The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 01, 1877, Image 4

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    . - -t '. rr.- '
HltVfff't-M, V. HoTM.NXO.V.
.iMti7'ftrii--l'. D, Thomas, S. .1. KeMcv
Win. Ricinrd, I). S. Knox, A. I!. Kollv,
O. A. Randall.
JutircMit' t.iC Vance D. N. Knox, C. A.
RmdulL ' -
C:ixtrihtr--.ll. Swtl'jrgart
Svhnnl Directors H. II. May, If. O. Da
. H la, O, IV. Itobinnon, T. J. Van Glcscn, 1).
TV, park, W.R.Dunn. , ,,
;. 1 1r6nEST. it)UNTY OFFICERS.'
. i m 'i t.-i . !
. rfi 'PrrMitltnt Jiuljr T D. Wctmorf. r
.-l.ivincis-, Judges Jon. C Dai.k, Iiu
i Ova no Kehr.
' Cl T CJ..M..
I'rntltrtiifiUrr), J.'cristcr it- Heevrtlc-r, .to
,.UVO.auk; , , .. ..
tH'jpjkIt arr 1 8 ft a w n i : v..: M
''"(! kJ).V'if(' Km It i in. in, Ih.a
jay,. Joiin J.i'riv
..''"'"('V S'lprrintc
mtfl iS'tprrintcnrtrntU. S.. Hkock-
' V.Y
iiUt, -,W ,tlrncii H. P. fnvviv, ' '
' ' '-,..', M f. Sk' re' r' T. D. Coi.uv'. "
T',,intlf ::trrrx .'ininu'i j nv-ir-
t v Cburcb ' on; Sunday evening )3fx,t.
v Uav. Alln will occupy the pulpit.
-llr. Cltio. O. Morgan left.wlib 'u?
!Hniue very fine cucumbers last week'.
".tWof tbeiiu.vvltieb i.'was in good fata-
t phftfc;''' incftsurtd 30 inches- itij
l litMtftll. ' ' ' ; ' .
t --Thc Soviiilh Divbion X.' U i'-.
bus nyt crottcd the JJ ilkaua yet. fccV
ral oT l lie' command blked at Frank-1
" fin, aud some 'a 1'iilb jrg.h. .'.Court
1 AUrjinls'arc in older.
. . . ..
--0il ii firm. Tiio ouirktt ou Mon-
i ' II. t .1 Til-. T. . . ..1. ,1. . I
Ui. It. is altogether j
.m'urket will go to j
.ooner the; better for j
i-itory;' -
,'p"baulj.' that the
:J.o6soon. The
i I ". ... ..... I
;..-UiA ianoti iMuiJ now Mops over
'niglit iii'iyicrsbnrg. ' in.-Uad .f stay-J
..iugsalternutc uibU in Tionesta and
' ' 'Cliirtnn.'" This is an advantage to tlt't j
MaiKrrier who liveK in Tyb rsburg.
".:.ricnrockVabi Cmk comes to
' 111 Wijjbt ncw:summer dress. Tim j
k'wiVlefa deserve credit for their en-j
-'-feir;' The Cmplrlc is one of tho j
livctictl little in thU nock of;
iv.ood-. t... I
'flio l?vang'ieal Camp Meeting
nfT.O'liiivri'ill. will L'onvt ue on the!
10th iuat." The grounds are the host '
in thisseeuon. abd no paia will be ;
spared t.i secure a juiot and orderly '
Tiie National (luanis of I'l-nnsyl- 1
ania arc liuming why muskets cai-j
triilgts ilc, wcro issued to them by j
the State. This little brush will prob
,'flldy have the t fi'ct of making a mini-
. ber of them resign
, ... . . '!
that Mr. ( hadwick s j
Wc believe
K;,,g of railroad laborers struck 011C j
morning last week, and went to work
again at noon. There wore no lours of
u -encral outbreak indulged in on nc-1
count of this narticular atriko.
... , r i . 1
Mr. Murphv, our new lcrcuant
. ., . . , .
lailor is getting somewhat cramped
. .. , . , :
lui1 room in bis present location, and i
.., . ..ii ii- i ,i i
will move uito the building above tho :
Central House during the present1
k. Wo bear his woi'k highly spok-!
- 4
en- of. j
The mifuuderstandingen our road,
'The P. T. fc B. R. B., was amicably
r arranged on Thursdav eveuing last .
and the trains commenced running us
isiial on Friday morning. They didn't
have a. very heavy attack of the cpi
demio here, and soon recovered.
"Quint." Jamieson and .Tas. Hud
. dleson are fit work nu the Beck well
on JamicEOB Flats, and propose to put
llc s ime down 1000 feet if thej do uot
; get 'third, eaiij W)ouV r. There wc-ro
i some good'WfcU in thai section during
the fust esciUjiK-nt, and this well
: : liould get oi!.
The Presby4eian Sabbath School
i lias received new singing book, the
.title or which is "Songs of Lave." Tho
, School at Ptewarte Bun have also iust
i invested in a new Ciiuging book, which
. wo believe.. h railed " Welcome Tid
iugs," W..V- Sigg'iM is intcrcstad in
..that school, and tbe Paging is bound
, to go off with a vim.
- -
To soaifj (if tisoij heroic chaps
w ho were so fat in .oaiidemning the
soldiers ut . Pittsburgh r firing too
. iiiek, it may bo intotfting to know
that mvofcUgaUor,. has .chown that one
of the Philadelphia tuidioj-s was kill-
oil before th.3 troorj' It ii not
, ajpposed that r.nv.uoopf tvre goiug to
oiuii 1 with loaded oui. m their bands
to be kil!cd vjf wji.lsV.". tft'.tr;.
Petroleum V. Nasby will deliver
pu address at tho Fair at Sugar drove
on tlio 14th of iSt pteniboj'. ', Here is 'a
good cbanct to hear I be great reform
politn'iauVf (Juhfiderato (Voes Iloads.
Beside" tho excursion iron tl it
poiut on Saturday next, pne ocs from
Warren on tho nme,day, for the ben
efit of tlui Dsptist church of that place.
Thosci. wb tako jn theexeursion will
pec a Jare c' .. '
Pupf. Pralher of VenangV Coun
ty received' a call to tbe Presidency of
tho Carrier .Seminary, but was oblig
ed to decline becnuac those interested
declined to release him from Lis ores- i
enl Situation. . "- f
'. '--Deriekri;ii & C:.' aro abot to
movn into r"Mr.' Haslet's Store room;
which has beeulhqroughly' fixed up !
in good order for setting good: Of
course, aflfer tho change is made wo
mayxpect to get some good bargains
at' tho new stored, .... .
; lnt-K(iw make np your parties for
the blackberry wooijs. , These ..berries I
will be ripe in the rourso of a few
weeks, and the crop is reported plen
tiful. Partus from this place go out
in regular picnic style, prepared to
eamp out and yaiv tbeir berries while
fretl) and good. . " .
CbauUiKjtm Lake bids fair to be
nore piidar than evtir this eeasont
la another place we give'the detail
of an: fscuraiotfi'frorn; tlua dacc which
is ti coiiie off next Saturday. FniDcis
Mur4ijMvill be pirctU and peak on
that day.
HuidekopiM-'ti de vioioii, which was
ordered to camp at Frauklin last
we(ik,'a oiiler. iivvjf . on Saturday
'mrnin 'tst. and left Ibr Pi t tsb ii rch.
iTI.Pir ,l?.s'fii,,;ton is not known, but it
ja KU d tj,at-. il,i-v are to go into
U e f tu- thiugs look
a y J ;
..'.;..' .. :. ,m r,l,o,in(r
v-li v unto uin ia D B
ajj waMt t() du to raise : r
,()Ilf.y to attend tbeni. Three vT ibur ! The Twenty-Fitih Annual Fair
yr tjR )lirninoih .chaiitcaicbers- r:v i of the i'rawford County Agricultural
'jiprt'inliulatiiiK the oil iegjoiis this eea- .1 Society wjjl be held .in Conneautville
"We have only bad one circus j orf the 3d, 4th and oi h days of Octo-
here thbUummcr, amf'lhe question oj'jber. Another society of the same kind
the demonetisation of silver has agi- ha? beeu uganized in. Cchranon,
tated the public mind ever since. with ;rood prospects ofwiceeas. In
Haiiiin," a ,tueer individual who j farming communities these fairs'do a
furoUheJ flmiiun.-ai for. the bovs at .1 fc'rcat doal of S00''- know of no
odd spells lust winter bv Moging.j county more cclebraid for improved
' d.u.cing and lung nusic,. was in town
vestordav, looking much better than j
tt,,t 1,e depended on" the ' nicklcs ho;
earned in that manner. Ho is now j
working for some of the farmers on J
Dutch Hill. j
A. P. Kelly, F.sfj., returned from.;
Pittsburgh on Thursday last, fully j
convinced that railroad strikes, parti- j
cularly when accompanied with riot
ing and iDcendiarisui, aro bad things
(f.r tho communities in which they
take place. The lire reached within J
1 . , . ,
a few squares of h,s father s residence.
Teachers for the fall nnd winter
01 scnooi u ims piacc win ie
evlcctcd at the meeting of the school ,
O 1 1 1 i K . 1 ...III I
Uoaru n' ,)n"a3 ev ening utxi. iuu
term is to be. seven months. A vaca-
. ... , , . , ...
lion will hi uivcn about tlio' holidays,
, , , J
we siipposc. Onlv two silisols are to
' .
bo run this term.
-Michael Ittlo was iu Pittsburgh,
.... 1 1 - I .1.- J.-. 1 .I. .t
a"" 1,1 l"u l"
. i t t . t - ..i . I. ...11.
oi me niu ueivveeu im uiou ana ,,ine
milifarv : lio savs that a rioter was
shot duwn light beside him. MrIt
tlo justifies tha ruilitf ry for their acts,
and claims that the firing was in self-
i deb-nee, and was necessary.
The Musical Normal Sc'meh in j The works origiually cost from $60,
Meadville, which has for its instruc" 1 000 lo 890,000: partially in ured,
tors the best talent the couutry af- ' About 205 men were thrown out of
fords, seems to be well patronized, and I employment.
will probably be a success in every Tha m,t ' tdToetive preservation
particular. The piano recital" of i;ir'egga that has yet been p.ojKw i is
William Mason are well attended and j iiu.Bet!tl 0i( or cjtlon-eeed oil may be
highly appreciated. - " ugeJ ilKSlt.ut. y carefully coating
: Green 'corn is next. ' line of the ! fresh eggs with either of theso oils, and
uioi-Q iii'terpVising gardeners of eur city j packing them, small end downward,
Lava "already , bad -several messes of I in any dry, porous Bubs;auce, that-is a
titTs article, but .our corn crop has
) Wii dIyad by the It
TttS ftllow' who divided the crop with
-...... . . . ...
... ..... - ' . . .
rVilast year visits our toru patch this
Seiisyh, he may expect to receive our
co'mplfaients arid an ounce, pf'.bird
:,tr,ThM,,.e esPect to S$ ih
1 or" dance, , " :y
: ..." " " ',('' ,J f f .1
; . -The railniad strike almost a
thing of the' past.', 'It has done almost
irreparable' injury, and has a9 yet
j worked to tho benefit of no one. The
) matter shoulU however at once no
made the subject of deep deliberation
by the railroad companies. If tho, em-
j ployees not receiving a fair remu-
l rneration for their labor, the wages
fbou'.a be ra'.-cd at fbce.
Mr. MayV family entertained a
party of Their neighbors on Monday
evening l':'-if.r Tho comnanr vns in
od plrK', tbe refrflrtochts wero ex
cellent4md everybody went bomo at a
seasonnbU hour JVeling that it was
good to iiava been there.
he 3'ipprior Lumber Co. mill is
flashing ;way at tbe tsevv instalment
of JO,0(X lojrs, Rnd .juinber is being
meinufiiclurdd under ibo Bupcrinten
dency of Win. Illchard?, tbnt will
will compare favorably with aoy made
in this region. ' t
We have forBome weeks been ex-
i)ecting eominunicatioa. descriptive
of the Brookston taonery whish U by
odds the largest establishment, em
ploying the most men, ad doing the
largest business in the county. We
just sav.'lbis to harry Tup our cones-
poLtteut- ..... . ..... ,., u
NotwTtbstandlng tbo rliver and
creek uning thfougli'oUr ' 'towD, our
'9tU-doiir;balbiug privileges are some
what limited on account of the public
ity of the'geiod batjriujj pftols, It takes
a walk of a mile or twn tor get but of
the sight Qfjf'ulks, calling foau , effort
that the majori,, of , our good swim
mers do not care to put. forth. '
Notwithstanding the discohlhiu
aDcc of the strike? in thbv Eefcti'aii the
waatber cohtiuuea warm, ant tee -cream
and cool Murphy drinks are la order.
For the Jalter .the .favorite gamejs fly
loo, which 1,? played by plai'p a,lump
c gugar.oo the counter fQt"'eacbJ play
er and "stickipg" tb mpnl;bf.i? lump
is Crt attack id by a 11';.,'' ! '
The independence. of the free and
eulrghtened .ct-i?e3;.if lionesta n
- i 11 ' n tl,e vvayMiiY!iidv.they have
fKUllc? down the pnee -potatoes in
I the last - few -weeks.. Tbe fir4 crop
brought 2 per bushel. The' 'citizens
j preferred to dig their own potatoes up
to Pyg l WW d nowlhey are
i , p 1 . ri'i r i '
: , n
! ,1111 II til .1 ft i
sttCK inau '.rawiora.
Mr. Geo. Watson of Iful .Brush
killed a rattlesnake near ube old
church yesterday morning, which bad
njue rattles.'
His sister-in-law, 3liss . Saniaothu
Iioot, ono day last week, killed the
largest snake of this species ever kill-
ed in the county, to the best of our
knowledge; it measured over five, feet
in length. Joo. Boot skinned and
j' stuffed the reptile, which can be seen
on application
Hev. O. P, Clark, who has been
popping with "Web," for a few weeks,
star!e.t out on Wednesday evening
U8t to l00k for the cows, and got, off
Uie road, up lu;bs Jwiin aumewnere.
Not returning as was expected, a lot
of our citizens with lanterns, dinner
horus.&c, went iu search of him, and
1 found him just after ha had found the
road. No ill results followed.
The Acme barrel works, of Titus
ville, were destroyed by fire last Fri
day morning. The tlames were first
discovered about 1.40. o'clock, and
communicated from the engine fire to
the shavings on the floor of tho boiler
room, and thence to the other rooms.
! non-conducter of heat, such, as cbalf.
. . i i . . i
j cork cuttings, or inapie sawaasi, mey
: have been kept in perfect, condition
I i ... . i . r t . r
anu witnout loss oi weigui iur o
--The Brookville Republican ot the
25th ult., says : "Potatoes sold on our
street last Saturday uf, Hu cents Jer
bushel.' -There are better prospects o'
an immense crop of this valuable veg
etable this year than for years ;-,
and there is little or node:nn l in i :
market, nearly every person invim ..
small patch of their own that i- ii
nisiiing them just now with nil t!n-ir
i wants require. Those being oll'ertd ari
j hrst-rato in every respect, large and
; pr:lct. "
. The Mimics Jardan," of Philadel
phiA who jiave'' been riefting at Mr.
May's for some two weeks past, leave
for home to-day. The Misses Par
tridge of Jamestown, N. V., who have
been visiting at A. H. Partridge's for
about tho s. ime length of time, leat'o
for homo to-morrow. All these ladies
bear with them the kind wishes of
numerous friends here. ,''
In those places where military
companies parade and martial spirit
abounds, the newspapers arc just now
having their spo t by noticing in a sar
castic way the return of occasional
bold 'soldiers who hiiv.ben. disabled
by the thoughts of meeting Iho bold
rioters in battle away. The spirit of
our fathers oozes out at tho ends of
their fingers and toes, and they conic
home in citizens, Ires:1. '
Jn the. I'oi'crt and Stream and Hod
and Gun, there are notices and rom
hiunicfttioiis ' from all
points in the United States where there
is any hunting or fishing. Tbe fol
lowing is the first we have noticed in
regard to Forest County:
"Correspondent G. W. D., July 8,
write us of the fine trout fishing to be
found in the wilds of Forest, Elk and
Jefferson counties, Pa., which are
reached by wagon from Brookville, oil
the Bed Bank Junction of the A. !V.
Bailroad, nlon y.hisjh the scenery Is
spokeiv ofas being very -charming and
romantic. A good hotel, called the
Central Hotel, will be found. At'
Brookville a wagon can be hired; to
take tho visitor to.-Mai'iou, which lies
in Forest county. The road crosses
the Clarion Biver at the oi l village of
Clarington, "noted for its good bass
and .pike fishing."- CM. Hunt keep? a
goud tavern at Morion, within easy
distance of which place are three good
trout streams called the Big and Lit
tle Salmon and Millstone Creek. Our
correspondent and several friends tried
nil the trerrj;l and cav.ghi 105 fish
the first day, but quite soiall in size.
The next day two rodj took 120. The
ouinion of our friend is that ail the
streams in tho counties named are fish
cd too iriuch, and (Miglit. to be rested
for two or three years. Ho adds that
deer and bear hunting will be excel
lent next fall," -, .
Quite a number of our readers
were members of the 83d Pa. Vls.
during the war. To them it will be of
interest to know that .the annua) re
union of that Ilegraoeut will be held
this year at Jamestown, N. Y., o the
21st iiist., in connection with the 44i.h
N. Y. 'Ihe two regiments were known
during tho war as "Buttei field's
Twinsv" Tho following circular his
been .'cut to every meinoer of the 83d
whose a d dress h known :
Dea n Com im tr.i : A join t re-u n ion
of the 83d BegiLieutal Association and
the -14th New York Begimont will be
held at Jamestown, K Y., August 21,
1877. You are earnest')' requested to
be present, and to urge a!? comrade
of tho old regiment to answer to roll
call. Let us make this the most en
joyable of all our re-unions. Arrange
ments are being made with the defer
ent railroad companies for excursion
rates. John Gkaiiam.
Pres't 83d Beg't Ass'n.
F. II. Col-he, feec'y.
Wo will pay cash on delivery at
our milt ui Tionesta, for white oak
stave and heading bolts at the follow
ing prices:
Stave bolts, 35 inches boig, per cord
of 8 ft. by 4 ft., $4 50. Heading holts
22 inches long, per cord, of 8 ft. by 4
ft., $4 00. Heading bolts must be
uvula from limber at least 20 inclos
in (lUoK'tcr. Office .at Lawrence.
Housi'. J. II. DlCRIOliSON it Co.
A box of Glenn's Sulphur Soap,
which contains three cakes and costs
only sixty cents, is sullieieiit to supply
material, for at least twenty Sulphur
Bilhs which 'would eradicate a whole
catalogue of rheuuatio and cutaneoua
maladies. Sold by all Druggists.
Hill's Hair Whisker Dye, black or
brown, 50 els. 14 4t
.1. Ml HVllY,
3ii:ciiA.r'r taiiaou,
Mr. J.
M. Murphy; late of New York
i.y. !ms
I'li. iV
t.ikioi rooms in the Aeoinb tiai!
r HerieUs o iV '..'s sOre, and in
l ) 1 1 i uo.ylliiog in the lino in
i" r
in i.
!;ll:ll n .- 1
s tier, lit! bus le l,l the posi-nti-r
.n some of the Oe-.f iKOises
I .tnd Iki. United fitalw, and is
! that h" e.oi ..'lvo Milisutetiuii.
, .oi.! miido I'foin jspl to ST.! and tits
ed. C oipet'lioii deiiud. l i-tiio
I '
. . it'
oil Width' of all kinds d"ii at this of-
' t'.-e on .-.h o t i'-e.
I.HI-.IUA 1 I. II Jv V l.l-X. J V )?' I A
By Bobinson Bonner, Dealers . in
General Merchandise.
IHiiur TS brrtl v'- - " $0.75(55) 11. 00
Flortr 'ygf luck, frZ ?
, 2.75
- 1.75
- 1.00
- ! 75
Corn MnVWo t'S
Chop feed
Kye "p bushel
Oatu V bnslicl - .
(X)rn,hell(;d. '),
lleuns tusliel -
t on
Ham, sugar cured - -l:ieiktiiliUefii,
p:r povd j
Sliouhlors - " - - -VliUonsli,!ilCT'arr'l8
;-.-, . -Lake
herring half-barrels
Sugar - - ' ' - 1 ' -Syrup
- -..- -
?r. o. Mfanw- '- ( '
Koast Wfi V01' "..'
- o.oo
Vi 1 1
1UO lollee, - - . - .. .-. i
Javitkilt'oo - ' 'i 3 '
Ten - - w" '-' ' - -
ihittc- .-,
ltimi - . . - . -
Ejrprtf,' -fVfcsh - - - "
Salt f, , - . ' -
.T.anl - -iron,
common bur .
Nails, tfVl. V lf"vf " - '
rotnrtoe ' -
.... i
Kinie r' -
I-o d A , p'.'!- Jlr,
Dried Hoof
: -hi
i, on
i'lf-i 18
- 11
UOi 15
- 3.(1(1
- 1.7")
(' 9
V(o 18
Xew Advertisement.
Administratrix Notice. '
Letters of Administration mi the es
UtXe ot'.folin A.: Dale bitn of the' thor
ough of Tionfssta, Fores 'oiiti!y, doet'as
ed, having been this day granied' to Utc
ivnderf iirned, notice is hereby given to nil
parsons indebted to. 'said estate to make
. ittiniodifctp1 payment, nnd flume hnving
eluiins or deuinnos ngnmKt fh'i Hftrnp will:
pi eisent them 1 1 the midoi-siirned, proper
iy atheiiti'Std fur soSilnrent.. " . .
fit J-:. ('. D.Vl.i;, Admintslrr.trix.
Notice. ' ,
. : . .....
, ,'TVi ial wUont it may eonein tatie no
L tiee (hat I have mado nnupoli.nitioo
to Hon. Win.. Mel -mid less, Meeret.-o-y
Internal Allah f!r.o wafifint to la-" bii'-a
vmiant pietM of.Iattd iiituiiie i in l-Iiekofy
TovuKhip, l'oiest CJonnty . I'a, ndjoiivng
land of K. Walker on the east, of AloAtVc.
A' Co., on tne sontli, wnrrunt No. 3'ii'D cti
tho wont, and .wnrraot No, 5ltf0 on the
north. .JJEKMAN II. KEKr.KK. .. ,
3t. . ..; - i .July 2t; 1877.
Fiuaioial: Report- of Howe Township.
Road OomtniS ioners of Hiwo ToU iimIw f
in aecoimt wirh sid Township for year
e nding May 20, 1ST".
IW amount of tax levied for Jload
pni-j.osos..' ". '....'..;...,.S1,-(!S) TiO
To ain't ree'd from I'o. Com
missioners SI 105 ."4
To ain't remaining in Com- . '
. fiHt4sioni'r8,-handsCT.."....V "74 OS t '
' " " ; "' - " $;f-)3:) 511 15K9 ."0
Iiy ain't r.tpended on roads l;i,'j? ;;h
To orders vee'ci fi-om County
Trrasurer 110.') 5t
To ord'rs remaining iinpaiil
this date .'. 77 ! .cl
w 's": lfctsys
ITy Liilanee duo on oroevs unpaid... 771' fl
GEO. r. ROWKl.L . CO.
To Ration. u. Invalids. - In- ftiekiicssi
every jKirtioii of tlio IkmIv syn. jialhizes !
with tlic seat of tho disorder. When tho.''
Stoniai"!i fails to iiorform its functions, th-j 1
liver, bowels, nervt s. iiiumi-U's, veins, ur
ten. is, Vc., ar.i all lioio,vr less Mtlaoted.
Thee deliiajuciith riiiii-e it, medicine, j.
e.oird rilling tin: proiierties tit ii stoiiia?hie, j
an a lenitive, a. jiiirgati vo. a tonic and a
sedative to bring them Lack to their doty-,
and all Ihuao .c-lciuiaits, in their, purest and
most olfoctive forms, are united in
Tttrrant's Ef'mmrnt N-11rr .Ifrriftit,
tho grat Saline Remedy tndlgf stion.
and ili tnmroiiiitaut etoui;iiuOoiri.-s. Sold
by all druggists. ( 11 4
For sale by ( J. Y, I $V AR !, Ywiseti. '
OkdWTA week In Agents.
V'J fH 'w1 I I Outfit Free. 1'. O. Vie li
cry, Augusta, -Me.
a dav at home. Aircntu waotiHT
Uatiit and termw Jro TKl'lC it
CO., Augusta, Maine. J 1-4
K4 AiUr i
CCC a week ill your own town. Terms j
500 and ,i outlii free. it. .IlAld.KTT !
i!c :tJ., I'orllaiol, M (inc. lit I
;) K Kxtra Fine mixed cards, w ith name,
. JlU cents, ost paid. 1. Jojies iV Co.,
.Nassau, X. Y. Ill
S5 1 $20 jv:
t Day at home. Samples
rth Hj freo. - Sunson .i:
Co., Portland Maine. 11-4
inveiitt'd in tho 17th century by Dr. Win.
(iraeu, Surneou, in King Jaiui' army.
Tbroutrh, il agency he uured thouaauiU of
Iho uio.-l Keiioiis sores and wounds that
bajll'-d tlu i skill ol the (:iiiineiit puy
sieiiins of lii- day, and was regarded iAall
who knew him as a public beuclac.tor.
Price U.i . cuts a box. Prepared by SKT1I
W. FOWl.F. it SONS, W llarrUoii Avenue
ltostoli, Mass. 13 4
J35 Fancy Cards, with your nante, Inc.
Itusiiie-s cards jiruited on the back of
Itaro Photos. Samples and terms PJ cts.
Stamarv Photon, i lor -c: I Pic. Ail
I i - . ).!. A. I.. ll ' '-, u'.i, N. Y.
pja niwuaw laiiwn nil n wwanauawn iiiiw 1 1 i la iiinam pi
- .... , . , -
M0M.t MAMI.JRl.aASO.liii, i
Is now ready lor anoits ana w
It Is odi of I bo 'ms.t wflndorfol 1
sorbin lvk prr writtcft. A rl- -
fruntly bound volume, ticarly 6(X) pRfrf.",
nnd Intensely 1uvnrrHting niftnvlPRs.
The e.'M!o?it wi'i yuU-fefsl b'ik tv m.-U ever
' For) tortr, HrcnUj-nd trtrrlb.rv ad
dress M. V.X;AKJiJl'j f !).,'
.10-U " . , ., N. Y.
' , - ''
is not ,vlfy rli fried in these times
but it can be m lin threriYionths
ly any oio of elflitTWi ir in any
pari ol the eountry w ho is wUhcg' twork
Kteadily at the employment thai wo fur-'
ni.ih, V?;ek in yohr own town,
i'on ne'lro b away from honiA over
night,. Yon.eai glvf yonr wholu ,Viloo t-
tho Work (;f only .your spare moiy-vfs. jff
eosts nothing to trv lhh ).mi jf Term s"
and fjOutir? ftm! ;Athrre riU OJiee. 11
1IAM.KTT t i'ortlaud, Maiitv . 41-iy
Hy H. N Stngoire, 'who tut fjnnit 12
yenrsl in lids rrghm. . 'latest at'cn.tpts of
kiold and Si Wi-iv pnipo!t, ; rieUnral'
and resoun.-o!, Climatic-Ioi ting,
fishing, Indliinsyimd Settlors' ivlvenlures
with them. Mining nnd "Wild 'Western'
I iifo; tho Waterfall, lloiliftsr aayM-s, no
;blo seeiiery, inimuiistj (.hrc U-. Witir
)i7 fine illustrations, and now- map. 1'riee
bnly 10 'Mit. Noiil bj' 'all X'AvsdfSlei,
ori( Tit postpAid 'or li; "oents byr Doinl'
Jeyt lyd f' Co.,, .lMiblifUf rs C.h'H'ag'., l'A
disposo oC 100 Pianoand Oivrrtisj new and
second-hand Of tl'rst-cl.iniiake?s iwlud
ing Waters' at InwcT prices for rash or in
stallments or to let tin til paid fbr than ev
er before offered. Waters.' (rrandtWquare'
and Cpright i'iaaws and OVg;uis;,iui:liid
ins thvir fiew SoStieir nTel Uotii'oir) aro
th brt made. 7 Oetavt? PlnnwailW. 7V
do iS'iO" not used a vmr; Str trgan
?."io. i stops $:. i stop 8ii. . a 5iot ?7.i.
10, Stops fSH. Ii; Stops $i()0eash, not used'
a your, in perfect order nrd Varfanted.
iieal trave ing agents wai)kd. ItlOstra
tod Catalogues Mailod. A tiberkl dicoiwit
... ri'.,ni.l.,..n .Ii..;..'.... .1 f... ....i...:. .....
ir.tiwrtr,. , iiiih": l.lllfinilo. ru.
Sheet musiiir t lalf I'rlfo.' llornrr Watern
ft I . r
V S,.ns. JifairTtfarturorj,' atid lenlcis, -Uf
Hast 1-1 tii St., I iiion sijimrc, N. r.' 7 P
bRinikAnij stppV
' C C. I1KKH.S, M, 1. (Ibrinerh-v of Hos
tori Uias a harm Ipss cure' for INTl'.Ml'K-'
llANCl', which' oati l gifen wHltonC tho
,kuowledgtt of tli nlieitt. Viw,i'nfjr tho
Permanent cures guaranteed in both'.
Si ml stamp for evidence. Ask druggists
for it.- .n.Jdrws WKEII.S CO., liirniing
, bain. Courj. ' . ., " It
Jl" l-'aiicv Mixed ( 'ards Iritvi irf-ht-pald.'
Address J. V.'. P,roi'kjBy V fo,, Wil
son, Niagara Co., X. Y. .. 11 4
E'KKY Scientist, Architw t, Bnfldcr,
'llnsmith and Property Owner vhouM
liave a eoj.iv of the iraetical treatise oh
T.1C, UTN1 S' PHOT Kf'TlC'N? .fust issued
by tho iindnrnigned.- It cxpHr:j.Useri-'
oils defoets of the liizlit ningaodh-iiow erect
ed, and givi.s explicit diroetioiis.f-Tr'prop-'
erly" protecting bill 1 1 lings,' shipMofl tanks,
steam boilers, woo Ion bridge, 'Xi legraph
apparatus, eUK ' It shows nid ..describes a
siauple metlio.1 by which r.-etid, roi'fu. and
hiin pipes, or other mutable metallic con-"'
duetois aliout Vailldings, will ell'ccl- flliso
.l.utv protecii..ii, t1ft(.'iit by maU, postage
-repaid, oii Veui-p6 of l'.f,o. Ut-nry W.
Spong, iteading, I'eruia, :. " t'vlt'i
i-octae, A n r--J lysifw ooj v(not
used oer six inon'.hsi. onlv
(fl:!0: cost Sii.'iO. Vnw Pianos
iJ:tt A'hOlosole. Rreat bartrains.-.
Nearly nw, SlO; 2. atopy. $45: ft xtoiHt j")0: f
st-)..-- 7 sitops 600: Ktopjt, 05; 12 stops,'
' to "i. It.ti-o'or.portnnities. New or
gans (it wholesale. iti'Waiv imitHfioiis,
ik-st filler ever made, iikau. Stint on r U
la days' lest trial. Mone. rcli vivltt ami
friigjit jiiu l both' ways if uiiat!sfa'' tory, '
Ksl. lS".(i. Auents ant.jd. 1 iso(iunts to'
Teaeliers, Minisicrs, Addres PAX-
UlCAT'i'Y, Washjttgtoa. XuinJi-r-
Sf V.
Rati Hot! Spicy! Newaiy!
Oil City Daily Derrick
, . . , l-r 1j77. ' .
'.' . i , J'Ot'-t Than livtr r
hr'i anil VivsTicr News, and xoiv ilf ail
ing Matter than any other Pafly'.rapcr
'in NnrllirWc'surn Peniisylvimia !
,, ' - I'.l ,iX I!'.-'' !'
; t lit: oi, ( tvv Daily. ly-jKBtCK, will ic
gin the new year M ith a lartrcr circulation'
than ever attained by any daily nwspbicr
in PeniisylY.niia'iMihddcof fhc hirga cities
I tax gained I his by giving ul) fresh
est news, and sparing no c,iiise 1m. .ob
taining iU'ins. It lias correspondent iu
every poitioy of tho OH Rifiolv, besides'
rirveiid reporters w ho are ronstanlly trav -
cling. Tlio proprietors, editors imilfrt'
lorlo) iid stall, uro all young and energetic
loon, whi-t aim is to make tho Derrick
the IcHibiy ix wspaper of Weii?ni lim
sylvniiia. , '
'The Di-miJcK i ill b I.ethT ffiah r'ver
for 1S77. It will hav.) rcportors at
Washington and llarridiirg bo will
send daily specials of all impof taut events.
It readers will be kepf posted on all. tho
political news rf Ows dy its reiortl ffiim
an indepci.idet ntsndjibiiit, wlulo a Isrgo
reportorlaf for'fo itiii kcrp thoni jftformed
on lKid fntrtters.' It will jilso, as it dots
mut, lakvtJie lead in discussing iniestWins
of importance tooilnn-n, and' work faith
fully for tho interest of I he Oil ltcgion li
will' inatritai'n its posinon .as authority In
oil statistic, and its fnxrkot fu0tai(in.s
will always bts-lonMii rciiablCj I'
ll' you want spicy rcadiug,, I'rij.Hh aiew w,
information concerning" tho p'it "Region-,
and a rod-hot jiajier, siibscrilx) fof tiie On.
Cnv Daily Dukhjck, Ttrnis, tP pt r
vear ;. six iieintha .") ; H month, iu ad
vance. W. H. I.ONUVVJM.I.iV. CO'.',. .
li'Jol PubliRher-,, nl ty, Pa.
FINEST Plu TOBACC O .ll'i,! k a. u I'll
Sr Tlhfc U UTIiEK.
ir-rrv foh raik ht ai l rr.Ai.iiB i
, C" im mo.
The Best Eepublican Paper Publit.he4 ir
Kew ork,
Weekly Commercial Advertiser
Send for speciuuui copies ana cluB raiot .
Ill ill J. UASTINOS, l-'t Fulton Mrw ,
New York Citv. '..'
MIND ItPADlNiI, Vf ..ichomailcv, t
ciiuition. Son I Charining, Mosio. r
ism, and Marriage Omdc, s-howing lo
cither sex may faviiiate and gam Iho lo
and atloctlon of any pcifcon they thooe i;
.stantly. 400 paces. Hv mail &0 cit. Uu
d- Co., 130 S. 7th St., l'hiki. ; Ji i
JiH WOitK neatly executed at U" '
rt'r.l fCAN Olti .
-fc m ' ff t r
.V .... - 3