W. R. DUNN, cue trznT, tctista, ?a. TKRM3, f2.00 A YEAR. BrtbecrlpUona received Jbr a ehert prld Uun three month. . Crtpan3ah0o. So1.1clte4 from all part cf ti from try. nortr will b taken of "a weyraou atuaaixlotlo&a. DUntfiC83 DIRECTORY. TTnirfrr a T.fmrxi? MEETS everv Friday evening, at 8 o'clock. In the Hall formerly ooaupled y afcatteod Templar. w ,T . J. SSTLtY. N. O. S. VT. CLaRK, Seo'y. x7-tf. V TICNSTA COUNCIL, NO. 342. O. T7. .A, !MI. MElrTS tt Odd Fallowe' Lodge Room, Trt Taaaday trrtihicr, at 7 o'clock. P,. CLARK, C. A. YAXUrtR. R. S. SI If. tr. A latst. . a. aw. -iroi.vrrs at law, TX02TX3TA, PA. ATTENTION 60LOIEBS! I kve been admitted t practice m rq Attorney In tba Fenalnn Oihco at Wah laatea, D. C. AH ofUcere, aoldlnra, or aauera who ware Injured la the lato war, can obtain paction to wbub they mar be entitled, by calling on or addreaainR uie at lioneata. Fa. Alan, elatm for arrearage of pay and bounty will receive prompt at tention. Marin been over four veare a aoldler In the lata war, n having for a number of ivara engaged in the prosecution or aoi lara' claim, my experience will awuro the collection of claim In ttie ahorteat po-i-ai ale Uaue. J. fi. A U N EW. altf. K. L. Davis, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tloneata. Pa. CalleeUona made In thl and adjoin Ing eounWee. 40-ly MILCS AV. 'JT yV. 1' K , ATTORNEY AT LAW, to Sir, TIONKSTA, PA. F. W.Haye, A vtVlVV 1 T- TAW Vr . to PvaLio, Reynold Huklll A Co.' SMoek, Seneca aU, ili.ciiy, r. 3'i-iy e. aawMaaa. jr. B. BM1LKT. KlXXSJli SMILEY, tact-Mr at Law, ... Franklin, Pa. PRACTICE In the eeveral Coarta of Ve A aaara, Crawford, Foreat, and adjuln- Bftfaoaali). JW-ly. Iawreroe House, rtAIONKflTA, PEMN'A, WM. LAW. 1 RCNOK, PaoraiKToa. Tkia houa la eantrallv lecatad. Everything new and wall faralnhed Superior awmraoda Mod and atriot attention glren to itueata. Teaeaablee aad Kralta of all kinda Barred ' la tLeir aaaaan. Sample tim for Coui aaareiai Ageata. CENTRAL HOUSE, B eVNICR A ArtNKW RIXJCK. I Aeaew. Propriotor. This i a now aeeae. and ha juat been fittnd up fur tlin ia iaodntou of tho public. A portion af khe patraaajje of the public ia auliclted. aa-ty FOR;KST HOUSE, O A. VARJgKR Proprietor. Opjioaito 0 Court Honne, Tioiienta, Pa. Just MMiel. Rrerrthing new and clean ond trh. The beat of liijaont kept constantly n haaid. A portion of the public patron a la reepeotfnlly aoticited. -17-lv W. C COBURN, M. D., 1)HTrCIAX A 8UROEON oflora his aerriaea to the people of ForBt Co. Marina; had an experience of Twelve Yeaia la constant practice, lr. C'oburn taaranUtea to gire Matiafactioii. Dr. Co arntnakeaa apecialty of the troatmetit at Kaaal, Throat, Luntr and all other IMiroaio or lingering disease. Having iareatlgated all aclentitlo method of cur lag dieaaend aelected the good trora all erir, he will guarantee relief or a cure Va all oaae where a cure i poaaible. No Charge for Consultation. All fee will bo rnnaele. ProfmiMonal vlHlta made at all boa re. Partlea at a dlaUnce can con aalt bim by letter. Offlna and Kealdence aecond building beiew the t'ourt Houeo, Tionoata, Pa. of fice daya Wedneadays and Saturday. 2."tf a. a. mat. ve. r. rit. a. a. iu.y. MA r, PAllK . CO., Co ear af Elm A Walnut SU. Tlonesta. Bank af Dlaooant end Depoeit. Iuteret allowed on Time Deposit. Collection Biadeonall the Principal point of the U. 8. Collections aolleitpd. IS-lf. WILLIAH Ac CO., U1ADVII.LK, rKNS'A., TAXIDERMISTS. BIRDS and Aulmala atnflcd and mount id to order. ArUnclat iCvc kept in bok. S-ly HEBRASKAJjRlST MILL. THEORIST MILL at Nebraska (Lecy town,) Forest coantr, baa beeu thnr aaghly overhauled and rerittod in tirat Was order, and is now running and doing allklnda of CUSTOM URIXDIXG. FLOUR, FBSD, AXD OATS, Constantly on hand, and sold at the very lowest it gore. EMPLOYMENT, Male and female, aala ry or communion. We pay agont aa aaiary of 10 a week and ex p- nttea. Kure )na Manufacturing Co., liartfurd. Conn. Partteulare free. 4 4 OR WORK of all kinds done at this of ' ae en b'rt nerice. mm VOL.S NO. 17. Hm. C. 51. HEATH, DRESSMAKER, Tionesta, Pa, MRS. nrATlt hits recently moved to thts place for the purpose ol Bioethng a Want which the ladias of the town and eottntybATeforalortr time known, that of baring a drsxmakor of experience amontr. thnm. I am prepared to make all ainus or urease in tna latent, aiyiex, ana ruorantee eatta!ni'tton. stamping ror braid nst and embroiderv done in the bwt man ner, with the no went patterns. All T ask la a fair trial. Residence on Elm Btreat, In the Aoorub Building. tf. Fraiite Robblnx, PHOTOOIlAPnER, (stracKsaoa to suctMo.) Plctarea la every atyleof the art. Views of the oil regions ror aale or taken to or der. CEXTRE STREET, near R, R. creasing. MYCAMORE STREET tiear Union He pot, Oil City, Pa. SV)-tf PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. KLM HTttKKT, SOUTIt 0 ROBINSON A BOXNER'S STORE. Tionosta, Fa., M. CARPENTER, . . . Proprietor. PloturtmUkeu In alUUe lateat atvlea the art. 2(J-f II. G. TIiIiBU & CO. OIL CITY, PA. WHOLESALE & RETAIL Dealers la Oil Woll H.ippllcH, . e. hittbltiff, Caning, Sucher Rode, Working liarreta, Vaivm, etc., Braa t Steam Fitting, Belt ing, Lace Leather, Casing, f c, Iron, XnilN, Ktcel, Hope, Oaknin, Jkc. We make a SPECIALTY of on-nnd-a-quarter-inch Tubing and Steel Koda for Smnll Wolla. H. G. TINKER & CO., Oil City, Fa. THE LARGEST FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT IN THE OIL REGIONS 1 MILES SMITH, DnaJer in CABINET AND UPHOLSTERED TURNITURE! FRANKLIN, - - 4- JPENN'A. Consisting ot Parlor, Office and Cominon Furniture, MattrcKKea, Pillow Window shades, Fixture, look ing Olaaaea, Ac. t AIko, agont for Venango countvfor the CrtlbrHtod Manhattan Spring lied and Combination MaUrenn, manufactured and for aale at my Furniture Warcrooma, ISth tr-ot, near Liberty. - Call and aeo sample Rod. 9 ly You Can Save Money Ry buying your PIANOS and ORGANS from tho -undorHlgnod Manufacturers' Agent, tf i the Ifst brands in the market. Instrument shipped direct from the Fac tory. CH AH. A. 8HULTH, Tuner, ly Iiick l ox 1745. Oil City, Pa Dr. J. L. Aconrb, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, who hus had iifteen years' experience In a largo and successful practice, will atfnnd all ProfesHional Calls. Office in hie lrug and Grocery Store, located in Tidioute, near 1'idioute Iloune. IN HIS STORE WILL BE FOUND A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors Tobacco, Cigars, Stationery. Ulass, Paints. Oil, Cutlery, all of the beat quality, and wilt be sold at reauonable rates. DR. CHAS. O. DAY, an experienced Physician and Druggist from New York, has charge of the Siere. All prescriptiona put upaocurately. ADVERTISERS send 2T cents to Oeo. P. Rowell it Co., 41 Park Row, N. Y for their Ktghty-pago Paiaphlet, showing cost of adveriainsr. 13 4t f OfTrClAL HISTORY OF THE v. Rl UEHTEH'L EXHIBITION It sells faster than any oter book. Cue Agent sold 34 copies In one day. This ia the only authentic and complete hiMory publiahed. Send for our e lira terii) Co aarentM. Nation a t PcvKisnixo Co., Phil-a-l.'lpbla, Pa. :W-4 'ftW 1 j- - -Tip- hzr.-Jpt .t-"'e.-- " - TJONESTA, PA., PISTOLS FOR TWO. While the nld frigale Brtndywin lay at Oibraiter, the American Con sul Mr. Bprague cam on board with a nan whu wiahed to join the ship, and after soma consideration, said man was received bj tho captain as a sort f steward, ha having agreed to work for hia passage and board, and some alight consideration besides. His name was Ja Lattit, and he was a regular rpecimen of the strolling Yan kee; but ha dressed well and was re markably good looking, though in his face there was a peculiar look, which indicated that he preferred fun to sound sense, allowing however, that the fun bad some sense in it- The moment I placed my eyes upon the man I knew I had seen him be fore, and when I had an opportunity to speak with him I found that he had been a performer of legerdenain and ventriloquism in the United States, and there I bad seen him. He had traveled through England, Franco ant' Spain with his implements of deten tion, and had just brought up at Gib. raater when our ' ship came inl He brought his whole kit on board, in a large chest which he got permission to stow away in the bread-room where it would keep perfectly dry. .Ho had quite a cum of money which he plac ed in the purser's hands for safe keep ing, but he would tell uone of us how much. But he was liberal and open- hearted, and it was not long before the crew blessed the hour that brought him ou beard, for he was the very soul of wit and humor. At length our ship went to Port Mahon, and here our Yankee tars were at home. One pleas ant morning a party of us went on shore, and Joe Lattit was among our nutnoer. joe was dressed tu a per fect ehore-goinii rie and appeared a gentleman of consequence. Near the middle of the forenoon a few of us en tered a cafe, and the anlv occupant uesiae ine Keeper was a Spanish oca cer, evidently an infantry captain irora ins dress. We called for wine, and had it served upon a table next to the one at which the officer 6at, Joe seating himself so that his back came against the back of the officer, but he did not notice how close he woulJ be. Our laugh and jest ran high, and just as Joe said something moro' than usually funny, he threw himself back, and thereby hit the Spaniard with such force as to cause bim to spill a glass of wine upon his bosom. The fellow leaped to his feet and before Joe could beg pardon far hi unintentional mis take, he commenced a torreut of oaths aud invective, partly in Spanish and partly in broken English. His lan guage was so abusive that Joe's tem per was up iu a moment, and instead of asking pardon, as ho had intended, he surveyed the raving man from head to foot, ami then said : 'Go on, sir, your language is beauti ful, very beautiful lor a gentleman.' 'Ah ! you call tae no gentleman eh!' uttered the officer in a towering pas sion. If I were going to call you any thing, I should call you a jackass!' calmly and contemptuously respond ed Joe. Aha a-ah!' halt growled the Span iard, rolling his black eyes wildly and furiously. 'Now, by Santa Marie, you shall answer for that. I am a genteel man 1 But you, you one leetle cursed puppy ! Aha-a-aha ! Now you shall 6ght !' Joe would have laughed the matter off, but he saw that the captain was determined to fight, and at length he resolved to accommodate him. The keeper of the cafe called me on one side, and informed me that the officer was Captain Antonia Bizar, one of the most notorious duellists of the place, but he was always quarrelsome when under the influence of liquor, and that his companions always left him alone rather than have a fuss. 'Not rive minutes before you came in,' added the keeper, 'four of his fel low officers left hira because they saw he was ripe for a fuss. So you had better get your friend out.' I pulled Joe away, aud told him all that had just been told me, but he on ly smiled nod assured me there was nothing to fear. I lelt sure at once from his very manner that he had some fun iu his head, and I let him go. My same is Jaseph Lattit, sir, a citizen of the United States, and Gen eral of the Order of Sublime Dark ness,' said Joe pompously. 'Your name, sir?' Antonia Biiar, Captain ia Iler Most Catholic Majesty s seveath regi ment of infantry. But your office, sir? I doa't comprehend.' Oh, you wouldn't know if I shcnld tell you. I am simply general of a body of men who have sold themselves to the gentleman who burns sinners and heretics down here.' And Joe pointed mysteriously down towards the floor as he spoke. The Spaniard f mileJ vsry bitterly AUG l ST 1.1877. and sarcastically, and thereupon Joe took two large knives that lay upon the bar, and tossed them one after the other down his throat, making eoversl wry faces as they took their passage downward. The fallow had evidently never seen anything of the kiud be fore, for he was astounded. 'Now, sir,' said Joe, making two or three more grimaces, as if he still felt the knives somewhere iu the region of the diapbram, 'you shall wait here un til I go and bring my pistols and you shall have satisfaction. Will you wait?' I can procure pistols,' said the offi cer, forgetting his astonishment and coming back to his anger. 'I shall fight wilh'-hiy own ! If you are a gentleman you will wait here.' Joe turned to us and bade us wait for him. 'Here ! hare I 0 criez V cried the keeper, 'where he mine knives ?' I'll pay you for. em wheu I come back,' said Joe, and then he beckon ed me to come out. I did so, and he took the knives oue from his bosom, and one from his sleeve and gave them to me, telling me to keep them until he returned. It seems that Joe found a boat ready to take him off to the ship at once, for be was net gone over three quarters of an hour, and when he came back he had two superbly mountal pistols with him. He loaded them with powder in the presence of the Spaniard, and then handing him a ball, he asked him to mark it so that he would know it again. Tho fellow hesitated at first, but at length ho took it with a mad gesture and bit it be tween his teeth. , I shall know that,' he said, 'unless it is battered against your bone.' 'Now, select your pistol,' said Joe. .The man took them both and ex amined them, but he was satisfied that they were both alike and both good, and he told Joe he had no choice, so our steward put the bulls in and ram med them carefully down. The whole party now adjourned to a wide court bark of the cafe, where twelve. paces were marked off, and tho combatants took their stations. I trem bled for poor Jee, for I saw not yet how he would make fun out of this. 'Couul !' cried the Spaniard impa tiently. 'One two three !' The captain fired first and with a most deliberate aim. Joe- fired into the air. Then the latter walked de liberately up to his antagonist, and taking the ball from between his teeth, he handed it to htm : You can use this next time,' cried Joe. The officer looked first at Joe's teeth and then at the hall. It was surely the same one he had seon his foeman put in the pistol, and now he had seen him take it from his mouth. He was unmistakably astounded. 'Come,' cried Joe, 'let's load again.' fcan Pablo !' exclaimed Bizar, 'you use some what you call him some trick'he! By San Jago, I shall load the pistol myself.' .'Da so,' said Joe calmly, and as he spoke he handed over his powder flask. The Spaniard poured out an extra quantity of powder, and having pour ed it :nto the pistol, be called for the rammer. He then put in the same hall he had used before. Meanwhile Joe had been loading his own pistol. ' One moment,' said Joe, 'the caps are in the butt of your pistol, let me get tbem ?' The fellow passed over bis pistol, but he kept his eyes upon it. Joe open ed a little silver spring at the end of the butt, and true there were some percussion caps there. He took out two, and having capped his own pis tol he gave it a toss in the air, catch ing it adroitly as it came riowd, and then handed back the other to the Spaniard. I had watchod Joe mo6t carefully, but I saw nothing out of the way. And yet he had changed pistols with his foe. 'Now,' said he, 'I'll put a ball into my pistol, and then we'll be ready. He slipped something in which look ed to be like a cartridge, but no one else saw it. 'Now,' cried tho Spaniard, 'let's seo you hold this in your mouth !' Again they took their stations, and again they were ready. 'One two three V And the Spaniard fired first hy aim, Joe fireing into the air as before. Aud again Joe stepped forward aiad took the self-same bullet from his mouth and.haoded it to his antagonist. The fellow was completely dumbfounded and so were the rest. 4 You no fire at me !' gasped the cap tain. "- Tll fire at you next time !' said Joe in a tona of thuodei. 'Thus far I have only shown you that powder and ball can have no effect upon me. Twice have you fired at me with a true a pistol as ever was made, and both tirnw l$ve I carht yeur ball btwm $2 PER ANNUM. p ; if . my teeth, while I havt tf in the air. I meant that you boi,d live lonr enough to know that for ence in your lite you had seen, if not the old fellow himself (pointiug raeainngly down ward), at least one who ia in hia em ploy. The old gentleman will like the company of a captain of Spanish in fantry, and I'll sond you along. Come, load up again.' But the astonished Spaniard did net seem inclined to do so. A man who swallowed carving knives as he would sardines, and who caught pistol balls betweea his teeth, was not exactly the man for him to deal with. While he was pondering upon what he bad seen, Joe took a haudful of bullets eram bis pocket and began to toss them rapidly down his throat, and when these were gone he picked up half a dozen good eizod stones and sent them after tho bullets. Holy Santa Marie !' exclaimed the Spaniard, whiio his eyes seemed start ing from theirockots. 'What a man ! By my soul 'tis the davil.' And as he thus 6poke ho turned on his heel and hurried away frtmi the place. After he was gone Joe beck oned for roe togive hira the knives. I did so, and saw him slip them up his sleeves. When ho returned to the cafe he approached the keeper. You waut your knives?' he said. But the poor fellow dared not speak. Joe put his hand to his right car and pulled out one of hid knives, then from his left ear lie drew the other one. The keeper crossed himself in terror and shrank trembling away. But we fioished our wine and having paid for it turned to go. 'Here,' said Joe, 'I haven't paid for tho use of the yard yet .nd as he spoke he threw down a piece of silver upon the counter. No! no I no!' shrieked the poor fellew. 'O, don't leave your money here, don't 1 Joe picked it up, and we went away laughing. When we were alone he explained to me the secret ef the pis tols. They were a pair he had used in his legerdemain performances, and such as all wizards ujo to perfotm tricks of catching balls, etc. The main barrel of the pistol had no connection whatever with the nipple for the cap ; but what appeared to be a socket for the rammer was in fact a second bar rel, to be sure, smaller than the other, but as large as the bore of any rifle pistol, and with this secret barrel the priming tube was connected. So the apparent barrel of the weapon might he filled with powder and ball and no harm done. When Joe returned with his pistols, of course he had both these secret bores loaded with powder and blank cartridges, and then the other load was nothing but effect in appearance. At tho second loading Joe bad charg ed the secret barrel of his own pistol, while the Spaniard had been filling up the main barrel of his. Then of course it became necessary to make an ex change, else Bizar would never have got his weapon off. As soon as Joe got the other pistol in hia posession, and nade the exchange which- we spoke of at the time, ho had only to press smartly upon a secret spring on the side of the stock, and he had the whole charge Which the other had put in emptied into bis hand. So he had the marked ball to dispose ef as he chose. Ever after that while he remained in Mahon, Joe Lattit was an object of both dread and curiosity on shore, for an account, all colored to suit the ex aggerated conception of the cafe-keeper, had been spread all over the city, and the pious Catholics wanted noth ing to do with such a man. only to keep on his good humored side. A good mnny people are puzzled whon asked the reason why tho Presi dent's residence at Washington is call ed the "White House." The origin of the name is as follows: "When the British ia 1814 took Washington, they destroyed the public buildings, includ ing the President's mansion, which, like the Capitol, was built of a gray ish sand-stone. Tho burning of the wood work smokod and discolored the stone walls, the natural appearance of which could not borestored. Uniform ity was secured by tho application of white paint. The changed appearance from gray to white attracted attention and gave it the appellation of the White House, which it has eiDce borne. , 'Mamma,' asked a littlo hoy, is our old hen going to be sent away for the summer?' I guess not my son,' she re plied ; 'but why do you ask the ques tion?' 'Because I heard pa tell eur new hired girl that they would have such a sweet time when he sent his old hen away for the summer.' A Westera editor says : "The Ne braska Legislature sits during the win ter iu order to prevent its members fro as attending the session ia their Kate fet and shirt ilssrs.i- One P" ('in ( i . Oneuara ' , One Pquaj-e threa i One Square on ytur - Two Sqnarea, one vear . Quarter Col. ' " . . . Half " . . Ona " . . . . . . Local notice at eetafblQiad rv 100 00 Mrri;e aad death notieea, gratia. All bills for yearly adrerUaemeDta cnl lirtM quarterly. Temporary advertUe tnenta muet be paid for in advance. Job work, Caah on Delivery. Gen. Taylor and the Mexioin Spie. In the course of Ms lactur on " em. iniscences of the Mexican War," de livered at Auburn, General 6hields related tho following incident : After dinner, while we were sitting by the door of the tent emokicg, a guard brought in two roughly dressd Mexican peons. They had been about the camp for two days selling oranges to the soldiers, when one of the guards accidentally noticed that one of them were a fine linen shirt under his rag ged peasant'! dres. This excited sus- nicion thv irur. i.i?. J n ..L. revealed a number of papers, includ ing a fcketch of the ramp, with loca tion of its defences, the number of bat teries, strength of the force and some notes, showing how the army could be successfully attacked by surprise. They wero military spies, of course. The general sent for ins interpreter, for he never mastered the benutiful Spanish language, and deiuauded their names. They gave them correctly, I suppose. He asked their profWbion. They saw concealment wauseless, and they answorerWike bravo men, they were soldiers. Thoir rank ; they were colonel of the Mexican force at Mon terey. "Ask them," thundered the general "who sent them into my camp in this cowardly, sneaking way ?" The inter preter put this into Spanish as well aa he could, and they answered, "Gener al Ampndia ;"they were sent to ascer tain the strength of tho araiy, etc." "Tell them," said the general, "that Gen. Ampudia is no gentleman. If he had been ho would have sont to mo directly, and I would have given tho imformation he desired." Laughter. They smiled, for they were evidently men of courago, aud the general ask ed if they understood their situation that they would be shot as spies. "Yes," they answered, "they expected to be shot, and hoped to meet their fato as brave soldiers." Gen. Taylor saw that they were brave fellows, and this touched him, I thought, as I watched him. His great, noble, gen erous face showed his emotion. Ho considered his duty under the circum stances. At last his face lit up with a bright smile. "Tell them," cays he, that I will not shoot them this time. I... i . uui ii may come sneaiung around my camp again I will make short work of them. Tell them to say to Gen. Am pudia that I have six thousand men, that we are agoing t take Monterey, and that I don't care a how many men he has." Applause. There is an almost complete equali ty in the world's sexes. In France this balance is most nearly attained, where for every 1,000 men there are 1,007 women. In Sweden to 1,000 men there are 1,064 women, while in Greece to the same number of males there are but 993 Greek women. In Paraguay there are only 1,000 men to every 2, 080 women, a state of things mainly due to the ravage oi the Brazilian wars. - A weBtcra editor received a letter front a subscriber asking hira to pub lish a cure for apple tree worms. He reDlied that he csuld, uot suggest a cure until he kntw what ailed the worm. Cleveland young women write com- ments on the margin of the library novsls they read. One emotional crea ture writes: 'The pangs of love are grate, fur I have beeu there myself. Col. Gildersleeve is going to pub lish a book on "Hew to Shoot." Then ; ri l ..... -m . i ii ouiuu Kutcu iicaauij pill wilt ODJy write a supplement on "Who to shoot," the world will be satisfied. Young Miltiades Spilkins promise to become a joker in time. The otbe day he labelled a privnte bottle lb' his father keeps in the side board, 'Tar'snips." A proud and devoted wife who husband had got a job on a cellar ex cavation, explained his absence from home by saying he had gone t Wheeling. A tart temper never raellaws will age ; and a Bharp tongue is the on: ; edged tool that grows keener with cc stunt use. Irving. Mr. Furlong id tho uame of aschn matter out West. The scholars dot liko him, perhaps fer the reason tU a furlong has forty rods. A murderer escaped form the js at Somerset Ky., by eloping with t! sheriff's daughter. The American potato bug has rived in Ireland. Like patriotio Id?' men. he'll soon be wearincr the ere the Pari green. The beat summer resort for la' -Rockaway. The bast for bad I Long Braoch. Isabella, ax-Queen ef Spain, Im most valuable collection of lfu the world.