.. -JlUOANS O F , -UNNSYLVANIA. 1 1 E A IKJU A UT KR3 Hf.PUBLICAN StATK ") Committke, Pnii.ADF.i.riiiA, October 10, 1877. ) Our party lias euficrod an apparent disaster in Ohio. Tho result liaa only locnl and temporary significance The Republicans of Pennsylvania will bo noithor disarmed nor dismayed. The Ercat and patriotic record of the party in the past is not to bo obscured, nor will it bo arrested in ile progress until it shall havo finished its mission. Our November contest involves State questions of great importance. A Judge of tho Supreme Court is to bo elected. For this position you have presented tho faithful incumbent of that high office, Hon. James I Stcr rett, a candidate of undoubted learn ing, ability and integrity, who has already fully illustrated theso qualities by long service on the bench. Tho financial agents of tho State arc to be elected, and in'presenting Hon. John A. M. Tassmoro for Auditor General and Captain William B. Hart for State Treasurer, you have chosen gentlemen who combino every qualifi cation necessary for tho competent discharga of their duties, and tho rec ord of whoso privato and public lives is uusullicd. In this branch of your interests your party has given the highest evidences of skill and honesty. Since your ad vent to power you have reduced the State debt from $41,000,000 in 18G1, to S22.000.000 at the present time, with assets maturing and pledged for tho payment of tho State debt amount ing to 3,000,000, leaving a net debt of only 14,000,000 to bo provided for, Bhowing an actual reduction under Re publican administration of $27,000,000. We have given the most unquestioned assurances that our nominees will go on with tho policy of retrenchment and financial honesty. At this day cot a dollar of State taxes is levied upon the real estate in the Common wealth. In national matters it rotnains to be demonstrated that tho equal rights of nil have been completely vindicated. It h not yet true that a Republican in tho south njoys all the political priv ileges of a Democrat in the north. The great Repoblicau party, cither in this State or iu tho cation, will not have closed its labors or accomplished its purposes until all the rights guaranteed by the Constitution of tho United Slates aro practical facts, fully incor peratod into the daily life of north and south alike. Tho coming struggle in Pennsylva nia is of supromo ituportanco with the welfare of the people, who through the busy efforts of demagogues, have been kept uneasy and restless. Much as we deplore tho prostration of industrial interests in the land, we remind you that this condition of things is not the result of governmental policy, and that England and tho other nations of Eu rope are all suffering in like manner si ml from like cause. Tho constantly increasing signs of froshly awakened prosperity show that tho Republican administration of affairs during an im portant crisis has been prudent and acious. Should tho continuance of :r.is wise Republican control be assur 1 by your votes tho fact cannot be !ubted thut tho time has nearly ar ived when, by tho laws of trade, tho cenback dollar will be the equiva it of a gold dollar, and tho laborer !1 receive for his day's labor the dol r which promises its full exchange la value. And thus labor and cap 1 will find full employment. 'a tho30 of our follow-citizens who 0 wavered in their allegiance to the ty which has been tho constant unpioii of American labor, wc ap il for a critical judgment of tho in . eerily of tho professions of those Utora in tho Democratic party who, iining to represont labor, havo uni ::ily betrayed it at the polls. In io, as on former occasions, tho only .est adherents of tho so-called 'Vide es" wore drawn from the Republi ranks. Deceived by ialso protes ts and betrayed by nn insincere :ice they have not aidod their own , but havo placed the garlands of ry at the foot of thoir worst eno . Tho lesson of Ohio should teach ivoidanco of eo fatal a bluuder in usyl vania. . ha Republican voters of the Stato t recognize their duty and go i-iptly to its discharge. We-all .1 j'ou to act in your townships and Ag. Tho work to be done is to poll 1 publican vote; it is your work Must be accomplished by active nset effort. WM. P. WiLSO.V,. Republican Stato Cow. i l,. Secretary. SQUARE GRAND PIANOS' Retailed at Wholesale Prices. $O00 for 230. OS0for30O. C700 for S300. 8800 for 8330 Tiirc "MENDELSSOHN" PIANO CO. i-VK STRUCK IIAIID 1111 CI29. Only Ono Trlec Ar Cash, nnd a low one. NO DEVIATION. Wo par no agents' commissions, which .1 . , 1 1 . t . 1 . 1 1 ... ii'MMjii' uiu prices 01 mi 1 lauos. We look in Mm Pormlfv whn tvinf n flfuf class Piano nt ft fair profit over cost of . ... -- V-'rilT"tl agents, nnd flve them our Pianos as low ns any aurent can huy equally good Pianos of any other manufacturer, Hiving tho nimi 11 uiei 11 rr ivn in ui ni nn 'nnn Ann. x i-onf. in n ruuiTOi puce, wnat is usual ly expended In commissions, rent, freight, binveon 111111 iiiriuontai expenses, 'J'lio "Mcdolssohn'' Piano Co. can sell 10 inches lontr .with front rnmi.i i.oi-im-u carved leis, serpentina anil plinth niould- llln, Mini 1IJ1PH Ulliuiiui, Ull'llIlllUg Full Iron Frame, Over Strung Daas, Agraffe Trebla, aiul French Grand Action. which nnlv fleer mrnnv Hia Krtof PUnna .r tlie moHt celebrated niakers, at tho very low prico of ?.'(), $275 or &J00, aconlinK to stylo of case, or w ith four round cor ners and full ni'rnfrn fnr ftir.n nn.l mullein- tee them In every respe-t eual to any x i.viiii uki'iu in niiiiiiar nivio, or no snio. Tho "fr.iiilnlMan!nr Ti"..i. iu c.. tured from tho verv lirjt mnlnrlnla hy tho most fikille'd and linished work- . Ml . r , . . uii'ii, j iie iTiHiiu iHctu ro is coiutuctea hy ono of the most experienced Fino manu facturers in tho country. This is no now enterprise, turning out a poor and cheap piano, mudo from green wWl, and by trrecner mechanics. Our Piano is unsurpassed hv any in tho market for its rich and powerful tones, and its adaptation to iho human voico in sympathetic, mellow and singing qualities. It sneaks for itself. "Wc aro willing to placo It besido any other niako of Piano on its merits, cither in beauty of case, or execllcnco of tone, and "nt half tho money" of equally good instruments. "The best tho cheapest" When it costs tho leat money. All Pianos fully warranted for five years. Send for our Illustratod and Descrip tive Circular. 1 The "Mendelssohn" Piano Co., Offieo of Manufactory, r3 BKOADWAY, TS. Y. HARD TifViES. CHANGE TOUR SURROUKDinGS. apted to tho growth of the Vine, wliero it is an estabiisiied success and pays inrge profit. Tho land is also adapted to tho growui 01 reaches, Pears, Apples and small fruits; also Grain, Orass and. Veg etables, Many hundred of excellent Vineyai m, Orchards and Farms, can now bo soon. Tho location is only 34 miles south of Philadelphia, by Itailroad. In a mild, do lightful climate, and at tho very doors of tho iscw lork and Philadelphia Markets. Another Itailroad runs direct to Now York. Tho place la already large, fmccessful and prosperous. Churches, Schools, and other privileges are already established. Also, manufactories of Shoes, Clothing, Glass, Straw Goods, and other thinga, nt which different members of a family can proouro employment It has been a health resort for some years past for people sullering from pul monary affections, Catarrh, Ague, and de bility; many thousands havo entirely re covered. A new brick hotel lias just been com pleted, 100 feet front, with back buildings, four stories high, including French roof, and all modern improvements for tho ac commodation of visitors. Prieo of Farm Land ?2".00 pr acre, payablo installment.'-;, within tho period of four years. Iu this climate, planted out to vines, 20 at-res of land will count fully a much as 100 acres further north. Persons unacquainted with fruit grow ing can become familiar with it in a short t'mo on account of surrounding. Five acre, 0110 aero, and tot 11 'lots, in tho towns of Lrfuulisvillc and Vincland, alo for sale. Whilst visiting tho Centennial Exhibi tion, Vinoland can bo yisitcd at small ex pense A paper containing full information, will lo sent upon application to CiiltLKH K. LANIllS, ViiHilaud. N. J., frewof cost. The following is an extract from a de scription of Vinoland, published in the Now York Tribune, by Iho well-known Agriculturist, Solon Uobinson : All tho farmers were of tii "well to do" sort, and some of them, who havo turned their attention to fruits and market gard ening, have grown 1 i.-h. Tho soil is loam, varying from sandy to clayey, and surface gently undulating, intersected with small' streams and occasional wet meadows in which deposts of peat or muck aro stored, Miliicicnt to fertilise the whole upland sur face, after it has been exhausted of its natural fertility. It is certainly one of tho most extensive fertile tract, in an almost level position, ami suitable condition for pleasant farm ing, that we know of this side of the West ern prairies. Wo found some of the oili est farms apparently just as protitably productive as when first cleared of forest lifly or a hundred years ago. Tho geologist would soon discover tho causo of this continued fertility. Tho whole country is a marine deposit, and all through tho fcioil wo found evidences of calcareous substances, generally iu tho form of indurated calcareous marl, show ing many distinct forms of ancient shells, of the tertiary formation ; and this marly Hiibsutueo is scattered all through tho soil, in h very comminuted foriv, and in the exact condition most easily assimmilatud by such plants as tho l'.unur desires lo cuiuvaii. r:ti QU1SSC1U pi: fur tiiu Foit-bt IlepuLllcun kwU! will huy. JOB WORK DONE AT THE 'REPUBLICAN" OFFICE At the lowest cash prices, neatly, prompt ly, and in stylo equal to that of any other cttabluhmcnt in tho Dirtrid, BUSINESS CARDS, SHOW CARDS, ""N VISITING CARDS, SCHOOL CRDS WIS DDI NO CARDS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, SIOXT1I fi Y HTATlSaiKWTS, ENVELOPES BILL IIEArxS, LETTER HEAD?, NOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS, KLANKS, POSTERS. DODGERS. HANDBILLS! LABELS, BIIUTIKO TAC;M, (fee. PERFECTION ATTAINED AT LAST I A TRIAL Will INSURE ITS POPULARITY EVERYWHERE. 0 Its Whon onco tiaed will rctola it place foraTnr. IT IS CELEBRATED FOK ITS ADVRNTA0ES, IN THAT IT IS ONE OF THE LARGEST SEWIN9 MACHINES aANUFACTUhCt), ADAPTED ALIK& TO THE USE OF THE FAMilY OH THE WORK SHOP. IT HAS THE LARGEST SHUTTLE, WITH A BOBBIN THAT HOLDS ALMOST A SPOOL OF fHREAD.a THE SHUTTLE TENSION IS ADJUSTABLE WITHOUT I1EM0VINQ THE SHUTTLE FK0U INK MACHINE. - . THIS MACHINE IS SO CONSTRUCTED THAT THE POWER IS APPLIED DIRtCTLV OVER THE NEEDLE, THU3 ENABLING IT TO SEW THE HEAVIEST MATERIAL WITH UN EQUALED EASE. IT IS VERY SIMPLE IN ITS CONSTRUCTION, DURABLE AS IRON AND STEEL CAN WAKE IT, ALL ITS WEARING PARTS CASE-HARDENED OR STEEL, AND INGENIOUSLY PROVIDED WITH MEANS FOR TAKINO UP LOST MOTION, SO VV ARE JUS TIFIED IN , V-- Warranllng Every Machlno for 3 Years. IT IS THE LIGHTEST AND EASIEST-RUNNING MACHIN E IN THE MARKET. IT IS, ALSO, THE MOST ELABORATELY ORNAMENTED AND PRETTIEST MACHINE EVER PRODUCED. WITH ALL THESE ADVANTAGES. IT IS SOLD FROM f 1 6 TO 125 LESS THAN OTHER FIRST CLASS MACHINES EXCLUSIVS CONTROL OF TERRITORY 0IVEN TO AGENTS. EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS OFFERED FOR CASH OR ON CREDIT. SEND FOR CIRCULARS AND TERMS 10 35S Euclid Avenue, JjKBA CLEVELAND, 0. KTlj A 1.1) W J X, Tidlonto, I'a., Aprent for Warren County. 4G-10 BiXBY'O BLACKING. au'omhiicw romnii iilackixl ani i.i:atiii:u I'Kkskiivatitk. Experts anl Profesalonnl Rootblneks In New xork, nnd all other larpoeitieK where thin Itlacking lias bcon introduecil, ne knnwlfdtje its miporlority over nil i in port ed or domestic Blackings in use, n.s an Klegant 1'oliHh and Coimerver of Leatlier. Bixby'n "Best" Blaek int? lins a and Bluo IItle.. Do not be deceived by ne coptinx onr "Ntiindnrd" Blnekinnin iliieo or "Bout." Tho .Standard litis tho label stumped into tho tin eovor. This brand is inado to eompoto with other Ameriean and Krenrli Blaeklngs, but is interior to our "HeHt." r.i.xby'H "Best'' Blaek ing will hhvo its entire cost in tho wear of your bootH and hoeM. WOUSUKEErERS TRY Bixby's French Laundry Blue, lN SIFTING UOXEfl. Tho ntoet convenient and ceonornleal package, and tho only eomblncd Bleaeh- aad Blueing Powder in use. fc. M. BIX BY A CO., ManufaeturiiiK Chemists, 11 Nos. 173 A 175 Washinttton Kt.. N. Y. N. F. BURNHAM'S:i874 WATER-WHEEL Is declared tho "Standard Turbine." bv over ti.r0 persons who use it. l'riees re duced. New pamphlet, l'reo. N. BURN HAM, York, la. JOB WORK of all kinds dono at this of Hco oil ahiyrt iKticc W For NINETY DAYS Elegant Table Cttl he trraroA tj all en c!fillBeR with the Hvon4ar4 SilvcrPIe1 Wwr, will mu4 ! aiij luitlai. You mr raqulrvd to cat ai Uio loiktwiug BU?ratw Couuo Kudrid il to liw Compkoy. wiib your dum ad vldtwt, mUa to cook Uti U 70 Mow itmi . a Kxin-riAi! nnvfr ntxwui. ana An to rj U cbrcd, locludlujf oo of ougrtvtug cnRritrNi. 'iDo p"soo win m amt vj eiiniM r Uo UU maicrlal, aad equal to tho U4 ul dcMrrcd In your bcd witbout furibcr Cprtca c Nvioaa Bitm Piiwifl Tfl., T04 CMBtmrt Ft, pDnnfulpTTi, Fj To whom It iny Concern. Tdo 6pooos aeat oat ttudcr ftiU arrQmD w ruirtuu era o! bent quality, Oral beii lUu-4 wiib pur nlckal (tb bardiit koowit), aod a duiblo-eiim plaM or fu Cnio-bUDdard tiilrar a4lt-d on lop f th ctckti, tiiui itultiioR tiitta th very boat btiver fluted Wro muiurii. lured. Wf will honor no eider which dx not couUin tb Btlrerwu CoDDua,ittt WUi or toDOr Urt CU-VUl UWf ti'tr rtuvi riom Ihr tUUi of thl pnpp. iJfiLoJ HWIQUAU blLVJiil tLATIKO CO., ' 70-i Cheutnut be, PhilalphfaL f for prc ur nalititiv, cnrkrlr.fc ami boxlQff i 4aaaa4lu ttuf iuio Com Suu-tluJ duLU: - Cm raeet.il of tMi Cocpon. loreUier with -r SILVER SPOON3, an5 n 4fh Ppooa fujffiw aordo&irrd Initial. Iotbcr eh r. lor ftlwl? Siy$ Vf flt 1H -us iii 'vau muk uj iw PktAaa mm w nriw iiaTimraiwrt Fbo-rtl tt ba 6atiror, any moo f tho liou oi uio rpvuoa o py(u)ob or Ul Iuitm, Diatu ioa oaoaio oca auiia pieoa, plated, 3i ais iutu, aouoia cickoi uj milter pinu-i, ix eu. Ar ail uitto JiKHla ar doairod, CDcioao iba toil obunei, wLicb wl!l bo TS cw. for oai. 1 for 1bLm, aud IA eta. fof fvtka iot4, lM-l,k-ibua aoouriu lor wh.it woutd oom4 job lunch titwo Id act oV.vr wv. Bernei:ibov that eaeti OM-tiuln. taxenr't IdIvom. Im 1 . IMPORTANT. Tbtt Ittenl lidi m4 for ol F f II U k. tb luUrrt of .U wh. cq Mr,t( Iu r 1 d. barrel lr n)MOa of the OXMrallroi r k ojriffilig tUf M iMiuiJ Lo oUJruji4 ziATiunoVb fciivuj rt atino co., JiA 101 Cbcstnat Street. rniLADELTniA. FjV, Music Has Cliarms . y PRICEH REDUCED. THE BEST IN THE WORLD ! WILL LAST A LIFE TT'dEl 45,000 Of Til U C'Kl.MUlATI'.n SHONim Oil GAM IN DAILY UHH. A Stool Boxed Frrc with each Orsnii. The bent talent iu tho country recom mends thcoo orjjans. The nicest' and best. More tor the money, and c;ivcs better kiiL iMl'aetiou than any iiow made. They coin lriso tho inlx SIn, OroSit'Nlral, Iraj;oii, ai;l ?nrllliist rated Catalogue nont by mail, poht-pnid to any address, upon Hpj'liea tion to B. SI ION I Nti Kit (R(i.N Ct., 17 to CI Ch kstsut St., 13 New J l.iven, Conn. o - c r. g - v. r 3 o " 2 rt i. r. o 0 o h z ,J u 2 S U I K 5 O S r- s o n I 1 1 GL s Ft a iJ Ul W L o !'.! o o O O a 4 W C v. 1 o 9i I en t! 2 5 o w 'A US U r, w 5 rt - x u - -. r". 6 s rt 3 (k - La 9 G rs H rr. O o 5 ? 2 3 O C3 WATERS' Orchestrion cliinioH ORfl A in,iivmotti ncitlicilul itmIu anil iHTfoct in tone ever miidr.' J l han tnt crlrbrnlrd 1'nnrrrtoNlon, will rhuo Hue iuiiiuiiuii ' oj'lhc IIuiiihii Vulco, a'i'l two unil ii hiiir jH rtaycn of bulls lu iiru in irirri uur in liny wll li the renin, Sc their 'llcrl iimiii. 'Icnl it I'iiTtrll'Tliitf. AWATUHVI Mill. O.N A i OU( IIHSTlt- AWONt'lCltTmVJifSPKU, C'KNTKNNIAT, Ml.ni'.M, f'llAl'KI., nnd t'OTTAt. K llt (JAMS, in ITniqiin I rcncli t'aaca aro in ctc try recpeet VI ICST CLASS. .WATERS1 PIANOS.W. tXV"vrkuiRnMlilp,&: irnbilil t I'lisurpasnvil. Warranted for SIX YKAltH. r-.3 I'ltU KS HXTKF.iHEI.Y LOW r rndh; Monthly liminllniontit rerelvrd. A l.lbcrnl Dlnroant V DwhtrA, htini'ttTS.ChurchMSchooU. ttc.KUV.WVS WAN'I DU. Spprlnlimlucr. nentato the Irnile.IlliiNirntcil l'nlnloiiii Mailed. .Sucnrwt-linnd InMirninenia at t.rcnt llarHalon. 1IOHAC K WATKli.i MuuHfuctnrurH ami Oenlcrs, 40 l:ST Mill WTHHET, I'NION BQUiOlE, NliW OKK, liox, 3MJ7. $500 A MOXTH 1(1 Active Men M'lIiiiR our hotter Copying Rook. Nnj.avs or water used. Sample worth $:.(hi free. S;)nd Htarnp for circular. KXCKhSItiR M'K'ti CO., ! Madison, nnd Deat byrn Street, Chicago. , PROM DATE Silverware following ond(tlnoit t Thn KmItctsI fllitf r o b tvc-Mitm tbt DOtlc, Bet of IjV mm cravat on maxta iDOon iia pajI -.- totUftlOi Mckutf, ouzlof, and t xprcu cotu Tboao epoous aro Raaruifiyl to bo u ui, u o narw no ipra omo tiiter - FlU4 Vu( Ckl4d4, u Un kllowbtg 70 ooou hi ooo aH caarafw, tDdtifl- wa Lcrtl-y W aw4 Mi afif 4- jttra platci Allrhir ttwMM prwfvfjif fcr fP. wtilrk tfl tfnrn la nun wuiflrMi iu Ciujua Iim uf anr fol1ewfn( article will ba aeM f Kiio"in rbar;sa: bH aha eel wuci auuuio nica-'l u Mlvrr ui.rrTj wmli n.m liuuut r:073CE; ta , ... ,fcA U-miUi. ., pi. u tbftl tUi at ll.a Llnu .. . All d.lvl Ut u' A.v..., :vr, n 11 IK il 11 9 1' -H PIPlLiIETOILsnQ ilESIClCYCLIPll iUMJ NEW REVISED EDITION. KNTlRKhY RKWRITTKX BV TI1K AlihKNT W1UTKRH OX K V KRY.SU B.I KCT. Trlnted from New Typo, and Illustrated Willi severlal 'I'lioiisand ICji raviiiKS and Mays. Tlio woi korlfrinnllvpuliliNlied under Um title of TlIK NKWAMMItlCANtlYCUi l'.lODIA wiim completed in l.Mht, sinco wliicli time, tho wide circulation wlilnh It has attained In all pari of the United States, nnd the signal developments whieJi have taken place in every lirnncli of science, literal lire, and art, finve induced Iho editors and publishers to submit It to an exact and thorough revision, and t Issue a now edition entitled THE AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. Within the last Ion years the procross of discovery In every department of knowl edge has made a new work of reference m Imperative want. Tho movement of political ntfalrs lnm' kept, jmce with the discoveries uf science, and their fruitful application to the Indus trial and nseful ai ls and the convenience and refinement of social life, (ircut war and consequent revolutions have occurred, Involving naiioiuil changes of peculiar moment. The civil war of our own coun try, which was nt Its hi iidit when the lust volume of the old wi k appeared, has hap pily been ended, and a new course of com mercial and industrial activity has town commenced, haie accessions to our GEmiitmnnL kxowlkdkk llave been made, by tho indefathjuljlo ex plorers of A frlciw Tho jiroiit liolitical revolutioni fif tSu last decade, with the natural result of Ilio lapse of time, lmvo lwoiilit into nlili view a iiiu'.litndo of new men, whom io iianies aro in ev ery one's mouth, and of IOMII who.-e lives every one Is curious to know the particulars. '( ircat b.itlles bin e been loujrlil and important sieves in.iiiitaiiied. of which the details aro as yet preserved only in the nert pnp.rs or in Iho transient publications of the day, but which vnyUt now to take their place in rilO.lM'.NT AND .UTHENT1C niSTCRY. In preparing the jiresenl e.Hlion for Uin press.it has aeecriliui;! y been the aim of iho editors to lirinn down 'the Informal ion ti tlio latest possible dales, and to furnish nil accurate account of llio most recent, dis coveries in science, of every fresh produc tion in literature, and ol the newest iu voli tions in the jiruclieal eits, as well an k U' vp n sueclnet and 01 ic;inal record of Un irorss of I'llLITIf Al AM) II1ST0KICAL KVKXTS. Tho work has leen beun nftor Innj nm4 careful preliminary labor, nnd with l ha most nmplo resources for carryinjt it on U a successful lermiuuliou. x Nono of iho original stereotype r(u havo been used, but every page hn ln-ct rBlSTED ON NEW TYTF, Forming in fact mw Cyrlopidia, ir Iho same plan and compass an it predn eesMor, lait Willi a far curator pccuiiiarr expenditure, and wilhsueh improueinen . In its composition as 1-avo beu sunost4 bv longer expeiieneeund enlarged know V odKP. T1IH ILLISTR1TI0XS which nre lntroducd for the first tlroo W the present edition have been added nnl for the sake of pictorial effect, but to frivo greater lu -idity mid force to the explana tions iu tho text. They embrace 11H branches c.fscienco and of natural history, and depict the most famous ami remarka ble' features of scenery, nehiticliiiii, ami art, as well as the various processes uf mechanics and iiiiinuf.ictiirs. Allhu;u int'MutPd for instruction rather I ha it ei helliHtniient, no pains hrivu bem spaicrl H insure their AKTISTH' ErrLLE',n!. 'fhe cost of their execution iseiiorttinM, and it is beliuved thev will lind a wrleoun) reception as an admirable feature of (Via Cyclojuedia, and worthy of its l,iKh char acter. This work is wold to subscribers waly, payablo on delivery of each volume. J. be conilete in ,SVW )i .,in;e Octant 'lu)ui:, each contaiiiinj. aboiitVieo pa-cR fully illustrated with several thousand Wood Kiitfravini.', and wilii numeroiii. colored Lithographic Maps. Prlco end Stylg of Binding i Tn extra (Moth, per volume - . (MiO In hibiary heather, jer vol. - - 0 OH In half Turkey morocco, per vol. - 7 0ii In half Russia exira L.ilt, per vol. - b ij In lull morocco, auliijuo, t IL edj;eM per vol. . . . . io (,a 111 lull Russia, per vol. - - low FIFTEEN V0LUKES NOW EEADY. Succeeding voli s, until completion, will be issued once in two months. ' r Specimen pajjes of The AuiorienH C.V-lop:edi;i, showiiii; typ', il I list rat ioiia, etc., will bo scut gratis on application. I''irnt-Cta.t Cunvuxxiii' Afmln r'(IW, Address the Publishers, D. AVl'LHTON' A. CO., ',0 Sit iV S."d Broadway, K. Y M A K r. H f irT 1 H A I t 4 i ''I." Illl ,1 H.,,.,, J .....1 JMi.l vn-H Will. i 1 i'. . T!iT. ('lA'ClvNATI A lit (I- I - - i , i I. hill ,.t I -i'lii., 4'ft1i tt aI.iI',1 l,-f ,T i '"" !''' I" ' 'i, i 1 1 I itc tnvtu t(., j i' "A.V t, nn I I; it j,"t,,y . il I l . - ) I h, j il... ........ i. Il ., :,, .,.fcl.t it, i.v, .iV. -l i.ll tii i-rt., -it.J, ;.(.!(. i,i,i.,, ? r li-r l' 'I rt-i. In,, .h hm ,l.. h-. JUufj ir U-t r .v f.i-.ru it ,r:.- I .'( j' a, jiv.iv in.t ulp.. I"1'"!1" U '..; - I It.. -, I , . (, . v. j'r. iiTr 0:. V'imk V5.:hh i't i 1.4. t, . '..4 i .."t-i-H r. . , i .1 I .1 :-. . I'A I. .1 IWH. i i.n MM 1.1 n n A. 0: n t. flu. Vi'.i'St ninsl .. 111 I,. iU wai'i'ii-.. i.l ; . I. j Ui-i'l:. .jt,. iiiHiitit. Urtviir lautuvMiottik I r. i.iv in a I l l I tii i iu. 1). Ii, ni'tf jfti.- (h'(H fit r, ' n w.tm fv.-rr . li.h -,;mi.I in llui re;:i,ir Li coi.iiiiu ,i- '.u- w .1 h uit 1. l-.i miHii'M-in.. ttoi k. 'In ii v iii m '.t I.' vt..i up tllllt, V..II n ixttn li. v- y . tilt l-H l d.- UI..1 H '-AllVllllM. m tMiiril f.. ; ri. i'lHCtf i' tt rt.:s -,f ft.intr fi -r. cfcjl fr onv lMaf'?ro iiiUnl.'j luf; ftir miy iiIimt. i '.- it Lu w l. ii.j .-t 1 vc nirvvtv KWnt IS- .i iur.-, Si Mfc' Ittvt .'una .'Uti'n O-'i'luiS.' I'V hivm .-hi i tlHVf III llfi MlfN-l Hlliitl or kfelt.-nt on IJiaiMIl' (if rt.llltrt ill, Wlllcll Wu liuVf .HUITIIU"! luf tlii I'tii (l.r-. ltrtyi)'- trtfhimt jiirtut fi. One Itollttr. 8,'iO Walnut St., Cincinnati, O. i MAKE HOME PLEASANT. Il Wi il :2 i n n b:ii.i A r v: , 100 youny; men and wonu n to h arn I TKLhliRAPllY. Situations tu I untocd. Small Salary whip, ,, H,.ti.. Addict, wilh Slump, KIIKHMaK 'lit" KttKAl-ll CT., Oberliii, O. i"