EDITOR, m EDSESDAT JiORNlSG, SEI7. 16, lc7. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. j FOR SUPREME JUDGE, j iion. .tames r. steriiett, ' or ALLEG II F.N Y COUNTY". FOK STATE THFASUHF.lt, CAIT. W. I?. HAuT, OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY. FOR AUDITOK GEN I'.HA L, nox. j. a. m. passmoiu:, OF SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. FOR TREASURER, WM. LAWItl'Ci:, OF TIONKSTA. The Erie Dispatch soys the dis play of live stock nt tlio State Fair will exceed that of nny ever given by the society. The different breeds of cattle, Short Horns, Ayrshire, Devon, Holstein, Alderneys aud olher breeds will be there in great numbers. As to the horses, some of the very best blood will be represented. There will be a few days' delay in building the railroad bridge acroBS the Clarion river, owing to a mistake hav ing been made in the calculation. The abutments were built and the bridge framed, but it was discovered the abut ments were nine feet too far apart, or the bridge nine feet too short, conse quently that much more stoue work is being added to the abutment. A pedestrian ou the Penfield road met a large black bear, near Lyddick's old camp, about ten days ago. Bruin turned into the woods and gave him the road, but he was pretty badly scared, if one could judge by the great beads of perspiration that stood on his forehead as he came in sight of a par ty of blackberry gatherers at the camp, but he said hu wasn't. Clearfield Journal. From No. 4, of that excellent publication, the Floral Guide, for 1877, we learn that James Vick, of Roches ter, N. Y., intends issuing a new rnouthly floral or garden magazine under the above title. We have no hesitancy in assuring our readers that it will be a valuable and interesting publication, for James Vick is known in connection with nothing that is not valuable to his patrons. The price of the magazine is but $1.25 per year, or $5 for five copies. Our agiiculturnl readers will be interested in the following from the Olean Record: "The following are the exact figures of ihe remarkable yield cf early rose potatces raised on the Oosterhoudt farm by Kelt. Barber: Amount of ground three rodslesa than aw acre ; yield 21G bubheU ;seod plant ed 4 bushels. It was planted iu drills 0 inches opart, a single eye carefully laiJ at intervals of eight inches in the drill. For the amount of seed plant ed, the yield is considered a remarka ble one." Mr. Registrar-in -Bankruptcy Koyes, of Boston, holds that one of the causes of bankruptcy is that so few persons properly estimate the differ ence between a high and low rato of interest, and therefore often borrow money at so ruiuoua a rate that no legitimate business can stand. But few have figured the difference be tween six and eight percent. One dol lar loaned fur oue hundred years at fcJx per cent, with the interest collect ed asoually and added to the princi pal, will amount to $340. At eight per cent it amounts to $2,203, or near ly seven times as much. At three per ctnt. the usual rate of interest in Ens laud, it amounts to $19.25, whereas ut ten per cent, the usual rate in the United States, it is $13,809, or 'nearly one thousand times us much. At twelve per ceut. it amounts to CS1, 005, or more than four thousand limes ni much. At eighteeu per cent, it amounts to $15,145,007. At twenty i',ur per cent (which wc sometimes r tallied of) it reaches the cnor-;-i!u of f 2,551, 799,401. ,t. DUNN At about two o'clock last Monday morning, Mr. E. W. Smiley, of the Cillim, was awakened by a burglar in his bed room, who was trying to open a clothes press. The thief had effected an entrance by turning the key of the front door with a pair of nippers, and had been in tho bedrrom a few min utes before, gathered up Mr. Smiley 's clothes, carried them into the hall and packed ihem in- a bundle, ready for transportation. Mr. S. and the bur glar mv each other at the fame time and there commenced a footrace around the Innse, the robber coming out a few foot abend and making his escape as empty handed n ho came. Times must indeed bo hard when thieves begin to Meal an editor's clothe. Venango Citizen. The Butler Narrow Gauge Rail road m ono of the micwful enterprises of the day. It is a Ptrong argument in favor of such remls in all mineral and miring legion. What is true t tho Barker & Butler is nlo true of tho Emlcnton and Shinr euvillo Rail road. Tl.o latter is. also returning !arg3 profits on i.i vestment. Another rend of this kind i badly needed, and doubtless attention will be given to it some time in tho not vt-ry distant fu ture. This is a road through the lum ber, coal and oil regions froi.1 Shin- penville, Clarion county, to Bradford, MelCeau Co. No doubt n road of this kind would pay well at this time, to say nothing of what is yet to develop there Derrick; Mr. Earnest Klein, who went home to tho old country lael spring, was arrested the 17ih of August last. while celebrating his birthday, by the oflicers of tho German government as a deserter from tho arm)'. The judge, before whom ho was taken, proposed to fine him 225 marks, or six weeks imprisonment, which Klein wouldu't have. lie fell back on tho American eagle and his IT. S. citizenship, claim ing the protection of tho U. S. Consul, andhog'tit. lie U expected to ar rive in New Tork next week. Tidi- outc Xeu's. Housework in the Old Time. An elderly lady was relating tho oth er day in our hearing her experience in going out to do housework in her younger days. She engaged with a lady in Columbia to do geueral house work, no price being agreed upon, and entered upon her duties at once. About the first thing to bo douo outside the regular housework was to make soap having assistance iu putting up the leach, tho rest of the work to raako a barrel of soup she performed herself. Killing hogs came next in order, the trying the lard, taking care of the skins and helping to make sausages. Then came the butchering of beef, tho tripe of which of course must be sav ed, and this she was required to dress alone. She spun tho warp fur thirty yards of all-wool carpet, and in the mean time the 1 idy was sick und she cflic'ated as nure and did the wash ing, irouing and cooking for the fami ly. At the end of four weeks she w as to return home, and her bill was call ed for. Now, gentle reader, whf.t do you think 6he charged for d.;ing the amount of work narrated above? The first week seventy-five cents, the second eighty-three cents, and the last weeks one dollar each, making $3.53 for four weeks' service. The lady thought the price decidedly too high, and she threw off twenty five cents, leaving $3.33 for four of the hardest weeks' la bor ever put upon a woman to per form, and yet she never struck for higher wages, but served her time faithfully, and is to-day a halo, hear ty old lady, fast approaching her fou: score years, able to do her own house work and lend a helping hand to a neighbor in need, or whenever duty calls. Willimatic Journal. E. F. Kunkel's Bitter Wina of Iron. E. F. Ktutkel'H celebrated Hitter Wine of Iron will cllbcluully euio liver com plaint, Jau ndice, dyspepsia, chror icor ner vous debility, ehronii! diarrhun, discusoof the kidneys and nil diseases arising from a disordered liver, stomach or intestines, fiueh as constipation, llutulcnco, in w Hid piles, fullness of Mood to the head, acidity of tho stomach, nausea, heartburn, disgut-'t for food, fullness or weight in tho stom ach, sore eructations, sinking orliutt'i iug at the pit of the stomach, sw iniminguf the. head, hurried or dillieult breathing, Hal tering ut the heart, choking or suitm-ating sensation when in a lying posture, dim ness of vision, dots or webs before the sight, dull pain iu the head, dctic icm-y of perspiration, yellowness of tho skiu and eyes, pain in the side, baci--, head, chest, limbs, etc., sudden Hushes of heat, burn ing in the flesh, constant imaginings of evil und great depression of spirit. Price ft per bottle, licwuro of counterfeits. Do not let your druggist palm o!f somo other preparation of iron he may sav it is us good, but ask for Kunkel's Hitter W ine of Iron. Take no other. K I'.nkel's Hitter Vino f Iron is not sold in hulk only in t'l bottle. II. F. Kuukil, Fiopriek-i , No. 210 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by all druggist. t Tape Worm Removed Alive. Head and all complete, In two hour. No fee till henrt passe. Sent, Pin und Stomach Worms removed bv Dr. Kunkcl, 2T.9 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Send for circular, For removing Seat, Pin or Stomach Worms call on your druggist and ask for a bottle of Kunkel's Worm Syrup, prieo fl. It never lalls. Common sonso teaches if Tspo Worm bo removed, all other worun can bo readily removed. E. P. Kunkel's Luatral & E. F. Kunkel's Shampoo for the Hair. Tho best and cheapest Hair ' Pressing and Hair Cleaner In tho world. They re move dandruff, a'lay irritation, soothe and cod tin heated uei'ilp, prevent tho hair from falling oil", and nromoto tho growth In a very short time. Thoy preserve and beautify tho Hair, and render it soil and glos;ty. They impart a brilliancy and a silky appearance to braid and wiry Hair, and, as a hair dressing, they are unrivall ed j eradicate dandrull and prevent bald ness. Tho shampoo cleans tho Hair, re moves grea.se, scurf, itching, eruption. Cures headache produced by heat and fa tigue. Kunkel's Shampoo and Lust nil restore Hair to a natural and glossy color, restore faded, dry, harsh and wir'v hair. Prieo per bottle jl. Ask your druggist for them, or send lo H. F. 'Knnkol. Pro prietor, No. 2.V.I North Ninth Street Phil adelphia, Pa. lS-Om . remington Breech-Loading Double-Barrelled CUN. Weight, S to SJ pounds : length of barrel, und 30 In. 1(1 and Vi gauge, l'rlrr, XI pel hnrrrlx, 9 1.3 , Twist Imrrrls, 0 I luiiuntrd bnrirlo, 1873 lliuimm ii, bnirrls, 85. Tho best over offered the American snort uium, combining all tho most desir able features of tho best imported, too-other with some valuable Improvements not found iu any other Top Lever, Snap Ac tion, Centre Fire. For sain bv tho tarde everywhere. Man ufactured by II. REMING'l'ON .t SONS '-'SI ami 'JS.I llrnndwav. New York. P. O. llox, arm. Armory, lllion, X. V. Cut this ui and send for lM.rnTn.iTKn Cata-mxm-k and Trealino on Hii-'ms Skootixo. iU-.lni. THE WELLS TEA COMPANY Importers of Furo China and Japan Toas, 201 FULTON ST., P. O. Cox 45G0. NEW YORK. THE WELLS TEA G'MPANY Supply Teas to Storekeepers, in original packages, nt lowest import prices, as per Mimplnsenton application. Supply Teas to li.uggistH, General Deal ers, Mud others, packed in handsome sealed packages of one pound each, in eanistors of the naine capacity, ami in 5 lb., 10 lb. and HO lb. boxes. Full particulars on ap plication. Supply Teas to Pertdlors in liaif pound port ono pound bags, p.ain or printed, at a more lib-ral discount than is given tlso where. Supply Tea for Club Orders, and allow a larger commission than usual, and In all cacs gnaranteo the cpialitv of their goods. Forms sent when required Send for eircular, and please say under w hi'-h of the foivgoing heads vo'u desire particulars, so that we mav send you all tho ir formation noccssary'wltiiout further trouble. The WelN Tea oipany Is ono of the largest and most reliablo houses in tho trado ; ail parties requiring Tea in quantities will do well to send their orders direct. 24 "m c::o. r. jiowkll r t o. PIANOS ?'.V;i.;S.-ont $d.-)0 Rosewood 0R5N lrP"-''t I'ianos (Mttlo used) wwt-VSUO only fi2f., must bo h'ld. Parlor Organs, 2 Mops f 15. 0 stops . 12 slops only $75. Nearly New 4 Set Heed 11 Stop, Sub Bass fc Octavo Coupler Organs, cost oxer fcTiO. only ".V Lowest prices ever offered sent on 15 days test trial. ou ask why I offer so cheap T I reply Hard Times. Result sales -over 1,000,000 annually. War commenced by monopolists, lleware anonvmons Circu lar. Writ for explanation. Ilattlo ra-iii" Full Particulars free. Address DAN I F. L 1 J FATTY, Washington N.J. a w eek in your own town. Terms "uu nnrt5 outfit free. II. IIALLHTT A CO., Portland, Msino. 4 Fxtra l ino mixed cards, with name. Ill ,,r.,t., 1 cents, post paid. Nassau, N. Y. y. joiics .v (.'ii 2J4 mm Mothers who dose their Darlings with drastic purgatives incur n fearful respon sibility'. The gentle, moderate (vet clltx tive). laxative, alierutivc, and aiiti-bilious operation of Tahiian r's M.i.rKit Atkki K.nt peculiarly adapts it to the disorders of children. For sale by (i. W. F.OVAKD, Tionesta. Ol Q a day ut home. Age Vl Outiit and terms Ire CO., Augusta, Maine. uts wanted. iree TKl'K A lsl Qt Mxtrn i'iuo Cards, no two alilie.witi t iiaine, 10 cts. J. K. II A KDKll Mai ith i'-n J.ridge, .N. Y. 4 Ofl Mixed Card, with name, Klcts. Sam pies io:- .1 cf. sump Co., Nassau, N. Y. Ml.NKLKK A CC COfl Ftr 1'av al home. Sample J H )iU worth i lice, snsso.v ,v Co., Portland Maine. 2-4 O T A M M 1 1 1 1 1 N G ' I N S'l l'l I T i I. 1 km'-iw O White 417 -1th Ave. X. Y Nik f nt v 1 1 11. til cured. N( nd for circular. 4 Allan I'iiikcrton'H gri-at lssik, T11K MoLI.Y MaOI'IKKS AM) UIK JlKTW TIVI.S, is now ready for agmits und sul,sci ibcrs. It is one of the 1110-t WDiiilcrtiii and ab sorbing hooks ever written. A large, ele gantly bound volume, nearly Mo pages, and -is intensely interesting' engravings! The easiest and quickest book to ki ll ever seen. For terms, ciivulars nud territory ad dress .. W. r A ti:.'1(i 4l ( 1. " t"- I'lii ii i.t 1 -, :.. y. THE CHEAPEST BEST ADVERTISING TO REACH READERS OUTSIDE OF THE LARGE CITIES. ori'.u 1000 NKwsiri:us, Divim.n in. to hi.v diki-i:ui:nt list. Advertisements receive 1 for one or morn lists. For catalogues containing names of papers, and other information and for es timates, address DEALS & FOSTER, 41 Park How (Times Uuilding), New York. The Best EepuMican Paper Published in New York. Weekly Commercial Advertiser ONE nOI.I.AU ITU YEAIt. l' IKTY t'UNTH I'OR HIV MONTHS. Send for upocinien copies am) club rates. HUUII .1. HASTINGS, Lid Fulton Street, New York Citv. jjs-4 MINI) KKAblNO, Psychomanev, Fas eination. Soul Charming, .Mesmer ism, and Marriage Ouide, showing how either sex may fascinate and gain the lovo and affection of any person thev choose ln sumtly. 40!) pnges. lly mail diets. Hunt cC: Co., l.W S. 7th St., Phila. 18 4 HARD TIMES. CHARGE YOUR SURROUNDINGS. All wanting Fruit Farms, cspcciall ad apted to llm growth of tho Vine, where it is an established success and pavs largo profit. The land is also adapted to the growth of Peaches, Pears, Apples and small fruits; also Urain, Orass and A'eg etables. Many hundred of excellent Vinevat s, Orchards and Farms, can now bo seen. The location isonlyllt miles south of Philadelphia, by llailroad, in a mild, de lightful climate, and at tho verv doors of tho New York and Philadelphia Markets. Another llailroad runs direct to New York. Tho placo, is already -large, successful and prosperous. Churches, Schools, ami other privileges are already established. Also, manufactories of shoos, Clothing, Glass, Strsw doods, nnd other things, at which different members of a family can procure employ ment. It has been ii health resort for somo years past for people suffering from pul monary affections. Catarrh, Ague, ami de bility; many thousands havo entirely re covered. A new brick hotel has Just boon com pleted, 100 feet front, with back buildings, four stories high, including French roof, and all modern improvements for the ac commodation of visitors. 'n Price of I'arin Land ?2"i.00 per acre, payable installments, within the period of four years. In this climate, planted out to vines, i0 acres of land will count fully as much as 100 ncres further north. Persons unacquainted with fruit grow ing can baeoma familiar with it in a short t'ino 011 account of surround'n. Five aero, one acre, and town lots, in tho towns of Laudisvillo and Vineland, also for sale. Whilst visiting the Centennial Exhibi tion, Vineland can bo visited at small ex pense. A paper containing full information, will bo sent upon application to CIIKLFS K. LAN1US, Vineland, N. J fieoof cost. Tho following is an extract from a de scription of Vineland, published in tho New York Tribune, by tho well-known Agriculturist, Solon Uobinson : All tho farmers wero of tl.o "well to do" sort, and some of them, who havo turned their attention to fruits an-1 market gard ening, have grown rk-h. Tho soil is loam, varying from sandy to clavev, and surfaco gently undulating, intoiso'cted with smali streams and occasional wet meadows in which doposts of pout or muck aro stored, sutllcient to fertilize the wliole upland sur face, alter it has been exhausted of Us natural fertility. It is certainly ono of tho most extensive fertilo tracts, in an almost lovel position, and suitable condition for pleasant farm ing, that wo know ofthis side of tho West ern prairies. Wo found somo of tho old est farms apparently just as profitably productive as when iirst cleared of forest fifty or a hundred years ago. Tho geologist would soon discover tho cause of this continued fertility. Tho whole country is a marine deposit, and all through tho soil we found evidences of calcareous substances, generally in tho form of indurated calcareous marl, show ing many distinct forms of ancient shells, of tho tertiary formation j and this marly substance is scattered all through tho soil, in a very comminuted fern-, und iu tha exact condition most easily ussimmilatcd by such plants as tho farm r desires to eiiltH-atj. NIDI) .1 Ij I, N EV!ACrJETIC SOAP 't ho Cheapist Soap that can be used for the follow ing reasons j 1st. 4)no bar will go as far as two of any other, -d. Only half tho usual rubbing being required, there is a saving of more than the entire cost of tho Soap 111 labor alone. 3d. The clothes aro made Sweet, Clean and white without lioiling or Scald ing, thus all injury to them isuvoid od. There is a saving in fuel and hard work, and the washing is douo in about half the usual time. It is also guaranteed under a penalty of fifty dollars not to injure tho clothes or hands, and as one trial will enable, any person to uscertaiu tho truth of these statements, it would never pay tho pro prii tor to engage in an extensive system of advertising and claim such decided merit for his Soap unless ho knew from positive ex peril nee that it wou'd prove to be iu every inspect what is claimed for it. This is also a superior Soap lor Toilet and Shaving purposes. WAK.NKH, UlIODHS & CO.. W110LKSALK Fancy Gkockus, Genctal Agents. Oil Philadelphia, Pa. IOI1 WOltIv of all kiud-i done' at this of-U-(.' i'ii !-hort notice. Allegheny Valley Rail Road. Pittsburgh, Titusville & Buffalo Railway, and Buff.tlo, Corry & Pittsburgh ttailroad. ON AND A FTF.lt Sunday, May n, 177, trains will inn as follows: STATIONS. Northward. a 111 p m p m Pittslmruh S: liti iMni K;i) Southward No. t N.i. I N pm pin a K:l0i 2:r,:i 7:lHl 1:1(1 (l:'J0 l'J:0H o:.i.. 11:17 .": is 1 1 W Pen I one :!:.i.". l:.-.o MManning l(l:.' 4:M 11:15 H. Il k .f iiin-t 1 :iir, ::iH,lr: Hra ly lb ndllils Parker PJ:Oi IS 1: io .'ll'lll 4:-)(V.,V':iJ Minlenton 1-1:1.' li; I I 7:-'i S;ir, S:.!:. S:.V H:VI :i:0J 4:'j:i ;::t 1 1: .:.' 7:.V : Id H:."4 1: 01 4:-J0 I0::t0 !' Scrubgriws Frank lin Oil Cily Itousevillo Tltnsvillo Corry Mayvillo Itnihilo 1 l:f.s ..-. ;ct WW. H:'Jo H:oi 7:10 U:l. :t::-p 4: 17 li: 1 1 S (l.i PJj.VI 11:10 10:10 (l:.V Oil Cily ( ileopoll-. Kaglc li,!,.'; Tionesta Tidiouto Irviiictoit H::o ::.- 1:K! S:0O 7:-7 7:1. 1 0:17 :i:I7l .'':-. li 1 2:-J7 !':UY I 'rOI 4:rl 1::-V 11:07 A;.':., b.-J'.:i i :tn 7:M! ill:li'i smm V in! ia. mui. 111 ip Trains run bv Philn.lelnhia Time lA VI I) M.'C.MtGO, G nl Sup J. MOHTdN HALL, Grn'l Passenger A" Ticket Agent, GEO. A. MINCE & CO. mi Tho Oldest, Largest, i nd Most Perfect Munutaetory in the 1'tilled Mutes, nearly 56,000 Now In us?. No other Musical Instruinont ever obtain ed the same popularity. JrSond for Price Lists. Address lil'l'FALO, y. V. Tho fa t of ours hoing tho oldest and largest manufactory In the United Stutis. with nearly MI,nOO iristrume'uts now in uso, is a suilicient gnaranteo of our re sponsibility and tho merits of our in.- ti u ments. O-Ciu tiF.O. A. PniNCK A CO. Awaroed tho Highest Medal at Vienna. E.& II. T. ANTHONY & CO., fiOl Itroadway, New York. (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) Manufacturers, Importers A Dealers in CHROMOS AND FKAMFS, STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, Albums, Graphosoopcs, and Suita ble Views. PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. Wo aro Headquarters for everything in the way of STIIKIIOPTICONS an.t M AG It) LAiSTFIlNS, being mauui'acturers of tho Micro-Mcientifie Lantern, Stereo-Panopticon, University Stercoptli on. Advertisers Stereoj ticon, Artoptiion Scliool Lantern, Family Lantern, PFOi'LM'S L ANTIC! IN. Kadi stypj being the best of its class in tlio market Catalogues of Lanterns and Sliden, with directions for using, sent on application. Any enterprising man can make money witli n Magic lantern. ircrCut out this advertisement for ref-ereneo.-ri-s. Tho exfiei ienceof fi yo years has proved that this Compact nnd. re liablo work of Genera ' Information Is better adapted to tlio wanisi all classes of iho com. niunity than any other work of tlm U-in.1 .,ttn JELL'S PCTCLOPEDII 1 u.. b. j r j'ii. nei neTiscrj uiudbi AQE5T8 WANTED. published. It has been proven by its IMMICNSF SAL1IS, by the numerous COMMENDATORY NOTICKS It ICC D, And by its uniform SUCCESS WITH AGENTS. The edition of 1S7.1 has been THOROUGHLY REVISE!) TO DATE. It contains 150,000 articles, ,1000 w.iod engravings and eighteen handsomely en graved and colored maps. The work is issued in parts, and a speci men copy, with map, will bo sent to any address, freo of postage, for twenty cents. CAFER, DAVIS & CO., Publishers, (Sueeot-sors to T. El wood ell.) Nos. 17 and li South Sixth Sn-oi t 42tf PlIII.ADKI.PAIA, Pa. SI Can't bo made by every aye:il ev ery month in the l'iiinis wo furnish, but those willing to win k can easily earn a dozen 'dollars n day right in (heir own localities. i!;u ( no room to explain here. iUislnoss p!e:i:.ni:t and hovoiublo. Women and boys nnd girls do as we'd as men. We will furiiisli you a co!ip!i.;; Oiiiti! f.-ec, Th i:isj,uss jiays I otter than anything else. We w ill bear ex ;ensi oi starting von. Particulars free. Write und see. Farmers nnd me chanics, their sons and daughters, and all clasx-s in n - '.l of paving woi k at lioine, should write to us and learn all about tlio work at oe.,e. Now is ilie time. Don't delay. Address True A: Co., August 1 Maine. " $ 45 PE TERM, Tavs ALL EXPENSES at CHAMBERLAIH INSTITUTE, . RANDOLPH, N. V. Kihoo! e.-la!iilsiev'. s.",il. Property ,u;i . ()n(i. Jliidov.iuent flO.oHI. Our' voiith (both sexes shall have the hem-tit' of it. Winter term opens Dee. .". Send for cata logue ((Vee) to Key. J. T. Fi-Wahls. D. D., I'ri.l :io l(. ';; 'jt '' OMI k MEI.Q10I AnH'i iviti V lorct'ii IilJl lltN. GILMOIJII f CO., SuccesHors to Chlp llian, lloNmei-if- Co.. Solicitors. Piitents piocured in nil counlries. No Foes In ad vance. No charges unless tho patent Is pri anted. No fees for making prelimina ry oMiniinations. No additional fees for oblnining and conducting a rehearing. Jty a recent, decision of tho Com mi; sloner a 1.1, rejected a; plications may bo revived. Special attention given to liiterfercm o Cases before tho Patent Olllee, Intensions beforo Congress, Infringement Suits in dili'erent Stales, and all litigation apper taining to Inventions or Patents. Send stamp to Gilnioio it Co., for pamphlet of sixty pages. . liiiiitl t'ast'M, Warrnni.v jvjx! Contested Land Cases prosecuted before the U. S. Getieral Land OIDeo and Depart ment of the Intirior. Privato Fund Clainn. Mining and Pro-em pi ion Claims, and Homestead Cases attended to. Land Scrip in 1(1, SO, and KiO acre pieces for sale. Thi. Scrip is assignable, and can bo located in t!i- name of the purchaser upon any ( fov ernment land sin jectlo privato entry, nt ?I.'J." per acre. It Is of equal value 'with llounty Land Warrants. Send siamp'to Gilinore it Co., for jiainphlct of Instruc tion. ArrciirN ol lny & ESoianl' . Olllcers, Soldiers, and Sailors of the Into war, or their heirs, are iu many cases en titled to money from the Government of which they hlivo no knowledg". Write full history of service, and sialo nmouiit of i.'y nuil bounty received. l-.ncloso stamp lo Gilmoro iVr'C'i.. and a full reply, after examination, will be given you fri t-. All Ollh'ei-.'- Soldiers, and Sailors woun ded, ruptured, or injured in the lalo war, however slightly, can obtain a pension bv addressing Gilmoro .V Co. Cases prosecuted l-y Gilnioie ('.- i'o. be fore the Supremo Court of tho I'nilcd States, the Court of Claims, and the South ern Claims Commission, Kseh department of our business is con ducted in a separate bureau, under charge; of the same experienced parties einoloved by Ihe old iiriu. Attention lo all business entrusted to Gilmoro A, Co. is thus se cured? We desire to win success by de-scrvin-j it. Address GILMOHF A CO., (kill FStreet, Washington, I). C. 4itf r v- I . Vi t-j f V r V f :V l't lf - TO TIMC WOUKING CLASS. -Wo aro now in-eparcd tofiiinNIi all classes with eom tan!. einjiloyment at home, tho w hole of liie tlms or for their spare moniiuts. Dusi'iess ue .v light and prolitabio Per sons of either sex easily earn from .) i ts. to ?." per evening, and ii proportional sum by devoting Iheir wliole time to the busi-nc:-s. Hoys and girls can earn nearly as much as men. That all who seo this' no tice may send their address, and lest tho buMiic-s we make this unparalleled ell'er: To such as nre not well satisfied we will send ono dollar to pay for tho trouble of writting. Full particulars, samples worth several dollars to comnionco work on, und a copy of Home and Fireside, ono of tho largest and best Illustrated Publications, all sent free by mail, b'ea ler. if you want permanent, drotitablo work, 'address, Gerogo Slinson A Co., Portland, Me. : mi 13 a r Ij ,v n npi Ui THE GREAT SOUTHWEST! The Little Hock and Fort Smith Rail way Company i:: selling, at exceptional ly low prices inul .i terms to suit pur chasers, over 0?JE W!LL.!OrjACRE3 of their ma-jniticei.t grant on every hido within twenty miles of (heir road'. Ad mirably suited for production of Corn, Cotton, Grain, Grass, Fruits, and all ether Noithern crops. Winters are mild, per mitting out door labor lor eleven months. Soil fertile beyond precedent. No grass hoppeis, ii ) - rouyht. Special Induce ments for estal.li;-hmeiitof nianufaeterlet! For circulars, address W. I). SLACK Land Commis- i ner, Little Hock, Arkau- sas. 4l 4 J. & I COATS have brcn awar.l .d a Medal and Diploma at the Centennial Exposition a-id tom r.iended by the .Luke., :'.;r "KU I'ZXU 1)21 US. 1 KIVfiTII -AND- -r- H a Bj v O T T ) A. T. G03II0EN, Din-ntt.r-Gcnfv.-.). J. E. HAWI.EY, P.cs. Al.i;x. R. Ron:i.K!, secretary pro tern. : SKA I., SHt Ilyou w ant reliable luioi ination v. Iiereand how to get a cheap I'ai in, or ire ereinent Homestead, free, send j our a. idl es to S, J. Giimore, Land iiiinissioni'r, l.aw reiice, liansas, and receive gratis a cot y of The Kansas Pacific Homestead. Ho t TO AGENTS oit AN v S HO NKI.l) Will; K. THE DIG BONANZA Tin: Sii.vrrt N O I'M E, Dim De Ouillo's new book with intro duction by Murk Twain is iut ready. It is the richest in texts anil illustration seen lor a long time. Aro you out of work or dragging along on some dnlT hook T Go lor this cm-. It w ill till your po( ko:sMirc! Don't delay and lose territory nn want; send for circular at once. It 'costs nothing toseeilieni, Adilress AMMUIC N I'L'li- LISIIING CO., Ilaiif..rd. Con., or F. C. KLIXS it- ( 1 ., Kewrtrk, n. j. 4 ' $1362 50 1 pnofiTs rndit " iTccia" Wi I l.WKsl.Mll.N'ls ok 1 sc-l-v, '1 hejudieiocs '.election and inanagcim ut of Stunk is a Kin o road to rapid fortune. Send foi, new "System of Assucd Protif," free w itlt ..... ....... hi., eoiieei inng liie Sloe I- Markot. T. 1 "OTTER WIGHT a ( Gold and Stock Rlokei-:, "J !;"' W'i'll Sired, New York. hjSND "'' ' ts to AD.MliviV. l o"ii.,x lil.O, I'h.Ii-.delphia, I'm. i'Mi-nii'aclorv lo Howell's marl.io 'bil,!:ng, X , CheMouts,. Hd receive 1. , , , 1, ,- !:ruirV'a "',l"""l'1'l-'-llh"'"o CENTENNIAL BUILDINGS I'legr.nily carved in Iliad, Walnut u- 1 and tinc.v linis!:el. Ex, , t , , ' , ""'' l .cm- w huh were matmiUeiuivd i, m , eloneiy liall dm 11- li e ,.,; ; " wjdci, it,.,,....,,,... v..r..l,.vrl::,"1,;;i,;l