1 8ht &oxwl t$Mm. TfEBXESDU MORNHC, SEPTrT9Tlfe77. BOHOUGH OFFICKHS. ItvrgMtQ. W. UoniNMoN. . tyruHcUmtn P. I). Thomns, 8. J. Sotloy Wm. Richards, 1). H. Knox, A. B. Kelly, C. A. Randall. Jutiea of the Peace D. H. Knox, C. A. Randall. (iMaf)e II. 8w(gart MOAoof Director 11. 11. May, II. O. Da ' Tin, (. W. Hoblimon, T. J. Van Gioscn, D. W. Clark, W. II. Dunn. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. JYMioVnf Judge 1j. I). Wktmohp. Aeinte Judge Jon. G. Dalk, Kd ffAitn Krcnn. 'Venturer 8. J. Suti.f.T. 7Vo4oiof ary, Register it Jleeorder, ifc J. W. Ot.AtlK. Sheri(T Justi Hhawkky. OumjaMiionT Eli IJkkmx, Isaac Lono, John Kkcic. County Superintendent I. S. IIkock- W AY. JHstriet Attorney H. D. Irwin. Jury Oommiitioncr II. 'A. Towner, I.tman Cook. (Tounty Surveyor T. I. CoM.IN. Coroner M. Ittf.i,, Jr. Ctownfv Auditor Nkhot.as TnoMV iok, J. U. Nkii.t., II. A. 'Avr.ynv.iA.. Member of CungreM 11 Mtnn Wiiiti:. Ambly J. B. AonfWi r ... LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Rev, Elliot will preach in the Presbyterian Church, on Sunday next morning nnd evening Sabbath School at 3 o'clock v. M. S. I). Irwin, Esq., bus been ap pointed Member of the Stuto Central Committee for Forest County. A minister atShippcuville was re cently fleeced by thrce-card-inonte-barju. We don't justify the sharps, but neither "do we pity tho minister. Sainurl Clark is finishing up the Smenrbaugh building in good shape, and it will soon be ready for occupan cy by somebody. Col. Keisinger was in town on Friday and Saturday last, on business connected with the estate of the lute Dr. Winans. Soft coal is somew hat of a scarci ty in town ut present ; and, by the way, we're nearly out. Some of you follows bring us in a load or two will you f -Cha.. Bonner and Ben. W. May lea co for Europe on the Gih proximo It i to be hoped that they will have fair weather, a lino trp, nnd return benefitted physically and intellectual Pumpkins and quashes nro the latest additions to our home market Tho rqnash crop in not extra, but there . is no lack of good routvi pumpkins, suitable for pies. Monday was a Jewish holiday, and whs properly observed by lvn- etein' Store, Einstein himself was RWhy to New York, whence ho stared Saturday last. Hood Siggins has resigned the " posit'on of Station Agent at Hickory, And a gentleman wlioe name wc be lieve is Williams, has been appointed in his place. Mr. Sigjiins is attending Allegheny College. Wild plums and grapes arc now occupying the attention of the house wives of our place, iind notwiihstand ing the scarcity of blackberries und whortleberries, they will all probably be able to put up enough of this fruit to last them until next season. Among the late arrivals in town we uotice Mr. Anderson, broilier-in- law of Mr. Craig, and also a sister of the latter geutlernau ; Miss McVcanof St. Mary's, Mrs. Mitchell, formerly Miss Laura M inans, nnd Rev. O. 15 Clark. Wc havo received n catalogue of music published by L. Klein, ot Tidi oute. It contains a' 1 the latest music vocal and instrumental, and anything in the catalogue can bo had by ad dressing Mr. Klein as above. Ve are under obligations to W W. Greenland, Esq., Secretary of tho Clarion Driving Park, for a compli mentary ticket to the races of sai 1 in stitution, which are going ou at pres ent. There are still two days of tho races, 20th and 21st. The Greenback movement U be mz asritated extensively. We notice that Hon. W. C. Phunmer has taken the stump 6n favor of that doctrine We often think, ourself, that the cir- culatiou of greenbacks is somewhat limited. The Titusvi'ilo Courier U a thing of the pabt. On Monday last the of lice was purchased by Mobs & Cogs well, of the Herald, and will be rntrg d with that paper. That paper was a binkiug fund for Mr. Allen, the pro frietor, for ouov yean, acj it is rod thin;: he is i:d of it. The following school books havo been received at Kobinsou & Bonner's, and are ready for Bale or exchange at the following rates. Tlioco on which no exchange is marked are books which' havo heretofore been used in our schools, and were not changed : OPUOOD 8. 1 In. Ex. 17 13 1st Bender 2d 3d " 4th " 5th 22 32 37 5G 09 17 09 41 no 75 13 22 12 Primary Spoiler Advanced " Primer msToiiY. In. 80 In. Ex. 30 22 GO 45 Anderson's U. S. History bullion's gkammaks School Practical KTOI-) DART'S A1UTIIMLTICS Juvenile 20 35 45 90 Intellectual Rudiments Practical Thoso who havo not already pur chased these books should make haste to do so. Tho Geographies nnd Al gebras have not yet arrived, but will be here in a few duvs. Tho nunual convention of the Young Men's Christian Associations of Pennsylvania will couvene at East Liberty (Pittsburgh), September 27th to 30th, inclusive. Theff are over 160 Associations in this State, being ono- sixth of nil the organizations in the United States and British rroviuces. The increased" growth and prosperity of these associations promise to make the convention a large and interesting gathering. II. C. More, of New York, Sec'y of the International Committee, C. M. Morton, of Chicago, Stato Sec'y of the Association of Illinois, and oth ers from abroad, are expecting to bo in attendance. A full representation is expected from tho Railway, Col lege and German Associations. En tertainment will be provided for all regularly accredited delegates. For further information address S. A. Tag gart, State Sec'y Y. M. C. A., Pitts burgh, Pa. Mr. C. L. Ilanna, formerly of West Hickory, this county, now of Boulder City, Colorado, has our thanks for late files of Colorado papers. Mr. Hanua is engaged in the hardware business in Boulder City, and, we should judge from his advertisement that he has a large establishment and is doing a good business. Wc also notice in one of these papers, a long description of the dedication of the Univeisity of Colorado, in "that city, which is uu immense institution, and h the present pride and joy of Boul der. Well, loug life, happiness, pros perity and success generally both to Charley and to the Uuiversity of Col orudo. Again has the American Team gottou away with the "bloody foreign crs," by some 97 points. The Ameri can Rifle Team has never been beat en, although it came vciy near it ou ono occasion. There is a large uuni ber of long range uns in this section, and wo know of no more rational amusement than getting a team to gether and practicing at long range. It was r.t op time supposed that we would have a sportsmen's club with a glass ball trap, &c, here, but not enough interest was manifested to make it a success. "Ono man's meat is another man's poison,'' is well illustrated by the fact that the farmeis of the West are grum bling at t'ie low price of Wheat, while the nusses at the East are murmuring at tha price of flour, w hich they would have considerably cheaper if thej could. So'itgoea: the consumer wants tli 3 articles the producer produces, at lower figures, und the producer wants higher figures for the articles which he produces and which the consumer consumes. Perhaps tho best way to settle this vexed problem is. to get up another strike. The strike of tho miners at Haz elton, Pa., is ended, the demand of tho strikers having been acceded to. It is very seldom nowadays that strikes are ended in that way. It is also not icable that thoso who took part in tho late strikes, particularly tho ring-leaders, are losing their places right along. Boss Tweed has been making somo "divulgements," implicating sev eral prominent citizens in bribery caes. Whether his confessions will do hioi any good is for the future to dutci'iuiac. There is uot now that vio lence of feeling against the o!d chap that there vos wheu h'j was tuied. firtt cap- Tho work of laying new rails on tho P. T. & B. R. R., is progressing, notwithstanding tho large number of freight trains which aro passing over the road. Walking over Mr. Chad wick's division a few days ago, we noticed that the track was in prime condition and that new rails had been laid on a good portion of it. It is not a tima now fur new railroads on account of the general trepidation of capitalists, but the roads already Tun ing will probably nil be put iu good sliHpe this season. It's about time for Uncle Billy Grove to put in an appearance. The deer nro restless and apparently await ing his arrival. Although Uncle Bil ly is uot tho dead shot ho used to be, on account of his failing eyesight, yet it is not safe for a deer to come with in a hundred yards of bin in tho sea son. It is sani that near aro trying to be plenty this year, and this will give the old gentleman a chance to exer cise bis ingenuity in the construction of bear-traps. District Attorney Irwin desires us to state that it is important that all Justices of the Peace in the county should send in their transcripts right away, as tho law requires their recep tion by the District Attorney some days (we have forgotten the number) beforo Court. We believe there is a penalty attached to the neglect to comply with this provision, so that nil our 'Squires will ut once sec tho neces sity of sendicg in the said transcript. M. Smith, formerly'.! watch-mak er in this place, who left here proba bly two or more years ago, has writ ten to one of the boys, from Deadwood, Black Hills, to the elFoet that he lus invested in some mining property there, and also in a pick and shovel, and proposes to fight it out on that line until Jie is overtaken hy death or a large fortune. He will have tho bsst wishes of his old chums hero that he may be overtaken by the latter calam ity. , - . The Erie Conference meets at Fredonin, N. Y., next Wednesday. Rav. Allen preached his farewell ser mon on Suud iy evening last to a good audience. He leaves this place with the good wishes of all, and it is our wish that ho may get a good charge if he doesn't come back here. He iu a young man of ability, and we predict will yet make his mark in the profes sion which he has chosen. . Rev. Elliot, who attended the fair at Sugar Grove last week, iuforms us that the exhibition was a grand suc cess, every department being filled with the choicest of its kind. Petrol eum V. Nasby delivered the address on Friday last, and was listened to by about 8,000 people. It was the opin ion of most of the hearers that Petro leum is a better writer thau speaker. "J. J. M." is again writing for the Derrick, and yesterday had a full re port of the sermon of Rev. Fred. Evans ou the "Sunday Question," iu which the Rev. gentleman takes the broad ground that the 4.h Command ment is null and void, nnd of no effect whatever. Rev. Dr. Eaton will reply to the daring young agitator soon. The Derrick of Monday morning 6ays : "Score one more for petroleum. A gentlemni resi ling at Bradford in forms a repre&entutive of the Derrick that ho cured his children, four in number, ot diphtheria, hy administer ing to them a folutiou of resin aud re fined petroleum. This is the first month in which you can eat oysters according to the game law. Jim. Font's has left our shores, aud it is an open question whether or nat any one will have courage enough to bring ou those large, delioious tub oysters wherewith Jas. used to make the hearts of the people glad. We hear a good deil of com plaint among farmers and others in regard to tho potato rot, which ap pears to have attacked the crop gen erally throughout this section. The potato bug is a terror, but the rot is a honor. How to remedy this evil de ponent sayeth uot. The hauling of staves to our de pot from the mills out toward Tylers burg continues with unabated vigor. We have no information as to the amount of staves shipped here, but there are a dozen or mote teams eu- L gaged constantly in hauling. The deer season comes in on the first of next month, and remains in force until January 1st. Tho' pheas ant is aUo lawful flerdi dutin the earns i lime. On some portions of to ... gheny above hero, tho bass fishing is reported excellent. Metzgar, at Ir vineton is taking good strings of them. Peterson1 $ Magazine for October is to hand, and its reputation as the best ladies' magazine extant is fully sus tained. The steel engraving "The Kiss," and the colored fashion plate aro marvels of beauty, and the read ing matter is fresh nnd intertaining. Terms 82 a year. Address Chas. J. Peterson, 30G Chestnut St., Philadel phia. TEACHEREXAMI NATIONS. Marienvillc, October 3. Clarington, October 5. Tionesla, October 13. Neillsburg, October 14. West Hickory, October 15. Newtown Mills, October 17. Nebraska, October 19. The examinations will be partly oral, and Directors arc invited to be present, as it will give an opportunity for them to judge of the qualifications of teachers. Teachers are requested to be preseut promptly at 9 o'clock A. M. No applicants admitted after that hour. II. S. Bkockway, Sup't Public Schools. "Wo will pay cash on delivery at our mill in Tionesta, for white oak stavo and heading bolts at tho follow ing prices: Stave bolts, 35 inches long, per cord of 8 ft. by 4 ft., 84.50. Heading bolts 22 inches long, per cord of 8 ft. by 4 f;., $4 00. Heading bolts must be made from timber at least 20 inclus in diameter. Office at Lawrence House. J. II. DniucKBON it Co 27tf DENTISTRY. Dr. S. J. Fisher, Dentist, of Union City, Pa., formerly of Warren, will be at Tionesta, at tho Lawrence House, ou Sept. 22d, to remain one week during Court week. He will be prepared to do nil work pretaining t his profession in a thor ough and skillfull manner. Good reference given. 21-St Aro you going to the Sea Side, or are you there already ? In either case procure some of Glmin's Sulphur Soap. ifyouwoull increase the luxury of the bath, render your skin w hite anr healthy, and remove freckles or sun burn. Sold by all Druggists. Hill's Hair & Whisker Dve, black or brown, 50 cts. 21-4t For Stoves, Stove-Pipe and Stove Castings, jo to Robiusou & Bonner's 21 3t. TIONESTA lVllltlOTiS COUKKCTKD KVERY TUESDAY, Bv Robinson & Bonner, Dealers in General Merchandise. Flour y, barrel - $7.00S.OO Flour '(I sack, best - - - 2.00 Corn Moal, 100 Bh 1.75 Choo feed 1.00 Ityo "f bushel - Oats New bushel - 38(j$40 Corn, shelled - - - - - Beans t bushel - - - 2.00(,3.00 Hani, snirar cured ... - 14 Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured - - 13 Shoulders 10 WhitellMh, half-barrels - - - 6.00 Lake herriny: half-barrels - - 3.75 Susar ..... 1012i Syrup 75 1.00 N. O. Molasses .... 73 (ft 90 Boast Rio Coffeo ... 25(53: BioCotlVo, 25(,2 Java Coffee. ..... 35 Tea - .451.00 Butter 1S&20 Bine 10 Eggs, fresh - - - - -14 Salt l.M2.00 Lard 12(oU3 Iron, common bar ... - 3.00 Nails, 10;l, fi keg .... 3.00 rotatf.es, New .... 40()50 Limo -t bid. -.- - - - 1.75 D"ied Apples per lh - - - 6fi,8 Dried Beef - 1718 Xew A lcerliaententn. ltKOISTKIl'M ObTICE, FoKKSTCo., Pa. TVTotico is hereby riven that 1411 Berlin li Administrator of the estate of Paul Berlin deceased, has tiled his first and li nal account in this othce anil tho samo will be presented at our next Court for conurmation. I. W. Clark, Register. Tionesta, Aug. 7, 177. A 1 in I ii 1 s t ru iiv"s Notice. TVTOTIOIO is hereby given that letters of xi Administration ou the estatu oi Jane 14. Clark, late of the borough of Tionesta Forest county, Pa., deceased, have been LTiauted to tho undersigned, residing in wiid borough. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment aud thuso having claims or demands against it will present tho same, duly pro bated, without uelav, to SAMUEL CLABK. Administrator. 20-dt or his Att'y, M i i.v.a W. Ta ti: J or, WOHK of all kinds done at thU of- fii-o v 1 1' .it notice, WllKRKAH, 'I !( In -.J. i.- 'resident Juilirn of tlm Omrt ! ' - tnon I'loas hikI QtiartcT.NrKsion in sik! lor tlio county of Forest, lias issued IiIk pro- opt for lioldinirR Court or (.ommon j'loas Quarter Session, Ac, nt Tionoxta, for tho County of Forost, to ronunenco r.n the onrth MoikIhv ot !sort. next, noinir tho 21lli day of Sept. 1S77. Notion is therefore pi von to tho Coroner, Justioonof tho Voroo anil Constat Ic-h of sttid eonnty, thntthovlo then nwl there in their proper persons nt ton o'clock, A. M., of wul (lav, with their rocords, inquisitions oxundiiHtions nnd other remembrances, to do thoso thinirs w Inch to tlioir ollices appertain to no clone. and tothoso whoare lioimd in recognizance to prosecute against the prisoners that nro orshall lioin tho jail of KoroM County, that they be then nnd there present to prosecute HKii"Nt tliem as shall bo just, fiivon un der uiv hand nnd seal A. 1. 177. JUSTIN Slf AWKKY, Slierill. TRIAL LIST, SEPT. TERM, 1877. PnoTiioxoTAnv's Or kick, 1 Foukht Co.. Pa i N o. Tr. Vr. 1. Terressa Boborti ot td vs. J. J. Fisher 1G Sop. 72 2. John A. Proper for uso vs. J. W. II. Beisitiger ot at Administrators 127 May ?U ". (Jonrgo Morgan ts. Elinor N. Lacy 21 Feb. 70 4. Jacob Cospor vs. Justitj Shawkoy 77 Sep. 70 5. Solden Whitman vs. J. W. If. Beisingor ct ai ndm'rs 43 Ioc. 70 G. J. W. McFivrland vs. C. 14. McCray 22 Fob. 77 7. Juo. P. Carr vs. J. W. Car son 37 Sop. 70 8. Nancv Dawson's Bdm'rM vs. S. A. lialo 3S Sep. 70 0. It. O. Carson vs. Garvoy Thompson 12 Feb. 77 10. O. W. Dean vs. J. II. Ding- man ot id 1 May i j 11. Ifol?nS. Thomas ot il vs. J. A. Proper otal 3 Sep. it 12. Win. Patterson et ul vs. W. Patterson 4 Sep. 7 13. La.nrus Mover vs. S. II. f laslot ot al 12 May 7 14. Adams, Meldrum it Co vs. TheSuperior liUini'orCo hep. it 15. Thomas Butter X, Co. vs. Tho Superior Lumber Co IS hep. it 10. The Superior Lumber Co. vs. 1 . J. an meson cioi o amy 1 1 17. J. H. Derickson A: Co. vs. Philetus Thompson et al 0 lce. ti P. W. CLABK, Prothonotary. Tionesta, Pa., Aug. 30, 1877. SHERI FF'S SALE. BY YlBTUEof a writ of Fieri Facias issued out of tho Court of Common l'lens of Forest oountv and to me directed. there will bn exposed to sale by public vendue or outcry, at tho Court House, in tho borough of Tionesta. on MONDAY, HEPTEMBEB24, A. D. 1S77, at 10 o'clock, a. m., the following describ ed real estate, to-wit: W. It. Heath anUSiebort Bullion, Ex ecutors, etc., vs. Peter Sibble, No. 31 Sept. Term, IS77. Tate. All that certain piece or parcel of land situate- in Kingsley town ship, Forest county, Pennsylvania, bound ed and described as follows, to-wit: Be ginning at a post on the south line of John Dice, tho same being riinety-threo rods from tho southwest corner of said John Dice's land, on the course, north, forty four dogrees cast, thence by south line of said Dice's land and the line of John Hun ter's land, north forty-iivo degrees oast, two hundred and sixty-ono and one-half perches to a post, thonco by other land of John Dice, north forty-threo degrees wost ticveutv-fonr perches to a post on lino of land lately owned by Hon. C. W. Gilfi.len. thence bv lino of land now or lately owned by tho said Hon. C. W. Oillillon, south forty-seven and a half dogrees west, two hundred and sixtv three and one-half por ches to a post, thence south forty-six do grees cast, eighty-live perches to tho place beginning. Containing one hundred and thirty acres of land more or loss, and bo Ing part of warrant numbered Fivo thou sand ono hundred and ninety-three. There being erected thereon a frame d willing house ono and one-half atorioa high, a frame barn and other outbuildings and about forty acres of cleared land. Taken in execution and to bo sold as tho property of Peter Sibble at the suit of W. B. Ilcaih and Sicbcrt Bnrhon, Executors, etc. Terms cash. Jl'STIS SIIAWKEY, Shoritr Sheriff's Ollico, Tionesta, Pa., Sept. 4, lt-77. SHERIFF'S SALE. 1 1 Y VIB.TUE of a writ of Leva; I Facias D issued out of the Court ot Common Picas of Forest County, and to mo direct ed, there will bo exposed to sale by public vendue or ouicrv, at mo louit iaouse, in tho borough of J lonesla, on MONDAY, SEPT. 24th, A. D., 1877, at 10 o'clock A. M.,the following described real estate, to-wit : Jared M. Brush et al.. Administrators for uso McNoal Dean fc Co. vs S. A. Craig. Xo. :). Sent. Term. 1877. Davis. The un divided one-half of two certain tracts of land situate in the Township ot Ureen, County of Forest and State of Pennsylva nia, bounded ana aoscriDoaas ioiiowh, viz Betrinninir at tho northwest corner of War rant No. fPW. south 40i east 541 peaches : north 474 oust ti'.xi perches; north 4! wost 541 porches j south 47J west 0!)0 porches to place of beginning. Containing loot) acres and allowance. Taken in exe cution and to be sold as tho property ot S A. Craig at tho suit of Jarnd M. Brush et al., Administrators, tor ui-o Rlerfcat uean it Co. Terms cash. Jl'STIS SIIAWKEY, Sheriff. Sheritl 's Ollico, Tionesta, Pa., Sept. 6, 177 Administratrix Notice. Letters of Administration on the cs tato of John A. Dalo late of the Bor ouirh of Tionesta, Forest, County, doocas od, having been this day granted to tho undersigned, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make imniediato payment, and those having claims or demands against tho same will present them to tho undersigned, proper ly authenticated for settlement, tit E, O. DA LIC, Administratrix. Tionesta, July 2(5, 1S77. J. M. MVlll'lIY, SlIiKClIANT TAILOlt, TIOXESTA, PA. Mr. J. M. Murphy, lata of New York City, has taken rooms in the Jauiiosou Building, north of Central House, and is prepared to do anything iu tho line in lirst-class manner. He has held the posi tion ol'CuttiT in sonic of tho host houses iu England and tho United States, and is confident that ho can give satisfaction. Suits cut aud made from f 10 to f l'-i and tils guaranteed. ConpctUiou delicti. 15-tiin )C Fancy Mixed Cards, 10c. post-paid. 3 Address J. V. Bmckway A Co., Wil son, Niagara Co., N. Y. 114 ornscBlBEfortho Forevt Ropnblloan Oil mil pay. itKO STAMP For circular PARKER BRtfS WEST MERlDEN.CT. STATE MANAGEMENT nnd i". dailv (('oration over 37 years. eu5,oooe' FOB TUESDAY. OCt. 10 and 27, 177. KENTUCKY H T A T 12 A I li O T M X T OF $07,025 HI PRIZES! 1 Prize of.. 13, OuO .... N.tOO .... fi.tXHl .... a,.vi) .... '..0l' I Prize of... 1 Prize of... 1 Prize of... 1 Prizo of.... 1WU Otlier Prizes amounting t 44,!'2." Total i7,f25. Whole TIrkrtft, 1.()1); oO Whole TlrkpH for 84 I OO-Whole TIrkt-t, M; Chartered for Educational Institutions: Under charter no postponement can ever occur. All prizes paid in full. Official list of drawn numbers published in X. Y. Herald, N. Y. Sun, and Louisville Courier-Journal Circulars containing full particulars free. Address SIMMONS A DICKENSON, Manager's Ollico, 72 3d St., Louisville, K v. i-ti-Similar Allotments on the 13th mid last days of every month during the voar: 23 4t S777 is not easily earned in those times but it can be ma le in three months by any one of either sex, in any part of tho country who is willing to work steadily at tho employment that wo fur nish, fiit) per week in vour own town: You need not bo away from homo over night. Yon can give vour whole time to' tho work or only your sparo moments. It costs nothing to try tho business. Terms and $ij Outfit free Address at onco. II. Hali.ktt iV. Co., Portland, Maine. 44-ly II FOR AN ACRE ! Oftho Best Land in America, near tho OreatLnion Pacilio Bailroad. A FARM FOR 200 DOLLARS in easy payment with low rates of Interest. HECUltE Irr IS'OAV Full information sent free, address O. F. DAVIS, Land Agent, U. P. 1. It., Omaha, Nob. $3(l!77A wot'k 10 Agents. ?10 VflaftJii I Onth t Free. P. O. Vick- cry, Augusta, Me. 18-H N. F. BURNHAAr 1874 WATER-WHEEL Is declared tho "Standard Turbine," by ducod. New nainnhlet. free. X. F. BUBXIIAM, York, Pa. JACKSON'S BEST AND ABOVE ALL. Those brands of sweet navy are acknowl edged by all to bo the finest ehowing to baceo on tho market. Sold by all dealers. Send for sample to tho manufacturers, C. A. JACKSON ifc CO., Petersburg, Va., O. F. Wardle, General Agent, 3 & 5 S. Water St., Philadelphia, Pa. CHEW-SMOIC& 'MATCHLESS FINEST riuflf TOBACCO 1.. . l.A It-Mi. I A;ti- . rv. ... i.ui iii, iv runiti TAKE X'ffc fftTIIVl, FOR BALK lit ALT. DEALER I J.N PI.VO. THE P10W EEFt TOBACCO CO. 'BR0.DKLYW. M. fc EVERY Scientist, -Architect, Builder, Tinsmith and Property Owner should have a copy of the practical treatise on LIGHTNING PROTECTION, just issued by tho undersigned. It exposes tho seri ous defects of the lightning jods now erect ed, and gives explicit directions for prop erly protecting buildings, ships, oil tanks, steam boilers, wooden bridges, telegraph apparatus, etc. It shows and describes a simple method by which metal roofs and rain pipes, or other suitablo metallic con ductors about buildings, will effect abso lute protection. Sent by mail, postage prepaid, on rocoint of ?l..r0. Henry W. Spong, Reading, Penna. 11 4 DRmyiRDSTb")?! C. O. BE ICRS, M. D. (formerly of Bos. ton) has n harmless euro for INTEMPE--RANOE, which can bo given without tho knowledge of tho patient. Also (-no for tho OPIUM HABIT, Permanent cures guaranteed in both. Si nd stamp for evidence. Ask druggist-i for it. Address BEERS it CO., Birming ham, Conn. 11 41 THE BLACK HILLS, By II. N Magtiiro, who has spout 1 years in this region. latest accounts of Gold and Sil"or prospect, Agricultural and Grazing resources, Climate, Hunting, Fishing, Indians, and Settlers' adventures with them. Mining and Wild W'eutoru Life, Iho Waterfalls, Boiling Geysers, nu blo scenery, immense Gorges, etc., With 27 line illustrations, and new map. Price, only 10 cents. Hold by all Nowsdealcis, or sent post-paid lor 12 cents by Donnel ley, Loyd A Co., Publishers, Chicago, HI. A GREAT OFFER! Wo will during these hard times disitoso of UK! Pianos und Organs, upwmi i 1Y FIVE second-hand of tlrst-class makers luclud I ing Waters' at lower prices for cash or b stallmt'iits or to let until paid for than ev er before offered. Waters' Grand S(piai. and L'pright Pianos and Organs (inelud ing their new Sovueir and Boudoir) an tho best made. 7 Octavo Pianos 1,MI. 7j do Sltiii not used a year. "-" Slop Organ $;u. 4 Stops $,'. 7 Stops fci.7. KHtoi ?.'. 10 Stops 12 Stops 8100 cash, not ui a year, in perfect order ami warranttv Iocal trave.imr nuenis wanted, lllustn. ted Catalogues' Mailed. A libeihl discoun to Teachers, MinUto!", Churches, et, Shoot music ut hall price. Hoiare Waei V Sons, Manufacturers, and Desbu, i k:ul 1 lib Si., I "P'i;il-, S. . 7