ,eod. Everythimr new and clean and ?.!' .7. -ri. l.t or liouors kept constantly M. hM1. A portion oflh,; public p:itron- h i j is respectfully solicited. 4-17-n If. G. TIKKFJt & CO. OH, CITY, PA. WHOLESALE & RETAIL Dealers In ZEE ID "W IR, IE , Oil Well BuilH'"i. Tuhlna, Caning, Sucker Itodtt, Working Barrels Jtrass X Steam r;ttings,Helt ing, Lace Leather, Caning, tVc, Iron, Wails, tccl,:fiSEe, Wonmko h SPECIALTY of ono-aml-a-fiuartor-inch Tubing and Steel Rods lor Small Wells. H. G . TINKER & CO., Oil City, Pa. Arner, In Howo township Brookston Hall. , , . In Jenks township at tho court houso in In Harmony township at Allonder school houso. , , . T. . In Hickory township at Hickory 14 Milan In KinRsloy township at Newtown School House. In Tionesta township at Court House In Tl.mtita Hrrillirll. In TionesU IxiroUKU at uours huiisb m 1.1 Vw Ytiki trl . At which timo and places tho qualiftod electors will elect by ballot: One pewm for Supremo Judgo. One person for State Treasurer. Out person for Auditor General. One person for County Treasurer. Tho act of Assembly entitled "an ac.rc i..ti,,v t. t.lm elections of this Common wealth." passed July 2, 1811), provides as r,.!l.v..u viv """"""". . . ... . ,.11 "That tlio inspectors anci juogu meet ho they i TC.'I"V , ... , point ono clerk, who snail no a numuiuu voter 01 suin uininub. t.ho rorson who shall havo re .1 hiifhost number of votes for inspoetor shall not attend on the day of any election, then tho person who shall havo roccivod tho second highest number from the penalty or disability therein pro vided, are doomed and taken to havo vol untarily relinquished and lorfeited tluir riiiht to becomo citizens, and aro dnprived of exercising hereof : . A nl whereas, persons not citizens or tlio Unitod States, are not under tho constitu tion and laws ot l'ennsyivania ipmiiuou electors of this Commonwealth Sue. 1. Bo it enacted by tho Senato and Tfmi. ontcoresentativesofthis Common wealth or Pennsylvania in General Asscin Uu mot nml it is hereby enacted liy tho larne and in all elections hereafter to be i.m in iliU !nmnion wealth : it shall bo fnl for Mm JnriLrcfl or InHpoctoiH of any hiu-.1i election to rocoivo any ballot or provisions, and subject to tho disabilities lirown 8 piazza , imposed by said act of Congross, approved jn aJl ti10 gkies, March 3d, 18i5. And it snan do uniawuu for any sucli person 10 oner ui vuio nj sucli naiioior naiiovs. Sue. 2. That if any sucli jucigoor inspec tors of election or any of them shall re nnii'n r ennannt to l'fii civo any such 1111 lawful 1ml lot or ballots lrom any siicn ns- qualilicd person, lie or they so offending shall be guilty of misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in an Court ot leaner A Texan Epic. The fallowing irreaistably ludicrous Rates cf Advcrti Ono Square (1 inch, )one Insertion - i' OnoSqiiara " ono month - -Si One Square " three month 0 00 Ono Square " cmo year - - iuiw Two Suiiares, one j'eJr - - - 15 00 ijunrtcri oi. " - - - w Half " - -0 10 One " " - - - 100 00 Legal notices at established raten. Murringo and death notices, gratis. All bills for yearly advertisements col lected quarterly. Temporary advertise ments must be paid for in advance. Job work, Cash on Delivery' pa was able, and had done it with a rush, with his full to sweep tho table, had not William held a flush. U BIO umirivi.il - .,! : tho right! of citizonshlp description in rnynie oi uio tus"" ciS8itiidef oi courisnip in bbiuuiiuus Southwestern society is lrom the peu of a very clever comic contributor to the Louisville Louricr-Journai, wnoae facctiou.1 success is a novelty : SUING SUSAN. Susan Browu and William Brady, lovers in tho Ltuo Star State, ono calm night, all snug aud shady, side by side in converse snte. iwas on old roan stars were brighten and the moon abovo the piazza was just then upon the riso. 'Twas the hour lor love or liquor calm, sweet hour in early June ; love Dor wine will ever flicker on sucn a night with such a moon. Susan was as fair as Hebe dressed in fairer than A Powder Mill. A powder mill mill is not in tho least like other mills. Instead of one great building, it is composed of many rough-looking little sheds sometimes as many as seventy or eighty. Thesa are long distances apart, separated by dense mounds ot earth, so that it one "house" is blown up th others w:ll es cape a like fate. Of some tho walls nreiuilt very strotiff, and the roofs very slight, in the hope that if an ex plosion happens ita force will bo expen ded upward only. Other houses havo enormous roofs of masonry covered with earth ; tho roofs of others aro tanks kept always full of water. Tho constant danger inseparable from the work would be croatly in- nil her Sunday clothes- convicvion tiiercoi in mi vwm . - ii. i i c t I "v 0 -j Sessions of this Commonwealth, ho shall your cousin rhcobe, who is tairer than crca8Cj wcro there not strict rules, ftl- for each oiienco no seiuciicuii io i .y , ,e ro8e As lor uiiaru never wuu- wa VH enforc,.d. JNo cautious Viiitor t r, CI t e Jail of wood fiheltered youth more stout or caQ- be more carefjI than lhe worktncn I I .1- . I- - ...rtIB r.n(rt hi. VArv oil 1 I f linoil I , n 1 1 1 ! r I tho propor county lor noi icss umu naie ; no tnemseives, ior iney kuow ii u uijuo- dys. what the Texans call a whale." There 8ion happens it will be certain, instant r&l A they sat for long hours talking of their dealh tSlthora. 6o no lights or fires -I..H f ..; ninrfinn iiiiflr to bo held iovs and hones and tears; talking or arn fiVr allowed : no one hvs nearer in this Commonwealth vou or tender to tikeic l0Ve8 and chalking out their plans I .ufl m:na tnau c.m b helped ; some of shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof in any Court. of Qaf; SSS?lyr -e carecl with skin, Iheir maxnaje, hinting ot a distant j ,1)0 fll)or3 are aiwaT9 keM llofied day when a little crib and carriage ;, h ftn :ncu or two 0f water. Before 1 ...til.... i..f.nfi.itra nun iiiiiiri hi :ui "iii.it niu innfii;i.i.o ...... j-.d ------- i nioresam, vo oner un.v i","1 -- at tho respoctivo places appointed ior tJ onic(,r8 0f nny election horeaiter 10 no Iding tho election in ine aisiriciut w iu:u . J(j jn tllis comnvonwealth, or snan por- respcctively belong ueioro o o ci"i-.. su.wlp or Rjviso any such olllcer to recoivo u tlio morning ot tno 1st luesuny in u- i hMnt or baliots from any person uo- i D. niiGli'.oN otfers his w. a COBUHN, M. i' ....v: ;r. f Forest c. JL Wlliri" k"' I "l - i,v.,. Having had an experience of lo Years in constant practice. Dr. "" i u-iiantees to ive satisfaction. lr. -tHn, n ocialty of the treatment .-,( Nisal, Thror.t, Lung and al ( w Ohionio or lingorinac , diseases. Ha ng investigated all scientific methods or ci r K disease and seUct,d the good fro m i d I h.te.ns, he will guarantee relief o at mo in all casos whore a cure is l"'1":,." ..: ...... ....Hation. All li'OS Will l0 IIIIIMVi v i irtyft ft P. .inn V UIIK li hours. Parties ai. a distance can con suit him by letter. om.-e and Residence socond building . iinnun Tionesta. l a. iiiuw mv v unit o-.tf THE LARCEST FURNITURE ESTABLISHR1EHT IN THE OIL REGIONS ! MILES SMITH-, Dealer in CABINET AND UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE! FRANKLIN, - - - Consisting ot PaiJor, Office and Common Fnrnituro, Mattresses, Pillows, Window Shades, Fixtures, Look ing Glasses, A'c. Also, agent ior Venango county tor tho Celebrated Manhattan Spring 15ed and i.ml,m!itinn Mattrcss"s, manufactured and for sale at mv Fnrnituro Warenioms, i;$th street, near Liborty. Call and see saniPlo lied. y lv for tho space or one hour alter mo umo fixed by law fortho opening of tho election, tho qualified votera of tlie township, ward , ,t;tri..i. fur whii-h such ollioer shall liavo boon elected, present at tho place of election shall elect ono of their number to lil I aiif.h vncilllcv. I also givo official notico to the electors .,f lOnmuf. conntv. that by an act entitled "An Act further supplemental to the act relative to tho election oi in is i;oiimmir urn.iii.li iiiinmviul Jan. !li. 1S74 :" Si-:r '.. All the elections by tlio citizens shall be by ballot ; every ballot votod shall be numbered in tho order in which itshidl un 1'ru.niviMT mid tho number recorded by tho clerks on the list of voters opposite the r.r tho itictor from whom received. And any voter voting two or mo--e www tho several tickets so voted shall each bo numbered with the numner correpmiu imr with the number to the namo of tho voter. Anv elector may w rite his namo upon ids ticket, or pause the same to bo written thereon, and attested by a citizen of tho district. Jn addition lo ineeaui now precribod by law to be taken and nub scribed by election officers, they shall sev erally lie sworn or affirmed not to disclose how any elector shall havo voted, unless required to do so as witnesses in a judicial .......iir..f All iui'iircD. inspectors, clerks and overseers of every election held under this act, shall, beforo entering upon their duties, bo duly sworn or affirmod in the presence of each other. The judge shall bo sworn by tho minority inspector, if there shall be such minority inspector, if not, then bv a iustice of tho peace oramormiui, iA,T.i.i.- :, . -;; -- ..i.i, ui,.,n ' . . . , " i "' " terHessionv'i entcrimr. every person must put ou manner as provided in the preceding see- Xhus they sat, her hand in prison rubber Bhoes and walk through this Hon of this act, in tno caso oi ohieeis u ft prison harsh nor Btcrn tor twas water, foi tha nails in a boot-heel elections receiving such unlawful ballot j k d jQ hWo M hU lip3 were hfc 8trike )4 6park frr)ia B bit 0f sand orballots. ,, J, i ...i.:.,i. :u i Skci. 4. That it any person snan nercaimi preSSBU lo uer u. or giavci, niiiuii migim - "- persuade or advise aierson or persons , . . course of true love gle grain of gunjKiwder, and causo deprived of cmKenshimd Sidefnrewi disaster. So the rubber omywmiii 1 m ilia n MAIIell wnrii enlinked in old or new love soon or i snoes wom iu mo mmo uio.ic.u. lato must sigh and never. Obi that m elsewhere, men, too, every one is a sea of rapture, where the heart most expected to keep his wits about him ; .i. n;.n;na Burn .. fhpm is never anv loud talkiner or TiriVeil OI ClllKCIISIiqi linn t - I gweeilV W1UU, 1W jnmi.iv o .v. ...v.- --j , , . kforosaid, such persons so offending Hhall i,af our j0ys and cut our laughter, and no one ever thinks ot be cuiltv oi h in isticin eai.or, nun i. j H'n i-' r ii-i i - - r t 1 . . i limrtnli I r h mil Id I Sessions of this Commonwealth, shall be . . ... f ghot and powder care, explosions soiuetinies occur, and punished n like manner an P ... f . kneU , Louder, " mere seiaora .any " ,ww - . . . i a-ii i,. n, honnAnaii iM t i"nif(L An Unexpected Debut. Here is a little story Sol Smith tells. He was in Cincinnati, and the play "Othello." There was a crowded house, and among them a girl whom Sol call Peggy.' . . Peggy had never before soon tho in side of a theater. She entered at th time Othello was making his defense before the duke aud senators. Tho audieuco woro unusually attentive to tho nlav. aud PeCffT was permitted to walk in the lobby until she arrived at the door of tho stage box, when a gen tleman handed hnr in, and her beau, a I officers of such election receiving such un- loudcr, and still louder rumbles that of votes for Judgoat tno next pieei img , f , bl,-,lot or ballots. heart-renderinK smell Susan's sibyl election tlinll act as inspector in hs place. j , piv00mcial notico of tho following nean renuei hiu rllmhlemeaut And in case the person who shal Lavo re- nro"lKions of Rn aet approved tho 30th of soul prophetic knew that rumble meant ceived the highest number of votes for in- U h ihco, entitled "An act regulating but ill knew that old man Brown er- spec-tor shall not attend, the person elected , of votl at all tho elections of . u huut 0f BiH I Bill, J'f'.LSK?!!!'" iJKlWJS thl- Common wealth' Z,?, 1m she follows, wbith- jiiaco, nu in iwu i. - p.- SEC I. jso it onaciuu njr in n '""o ... " ..- . ,er liodft, Khali not attend, then tho inspector who IJouHO of Representatives or tho Common- er asking, caring not ; now 8he leels received tlio highest number of votes Uhof Pennsylvania in Gonoral Assom- , . fif dollars were poor pay to seo Valet, dxc., shall appoint a Jiulgo in his place ; ami if ,ni nnd it fn hereby enacted by tho at uouar8 "e,x V I J , iic, , Riy v.ncy BUnU wntlime ,,, tho board a-Jhori;y of tho same, That the qualified him shot. .rninro n'f tho several countios of this Com monwealth, at all general, township, bor 1 snecial elections aro hereby hereafter authorized and required to vote bv tickets printed or wrmon, or pin uy printed and parly written, severally clas ii-,,. ..a follows: One ticket shall einbraci tho names ot all judges of courts voted for, and shrill bo labeled "Judiciary," ono ticket sha'l embrace tlio namos of all the State officers voted for and bo labeled "State."one ticket shall embrace the names of all the county officers voted for, includ ing office of Senator and member of As somblv. if voted for, and member of Con gress, 'if voted for, and bo labeled "Coun ty " ono ticket shall embrace tlio names of lilt tho township officers voted for. and bo labeled "Township," ono ticket shall em i. ti.n a of all tho borouirli oflicor.s voted for, and be labeled "Rorough," and each class shall bo deposited in separate ballot boxes. . Tho Judges of tho aforesaid districts shall representatively take charge of tho certificates of return of the election of their respective districts, and produce them at the Prothonotarv's ollico in tlio Rorough of Tionesta, as follows : "All judges liv ing within twclvo milos of tho prothono tarv's office, or within twenty-four miles if their residence be in a town, vlllago or Oh the earnest love ol woman Little for itself it socks ; it is not ft thing uncommon for its flame to last six weeks 1 All at once a door is busted close to where the lovers sit William had got up and dustod ; but it was too lato to ait F.ro ho dreamed of flight or fear to"" "... . i .11 once, or had timo to cut auu run, oiu , bo wa9 Sliced to wait in i witn i . , - ,. r- tllO lOUOy. iuissxeggjr etoicu nuuuk city upon the line ol a raiiroati ioauin u, tho county sent, shall, before two o'c : ock, p. m.. on WEDNESDA V. NOV EMI-ER SEVENTH, 1H77. and all other judges shall iu.r.1,.11 (wnlvAn'i.liwk. 111..011 TllUliSDAY f. day Wednes.lays and Saturdays. 2.tr A. B. KK1XY B. . MAT. jso. r. i'auk. MA Y, VAliJi. tV vit., BANKERS CWner of Elm A Walnut Sts. Tionesta. Bank of Discount and Deposit. Intorost allowed on Timo Deposits. OoHoorton madeonall thoPrincipld points You Can Save Itloney of tho U. S. Collections solicited. lS-ly. WILLAMS CO., Pv buying vour PIANOS nnd ORGANS from tho "undersigned Manufacturers Aueiit, I'm tho best brands in tho market. Instruments shipped direct from tho fac tory. OHAs! A. SIllTLTZ, Tuner, ly Lock lx 1740, Oil City, Pa xviVKMltli-.R EIGHTH. lH77.dolivcrsaid returns, together with the return sheets, to and the inspectors and clerk shall bo sworn th0 rroti,notary of tho court of common by tho judge. Certilicates of such swear- . of Forst ;.(ui!itv, which said return in" or affirming shall bo duly mado out ,ot8 glmU bo filed, anl tho day and hour MKADVILLE, PENN'A. Dr. J. L. Acomb, TAXIDERMISTS IRfS and Animals stulTod and mount . i a ..i wi.iiiii lont ID i.loek 2-ly NEBRASKA GRIST mil. r.lHE GUIST MILL at Nebraska (I"'y- I town.) Forest county, mm """" 1 .1. l;iH8 order, and is now runnms " nil kinds of 43 U ST O 51 taBlSDlC. FLOUR, f:on-timtly onUand, and sold at tho very n,wB,iiigiu. , t iri-iii-min. nilYSICIAN AND SURGEON, who has I had ti fteen years' ex perienco m a large n.1 successful practice, will attend all Professional fall, umea m m i- Grocery Store, located in Tidioute, near Tidioute House. IN HIS STORE WILL BE FOUND A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors Tobacco, Cigars, .Stationery, """; niiu ',.llcrv. all of tlio best quality, aud ,f . . .' - l.l ..t.u will bo sold at reasonnuio ' ). CHAS. O. DAY, an experienced Physician and Druggist V." !tV ..Vi 0i,rr,,l Viv Mm nflleers so sworn, and attested by the officer who ; administered tho oath. If any Jiulgo or mummy u.ih! tor refuses or fails to swear tho officers or election in tho manner required bv "us act or if any olllcer oi eiecuon nuuu without being dulv sworn, or if any officer ot election shall certify that any officer was sworn when ho was not, it buuu uu m-vm-ed a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, tlio officer orollicers so ououuiug -"ii uu lined not exceeding ono thousand dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding ono year, or both, in the discretion of tlio court. Notice is heroby given, That any person excepting Justices of the Peaco who shal1. hold anv office or appointment of profit or trust under tho United States, or this State or any city or corporated district, whether commissioned officer or otherwise, a sub ordinate officer or agent who is or shall bo ,m,i.vfi,l under tho legislature, executive or judiJiary department of this State, or of anv citv. or of any ineoriorated dia- .f i litur null ked thereon, and shall bo pre served by the prothonotary for public in spection." , , Given under mv hand at my offlco in Tionesta. this 4ili day of October, in the year of our Iiord ono thousand eiglit hundred ami seventy-seven, and in the one hundred and second year of tho In dependence of the United States. 20 4t JUSTIS SHAWKEY, Sheriff. man Brown made his appearance his double-barreled gun. Susan's knees shook fust and faster ; William's also shook, 'tis said, till they tumbled down the plaster from the ceiling overhead. busau screamed, ner oar mur uyiug li to ..i.w.t n nvnn nn !" Hut that pa. so cold aud cruel, swore he'd send Bill to that clime where there's too much fire and fuel for to have a pleasant time. Then he raised his shootiug-iron, rav ing much and swearing more, till the air was blue but why ruu on thus telling how ho sworo? What, oh, what wns William doincr while thus raved tho old galoot? Seeing plainly what was brewing, he was likewise on the sl10ot" "Hold, rash par exciaimou ine daughter; all unheeded were her cries, as also the sweot salt-water streamiug from her Iwvely eyes. Standing there her for a momont, as it doubting whether she was in her proper place, till, casting her eyes on the stage she observed" several chairs uuoceupiod. It is probable this circumstance ke a meteor streaming ar springing not ,mve induced hcr lo hcr teet and crying, i icase uou i . .. . . , Bn(J ob80rve(1 the peeple on tho stage appeared more at their caso than those among whom she was standing, and as fato would have it, just at the moment, Othello looking nearly toward the place where sho was situatod, exclaimed : "Here comes the lady !" The senators half rose in tho expec tation of seeing the gentle Desdemona, when lo ! tho maiden from the country stepped from the box plump on the stage, and advanced toward the ex pectant Moor. Tho audience clappei and cheered the dukes aud Sonators foreot their dicnitv the girl was ready to sink with consternation, even Cooper . -. . - . iu all his rigor, old man lirown now Qot . w -n the oinw.il ti a mm. nausinsr ere he pulled , . .. " the trigger, thinking niaybo Bill would ..ii .1 l ('ll.a ra t . LtUll J iSlll, tnougll, waa mil. ui tie which will neither aan) nor no; but when once shoved into lattle, he .oa sm-e to see it tlirouch. Never feiieral mirth. It was agreed by all present that a lady never made her dtbul onthestago with more eclat than Miss Tegy. THE WELLS TEA COMPANY Importers of Turo China and Japan Teas, 201 PULTON ST., P. O. Box 45G0. NEW YORK. Th Mark Tiftiin lLXTress conies the since the siege of Ilium was suspense . receipt for sharpening edged felt more profound ; lor a moment , f Gorman scientific journal moie, and William had been mado to tiiln the pround. Ouickly drawing his repeater of which he carried two or three, cocking it at shortest meter, drew ft bead on n lif TV Few thiues swift as light- has charge of the Store. put up accurately. All prescriptions ll71.MTISl.MtM KHllli '25 cciits to Geo, AVnOATS. A i. i u .r- r'.i 41 l'ark Row. N. Y ., - XJL 1 . IV"" I ' . " " , . . ', . . f,.r Him i Kiirhtv-muio Pampniet, suowiub cost or ailvei ising. VA 4t -fim ... -MlIJJYMENT. Male and lemaie, s.u.i- m r . , vj.it r IU rv nrcoilllll SSIOII. 1VB W " . i. ' .m - .....r.ij- iiii.l ixi uses. J'.UIO- kit Manufacturing Co., llartloru. Comi. 1 artloulars free. 41 -1 i l-i lllc. iw SrHIH-J Ml-l vu...-, . .-u . .1 i w iii.ni-L.wav A: Lo.. n t-iaid. f OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE c t CEHTEMI' EXHIBITION Tf t.ll f-iKli.r tluin anv oter book. Cue a ,,i,t u.ihi :u cnnins in ono dav. This is the only authentic, and complete history ...ii.iiuiio.1. K.-nd for our extra lernis u ilu NlHlKAL PllllKISllINuC'O., Phil Tlir AC1 I O TCA P' M P AMY -nnt- are there Swirt thus came tno ; nr ...InhnrtA for the benefit of farmers, mechanics and laborers : "It has long been known that the simplest method of sharpening a razor is to nut it for an hour into water to which has been added one-twentieth f its weight in trict, and also, that every mem nor oi ton- ..fcages, ut lowest import prices, us per mnei WT mro wtireuuS . b- a few hours set U on a uone. lliencia gressandofthoStateLegUlaturP.oi ofthe aulpie Cnt on application. William's sure, unerring bullet au iinrft HUnnlies the nlaco of ft heUten select or common council of any city, or Slllp,,lv Teas to Druguists, General Deal- , . ' ,i,lubU-took O. M. B. 160 . 1 i? u commi,sloi.ers of any incorported dis- at.thers, packed in h.ui.lr,o...cse,ded infernal slug, no f6 ?,t mi by corroding the whole Mrtuce etenW trict, is by law incapablo of holding or ex- ))H,.'k.l!;0!1 0fne pound each, in canisters m the gullet, and ho waltzed rigni up so that nothing further than a smooth crcising at tho time, the ollico or aiiptimt- of tll0 H;m,e capacity, and in 5 11)., 10 1 b. ti,e 6pout. , polish is necessary. Tho process never r lion - 'crrnweal'ufand uVift uU lmi A,!d the coroner, living ,gh i him. PJ good blae8, HUe'badly hard- no inspector, judgo or other officer of such 1 js,,.,., Teas to Peddlers in half pound came; but William didn t run, KXi ng cne,j one8 are generally improved by election shall bo eligible to be then voted olu,-j)im,ui bng, piain or printed, at a 8Ure they'd justity him in the deed that . although the cause of improvement f,,Also that in the 4th section of the act of "ul ta ",vwl he had done. Which they did for Smain. explained. AVi tm,i A.i act relating to .f.tu, nva f.,r flub Orders, and allow nana's fury, Susan, weeping told it . a t Jen.rth this nroeess has been ap- .iaw;in r.T kiu r -. . .. .nil . ...l . I - - "r- AS.-SCIll IU V i-ii 1. 1 hi... --- ouniriy a i: .... - . .. I l - l.i . (-.. eloctions and for other purposes," approv- a iurKcr conimisHion than usual, and in all 0er aQ,i to William said tllO iury : UO ed April Uiih, 1K-VJ, it is enacted that the ,..im,H guarantee the quality of their goods. , QQt nQ m0Iv i:Uh section shall not be so construed ai to FrnlH MOIll wlien re.piired. U,J . j . . prevent anv militia or borough officer KrIld for 0hcular, and pleaso say under Here my muse must stop auu tarry , fioni serving an Judgo, Inspector or Clerk w,ich of the foregoing heads you desire aH 8he knew IS in this lay ; Whether at any general or special election in this ,,iirticnlais, so tliat we may send you all , j. jjj roarry Bie is not pro- Conimonwcalih. (n ,m the in tbnnation necessary withoutlurlher W Ua fkl-who is no 1.,,.. ,,f tl.ta ,1il11l.l,illVC.'lllll ! Whereas, by an act of the Congress of tho United States, entitled "An act to 1 tlm several acts hcietolore parsed to provido for tho enrolling and culling out of tha national forces, and for other pur poses," and approved March 3d, 1n', All persons who have deserted the military or naval services of the United States, and who have boon discharged or re. loved '. ' ., r.v...v .....r Linr wiih stocked cards, you under I HA Cllt i l It l Willi""!.! J"" p i - . ii, latest and most reliable Utnndiu that game of leaden poker houses in the trade ; all parties requiring played a square and honest hand 1 i i a iiiii-T -i-' " - - orders direct. - UTE. Doctor iri-.a Nii i.!i i O White 117 Itli Ave., N. Y, Nopuv un til cured. Send tor circular. 4 Should be. when there are no traces left of his unerring shot, meet Sue's 1 1 11 II 1 1 w ith but four aces, he will no doubt tako the not ; for Suo knows her Ttroeesa i - . i plied to many other cutting imple ments. Tho workman at tho beginning of his noon spell, or when ho leaves ux the evening, moistens tno Diauc ui tools with water acidtiiaiou as auovu,,, tho cost of which is almost nothing. This saves the consumption of time and labor in whetting. A Philadelphia dancing master i about introducing a new dance expr ly for fat people. All tho peri' havo to do U to sit on tbo Hour im, Niiitfaru Co.. N. Y. 11 4 adelphbi, Pa.