The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 15, 1877, Image 3

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    She forest '$tnWcm.
ttnnnxn.Y5iiKMNi;,Aic. ur&i.
Tiiirgc.i. V. H"1ii.nho.v.
'Hlirilmi'll P. l. TllOlllaS, M. .1. Setlev
Win. PdehanU, D. N. Knox, A. 11. Kelly,
C. A. Randall.
Jnxticr of the l'ouve I). S. Kiio.y, C. A.
nnlnlth 31. Swmtirni t
Nvlmnt Itimrln, -.y 1 1 . II. May. H. o. Vi
vis, G. V. K..l.iim 11, T. J. VaiiGicson, D.
W. (.'lurk, W. It. Dunn.
r on est county officios.
t'l-rniilrtil Jnlrc-,, D. Wki'jkiup,
.(.wocfifr JuihcsJuH. G. DAI.H, Kt
W. lvliltll.
Trr-iMiircrS. .T. Si Tl.l'.v.
I'riiihnnntilri, Ilrzittrr X: llecoriU'r, ivc.
J. W. Ct.ahk.
SirriJ!' 1 rsi i.-t S n a w k i:v.
(?ommiiniirH--Ki.i Kkumn, Isaac
l,ONfJ, .1(111 N RrTIC.
1'nnuli ,Siii'iiiitrnt('iit--U. H. P.ltorK
VAY, Jhxlricl Altornriff. T, Tiiwtv.
Juril Com in ixHioni'r It. Z. TnWN'F.n,
I.V.MAN Cook.
Coiuitll .S' ; ir T. 1). CoI.MNH.
Vi t'o n'v M . I IT l : I., .1 n.
Voinilii A uilitowXtcHcil.K TnoMr
, .1. II. Xkim, H. A. Zi;kmhi.i..
Mcinhcrof Cowrcnx -G ):. A. Jk.sks.
Aembly. It. Aunkw.
On account of the Rev. Allen's
vacation, tlioro will le no fervices in
tlic M. K. Church on next Sunday
Mrs. John Cuytoti died nt the res
ilience of her luisbnml, ot llcnr Creek,
last evening. Wc fire without partic
ular. Kcv. O. li. Clark has sent us a
season ticket on the beautiful little
fteiimcr "May Martin," which saiksthe
placid waters of Chautauqua Lake.
Wc uro obliged to Kcv. Clark and the
owuers of the boat for the favor.
The circus bill board, which in
terfered greatly with our view of tho
liver scenery and Dericks.Hn Co.'s
tave piles, has been torn down by
Cnjit. Knox, who willies to iic the
luiubrr for other purpose?.
Mrs. Swaggnrf, ami n lilllo pon
ofM. Illle, Jr., are at present (seller
ing with typhoid fever. It was nt one
tiuu! thought that Mrs. Hwaggart
would not recover, but we believe she
U improving at present.
Some man whoso name wc have
forgotten, is to gu over Isiiigiira l'ulli
on a raft to"-day. The i a ft is gotten up
on Hcicniilic principles', nnl the man
expects to live to tell the world all the
sensations of the wonderful trip. If
ho loses his life in the toad adventure,
ii will probably he the nunns'of keep
ing others from Hiicidiug by that
method hereafter.
At 1 !n; adjourned session of Court
held this week, an order was made
thai a Cirand Jury bo sonitnonoil and
t j'!e I fr tin September Scsmoih of
t.'onrt , subject, however, to be. coun
termanded by Judge Dale, by tho 1st
of September, if t ho criminal business
accrued by that time does not seem to
wni rant the attendance of Grand Ju
ry. If so coiitenuanded, due notice
will bo given in the county pupers.
Tho N. (i. P. are arrivyig nt
their homes, and are being made the
recipients of enthusiastic, welcomes.
This is correct. Those men who have
always been sneered at by veterans as
"Sunday Soldiers," who had the saud
i lo go where there win actual danger,
are deserving of praise and haoquetsj
The ones who didn't go, or who after
having got to the front, came back
w ilh frivolous excuse?, will not stand
very high with their respective rum-mnndi.
Wo have heretofore mentioned
thai Mr.- Clus. Homier contemplated a
trip to Europe, for the purpose of com-,
pleling his education. Ifc will start
om tl uio during next month, and
' lien, son of Mr. II. II. May, will pmu
ably make tho trip with him. They
will proceed to Ileidelburg, the great
(ierman institution of learning, and,
lifter absorbing the course there, will
it rave l a few mouths for their instruc
(ion aoJ amusement. Wo expect to
receive regular communications irom
our young friends, which wo will pub
lish in due course.
Mr. Darrah, manager of the Su
perior Lumber (Jo. Store, has taken
ihe agency f.r tho Morris Nurseries,
situated at West Chester, I'a. These
jS'urscries supply everything in the
hapo of Fruit and Ornamental Trees,
jShrubliery, Vine?, Itoscs, Ac., at rea
sonable prices. It will be an advan
tage to our peopla to have a respond
bio agent at home, of whom they can
.order what they'want with the a&ur
Vc that they can get what they or
( b r. i 'all on Mr. Dai rah at the Su-
jK-ii.-n Lumber C ,. h'toir. J t
A few ensrs of diphtheria aro re
ported in this county at present. It is
to bo hoped that the disease will not
bcnomo epidemic again.
Some of the best hunters in the
country have been out searching for
squirrels, but mourned because they
were not visible. We have beon out
ourself, nnd concur in the report of
tho other good hunters.
Kev. Llliot departed forChautau
qua Lake on Monday morning last, to
snd the week. While thcro last
week, ho had tho good fortune to catch
n ten-pound pickerel, w hich made him
more envied among the clerical breth
eru than if ho hail delivered the best
discourse of the session.
The New Yorl; Aquarium has lost
nearly one half its fish by eome ono
poisining tho water with white lead.
The man, or thing who would do an
net of this kind should be filled with
white lend, have his head pounded in
to a brush, and used to whitewash the
characters of the Mollio Magutres.
On Monday morning last, Messrs.
McCreary, Townsend and Peate, nil
M. Ik Mi (list ere, the latter of whom is
Pcsiding Elder of tho Franklin Dis
trict, passed through town, with a lot
of provisions, luggage, wall-tent, shot
gun, etc., tn their way to tho woods,
for a woek of ruslihation and recuper
ation. Dope they will be- greatly
Jim Sivailes is about to move bis
barber shop into the little house across
tho street from his present quarters.
This house is on disputed territory,
aud it might bo well for Jim to keep
his weather eve peeled, or tho parties
in the affair mignt take it into their
heads to move their land out from un
der him and. leave him hanging upon
Col. Thomas expects to move in
I to his new house about the middle of
I next-month. He is building an im-
meuse !i mount of stone wall ubovo bis
bouso to keep tho hill from sliding
down upon h:iu. Also several other
walls all about the premises. When
finished, he will have a property
which will withstand the attacks of
old Father Ti'ats better thao any oth
er in fur city limits.
Camp Meeting commences at
Lickir.gvillo to-morrow. There will
be a great demand for rigs to attend
the same about next Sunday, particu
larly as there are no services in town
on that day. In the past there have
been some interesting times at those
camp grounds, but latterly a sort of a
police system has been in force, and
rowdyism is not as prevalent as it used
to be.
A well is going down on the old
Copelaud farm, on land belonging to
J. Kepler and others. It is being put
down by Copclam's and Gleasoiis. The
big hole is down 100 feet, and casing
is to be put in at once. Azro, n ho has
u good interest, gels insulted if a per- j
son ventures to intimate that tho well
will be less than 400 barrels. It will
be d nvn in about three weeks if the
operators have no bad luck, and we
will give our renders the result. The
Oonrland farm is in Harmony town
ship,, up near the bead of Hunter's
Most of our citizens are taking
time by iho forelock, nnd providing
against strikes and c:dd shins by lay
ing in their winter's supply of hard
coal. Twelve car loads arrived at
Tionesta station in one day last week,
and was distributed around town in
quantities to suit cash customers. Soft
coal is somew hat of a scarcity iu town
at present, and nearly everybody is
burning wood. ly tho way, if any of
our subscribers wish to bring us in a
load or two of soft coal, we will be
glad to place tho amount to their cred
it. --The last Forest i Vow gives as on
item of uews, tbat "Mr. William Law
rence of Tionesta Borough, is the Re
publican candidate for the ofiico of
Treasurer of Forest County at tho en
suing election." This may be news to
a few ot the Democrats, but it is not
news to a singlo Republican of Forest
County, ns it was published in the
Foi:tT lki:iTHUC'Af on July 4th.
About the same time wo had several
inquiries as to why wc did uot have
Mr. Lawrence's name up as the "Re
publican Ticket." The reason is that
we thought one man made a pretty
slim ticket, and thought we'd wait un
til iLo State nominations were made,
when Mr. Luwrencu'a name will be
properly hoisted with the rest of the
e;.:i !i dat-.s.
Lacytown Correspondence.
Lacytown, Aug. 14, 1877.
Fi. Kf.pi'ui.ican :
Ca m meeting ap
pears to bo the only excitement hero
nt present. All Xhe horses and car
riages in tho place have been engag
ed for next Sunday ; even S. C. Koupe's
muBtang and cart-wngon, we believe,
has been spoken for. Our little town
will present rather a deserted appear
ance if tho weather is pleasant, next
Lawyers Tate and Irwin spent the
day in our town last Thursday, at
terding to some business for George
Lacy, of Galenz-i Mills.
One of the most forlorn set of men
we have seen, for almost an ago, were
those Bevcn grass-widowers, perched on
the front steps of the Forest Hotel,
one evening of last week ; the sad ex
pression of their eyes seemed to say
"why are we thus ?"
J. B. Hjgerty, while on his vay up
to Lacy's mills a few d.iys ago met an
old bear and two cubs. Tho old one
greeted him with a growl and leisure
ly passed into the woods. We have
no doubt but some of our "mighty
ninirods" will bo looking them up lat
er in the season.
Rattlesnakes seem to be almost as
plenty as blackberries with us. Not
lees than a dozen have been killed
within a milo of us in the past two
weeks, measuring from, three to five
feet in length.
Mrs. Frank Bowman, daughter ot
II. Wentworth is dangerously ill with
billious fever at her Mother-in-law's
Sadie Arncr's school ou Dutch Hill
closed about one week ago, she is now
rusticating among the blackberries on
C. M. Arner's farm situated about
twelve miles up Tiouesta creek from
here. Ma rue.
We ow n a hen, and we don't
wish it understood that we are im
mensily wealthy, nor purse pouud be
cause we own a hen which is capa
ble of supporting itself underVmy and
all circumstances. . We have it nt the
farm of Mr. Lewis, ou this sido of Ty
lersburg, under a course of training.
It steuls its nest, goes oil" in the woods
and raises a large and respectable
family. At the barn, when the horses
are fed, she flies up into the feed-box,
aud give the horse's nose a few pecks
with her beak; if the horse doesn't
then stand back and allow her to sat
isfy her appetite, she flies up into bis
face, grabs him with beak nnd claws,
and beats him with her wijgs until he
is perfectly willing to postpone action
upon the oats until sho bus finished
her repast. She is of the black-breasted
red game variety, aud was hatched
from a setting of eggs procuied from
Mr. A. McLaren, dealer in fancy
breeds of chickens, Meadville, Pa.
Mrs. Col. Dewees and son arriv
ed in town last week on a visit to her
parents and friends.
Billy Blum and II. W. Roberts
have' gotten up a new sign on tho
blacksmith aud wagon shop owned by
the former, and partially occupied by
the latter.
The machinery for T. J. Payne's
new mill, which he is putting up near
Tylersburg, was hauled through town
yesterday. Mr. Payne is oue of the
most thorough lumbermen of this re
gion, and will be ruuuing about the
first of September. .
A large rattlesuake, captured by
Frank Sao foul, afforded amusement
to a crowd in the road in front of the
Post Office on Mouday evening. It
was played with until public opinion
demanded its death, wheu it was kill
ed. Somo of these chaps will play
with their death some dry.
The September number of fitl
loxi's Magazine has many improvments
which will commend themselves to the
reader after a careful examination. It.
is the best number that has appeared
for some months. The contents of
Ballou's is entirely original, and the
stories are really of a hijrh order of
merit , there is not a single dry article
iu the wbnlo number. Published by
Thoiiies & Tulhot, 23 ilawley Street,
Boston, at $1 uO per year, postpaid,
and fur sale at all the periodical de
pots in the couutry.
"How I wish that my skin was
as white and soft as yours." said a lady
the other day to a female friend. "Vou
can easily make it so," said the lady
addressed. "How !" inquired the filet
speaker. Use Glenn's Sulphur Soap.
Sold by all Druggists.
Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, black
or brow u, '0 cts. I t
-i o
JIn.yvilliN Fnlt E'oiuf, nnd
.IniiH'KlfMvii, jiiuI other
oIiiIh ofJiitcrcst on
Fare $2.25 for tho Round Trip,
from all points on tho route.
LWiiKn Tin: skillkuij wkkctiox
The Lasf, Best, Cheapest, and the Most
Enjoyable Excursion of the Season !
It has been decided to run the ex
cursion, of which we gave notice last
week, on Tuesdaj, the 23lh inst., leav
ing Tiouesta at about 8 o'clock iu the
morning, arriving nt Fair Point about
noon. A picnic will be had there,
after which the boat will start for the
head of the lake. After giving the
excursionists several honr3 to look
around Jamestown, the boat will stait
back to Mayville by moonlight, and
an opportunity v ill be given all to
dance to the music of McCray's cele
brated string band. Tho excursion
train will arrive at Tionesta sometime
before daylight next morning. The
fare from all points along tho loute
will be uniform 2.25, which pays
for tho whole trip, including tho run
to Jamestown aud the dancing. 'Ihe
train will start from Tionesta, and will
stop for excursionists at Hickory,
Trunkey ville, Tidiouto, Thompson's,
Cobham, Irvineton and Yuungsville.
Some slight changes in ihe pro
gramme may occur before the excur
sion conies of, but full and reliable
particulars will be given in tho Rk
publican next week.
. -
All over our county wo hear of a
bountiful harvest this year ; and now if
the buckwheat only turns out all right,
we will none of us starve during the
coming winter. Tho fruit crop, how
ever, is somewhat slim.
E. F. Kunkel'B Bitter Wine of Iron.
1C. V. Kunkel's celebrated T.iUer Wine
of Iron will eil'eetually euro liver com
plaint, jaundice, dyspepsia, chronic or ner
vous debility, chronic diaiTluVa, diseasoof
tile kidneys'and ult diseases arising J'roin
a disordered liver, stomach or intestines,
iiiich as constipation, liatulenec, inward
piles, fullness of blood to tiis, acidity
of tho stomach, nausea, heartburn, disgust
lor food, fullness or weight in tho stom
ach, wire eructations, sinking or tlutt.ring
at tho pit of ihe stomach, swimmingof the
head, hurried or difficult breulhinjr, llut
tering at tho heart, choking or sulloeatin
sensation when iu u lying posture, dim
ness of vision, dots or webs before the.
sight, dull pain iu tho head, delieioncy of
perspiration, yellowness of tho skin and
eyes, pain in tho shift, Ime, hcuiL, chest,
limbs, etc., sudden Hushes of heat, burn
ing in tho llesh, constant imaginings of
evil und great depression of spirit, i'ric"
91 per botilo. lJeware of counterfeits. l)o
not lot your druggist palm nil' some oilier
preparation of iron ho may say it is as
good, but ask for Kunkel's lh'ttor Wino
of Iron. Take no other. Kunkel's Bitter
Wine of Iron is not sold in bulk only iu
$1 bottles. K. l' Kunkel, Proprietor No.
North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, l'a.
Sold by all druggists.
Tape Wtui Removed Alive.
Head and all complete, in two hours.
No too till head passes. (Seat, Pin and
Stomach Worms removed bv Dr. Kunkel,
2o'J North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Send for circular, For removing Scat,
Pin or Stomach Worms call on your
druggist ali i ask for a botilo f Kunkel's
Worm Syrup, priori ft. It never lads.
Common senso teaches if Tapo Worm bo
removed, all oilier wurm. can bo readil
E. F. Kunkel's Lustral & E. F. Kun'xel'a
Blmrapou for the Hair.
Tho best and cheapest Hair Dressing
and Hair Cleaner in luo .world. They re
move dandrull', allay irritation, sooihoand
cool tho heated scalp, prevent tlio hair
from falling oil', aiui promote tlio grow ill
in a very slioit time. '1 hoy preserve un.l
beautify the Hair, and render .1 soli mid
glossy. They impart a brilliancy un.l a
silky apjieaianco lo braid ami wiry Hair,
and, as a hair dressing, liiey aro unrivall
ed ; era. Iicato dundi uli aim prevent bald
ness. Thu-.ii niipou clt ans Ihe Hair, re
moves crease, s.curf, itching, crupUi.n.
Cures hcaoache proiiuceil by lical ami la
tigue. Kunkel's Shampoo and l.uslral
restore Hair to a natural und glossy color,
restore faded, dry, nursh and w iry hair.
Price per bottle yl. Ask your druggist
for tlicin, or send to 1'.. P. Kunkel, Pro.
prictor, No. North -i . Phij.
Kib'lplii.i, t.
TIOMWTA aiA-lfclCJcrJ-'H.
ISy Robinson tt Runner, Dealers in
General Merchandise.
Flour barrel ... fH.00(.f.f.00
Flour ('. suck, best, - - " - 2.50
Corn Meal, 100 tlx - - - 1.75
Chop feed 1.C.0
Ityc bushel ----- 7"
Oats New fV bushel ... i'tOi.M
Corn, shelled ----- H"i
P.p.ins -r bushel - - 2.0(V,(.rS.,0
Ham, Hiiunr cured - - - - II
Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured - - 12J
Shoulders ----- ()
Whitefisli, half-lcirreis - - - 0.00
Lake herring half-barrels - - :.7"i
Sugar Ucj.ll
Syrup ------ 7."ifo,l.f)0
N. (. Molasses .... V.'.f-r ;0
Roast Uio Cofleo - - - ilof-i 33
PdoColVee, 2.0(Us
Java Coffee .... -
Tea .4'iVl.liil
Butter - - - - - - Hifii IS
Kiee - " 10
Kggs, fresh .... - 1 1
Salt 2.00
Lard lllfi 15
Iron, common bar - :5.00
Nails, lOd, f keg ... - n.lio
Potatoes, New .... 40fa 50
Lime, 'p bbl. ..... 1.75
D-iod Apples per Vt ... iici.s
Dried P.eef - 17t't' IS
, Xew Advertisements.
Administratrix Notice
I otters of Administration on tlio cs
Jtatoof John A. Dalo late of tlio Bor
ough of Tionesta, Forest County, deceas
ed, having been this day granted to the
undersigned, notice is hereby given to nil
persons indebted to said estate to mako
immediate payment, and thoso having
claims or demands against the same will
present them to tho undersigned, proper
ly authenticated for settlement,
(it I). C. DALE, Administratrix.
Tionesta, July 20, 1S77.
Notice, .
To all whom -it may concern tako no
tice that I have made sin application
to Hon. Win. MeCandlens, Secretary f
Internal Affairs for a warrr.nt to lay on a
vacant piece of land xitunted in Hickory
Township, Forest Comity l'a, adjoining
land of IS. Walker cn the east, of McAfee
Co., on tho south, warrant No. IWXt on
the west, and warrant No. fd'.K) on the
north. II KM A N 11. KKKLEK.
3t . July ill, 1H77.
. 31. 31 Ulil'JIY,
Mr. J. M. Murphy, lafe of New York
City, has taken rooms in tho Aeomb Buil
ding, over Porickson it Co.'s store, and is
prepared to do anything in t lie line in
tirst-class manner. He lias held the posi
tron of Cutter in some of the best houses
in England nnd tho United States, and is
eonlident that ho can give satisfaction.
Suits cut and made from Sio to 12 and fits
guaranteed. Conpet;tiou defied. 15-fim
gi:o. r. no u jjll .i- co.
t lro Ad vertlKhig Contract 4 can b in .do.
Thoso Terrible Headaches ficnoiated bv
obstructed secretions, and to which ladies
aro especially subject, can always bo re
lieved, and their recurrence prevented by
the use of Tarrant's F.ltervos-ent Seltzer
Aperient. Procurable at all drug stores.
For sale by (i. W. BOVAHD, Tionesta.
CCC a week In your own town. Terms
4uw and 5 outfit free. 11. II ALLP.TT
it CO., Portland, Maine. 18 4
Q K Extra Fine mixed cards, with name,
w J 10 cents, post paid. I. Jones it Co.,
Nassau, N. Y. IS 4
mm nvii uuuj
Of the Best Land iu America, near the
Ureal Union Pacilic Kailmad.
in easy payment with low rates of interest.
Full information sent free, addresu
Land Agent, V. P. P. K., Omaha, Neb.
S5 h
CQn I'er Day at homo. Samples
4U worth ; free. Stisson it
Co., Portland .Maine
TtO0"TA week
Agents. $10
P. O. Vick-lfS-lt
iU?? i I outfit Fret
cry, Augusta, Me.
Q Q u dav at home. Agents wanted.
Olw Outfit and terms freo TUl'E it
CO., Augusta, Maine. ls- l .
Is declared the "Standard Turbine," by
over i)50 persons who use it. Prices ro
duced. New pamphlet, free, N. F.
Bl'HN 11 AM, York, Pa.
These brands of sweet navy are ackuow 1-.
edged by all to bo the liiiest chewing lo
bar) n (hi! market.
Sold by all dealers. Send for .sample to
the niaiiiila.UlieiN, C. A. JACKSON ,V
CO., Petersburg, Va.,
G. F. Wiodle, General Agent,.') it f S.
W'aler Sl., Philadelphia, Pa.
OJl Mixed Cards, with name, Pict. Sum
OU r.tes lb' a el. htamp. J. Mi.SMirii A.
C., Na a-t. N. V. 1-1
niiv Bin
Allan Piiikorton's great lm !. ,
is now ready for agrnts nnd subsci ilwi s.
It is one of tho most wonderful and ab
sorbing books ever written. A largo, ele-'"
ganlly bound volume, nearly 000 pages,
nnd 4 Intensely iniorcstlmr" engravings.
The easiest and (puckest book to sell over
1'or terms, circulars and territory ad
dress (1. W. CA HELTON .(: CO.,'
It Publishers, N. Y.
S3JE7I7 is nol ea
III but ileal
III by any e
isily earned III these limc-
m be ma le in three worn lis-
one of either sex. in nnv
part of the country w ho is w illing to work-
steadny at tho employment that wo fur
nish, per week 'in your own town..
You need not bo away from homo over
night. You can give your whole time t
tho work or only your spare moments. It
costs nothing lo try tho business. Terms
and 5 OtitJit free. Address at once. 11.
llALUtTT it Co., Portland, Maine. 4,1-ly
By II. N Mag! ire, who has spent 12"
years in this reuion. Latest accounts of
Oold and Sil'-er pro.-pocts, Agricultural
nnd Grnzing resources, Climate,' Hunting,
Fishing, Indians, and Settlors' ad ventures'
with them. Mining and Wild Western
Life, tlio Waterfalls, Boiling Ocj'scrs, ivo
bio scenery. Immense Uorgcs, etc., With
27 line illustrations and new map. Pr'ico'
only 10 cents. Sold by rrfl Newsdealers,
or sent post-paid for 12 cents bv Boniwd
lcy, Loydit Co., Publishers, Chicago, 111.
dispose of loo Pianos and Organs, newand
second-hand of first-class makers includ
ing Waters' at lower prices for cash or in
stallments or to let until paid for than ev
er before offered. Waters' Grand Nmirr."
and Upright Pianos nnd Organs (inclin
ing their new Sovnelr and Boudoir) are
tho best made. 7 Octave Pianos t.150. 7J
do not used a vear. "2' Stop Organs
S5I). 4 Stops 15. 7Stois$li7. 8 Stor s $75.
10 Stops k. 12 Stops JilOO cash, not used1
n year, in perfect order and warranted.
Local trave ing agents wanted. I lustra-'
ted Catalogue MfriTed. A liberal discount?
to Teachers, Ministers, Churches, etc.
Sheet music at. half price. Moi nre WnAertr
it Sons, Manufacturers, and Dealers,
East 11th St., Union square, N. V. 7 4
C. C. BEERS, M. ). (formerly nf Bos",
ton) has a harmless euro for INTEMPE
RANCE, which can bo given without the
knowledge of the patient. Also, nu for the
Permanent cures guaranteed In botli.
Smd stamp for evidence. Ask druggists
for it. address BEERS it CO., Birming
ham, Conn. 1 1 4t
Fancy Mixed Cards, pic. post-paid.
Address J. W. Broekwav .t Co., Wil
son, Niagara Co., N. Y. ' J7 4
TYERY Sciential, Architect, BuildiMV
i-i Tinsmith nnd Property Owner shouM
have a copy of the practical treatise on
by the undersigned. It exposes tho seri
ous delects of the lightning jrxls now erect--oil,
und gives explicit directions for prop
erly protecting buildings, ships, oil tanks,
steam boilers, wooden bridges, telegraph
apparatus, etc. It shows and describes a
simple method by which metal roofs and
rain pipes, or other suitable metallic, con
ductors about buildings, will eH'ect abso
lute protection. Sent bv mail, postage
prepaid, on receipt of $('.50. Henry W.
Spong, Reading, Penna. 11 -1
rosewood (not
iiHinllm). onlv
IlKfifl WQ1:m; wst SO- Now Pianos
"HUjj-iLy at wholesale. Groat bargains.
Nearly new, ?20; 2 stops, 45; fi stops .:0; (i
stops ijv")5; 7 stops $fil: ii stops, (5; pj stop,
$55 to 75. Rare opportunities. New or
igins at wholesale. Beware imitation
Best oiler ever made, iu:.n. Sent on 5 to
15 days' test trial. Monc, refunded and
freight paid both ways if unsatisfactorv.
Est. ls5ii. Agents Wanted. Discounts to
Teachers, Ministers, iVe. Address DN
1 EL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jer
sey, hi
Red Hot! Spicy! Newsy I
Oil City Daily Derrick,
For ls'77.
Heller Tlnili Uvor !
More and Fresher News, aud More Read
ing Matter than any other Daily Paper
in North-Western Pcnnsyl ania !
TimOir. Cn v 1ailv Diikuk k will bo
gin the new year w ith a larger circulation
than ever attained by nny daily news)) iper
in Pennsylvania ontside'of the largo cities.
Ii. has gained lids by-giving all the fresh
est news, and sparing no expense in ob
taining items. It lias correspondents in,
every portion of the Oil Region, besides
several reporters who aro constantly trav
eling. The proprietors, editors and re--portorial
stall', are all young and cnorgolits
men, whose aim is to make the Derrick
tho leading newspaper of Western Penir
"The Dkiuuck will be better than ever
for 1S77. It will have special reporters at
Washington and Ilarrisburg. h will
send daily specials of all importantevents.
Its readers will be kept posted on nil tho
political news of the day, us reported from
an independent standpoint, while a largo
r.'porturial force will keep them informed
on local matters. It will also, as it docs
now, take the lead iu discussingipiestions
of importance to oilmen, miwI woi k faith
fully for the interest of the Oil Region. It
will maintain its position as authority iir
oil statistics, and its market quotations
will always be lound reliable.
It you want Hjiicy reading, fresh news,
information concerning the Oil Region,
and a red hot paper, subscribe for the Oin
City Daily Dkhkick. Terms. .iu i.e.-
year; ix months 5 ; $l a mouth in ad
vance. W.Jl. I.ONGWKLL.t CO..
''&. Publishers. Oil Clt v. I'u.
FIKST I'lux T(IU A ( O
, ... ..... ......... j,,v run it.
The Boat Republican Paper Published iu
new lorii.
Weekly Commercial Advertiser
.j: i. di. la it ii:it vi'vit. i iiti i i:nts
.'oit siv .Hovrns.
Send for specimen copies and club rates.
HI (ill J. HASTINGS, i-'ii Fulton Mice!,
New York Cuv. -4
MIND RKAD1NG, P.yel.omaney, Fas
cination. twu i 'ha'rmiiig, Mesmer
ism, and Marriage Guide, showing bow
either sex may las.-iintc and gain the lo o
and afleclion of nnv person they elusise in
stantlv. loo panes. Hv mail i'iU els. llia
d Co.,' I'.i'.iS. Vth I'lula. IS I
N'OKK licatlv executed at tif '