.! Was Ma. , . i ;ati forty yours old, atnl as long .is a raii, wont Into the hank recently to get the cash on a thirteen dollar check drawn by a party living in Nan keen towufhiji. "You will havo to bo i.lenlifictl," esutl tho cashier, bo looked at tlio check. "I'm tho man," was the reply. "Hut I don't know that yui'nro." "Hut I do." must bring some one here who knows you." Don't I know myself?" exebumod tho check-tender "But I must know you. You may be Tom Jones, for all 1 knoR-." "You must he a consumed xbol to think I think I'tu some oue else!" growled the man in response. "You must bo identified." repeated tho cashier. "That's my name, I tell ye, and this is me, aud if this batik guts mo riled I'll kick tho bull crowd of ycr over behind that railing." Tho cashier wouldn't pay, aud tho mail couldu't find any one who knew li i an, nnd at noon he was waiting for that fellow who sasacd liitu to como out. A poor Irish cripple sat begging at a bridge, urging his appeal to the charity of passengers with the eager nnd versatile eloquence of his country. A centleman ana lady young, gay, and handsome, with that peculiar look of gratified and complacent conscious ness which indicates the first few weeks f married life crossed the bridge. They regardod not the petition of the beggar, so, just as they passed him, he oxclaimedfc "May the blessings of the Lord, which biiugs love, aud joy, and wealth, and a fine family, follow you all the days of your life." A pause tho couple passed heedlessly t)n, and rrnrn r oYrlor) "anI novot war. W V j V VI I U V V V J V. take you." How the term "Mollie Maguires," originated, may bo of soiuo interest to our readers. Says uu exchange: Some fifty 3 ears ago, or more, a poor old woman 111 Ireland had her cottage pulled down over her head by her landlord. Ha name was Mollie Ma guiro, and she died of grief and ex posure. Thereupon her son and some neighboi lads formed themselves itito a secret band, and vowed aud took tierce revenge on Irish landlords in general. The band spread rapidly, and they called themselves tho "Mollie Maguires," aud Irish coal miners brought the namo to America. A lady who consulted her physician almost daily, about some imaginary ailment, and who liked to talk with him on a groat many subjects, because be was a witty aud charming mau, ou 1 .. one occasion asicea 10 ue excused an interview. The doctor, thiukioor the sorvant mUuuderstood the mssage, re quested his arrival to be .announced a second time, but the lady said -that "she was grieved at being obliged to deny herself the pleasure of his com pany, because ehe was very ill. Au Ohio exchange eava : Hon. C. S Smart, Stato School Commissioner, thinks it a very difficult thing-for five or six persons of intelligence and truthful intentions to tell substantially the tame story about a street incident witnessed by all of them. Ho savs , telling the truth is an art ; that there 1 are very few persous who can dii&trcx-1 cept newspaper men. Long practice; enables the-n to hit the mark almost every time! A grave magistrata was bitting at .1.111. ! wic lauie ueiwccu two coxcombs, who took it into their heads to attempt making hirn the butt of their ridicule. "Gentlemen," said he, "I plainly per ceive your design ; but to save un necessary trouble, I must beg leave to give you a just idea of my character. le it known to you that 1 am not pre- cisely a fool, nor altogether a knave, but (as you see) something between both." "What is the reason that mtn never kiss each other, while the ladies waste a world of kisses on femiuiue faces?'1 fcaid a very foolish gentleman to a lovely girl the other day. The young lady answered : "Because the meu always have something better to kiss, und the women have not." The gen . tit-man "saw it immediately." Now does tho wily bank director find a deficit of ten thousand dollars, und exclaim : "This comes of support ing men in idleness." Ordered that there ba a reduction of ten per tent, on the salary of the night watchman. Master Jack (inquiringly") "Why don't baby eat buns, auntie?" Aunt 8iug!eton "Because she has no teeth, dear." Master Jack (audibly) "then why can't you lend her yours, auntie? You ain't always u-mig 'cm." A special dispatch to the Paris pa pers reports that tho Czar is ill. Indi rection probably ; a little too much 111 key. katydids havo ruised their voices ami tho music of the air is like unto a woman tbarrcnirg a case knill- on a crock. Tlio Albany A rgus says that mar tit d people love each other better 'to they have a fight about once a T ".mi' U iicv-j in'r from htr SQUARE GRAND PIANOS Retailed at Wholesales Fricca. $000 for S230. G30for $300. $700 fCr S300. OOO for S300. Tim "MENDELSSOHN" PIANO CO, iiAin pax piuo:. Only One Price fur dish, nnd n lOTV NO DEVIATION. "Wo give no discounts. Wo imv no nircnts' commissions, which double tho prices of nil Pianos. Wp look to tlio People, who want a first- class Piano nt a fair profit aver cost of manufacture. We appoint the People our tnrtHits, and pvo them our Pianos low ns any airont can buy ctiuilly ood Pianos of any other roan u fact urer, irivinsr tho People, in a reduced price, what is usually expended in ooinniNMons, rent, freight, travolimr and incidental expense. i 110 VMeitelssohn 1'iano (.v.. can well you a 7 J octavo rosewood ease Piano, 0 feet 10 inches lonir. with trout round corners. curved lours, serpentine and plinth mould- ( lnjjs. with improvements, Including Full Iron Frame, Over Strung 1'as, Agraffe Treble, and Froneh Grand Ac tion, which only accompany the best Pianos of tho most celebrated makers, at the very low price of $mo, SS or $100, according to style of case, or with four round cor ners and full agraffe for ? t"0, nnd guaran tee them in every respect coital to any Piano made of similar style, or no sale. llio ".Mendelssohn ' Piano is manufac tured from tho very best materials, nnd by tho most skillod and finished work men. Tho manufacture is conducted by one of the. most experienced Piano lnanti- laemrers in toe country. This is no new enterprise, turning out a poor and cheap piano, iiinuo iroin green wood, and oy irroener mechanics. Our Piano is unsurpassed by any in tlie market for its rich nnd powerful tones, and its adaptation to iho human voico in sympathetic, mellow and siuging qualities. 11 spt'HKS lor usoii. e aro willing to plaeo It beside, any other mnke of Piano on its merit, eithor in haunt v of case, or excellence of tone, and "at half tho money" of equally good instruments. "Tlio host the cheapest' When it costs tho lcat money. All Pianos fully warranted for live yeitrs. Hood for our illustratod and 1'oserip tive Circular. The "Mf n iU,lssohii' Finno Co,, Oftloo of Manufactory, m unoAinvAY, x. y. OXLY KKJIEOY FOR HARD TIMES. CHANGE YOUR SURROUNDINGS. All witiiting Fruit Farms, cspnciall ad apted to the growth of the Vino, whero it in an established success nnd pays largo profit. Tho hind is also adapted to tho growth of Peaches, Pears, Apples and sniDll fruits ; also Grain, Grass and. Yog tables, Many hundred of excellent Yineyai s, Orchard? und Farms, can now bo Keen. The location Is only ;5t miles south of Philadelphia, by Kail road, in a mild, do lihtful climate and at tlio very doors of tho Now York and Philadelphia Markets. Another Kailroad runs direct to Now I York. The place is already large, successful and prosperous. Churches, Schools, nnd other privileges uro already established. Also, manufactories of Shoes, Clothing, Glass, Straw Goods, and other things, at which different members of a family can procure employment. It has been a health resort for some years past for people Kud'oring from pul monary atloctions. Catarrh, Ague, and de bility; many thousands have entirely ro covered. A new brick hotel has just been com pleted. 100 feet trout, with back buildings, four stories high, including French roof, and all modern improvements, for tho ac commodation of visitors. Pricn of Farm Land P25.00 per acre, payable installments, within tho period of four years. In this climate, planted out to villi's, 'M acres of land will count fully ns much as 11)0 acres further north. Persons unacquainted with fruit "grow ing can lucoine familiar with it iu a Kliort t mo on account of Htirround!o(;s. Five acre, one acre, and town lots, In the towns of Laudisvillo and Yineland, also for sale. Whilst visiting the Centennial Exhibi tion, Yineland can be visited at small ex pense. A paper containing full information, will be sent upon application to C11H1.KS K. LAND1S, Yineland. N. J., free of co-it. Tho following is an extract from a de scription of Yineland, published in tlio New York Tribune, by tho well-known Agriculturist, Solon Uobinson: All the farmers were of tho "well to do" Hoft, and some of them, who havo turned their attention to fruits and market pard oning, havo grown ri::h. Tho soil is loam, varying from sandy to clayey, ami surface gently unduhiting,intei,oetcd with Mnali streams ami occasional wet meadow s in which deposts of peat or muck are stored, sullicient to fertili.o the whole upland sur face, after it has been exhausted of its natural fertility. It is ccrtuinly one of the most extensive fertile tracts, in an almost level position. and unliable condition for pleasant fann ing, that wo know of this bido of the West ern prairies. Wo found some of the old est farms apparently just, as profitably productive us when first cleared of forest jil'ty or a hundred years ago. The geologist would soon discover tho cam:( of this continued fertility. '1 he whole country is a marine deposit, and all through the soil we found evidences of calcareous substances, generally in the form of indurated "'alcarenus mail, show ing many distinct forms of ancient shells, of tlio tertiary formation ; ami this marly substance is scattered all through tin soil, in a very comminuted lorn', and in too mkuW condition most easily issiminilated bv Mich plants as tho farm r desires to en! .! at i. I Vi'nKk lu-.-itlv I ; !. I ' N mii". . cm i n''l at the i:i:- II WORK DOXK AT TUB 'REPUBLICAN" OFFICE At he lowed cah prices, neatly, prompt hj, and in style equal to that of any other establishment in the Ditlrid. -:u: BUSINESS CARDS SHOW CARDS, VISITING CAHLl, SCUOOL CARDS WBDDINQ CARDS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, ENVELOPES RILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NO I E HEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, POSTERS HANDBILLS LABELS, SHUT! NT; TAOS, Ac. JOB ATTAINED AT LAST I A 1RI0L Will ITS FOPULARITV fc.Vt.Kt VVKtltE. ,,.,..JOl r.-- i if- ' 5- "Jt t---'j WW I i W .?-:'v. c-ty -W5.; OTSSfflBrasaiM. AVhea onro vse will retain Its plaro .Oliver, j IT IS CELEBRATED Foil ITS f CVf.NT?r,SS. I IN THAT IT IS ONE OF THE LAROEST SUVKIN'S r.:S'JHCJCS .lANUFACTUKCO.-AOAI'ir.O ALIKE. TJ THE L"".E OF TI!E FAMILY OH 1 HE WrOliK fillOP. IT HAS THE LAKCtCST Sli'JTTLE. WITH A I'-OREIN THAT HOLDS ALMOST A bPOOL 0!- lHT "U'SHOTTLr TCNSION 15 fiOJDSTABlE WITIl.l'lT KCMCVIItQ Tltu fcilUULE FUOM THE t.ACHiNE. THIS MACHINE 13 SO CONSTRUCTED THAT THE POWEn 13 APPLIEIJ OIHECT LY CVEn THE NEr.CLl", THUS ENAULINQ IT TO tiEW THE HEAVIECT MATERIAL WITH t)N EQUALtD EASE. IT IS VERY SlWiPLE IN ITS CONSTRUCTION, DURADLE AS'IRON AND &TEEL CAN MAKE IT, ALL ITS WEARINO TARTS CASE-HARDENED Ort STFEL, AND MGENIOt;SLY PROVIDED WITH MEANS FOR TAKING UP LOST MOTION, SO WE ARE JUS Til IliD Hi ' Warranting Every Machine for 3 Years. IT IS THE LIGHTEST AND EASIEST-RUNNING MACHINE IN THE MARKET. ITIS. ALSO, THE MOST ELABORATELY ORNAMENTED ANO PRETTIEST MACHINE EVER PRODUCED. WITH ALL THESE ADVANTAGES, IT IS SOLD TROM $1 5 TO $25 LbSS THAN 01H&R FIRST" CIAS3 MACHINES. EXCLUSIVE CONTROL OF TERRITORY CIVEH TO AGENTS. EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS OFFERED FOR CRiH OR ON CREDIT. SLHU FOR CIRCULARS AND TERMS TO KaSsriig Maciisa Co., 35S Ettclld Avenue, CLEVELAND, 0. ' F. A. HALmVlN, Tidimitu, Pa., A Kent for Warren County. 4'Jh BJXBY'S BLACKING. A ( (IMltlNEI) IM)I.!.SII HLAt KTM1 AM) LKATHiat I'UtSiatVATIVli. l'.xprrts nnd Professional Tiootblacks in New York, und all other larpo cities wbt-ro this l!!iu:kini; bus boon intiodiieiMl, ao knowlrtljie it's i,poriority overall import ed or (ioiiicstie libickiupt in two, as an Klfjiant rolbb nnd Consorvor of Leather. rUby' "IJi'st" I'.lnekint; bn a I?ed und lil'tn I.kl.e.. Do not 1 dceeivod by fii'-t-'itiriv; our "Standard" iJliickintr in phieu of 'i.t." The (St.nidard lias tho label Mttmpod into the tin cover. Thin brand is in:n!i to eonipctn with other Aniprieati and KroneU blacking", bill i inferior to our "llest." JJixby's 'T.e'-t" blacking will navo its tntiro cofrt in tho Wear of your boots und Mboes. liOUSEKEKPEItS THY Bixby'b French Laundry Blue, siFTr.Nt'i roxi": J'ho most eonviinicnt and economical package, end tlio only combined Bltaeli und rdueinn Powder in use. H. M. blXbY it CO., Manu!actilrinK ChcmUts, 11 Xoh. i & 17o Washington St., N. Y. N I I) 1) A I I4 ' S EV1ACNETIC.SOAP 'i ho CIieai..Kt Noap that ran be used for tho following reasons; 1st. t)no L.ir will ;;o as far as two of any oilier. . Cel. Only naif thn nsiiftl rnbbins beiiift roqui rod, thero is a Kivins; of tnoi'o than tho ontiro et'.st of tho So.:p in labor alone. 3d. Tho clothe- arc ma le Sweet, Clean and whito wiili nit boiling r Scald ing, (bus nil injury t" tlicm i-iavoi l cxl. There is a nivin:; in iu- 1 aim . liard work, and the wasnio.-i is I o n in about half the usual tiroc. It i aNo trua ran teed u nder a .ei.y t v ' filty dollars not to inj'irts tiie i ;-. r hands, and ns one trial will ii.il !e :.:! person t asee'taln Hie liil'h . llii-i i-lati-iiieii!.-, it would n::Vi r p.iy the ji"- OlM-t. ! t. Ul'.V !:l -III etO ;Vt! s'-- :!! of ad Ver: ,SIIIU HI. t .'.:! lie i ' i merit for lux S. aj h n -w Jx :-'! VO e. rl.-i,e t;,:! ' : !. ;n i'v ry re-peei i ;i - i. ! f " 'I'ui- :s :.''-o n -u;" ! ''' 'I' and S'iav ': " .es. Y. UN I'd:, ill n dd S A 1 '.. WllOl.fcsAI I I'aNI'V 'il .) !.li.-.. lieie' id .Helll. 9 1 1 I'nilailcli'lii.t, i ii A ell l. A I I.S .I..S 1' W..li t duel' It h,.it II o. : i .ruiiibjL HXP0S1TI0H Nfill l.V MHI pit.., ,lle...;i : i . . I j' binding, in i r ie , as the best en;. ' . (ileal h.l' b.l : eiais, pi, ' men t . '. ' 'ill i.l . i i . ,e, I . : t-.tar-ii v "ii in l.ur v. e. " if at nil. Now or oe ei . ei n , . i. 1- for ltd! .:,rr:e- ula; -is add less llllillAKl) JtUoS., l'ub- l:.-ln rs, l'liiladelpbiii. Pa. 4J-."it ''JftNTFn -Nbu to sell t.. Mtrebaits tllU I LU j','() a moiit li and ti'uvclinv: experi-es paid. U.?iu Mir. ".., St. Juis, Mo. 1 GLENN'S SULPIWK SOAP. THonofr.m.Y Cures ITise.vsks or the Skik, hE.U'TIFlLS TUB COMPLEXION. l'HKVEK 1'S AND kF.MK.HIKS RllEU.M.V DSM . AM) Ci'OfT. Heals Sores a;vd Ahkasionm ok tui Cuticle and Counteracts Co.ntauion. Tliis Ktamlard F.xtcrn.il Rrmeilj' for Y.wvn tinns, Sores Rtid Injuries of tlie Skin, not only REMOVES FROM THE CoMI'l.KXloN ALL Pi l'.M 1S11KS niising from local impurities of the blood and obstruction of tlie prcs, lint nlsil tliose jnoiluccd by the sun and wind, such m tan nnd freckle. It renders the CUTICI.K MARVEI.OUSLY CLEAR, SMOOTH and l'LlANT, and being a wholesome BiiAUTUiER is far preferable to any cosmetic. All the remedial advantages of Sui rnuR !aths are insured UY 'ihe t SE nv (main's Sulphur Soap, which in addi tion to its purifying effects, remedies and I'Rr.- VENTS KHELMATISM ftlul UOUT. It also DISINFECTS CLOTIIINC. and LINEN Mid TREVENTS DISEASES COMML'.NICATKD BY CONTACT With the 1'EUSON. It dissolves Danduvit, prevents bulJ ncss, and retards (;iaynciS of the hair. 1'hysicians speak of it in high terms. Prices 25 and 50 Cents per Cake; per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1.20. N. D. The 53 cent cakes arc triple Uk tire of i'.imo at sj cents. " HILL'S HAIU AM) WIITSKKU DYE, ISIacIt or Brown, 00 Cents. i. N. CWTTESTOS, Prop'r, 7 Sixth Av.,5.T. Music Has Charms . ruTcics ui:i)uci.n. THE BEST IN , HE WORLD ! WILL LAS T A LIFE T7,iEl OIT TltU CT.LKlltlAl K nun IN PAII.Y TJSK. A Stool Boid Free wiili each Organ. The best talent in the country reeorn mends there t ivann. The nicest ami bent. Morn tor the nionoy, r.nd better nal- isl'aetiin than any iww uisde. They com prise tho (Ji'CjilSlfill, CJs'an3 Ormi ff"T!liiBlr:itud Catalojtio sent by mr.ll, ost-paid to aiiy address, upon applica tion to b. SUON'INGKU OIMAN CO., 47 to tl Cn tsTNt.T St., 15 Now Haven, Conn. X c o h ; z g - a V. J i; u S T. tua 5 t U 'A l- ! C et 'is 5 ' "3 'A J , B - O w c o I H a -3 T. 'A c a - ,J- b r hi o Z ft c M t-l 1VATERS Orchestrion olil mos OltG AN ilUe moHt lii niillful t'tHtylo uii.i ii'i lect in Coucevrr miiile. It liatici'i'leliratrd fonrcrloHtop, bi s rii a iiiiu iiioiiiitun I .... . , u"i Itvu ii ml a liulf Oi'tnvea of belU tu lied in perfect liar liuiny wiihlierredx. ij: T!'5, i LI'J . V "- . null,. F'.vv -o' " tri io't i.tin. ' OSA' 'i' ni:s rit- AI.t i:ilT,VKSPE, 'KNTKNN1AI, ill.li:si, ( II AI'I l and O'I'TAti K U. I.A.NS, in t'nigiic I rciu li I'ascB aro i'Utc. rv riiri'l KIHsT ( l.AsS. VATCRC DIANRQ uni Liiu inn u w, i titul I criiihl, A U I. I'll K Hi:ST WAIIC !'i 'I'liiic, Touch, V oi luiulii,V I turn loll it I. Usui iuw-d. Wnrrnuli'il Inr MX lli.IIOi. I'KUFS lAI'lt EJlKliY I.OWor ruHb. Monthly IiiBiullniuiu rerri 'd. A l.ibcrnj IUhciiiiiiI ! 'lft'tif.in, Miiit?n,('tiurc'ff.S-ltthtnt Uil.M S AM I l. Micclulln,li.-. liicntH la I lie irndc.ltliiKtrnlt'd I uImUiuui luilt'd.cron.l-liniid I nl rimifiil J,' l.i ut lliiriiin. HOliAt li WAT tilts A. M.-., HlHUUI'aclurers and nrulcrM, 4 I'AST I lih Kill ERT, I'M0 hltl Iti:, M-V lWtll, liox, iioU7. - Fancy CardH, no 2 nlik?, any naiuo.10 ' C Stniih, (Jrwn Ir'k. I'J, (.lo. V. : ; 4550G0 llICiHffiOPMi NEW nCVlSED EDITION. I.NTllU'.l.Y UKWlUTTKtf 1IY TUB AbLV'.MT WIU'l lCHS ON i:vi:uy suiUKCT. Prinlcil from New Typo, and 111 null ati-jj with mpv erlal Tliousimtl ILn i;iaVinH ami Maya. Tl e work nrhrinnll v ptibiishrd under (ho titlo of Till: N luW AM KitUJA N CYCl.O I'.l.l'IA was enmplcted In ISW, Mined which time, the wide eirclilatl ui whlcli it has attaint' I In all pnris of tho United Slates, nnd Iho signal tlevelopinents which have taken place In every branch of science, lilt ralurt', and art, finvo indueed the editors ami publishers to submit il t.r an exact and thoroimh revision, nnti li issuo a new edition entitled THE fcfilERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. Vithin the last ten yearn the pror.reiu of discovery in every tlc'partinent of knowl c le ba- mad a new work of rfArcnouwW imperntivo waul. Tlio lnovrmeiit of political affair IimiI kept pace with tho discoveries of Hciencp, and their fruitful application to tint lutliiM trial and useful arts and the on venienoo and refinement of social life, (irt at wuik anil eotisciUciit revolutions have occurred,' involving niiilonal ih:iiiL:es of peculiar' moment. The civil war of our tn n eotiu- try, which wa.s at its height when tho hint volume of t lie old w i k appeared, has hap pily been ended, mid a newcourseof com mercii.l and iudiisfrial netivity has leuu eomnienccd. barno accessions to our CLBGRAPllll'AL RMIWLCDCK Have been made by tho intlefatiablu OJt )lor:rs of A Iricn. Tho f;re..t political rovtduflotiN of Hio last decade, vith tho nittural result of tint Inpsn of time, Iiavo brought into publlti view a iiiultilnde of new men, whoso names aro in every one's mouth, and of who. e lives every one is curious to know (he particular, "(i real battles havo been d'ou;;lii and impot tuiit sieves maintained, of which tlio details are as yt t preserved only in. the newspapers or In tho transient pul'ili' ations of ll.o tlay, but which ouUt now to take their place in rUimNENT AND AUTHENTIC 1I1ST0RT. In preparing tho present edition for h prcss.it has accordingly been thoaini of tk editors to bi lnif down the Information tt tho latest possible dates, and to furnish an accurate account of tiio most recent dis coveries in science, of every fresh produc tion in literature, and of tlie nowest inven tions in tint practical arts, nn well At tu fjivo a Hiiceltict and original res'oitl tf Uhn progress of rOLITIC.il A?ED lilSTCRICU, mm. Tho work 1i:im lieen beiftin ftr Im aA careful preliminary lalor, and with tfc most ample resources for carrying Itutv tl .suceesslul Icruiination. Nono of .ho original ntreot; huvo been used, but ovary paju" A pU FEINTED CN KKW T1TE, Formincr in faet a jiew fyoopi4ift, wttk the samo plan and compass ns its prod ecs.sor, but wiili h far creator pecuniary expenditure, and with Much iinprouemoau In its composition as hav boon stifiicst! by longer exjerieneo aud enUrjotl k uvl etli;e. THE 1 1, LUSTRATIONS which pre lntrotluced for tho flint tlru 1m tho resent etlition l itMi Iteen sdtled not for tho sake of pictorial effect, but to Kivti greater lu ddity nut foreo to tlio expUnn lions in tho text. They oinbrma hU bntnclie.s of scieiice nntl of natural history, and depict Ihe mofct famous and rouiMrkii--hle fiatures of scenery, achitieturu, nnd art, ns wull us too vn'rfoiis procfHsi s f nieeh.uiics and manufactures. AlthaugU lntn.ltd for Instruction rr.thor tlinn out bellisbnn nt, no pains hnvu been tipitroj tj insure their AUTISTIC EXCELLENCE. Tho cost of thnir esociitiou is eitoi inrt, and it irt bolicvo.l thov will find a weleotn reception as an utlmirnbln feature of tl.o Cyclopictlia, ttud worthy of itn hinh ehai' aeter. This work is sold to wuhxerib m uulv, payable on tl livery of each volume. Ii will be conipleto in".S'.rcen Lavne Oelnr Volutins, each eontainlni; about h(D f'Uirex, fully ilinstrated with several IhouKiin 1 Wood Kiijrraviii-js, and with numerous eolorod l.ilhoiaphie ieps. Prlco and Stylo of Binding : In extra Cloth, per volume - - 3 U In Library Leather, per vol. - - (lea Ie bail' Turkey morocco, per vol. - 7 lit In half Russia' cxirn per vol. - i Wl lu lull morocco, antique, gilt edgea per vol. - - - 1 ( In full Kussia, per vol. - luWU JETFTEIN V0LTJ1IES TS OW BEADY. Succeetlinn volumes, until completion, rt ill be issued once in two months. JiiHpociinon p:uos of Tho American Cydopiedia, showing type, illusirat.ous, ete., will be nohI nuis on Hpilicuiion. I'iml-Clcm. Ce.nvat.siiiff Jymti HVvfrf. Athtre.-s tho Publishers, 1). AITLKTOX it CO., r0 S4!l A Ml Proadwa-, N . Y MAKE HOME HAPPY. A Plentiful Bupply of Good Beading end Beautiful Pictarei WILL DO IT. THE CINCINNATI WEEKLY STAR, k fln eight-pace -v(er, wt t h 48 full ool uiriui, roN unl.r 91. OO per yer (we pfcv poitK;), atnl m tfi Uugesl bripuest, aud best paper luit'lmlicj tor th money, it U biJtpenitui in politics, ivea til thit news, and, belJt-s much otr good radii)K. veiy iitinib-! hu tbr6 or four erct-llent urifjinal or Ucttd tUirif. Kvery ul'scnbt-r alio rCviv4 ft OopT of Ilu bi'fii(i1nl tn,;rv mk, Tlie FMr tlie HMr lua fr'i'lt-ml,' aire lixM iiK'tu-s, ami h copy of Tliti MTA IU,USTKAlKt A KM A NAC. 85 et. fxtrn uhihI I e hut to pay xpeiHf f pnckini; mid ninilin pr mimua. JtddOur lii4luH'.uu.a ( A(rni4, ftlwajB the iucl lib ml iu th iiTtl, are ituu preaJer than ever. W waul every club ai-eut in the country to communicate with ua before cnmmtnciug work. To any uerauu Ueiiiiii to it t up a club, we will aeud a Himpla ctpy oi the picture aud a can vun-t out in for mA rtav Srwtmsn ew 'f pivr.r free. feeutl Tor one tM'lua't) ubcrlt In IT f ur any oll.t. lrauiia tu whom we have already sent u M W P) H 0 M H K & 0 thu pi'.tuit T hw 1'our I lie I'oor njftia'w triuiMl," by aayiiitf a chh havo iu iLa Hiead another xcllnl eu graving, of aante nu, wUicu we bate MecurHii for t bia purpose. tJtrj'ujicr without picture t One Doltttr. 230 Walnut St., Cincinnati, O. MAKK HOME PLEASANT. (0 y (1 u. n . u..i, ii io J, at it K.v 1 HUt(' nut I N; ; 1 11 intcti, tiu. Li KM a N 'i i, i AtldrcM I t v, fl ,, . , i i